i always seem to be happier in
the bright warm sunshine
i know rosie always says
the sun makes her the
happiest always
when i see the sun
in the yellowest of color
i somehow know it is going to
be a good day, its like
walking outside and seeing
a old friend someone you
have not seen in a while
however knowing this
friend is full of warm
yellow sunshine, and then
you get the smile, so you
are assured its going to be
a good day!
rosies always says
to look for the pure yellow
well i think these
nightowl bloggers have
found the yellow
maybe not "pure" ;O)
but yellow nonetheless
actually these nightowls
don't need the pure
as long as they have the yellow!
Wonderful blog today, CPGEM! Have a day filled with yellow and sun, everyone!
ReplyDeleteCool! First for the first time!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 1st Vig!!
ReplyDeleteDonnaJean, My heartfelt best wishes for Lauries speedy recovery. My thought are with you both.
Dianne- just caught up from last night. I know exactly what that shot was called! I used to bartend part time WAY back when. The first time someone came in and ordered a "blow job" I was speechless!! LOL- It takes a lot to make me speechless by the way.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Good Morning Pure Sunshine when I come here!
ReplyDeleteWay to Vig 1st!!!!!
It is amazing what a Whopper with cheese can do for a gal!
I feel like I may be returning to the land of the living today and I look out my window and see some sunshine on our horizon. There is nothing better than a sunny day after a cold and bleak period.
One of my favorite things riding in the car and feeling the sunshine stream through the window and feeling like it is warming me from the inside out. It is comforting and life affirming and gives me that all is right with the world feeling.
I see the owls were busy last night!
Even Whabbear paid a visit. I am starting to think he is our hit and run man. LOL To answer your question bear. I am a woman of many moods and tastes and consider myself wide open to all. LMAO
I am happy to see Tina was entertained last night. Though it seems that Zona traumatized a poor grass hopper. I think there are animal cruelty laws about that!
MEK What a great story about you and and Mr. MEK. I see a movie there!
Just lin: Good Luck on your reunion! I say go for it!
East bay J: Congrats on the nuptuals and very happy that you are not hiding out from the mafia.
Donna Jean: I am thinking about you and Laurie today! Wishing and praying for a speedy recovery!
So many comments to make and I am hogging space. So I will check back and start fresh today!
Good Morning, My Sunshines!!
ReplyDeletecpgem - again - an EXCELLENT blog - you are SO ensightful or should that be insightful - I don't know -
VIG - congrats on being #1 - isn't that a great feeling??!!
I need to catch up on yesterday's comments - looks like everyone was VERY busy!! i hope someone marched to 300 and made me proud - can't wait to go look!!! :-) I'll be right back!!!
I have found my new "sunshine, yellow and smiles" right here!! I can't say it enough how FREE it feels here!!!!!!!
Good morning Lynn and MEK. Sounds like you are both feeling better.
ReplyDeleteThe magazine is in hand MEK- thanks for the offer of trying to find it though!
Any news on how the grasshopper is doing this morning???
OKay - NOW, I REALLY love you all - I am choking, I am laughing SO hard at Tina and Zona - I would have crapped my pants if the phone had rung!! I could just hear them - the ants go marching one by one - hoorah, hoorah... THREE HUNDRED!!! LMAO...
ReplyDeleteOn a more serious note, Donna Jean - my thoughts and prayers for your family.......
Goldie - glad you got the SI
Lynn D - glad the whopper did it - my pizza set me back - i swear - you take two steps forward and then BAM!! it's right back - I'm stuffed up and coughing again today!!! crap...
Zona and everyone - I swear the bugs and critters are ten times bigger in AZ than anywhere else - I had NEVER seen such bugs and critters!!!!! I have learned that if I am going to live here, I have to get used to it... YIKES - did I just say that.. heck, I used to scream and get so scared of spiders - now - not so much .. we have a family of lizards in our backyard ALL different sizes and you learn to sit on your porch with them crawling all around - as long as they don't get TOO close..
Tina - Heck, I felt like I was talking to myself in here LOTS of times yesterday - LOL - so, trust me, it's okay!! :-)
Oh - I need my pencil - I am forgetting something...
anyway -
I hope everyone has an excellent day!!!
Zona, I would have done the very same thing with the grasshopper or a moth. I am scared of bugs too but I can kill a spider..they are small ones in Colorado. There is another reason to get the transfer for Mr Zona.
ReplyDeletecpgem: You write the nicest blogs. We are so lucky to have this site and to get to know you better. I think you could write a book of "things".
Goldie: Question of the day...could you drink one of those in the correct fashion? My daughter could..nice raising of a child I did, right? Are you going to make us some today for breakfast..whoops, I mean for happy hour?
Guess Zona, Tina and Jodi are sleeping right now. Maybe we should call them!!!
Mek: You made me thirsty for a Harvey Wallbanger. Boy, we used to love them and one place would blend them with cream. They were so yummy going down..not the best coming back. Oh...memories, memories...
Gee, it looks like if I stayed up a wee bit later I'd catch you all in the morning. I think DonnaJean was expecting to bring dear Laurie Elizabeth home today. Let's hope that happens.
ReplyDeleteZonaBaby Your grasshopper story was SO FUNNY! I once left the front door open for a minute to then discover a white and black rat had walked in. This was when I had 16 cats, half of which were in the room at the time. I tried to get him to run into a bag, all the while I'm laughing like a crazy lady and the cats are getting more and more interested in the visitor. The rat ran between a couch and the wall so I pulled the couch away from the wall. The rat ran under the couch. I move the couch to expose him and he runs under again. We repeat this several times. The couch is now surrounded by cats and is in the middle of the room. I'm laughing hysterically and telling the rat he cannot stay here. Finally, I had to shove the couch over to the open door, lay on the floor and move the handle of a broom from one end of the couch over to the end by the door, gently tapping the rat and making him finally jump outside. A few minutes later, I felt guilty as he was obviously not a wild rat and with his coloring would not last long out on his own. I tried to find him but couldn't. At least he tasted freedom for a little while.
Well, that was longer than my usual posts, I think. I hope we have coffee in here.
Good Morning everyone - I am rushing off to spend the day with my mom. I just wanted to say "Hi" and "Have a good day." I will check back this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteJustLin: I wouldn't be here to tell the story if a rat came into my house. You are a brave person. I wouldn't have been too excited to have 16 cats either. I guess it is a good thing that I live in a nice cold climate. Didn't the cats want to eat the rat? I feel like I am singing Old MacDonald Had a Farm..
ReplyDeleteTaking a break here...
ReplyDeletegoldie are you really trying to convince us that was the first time experienced someone asking for a bj from you? LMAO
Hi MEK I am still hacking and coughting but it feels like it has a purpose today and is trying to leave me! Yahoo I still can't talk though laryngitis.
