
Saturday, January 12, 2008


its the weekend and time
for me to decompress
sometimes during the
week i roll along
not thinking, not breathing
just doing

when saturday comes
i reflect on the week
and wonder was it
different then any other?

i think not, as life just
goes, i want to halt at
times, but it just seems

perhaps someday!

blog away
this is urs



  1. I am not doing this right...wheres the trashcan???

  2. LynnD--from Area 51..are we still using that term?..I think Ross thinks he has an ever regenerating fan base, and that if he trashes some, heck who cares--others will follow. But he doesn't understand--others will not STAY and that is what a BASE is all about.

  3. cpgem - thanks for your words - Hope you have a great day!!!

  4. LOL always a day late and a dollar.... Well you know.

    So true cp about decompressing. Though this week I am so decompressed I feel like a turnip!

    Zona: I think you are right. Ah the mistakes we make in youth we either learn from them or continue to repeat them until we are alone.

  5. cpgem - I also want to thank you for all the work you did for so many of us. You are a great one that's for sure. You are a patient teacher. You kept reassuring me that I was not dumb when I felt I was. Thank you Sweetie.

  6. mek:
    thks i will try

    i read your comment in area 51 i
    did not know that ross got credits
    for comments, his actions seem
    very strange, i have been reading
    rossland, however i have not posted
    a comment. Just so confused!

  7. tinka
    oh my goodness
    you are far my dumb
    my fair lady!


    your welcome!

  8. Zona - I am going off for a nap in a few minutes. If I don't ice my back at noon I can't stay on the computer very long. Ah the joys of old age. I am going to e-mail you when I leave here. Pick it up later if you don't want to open both windows. By the way did you notice I used bold. It works here too.

  9. Zona - I am going off for a nap in a few minutes. If I don't ice my back at noon I can't stay on the computer very long. Ah the joys of old age. I am going to e-mail you when I leave here. Pick it up later if you don't want to open both windows. By the way did you notice I used bold. It works here too.

  10. Okay, ladies - I hope everyone has a great afternoon - I am going to head back to bed and see if I can't get this crap to "exorise" from my body!!!

    I hope everyone has an excellent day!!! :-) (I couldn't resist!!!)

  11. Rushing off to make my chicken soup, I hate to log off--cuz what if I lose ya'all again? I guess I will just be brave and go for it..thanks everyone for the help in getting here, and Tinka for your persistance!

    cpgem: thank you for a place to find the blue again.

  12. Ross has been answering e-mails??

  13. Have a great day ladies. I will be back later too. I think some soup and rest are in order.

    Not Turnip tho cp. LOL

  14. AHA!! Saved to favorites and I had no problem getting's the little things..and the happy blue works, wow--life is good!

  15. I am off too. Lynn and Mek I hope you feel better.
    Zona my love please send me some soup. I love your soup.
    Good Day until later.

  16. ok, this is weird...i can't refresh area 51 ;( and my last post isn't coming up as far as I can tell ;( wah wah wah!!!

    you asked me a question last night in an email and i answered you in one back!! go read, my dear!!

    Ok, it looks like everyone is off for afternoon naps. maybe i should follow suit.

    see y'all tonight and maybe I will leave pizza for everyone!

  17. i am on ie and the security box keeps coming up, so its a ie issue
    when using mozilla the security box does not come up

    yes zona the blue works!

    i am off to finish my day of errands..

    i will check back later

  18. Good day Nightowls & Morning Doves!! So good to see our beloved stragglers found their way. Can't stay but wanted to share a tip for those on Internet Explorer about to shoot their screen over the annoying security lockbox. This is way easier to DO than to describe :o) ....................

    If you're on Internet Explorer:
    1. Go to 'Tools' on IE
    2. Click on 'Security'
    3. Select "Custom Level"
    4. Scroll down to 'Miscellaneous'
    5. Within Miscellaneous, find subsection for 'Display Mixed Content'
    (this is for Secure/Unsecure, i.e. text AND photos, etc.)
    6. Set 'Display Mixed Content' radio button to 'ENABLE'
    (default is 'Prompt', which is what causes the lockbox to come up every time)
    7. Click on 'Apply' at the bottom of that IE controls window.
    8. Close Internet Explorer to get the change to 'take'.
    9. Reopen Internet Explorer, sign back into the blog, & you'll no longer get the lockbox, and will be able to see profile photos, etc.

