
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

American Idol!

ok, i am a official goof
(as birdee would call me)
i love american idol
its brings me such fun!

these young american idol
wannabe's so full of vigor
and hope, they are not
even sure what life has in store
for them, all they know is they
want to sing and be the next
american idol

youth is good, such a great
time in life, when nothing
was a issue and your life
was boundless~~

Season 1...Kelly
Season 2...Rueben
Season 3...Fantasia
Season 4...Carrie
Season 5...Taylor
Season 6...Jordon
Season 7...????

lets cheer these kids on
i want to see them sing
any song they want
as long as they sing
and i hear the music!

happiness tonite!



  1. I love American Idol too! My favorite so far has been Carrie Underwood as a winner, but Melinda and Daughtry are also my favs.

    Hope everyone has a really good day- and those sickly amongst us are feeling better!!

  2. Wow- first 2 days in a row? Why does this make me feel like I won the lottery or something? Ok, maybe not at exciting as winning the lottery but it does put a smile on my face :)

  3. Congrats Goldie on being first!!

    OMG, I too am a goof! I love, no, I LOVE American Idol!

    And I will even admit that my favorite was Clay Aiken! Yes, I am a goof AND a geek! I even saw him in concert a couple of years ago!!

    But I also bought Daughtry and Elliot Yamin CD's!

    There are some scones and muffins on the counter.
    Hot Tea
    Diet Pepsi
    All kinds of Juice
    and Fresh Fruit Salad.

    Enjoy the day while I shop to replenish the medicine cabinet.

    RENEE EVE - I hope Vincent feels better soon.
    LYNND, MEK and TINA - {{healing hugs}}
    BIRDEE - How's the eye today?

    Bye for now

  4. OH - I should have come here first!!! OH well....... I have my routine..

    Congrats, Goldie on being first twice!!!!! :-)

    AI - I LOVE American Idol and the best winner yet is Carrie Underwood - I just LOVE her - I was like a little schoolgirl dialing and dialing voting for her!! LOL...

    Okay - off to read the Night Owls "hoots" during the night -

    Love to all...
    I'll be right back!!! :-)

    in the meantime - I hope everyone has an excellent day!! :-)

  5. Good Morning Friends - A cool but sunny day has inspired me to get out and do some shopping this morning. Then home to get my heating pad again. Never again will I spend hours at the computer like I did on Sunday. At my age I should know better. I haven't read last night posts yet but I will. They are always a good read. I can't wait for 'American Idol' tonight. (Carrie is my favourite). There is so little to watch on tv so I have watching again my 3 seasons of The Walton's. I am going to buy season 4 and 5 this morning. Somebody told me that season 6 comes out in February. I can't remember who messaged me that fact. Have a great day. I will check back again tonight.
    Love, Tinka
    Thanks for the muffin Maureen.

  6. OMG - Have I told you all lately, how much I LOVE you guys!!! I just got finished reading last nights "hooting" - Triple love it..

    Tina - I will pass on rotten, burnt egg smell - good thing I was finished with my milk (I don't drink coffee) !!

    VIG and Mary - sorry about the dark chocolate - I'll leave some on the counter !!!

    Mary - Tina is NOT as innocent as she may seem!!! :-0

    cpgem8 - thanks again for a wonderful blog - can't wait for AI to start - I saw previews of some auditions on the TV Guide channel and some are REALLY bad....... but that is the best part of the show.

    I was awaken by an early morning phone call (no, not a blog buddy, thank goodness) - I was in DEEP sleep and still feel like crap!! seems like you take one step forward to two back.... YUCK...

    Morning MO - thanks for restocking the goodies!!!

    Jodi - all the cookie bars were gone this a.m. :-(

  7. OH - Tina - thanks for marching to 100 for me!! :-)

    Goldie - you HAVE won the lottery!! and you put a smile on my face, too!!! OH - Ernie Els backed out of the Match Play - good thing I got lots of pics of him last year!!

  8. Good morning, Tinka!! I love the Waltons!! Enjoy...
    okay - I'm off for awhile!! don't want to be a "blog hog"!!

  9. Warning lack of sleep and the flu monster has left me feeling used,abused and full of cranky bit###ness today!

    MEK I saw yesterday's post where you said you were feeling better I hope some of that is coming my way! Because today I feel like a train wreck! It has to be the Ludens, I just know it.

    The night owls were very entertaining last nite! LOL I almost got back on but I was having so many coughing fits that like Tina I had to be ready to run to the restroom immediately!!!

    Tina burnt boiled eggs are the worst! lol

    American Idol

    Well I think I am about to be kicked out of the owl nest! Don't watch it. Tried I hated it. Why?

    Well I really can't take people being humiliated by overpaid "celebrities" who INMHO should not be judging anybody! I am referring to Paula's pretty obvious at least to me drinking prob. Simon's obvious Snobbery etc. Randy seems ok and really seems like he is offering constructive help for these young people. Young being the operative word here. Another thing that drives me crazy, the implication that an American Idol has to be young and fit a certain stereo type. Once you pass their age limit you are no longer sexy, talented and def not Idol material.

    I won't even comment on Ryan Seacrest you will all come after me for sure.

    All of that being said I am always happy about the winner. I really hope that they get their dreams fufilled and that this is truly every thing they had hoped for.

    But hey what do I know? I do watch Survivor. LMAO

    I think I need more coffee sorry for the rant gang :(

  10. Lynn,
    I agree with all you said! But, I can't help myself!!!
    Every year I say I'm not going to watch...and every year I get addicted again!
    This year, I'm not fighting it, just gonna watch it!!
    Oh, maybe in protest I won't vote this year! :)

  11. Good Mornin' EARLY birds!

    *cpgem8 ~~ Can't say thanks often enough! p.s. What's your preferred nom de plume here? or, to rephrase...when I yell out for you, what should I yell?

    re: American Idol ~~ I can't handle the early tryouts. The vocals are just too over-the-top bad as some seek their 15-minutes of fame, knowing they have no talent, but wanting to see themselves on TV. Once they get a crop of contenders to Hollywood I'm HOOKED. I always know I'll see the really funny 'blooper reel' later, to catch the worst-of-the-worst.

    *Maureen ~~ You sure deserve the Gracious Hostess' award; from coffee to condoms, now THAT's full-service!

    *VIG ~~ Glad you found us! All caught up on the archives yet?

    *Middle o'the Night Owls ~~ Thanks again for morning coffee entertainment. Last night's award goes to "hurling water-balloons at the grandkids" :oD~

    Brilliantly sunny & frosty 24 degrees to enjoy it!! bbl ~~~((hugs all around))


  12. Good morning everyone. I didn't make it back to the nest last night but you guys are a HOOT. Get me more coffee, I'm being corny.

