
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Body Wisdom

nowmercy is the
author of this daily blog!

a peak into her life~~

Body Wisdom

by nowmercy

(For BonSis)

The other day BonO asked how I found massage as a profession after being a Parole Officer and then a Project/Asset Portfolio Manager.

Well, in my childhood I would visit my Great Gramma..a “jack” Mormon who had left the church because the local bishop would not let her leave her second and abusive husband. She moved back to her farm in a little town east of Salt Lake (Henefer). Lillian was the local herbalist and midwife. The Mormon women kept coming to her every Sunday and she would dole out advice, herbs and concoctions. Funny, but each lady always needed a small glass of “medicinal tincture” aka dandelion wine. Anyway, she would set me on her kitchen counter and put a stool in front of me. The next woman waiting to see her would sit there and I would be instructed to rub her shoulders. Graygramma (my name for her) would tell me “ Listen to your fingers, they know where to go” or “Follow the lights in your fingers dear”. So, from age 4 to 7 she guided me and I listened to her.

Many years and careers later I began receiving massage from a masterful therapist. She was truly a healer and helped me re-enter my body with mercy and knowledge. I will never forget our sessions and her example of extreme regard for the body.

During that time I met a gal who had sold her share of big massage school because of carpal tunnel. She taught me a lot, and I began apprenticing with her. Later I trained as a restorative breath worker. I just loved putting my hands on people. I loved being where I belonged. Where I longed to be. I did subsequent apprenticing with a master Rolfer and others and trained formally and took great anatomy classes. I also trained in mind/body psychotherapy in a non violent client centered approach. It blew my mind to get this approach of gentle listening to body, mind and the unconscious.

All of this (19 years) has led me to believe that the body has wisdom and no pain is an expression of anything but that wisdom. Pain is a signal of something immediately wrong or of something that has been compensated for, for too long. I have learned that respecting the wisdom of the bodies I see, and appreciating the people in those bodies can bring about the space for healing to occur. I love this “work”.


  1. Good morning owls. I hope everyone is having a good start to their Sunday.

    scirish, #1 again. Congrats.

    I'm off to read the blog.

  2. Nowmercy

    What an interesting topic! Come fix me please

  3. Rouse:
    To bring out of a state of sleep, unconsciousness, inactivity, fancied security, apathy, depression, etc.

  4. Nowmercy: Great blog and such an interesting topic. I also have a curiosity about how peple come to their chosen profession. Sometimes it is so different from where they start, like you. But is sounds like you are in the perfect place for you and for your clients. I only wish I was closer to you so I could avail myself of your services. Thanks for sharing your story.

    Carol: I hope you are feeling better today.

  5. Great Blog Nowmercy!

    Every day I am amazed at what everyone contributes to the Night Owl's blog.

    Your topic today has given me more insight on why I am overweight.

  6. Maureen
    What a fun topic for yesterday! I just caught up with all the stories and what memories they brought back!It is a wonder that all of us survived.
    I too have fallen out of trees, flew over the handle bars more times than I can count and climbed around on roofs, but the oddest mishap I remember was riding my bike with a group of kids and we were playing a game involving slapping telephone poles. A pretty harmless pastime except I was wearing a sterling silver ring with little cut outs in it. The ring got caught on a huge nail sticking out of the pole. My hand stuck to the pole and I flew off my bike crashing into it. I was screaming my head off because I couldn't get unstuck. A bunch of adults came out of the shops (this was on main street, no less) and tried to get me off the pole with no luck. The ambulance was called and the 2 burly ambulance guys had to pick me up vertically and move me around while the other adults tried to get my ring off the nail. Of course, I was screaming bloody murder the whole time. When they finally got me off, my finger was so swollen that you couldn't even see the ring, so off to the emergency room we went. I thought the ambulance ride was cool, but was not very pleased when they told me that they were going to cut the ring off.I didn't want them to ruin it. The skin on my finger had peeled into a roll around the ring and they had to cut that off as well. This also was not much fun. Neither was the grounding I got for doing something that stupid.

  7. Good Morning Scirish, Sacbarb and Iteach. Early birds on a Sunday morning that's for sure.

    Scirish - Two days in a row for both lst and WOTD. Good for you.

    I will now read the post with my juice.

  8. Happy Sunday!!

    Good Morning, my friends.

    Scirish - congrats again on number 1, it's an addiction, I swear!!

    NowMercy - Mercy, now - I have tried many many times to get a massage and this one gal finally told me that I was "throwing my money away" cuz I am TOO stressed and have NO idea HOW to relax to have a massage help......... and I believe her to be VERY correct. I'm constantly uptight!! :-)

    But, you are VERY correct about "knowing ones body" -

    I hope everyone has an excellent day - (I see I might be able to be NUMBER TEN!!!!!)

  9. Good Morning Scirish, Sacbarb, and Tinka! Enjoy your day!

  10. Mek and I were typing at the same time. Good morning to you too1

    Off to do laundry I will check in again later.

  11. YES, top TEN!!!! LOL..

    I won't be around much today - so it's the simple pleasures...

    Zona - You had me laughing out loud this a.m., - I would NEVER at this age even THINK about sliding down the hardwood in socks - you are lucky you didn't crack your skull open!!! :-)

    Here's a funny childhood memory from Mary's blog from last weekend - My mother always hid our Christmas presents in the SAME hall closet - and I would ALWAYS find them..... this one year, my sister and I wanted pogo-sticks - well, mom was out shopping and I got them out of the closet and jumped ALL over the house on it - I had SO much fun - I could NOT wait until Christmas morning - after my fun - I put it away and thought all was good..... WELL, my mother came home and just started yelling and yelling - I could NOT figure out WHY - WELL, you see - we had hardwood floors and EVERYWHERE that I had jumped around with the pogo-stick, there were little circles and trust me, those little circles were EVERYWHERE...... so, needless to say, i had to clean the floor.. but it sure was fun!! OH, and I also got in trouble for "looking" for my presents.

  12. Good morning, Scirish, SacBarb, Iteach, Tinka, and all those to come during the day!!

    SacBarb - that terrible designer will be on NEXT week - I saw the promo!! AND Hildi both in one - that will be a disaster..

  13. Good morning!

    Congrats again Scirish, 2 days in a row! Way to go!

    Nowmercy, what a cool grandma you had. I for one appreciate a good massage.

    My ex-husband was a masseuse (or whatever a male massage person is called) and he was so good that I would fall asleep. That's how relaxing his touch was.

    A good friend of mine is a masseuse, as well as a nurse. She does baby and child massage (she works in pediatric icu).

    It is supposed to be very good for little ones who are ill or suffering.

    How wonderful that you have been given the gift of touch and can bring relief, not only physically, but mentally as well, to your clients.

    Hi Sacbarb! We're thinking of Aug. 30th for the BABB. I need to start finding out if that's a good date for people.

    Any Night Owls who want to come are invited, would love to meet more buddies!

    You can all meet Paula! haha

    Will blog more later, hope everyone has a fabulous Sunday!

  14. EBJ - I have it on my calendar!! So far, so good - i plan on being there!! :-)

  15. Great post Nowmercy - It gave me an insight into why someone chooses their job. I always wondered about massage therapy. I used to go to my massage therapist every Friday for 15 years. This started right after I was left on my own and wasn't strong emotionally. He was wonderful because he not only got rid of my back pain but he would start the session by putting his hands on my back and saying a prayer over me. I could feel strength and healing coming from his hands. He helped me survive. I know he did. In spite of his great talent I could not help but wonder why he had left his job as a teacher to become a masseur. Being a teacher and loving that job, I couldn't imagine choosing to spend all day doing what I conceived as a difficult and somewhat boring occupation. Thank you Nowmercy for showing me that massage therapy is an intense, valuable and almost mystic profession. There is so much more to it than I ever imagined. It answered a question that I had wondered about for years. I wish you lived nearby because my masseur and good friend moved to Calgary two years ago. I have not been able to find a therapist who "followed the light in his fingers" again.