    At least this is what worked for me. If it helps anyone else, it'll make my day! Off to prep for the big game, after catching up on all your posts from this morning.

    Hugs all around the room (even to Packer fans!).............I put out chips & dip in front of the yourselves!


  19. decompress



    If I say over and over and over and over maybe it will sink in.

    Delores I love your new myspace page. :)

  20. Interesting~

    I posted two blogs this week on MySpace about what happened in Rossland. I set my blog so that only "Myspace friends" could look at it. I have 42 Myspace friends. It was viewed 125 times. I was surprised.

  21. yay i made it, thanks birdee for the help! thanks cpgem for are new fun! well now that i made it gotta go to the store,yuk dont want to! but will be back soon

  22. Hi All: here's an improved version (I hope) of earlier instructions to get rid of the Internet Explorer 'secure/nonsecure' lockbox screen. The first left out new step #2 and #9, which might have confused some. Otherwise, it's much the same.

    wanted to share a tip for those on Internet Explorer about to shoot their screen over the annoying security lockbox. This is way easier to DO than to describe :o) ....................

    If you're on Internet Explorer:
    1. Go to 'Tools' on IE
    2. Click on 'Internet Options' at the bottom.
    3. On 'Internet Options', open the 'Security' Tab.
    4. Select "Custom Level"
    5. Scroll down to 'Miscellaneous' (near the bottom).
    6. Within 'Miscellaneous', find subsection for 'Display Mixed Content'
    (this is for Secure/Unsecure, i.e. text AND photos, etc.)
    7. Set 'Display Mixed Content' radio button to 'ENABLE'
    (default is 'Prompt', which is what causes the lockbox to come up every time)
    8. Click on 'Apply' at the bottom of that IE controls window.
    9. Click on 'OK' box at bottom left.
    10. Close Internet Explorer to get the change to 'take'.
    11.Reopen Internet Explorer, sign back into the blog, & you'll no longer get the lockbox, and will be able to see profile photos, etc.

  23. iteach - Do you think things aren't as private as we thought or are they being read more than once by people. That is interesting. I was wondering where you were this morning. Are your reports finished?

    naughtycroc - Welcome, where did the Dawn go from your name? Did you have trouble getting in here too? Some of us had a horrible time of it. Once you do it a few times it becomes so easy.
    cpgem8 and others were so helpful.

  24. iteach and naughty croc. I was looking at the clock by your comment and thinking it was my time. You are long gone now I think. I will talk to you later.

  25. Testing to see if I get the security box..
    Bono - thanks for your instructions.

    I got a great nap - but still feel like crap - stuffed up more so than earlier !!! :-(

    and ITeach - I am guilty of looking at your blogs several times to see what people commented.

  26. Hey Tinka,

    Bono's instructions worked great - I don't get the box and can see the pics now!!! Good job!!!

  27. Hi Everybody,

    Well crud the Seahawks lost. I swear we are the Redsocks of football.

    Does anyone know what Shirley NCC is so upset about? I just read her post on the Ross blog and she seems very upset.

    MEK I took a nap but feel worse than before. What is this the super bug from hell?

  28. Lynn - Yes, I do believe that this "bug" is not going anywhere - it just keeps getting worse and worse!!

    I just updated my profile and put a pick of a great AZ sunset - this was taken on the highway while we were stuck in rush hour traffic.

  29. I also fixed my "name" so that there are spaces and it's not so confusing!!! :-)

    (as she sits here "talking" to herself!!! LOL)

    Okay - I'm going to watch some of this second football game !!

  30. Hi kids! Popping in after the game & before going out to dinner. As I told WisconsinJodi re: the game........I remember being screwed in the snow a couple times before, but I remember it being more fun than it was today!

    MEK: Yay! So glad the instructions worked for you :o)

    LynnD: Shirley's upset is over all the drama in the November 30 Rossblog Eagles' Nest that was brought to EVERYONE's attention by MaryL on the blog @ 14:14 today. MaryL then closed her MySpace account.

    Be back later folks. Save me a spot on the couch!

  31. BON'o - Screwed in the we'll have to call you HO HO HO!!! Just kidding!!! LOL!!

    ZONA - Thanks for the call girlfriend!! Always a treat talking with you!!

    TINA-DISCONNECTED-FROM-HER-PHONE - I hope you're having a good weekend. I have to work Sunday then have Monday and Tuesday OFF!!! Yeah - this sucks working 7 in a row.