    I will probably watch AI but I get bored with the ones that are really bad. I like it better when it gets down to the real contenders. The shows I liked even better were the two Rock Star shows. Probably because it is my kind of music. I'm 60 but you are never too old for rock and roll IMHO.

    I hope no one coughed up a lung last night. God, I hate when that happens. Also hate coughing til you pee and/or gag.

    Mary/MI Fisherman's Friend cough drops are very strong licorice and they work better than others. I get them at the local Rite-Aid. I'm sure they have them at Walgreen's and other drug stores.

    I guess I'm a day late and a dollar short to comment on pennies, but wasn't there a saying about turning up like a bad penny? That's appropriate for the trolls.

    See ya later. Save a Snickers or brownie for me please.

  13. Lynn D - be careful - I took one step forward and now two steps back - I totally over did it yesterday and I only went to the post office!!!!!!!! I am getting cabin fever!!!! now, my eyes hurt!! Luden's are NOT helping...

    Lin - I cant' do licorice - guess I have to go back to those awful Hall's..

    Bono - Good morning. Enjoy your frosty degrees!!

    Mo - lol at NOT voting!! I tend to wait until close to the end to vote!! -

    Back to bed I go - before my soaps come on!!

  14. Ok I have some coffee and a Hall's cough drop. I think I just created a new starbucks flavor.

    Sorry people I am showing my dark side today! I apologize.

    I realize I forgot to say HI VIG glad to see you found the flight path here!

    Mo I don't judge anyone who watches AL. I say to each his own! Just not my thing. It makes me sad when I watch it.

  15. Can I say how much I love, love this blog? It is so liberating to be able to come in here anytime of day to such a group of sweeties! I don't feel compelled to rub any egos, well maybe I just did by calling all of you sweeties LOL!!!

    JustLin~Thanks for the info. Hubby loves black licorice he is going to pick some up on his way to the Casino. This is what I call his "man" day. He bowls in the morning & goes to Indian Casino with buddies in the afternoon. I get the day to clean his man hole(easy chair area) LOL! I hope whabbear isn't reading LOL!!
    Tina~ROTFLMAO "Found a cure for sinus,,P U!!)
    Maureen~Loved the muffins (yeah I had 2!), now I have to get on my treadmill!
    Later my feathered friends. It's time I headed to town. I have been waiting for the snow to stop. I am such a wooss!

  16. Did I just said my Hubby "bowls??? I'm sure all of you knew what I meant lol!!

  17. I really need to go back to school! I was confusing bowels with bowling, Geesh!!

  18. GOLDIE - 1st 2 days in a row!!! Way 2 go!!! (I know Tina - I'm a poet and don't even know it)


    TINKA - Love the Waltons. It is a fond memory - watching with my family growing up.

    I'm glad everyone enjoyed the cookie bars!!!

    MARY/MI - Cleaning the man hole!!! That's funny!! But I know what you mean.

    AI - I just hope they don't have some lame kid like Sanjiya on like last season. It's painful to watch someone with so little talent get by because of some gimmick. I hope there are a bunch with some legitimate talent. Clay Aiken has been a favorite of mine, and I'm liking Carrie Underwood.

    Everyone have a great day - back to the couch for me - me and my hot green tea.

  19. Good morning, Mary and Jodi!!

    Mary - LOL at explaining the bowling thing!! :-) I, also, LOVE this new place!!! :-)

    Jodi - I sure hope you didn't catch this crap... (sorry)...

    AI - I understand that this year, they will have alot of "rockers" and kids playing their own instruments....... should be different and exciting..

    Hope everyone is having an excellent day!!!

  20. Hi checking in trying to sleep. I can't I think delerium is setting in.

    Mary/MI is cleaning well I am not sure what but ewww man holes??? Is that the sewer man holes? Nope she said her husbands! I am having unspeakable visuals here.

    Oh I see she clarified that somewhat! Thank god. But I do want to say sometimes my bowels do sound like they are bowling!

    So I hope that man hole is clean soon Mary! LMAO

    Hi Jodi thanks for the cookies!

    Hi MEK gonna lay down and watch the kids here pretty soon.

    hi bono! Run around outside for me I am so freaking stir crazy in this house!

    goldie where are you? did you get caught red handed at work on the computer??? I hope they let you out of time out soon.

  21. Lynn - all my kids just ended here - it's never ending!! LOL.. now to watch OLTL and then a nap!!

    OH - EastBayJ waves hi - she is unpacking and settling into her new home inbetween work shifts!! She'll be with us soon!!!

  22. I'm back lynn. No didn't get caught, but have to keep one finger on the minimize button and look like I am doing something important. Well, you guys are important, but you get my drip.

    I do have the advantage of being married to one of the bosses, so it is really only the other one I have to watch for.

    Tina, laughed my ass off at your egg story. Nothing like the smelled of overdone eggs....

    Hey Tink! Hope your 'puter aches are better. Nothing like a nice warm heating pad to help

    What is up with Els pulling out? Is he gimpy? I love your pics MEK.
    Oh and if I really do win the lottery we are ALL going on an Owls Nest Cruise!

    Jodi- damnit,you better not be getting sick. We have a lunch date and I don't want to see a lung coughed up on to the table!!

  23. American Idol is a must-see show for me! One of my favorites!! :)

    I don't enjoy the audition process though, because I don't like watching them make fun of people. I record it so I can skip those parts and the bad singing. The first few shows of a new season don't take long to watch when you cut out all of that. ;)

    My favorite Idol moment was the season one finale when Kelly Clarkson won and started crying during her final song. You could tell the words to the song were describing exactly how she felt at that moment. I was crying with her! :)

    Here's hoping it's another great season!

    Have a wonderful day, Night Owls!

  24. I can hardly wait to see the "real" Greenlee back on AMC. That must make the current actress feel like crap that she isn't the "real" one.

  25. Hi my feathered friends.

    I want to thank MEK, LYNN and TINA, cuz I think I am catching your illness ;(

    That said, I am putting Lysol Disinfectant wipes in the cabinet. PLEASE wipe down your 'puters so we stop passing this around!


  26. Maureen Let Mary/MI use some of those Lysol Disinfectant wipes to clean that man hole. ROFLMAO Please don't use the same wipe on anything else.

  27. Hi Everyone,
    Just checking in to see whats going on.

    Just Lin
    I so agree with you about Greenlee I'm so glad she agreed to come back. But I read on the front page The real Grees is back but for how long???? Then I guess Jessie was alive all these years??? Thats what they said on that Soapnet Special Back in Pine Valley, Angie is gonna walk into the hospital room and hes going to be under cover in the bed. Then he said in the special Jessie Got some splanin to do. So who knows, We'll have to stay tuned. I can't wait.

    Thank You Maureen for the well wishes for Vincent, he will be home all week with me.