  16. Congrats again scirish!
    Good morning to you and barb adn mek and iteach and tink and anyone else who comes in while I type this!

    Zona- I knew where that story was going before it ever got there! LMAO
    I am the same age as you, and am not know as being fleet of foot. So when I have to venture over ice or go near some hazard(dog laying on floor or dust bunny laying there) my youngest (smartass) son always says- "BE CAREFUL OLD WOMAN, YOU COULD BREAK A HIP!" The truth of the matter is that he is right!
    I fell on the ice on X-mas eve day and thought I had done just that. Of course this happened outside so I had to spring up and look like it was no big deal. OMG I thought I was going to die!!

    Nonmercy, I wish you lived close. I love a good massage. I have had some bad ones too. My best ever was from a man in Florida at a resort who taught me to concentrate on the massage only and to free my mind of everything else. He was the only one to ever do that and I think that was the best hour of my life. I practically needed a wheelchair to get back from the spa because I was so relaxed and my legs hardly worked. Good what good memory!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day. It is -11 here right now and the wind is howling. Poor Jodi-I can't believe you had to go out in this shit to go to work. Brrrrrr

  17. One of these days I will start to proof my posts, but oh well.

    Hi EBJ- wish I could come.

  18. Good morning Feathered Friends!

    SCIRISH -Wowza! 2 days in a row! Between you and MEK, the fun numbers are taken!!!!


    NOWMERCY, Thanks for the look into your career, or rather your calling. How brave of you to make the changes in careers and being able to follow the road that you were meant to be on. Doing what you truly love to do is so fantastic.

    SCIRISH, Ouch, ouch, ouch! Oh my, what a freaky accident. Thanks fro sharing that.

    CAROL, hope you feel better today.
    MEK, you, too. And r-e-l-a-x!!

  19. Good Morning Mek- Great memory story.

    East Bay J - Good Morning to you. So happy to hear the good news about Paula.

    I am off to answer messages. Have a great day Little Owls.

  20. OOpsies! I forgot to refresh before I typed...


    Brown Sugar
    Turkey bacon
    Real bacon
    English Muffins
    Asst. Jams, jellys and preserves
    Cranberry, orange, grapefruit juice
    Bananas, strawberries and bluberries
    Milk (soy, too!)

    Eat up and stay warm (and DREAMA can stay cool!)

  21. Thank you MO and good morning to you too. I always love your breakfast buffets.

  22. Good morning all..I had to take a deep breath before I started typing. Your responses and memories land in very deep places in my passion for people to be merciful toward their bodies.

    SCIRISH: First two days in a row? You get the crown. And oh owwwwch .. glad you could keep that finger!

    ITEACH: I would love to hear more about your insight, here or privately. I have a few clients who are coming specifically for disordered eating..either uncontrolled over consumption or anorexia. It is amazing to watch the progress once body love is included in the "treatment".

    SACBARB: How did you choose what you do?

    MEK: My response to what you were told was anger. It may be true that massage is not your venue right now or may never be. But I really feel sad and mad when people are sort of blamed. Clearly, if your goal is to stay engaged with thought, activeness, movement, then massage is the wrong place..but that does NOT necessarily make you "too uptight" in my book. It makes you someone who chooses differently and someone whose choices should be respected. If you ever choose to try again, let me know and I'll help you find a good venue for that..there are more kinds of massages than laying on the table and feeling like you have to "be still".

    I LAUGHED so hard at the pogo that early window into you curiosity about life.

    EBJ: ex is a massage therapist. We had and have completely different approaches. I hope you will be able to continue receiving. Premie babies given massage gain weight 65% faster than those who are not massaged.

    Tink: Oh I hope you can find someone. I always pray.. aloud or silently before and after each massage. I love the quiet and I love the talk if my clients feel chatty.

    Goldie: Some massages never leave the true. There is a massage therapist who was in Boulder CO who was like receiving from myself..mind and body, so incredible.

    OKAY enough already... it is a warm 5 degrees here, so gotta keep the house warm.

    Love you gals:



  24. Since the last time I posted -

    Good morning to EBJ, Goldie, and Mo.

    Everytime I get a massage I fall asleep. I love it! But that is me I need deep pressure to relax and so does my son. I learned that through OT with him. When he was two he wore a weighted vest and it would bring him together. Not so out of sync.

  25. nowmercy, if you are serving the brunch later, could you just leave the mimosa's on the table anyway :)

  26. ITEACH: Falling asleep in massage can be VERY beneficial..there are restorative, healing actions the body can only make when the mind i off line..I always think that sleep in a massage is like putting those effects into turbo boost. I use weighted sand and rice bags with clients to help them go in and come down..if that is helpful to them. Also, eye bags, hot rocks etc. My favorite for clients is a combo of small 8 pound bags on each shoulder and a 15 pound warm bag draped across the low abdomen when face up and when face down bags across the ankles, and a long one up and down the spine. I give clients warm rocks for their hands. Also for your son an essential oil called Vetiver is so very grounding..really nice.

  27. scirish Way to go! Congrats on #1 and WOTD!

    nowmercy Thank you for sharing. You are a healer and am so glad you found your way to do what you are meant to do. You have a gift, that's for sure. I have never had a professional massage. To me, it seems to be such an intimate thing, much more so than going to the OB/GYN. I'm pretty sure I still have trust issues which get in my way of giving massage a try.

    EBJ I would love to come to the BABB.

  28. bet..endless mimosas all day, and bloody mary's too. As usual, I LOVE the way you think!!!!

  29. JUSTLIN: Take your time..maybe try chair massage to start, if you want to start. I is a very intimate time. You know, I have clients who started with clothes on, who now would almost get undressed before I leave the room for them to get on the table. It is a do not have to arrive anywhere ahead of where you are.

    EBJ: What is a BABB? I am dense from time to time... okay from times to times.....

  30. Zona...Oh my, That was hysterical!! I could picture you sliding around shouting wheeeeeeee!

    Mek...Loved your story! It is so funny the clues little kids leave behind when they're doing something wrong and then they're amazed when they get caught.
    I remember my Mom asking me if I had been eating the neighbor's concord grapes and me telling her no with an earnest little face. Little did I know I had a ring of purple all around my mouth.

  31. Good Morning Owls! I am moving very slow today. My mind feels cluttered and cobwebby.

    Nowmercy: What a great post! I have to say I think I am a little jealous that you have found your true calling, but at the same time there is true joy in me when I realize people have done that. I always have felt like I am trying to figure out what I will be when I grow up!

    The joy comes from knowing someone has figured out their gift and is using it wisely and with total fulfillment.

    Kudos to you!!!

    I have had chair massages in the past and enjoyed them, but have never been either brave enough or maybe felt deserving enough for a full massage.

    I too wish you were closer!!

    scirish: 1st again?? We are going to have to rename you Morning MEK!! LOL

    Zona: Read your post from yesterday and I so would have done the slip and slide!!! LOL I could just picture you in my minds eye. Admit it even tho you fell you still had fun!!

    Will check back after I clear some cobwebs! (((Hugs))) Everyone.

  32. nowmercy
    Thanks so much for sharing a part of you life with us, great daily blog!

    I have gotten several massages, and have always loved them. They relax me and I feel so much better when I take the time for myself.

    I also love the music that is played while I am getting the massage, It is soft yet it
    gets my mind to a place where it usually never is, just so peaceful
    and relaxing!

    Well congrats on 1st and wotd, two
    days in a row. It never gets old
    It is just so fun!