Watch out Dianne is in the house!
Tinka: Have a good time with your Mom.
Just lin: Love the rat story I can see the cats circling the couch now! LOL
Going to go hit the shower be back in a bit.
This summer - I went to let one of the dogs out - he was standing in front of the sliding glass door - I thought - what the heck is on the door - as soon as I realized what it was - I screamed - it jumped straight up in the air and instead of IT flying OUTSIDE - IT came back INSIDE!!!!!! dog didn't even pay attention - SO, now - I have this 7 inch long LIZARD in my house and he was pretty good sized around also - I got a broom - (why do we always grab a broom?) anyway - I got IT out of the middle of the room and along the wall - it went behind the couch and I was trying to guide it to the open door - SO, we are going down the wall, the couch, now the hutch and all of a sudden, one of the cats has discovered what is going on - just as I was getting the lizard to the sliding glass door - the cat chases it BACK into the house!!!!!! I just about crapped my pants....... I called MR. MEK crying - (like he was going to be able to help!! ) - so - I am standing on the couch - I got it cornered under the hutch and I just watched it until he got home from work (three hours!!!) anyway - he took over the broom handle and I MOVED THE HUTCH like I was in a strong man competition. (Mr. MEK laughs at me now about THAT!!) anyway - that damn lizard would keep going to the far corner of the hutch no matter which way I moved it -SOOOOOOOOO, I got this GREAT idea - THE DYSON!!! we'll suck IT up in the DYSON and then release it outside!!!! SO - now, we are chasing the damn thing with the vacuum hose and VOILA - up the hose it went - we carried IT out to the backyard - WAY to the end of the backyard - opened the hatch and dropped it in the yard - IT didn't move - I thought - OH crap we killed it........... BUT - it was just playing dead - we started to walk away and POP - IT ran away - BUT - i can sit on the back porch with them BUT DON'T COME IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteLynn - you never cease to amaze me - who knew?!! I love it..
ReplyDeleteJust Lin - I don't know if I could have stayed in the house with a RAT!!! How I did it with the lizard is beyond me!!
You know, I always believe that things happen for a reason and I think this place is God sent!!! it's SO refreshing!!!!!!!!!!
Group HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dianne/Denver I think the cats were stunned for a few minutes there. They couldn't believe their eyes or good fortune that a rodent had actually come to them. LOL My daughter used to have a pet rat and I work at a veterinary clinic so rats are no big deal to me. I just didn't want to see it get killed in front of me. Plus, just the irony of it that, of all the houses in the neighborhood, the rat walks into the one with all the cats! Too funny.
ReplyDeleteMEK in AZ I was crying I was laughing so hard at your lizard story. Once when hubby and I were away, I got a call from my daughter that a giant spider had spun a huge web on the deck. She was taking photos of it for documentation. When we got home we saw for ourselves that this thing was HUGE. Like a mutant or something. Even hubby (police lieutenant) was a little intimidated. We half jokingly thought maybe he should shoot it. Anyway, it would have been way to scary and messy so hubby got a really big jar and captured it. We then drove it a good half mile away and released it on a ranch. It is probably galloping with the horses as I write this.
ReplyDeleteMek, I am laughing out loud at your story. The visual is great- perhaps you should write and tell the lovely people at Dyson how they saved your life!
ReplyDeletejust_lin, from now on I will always think of you as 'catwoman"
Lynn D, no I don't believe it was the first time I was asked for a bj- just the first time someone slapped down money in front of me when requesting one!!!!!!! (get your mind out of the gutter people!)LOL
Drinks are on the counter - help yourself. Please drink responsibly and remember, friends don't let friends have unprotected se...oh wait, I mean, drink and drive :)
Somehow I know that is going to get me a response from Jodi....
Goldie What a great idea! Dyson could do a re-enactment of MEK and the lizard for a commercial. ROFLMAO
ReplyDeleteI'm really not one of those really weird cat ladies but I did used to rescue feral kittens and had a city permit to have 40 cats. I only have 3 old cats now so I am pretty "normal". HA!
Just Lin, Goldie - i don't think the television viewers would appreciate the SCREAM - but it is FUNNY now that it is over!!!
ReplyDeleteJust Lin - "the cat lady" - that is great that you rescued cats - I am a sucker for animals - we have FOUR of them - two dogs, two cats!! three from human societies - one pure bred that "wasn't perfect" and was going to be put down!! :-( Can't have an imperfect puppy in a champion litter - WTF.... I wonder how often that happens - very sad!!!
Goldie - OH, the more I get to know you!!! LOL
Goldie: You didn't answer if you mastered drinking the bj shot. Much better when you get money, right?
ReplyDeleteLynn: Now what does that mean.."dianne is in the house". Maybe I just dropped by to clean or chat or wait for happy hour. Are you having another whopper with cheese today? You are quite the woman!!
I am babysitting today but the girls are quiet and just woke up, ate and are watching TV. Pretty tough job...the pay is good in hugs.
Ok...don't anyone forget me for happy hour...is it time yet? I think Sonic starts at 2PM and I think it is 2pm on the East coast already. I wonder how my daughter would feel to come home tonight and see that Nana started happy hour at noon (2pm East) while I was babysitting. I might get fired.
OMG Mek, I would have been on the couch myself. I wouldn't be able to sit outside with those lizards hopping all over the place. I am a huge wimp.
I'm all caught up...and I only have one question: Goldie, when the person ordered the blow job, did you give it to him? :)~
ReplyDeleteWhy of course I did tina- I was paid for it!!!!
ReplyDeleteDianne, the answer is yes. I can give as good as I get ;)
Can I go home now? I don't want to work anymore. The snow is flying and I am sure that my dog would appreciate me more than the clients do....
hi night owls,tina
ReplyDeleteYou all are cracking me up in here,
Now that i live in florida,I love it when we get lizards in the house,
cause they eat the spiders!
tina you have to see the comment i sent to zona today :o}~
YAY~ naughty_croc is in the house~ :D
ReplyDeleteI'll go check it out~
naughtycroc~ I DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!!! yuck!!!! :)~
ReplyDeleteya but you have to admit,funny :)
ReplyDeletehope shes not mad at me heheheh
Good News - SacBarb is HOME - I've been talking to her for an hour!! (yes, in normal waking hours!! LOL) She is having trouble with her gmail acct and is hoping to be here VERY soon....
ReplyDeleteShe's waving HELLO to all of us!!!
Dianne - lizards don't hop!! :-) They just glide around!! LOL and as I said - as long as they don't get TOO close!! AND - too funny - happy hour at SONIC!!! :-) keep that straw in your mouth!!! :-)
Tina - Good Day!!!
I was going to run errands, but there has been a fatal accident on the highway I need to get on - SO, think I'll stay home!!