    I'm still nervous about Thursday, my root canal. I don't mind going to get my teeth cleaned, even a filling a don't mind, but this will be my second root canal, I went to a specialist for the first one, this time my regular dentist is gonna do it. My sister said hes good and it dosen't hurt. We'll See. I'm still scared. Ok gonna go make or rather warm up dinner, left overs. Talk to you soon.

    I'm sorry you guys I don't watch American Idol, my sister is a huge fan and shes always on my butt to watch it.

  28. Good Morning Night Owls~ (I look at this time of day as morning~ :D)

    cpgem8~ How I love your writing~ Thank you once again for all this~ AI~ hmmmm....don't get into it~ Will not watch the first's too brutal! But sure as my name is Tina~in_ut....I'll be hooked by the time we get to the top 5!!!! :D

    Just_Lin~ OMG!!!! I thought you were this 26 yr old young thing~ 60? really? i have to re-think my mental pic of you~

    MM~ can you have trouble with the crap that comes outta MY mouth? You are the original straight woman!! You are totally feeding us material and YOU KNOW IT!!! :)~ (btw....don't listen to mek~)

    MEK~ I'll march for you anytime~

    Goldie~ congrats on #1~ and those eggs were NASTY!!! :)~

    MO~ I'm back at work....brought the crud with me.....have been thinking....the only liquids I've been taking....Diet Pepsi....I think that might be the secret to getting better fast....try it and let me know if it works~ :D

    LynnD~ I'm sorry to say....I love it when you are sick and bitchy....just makes me laugh~ (in sympathy of course!) :D

    Jodi....hope you feel better by the time you have to go to work~ :)~

    U2~ You should see Dianne playing with those water balloons~ :D

    AmiCuss~ Oh how I miss saying that~ :)~

  29. Hey gang. I love that y'all have gotten into the blogging thing here.

    I've read all the comments and I do have to say that my feelings are a bit hurt.

    Listen, I know some of you are upset with me. And that's okay.

    But if you look at what I wrote in the comments section that started this whole thing, I don't feel like I did anything too horrible.

    I have been getting requests for some time to ask the people who type excessive messages back and forth in the RossBlog comments to cool it. I had done nothing because there are/were no rules against that.

    Then one day (Jan 7th, I think?) I was reading the comments and there were about 30 or so comments between 3 different people. I believed that to be excessive. I still do.

    I stated in my comment how much I love the comments and the fact that people comment with each other at the RossBlog and I politely requested that excessive dialogue between people (like the 30 or so between 3 peole in one day) take place in the CHAT ROOM.

    People got upset. There's nothing I can do about that.

    And here's the deal - rather than using the RossBlog CHAT ROOM you guys have created this space to hold those kinds of conversations and I think it's great. GREAT. I applaud this place.

    What does disappoint me is the animosity towards me from many of you who I considered blog buddies. Friends. That is disheartening.

    But I'm willing to start anew if you are. There is a lot of blog fun to be had and I hope you'll stick with me. I'll stick with you. :)

    So... new start?

  30. Holy crap Batman - the nest has been invaded!!

  31. Well hello Ross!

    I can't do the chatroom thing, so isnt this a lovely way to stay in contact with friends.

    They say variety is the spice of life, so it is so nice to have so many options available to blog.

    Blog in public, blog in private or not blog at all - just personal choices. And cyclical, too. I'm sure people will come and go here as they do on public blogs.

    But for all that stop in here the treats will still be available for all to enjoy.
    And the medicine cabinet will be stocked, too.

    The pencils may become a problem as I don't have a pencil sharpener! Oh, and not much travel these days, so the pens will be in short supply, too!!

    1 hour and 15 minutes to Idol!!

  32. Mo~ What did you do with that can of Raid? :)~

  33. I am going off to a corner to think.

  34. TINA - Can of Raid?!!? Too freakin' funny!!!

    ITEACH - I see you!!!

  35. Hi Ross,

    Welcome to the blog.

    I want to say that while I was not one of the people who chatted and took offense to being asked to stop- I understand the hurt feelings of those who were. You see, it really isn't as much about being asked not to blog so much, but rather that feelings were hurt and felt dismissed.

    It is your blog (Rossblog), and your rules. But one of the great lessons of life it that you learn to treat people as you would like to be treated. By telling people that they overreacted and their feelings shouldn't be hurt was (JMHO) wrong. You can not tell someone how to feel. And some very loyal fans were hurt. If I have said anything to hurt your feelings, I am sorry.

    I respect that you came here to explain and say that you would like to start over. That takes a big person. But please understand that the sometimes the people who are busy complaining and playing tattle-tale with you are often doing some of the same complaining behind your back. The underground 'communication" system is amazing and takes a road map to follow!

    I personally wish you well and continued success. I am not opposed to blogging on your blog, and will probably post again (as you can see from my blogging here I already stated that).


  36. Ok I think I may have overdone it with the flu meds or is it the lack of sleep.

    Going to guzzle some water and and clear the grog out of my head.

    You know this is not the first time this week that I have left reality. Remember I had that visit from Johnny Depp. Then I will come back and read the comments again.

  37. Goldie~ you just rock! Remind me to have Jodi make you some potato salad when she's better~ :)~

    LynnD~ I had Johnny Depp when I was sick, too~ Isn't he wonderful~'s really hard to talk on the phone with this damn bubble in my throat!! :D

  38. Hello Ross,

    So glad you stopped by the nightowl blog. This blog was set up for the great bloggers of Rossland so they can chit chat thru commenting. When a situation arises it makes no sense to dwell, a solution needed to be set in place and the nightowl blog was put in motion.

    I think its great too, These bloggers became friends all because of Rossland and to keep them at bay, was not a option.

    In life I enjoy helping people
    it is what I do, It was my pleasure to help out the nightowls.

    These nightowls are so very caring and special, I am glad I got to know them thru you!

    I will have been and will continue to post on Rossland as I enjoy your antics!

    My only hope is that the hurt feelings will subside and we can all be one again!

    Maybe this is a start!

    And one more thing!
    I am so excited, so very excited
    American Idol Tonite!♥♥♥

    I know, I am a goof!


  39. Kudos GOLDIE!!! Well said. Potato salad definitely on the way!!!

  40. Shout outs!

    To amazing bloggers:
    goldie,maureen,jodi,tinka,iteach,tina,mek,bonnie,zona,lynnd,mary/mi,just lin,renee/eve,birdee,sacbarb,

    If I left anyone out, sorry...

  41. HOT DAMN- Jacobsen potato salad (the original way)!! WOOT-WOOT

    Thanks Tina and Jodi.

    A big thank you to cpgem8 for making this special place.

  42. Helloooooooo, Morning Doves & Night Owls!

    Guess what? Dinner at The Outback on me tonight!! All you have to do is show up by 6pmPST & join in.:O)) "Why?", you ask? Because I deposited my first ever RETIREMENT CHECK today!!!!!