    I am still fighting the battle of
    the cold, I am in the sweat stage, I just can't stop sweating. And my voice has changed, quite froggy!

    Thanks for breakfast, however you left out the grapefruit. Do you have something against grapefruit?

    and somebody brought brunch, I can't remember, wait I have to scroll down to see. Now Mercy!
    Love me some brunch!


  33. Just Lin
    I know what you mean. I haven't had one either for that reason. I think I would even be a bit uptight with clothes on, I think I would be embarrassed having a complete stranger feeling my "love handles". Although what nowmercy is describing sounds very comforting.

  34. Nowmercy - You sound like such a wonderful expert at giving massage. I found after he said his prayer it was best for me to be silent and concentrate on relaxing whatever area he was working on. I used to tell my sister to try that but she talked the whole time. "Different strokes for different folks" as the saying goes.
    My whole body aches for one when I read your description. Maybe you could send your private jet for me.

    Just Lin - Go to someone who has been recommended by a good friend. You have to trust the masseur or you would never relax. You are naked under that sheet and you are alone so you have to find someone you trust. I was so lucky for 15 years. Now I know I should be getting treatments but I just don't know who to go go.

  35. I went to click on 'edit' when I saw I had written 'go go' instead of 'go to'. I clicked on 'publish' instead. I think I need some of Maureen's lovely breakfast to get me thinking clearly. I always love your 'real bacon' Maureen because I never buy it.

  36. Lynn D.. good to be touched no matter what.

    Carol: Yuk to the cold..froggy voice..hmmm, you haven't been letting your inner owl hunt in the ponds have you? I hope you feel recovery pushing up soon!

    My answer to yesterday's post..SO imaginative..thanks for that! I remember always having bandaids on my knees. Probably the dumbest thing I did was in my late teens. My friend and I liked to sleep out on the highest peak near Snowbird Ski Resort near SLC. We knew the tram operator, so he would stash our sleeping bags for us on the top and then..believe it or not, let us get ON TOP of the roof of the tram..the empty one that would go up last..we would ride it up..holding on tight, get off at the top, star gaze, munch, kind of sleep, get up, stash our gear for him to pick up and slide down the glaciers (summertime) and hike the rest of the way down. I remember the looks on the faces of people in the tram going down as they spied us...shock. Most of my other adventures were biking..oh and since I rode horses the local pay to ride corral would give me free rides if I would try out new horses to see if they would buck or misbehave. I still have a places that get sore with weather changes from falling or getting kicked. That was me, youthful horse rater, ow.
    LOVED reading all of our adventures.

  37. tinka
    I like "go go" as it is quite
    mysterious, you could have meant "go go" as in bar, or "go go" as in go twice!

    Sometimes misswording or misspellings are fun!

  38. now mercy
    I was never good on horses, for a chubby kid, the idea of hoisting myself up, just never sat well with me. I also did not want to hurt the horse ;O)

    I do enjoy watching one ride a horse
    they are beautiful animals.

  39. Good Morning, JL, Lynn & Carol. Well, it is almost lunch here.

    Oh, Carol, I hope you stay home and rest tomorrow. But I have a sneaky feeling, you will go to work. :) Take care of yourself.

  40. One of the last things I was able to do for my husband, that he was aware of as he lay in the hospital bed, was to put lotion on his feet and massage them. There aren't that many ways to physically express your love to another person in that situation, but that's what it was.

    I need kleenex now.

  41. Carol..I know how you feel. I have gained weight from being incorrectly medicated after heart surgery and from trying to eat my way away from grief after would be awhile before I got on a horse today...but I still want to ride. May some day. bout massage a go go ?

    Double words reminds me of when I noticed I would ask my toddler daughter if she wanted something, she would reply "". Puzzled, I paid attention and noticed that her Dad and I BOTH would almost always say "Are you sure? if she said no to something. (pathologically codependent, I know), so she just learned that for some reason the answer should be no, no, without waiting for the "are you sure?". Sheesh.

  42. Good Morning/Afternoon Owls....(((Sunday Blessings to ALL)))

    Thanks to Nowmercy for the answer and the dedication. Was it 'Graygramma' whose name was Lillian? Hmmmm, my maternal grandmother's name as well. My best massage ever? Shiatsu at the Hotel Del Coronado. Literally left me so weak in the knees I could barely walk after. The ultimate in relaxation.

    Did anyone answer your BABB question yet, sis? Bay Area Blog Buddy gathering..I think it's MEK who has photos on MySpace from the 2007 event at Whab's. (MEK, you don't mind my directing traffic to your 'house', do you?

    MEK ~~ Do you EVER slow down? Are you the original Energizer bunny?

    EBJ ~~ gentle nuzzles for Paula. Any other PNW'ers thinking we may need to head for the Bay Area in August?

    Zona ~~ How's the tailbone today? Thanks for taking me back in time. How I loved 'polishing' the ruby red linoleum kitchen floor as a child. I remember stubbing a few toes sliding in to get all the corners.

    Jodi ~~ Bless you for your diligence; can't imagine trudging out in your weather. There was actually a touch of warmth in our sun yesterday. Back to dreary mist today.

    Been up for hours but still haven't had my oatmeal & blueberries so...thanks Mo!

  43. iteach
    You are right, I will be at work tomorrow, as I am right now catching up on paper work. However as you can tell, not much paper work is getting done, as I seem stuck on this page :O)

    Love is a most wonderful thing, and what you did was pure love!

    I got the goosebumps...

  44. CAROL,
    I'm sorry you are feeling so poorly. Get lots of rest and stay hydrated.
    Oh, and I DID have grapefruit on the menu, just for you! Look between the real bacon and the english muffins!!

  45. Oh JUSTLIN, I am weepy with you. What a great gift you gave and received at the same time. So important and so full of compassion and care. I am really glad you shared that. I am so grateful you were able to find a way to have connection and merciful impact on your loved partner.

  46. Good morning Feathered Friends!

    SCIRISH -Wowza! 2 days in a row! Between you and MEK, the fun numbers are taken!!!!


    NOWMERCY, Thanks for the look into your career, or rather your calling. How brave of you to make the changes in careers and being able to follow the road that you were meant to be on. Doing what you truly love to do is so fantastic.

    SCIRISH, Ouch, ouch, ouch! Oh my, what a freaky accident. Thanks fro sharing that.

    CAROL, hope you feel better today.
    MEK, you, too. And r-e-l-a-x!!

  47. mo
    How did I miss that, it must have been in between sneezes!

    aaa chooooo....

    Pass the kleenex please!

  48. mo
    Forgot to say!

    Thanks for the grapefruit!

  49. WTF?????????????
    I did a post and after I hit publish, I got a weird post from this morning appeared again????? WTF!

    Foaded on blogspot????? OY!

    What I had tried to post was a hello to all that have flown in since earlier, a feel better for CAROL and reminding her I DID bring grapefruit, especially for her.

    OK, this is too weird!

  50. Maureen - I was just reading area 51 to find out about ZonaBaby's accident. I noticed you mentioned your blog and referred to the number of responses you got. It was a wonderful blog. One of the best we have had. The number of comments in no way rates the quality of the blog. It brought up so many memories for all of us even those who didn't respond. Some blogs get a high number of short responses. That's good too. You got some long intimate fantastic reactions. Please don't say that will be your last blog. You are a wonderful writer. As a teacher I would give you an A+. As a matter of fact I would give A+ to every blog we have seen. The Night Owl's club consists of unbelievable authors. I wouldn't dare want to compete. - Thank you for making me feel better about my mistake. I try hard not to make them even though I do enjoy some of the typos I read.

    ZonaBaby - I can't leave you on your own for a second and you get into mischief. How many times have I told you it is dangerous to slide on a wet floor? Now next time listen to your mother.

