
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ghosts and the Supernatural

barb_in_wa is today's
supernatural author of our
daily blog!

Ghosts and the Supernatural

by barb_in_wa

Do you believe?

I must say that growing up I was always afraid of the idea that there could be ghosties, and boogey men. My siblings used to take great joy in terrifying me whenever my parents went out at night. Doing things such as shutting me in my room and saying that the “Flooooating laaaady…..” was going to get me. Or the other classic was “Greeeeeeen finnnnnngers…..” Both used to just send me into screams and beating my fists on my bedroom door to get out. It’s hilarious now knowing that the terrifying floating lady is from a horrible B movie called “Beyond The Door” and green fingers are also from a B movie in which a dismembered hand is able to crawl around and wreck havoc! If you happen to know what that movie is, please tell me! Even though they would scare me, I watched many scary movies on late night TV on Friday nights, and I loved watching Night Gallery. I used to get so scared that even into my adult years I would hold my breath whenever I drove past a cemetery. I don’t do that anymore, but I still avoid walking into them!

So what then am I doing working in a Haunted House? And not only do I work here, but I LOVE working here! Maybe it’s because I’m here during the day. Maybe it’s because there are usually a lot of other people around while I am here. Or maybe it’s just that I have grown up and it just does not scare me anymore. Nah….I’m still a little scared, but that’s what makes being here so much fun!

Let me give you a little background. I work in a building that was built sometime during the 1860’s to 1890’s. There are different reports as to the actual date our building was constructed. It was built to house the officers who were stationed here at Fort Vancouver. One of the first officers to live here with his family had a nanny. The story is that the officer had an affair with the 16 year old nanny and she became pregnant. He denied her and the baby, and young Miss Mary became so distraught that she hung herself in her 3rd floor room. Mary has been here ever since. Am I afraid of her? Nope. OK….I lied. Like I said before, it’s a little scary! But oh so much fun! She likes to play tricks. She likes to take things from your desk, or in my case, from my purse. She took my cell phone for 3 days once causing me to have to cancel the phone and get a new one. Then she returned it the little stinker. Then there were the times where she kept turning the drawer pulls on my desk backwards. Most recently she tossed a pen at me late one night right before I was going to be leaving for the day. There were 3 other people in the building, but they were all upstairs.

So my question to all of you is this…..Have YOU ever had an experience with a ghost or anything supernatural? I would love to hear your stories!


  1. WOO-HOO!!! And this is one of my favorite topics!! Off to read!

  2. okay, i just got foad with some stranger error and my post disappeared:(

    I said:
    dang zona you're fast..I was on myspace sending someone something and had been refreshing here for one hour! LOL
    Good mornin' to ya!

  3. ommm that would be "strange" haha
    Now I can't look at my "owl lamp" without thinking it's a giant boob based on someone(i 4got) yesterday who said it looked like one! HAHA

  4. First, here is my sentence for the word of the day! LOL

    "I think the owl's nest is my crack!" LMAO

    I loved that whabby quote!

    As far as the ghosts go, I have had a couple experiences in the past that makes me believe in the supernatural...Well, after my best friend was killed in 2001 in the wreck I was in with him,(7 yrs on Feb. 27th) I was in the hospital recovering and my oldest brother I raised was there with me!

    Well, he was actually getting up out of the chair to go to the bathroom(which was RIGHT by the door) and heard a knock..I heard it too...He opened the door quickly and noone was there..I mean I know we didn't see a "ghost" persay, but I know that maybe my best friend was sending me a signal that he was okay!:)

    My little brother said after our mom died in 1994, he was in the shower one day and he got shampoo in his eyes..Well, he was reaching around trying to find a towel/washcloth and couldn't...He told me that all of a sudden, a washcloth just "fell" onto his face...

    I have one more! LOL
    After my mom died, my brothers and I left in the evening to go to some school function....Well, being the tv junkie that I am, I had put a particular tape into the VCR to set it to record some fave show of mine...Well, I knew for a FACT which tape I had put in because I even put a label on it...Well, we left, did the school thing and when we got home..(I get chills everytime I think about this!) the tape I HAD inserted into the VCR..was NOW sitting on top of the FAMILY BIBLE!! LOL
    Freaky! noone had been in the house either...
    So, I have never "seen" a ghost persay(although I have a pic that is I have had experiences with the supernatural!
    hope I didn't bore y'all with my novel LOL

  5. I have one more..It's bit odd..can't say it's supernatural, but fun none the less!
    After my best friend was killed in that wreck, I was having lunch with a mutual female friend of ours at a chinese buffet...This was probably only couple months after his death!