    Just came in from a full day out in the SUNSHINE to catch up on posts. Howdy to EVERYONE who's popped in since I was here this morning. Hurry on over or you'll miss dinner on me. Bring on the filets & bloomin' onions (for those able to indulge)....or just grab a beverage, on me. bbl


  43. GOLDIE - Well said.
    CPGEM8 - Also well said. And if I haven't said it THANK YOU for the tree for us owls to roost.
    TINA - I put some in the cabinet!!
    JODI - Mmmmmm tater salad!!! gimme!
    BONO - Please don't put the coffee in the condoms ;)
    MARYinMI - Hey lady! Nice to see you again! Do ya know who I am? LOL
    ITEACH - C'mon outta the corner!
    LYNN - No, you are not hallucinating! I thought I was too for a minute! And I haven't even started on the drugs yet!

  44. Bon Bon, why don't you just stick a fork in my heart?

    2)dinner at Outbacks that I can't possibly be there in time for?
    3) SUNSHINE?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? It is going to be -25 below zero here on Saturday with the windchill. Not to mention the 4 to 6 more inches of snow we are supposed to have and then single digit highs by the weekend.

    ok, I am done bitching for now.

  45. BON'O - Congrats on your retirement!!! Dinner sounds divine, but I don't think my stomach could take it. I think I got Tina's crud. Haven't moved too far from the couch today.

    I hope everyone has a great night!!

    Will pop back in before I have to go to work.

    Peace & Luv

  46. Hey Maureen, I LMAO at your coffee in the condoms comment.

    TY for the shout out.

    And trust me, you have not lived until you have had some of Jodi's tater salad! I am so not above begging, groveling and whoring (relax kids, I am too old and too tired) myself for some. :)

  47. btw....don't recall who the comedian was years ago with this routine, but to paraphrase.....

    *Tina ~~ you can call me Bon'O, or you can call me bon'O, or you can call me B.O., or you can call me bo...but you doesn't have to call me "U2". :o) :oD :D~

    ok, "O.F.'s", remind me whose routine that was. I'm such an O.F., I can't remember.

  48. Hi everyone. This will be short because I want to see American Idol that starts in 25 minutes. I also want to get a bite to eat before I start. I just wanted to tell you I had such fun shopping today. I got season one of 'Ghost Whisperer' because I had never seen the show before Bear and Zona told me about it. I love it. I also got season 4 and 6 of the Walton's. Season 5 wasn't there. Lastly I got a new heating pad that has a timer and an automatic shut off. I have left mine on accidentally a few times and that is a fire risk I am sure.
    I hope you all have a fun night. I will post again in the morning.
    Re: American Idol, I read that they are not going to have outrageous auditions this year and no more weird ones like SanJaya. They also said there wouldn't be stars helping them each week. I guess we will have to wait and see if that's true.
    Bye for now, Love, Tinka

  49. BONO,
    I think it was Jon Lovits on SNL

  50. BON'O - Flip Wilson?!!? I don't Dad always says - call me anything you want.....just don't call me late for supper!! LOL!! :D :D

  51. Bon'O~ sorry....hanging head....:D just wanted to see if you would get it~ :)~

    btw....what the crap!!! retirement check????? cooooolllllll~ I gotta work, hon....or i'd totally be there..congrats~ :D

  52. Well I guess I am not hallucinating!

    Hiya Ross,

    Welcome to the night owls and morning doves.

    I agree with goldie who was so eloquent! Feelings were hurt on both sides.

    I have never said I would not post at your blog ever again. My last post I said I was taking a break and lurking and that is what I have been doing.

    I do understand the people who have decided not to post anymore and respect their right to do so. I am just so very happy that I can connect with these wonderful people here.

    My only question is what is excessive? I am not being a smart ass. This is a genuine question asked in a manner to help clear up confusion.

    Is 20 comments back and forth?


    Or would ten and under be OK.

    I am a person who likes guidelines ( though at times I have been known to color outside the lines) and I am sure that others maybe asking the same questions.

    I love that it was you who provided the catalyst that brought me out of my own little world to connect with this community and my blogging buddies.

    I will also state again that I stand by what I post and I own it. Whether I was angry or sad or happy when I made the post. So if I have hurt yours or any persons feelings than I am sorry but mine may have been hurt too.

    Lynn D

    Ok done with the long winded post.

    cpgem8 I see you left me off the list up above. I knew it! You are throwing me out to the nest because I don't like American Idol. LOL

    bono: Retirement!!! Wahoo and you are getting a check! even better! If I could I would drag my hacking carcass to Oregon to celebrate with you.

    Mo: I think I have finally found the right flu cocktail for me. Ibuprofen and benadryl. I actually got a short nap today.

    Jodi: I pray for you! If you have caught this you will be praying too because it is horrible!

    I have more but I will post again in a few.

  53. Gotta love Wikipedia.......

    Raymond J. Johnson, Jr. is a character created by comedian Bill Saluga. His shtick is to become annoyed when addressed as "Mr. Johnson", exclaiming in a loud voice, "You can call me RAY; or you can call me JAY", and so on listing other names he could be called, until finally finishing, "but you doesn't hafta call me JOHNSON!"

    NOW, I can go enjoy dinner without obsessing. :o)

    luv you birds!

  54. Goldie~Ahoy there!!!My bags are packed!I have never been on a cruise. Let me know when I can board.

    Renee~ OUCH! I would have to be under sedation!

    BonO~Welcome to the retiree's club! You will love it! I am typing from the airport, getting ready to board. How far is the Outback from the airport LOL!!

    Why do I not feel the same about my safe haven now?? :+(

  55. Shout outs!

    To amazing bloggers:

    goldie,maureen,jodi,tinka,iteach,tina,mek,bonnie,zona,lynnd,mary/mi,just lin,renee/eve,birdee,sacbarb,

    oh shoot, how can I forget pantyless , lynnd!

    If I left anyone out, sorry...

  56. LYNND - Thanks!! This went thru most of my family last week.....I guess it's my turn. Thankfully it only lasted for about a day and half for everyone. I don't have time for this.

    GOLDIE - LOL!! @ whoring yourself my tater salad!!! Luv it!!

    ZONA - You can't hide forever. I see your butt sticking out from beneath the bed. :D :D Throwing a blanket your way so you don't catch a chill!!

  57. I just added NASA DIAPERS to the cabinet!

    I am LMFA watching Idol!

  58. DAMN,
    Now I'm crying.

    Poor Temptress.

    Pass the kleenex, please.

  59. oh my goodness mo, I just saw that, i felt so bad :(

  60. There is pork chop murphy, gravy all over my keyboard...

    Why you ask?

    Cause, I am eating, watching idol, crying and trying to type..

    Have to go get something clean my keyboard!