Hope everyone is having an excellent day!! :-)
naughtycroc~ he-he....i hope she is mad~ :)~ off to shower, then work~ ttyl~
ReplyDeletevig~ congrats on first~ :D
MEK~ waving furiously~ :D
ReplyDeletesacBarb~ so glad you are home safe and sound....can't wait for you to join us~ :D
Hey, we aren't going to start selling bj's now, are we? Maybe to raise money to pimp out our nest?
ReplyDeleteHi Everybody!
ReplyDeleteI'm just stopping in for a minute. I pressure-washed the Welcome Mat at the front door and put out a big pot of winter pansies to welcome sacBarb home. Also, placed a big bouquet in the center of the table for DonnaJean & Laurie Elizabeth.
Loved all the stories of romance, and LynnD, you brought back many fond memories of yummy Whoppers with my first college sweetheart. He was/is still a treasured friend, all 6'9" of him, and YES, he did play basketball.
Carol, thanks again for the sunshine, yellow, and smiles. You picked such a perfect sunny location for the nest.
Speaking of LynnD, last I heard she was off to take a shower and be right back. That was over 3 hours ago. hmmmmmmmm, wonder if she ran into Mr. Tina there? :o) Ah, sweet memories!
ReplyDeleteCan I play too? A little bird (OK, a large bear) told me that there was talk of BJ's over here, so I had to come a'running!
ReplyDeleteHi everyone! So far no reappearance of the g-r-a-s-s-h-o-p-p-e-r sssshhh, I think it might be listening. I'm sure it took years off my life.
ReplyDeleteMEK & JUST_LIN: You guys had me laughing til tears ran down my face! Critters and our fury to get them back to their natural habitat! Of course in my case-squishing the dang thing would have been better!
MEK: We have geckos all over the place--I found one in the bathtub last year..wonder what it is about the plumbing? I'm not afraid of lizards-well maybe one that's seven inches long I would be. Why do these thing have to 'skitter'--they should walk slower. IMHO ;)
NAUGHTY CROC: Now I'm too afraid to go to my myspace..
TINA: :( and after I helped you march to 300...
CPGEM8: Yellow is my favorite color and the sun is great for about eight months here--then you kinda want to yell "Give it a rest already!!"
VIG: Congrats on first..sorry bout those cheerios!
LYNN D: Traumatized the you-know-what?? I was the one screaming! ;)
DIANNE: Who isn't thirsty for a good Harvey Wallbanger? ;)
GOLDIE: The first time I was 'asked', he ended up pushed out of the car into the street in the rain...and limping home. I was 17.
TINKA: I shoulda gone to bed early!
SACBARB: Are you here yet?
Hope everyone has a creature free day!!
Hi, cg...let me give you a hug on my way back out the door. Make yourself at home. I'm sure someone will fly in again soon for snacks. See ya later.
CG: WELCOME!! Settle in and stay awhile..LOL at what attracted you!!
ReplyDeleteBON'O: Waving furiously!! Can you go over and see what NC left on my page please? If it hops, please stomp it for me, kay?
ReplyDeleteZona~~It's ok, baby. It DID need to be stomped on, & I took care of it just for you! May still be 'standing' on its hind legs, but trust me, it's D*E*A*D!!
ReplyDeleteZona~~ Tell NC that, if she's gonna be mean, I'll rescind my offer to have her come visit me. Her favorite people (Bindi & Terri Irwin) are here often, 'cause Terri's mom lives here.
ReplyDeleteBON'O: Thank you!! I think I'll have a drink for courage and go take a peek. Does anyone remember when you were kids, reading a magazine and seeing a spider on the next page--then turning the page just by the corner so you didn't have to touch the spider? Wish I could do that at myspace!! ;)
ReplyDeleteHey NightOwls,
ReplyDeletevig: congrats on first!
lynnd: you can never hog space!
mek: i think its insightful and well i am so not! have you been good today?
zona: i would have freaked, i hate critters!
bonnie: thks :O), and you picked great flowers for Donna Jean and Laurie Elizabeth
cg: so very glad you stopped by, you actually made my day. the talk here is anything you would like including BJ's! bear is so bad!
please come back more often!
tinka: hope you enjoyed you visit with your mom~~
donnajean: oh gosh, thinking of you and Laurie Elizabeth, i am sending you lots and lots of smiles
Ok. Back to work for me, I will check back later!
Thanks for the welcome ladies! Can I just say .... I am SOOOO bored at work right now. It's a slow time of year and some stupid client decided that she wanted a 5:30 appointment, so I'm just waiting for her to show up!
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a fun (and safe) place to play - AND you have snacks! Does it get any better than that?
Welcome CG- plenty of BJ's for everyone!
ReplyDeleteNow of course I want it clear that just because I GET PAID for them (or did rather) that I am in no way a women of ill-repute, other than that whore box thing, but anyway, I regress.... I am just a nice kindly little gramma of 2.
LOL @ Zona. Good for you honey. No need to explain what happened the on the 2nd or 3rd time you were asked... just saying...
MEK- you made me hungry for Pizza, so that is on the menu tonight. Calories be damned.
I hope we don't have any grasshoppers, lizards, rats, or mutant giant spiders in here. I do know we have ants that seem to be marching.
ReplyDeletecpgem8 I want to thank you for making this place. We may need to fumigate though.
Lord love a duck!
ReplyDeleteI leave for awhile and you people have gone to the darkside. I can see you dropping to your knees now and I don't think you are praying with all of this bj talk. LMAO
Bono: Just what are you implying??? I will let you know I was in the shower all by myself! Just ask my shower mass....well a lady doesn't discuss these things.
I see Zona is still terrifying little critters! I am going to call her Zonahopper.
Hey goldie how much is a bj going for these days? Kindly Grandma of 2 buwahhhhh LOL
Thank you CP: I will try really hard not to be a blog hog tho.
Did Sacbarb find her way here yet???
SB watch out if MEK has her Dyson fired up!!!
Hi Tina what are you burning on the menu today???
Hi CG Welcome to the nest.
Dianne I said watch out because you have a lethal quick wit!
Hey Just Lin!!
I see naughtycroc has been living up to her name!
You guys crack me up!
Hellooooooo everyone....
ReplyDeleteI haven't read all the comments yet because I was just so excited that I finally got in. My gmail account was all screwed up for some reason and I had to practically start over. Anyway, I am here and did I say I am excited????
I do have to go out in about 15 minutes and I have theater tickets for tonight so I will be back after that...after all I am a night owl!!!
Carol, Thanks so much for getting this all together.
I will be back around 11:00 pst.
Bonnie~ I just love how you set out flowers for our fellow bloggers.
ReplyDeleteI just love flowers!
I have always said that when I win the lotto, I would have fresh flowers in my house everyday.
I would also have a flower garden that would make Martha turn green with envy.
Carol, I so love your theme today. Our weather today is snowy and very cold. Your blog feels like a warm climate in more way then one.