    I hope all my NIGHT OWLS have a great night - will check in before I go to work

    Peace Out Bitches!!!
    GO PACK!!!

  32. Hey Jodi-your team just won- in Wisconsin!!! :-)

    Loved the snow!! I can remember sitting in MANY a football game in weather like that... :-)

    I just went and read 14:14 - then had to go back and re-read what-ever I wrote - I did notice that Ross deleted a couple of recent posts on Nov. 30th..

  33. Mek - I don't know what box you are referring to but I am glad it is gone. Hope you are feeling better. I like your picture. I think I will try and put in a picture.

  34. Hi Jodi my friend. How are you doing?

  35. Bon'Oregon - I did it again. After I put in a picture I went to the wrong page. Boy am I ever in the slow learners group. Thank you. How did you know I did that? Were you cruising around and saw me?

  36. Just checking to see if I have a picture.

    Hi Jodi, Hi Tinka

  37. Hi niteowl friends! Just checking in, first time visiting.

  38. Sophie, My friend. What a surprise. You surely registered fast. How did you do it so easily. A lot of us had trouble.
    Welcome to the Night Owls.

  39. Sophie - What is Baby Belle doing while you are on the computer? Is she on your lap like Tia is on mine?

  40. Tinka!
    cpgem give good instructions and I already had a gmail account. :^)
    Belle sits on the king size bed next to me, but we take frequent breaks for snacks, play...

    Thank you for the welcome!

  41. Sophie - I was about to give you the genius award because you posted just minutes after I asked you if you were going to register. Yes cpgem gave excellent instructions but I still had trouble last night. I sent you a message on myspace while you were posting. Did you get it? I can hardly type with Tia on my lap. I have to learn to be more strict with her.

  42. Tinka ~ I did get your messaage, thank you! And thank you for walking me over here. How cozy...Tia on your lap & Belle on the bed. A perfect spot for late night chatting.

    lynn d ~ Seahawks :^(

  43. Where is everyone. Have the first crew gone to bed and the late crew not arrived yet?

    Sophie - I left you another message. Read it soon.

  44. Hey...did somebody say "chips and dip"! I think I missed the cookies too!! LOL

    Hi gang - sorry it's taken me so long to stop by. This is amazing cpgem...I hope I can come in often. Just in case some of you don't know, I'm working two jobs these days so my time online can be kinda sporadic.

    What a wonderful alternative to chat with a great bunch of people!! I'll be back!!!

    Hugs to you all from me.

  45. Linda - Welcome. Sorry the cookies are all gone. We need some chips and dip if anyone is going out in this weather. Did you just drop by to say "Hi" and go again or are you still here?

  46. Good evening!
    Ding Dong...Pizza delivery!
    Here's some pizza for y'all to snack-a-roo on.
    and for CPGEM8 a special Tripe pizza!
    I hope I covered all you're tastes!
    Oh, and there is a ton of soda pops, but ya get provide your own mixers tonight!!
    Blog on...

  47. Ooopsies...
    you're should be your

  48. Mo is here. Yea. Dibs on the Hawaiian. I can't have any pop with caffeine in it so I am glad I am among the first to choose. Sophie is here Maureen but I don't know if the others have left or not.

    I think you call pop soda in the states don't you. And a chesterfield is a sofa. Am I right?

  49. I'm still here - was just updating my profile!

  50. Pizza sound amazing - I haven't had it in months (damn gallbladder) - I should have the thing out already!! LOL

  51. Linda! Maureen!
    Ok..this is fun. Thanks gals.

    Margharita, yum! Be careful..I can eat a whole one!

    Tinka ~ I have a friend from Winnipeg who says, "chesterfield."

    I've heard "pop" on the west coast and "soda" on the east.

    Pass a serviette?

  52. Hi TINKA!

    Some states refer to it as pop and some as soda. In Wisc (YAY, PACKERS!!!) we called it soda. In Ohio it is pop. Sooo, I call it soda pop!!

    A chesterfield is a particular type of sofa. We call then sofas or couches or divans! I just call it my favorite place to plop my ample ass on!!

    How rude I am being. Sorry.
    How are you tonight?
    Did you get a nap in this afternoon? I didn't and I am gonna regret that very soon!

    Hi SOPHIE! How're you and bella BELLE?

    Hi JODI! Yay, Packers! Cheeseheads unite!

    Hi LINDA! How are ya, eh? Sorry, couldn't help myself with the eh!