  61. Whew I am still welcome in the nest! Even sans panties! Thanks cp

    Mary where in the heck are you off to now?? You are just the travlin' owl aren't you? Now you are still safe and I will save you a spot here under my wing and protect you!

    MEK: The same for you too!

    As cp says this is our blog and we can chat about what we want. Even vent too!

    goldie that must be some damn good potato salad!! Or are you just easy??? LMAO

    iteach are you still out there?? Zona hello knock knock anyone home?

    Tinka: Good idea on the heating pad with the automatic shut off!!

    Now I know you are all watching idol but I will not be peer pressured into watching it! no siree. I will entertain myself until you are ready to come back and play owls.

    Tina watch the comments about entertaining myself I can see them forming in your brain from here! LMAO

  62. LYNN,
    As you are entertaining yourselfm be sure to change hands!
    Don't want one hand to become girthier then the other one!

    TINA - I beat ya to it!!

  63. LynnD~You are too funny "peer pressure" LOL! Come on..take a peek!

    MEK~ Are you still alive?

  64. Oh my, the vet, singer,artist..

    scares me!

    and she flipped the finger!

  65. Just one of the reasons I moved away from Allentown!

    Didja see that Alexis??? Holy craparoni!!!!!

  66. Maureen~tisk beat ME to it too LOL!!

  67. CP - wasn't eye shadow and glitter on the face enough???? LOL

  68. I see you guys commenting!

    Mo you just had to go there didn't ya!

    I am going into the kitchen and take some of the meds I need. Lets see oh hell yeah a NASA diaper score! Takin' a couple of those.

    Ok whats to drink hmmmm I think some cranberry juice would hit the spot. Snacks Snacks Snacks..... lets see any of Jodi's Cookies left? darn no.

    Putting out a list please add Snickers dark chocolate to pantry. Been craving that since MEK teased us with them.

    Ok now what??? Oh I know I can make some condom balloon animals... Oh wait that would mean blowing them up and I just don't feel like doing that tonightHmmmmm Oh I know lets see where are those unsharpened pencils?????

    OOOh found them tie one condom here and one here hey these make a pretty good sling shots....

  69. Yes, Lynn I am still here.

    I have some thoughts to share, but I don't want to disappoint or upset people.

    You gals are so awesome and I just love this nest so much.

    Do I talk or not?

  70. hmmmm digging around some more. Hey I wonder..... found some of the aunt flo supplies....Wahoo maxi pads with wings really fly with a sling shot!!!

    Ok going out to target practice be right back!

  71. OMG Did I just see Ross in here??? How in world did he find night owls AMAZING, Maybe he'll start blogging with us. Welcome Ross!!!!!! I'll check back later tonite.

  72. OMG, LYNN D,
    When you are bored you are hilarious!
    You make me need a new NASA Diaper!

    Everyone's opinion is as important as each others. Go ahead and talk if ya want to. It's OUR blog. IMHO!

  73. oops back from practice.

    Iteach I see you! this is our blog and we have your back talk talk talk away and post where ever you want!!!! We love ya!

  74. iteach talk we are all friends here

  75. cpgm: Sniff now left me out twice. It's not enough that Tina had me throwing water filled condoms at my grandchildren but then to be left off the night owl list!!! Oh...what to do, what to do.....

  76. iteach~ go for it~ :D

    LynnD~ we are busy as all heck...but you are cracking me up~ So glad you are keeping busy~ But please do not hit my Diet Pepsi again....the last one blew up all over my keyboard~ thx....xoxoxo~

  77. Dianne_sobbing_in_Denver~ WTC!!! (again for means what the crap!) Why are you crying? You LOVE complain if you don't get it....and you complain when you do~ Make up your owlish mind~ :)~

    Mo~ glad you beat me to it....I'm so tired of being the only twisted one around~ :)~

  78. Dianne Hi ya come on with me. I will build you a sling shot just give me a sec.

    Tina oops sorry about the diet pepsi use the maxi pad to sop it up! They make great mops.

    Keeeethwack ooops just missed Paula Abdul ooops sorry guys I see one wing is stuck to the tv screen let me remove that.

    Hmmmm my aim is off has to be the darn condom. Must be time for a new one they just don't hold up like they should.

  79. Thanks LynnD. I am glad to be doing the sling shots with you. I got pretty good last night with the condoms!! Tina: Don't be recognize me when I screw up. Did I say anything about you and your eggs....noooooo.

  80. LYNN,
    Can you make me some earplugs with those maxi pads?
    Then sling a pair across the continent to me??????? Use a new condemn for better slinging!

  81. Dianne_poopy_in_Denver~ Bring it on babe....I admit it...I was an idiot~ I did something else too, but I thought that would be too tedious to tell you guys two things in one night~ :)~

  82. use a new "condemn"?
    Condom, condom, condem

  83. Dianne, so funny...

    Sorry I left you out..

    American Idol has me in a tizzy!

  84. "follow me everything is alright"

    i like this song, i think i like chris!

  85. MAUREEN: Tampax for earplugs--as long as you don't mind the strings..

    LYNN D: Try Trojan Maxim for superior slinging!

    JODI: Thanks for the blanket.

  86. CP -
    Yep, Chris was purdy dern good!
    Cute smile, too!

  87. Oh no, its Leila from Star Wars!

    I told you all I was a goof when it came to American least you were all warned!

  88. Ok a bunch of slingshots on the counter. Running low on maxi pads tho.

    Hey mo did you get these condoms at the dollars store??? Girls do not even think about using these for the intended purpose!!! You could end up with some little owlets.

    Better brand of condoms
    maxi pads

    I will replace these items in the morning kids.

    LMAO when the morning crew checks the garbage cans!

  89. Hi Zona!!!! Trojan Maximum added to the list. Zona seems like an expert about these.

    Mo: I see the strings hanging out of your ears.

    add box of Tampax to the list.

    Tina/Dianne are you arguing over who is the biggest screw up??? I call a tie! LMAO Hack cough gasp darn I'm glad I put on that NASA diaper!

    cp glad your having fun watching idol! :)

  90. LynnD~ I used to like you~ :(

    Zona~ lol...the tampons do work~ :D

  91. TINA: Not even going to ask how you know they work..and next time you burn those stinky ol' eggs, could you make sure the wind is blowing EAST?? Damn near had to call out HAZMAT here. ;)

    LYNN D: You learn a lot blowing all those horns..;)

    CPGEM8: Needed that big time-thank you!

  92. Hey! Flying by to say hi to all my buds. I miss you guys!

    I don't watch AI, I can't stand Simon! lol

    CP dear, thanx for making this forum for the nightowls. I myself am in bed about 9:30 so probably won't ever be posting in the wee hours, but it's nice to know you guys are here!