GOLDIE - Getting PAID for BJ's!!! What's wrong with that?!!? You go girl!!!
ReplyDeleteZONA - You had me cracking up about the grasshopper!! I don't know who is more traumatized you or the poor grasshopper!! Luv U....mean it!!
TINA - Talking to yourself.....sorry I missed you guys this morning. I didn't have to go into work quite as early today. I have to open tomorrow.......will be here before work. :D
VIG - Congrats on first!!!
JUST LIN & MEK - Critter stories are the best!!! Seriously had me crying and SNORTING!!!
NAUGHTY CROC & CGIRL - Welcome!!! This is the place to be!!!
TINKA - How was your visit with your Mom? ((((HUGS)))) to her!!
CAROL - Great blog today!! I must say that this place is my new favorite "YELLOW"!!! You all make me laugh - definitely something that I need everyday.
Better go make some supper - the troops are getting restless.
P.S. ITEACH - I c U!!!
SACBARB - Hi!!! What show are you going to see tonight? How was your trip? Missed you!!
ReplyDeleteI just woke up from my daily nap - and I must tell you - I had a pretty FUNNY dream - Tina, Dianne, Zona and MY sister - too funny - I'll tell later..
CG - welcome, welcome to the nest!! you will LOVE it here!!!!!!!!! :-) whabby makes his occasional fly by- drops a comment and off he goes!! :-) gosh, I have missed talking to you!!! And, in answer to your question - NO, it doesn't get any better than this!!!!!
SacBarb - WELCOME - SO happy that you got the gmail thing fixed and are finally here!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed the theater and we'll see you later!!
Zona - I had to go "look" at your myspace comment section- LMAO - poor thing!!
Just Lin - yes, we can leave the ants, you know how much I just LOVE to march!!! :-) had to teach cpgem how to do that last night!!
Bono - thanks for cleaning the welcome mat and leaving the flowers - it's good to see the new faces and I know there are a few others still trying to "get in"!! :-)
cpgem8 - I have been VERY good today, thank you for asking!! ;-)
Iteach and Jodi are in the house..
ReplyDeleteGoldie - SO sorry that I got you thinking of pizza!!
RENEE/EVE - If you're reading this - how was your root canal? ((((HUGS)))) to you. I haven't had a root canal - but I have had root planing done - not the best experience of my life. But we're tough - afterall we survived CHILDBIRTH 3 times!!! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteMEK - Funny story involving Zona and Tina?!!? Do tell!! Waving from a very cold, snowy, and blustery Wisconsin!!
ReplyDeleteDIANNE - Just caught the weather forecast for the game Sunday. I'm so glad I don't have tickets - it's only going to be about 4 degrees when the game starts with windchills in the subzero readings. That is truly what we call THE FROZEN TUNDRA!!! But I will be happy to be watching from a very comfy couch at home!!! LOL!! Did you find that Pep Club outfit for me?!!?
BON'O - The flowers are lovely!!! You're so sweet!!
ReplyDeleteJodi - did you read about the handicap man that had a friend helping in straighten his house and they shredded one of his playoff tickets - they stopped at the first one (he had won four thru a handicap lotto - did have to pay for them - but won the rights to them thru the drawing) - they took the shredded pieces to the ticket office and got them to replace it!! TOO FUNNY! and sad too I would have died!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry I haven't brought dinner.
ReplyDeleteI'm leaving money on the counter - - call for take out.
Maybe I'll see ya later for dessert.
okay - here's the dream.. it's a little sketchy cuz I WAS sleeping.
ReplyDeletebut - it took place in a backyard - there was a train track with trains and a horse corral with plastic horses (gee wonder where the plastic horses came from (cp)) - anyway - all of these things seemed life size even though they were apparently toys - (I hope you all remember those pop guns that had the rolls that made the gunshot noises)
Tina and Dianne had these pop gun rifles and were shooting the cowboys out of the saddles of the horses..... then Zona had a dynamite box and was blowing the train off the track with the rolled pop things. While Dianne and Tina "rode" the horses around the train track... THEN - Dianne started filling up the horse corral with water and the plastic horses were floating all around and as the camera (Tina was filming the whole thing) rolled around - there was my sister laughing hysterically with her rifle in hand
AND - I woke up!!!!!!!!!
There you have it...
anyone want to analize that??!! :-)
waving hi to MO -
ReplyDeleteI'd love chocolate cake with chocolate icing!!
and I can't spell
ReplyDeleteanalysis - whatever - you know what I mean!!! LOL we need spellcheck in here...
Mo` Thank you for the money, but I so miss your menu. :)
ReplyDeletePlease make sure you come back for dessert!
I will be looking for you later.
Okay, ladies, what are we going to order for dinner tonight?
Hi MO - Spice cake with peanut butter frosting please!!
ReplyDeleteMEK - What the heck are you smoking?!!? Too freakin' funny!! Thanks for sharing - not sure I can wrap my head around that to analyze it though!! :D :D
Hi CG: Wait until you see what we have here..snacks, food, tampax, maxi pads,sling shots, glow in the dark condoms, great assortment of beverages. On the side we have Goldie telling us about her old bj days and how much she charged (in the old days of course); LynnD laying back flat on her back last night "waiting for her whopper with cheese" (her words not mine). We have Tina saying she "holds back" what she says on this blog and we have olive branches flying around. We have MEK wanting pickles with her whopper while she marches and marches; we also have JustLin collecting rats and cats and maybe making an arc;we have Zona screaming and running from grasshoppers..in her house..Jodi is still cheering along with Goldie for the Packers but not all that loud;NaughtyCroc is here and posting things on Zona's myspace that will have her hiding again;SacBarb just came back in town and found us (yea) and Tink is trying to control her newly adopted child Zona (and that ain't easy). We have ReneeEve here cleaning and cleaning; and if we need any $$ Bono just received her first retirement check!! VIG is on the road but taking us with her and Lovey is becoming a night owl later each night. Delores is well, Delores and we even had a surprise drop by the other day..Ross to say hello. There are some strange things going on like ITeach is missing Roland and talking about bottoms and EastBayJ did change her name but we couldn't remember her so she changed it back. We are so lucky to have Maureen filling up the refrig, medicine cabinet and all the other supplies--she even makes dinner for us!! Amicus is keeping us up with AI and Whabby comes by to stir the pot. We even caught sight of LOM and JoanE....we have many other things that you can just discover for yourself. We do have an older/wiser group but you have to be older. Zona was border line but she just aged today so will probably be in the senior group now.
ReplyDeleteWe are very fortunate for this blog site courtesy of cpgem and her words of wisdom each day. And we are all sending postive thoughts to DonnaJean. Whew..I hope I didn't miss any names and if I did it's because of the senior group I belong too!!