  53. Hi Sophie!!! So nice to be able to chat with you...hey Maureen!!!

  54. Be back soon..small lasagne break for Belle.

  55. No worries about the "eh" - we do use it a lot!!! I still love ya!

  56. All this talk about food is making me very hungry...I'm gonna have to go get some dinner (my daughter is making fajitas). Have a great night you guys!! If I can, I'll come back and chat again...this is awesome!!

  57. Hi nightowls!
    Yes tinka,I did have a few problems at first but emailed birdee and she helped me get in!
    Had some running around to do got the night off so have to do some catching up,had to take the dog for a stroll. just the day to day stuff ya know.
    SO miss jodi is happy isnt she? :)
    packers, I gotta go for the colts ;) tomorrow,you know my home town and all, I really want jacksonville to win right now but.... not looking to good.
    Hi delores crump! hope all is well with you. so whats up with wanda?is she getting hitched?

  58. I think it's interesting how two countries who watch the same tv shows have different words. My friend Ron was from Ohio. He used to laugh at the way we say 'pasta like we say 'past'. He said the the 'pa' in pasta as if it rhymes with ''ma'. He laughed at the way we say dahlia too. eh?

  59. I am going to break for an hour. Sophie I will be back at 8:45. We need to make little signs to leave on our door.

  60. I forgot to say Hi and Good Bye to Naughty Croc. Thanks for answering my question.

  61. TINKA,
    Yes, I say PAsta (a lot!! Yumm!)
    Wasn't Ron from the Cincinnati area? I think that is what I remember you saying that, although I may be nuts altogether!!
    There are a lot of regional differences in words. Even though we are considered the mid-west, there are even differences within the midwest.

    Hi DAWN! Sorry I missed saying Hi last time.

  62. Maureen - I just popped back for a minute and I saw Ron's name. How I wish I could still visit him in Cincinnati. I loved that city. I loved Ohio. I loved going to his Baptist church even though I am Catholic. It was so much like the Walton's church. I loved the music. When I was there at Christmas time it looked like a Norman Rockwell painting with the lights on the snow. The people there were all so nice. Now I am off for my break.

  63. HI maureen!getting ready to watch I now pronounce you chuck and larry on ppv hope its good? be back in an hour or two.

  64. Good evening Owls!

    Hi Sophie oh those seahawks know how to break our hearts don't they?

    Hi Linda and Naughtycroc! Yay more fun people!

    I would grab some pizza but still not up to par. Actually running a fever so I am only staying a few minutes. I ordered some Chinese to be delivered later for the really late night crew! Enjoy

    We say pop and I thought a Chesterfield was a cigarette! LOL I am sitting on my couch.

    I love to see you all chat chat away!

  65. I think in honor of all our sick friends, I am going to set up a medicine cabinet next to the refreshment table.
    And there will be aspirin for those of you that imbibe a little too much!!!
    Please feel better soon, my friends.

  66. Good evening!! My friends..

    I have caught up on the comments -

    Mo - pizza sounds wonderful, but I'm afraid my sickly taste buds and stomach could NOT handle that..

    did you get some ginger ale??!! :-)
    I think that is all Lynn D and I will be able to drink tonite!!

    I'm watching the TV Guide channel with some Pre-auditions for this season's American Idol - YIKES!!

    Hey, Linda is Squashland !! :-)

  67. Hello everyone,

    We just came back from the movies. We saw The Bucket List and it was awesome!!!! I finally have decompress.

    MEK I use to go to Arizona a lot to visit my grandparents. I just love your picture.

  68. I am going to check in and out. I am tired tonight. It's been a hard few days. I just had a gingerale for Mek and Lynn to help them get well. Maureen, keep that medicine cabinet filled. It's flu season. Iteach I am glad you enjoyed the movie.Dawn Enjoy the pizza. Good Night to all those who are here, all those who were here and all those who are coming later.

  69. Good Night iteach - This time I am really gone. Tina is posting on her board that she is really sick. I hope you feel better tomorrow Tina.

  70. Hi all, first time I have been able to get to the computer all day. It is so nice to read all the familiar names and comments.

    Boy, you guys confuse me. Zona is telling to delete my cookies and some of you are serving them for refreshments!!! Zona told me to ask my husband to help me delete them!!!

    TINA: Sorry you are sick along with LynnD and MEK. You all need to get tons of sleep and try to get better drugs from your doctors.