  93. Tina thank you! Now that you know me better you love me right!!!! ROFLMAO

  94. Hey MEK we hit 100 just for you!

  95. Ross is here. Cool! Ross, in the day or so that I have been visiting here with the Night Owl's I have found it to be a really tolerant, supportive, fun group of people who listen, have fun and don't judge. Free to be me in a much smaller venue and there are no trolls here.

    iTeach...vent..listening ears are here for ya!

    Amicus...I totally agree with you about the beginning of American Idol...I find it really hard to watch...a humiliating experience for the participants and maybe even the audience. I found it really rather awful last year when the two young who probably had Asperger"s Syndrome were focussed on really in a mocking, making fun of kind of way. It was painful... Rosie felt so bad for those guys she had them on The View.I think I might have to wait a couple of weeks before I get obsessed with the show. Once it really gets going, I have to say it is a guilty pleasure..and I love it. I even had the knockoff song one year as my ringtone...."you had a bad la la". A little sad, yes! Good topic CPGEM8night.owls!

    MEK...thanks, I'll be by for that dark chocolate Snickers. Hey,does anyone know if there is such thing as a dark chocolate Mars bar?

    Hey Tinka...did you stay on the ground yesterday in spite of the gale force winds? It was incredibly windy here in Richmond.Hope you stayed inside and took care of your neck, your self and the beautiful puppies. Are you feeling better today? Enjoy A.I!

    bon'Oregon...thanks, yes, I am all caught up on my blog owls are a hoot!

    Renee Eve...hope Vincent is feeling muchly improved really soon. Good healthy thoughts to him!

    And to everyone feeling under the weather..feel better soon!!

  96. If ya tie the strings together, you can unplug your ears and then let them hand around your neck!

    Lynn, honey bunches of oats, did you hit the liquer cabinet instead of the medicine cabinet?? LOL!

  97. VIG: Hey and hallooo! I don't know about a dark chocolate Mars bar--but they do have Milky Way dark. They are sinful!

  98. Mo I resemble that remark! LOL

    No I did not hit the liquor cabinet, well except with a flying maxi pad!

    Hi kitty East bay!

    Hi Vig!

  99. Look at all of the new uses we are gathering for all of these everyday items. Martha Stewart would be proud. LOL

  100. Hi EASTBAY KITTYCATPRINCESS!!! I saw you there but I must have slipped a brain cell--as usual.

  101. Thanks guys, you used up all the maxi pads for fun and games.

    Now Mr. Iteach has to go to the store and buy some more for me. Seriously, he is, what a guy!

    Very interesting night here on the blog.

    I have mixed emotions.

    I do not have the gift for writing only eating.

    However, I do feel like I need to express my thoughts in regards to Ross's comments.

    I had my peace with what had happened last week on Ross's blog and am content here in this wonderful place.

    Then Ross made us all do a little tinkle in our pants with a surprise comment. Seriously, everyone I was caught off guard.

    As Ross knows I sent him a letter letting him know how I felt about the turn of events last week.

    He replied and I wasn't happy with his letter.

    However as I sit here and search through my mixed emotions all I know for sure is that I am glad that he did email tonight.

    I think he offered us an olive branch and I also think he wants closure.

    I spend a good part of my day putting out "fires" with my students each time there is a disagreement. I teach them how to forgive and move on.

    I think I need to do what I preach or preech to my second graders.

    I'm sorry for hurting your feelings Ross and I wish it hadn't come to that point. You made me laugh and smile on many occassions.

    Oh, I will visit your blog, no doubt. I can't promise that I will comment, but I will be there in spirit.

    Okay, with all that said, I can put the lid back on the frosting can. I am tired of stressing!

  102. Night everybody. I'm crawling back into bed. Thank you for the smiles on what would have otherwise been a totally lousy day.

  103. east bay j
    so glad your here, and i love
    your new name, kittycat!

    good to see you! you have a point on the humiliation factor of american idol, at times it just makes me smile! and as you can see i am obsessed!

    hitting 100 for mek

    i like carrie to,
    so glad you were out and about today shopping, and buying the
    waltons dvd, great choice!

  104. Zona: Sending you hugs! Don't know what is going on but hang in there!

    Iteach: Very well said and I respect your decision!

    On a serious note to all! I still consider this a soft nest to fall into each day and just love Carol for setting it up for us.

    I will continue to write like nobody is reading even if they are! Because I need your friendship and fun each day!

    (((Hugs))) gang!

  105. Oh, Lynn, I need your friendship and everyone elses too.

  106. I can assure you that MEK is still alive. At least she was....
    MEK-wake up (slapping) we need to hear you are still hacking..

    Uh, Lynn, the potato salad IS that good and yes, I AM that easy. Just not cheap.

    And for heaven's sake Tina, you have a grandmother slinging condom balloons at her grandchildren?? Have you no shame? I would never think of such a thing. Only at my children, they would be far more aghast at the whole thing :)

    Remind me to tell you about the night I danced on the 'whore box' in a downtown bar in Eau Claire, WI - much to the horror of my then 23 year old son. (I think this goes back to Lynn's questions about being easy.....)

    Anyway gals, it has been a riot but I am going to bed. I will catch you all in the A.M.



  107. Good night goldie!

    Now I am going to tuck you all in and wish you a great nights rest with sweet dreams of fun and friends and family and Johnny Depp in aprons and Jon Bon Jovi in well nothing and George Clooney in any outfit you can imagine.... see you all in the morning. Nite nite

  108. Hey my friends...
    I am watching Idol and bidding on some ebay scrapbooking stuff - I'll be here soon.....

    txs for missing me...

  109. What kind of scrapbooking stuff?

  110. I just love all of you~ :D

    Lynnd....even you~ :)~

    Goldie....the grandkids just think they are balloons!!! :D

    iteach~ xoxxoxox

    Mo.... u da ho~ :)~

  111. dang...mek....I'm in ....I'm in....what kind? doesn't matter....I'm in~ :D

  112. iteach:
    perfect post, your thoughts
    where conveyed beautifully!

    i respect whatever your
    decision may be!


  113. Lynn - congrats on #100

    I LOVE that you all march to the big numbers for me - makes me feel SO loved...

    I have been trying for the last couple of hours to write a nice note- but want to be as eloquent as Goldie, cpgem8, lynn and iteach..

    I need more time...

    anyway - on a ligher note - Idol is over......

    LET MY PEOPLE GOOOOOOOOOOOO - how bad was that guy!!! poor thing..

    Ebay - I got a great deal on some Bind-it-all stuff - I think people must have been watching Idol - cuz it was a steal - lost the wires in the last 3 seconds- wasnt' paying attention.. oh well...... this is only my 6th transaction on ebay...

  114. I've got some reading to catch up on...

  115. Mek, I am marching to the number of 500 with my ebay transactions. I am actually trying to stop for a while, but we will see how long that will last.