  51. now, part of my post is there...up above the repeated post.

    ohmystars, this is freaky

  52. mo
    I noticed that, however I thought it was just me, as my head is clogged up!

    I said to myself, "self" why is mo's comment down here when I saw it up there?

    I got not reply from me...

  53. Hey BONSIS..thanks for the words and for the BABB info..I'll visit over to MEKS place. WHOA..yes, Lillian was GrayGramma..whoa. Maternal Great Grandmother. She used to turn to me when I'd arrive and say "I didn't know which you'd like, cherry or apple pie, so, didn't make either...(big pause and a twinkle and a wink) I made BOTH!" Ahh, Graygramma.

  54. Good morning, irish, sacBarb, Carol, NowMercy, iteach, Tinkatia, MEK, Judy, Goldie, 'weenie, Linda, Lynn D, an Bon'O!

    Nowmercy, I totally enjoyed reading your story. Very interesting perspective! Be careful, though... your client load may explode with that blog!

    BTW, the BABB is the Bay Area Bloggers BBQ! I did the first one last September (MEK flew in for it), and Judy's graciously offered to host it this year. The good news is, she's considering doing it Labor Day Weekend, so all you out-of-towners can make a San Francisco/Bay Area vacation out of it.

    Great idea, Judy! Saturday August 30 sounds good to me, and I just informed Huz! MEK, glad to hear you are planning to come again, and Bon'O, go for it! C'mon down!

    Goldie: What do you mean, you'd "like to"? Go for it! I would love to meet you, and you could bring your son!

    Carol: What about you? You're a travel agent, honey! Get a good deal, and dew drop in!

    SacBarb, don't forget Sharon!

    (see, Judy, you got me all excited)!! LOL!

  55. Nowmercy - Massage a go go does sound good.

    Jus Lin - My heart goes out to you when I think of what you went through such a short time a go. I need kleenex too.

    I must get breakfast before I faint and Dreama has to fly in and revive me. You do look after me well Dreama. I missed having Elvis songs today.

  56. I love the way tinka makes everyone feel so good!

    We will have to work on the "shyness" to meet new people first. You know me above all!

  57. Whabbear - Good Morning. Does that mean you will come to two BBQ's? I thought this year you were coming to the PNW BBQ if that is still on. Does anyone know?

    Breakfast time - I will check back later for an answer to my question.

  58. Hi to you and thanks WHABBY

    ZONA! How are you feeling today? Ice would still be good for you, butt, I know it is not easy to apply there.
    I'm still glad you took the initiative to have fun. Since I'm mopping my kitchen floor today I think I'll learn from your moves and do my sliding out on the skis later.

    Hmmm...where in the Bay Area? My sister (birth sis) lives in Danville...

  59. Okay, gotta rouse my bod from in front of the fire, finish the laundry, do the floor, buy some new merril hiking boots, strap on the cross county skis and come back and check in later...oh, and watch a bit more of "Six Feet Under" before my kiddo comes home from her Dad's tonight.


  60. cpgem8 Uh hmm, we are not new people we are your blog buddies, your feathered friends, your compatriots. We already know more about each other now than we do about most of the people we see in our daily lives.

  61. J/L ~~ G'mornin, pal....your post above made me chuckle. I was sitting outside watching a beautiful sunset (for a change) last night, and my thoughts wandered to all the imagery from owls' childhood stories. My next thought was "how weird is it that I know more about these Offsite Friends than I do about the people with whom I worked the last 15 years". May sound sappy, but I truly do love you guys!

  62. Bon'O Good morning to you, too. I can't remember if Tina said I should set my myspace acct. to Private or Friends. Do you know the difference?

  63. Whabby, I can't come that weekend because I already know I have a wedding. One of those "gotta go" its one of my best friends kids.

    BUT- when I do fly out there, you will be the first to know! Someday. Or maybe you can fly here and we can do a midwest BB? At least it will be warm that time of year in WI.

  64. OK, Goldie... your excuse is acceptable! LOL!

    Tink: I have committed to a Pac North West BBQ, if one happens, and even told Huz. He won't like it, but WTH. I turn 50 this summer, so I will indulge myself a little!

  65. Bono - NO, I do not mind you sending people to my page - We all had such a great time - those are only half the pics that I took..

    ALSO - in the sightseeing folder - Whabby was a good sport and went on a Harbor cruise with me before the Infamous LoneStar outing!! :-)

    cpgem - If I could fly in to meet "strangers" - SO CAN YOU - I was SOOOOOOOO nervous!! but it all worked out GREAT in the end..

    Nowmercy - I had to read your post to me twice - at first, I thought you were angry at ME - but then realized it was the person I spoke about!!

    Whabby - I'm going to try to talk Zonababy into a road trip to the BABB - we'll be Thelma and Louise - but we WILL avoid the Grand Canyon!! :-)

    I can't remember WHO asked me if I ever slow down - soon - my body will just SHUT down and I will have too!! :-)

    Okay - now, I'm off to Michael's for my class - I GAVE away TWO coupons on Friday!! I did NOT purchase anything - hope to get out of there without a purchase today as well!! :-)

    Hope everyone has an excellent day!!
    and PLEASE - take a look at the pics from the BBQ -

  66. Whabby - just to let you know - the new catch phrase when you turn 50 is: Fuck 'em!! SO, my dear, you do whatever you want - two blog buddy BBQ's in one year - go for it!! :-)

  67. Whab ~~ We need specifics on when you turn 50. I'm thinking we can't let that pass without an all-out Roast!

  68. just_lin
    So sorry, did not mean it to come out that way. Several months back some rossland peeps were getting together in the NYC area, I was invited but declined, I don't travel to NYC by myself, and was unable to attend. I actually don't travel anywhere by myself, its one of many issues that I need to work on! Even in my local area, if I am unfamiliar with a place I will always have someone travel with me!

    Whabby knew this, that is why I commented as I did!

  69. Okay, I am printing this entire post out and taking it to my massage therapist. He does a great deep tissue massage but the lights are too bright and he has rock & roll music blasting. I always make him turn it off and I hand him my Sounds Of The Sea CD. Afterwards I go on a heating pad that rolls up and down my spine for 15 minutes.
    I have 2 guy friends who are so uptight and need massages to destress. Both of them tell me they would get too stressed out to be touched by a stranger.
    Nowmercy it sure would be great if you would teach others your form of body massage. I have never come across a masseuse in person that would also involve the mind and soul.
    I also had an aunt Lillian. She was like my second mother. I sure do miss her. The name Lillian must be a special name given to Angels.
    JustLin my grandma also used to rub my grandpa's feet every morning. I imagine it helped with his circulation. He was in a wheel chair for almost half of his life after Pearl Harbor. He only lived to be age 53.
    Tinkatia did you get your breakfast? Don't faint on me. But if you should ever need me then I'm not that far from NASA. I'll just have Wabbear dispatch a few calls and get me on a rocket so I can get there in a jiffy.
    Zonababy you do the same things that I always used to do. I busted my butt and sprained my arm really bad on a marble floor though the last time I slid in my socks. An ambulance had to come take me to the ER. I couldn't drive. My arm wouldn't move. I thought I had busted my collar bone again. For the past 5 years I've become more tamed down so that I will survive. :0)
    It is a warm sunny day here and I'm going to go take a ride over to the beach. Any of you northerner gals who need to get away from cold weather then come on down as Bob Barker would say.

  70. Whabbear - Great! We will have one fantastic birthday party for you. I can't wait until summer.

  71. we'll have to get him a hidious red hat!! LOL

  72. I am always in awe of how all of you share on the blogs!

    Just lin: (((hugs))) to you! That was beautiful. Most of the time the smallest loving gestures are the ones felt the most.