    JODI: I am sure you are celebrating your head off in Wisconsin tonight...even if you are going to work. Good game. I was glad to not be there in that snow but fun to watch.

    Bon'o: Are you crying over your football team? Dang, you started out so good too. Maybe you just aren't used to that weather!

    Hello to everyone and good night too.

  71. Hi and Bye Everyone LOL, Hey I thought this was for night owls, HMMM but your all sick I'm sorry, GET WELL SOON, It was so nice to see everyone here on this site. Love to all By the way I took all the pizza, my boys love cold pizza for breakfast and noone was here so I just took it. Thanks MO my kids thank you too

  72. Just popping in to say goodnight to any who may be lurking here. I have an early day, but will look forward to some good reading over Sunday morning coffee.

    I'm kinda sad....just scooted over to the 11/30 Eagles Nest, and poor Donna Jean & Mugsy think that's where the Nightowls have been & will be posting. Here are their posts. Any still posting in Rossland want to clarify for them? I almost did, but I'm SO trying to enjoy the bliss here and not add to the drama.........
    FROM ROSSBLOG 11/30:
    DonnaJean2 - January 12, 2008-22:14:56WTH!!!!!

    I just figured this is where you all have been hiding, how far behind have I been??? Posting on the regular blog when all my good buddies are over here at the Nest???

    And what, Ross even posts here too????

    Why oh why did someone not inform me???? Now my feelings are hurt. Sob, sob, soo sad!!!!

    I'll try back in the morning, and see how many NightOwls have been playing!

    Love to you all!!! DonnaJean

    Mugsy1 - January 12, 2008-22:40:32OK, OK....So I said I was done...And I'm still ticked...But yet I still lurk...Enough that I found this place...And finding you all makes me HAPPY!

    So, maybe I think a 20-something person makes poor decisions and has much to learn in the way of DIPLOMACY! Well, he is from Mount Vernon, no wonder!

    But I really missed the Buddies! YOU ALL ARE THIS BLOG! The talkies, for me, have become like a little video interlude or an NBC ad, not the focus.

    **Tail between my legs hoping I'm still welcome**

    Blog On?

  73. BonOregon,

    Not to sound out of the loop from Ross/Blog but do these people you mentioned have a myspace??? Or is there any way of someone from here (if everyone likes them )to get a messages to them via personal email? Its really quiet in here tonite. HUH Are you still here???

  74. renee eve (and/or others)~~ f.y.i. Both Tink & I sent an email to DonnaJean to ease her mind. She doesn't have myspace, but she can also tell Mugsy, according to Tink, who is tucked in for the I hope to be soon. Sweet dreams!

  75. p.s. ~~~neither of us addressed instructions on getting HERE....just wanted to set her mind at ease that we were not THERE :o)

  76. Good BonOregon,

    This place feels so comfortable, Doesn't it???? Calm, I wish I could get on earlier but with 3 kids and a hubby that works 75 hours a week, they come first, Sweet Dreams to you too

  77. Hi nightowls!
    Sorry I missed the fun tonight.
    Just popping in before I go to bed for real!
    EVE, I am glad you took the pizza for the boys. But ya coulda thrown out the empty boxes!!! bwahahaha
    See y'all tomorrow!
    PS - Hi DIANNE!
    PPS - I hope all the sickies feel better soon! that doesnt sound right but ya know what I mean!

    Tomorrow I will leave some chicken soup and hot tea for ya!

  78. Good morning all!!!

    TINA - Get better soon!!

    MAUREEN & RENEE EVE - Waving hello from Wisconsin!!

    BON'O - Thanks for the instructions, that damn lock box was annoying!! :D

    DIANNE - Thank you and welcome to the dark side!! LOL!! Your cheesehead will be in the mail!!

    I have to go to work in 45 min, but can play a bit til then!!

  79. I hope you guys have a great Sunday - will be back after work.


  80. Good Morning Everyone, Glad to see some more of you made it over here.
    Missed you all last nite. Was very tired, AND I got poked in the eye by my gradaughters dog. Yep, I did, was bending over and the little thing jumps around so much, with her paws straight up. Well, she came up under me and BAM! Paw right in the eye. I swear it felt like a fist. Still bothering me today, sore and tearing up all thie time. Only feels better when I keep it closed. Anyone got an eye patch I can use!?
    Well, I'm off to rest it some more, will try and stop back later.
    Have a good day ALL!

  81. Good Morning my fine feathered friends!

    I am stumbling into the kitchen need coffee....need coffee...