Holy Buckets, MEK, that is one wild dream!
ReplyDeleteSorry, I can't help you analyze it. I am not good at that stuff. It was fun visualizing your dream.
DIANNE - That was AMAZING!!! Senior moment....hardly. You rock girlfriend!!!
ReplyDeleteBack to making supper......let's see....where's the phone number for Pizza Slut....oh wait.....I mean Pizza Hut!!!
*MEK~~What a DREAM! I just left you a little MySpace interpretation. I think you should invite the gun-totin' girls over for a look-see!
ReplyDeleteDianne I am exhausted from reading that. Way to put it in a nutshell girlie.
ReplyDeleteBlustery,you call this blustery Jodi? Have you been out there recently. It is Mo Fo cold and blowing and snowing and holy frigging crap!!!!!!! Frozen Tundra is right. GO PACKERS!
And I love peanut butter frosting on chocolate cake, but spice cake will do fine.
Someone please pass some of those brownies from the other day. I had no idea what was in them, but apparently MEK snacked on a few :)
"I'll have what she's having"
Hi Sac and did I remember to say hi to naughty croc? Hi.
Jodi - pizza hut has a family special - 2 med pizzas with three toppings, bread sticks and a 2 liter pepsi.. that is what we did last night!!! :-) (hope you are feeling better - cuz mine didn't stay down very long!!!)
ReplyDeleteDianne - I think you had it ALL right, except that I needed my whopper WITHOUT pickles or onions!!! LOL..
Mr. MEK just got home - I told him the dream and he just shook his head and said - with that - I'm going to have a beer!! LOL
Jodi - my mom makes the BEST coffee icing to go on a spice cake!! that is what she makes me EVERY birthday!!!
ReplyDeleteI am sitting here and reading everyone's comments and I am wondering how you all get so much energy. I am home and completely drained. I love my mom so much and don't want to lose her but dealing with someone you love who has short term memory loss can be so tiring. Many questions I must have answered a hundred times. I would never say "I already told you that" but sometimes it is hard not to. It must be awful to know your memory is gone. I answer the same question with enthusiasm because she doesn't know she has asked it before. I am going down for a nap. If I am not back on tonight it is not because I don't love all of you. I do. It just may take me until tomorrow to recharge my batteries. I am feeling very 'senior' today, twice as old as you Dianne. Love, Tinka
ReplyDeleteGood news Mek, I asked my husband for a dream book for Christmas and he gave me three so I will look up your dream when I get home and give a report. I like that I was in the saddle and even had a gun..with Tina...makes me a little nervous!
ReplyDeleteJodi: I did find my Pep Club outfit and put it in the mail (rush) yesterday. There are a few moth holes in it and the jacket faded a tiny bit. I can't remember fitting into that size. It will look so nice on you sitting on your couch with your cheese head on and waving your pom poms. Did you say cheese curds?? Quit ignoring me.
Anyone watch Oprah today? LynnD, you would have enjoyed it as she has a woman's doctor talking about women's issues and talking about having a smile in your "lower heart"!! They didn't mention the whopper but ......
Goldie - brownie - who knew!!!- that WAS too funny - Mr. MEK is wondering what the heck I am doing!! LMAO!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Dreams Tinka!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDianne - i started to watch Oprah - but turned it over to Sports Center when the lady asked for viagra for women..
ReplyDeleteMEK What an interesting dream. Don't guns symbolize penises? Might be all the BJ talk around here lately that influenced you. The corral filling up with water (lubrication?). Okay, ladies, run with it.
ReplyDeleteDianne/Denver Wow! Great job on the update. There is alot going on, that's for sure.
Tinka - get some rest - I do know how tiring a parent can be that is not healthy - so my heart goes out to you!!!
ReplyDeleteTink, get some rest. I so remember spending time with my parents at the nursing home and it was hard and tiring but they enjoy it so much. You need to take a shot of that Baileys and it will lull you to sleep. I doubt you are twice as old as I am...that would now make you 120!! Have a good sleep.
ReplyDeleteWow MEK I thinking maybe you need to lay off the Luden's LOL Are you running a fever. Whew When I get a chance I'll google dream analysis and see what I can come up with.
ReplyDeleteDianne Holy cats that was a great synopsis! But am I forever going to be associated with lying flat on my back waiting for a whopper???
Jodi it seems you are feeling better! What's for dinner?
Mo quit stocking the cupboards and sit down and shoot a flying maxi pad with us!
Hi iteach have you done your weigh in yet??
Renee/Eve feeling your pain. I have to have oral surgery in the near future and I am so not looking forward to that!
Well I spent a productive afternoon shopping for lovely Disney items for my Ebay store. Money sure goes fast when your shopping on line. LOL
Just Lin - if that IS the case, thank goodness they had RIFLES instead of pistols!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteThe weigh-in is Tuesday and I am so excited about it!
ReplyDeleteThat means Mo has some time to tweak her menu you for me here at the owls nest.
Renee Eve I posted a comment for you on the other blog. Hope you are resting and recovering from the root canal.
ReplyDeleteWell if we go with Just Lins theory I would say the colored horses would be Trojans?? That would bring us back to condoms!
ReplyDeleteMEK I see a theme tell Mr. MEK you may need er um well laid.
Tinkatia My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to try and stay positive and upbeat all the time. Have a good rest. (((HUGS)))
ReplyDeleteDianne watching Oprah thanx for the tip.
ReplyDeleteTinka rest and recharge! I remember that feeling after visits to my mother in law. She had Alzheimers for many years until she finally passed away. ((hugs))
MEK~ sweetie....that is the easiest dream in the world to interpret.....basically, it comes down to this: You adore me! You want me to hurry over to your house so we can scrapbook! The fact that you put those other trouble makers in the dream....uh...i just don't know~ But it made your sister laugh! :)~
ReplyDeleteMo~ I'm going to make you a Lemon Cake for dessert! Well....I'll buy it.....from Olive Garden...it's the yummiest!!! :)
canadiangirl~ there are BJ's all over this place....I just can't figure out who Goldie is blowing~ :)~
Hey, thanks for all the first congrats! That was fun!!!
ReplyDeleteI am home, I am home, I am home!! Caught the ferry and am home on my own couch, typing on my own computer watching Oprah on my own T.V. and eating my own ricecakes...could life be any better!
Dianne...what a great synopsis of this blog and its inhabitants! Well done!
Holla CG and SacBarb!
Sleep well, Tinka. As my Mom used to say "everything will look better in the morning".
TINKA: Lots of {{HUGS}} for you. Please try to get some rest. I'll try not to cause any trouble. Love ya bunches!
ReplyDeleteSACBARB: You're here!! Woo-Hoo!!
JODI: I hope I did traumatize that dang thing enough that he thinks twice before hopping into my shower again!