    Carol CP Gem: I have a hard time each day figuring out how to address you! LOL Please take care of yourself!! It sounds like what I had all of January and I am still dragging. Worried about you.

    Bono: Back at you!

    Mo and Nowmercy: Thanks for lunch and brunch!!!

    scirish: Your ring story made me cringe. But the visual of everyone trying to get you off the pole, well you know they were all wondering how the hell did this kid do this???

    Sacbarb: I just see you with one hand on your hip saying "Hey Sailor wanna make waves"??? LMAO

    Mary/MI: Sending out safe travel vibes to you!! Win big in sin city!

    MEK: Loved the pogo story! You are one of the funniest uptight people I know.

    Good Morning: Goldie, Whabbear, Tinka,iteach,EBJ!

    Thinking about the BABB traveling alone makes me nervous tho! LOL

  73. Good Morning Hoo-ters!

    How ironic is it that yesterday the subject was about flying over the handlebars and getting injured as kids...and today we are into healing and massage therapy?

    Personally, I am all for massage, acupuncture and chiropractic therapies. I believe that there are still so many things to learn from Eastern medicine and that our bodies are just amazing.

    I JUST finished watching Dr Oz and his show on Aging Well. There are so many things that I need/want to change in my living style and I was feverishly taking notes. Talk about hearing the ticking clock! I heard nothing when I turned 30, but in my 40's that clock is like living inside of Big Ben!

    Welcome Home MEK!

    Whab, thanks for sticking by your friends in the PNW! I am still wondering if we are going to be in Canada for this BBQ, in Mt Vernon or here in North Bend. Either way, it will surely be a real HOOT!
    (sorry, I couldn't help myself.)

    Have a great Sunday everyone!! Our traditional Sunday trip to the library is about to occur, so I need to run. Chat with you all later.

  74. Howdy - Glynis - great to see you!! thanks..

    Lynn D. - you crack me up!! thank you..

    so - for all you folks that are nervous about traveling alone to a strange place - I LIVED to tell about it...... I had NEVER done anything like that before in my life - I shocked my WHOLE FAMILY when they heard what I was doing or what I had done..... SO - I encourage you to take that first step and just press PURCHASE - for that ticket!!!!!!! you will NEVER regret it..... heck, we can all plan on staying at the same hotel - make it a retreat like thing!! SO, it won't be like we are there alone -


    Heck, there is a pro bowl going on today - (insert Al Michael report for Cpgem)!! :-)

    okay - enough of my pep talk - but IBB can verify that I am CHICKEN at heart -

    I better get my butt on the move!!

  75. lynnd
    Any name you want to use is fine, I respond to just about anything!

    (minds out of the gutters please)

    whabby is turning 50, well then we must have a night owl birthday bash!


  76. Have to make and emergency landing to say to MEK, my need to protect people's sprits from harmful words from unconscious caregivers really was not well communicated by ME in my post to YOU. I wish I had made it more clear. I believe you and your needs are perfect and there is a chance to learn at any moment. I really feel regret that my lack of clarity brought (even for a short time) alarm to you. So GLAD you posted what happened. Thanks.

    Okay off again..will catch up later.

  77. it was BONO - Yes, I will be relaxing ALOT this coming week, cuz I will be SO busy at the tournament next week - there won't be time for anything else!! :-)

  78. Nowmercy - I am the one that had to re-read - you communicated GREAT!!! it was ALL ME!!! :-) sorry you had to make an er visit to the nest!!! we are ALL good!!!

  79. I am SO tempted to be VERY tedious right now!! LOL

  80. Tina - hope you have a great flight - and feel better - wish we hadn't missed each other by days..

  81. Zona - how is your back side today

  82. Mo - you can make ANY number a great number - heck, if you have a favorite number - just jump right in an SHOUT it...

  83. IBB - hope work is good for you tonight... AND, were you jumping on the pogo sticks also - i seem to recall that you were..

  84. When and where is the Pacific Northwest BBQ going to happen - I must attend that also -

  85. Oh - I should have shouted 88 -
    that was little brother's football number...

  86. MEK, cannot resist being tedious with you, hang on while I take my socks off

  87. I hope that it warms up for those of you in the REALLY cold areas -
    I feel guilty for wearing flip-flops today..

  88. No REALLY, I hafta get outa here and get more done

  89. I'm SO glad someone figured out what i was doing..

  90. Great Job - NOWMERCY..
    MERCY NOW........
    Congrats on your 100 march!!!
    GOOD JOB!!!

  91. 'wow...even though it froze up? I think YOU should really get the 100 for starting the march SO creatively thanks for the fun...

  92. I am SO proud that everyone has EMBRACED the marching - isn't it the best!!!!

    I want to see the happy dance!!!

  93. Now - you won fair and square!!!

    I really DO have to go now - or I will be late - just could NOT pass up a good march!!!

  94. It IS the best ... so happy dance is written all over my face.

    Now really, untie me, I HAVE TO GO!!

    Bye for now!

    MEK MEK she's the ONE
    Without her we'd have no FUN!!!!!

  95. Mercy - LOL - now - we BOTH need to go..

    later taters...

  96. Nowmercy - Thank you for the waffles and sausages. They went well with my Slim Fast. I am now off for my nap.

    Whabby - 50, That's still a baby.
    Wait until you are my age and you will be needing that nap too.

    Mek - Don't say it out loud that we are getting him a red hat for his birthday. It might scare him and he may not come to the BBQ. I can't wait to get a picture of him wearing his red you know what.

  97. nowmercy Smooth moves. Congrats on the race to 110!

  98. before I run off until this evening.....

    MO~~it's about QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY! I loved the number and content of posts triggered by your blog! Although I thought it would never happen, I've almost lost all interest in 'that other blog' where the blogmeister has recently been begging to get the numbers up. Seems suddenly posts are being entered in triplicate or more. Then the person who posted 3 times posts another to say "oops, I triple-posted! My bad." I'm sure it's just a technical glitch, but it does get "tedious". ;o))

  99. LOL@Tink! I actually like napping even now, and I'm not even out of my 40's! (Barely)!!

    MEK: That sounds like so much fun, if Zona will go with you! Thelma and Louise, here you go!

    Glynis: Anywhere in the PAC Northwest works for me! Looking forward to meeting so many up there... you and the family, Mom, maybe Boni, Bill and Karen, Tinkatia, KFC, VIG, Linda,...

    And, I wanted to get back to you on the religious thread. No, I didn't expect too many (if any) owl's nesters to take the Bible literally! That essay was meant more to try and solidify in people's minds why the concept of the universe being created in any time frame that has anything to do with us humans is so flawed.

    And as for miracles... yeah, as you suspected, I'm afraid I don't believe in them. Not in the ones described in the Bible, or outside of it.

    For one thing, if God was so willing to reach out and adjust his creation in miraculous ways (like impregnating a human female), why is He so pernicious about it? Why does He allow so much suffering and cruelty and misery into the human equation, when he is "on record" as having the power (and the willingness to use that power) to alleviate some of it?

    Just some random musings on a Sunday!

    Carol: LOL! Yep, we're going to have to work on you! Let's see... who would be willing to accompany you on the trip...

  100. Whabbear I am not a religious person, far from it, but I think your answer is "free will". If the human race, as an entity, refused to let cruelty exist, then it wouldn't. Maybe someday we will be evolved enough to allow all of us to live in peace and harmony.

  101. Hi again!

    Carol you MUST try to attend the BABB!

    Just think of all of us last summer, going to Whab's, and being very nervous.

    Everyone was SOOOO nice, and normal! You couldn't ask to meet a nicer, more fun group.

    You won't be sorry if you take the chance!