    Ok coffee is going gang and the tea kettle is on the stove. Ok need the restroom....ACKKKKKKK

    Sorry just looked in the mirror. I did not know my hair could do that!!! Should have left my glasses off.

    Moweenie thanks for the full medicine cabinet. Took some mucinex and feel marginally better. I think the fever broke and thank goodness for that! The dreams were pretty wild! Johnny Depp looks so cute in an apron cleaning my house! Did I mention just an apron. How come I don't look that good when I vacuum?

    Then I woke up :( looks like today I will have to at least think about doing some laundry in my weakend state. I love Mr. Lynn D and he did at least try to do the dishes but I just don't understand how someone with a college education who reads and negotiates contracts, can't read and decipher a clothing laundry care tag?

    Sorry I see I am rambling must be the after effects of the fever. I guess I will go see how many pairs of clean panties I have left and let that determine if I need to do laundry.

    I may have to do something about the dog hair drifts too. Hmmmm I wonder how far the hose and attachments stretch? I think I might be able to vacuum from my Chesterfield today if it works.

    Ok I will check back in a bit.

    Birdee: I am so sorry about your eye! If it doesn't get better soon hon see your doc!

    OHH coffee is ready!

  82. Good Morning everyone - Is anyone here this morning or are you all at church? I got up at 7:30 and I am just going to have breakfast now. I must stop reading posts before breakfast. I can't seem to break that habit.

  83. Good Morning, my friends..

    Mo - I apparently didn't take enough meds from the cabinet last night!!

    Lynn D - LMOA about your laundry situation - I'm almost in the same boat!!! who feels like doing laundry when you are SO sick... heck, I can barely hold my head up to type on the computer!! :-)

    Jodi - how much snow do you have this a.m.??

    Tina - are you feeling any better?

    Birdie, Bono, Tinka, Renee, Dianne, Croc, cpgem, and anyone else I missed - Happy Sunday..

    I hope you all have an excellent day!!

  84. Iteach - I'm so glad you enjoyed the movie - I really want to see that..

  85. Good Morning and *coffee* for all!

    Hi MEK, Dianne/Denver, iteach, BonOregon, Tinka, Jodi, LynnD, Birdee, Renee Eve, Maureen, Linda, naughtycroc, zonababy if you're there & thank you cpgem!

    Hope I didn't leave anyone out...that's why I'm not much for group "Hello!"s but it's so nice and comfy here.

    Birdee ~ ouch...hope your eye feels better as the day goes on.

    lynnd ~ funny morning! let's have more coffee. Has mrd recovered from the Hawk loss? I hope Mike Holmgren decides to stay here next year.

    Whoo! Hoo! and Congrats again Jodi to a game well played. A Hawk said last night, "I hope the Packers go all the way to the Superbowl and win so we can say we lost to the Superbowl Champions." All the way, baby!

    Good Morning dear Tinka! Nice to see you in the morning. Today IS going to be an excellent day, thanks MEK. I'm off to the gym.

    Thank you for peace and comfort.

  86. Hello everyone were off to a great day in the Masini house.

    Church, laundry, big egg & bacon breakfast, and decluttering of the house.

    Well actually I didn't go to church the Mr. did. The last time I took my boys to church they whipped their toys at all the elderly people's heads.

    Everyone have a great day in the neighborhood!!

  87. Good Morning!

    I know that for many of you I have become the scourge of the blog! And for those of you who feel that way, please print this post. Then roll it up real tight and stick it in your It'll make a great little stirrer!!

    Many of you who are still my friends but fear the scorn of the "Delores Haters", I understand your don't have to acknowledge my comment post's here.

    I do have to say this though.......the biggest hit for me has been losing Tinkatia as my friend. Tinka, I want you to know that I think very highly of you. And I am truly sorry if I hurt your feelings. You are the only one that has never made a negative post and are always so sweet to everyone.

    And that folks is my ONLY regret!

    Look at what I have done with Nov 30th. It has become a major tourist attraction! And I intend to keep it that way! Come on, if you didn't want to look at the "car wreck", you wouldn't be continuously traipsing over there and alerting more people to its existence!

    And do I get like a "key to the city", noooooooooo!
    I just keep hearing that I spew! Put your thumb over the opening in a coke bottle, shake, them remove your thumb. That my friends is spewing!