LYNN D: Zonahopper? LOL! That would be Mr. Zona--yes?? ;)
DIANNE: OK--now I know why I am so tired! Replace the 0 with a 1...
MEK: I still haven't SEEN my myspace page--I'm afeared! ;)
As for analyzing your dream, I'm still trying to PICTURE it!! I do want to thank you for saying I had a dynamite box though..;) ;)!!!
VIG ~~ There's NO place like home, there's NO place like home...I was right there with you, up until the rice cakes. It's not the taste...it's that squeaky sound they make when you chomp on them...gives me chills! You just stretch out there on the couch. I'll bring you some hot spiced cider later.
ReplyDeleteThere's enough for everyone...I think I'll try mine with a dash of butterscotch schnapps :o)
Dream Dictionary:
ReplyDeleteTrains: Signify Attempts to reach significant destinations in our lives such as career or romantic goals.
Horse: Frequent Symbol of sexuality in dreams, due to associations with a horse's often visible sexual organs, and to espressions associated with masculinity. Also can represent Boundless amounts of energy.
Guns: Dreams of being surrounded by people who carry guns can feflect feelings that one is involved with a "dangerous crowd".
Water: Universal symbol for emotions.
MEK hope this helps! I think Tina fits into the running with a dangerous crowd! LMAO
ZONA........tsk, tsk. I think she meant "a box-of-dynamite". You really shouldn't brag so!!
ReplyDeleteLynn - thanks for the "heads up" on the dream - very interesting -
ReplyDeleteand I thought we were safe from the 'dangerous' crowd here!! :-)
Looks like it's time to start MARCHING - almost to 100!!! :-)
Left, Left, Left, Right, Left!!!
BON'O: Moi?? ;) I told Tinka I would try and behave...and I will. Try.
ReplyDeletewhoops sorry about the typos!
ReplyDeleteSince I was not in this dream I must be in the safe crowd! ROFLMAO
Zonahopper: Are you going to bring up that attribute in every conversation now! LOL
Vig: Honey live a little and have some cyber brownies, cake etc... Rice cakes??? I just left some Dark chocolate Snickers on the counter.
Zona - I would BE very ascared!!! seriously - it is OKAY!! I did go have a look.. I LMAO!!!
ReplyDeleteBono - thank you for my comment - that was really sweet!!
Renee - sorry your mouth is hurting - I must be sick, cuz I have LOVED every root canal I have ever had - but I think I waited until that was the only way to relieve the pain!! :-)
Tina - i LOVE your version of my dream - SO, get your little butt down here to scrapbook!!!!
OH - six more to go!!! LOL cuz if you can't be FIRST be 100....
ReplyDeleteBono Thank you for the beautiful flowers!
ReplyDeleteYES - that's what I'm talking about!!!!!!!!!! I can just sit here and entertain myself with my tedious posts!!!! lol
ReplyDeletemarching, marching, marching to put my foot up tina's butt---ROFLMAO at you.
ReplyDeleteHugs to you our Tired Tink
Zona- don't look - it is HUGE!! ( I went and did a little peeky poo at your myspace)
LOL MEK I love someone who can entertain themself ((hugs))
ReplyDeleteVIG: Please be careful not to drop any crumbs on the floor--there's been a vermin problem today, what with hoppers and lizards and rats!
ReplyDeleteLYNN D: No, I'm being good. :)
Zonahopper: I looked at your comments too. Be brave! The critter did have a happy smile tho.
ReplyDeleteLynnD~ I'M the "dangerous crowd"? Have you seen the grasshopper rider with the awesome box? Or the Bronco lover with old people attitude?~ I resemble that remark~ :)~
ReplyDeleteMo~ The Lemon Cream Cake is here~ :D
Goldie - we are going to have to teach you the march!! :-)
ReplyDeleteMr MEK is really wondering about me, right about now - I am literally laughing out loud!!!
Oh - good grief...
Did you order the pizza - we just had leftovers!!
ReplyDeleteGOLDIE: Shoot..I guess I'll just have to 'buck up' as someone once told me, and go look!
ReplyDeleteLynnD and BonOregon...I guess I should fess up...I started with the ricecakes, moved on to Cheetos! Help, I can't stop. Looking forward to that hot spiced cider, Bon'O...how do you think a Cheeto would taste dunked in it!!!!!
ReplyDeletePizza should be here in about 5- 10 minutes!
ReplyDeleteWhat was that I just heard? Was it Zona screaming?????????
Zonahopper: Be Brave! I think he is say dyn-o-mite! Oh god I just made myself laugh so hard I peed!
ReplyDeleteatta girl Vig start with the healthy stuff go for the unhealthy stuff calories 0.
ReplyDeleteNot so sure about dunking them in hot cider tho. LOL
AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! It's the same frickin' one!!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG - I have to tell you ladies (and Whabby), I have not had THIS MUCH FUN, in, I don't know HOW long!!!! thank you for putting a smile on my face - my cheeks are hurting from the laughter!!!
ReplyDeleteMo-when you refill the supply closet please get some extra Depends. Apparently Lynn needs some.
ReplyDeletePizza is here!! Going to go fill my gullet with all that wonderful, oh my god I cant believe I am eating this, stuff! And washing it down with rootbeer.
Zona how can you tell? Does he have a special birth mark? What???
ReplyDeletetold you I heard Zona screaming...
ReplyDeleteHey you guys~ I just sat back down after my walk about, and there is a stupid CFM pump stuck between my cheeks! Whose is it??? It's red!!!! Goooollllddddiiiieeeeee~
ReplyDeleteMEK~ lol....whabby is included in the "girls"~ :)~
ReplyDeleteand for the last time....the screaming is coming from GOLDIE!!!! :D
If laughter is the best medicine you guys are the cure!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the 100 laughs today!
I have to run off and pick up Mr. Lynn D
see ya later gang!
Just dropping off dessert...
ReplyDeleteChocolate cake with chocolate icing
Spice cake with P.B frosting
YELLOW CAKE with YELLOW frosting
Coffees, teas and milk.
I'll be in the corner with my Tina's Lemon cake.
Have any of you tried the Cherry Chocolate Diet Dr. Pepper? HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL!! It is awesome!
MEK - Maybe enough Luddens for you. AT least cut back before bed!
CPGEM8 - Great blog! You are such a great writer.
SACBARB!!!!! Hey lady! How is Jon Bon doing? LOL
Bye for now. Enjoy dessert.
I will ;)
Bon'O~ YOU ARE SO NASTY!!!! I think I saw that bunny at the Detriot Medical Center~ hmmmmm~ :)~
ReplyDeletehey zonahopper,
ReplyDeletei am soooo sorry but i couldnt resist? (hence my name?) I have actully seen one of those suckers
I hear this pounding on the ground behind me and turn around looking for a freakin elephant,and it was the biggest one i ever seen (grasshopper tina ;)) that sucker must have weighed a pound even the dog was scared!
one more thing before work, ick!