  116. Ross Hi there. Better duck. There shooting feminine hygiene products across the room.

    Renee Eve I so sympathize with you having to go to the dentist. I HATE going to the dentist. Totally wimpy about it.

    Tina~in_ut ROFLMFAO You thought I was 26ish? Well that's fine. I like that mental picture better. I was really hot when I was 26. Keep that image please. I wish I could.

  117. MEK in AZ How do you stay enthused about the scrapbooking. I have tons of scrapbooking stuff but I can't seem to get back into it.

    Does anyone have brownies in here tonight? I love brownies.

  118. I am signing off the night, I enjoyed watching american idol with all, the good news is, its over, the bad news is, its on tomorrow night as well..

    So I will be back, with my American Idol hat and teeshirt on. Oh and my red and white striped pom poms!

    Get Ready!

    Smiles and Happiness

  119. Lin,

    Maureen has the brownies, I will e-mail her and tell her they are needed. :O)

  120. Nite, cpgem!! thanks again for everything!! :-)

  121. Lin - I just "collect" things - LMAO - that is the joke with my sister and me!! I own EVERYTHING that you could ever want to own and am JUST starting to actually use it....... (ask Lynn D - she's flaunting my card!! LOL)... anyway - I have found a great group of ladies here that are inspiring me!!! :-)

  122. Just Lynn~ I was "hot" when I was 18! I just didn't know it. Probably a good thing! By the looks of me I could have been a very loosie Lucie! I look at my school pictures and can't believe I was built like a brick u-know-what-house LOL! I still have the bricks, they've just been rearranged a bit hee hee!
    Hi MEK feeling better?

  123. Iteach - my ebay seller just emailed (twice) - she is shipping tomorrow - I thanked her - said I was watching Idol and missed the second item - she answered back - "is that what is going on - I don't watch tv and I have had the lowest closing bids tonight EVER - she said - good for you - not so much for me!! LOL... poor girl..

    and, yes, I need a brownie too...

    VIG - I don't know about mars bars, but Zona is right - dark chocolate Milky ways are great - even better than the snickers...

  124. A little owl just hooted in my ear that brownies are requested.

    Brownies with nuts
    Brownies without nuts
    Brownies with caramel
    Brownies with caramel and pecans
    And Fat-Free brownies.


  125. Hi Mary - I'm feeling a little better, but not 100%..

    OH Lin - I didn't think I was hot when I was younger - but others did and isn't it funny how when we were SKINNY we thought we were fat - oh - how I wish I was as "fat" as i was in my twenties!!

  126. Goldie - we are reminding you to tell us about the night you danced on a box!! :-) do tell!!!

    Mo - thanks for the brownies - you have ALL the options covered...

  127. Good night Everyone, I had to leave for a while and go to Walgreens, Victor my 7 year old told me he felt like he was gonna get sick so I ran for some Coke, they only had Pepsi, Not sick yet, I think the little buger wanted pop. LOL Lets hope I'm so tired. Talk to you all tomorrow
    Have a good one {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}
    Thanks for your well wishes for Vincent hes sleeping now.

  128. iteach, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, you do have a very good way with words

  129. Renee - I hope he doesn't get this crap the rest of us have!! crossing fingers for you...

  130. Mo~ thanks for the yummy's...maybe I'll cook something for everyone when I get home~ :D

    Just_26_Lin~ lol....I'm STILL waiting to be really hot! Do you know if there is a time limit on that?~ :)~

  131. JODI -
    Thank you for the generous offer, but I will have to take a rain check on the lutefisk!
    A really, really, really long rain check!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  132. Mo - Tina will tell you that I am REALLY slow sometimes - what is a lutefish??

  133. ♥Hiya Everyone!♥

    Sorry I haven't been around.I'm getting my livingroom painted this weekend so I've been trying very hard to get it ready, and limit time on the puter :o)

    Thanks to the post re: the lock box :o) I took the instructions and finally set it up..Woohoo no more security box going off.

    Nice to see so many familiar faces here :o)

  134. LOL - fisk - see - I can't even ask the question right..

  135. Hey Lovey~ :D

    Mek~ you have soon as I write it~ :)~

  136. Hiya Mek!! Tina!! Mo!! wow it's nice to see ya'll... and everyone else that is here that I can't see right now till ya post :o)

  137. Lovey - it's lutefisk and I'm trying to figure out the same thing... lol

  138. Wow, :o( sorry to intrude.
    I won't bother you again.

  139. Okay....since Jodi isn't here, I'll tell you what it is....It's a piece of rat crap that Jodi eats on Christmas Eve....she won't tell you that....she'll probably tell you that it's something like air-dried whitefish prepared with lye...but don't you believe a word she says~ :)~

  140. Lovey - you did NOT intrude!! sorry if I gave you that impression - I had typed the name wrong right above our comments - and corrected myself - OH gosh - please - please!!!!! :-)

  141. ♥LOVEY♥!
    HI! Nice to see you! And hope to see more of ya!

    I have no idea what it lutefisk is, but I am pretty sure I don't want it! I'll try and google it!

    TINA - does it smell like overcooked hardboiled eggs? LOL :)~

  142. Mo - howdy---

    Lovey - I just wrote you on myspace - I am SO sorry if you think I was correcting you on the lutefisk thing...... OMG -

  143. Go to Google, type in lutefisk and the first entry is the Wikipedia entry. Click on that.
    I suggest if you read it, keep a bag handy cuz it sounds disgusting!!
    Now I KNOW I don't want any!!
    I WANNA LIVE!!!!!!!!!!

  144. Hi kids! I'm back, and brought amaretto cheesecake for everyone.....

    my favorite P.P.L.*s (*peed pants lines) from early evening posts:

    1.)*maureen: "use a new condemn for better slinging" (Freudian?)

    2.)*tina: "too tedious to tell you guys two things in one night" (aw, there's that Mexican Catholic sensitivity I love you for)

    3.)*lynn d: "...write like nobody is reading" ( I 'get' you :o) .......that's why I journal, g'friend.)

    4.)*mary/mi: "rearranged brinks" body image......oh, yeah, I can relate.....@ 26, long blonde hair, driving a Corvette. @ XX, short blonde hair, driving a Hyundai wagon.

  145. that was SUPPOSED to say BRICKS....but if you're REALLY HOT, I guess BRINKS works, too :o)

  146. Hey Bono....

    You guys - what did I do to Lovey? crap!!!!!!! I was just trying to figure out the right word - lutefish, lutefisk!!!

    and - i don't think I will google it....

  147. Hello...It's getting cold here. High tomorrow is going to be 13...they say.

    ITEACH: I think your post was great and so true. Thank you for saying it...

    ZONA: I am sorry you are sick and in bed. My granddaughters both are sick today too. I hope I don't get it.

    I was shopping tonight and almost bought cough drops just because...