    And thanks. Once again you have been a captive audience.
    And don't forget to keep a check on Nov30th! Someone may shake up a coca-cola over there!!

    xx & oo,


  88. By the way....

    I have been craving rumaki....
    BonO, could that be one of the hors d'oeuvres this evening??

  89. Good Morning Again - I say again because no-one was here the first time I came. I am reading all your comments while I drink my tea with you. You know we make real English tea here. It is different than the way you make it in the States. Please come and visit me and I will make you a cup of tea and we will chat and chat and chat.
    I am half way finished sending out picture comments. I must get back to it or I will forget where I left off. Have a great Sunday friends. "I WILL BE BACK".

  90. Good Morning, friends of a feather!

    Gosh, I'm glad I had a flu shot last November....MEK, LynnD, Tina, all of you who are sick: Get well, dammit!

    LynnD ~~ Girl, you are a HOOT (but I guess that's what owls do) before coffee. Benadryl gives me WILD dreams, but I've never been lucky enough to get Johnny Depp in only an apron. Maybe I need to double the dosage!

    nowmercy ~~ Guess what? I just heard Glenn Yarbrough singing 'Listen to the Warm' on Harry Shearer's LeShow on NPR! Made me think of you :o)

    Delores ~~ I have all the ingredients for the Rumaki, except the chicken livers (I usually give those to the cats). Could you run out & pick some up for us before Happy Hour? I'll check back to marinate the water chestnuts :o) xoxoxox to ALL,

  91. Seaside Lady ~~ Actually, the "Listen to the Warm" reference was for you, my fellow RM fan :o) I was writing I noticed I had a message from mercynow--got wires crossed--need more coffee :o)

  92. Good Afternoon friends!
    I just got up and am still not too coherent!

    Big pots of Chicken Soup
    Pot of noodles if you want to add them.
    Rice in the steamer if you want that in your soup, too.
    The thermal pot on the right is filled with tea (english style!)
    The thermal pot on the left is coffee.
    And Diet Pepsi's for Tina.
    There is a new supply of mucinex, tylenol, pepto (in case the soup is yucky!) and Zicam.
    Boxes of kleenex spread throughout.

    Have a lovely day and I will see y'all later.

    Oh, LYNN, if ya take a little extra before your next nap, Johhny Depp takes OFF the apron!

    {{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}} to all!

  93. Maureen - Thanks for the chicken soup. I am taking it away to watch a movie. This is my do nothing stress free day and I am loving it. Have a good one everybody. See you later.

  94. Well it took a heck of a time to finally get here!!! But I was going to make it come hell or high water!!!

    I had to go through 3 sign ins with google and finally figured it all out!

    Thank you cpgem (you ARE a gem) for finding this place for us.

    So, now that I am here, how is everyone??? I haven't had a chance to browse all the comments, but I see all my favorite people are here!!

    2 questions, now that I am here, how do I get back??? Do I have to go through gmail each time or just go to nightowlssb.blogspot? And, can I pass this info along to Just_Lin? I know she would LOVE it here too.

    Well, Miss Laurie JUST woke up, the sleepy head! It is 12:15 here in CA, but I notice the time stamp is on a different time zone.

    So, I better go and be the great mother that I am, and make her some lunch!

    Till later, DonnaJean

  95. DJ ~~ Out the door for a hike, but WELCOME!! You can just "favorite place" this spot & pop right back in. You've probably noticed you have 3 different days' posts to catch up on, so happy reading.....if nobody's here at the moment, just make yourself at home 'til we return.


  96. Well, I guess I answered my own question. I have to sign in each time I go the nightowl site, unless there is an easier/faster way???

  97. Good Afternoon everyone, I went to Jax's myspace to leave her a pretty heart comment thats going around and I noticed she had the magic 8 ball there so I was stuck there asking a bunch of questions oh just like a little kid, but I kept asking the same question, Will I ever get off my butt to clean this house, It kept giving me try again, foggy right now ask later, finally I think after I asked like 4 or 5 times it said Looks good, YEAH maybe today I can clean.

    Maureen, I'm sorry I forgot to take the boxes. I was in a hurry, But boy was that pizza good this morning, the boys thank you very much. Where did you get it from??? When I'm going thru your area next month maybe I'll stop and get some on my way thru. Ok I'm gonna listen to Jax's 8 ball and get off my butt, Laundry is calling, house is calling. oh womans work is never done,

    LynnD: Maybe Johnny Depp can come and vacuum my doggie tumble weeds in the corners.