ReplyDeletehi everyone you all are a blast keep me laughing all night,
hey bono,Iam really not THAT naughty ;) and jodi i put a pic on myspace for you! (its not bad i promise)its under my pics and it has your name on it :)
have fun tonight.
NAUGHTYCROC: At least the one you sent wasn't REAL--the one last night was throwing itself against the glass shower doors trying to break free!
ReplyDeleteLYNN D: It had the same evil look in its eye...
Ladies~ I brought more dessert:
Prove it Tina! What size was it huh, huh??????
ReplyDeleteI am going to plead the 5th and go watch Apprentice- talk to you later...
TINA!!!! Does CFM stand for what I THINK it stands for??? OMG!!!
ReplyDeleteHI SacBarb!!!!! Welcome, welcome!!
Hi everyone else, will write more in a bit!
I don't think a grasshopper rider with a dynomite box and a Bronoco lover with a WHAT(?) attitude sound very dangerous. Now I think what sounds dangerous is a person that can't even cook eggs having a priest over for dinner...now that is dangerous and sinfull too.
ReplyDeleteDianne_lost_2_the_Jazz_last_night_Denver~ he-he~
ReplyDeleteEBJ~ uh.....yeah~ :)~
Anyone doing anything exciting this weekend?
ReplyDeleteZona..found it!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHoppers and lizards and rats, oh my! We're off to see the lizard,,the wonderful lizard of Oz!
iteach~ I just read your status on myspace......looks like YOU have plans~ :)~
ReplyDeleteOK, who's in charge of roll-call?...... I just spent over an hour on the phone with my ex-pat SIL in Lake Chapala,Mexico and now I don't know who's here.
ReplyDeleteSound Off, 1-2.........
Sound off 3-4~
ReplyDelete1 2 3 4
ReplyDeleteWhazzup Ms. T? Where is everybody??
ReplyDeleteand then there were 3..........
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, if you read my status bar on myspace you can tell what Mr.Iteach and I have in store this weekend.
ReplyDeletePlus his job is sending him to Kansas City, Missouri to the headquarters of Hallmark for three weeks. My husband is a marketing consultant and he is helping Hallmark do something.
To be honest I have no idea what he does at work. I am not a good listener. Once he starts talking about it I start thinking about my lesson plans or what to clean next.
Now there are 4.
ReplyDeleteI hope you guys didn't eat all the chocolate cake with chocolate frosting 'cause it's my favorite and I'm really wanting some chocolate about now.
ReplyDeleteGosh, iteach: I hope hubby "cares enough to send the very best"!
ReplyDeletelol, oh, you made me blush :)
ReplyDeleteI like to blush!
jl- the chocolate is all yours, I like the yellow cake with the lemon frosting.
ReplyDeleteiteach~ do you think about your lesson plans at other times too? :)~
ReplyDeleteBon'O~ I think he cares enough to do the very best~ :)~
Hi Lin~ :D
so that's lemon frosting on the yellow cake? Well, pass me a piece....when Mo said "yellow frosting" I immediately thought of yellow snow and decided to pass. But lemon......yummy!
ReplyDeleteNo, you stinker
ReplyDeleteI'm baaaaaaaaaaaack.
ReplyDeleteWell, I came back to say goodnight.
Watched the Apprentice and ER and now I have to go to bed. Hubby going too... (wink, wink)
Love you guys, but you know sometimes talking about it isn't the same as............
Hate to eat and run, but it's time for 'Ugly Betty'. You gals behave. I sent Dianne a sling shot, so just give her a shout if you need to fight off any critters!
ReplyDeleteHi Everyone,
ReplyDeleteRead all the comments, however nothing is sinking in, mental day at work today, so my mind is full!
I do want to give a shout out to diannedenver great post, My gosh it was perfect! Kudos...
I noticed sacbarb dropped by, hope she will enjoy the nightowl blog has much as we all do! When she gets back tonite whichever nightowl is here don't forgot to tell her the "sb" in nightowl is for her!
and cg stopped by as well
so exciting!
of course mek made the march to 100 "again" one of us have to try to beat her, she is going to hold the title!
naughtycroc is here too
Hope all had a good day!
Ya'll are sounding like rabbits in here!! LOL
ReplyDeleteIteach is giving my chocolate cake away - I would LOVE to share!! LOL
Tina in UT - get back to work!! :-)
Goldie - can you let me know who got fired in private so that there are no spoilers - I was watching house hunter and forgot about Apprentice - thank you!!
cp - yes, I marched ALL by myself again!! :-) When I was talking to SacBarb this afternoon - she knows that the sb is for her and she is honored... :-)
waving at Bon and just lin!!!
iteach Thanks. It's a good thing I can have the chocolate cake 'cause I was licking the frosting when no one was looking. :)
ReplyDeleteTina~in_ut :D Can you tell there's chocolate all over my mouth?
What do you mean "Dianne in Denver lost to the Jazz" were the Broncos playing again and who the heck are the Jazz? I thought we put the Broncos to bed for the season a couple of weeks ago!! We are about to get ready for some John Elway Arena football soon..he owns our Crush team. Ok, ok, I suppose you are talking about the Nuggets, Tina. Well, we have a couple of people sick and the ref made one of our players mad the night before so what do you expect? And btw Tina, when did you start paying attention to sports?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout out cpgem..I had to do some thinking on that segment of people..well, not really as they all do their own quite well.
MEK :D Sorry, I didn't see you. I got chocolate frosting in my eyes.
ReplyDeleteJust Lin - step away from the cake!! and no one will get hurt!! :-) ( i have a cap gun!!)
ReplyDeleteDianne - is it cold enough for you in Denver - our weatherman is telling us to get out the winter coats and cover the cactus!!
Goodness - I swear my dogs are conspiring against me - one wants out - you get up - let him out - sit down, get all comfy and BAM, the other one wants out - sit down - get all comfy and guess what - the other one wants in!!
OH - and I'm decided that my dream meant that I needed to invite my sister in here - hence, the cynical laughter at the end.. that's my story - SO, I have sent her the info!! :-)
MEK~ is "cover the cactus" code for something else? I thought you said Mr. Mek was in bed already~ :)~
ReplyDeleteJust_Lin~ I'm picturing frosting all over your face and on Mr. Just_Lin~ :)~
Dianne_duh_in_Denver~ I was having lunch, and these two people were discussing the Jazz win over the Nuggets....it rememinded me of you~ :D
ok JustLin and MEK...settle down. I have the sling shot tonight and I am not going to put up with any food fights. You both need to settle down and a slingshot with maxi pads works better than the cap gun.
ReplyDeleteMek, I you sure you want your sister to know all these things about you? She knows how naughty you can be, she knows about your without a pickle, etc? Just be careful what you wish for on here.