    I'm hoping other Owls will come too.

    Seaside Lady and I will co-host at my house, I live in Brentwood which is east Contra Costa county (Nowmercy, not far at all from Danville!!! Probably 30-35 miles)

    So looks like Aug. 30th will be the date, will have more info as it gets closer.

    We had pot luck at Whabs last year and that turned out great, will probably do the same this year.

    Oh yes, Sharon MUST attend with SacBarb! She was awesome and an official BABB'er.

    Any other Owl is welcome along with your s/o, spouse, etc. I'd love to meet you all!

    Lynn D you can do it! Don't be afraid!

    MEK you are expected to attend ALL bbq's since you're the traveling owl.

    Whab will your huz be coming too, do you think?

    OK I have to get to Myspace and catch up!

  102. whabby
    Damn you and your big words, I had to look up "pernicious" :O)

    If God, enabled all to be perfect, than I don't think it would be a great world, as faults are parts of one being's. True some faults end up in cruelty and that is just not good in any form, However what we live now is how the world goes round. And is how people evolve.

    I for one do not believe in a perfect world.

    I was taught in school, and believe today, that God cannot cure all, he can only help one along.

    The reasons are not very clear, as I have asked why many times. The answers I am given are always different. I do feel in my heart
    that everything happens for a reason, sometimes the reason is
    right in front of us, and sometimes
    we have to wait for it to appear.

    Oh gosh you made me think on my day off!

    My mom made gravy, off to eat some dinner!


  103. Good afternoon everyone from sunny, too warm (78 degrees) for February, Arizona!

    NOWMERCY: What an interesting blog! And timely too, considering my mishap yesterday.

    I had a bad car accident in 1979 which resulted in back, chest and neck injuries. After my ribs had healed, my doctor decided to send me to physical therapy for the migraines I had developed. He was trying to keep me off a long road of pain medications. They used massage and heat therapy and a TENS unit. It seemed to be working, until I learned how much it was costing my dad for each session. Suddenly it didn't work anymore..and I quit. Then my doctor sent me to an Osteopath. He 'manipulated' my neck and back twice a week. It sounded like he was breaking bones--not fixing them. After weeks of therapy, he tried giving me shots of novacaine in my neck. When that didn't work, he said there was nothing more he could do. My doctor then said to me "Let's try Biofeedback" I asked what it was. After he explained, he shook his head and said "Oh never will never work on you--I can tell by the look on your face. You have to WANT it to work, and you don't believe that it will." I have suffered with migraines eversince. I look back on it, and wish I would have committed more to these therapies. I was 18 however, and in a hurry for relief. I will forever regret not really trying.

    I am off now to catch up on the posts. I am no chance of slipping today!!

  104. Congrats on 1st scirish.
    Nowmercy, thanks for the blog today. I get a massage once a month and would die if I didn't. I could really use one right now to. My neck and back are all tight and I have a headache. It's what I get for sitting at the table all day yesterday making cards.
    Hope everyone had a great weekend!


  105. Zonababy I had thought perhaps you were playing with a child when you slipped. When I slipped and fell I had been playing. I don't try those stunts any more. I also gave up roller coaster rides after getting whip lash. Why on earth I thought it was fun to have my body thrown around and my stomach turned inside out now boggles my mind. I did it though until I turned 40. Now my body says don't do that crazy crap girl or I'll envelope you with pain.

  106. Nowmercy,

    If I purchase this oil Vetiver, what do I do with it?

    Dab it behind his earlobes?

    Mix it with his yogart?

    Bathe in it?

    I have never used any of the oils before. :)

  107. NOWMERCY - Great blog!!! So glad you found your true calling. Nothing better for your body, mind, and spirit!!! The best Valentine's present my hubby gave me was a hour full body massage last year.

    JUST LIN - Your story about massaging your hubby's hands brought me to tears. What a great love story.

    SCIRISH - Congrats on first!!!

    CAROL - You must not be feeling well. Your status change on myspace said you were studing - not sure if you are using a bedazzler (studding) or if you are studying!!!!

    ZONA - Don't rub salt in the wounds. It is currently -2 with a windchill of -18. Praying for spring - or at least 40 degrees!!! SWAK!!!!

  108. Zonababy - I agree with Jodi, 'salt in the wounds.' You are torturing us with talk of warm weather. It has been so nasty here today with the heavy winds and rain, I have cabin fever. It this lasts long you may find me on your doorstep.

    Glynis - I wonder how we decide where the PNW BBQ will be held? We must decide soon.

    Dreama - I didn't faint. Maybe I will just so that you will send Whabbear up here. On second thought I would rather he come when our weather is nicer.

    Talking about massages today has made me wonder how I could go from once a week (full hour massages) for 15 years and now I haven't been to one at all for the last two years. Tomorrow I am going to make the effort and find a good one. I will report back on him next week.

    My day has consisted of computer, breakfast, computer, lunch, nap, computer and now dinner. Some people might say. "Tink go get a life!!!!!" I think I would agree with them.

  109. Hey again!! SO, Berry and I took the kids to a brand new Irish pub for lunch. It was really fun and the food/drinks were yummy! SO... I was talking to Berry about the BBQ and he has no problem with us hosting it. I am going to send Mom a note and see what she thinks... I want to make sure she and some of the others would be able and willing to travel a little over an hour to North Bend, WA to attend a PNWBBBQ. More info to follow...

    Whab~ The God that I believe in is not a puppet master. My God is also not always referred to as HE. I don't see a man in a throne sitting there like Zeus. And when I read from the Bible I notice things like the fact that God got angry and started all over again... which is how I personally fit in evolution, ice age, dinosaurs... and I also don't expect to know everything or be able to explain everything. I just think that so many people from different nations and upbringings have such similar beliefs, but call it a different name, that there must be something to it. And you know, if I am wrong then I am wrong... but if YOU are wrong, well luckily with my belief you won't be sent to hell either. I am not here to tell anyone what to believe or that they MUST believe. To be honest, I could care less who believes in what. My biggest concern is that people are good... and I have found that in general, most people are good. (Didn't Anne Frank say that too?)

    Not bad for someone who skipped church this morning so I could stay in bed to drink coffee and watch DVR recordings!

  110. glynis.....just let me know when and where and I will be there! So far the month of May is good. I have a something booked in June. July looks good so far and so does August. So just let me know when you think you guys might want to do this so that I can pencil it in!

  111. Hi to all the owls that have nested since my early morning post.

    Mo: The number of posts don't measure how much we liked your blog. I loved reading about all the (mis)adventures of the owls and I think you got a response from almost everyone. It was a very thought provoking subject. Also, it was really nice to know we ALL had a little insanity in us.

    Lynn D:LOL...we made waves alright, but that was a loooong time ago. And that's a secret (another blog subject) that even my hubby never knew.

    Carol: Maybe you can ge a friend to go to the BABB with you. Last year, I had a friend drive me because I couldnt drive yet due to my surgery, and she was so well received by all the blog buddies. She also had a great time meeting everyone there. We would ALL love to see you there.

    Bon Bon: You are so right. We know a lot more about the owls than we do about people we have known for a lot longer. I feel so comfortable here. I love you and all the owls too.

    Nowmercy: In answer to your question: I was an accounting major and after two years I decided accounting was really boring so I changed to English because it was easier and I just wanted to get it done. I almost quit college because I was working full time and I was married and had 3 kids. But, I 'fell' into a job in a Personne Office in a State Agency and they had an education program where I could use my time and the State would give me an equal amount of time to go to school, so I continued. After I got my degree, I moved to the Governor's Office and got a job in the Human Resources Office. I sort of fell into that job by dumb luck. I was also lucky enough to get promoted to a Manager position and it is from that position that I finally retired. I found that I LOVED the Hunman Resources field and I still work occasionally when they call me back. It was truly my calling. However, I didn't really love the Governor's Office. Politics are NOT my calling and it is a very dirty business. That is why I retired early.