    Boy, Leno is interesting tonight with hecklers while Bill Maher is on. Leno doesn't look too amused.

  148. Hey Dianne, you should have gotten those cough drops!! :-)

    Yes, two hecklers on Leno - but I had to change over - forgot ALL about LA Ink!! I missed the first 8 minutes...

    SO - looks like I'm not going to bed yet... :-0

  149. American Idol: Oooooooh, the Thrill of Potential and the Agony of Humiliation, some incredibly justified. Sorry, think I'll have to wait for Hollywood. I'll never hear the song "I Love Rock n Roll" the same again. The Allentown sequin chick? Does she not know the difference between Billy Joel and Bon Jovi? and "Let My People Goooow".................oh,my. I heard vocal notes I didn't know actually existed outside of a dog-whistle. And what about Mr. Stalker, Caulker, Walker, Peter Faulker? ....lGotta admit I liked the Oregon blonde gal.......she seemed very authentic, cute and (go figure) could actually sing. I had to hit 'mute' before it was over. Couldn't take any more.....I promise I'll try again in a few weeks!

    *Lovey ~~ I saved the "bye-bye lockbox" instructions I wrote. Any suggestions to improve them for others to use if needed down the line?

    Dang, now both Di/Denver here and posters on RossBlog have me intrigued to catch the heckling drama on TTS/Leno can I not watch? I need a 'spoiler'!

  150. Maureen Thanks so much for all the brownies. I like them with nuts.

    BonO Thanks for bringing cheesecake. I'll take some, please, right after I stuff my face with brownies.

    Tina~in_ut It's never, I reapeat, NEVER, too late to be hot. At least that's what I tell myself. Especially right now when I am planning on meeting a former classmate in our hometown in two months.

    MEK in AZ and Mary/MI I knew that others thought I was hot but I never realized until now that I really was. I look back at pictures and wonder why I didn't feel more confident about myself then. Alot of it has to do with attitude though. If you have a sexy attitude it will be appreciated by the opposite sex. Doesn't matter if you're a size 2 or 2X.

    MEK My daughter used to live 30 min. away and we would have fun scrapbooking together. Now she lives 90 min. away. It was more fun to do as a social thing than it is to do alone.

  151. People~ Do you not listen to me? (don't answer that mo~)....I've ALREADY told you what lutefisk is....duh people~ :)~

  152. Bono - your lockbox instructions are perfect - they worked for me..

    Just Lin - the group of ladies in town are what are inspiring me - you are SO right - it's much more fun to scrapbook with others...

    I need to learn how to use my scanner and post some "young" pics of myself!! LOL

  153. Just_Lin~ Oh honey....I've always had the sexy attitude....maybe that's the problem~ :)~ And btw, I would be more than happy to help you get rid of your scrapbooking supplies.....he-he~

    Mo~ Thanks for the brownies...I love nuts!!! ;)

    Bon'O~ mwah~

    Dianne~ hmmmm.....I don't know how to spell what I want to say~ :)~

    mekinaz~ why where they heckling?

  154. Tina - because Bill Maher was on and I guess people just heckle him - on did it right as he came out, the other in the middle of the interview, so they cut to commercial while they hauled them out - then I switched to LA Ink!! I had forgotten that it came on..

  155. DIANNE: OMG! I never got to bed..too nosey on myspace and then only reading over here, not able to keep my 'wit' up today I'm afraid. I am glad I stayed up though--lovin' the extra grins. ;)

  156. AW MEK~ I hope Lovey comes back. I know you wouldn't hurt a fly! Maybe she is having a bad day. I'm sure if she goes back and re reads your entire set of post she will look at it differently.
    Dam I missed the whole Leno thing! I was busy in the kitchen making a huge bowl of jello for the funeral dinner on Thursday. Tomorrow is the day my hair dresser performs her magic on my roots! There's that "bowl" word again! LOL

  157. TINA: I was gonna ask ya how they're hangin'--then remembered you posted that they don't..lucky you..;)

  158. Mary - thanks - i just could not figure out what I could have done - and I worry about it... I will be thinking of you tomorrow... and good luck with those roots.. I need to do mine again!!

    My sister will also be at a funeral tomorrow - she lost a super good friend to cancer this weekend...... my sister is REALLY upset and i wish I was there to give her a "big sis hug" - you feel helpless so far away...

  159. lol...Zona~ i thought you were talking about Whabby's~ :)~

  160. Hi Whabbear! Are you feeling frisky tonight?
    MEK~I understand. I have 4 sisters. 3 of them and a brother are out of state.When something like that happens to one of us we burn the airwaves and internet up. It's our way of being there for each other.

    I hate that word! (cancer)

  161. Okay - LA ink is over - SO, I must go to bed...

    OH and paige davis is coming back to Trading Spaces - LOVE HER!!

    Good night my friends!! See ya tomorrow...

  162. Hey hottie _just_Lynn~ How about showing us one of your BLBSH (built like brick......)pics heh heh!!

  163. Holy cow I just noticed the time! I hate mornings, but them thar roots gottah go!! Night my sweet owletts z-z-z-z

  164. *MEK ~~ Thanks (re: instructions) and sweet dreams, doll.

    *whab! Tell me a story.......

  165. Sorry gang, but TINA is RIGHT!!! Here's a little something from Garrison Keillor to clear things up:

    Quote from Garrison Keillor's book Lake Wobegon Days:
    "Every Advent we entered the purgatory of lutefisk, a repulsive gelatinous fishlike dish that tasted of soap and gave off an odor that would gag a goat. We did this in honor of Norwegian ancestors, much as if survivors of a famine might celebrate their deliverance by feasting on elm bark. I always felt the cold creeps as Advent approached, knowing that this dread delicacy would be put before me and I’d be told, "Just have a little." Eating a little was like vomiting a little, just as bad as a lot."

    My poor MIL had her first Lutefisk malfunction on Christmas Eve. She left the fish in the oven a bit too long and it turned into soup. No worries - she redeemed herself on Jan 5th when she made it again for the Olson Christmas (her side of the family - the crazy Norwegians from Minnesota!!) I didn't get to taste it that night - I was too busy at the TSO concert. And don't believe a word TINA has to say about that night - I DID NOT LOSE MY PANTIES!!!

  166. I hope everyone has a great "hump" day!!! I have to go get ready for work.

    Luv 2 All

  167. TINA disconnected from her phone - YOU HAVE A MESSAGE!!!

  168. JODI: you think it is wise to post panties and 'hump' so close together??? Just sayin'

  169. Jodi~ your msg LOUD AND CLEAR~

    Zona~ roflmfao~ they really are too close together for my comfort level~ :D

    Mo~ Got any powder in any of these cabinets? My boob itches~ (the left one) :)~

  170. hey...did you see? I was already last!!!!