Hey you wild gals (and guy),
ReplyDeleteAlmost my bed time and Mr. EBJ has hinted at something special just for me tonight ;)
So no further delays here!
OH MY, on a serious note, Donna Jean, I've been thinking of you and Laurie. I hope she is doing better today!
Nite nite to you all!
Dianne - I have done nothing naughty - as usual, you all keep putting words in my mouth and I just sit back and get in trouble for doing nothing!! LOL :-)
ReplyDeleteand, my sister is much MORE raunchier than I could ever dream of being!! She'll fit right in!!
Tina - yes, Mr. MEK is in bed - and NO - it's not "codeword" - people actually do put little cups on top of their cactus in the yard - it is a hilarious site!!!
EBJ - doing a drive by - have fun tonight!! :-)
ReplyDeletei have this vision of everyone doing the nasty, while I try to find a good movie to watch!! Good thing Music and Lyrics is on again!!!! :-) LMAO
I am off to bed!
ReplyDeleteDonnajean: thinking of you and Laurie Elizabeth!
mek: thks for telling sacbarb
eastbayj: get a move on it your hubby is waiting!
nightowls: tomorrow a surprise daily blog, so get your alarm clocks ready, have your coffee in hand, and lots of comfort food. Cause the nightowls are getting a surprise!
yes i am going!!
mek: your sister a nightowl how fun! can't wait to meet her!
MEK~ you are making it worse....STOP!!! now there are "cups" on the "cactus"!!!! hmmmmmm~
ReplyDeletecpgem8~ Goodnight.....and I can't wait for the surprise...at about noon tomorrow :)~ (w/Diet Pepsi~)
MEK.....just remembered...so you will be thinking of everyone else doing the nasty....and then watch two others doing the nasty on M & L~ hmmmmmm~ You like to watch, too~ :)~
Tina Don't worry about it but, just so you know, I will have been widowed for one year on Feb. 4th. If I still had a hubby I wouldn't be meeting former male classmate in a couple of months. I'm tacky but not that tacky. :)
ReplyDeleteDianne/Denver Mind if I call you D/D? I could use some of those maxi pads to wipe the chocolate off my face.
What a group~!!! I can't believe you are all making whoopie on a Thursday night. I thought that was a weekend thing. Well, maybe just in Colorado. Ok Mek, now I have this visual of a cup holder on your cactus and it not a pretty sight. You need to get back to Colorado that place is making you crazy!! Hmmm, so you are so innocent and we all put words in your mouth? I don't think so you were the one doing the whopper hold the pickle and onion talk and you even corrected me on it today. Your halo is slipping or tilting a tad.
ReplyDeleteJust_Lin~ crap!!! sorry.....forgot~ So....then....were you practicing on a banana? :D
ReplyDeleteJustLin: You can call me D/D..it is easier. You never did get a myspace, did you?
ReplyDeleteTina, you and I were thinking about that cactus in the same way. It is a weird visual, isn't it? Can't you just see Mek out there putting on the little cup holders, you know, protecting them? She really hasn't been the same since the Rockies and Broncos lost their seasons this past year.
Poor MEK~ All she can do now is March~ (and watch!) :)~
ReplyDeleteTina - yes, I am making it worse aren't I - and I thought that as I was typing - but I thought YOU would enjoy it!! LOL
ReplyDeletecp - yes, my sister - she's the greatest!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteOh - Tina - I changed my profile pic on myspace -
Freaking mother of Pearl....it's a flag.....I want your feet back~ :D
ReplyDeleteTina No prob. But about the banana.....I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you confusing me with she who gives bj's?
ReplyDeleteD/D No MySpace. I'm lucky I figured out how to get on the blog. :)
Okay - I'll go change it again - JUST FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteJust Lin - You MUST make a myspace page - we all have them!!
Hey guys! I have been reading the comments for a couple days, but I feel so out of the loop I have not posted yet. I just wanted to say hi and I will try to jump in on the conversations!
I am on my way to bed now. Mr D/D is on his way home from Dillon (work) and it will take him two hours. Good night JustLin, Mek, Tina and anyone else that is still up. Zona, are you just reading tonight? I will see you all tomorrow. I would guess that Jodi will be joining all of you soon. Night...
ReplyDeleteBARB IN WA - i am SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to see you -
ReplyDeleteBarb - dive in head first - the water is warm....... Mo has a cabinet stocked with treats and goodies!!! Sometimes - It's hit and miss with who is here - but you will laugh LOTS and laugh LOUD!!! enjoy the fun!!! my friend..
ReplyDelete**waves frantically** HI MEK!
ReplyDeleteWhoops...Barb in Washington...hello, nice to see you. It is very easy to jump in on this blog. Look up a few posts and you can see my post on who is on this blog and what each one of them are up too. You will feel like you have been here forever!! I have to leave you now and go to bed but the others will entertain you but here is a warning...be careful what you say because it will be completely taken out of context...in a fun kind of way!!
ReplyDeleteNite Dianne....
ReplyDeleteBarb - you and I can march to 200 together - i was 100 today -
you know how I LOVE to do that..
ReplyDeletewhat number are you on now mek???
ReplyDeleteget those knees up - left, left, left, right, left!! :-)
ReplyDeleteMEK....I dont think i can take that many steps with my left without using the right too!
ReplyDeleteBarb - at the top of the page under the "sunshine, yellow" let's you know how many comments for today - and this will be 186..
ReplyDeleteI know - we do have a little way to go - if the others weren't "making like rabbits" we'd have some help!! LOL
Have you never been to a military parade?? :-)
ReplyDeleteso does everyone pretty much use their same names from the other blog and myspace or have some changed????
ReplyDeleteBarb~ YAY!!! So nice to see you~ :D
ReplyDeleteDiann_getting_the_bed_warm_for_mr_in_Denver~ goodnight~
mek...I'm so tired of marching.....are we there yet? Can't we stop~ :)~
I gave my sister instructions to this place - I don't know if she went to bed, or is having trouble getting here...... I thought she would enjoy this...
ReplyDeleteLOL! MEK you silly girl.
ReplyDeleteLooks like we are on our own getting the comments to 200!
ReplyDeletehow do you get that stupid security window to stop popping up and this being an unsecured site? Do I just have to deal with it?
ReplyDeleteTina - check out my new pic - you will LOVE it - LOL..
ReplyDeleteBarb - yes, everyone is using their same name - East Bay J tried to change hers but it was just too confusing!!! :-)
Tina - we are almost there.. I have arranged for a car to pick us up when we reach 200
LOL....you just have to deal with it~ shhhhhh everyone...let her deal with it for a day and then we will tell her~ :)~
ReplyDeleteBono posted some GREAT instructions a couple days ago to get rid of that security box...
ReplyDelete**waves frantically** HI TINA!