  112. Oh my I am watching the grammy's so far they are fantastic, and everyone singing is so good, no fakers!

    Kayne broke my heart with the song he sang to his "mama"

  113. Taking a short break from washing clothes..can someone else come fold them?? ;)

    MEK: I know exactly what you mean about not being able to relax--my shoulders always feel like they're up around my ears somewhere!

    GOLDIE: Usually I step carefully over the dog, and from the carpet to the bare floor. I guess yesterday I had a moment of wild abandon! I don't get them much anymore, and for good reason--they're dangerous! ;)

    MAUREEN: Damn! I always miss the best meals by getting up so late.

    LYNND: Sliding around WAS fun--I was thinking maybe the kitchen floor today...but decided not to push my luck!

    CPGEM8: Hope you are feeling better. LOL @ not wanting to hurt the horse!

    BON'O: Tailbone is fine--right cheek hurts like a...well it hurts! I love the image of the "red linoleum floors".

    TINKA: I'm afraid it doesn't take very much for me to get into mischief these seems to find ME! And you know you are welcome here anytime.

    MEK & NOWMERCY: Loved the march to 100!! Congrats NM!

    JOOOODDIIII!!: Come visit us in the desert! We'll warm you up real good! ;)

    TINA: Don't forget...In an Out..plain with go babe!

    No volunteers for folding hubby's socks? Underwear?..Ooooh--kaaay..back to work for me then. Have a good evening all!!

  114. HI SACBARB!!! I see you up there! Have to get this laundry done or hubby goes bare assed tomorrow! ;)

    SCIRISH: Forgot to say Congrats on #1!! I guess I fell on my brain! ;)

  115. zona
    I have been meaning all day to ask you about your "ass" and kept forgetting...ouch, it seems it started out as fun tho!

    Am the only one watching the grammys in my time zone? Did any one just see tina and beyonce (sp)

    And I promise not get anything away my lips are sealed ;OI

  116. Good Evening...

    I am switching between Home Edition and the Grammy's - right now - Umbrella song is on..

    Almost missed Carrie singing - I just LOVE her...

    cpgem - you can message me some spoilers - Did Carrie win anything yet?!! I just LOVE her - but I already said that..

    EBJ - YES, I am the traveling blog buddy!!! :-) and thank you for thinking that I was normal!! LOL

  117. cpgem - how funny that I just asked you to message me with spoilers and you were typing that you will NOT give anything away..

    Do I really need to watch it?? :-)

  118. At my time zone - I'm getting the Beatle salute!!

    S A L U T E !!!!!!!!!! as they used to say on HEE HAW!!!

  119. Now that I am talking to myself. lets do a count down on the meds I took today, then perhaps it will explain all the mistakes, misspellings,etc

    1 Day Quil this moring
    2 3 asprins
    3 3 motrin
    4 Cough medicine (the sleepy kind)
    5 Allegra D
    6 Ambien
    7 Afrin to spray my cloggy nose

    And I think thats it!

    So I must step back and say

    "Hi my name is cp Carol gem cpgem8 and I a cold med addict"

    Now I feel better, at least I can admit my faults and addictions.

  120. cpgem - I am listening!! LOL

    Let it Be just sent chills up my body!!

  121. Carol...STOP!! I don't want you to be another Heath Ledger!! I know that Tylenol and Motrin are not a problem together because they don't interact, but I am not so sure about the rest.

    Try rest...relaxation... let your body heal itself. Go get a massage! Heck ,we even know someone!!

  122. Oh my goodness, Let it be was fantastic what a great voice for such a young child!

    I got the goosbumps!! (same as chills)

  123. glynis
    i spit my water out, when i read you comment. I have to go get something to clean if off!

    Do you really think I mixed to much!


  124. Ok, screen is clean, back in business

  125. LOL - yes, cpgem, Glynis must have been right !!! STOP!!!

  126. So - have they given any awards besides the New Artist yet - seems like it's all singing and commercials.

  127. Kanye is glowing in the dark!! Ellen LOVES this song - she dances to it ALOT on her show.

  128. CG - it seems that we are the only ones in the nest right now!!

  129. Aretha, got some big boobies!


  130. It is actually fun talking to yourself I do it a lot in here!

  131. I LOVE what I have to look forward to.. Kayne is singing his MAMA song now..

  132. Yes Awards have been given out

    You can google grammy awards the winners come up!

  133. LOL, me too - heck, I did it earlier and was SO happy to have someone join me in my march!!

  134. Fergie's dress isn't very flattering. OUCH.

  135. Okay - just saw the list of winners - I am happy!!

  136. 1..2...3...4...

    Fiest's singing so folky..

  137. Popping in to say....

    Thank you for no Grammy spoilers! Doesn't start here for another hour.

    Zona ~~ hope your butt's better. And, you say bare-assed Mr. Zona like it's a bad thing...not the impression we got from Tina!

    Glynis ~~ With a best friend in Bellevue and relatives around Lake Sammammish, I'm betting chances are good I could make a PNWBB this summer. I'm already hoping to be up there around Seafair Week for sure. If we get serious about a gathering, let me know how I can help! Is it already too late to make a brunch reservation at The Salish for summer? :o)

  138. Bono - HOWDY!!! :-) we will NOT spoil - just talk about the performances!! :-)
    Some are must see!!!

  139. Carol ~~'re scaring me with those interacting drugs. Didn't you listen last month when I kept saying Oscillococcinum!!! Please take care.

  140. Hey y'all..I posted couple times on other blog entries here..until I figured out I was in the wrong place haha

    I uploaded an "owl lamp" as my default;)

    Hope noone has it..I thought it was cute!:)
    This seems like a fun place and I hope I will be welcomed here;)
    Good idea..Not to be mean, but Rossland has gotten rather weird at times! LOL

  141. bon
    I am ok, I took the meds at least
    4hrs apart from each other and I took
    the first med at 7am this morning!

    alicia keys is signing, she looks great, I am glad she took the updo down!

  142. Yahee..I see Glynis and Carol are here too!:)

    did y'all peep my bulletin from my friend(former rossblogger) crazy-beautiful entitled "THIS GAVE ME CHILLS"?! It's about mocking God...I saw that Glynis and whabbear had some discussion about God, so thought I'd share with y'all to look at that bulletin..It really makes you think.Yes even you whabby..HEHE

  143. Joey welcome to the nest, so glad you have joined us...

    its me cpgem8

    Alicia keys just rocked the house!

  144. OH and not to scare ppl who drink diet sodas with aspertame, but go to and you'll probably never drink another diet soda! LOL..So sad this lady is in prison because she's accused of killing her husband, and supposedly he died from years and years of diet soda drinking..Aspertame supposedly contains methanol..Not sure if it's all a hoax or what, but luckily I never drink or regular(well regular very seldom) LOL

    I wanna go to the BBBQ!! Are y'all having it on the west coast again?
    I need to save for a ticket and get one online cheap like I did for New York!haha

  145. JOEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi there and welcome. Glad you found the nest.

    zona- you could break a hip, thats why you need to stop the shenanagins!

  146. Thanks Carol..I have to get used to calling you that! HAHA
    I totally remember when we all thought "cpgem8" was Rosie;)hehe

    I like it here already;)

    Thanks for the welcome..Isn't my owl lamp cute?hehe
    I wanna purchase it..but not sure if it's available..I google imaged it..and it came from someone's blog..haven't studied up on it yet..