    Have a good Sunday everyone I will check back later.

    Love Ya's
    Renee Eve

  98. DonnaJean,
    I just type : and it comes right to the home page and you click on the day you want to post. Then before you post your comment you have to type your email account and password in, cpgem8 told me to make sure I do the http:// if that helps. I'm glad you made it here,

    See you all later

  99. Welcome, DJ!!
    I just told Zona that if you were having problems - I would be glad to help!!

    Mo - thanks for all the goodies this a.m. - i might have to "borrow" one of Tina's diet pepsi's!! LOL

    Bono - how was the hike? i can't wait to get outdoors again.. Sadly - I was sick back when they were giving the flu shots and couldn't get one!! oh well....

    Just watching football and resting.. Mr. MEK has gone to the store to get me something for lunch - isn't he the sweetest??!!

    As I said earlier - (cuz I miss saying this everyday) -
    I hope everyone has an excellent day!! :-)

  100. Hey Renee... wanted to say hi before I go back to the football game...

  101. Well, I just finished doing my profile! I think I left more on that than most of you! I guess my life is an open book for ya'll!!!

    Off to do my "motherly" duties!

    See ya later, NO's!

  102. Oh, one more thing, then I really am off, I haven't heard back from anyone whether or not I can share this with Just_Lin.

    Let me know ok? She is feeling a bit lost, and out of touch with all of you!


  103. I am NEVER getting off this, am I???

    I forgot to say Thank You for the Welcome and for all the sign in help!!! I am so very happy to be here!

    Till later, (really) DJ

  104. Hi DonnaJean!
    Nice to see you. I just initiated myself in her last night. Nice.

    MEK ~ How was that game? I'm a little surprised SC beat the Colts, was expecting a Patriots/Colts game but then again was only really following Hawks.
    Hope you're feeling better.

  105. Good Afternoon everyone!

    It is nice to see so many fresh new faces today!

    Caryn (outtunne) is trying to figure out how to come over here.

    DonnaJean that sounds good. All I'm looking for is fun loving conversational people.

    HI Delores!

    MEK what is the temperature like in your corner of the map today?

    Tina has been quiet , I hope all is well.

    Jodi aren't you due for a day off soon?

    Tinka my report cards are almost done, I just need to make copies of them.

    Maureen I'm still pigging out until the biggest loser contest at work starts so bring it on!

    Sophie how was your work out?

    Bonnie how was your hike?

    Renee Eve good luck with the house work.

  106. Good afternoon Ladies!!! (and I use that term loosely with Tina and Delores - LOL!!)

    Just got up from a nice little nap - I finally have the next 2 days off!!

    SOPHIE - Thanks - that would be great!!! We'll see what happens with today's game and who we will face next weekend. I'm personally pulling for the Giants (I'd much rather play in Green Bay than Dallas)!!

    DONNAJEAN - You found us - WELCOME to you and Miss Laurie Elizabeth!!! ((((HUGS))))


    Off to watch some more of the game with a big bowl of popcorn and a soda!!!

  107. ITEACH - Oh, crap.....I just found out that the kids have off tomorrow.....WTF....freakin' inservice day!! What is it that you guys do on an inservice day anyway?!!? I have visions of a big whooping party in the teacher's lounge - music, food, cocktails, and of course someone rockin' the pole!!! LOL!!

  108. A hike in the crisp SUNSHINE sure felt good! It's been a long time. Just checked my 15 day weather outlook to see if I have to get all my energy/projects addressed today or if there's more to come. Says a decent week, then SNOW & COLD by the 21st. Yeehaw, love snow---especially when I don't HAVE to drive anywhere. We usually get our snow (if any) in late Feb/early March.

    JODI!! Get to kick back for a day or two finally? Heard if Tina's feeling better?

    Thank God for high-speed dual core processors! Now that I have 2 emails, MySpace, the OwlsNest & BlogLurking to keep up with, I always have about 7 windows going. For now, I'm leaving for a bit to keep this energy thing going before it passes. Later!!

  109. Hi everyone!

    Gosh, my sunday was a busy one!

    New blog up, so as to refresh the
    comment section!

    Where is mo's chicken soup?

  110. Jodi,

    I detest inservices! I usually sit their and make out my grocery list. It is hard for me to sit eight hours straight.

    I one of those crazy teachers who never have their children sit in their desks too long, because I can't do it.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. congrats on first, DeeDee!~ mwah~