    Carol, were you picking at someone earlier with your "status" on myspace with "what does studdiing" mean..misspelled?!HAHA

    They need 2 study if they can't spell studying! LMAO

  147. Yaheee..GOLDIE:)
    I love that y'all are over here! HAHA

    Well, remember Ross didn't like the "excessive bantering" back and I guess this is the solution! HAHA
    Plus it's like a secret society..Do we have a handshake, password or anything?!HAHA
    Codeword..I see the word of the day is "rouse"!

    Okay, I may be back later..I've been online WAY TOO much today!
    Thanks y'all for welcoming me with open arms!
    y'all rock!

  148. joey
    I misspelled studying, due to all the cold meds I am on. Quite foggy I am!

    Funny tho, cause I looked up the word
    studing, and as per the Urban Dictionary it means "watching hockey" so I was glad it meant something!

  149. Joey, I believe that this place started because of "tedious" comments on the other blog- but it has become so much more.

    It is a fun place, we don't bash and we have fun being "tedious"!

    We offer advice, give love, lots of free food and an open forum which can be about anything that is important, thought provoking or just plain silly.

    And sometimes we just March (some to different drummers, but all together). :)

    It is not about a single person, it is about all the people on any given day blended together.

  150. Bus Driver - MOVE THAT BUS!!!
    WOW......... this show is SO emotional - guess I need my good Sunday evening cry!!

    Hey Joey - I think we are going to count how many times you said YA'LL!!! LOL... :-)

  151. Goldie - I could not have said it better!! Thank you!!

  152. goldie
    very well said, can I use it to post on the home page of our night owls blog?

  153. thank you Mek and Carol - and of course you can Carol. You are the reason we have this place to begin with.

  154. thank you Mek and Carol - and of course you can Carol. You are the reason we have this place to begin with.

  155. hey, 2 for the price of one. How did I manage to double post? oopsie

  156. Hey you Ghost Whisper Fans! Darn you! You got me hooked on this show and I cry like a baby after every episode.

    I am still on season one. Does every show make you cry?

  157. Joey ~~ Welcome! You'll love it here. Heck, even Ross has popped in a time or two. Did you actually post on an Area 51 date, or just get lost along the way?

    That reminds me, is LemonDeb still trying to find her way here from Area 51?

    MEK ~~ As a Makeover fan, had you heard the little gal from Corvallis OR for whom they did a home a couple months ago passed away a couple weeks ago. Family is still REALLY having a hard time, and sadly, being in 'her' special new home seems to be making it even more difficult to handle. Sad.

    Sounds like The Grammys are more intertaining this year. Cool! I know some of my favorites will be on, and you all are giving me hints on what to watch for. Half hour to go.

  158. Carol, I sure hope you feel better soon. Get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids to push the bug out of your system.

  159. Thank You, Goldie...

    I am off to find a place for it now!

  160. Goldie - you are welcome!! :-)

    Iteach - YES, you basically will find each week heart warming - BUT, to put a fun twist - count how many outfits Melinda wears showing her cleavage!!! :-)

  161. Bono - that show aired the week before - and I cried like a baby at the end when I realized the little girl had died - they showed that at the end - I can only imagine how hard it would be for that family......

  162. haha MEK.Yeah I just counted..I did say "y'all" 3 times in that last post..LOL

    LOL@Carol..I really thought you were picking at someone! LMAO..That's funny it meant something!

    Awwww Goldie, that was such a sweet post!:)Yeah, I love that we can be "tedious"...and it will annoy NOONE! LOL
    I feel at "home" already;)


  163. JOEY
    If you come back bring us some of that yummy date bread that you baked!

  164. Oh, yes, I noticed her birdhouses are shown a lot and she is never grouchy. I have never seen her moody. I love the show, but she is so not a real woman. :)

  165. Oh and dont' get me wrong..this place is kewl, but I wished y'all would've started it on "wordpress" haha

    Remember the OLD rossblog on wordpress..and jackie beat's!?! I LOVED the design, simplicity, etc.

    OH and btw, I found out the other day by looking.haha..that JackieBeat no longer has the wordpress blog at all!:(:(

    I knew he was not posting there..He wrote me and told me he lost his password haha.I just assumed all of the old entries would've stayed I wished ross's would've..BOY did we lose some GREAT entries to laugh at over at JB blog...I should've saved them!:)

  166. Hey---MEK---
    If Joey is from Va.. there is nothing wrong with saying Ya'll...
    Am I right!!!
    I am frozen.. trying to thaw out... cause in Va right now we are having 45 mile an hour gusts...
    Hell I had a pizza go flying tonight... did a complete sommersault... ahd to remake those pizzas...
    But hell we got dinner...
    Hope everyone is relaxed thinking of the TOTD!!!
    All I can say is ...Have Mercy!!! Now mercy.. I wish I lived close to you...
    The only time i treated myself to a full body massage was after my car accident!!!
    It was heaven.

    Zona--I can just picture you sailing down the hallway the first time havign a blast... should have left it at one!!!

    CPGEM--- please watch taking so much...
    but tylenol and motrin are a good combo.. I had a doctor tell me to take that .. it works on headaches ,cramps, backaches, toothaches...
    it is almost a cure all.. My hubby and I call it our cocktail..

    SCirish.. look at you 2 days in a row...CONGRATS>>>

    Beat the master to the big 100... Congrats...

    hope very one else is having a good evening ..
    And really .. please ne more talk of 70 degrees...
    I am still trying to thaw !!

  167. Joey Nice to see you. Welcome to the Owls' Nest.

  168. ***walks in room with date bread****(passes to Dreama and the others) LOL

    Ohhh bon, I actually had found the area 51 Nov. 07 place y'all were posting..posted a couple entries, saw that Ross had posted LOL...Then finally have found my way over here!:)

    Ross has really posted!?!!
    And I also wanted to say(as y'all know, I ALWAYS forget something..haha) that I love to get my "CRY ON" on Sunday nights..I'm in withdrawal tonight because I recently got rid of my cable subsciption because you can watch so many things online and it was just an unnecessary extra bill!LOL

    I will watch it online when they post it I guess...I watched the FULL episode of Leno when Paula Deen was on..So fun! The sexual inuendo was priceless...I also thought it was neat that you could email the entire link OR just a "clip" of what you wanted to see from the show!! Loved that!

  169. i just got my first FOAD in our comment section... GEEZ.

    Bono - you MUST watch Home Edition also - it's a must see - so switch back and forth...

  170. MEK-- do we show Joey how to march!!???

  171. goldie
    Its done, I just reworded the first part. Tell me what you think, if you want to change anything let me know!


  172. IBB - yes, it is OKAY to say YA'LL, but I have to give Joey a hard time - you will get to know him and then you will understand!!! :-)

    You see - at one point, Joey was in SC, then in NY, then in VA, then back in SC, and now stays in VA...... - it was funny back when he was moving all around!!

  173. joey
    save yourself get out of the way they are going to march....


  174. Thanks justlin!:)
    Ohhh ibebold, what part of VA are you in!? and YES..OMG those winds are about to blow my tin roof off..LMAO
    I have an apt. that is attatched to a former business and it has a tin roof and that's all I've heard for 2 days! LOL
    My Aunt's roof is blowing off! LOL..Not funny but funny when she said "yeah I saw the shingles flying by the window"! LMAO

    Mek, speaking of cleavage..HAHA..Did you see Alicia's "ta-ta's" at the beginning! LOL.OMG!

    Who were y'all talking about showing birdhouses!?! I got lost already:( HAHA

    OMG my house phone just rang and I'm sitting on my love seat(still waiting on loverboy to get here end of the month..haha) and it startled me and my laptop hit the floor! LOL..OOPS! hope it's okay

  175. Everyone have a great night!

    I am going to go grade, have a great week!

    It was great to hear from you Joey!