    I had a bowl of sweet and sour sauce by my plate and had poured some onto my plate for my chicken fingers...Well, she and I were discussing him and trying not to cry and just remember the good times...So I was not really looking down at my plate or anything at the time..just looking at her as we talked...I happened to look back down to eat some the plate was almost empty actually) and low and behold I find THE most PERFECT smiley face in my puddle of sweet and sour sauce that was on my plate!! It was facing in my direction..It gave me such a comforting feeling..Odd I know, but wanted to share;)lol

  6. BARB: Ooooohhhh I love this! Of course I believe in ghosts! First though, I HATE the crawling hand has to be the creepiest thing I have ever seen. I don't know the name though. I think I have blotted it out!

    Now my 'visitation' story. My mom and I were in the house alone. This is when I was her caregiver. Mr. Z was at work. I was in my room, she was on the other end of the house in her room. The house was quiet as we were both reading. Out of nowhere I heard a whisper "Go check on your mom." I knew immediately it was my Aunt's voice. She had passed away just months before. I got up and went into my mom's room. She had her book closed and was looking at the door. Before I could ask her if she was ok, she said "Did you hear that?" I hesitantly said "What?" She looked at me and said "I heard my sister tell me it was going to be ok." I got chills up my spine. I nodded and told her what I had heard. It seems mom had started to cry, missing my dad.

    All I can think is my Aunt wanted me to comfort my mom. I have no other explanation.

  7. BarbWa: Wow..what a blast. Reading your history it seems miraculous you work where you do. Coping by overcoming huh? I too liked scary movies as a kid, and taking a shower still can creep me out. I do love walks in cemeteries though..and always try to visit the local cemetery in new towns I visit. They give a great story of the past and are always peaceful and mostly well groomed.

    I too have had supernatural experiences. On my tenth birthday I was going to the basement to get ice cream from the freezer for the cake. At the bottom of the stairs was a shimmery image of my mom's best friend Faye..I hollered to my mom about it and she started crying. Faye died that morning and mom didn't want to spoil my birthday by telling me.

    When I moved to Montana I worked in a 1830's hot springs that was being renovated and was "haunted" by the spirit of a murdered prostitute. I had put up a screen in a long hallway to keep my cat out of the construction zone. One day when my arms were full I started trying to open the screen..there in front of me it opened and latched behind me..I just stuttered out a thank you. There was an old ballroom in the west side of the building and one night the "music" and "laughter" was so loud I actually got mad at the spirits..I opened my door and hollered to be quiet..there was such a silence the rest of the night, not even a creak in the old building.

    Here is the strangest and most pleasant, sometimes when a client is on the table, I will sense a loved one there..usually a parent or spouse who has passed away. Sometimes I say something and usually the client will say it is no surprise.

    Anyway..Thanks for the topic and thanks for sharing BarbWa... good luck with your little imp, you could try making deal with her..bring her shiny gifts and ask her to leave your purse alone.

    Zona..congrats and 1st and 2nd!! better luck tomorrow Joey.

  8. WOW zona..I got chills reading that! awesome!
    You triggered my memory for another one similar to yours!
    After my grand-dad died, my mom heard him(her dad) say her name! My mom's name was PAT..She was in the house one day and said she heard "clear as a bell" in her father's voice: "PAT"! I think it's awesome that our loved ones who have passed on, give us a signal that they're okay...Oh yeah, she also saw and heard my deceased great grandmother when I was in the hospital about to die with bronchitis at age 3! She saw her in the room and she told my mom "Joey's gonna be okay"! I just gave myself a spingle!! LOL

    as you all know with my big mouth, I'm OKAY! HAHA

  9. Good Morning Joey..I was actually just heading off to sleep and thought I would check one more time. I think for today you can say you have a GHOST owl lamp!! ;)

    Hi and Good Morning to everyone!! I'll be back to read all the ghost stories this afternoon!


  10. WOW!!! Hooters!!!!
    You all were up late last night. I can't keep up!!
    After that ass roasting I got last night, I was beat!
    Still a little tender!

    Now your all turning Lesbian????

    I wanna be a Lesbian too.
    A Whore Lesbian!

    ok, gonna try and get caught up.

  11. Yes I believe BarbWA!

    I have a couple of stories that I will share later today! I am on the run this morning heading off to volunteer at our foodbank that is in the old school house in Rainier. The building was built in 1915 and yes I have felt some happenings there.

    Sending Goldie Big (((Hugs))) today and all of the positive thoughts I can muster!

    Amicus I am so glad your Dad seems to be on the Mend!!

    Tinka: How is your Mom??

    (((Hugs))) to all!!

    My motto for the day: Don't crack, fake it till you make it!!!

    Maybe that should be don't show your crack??Hmmmm

  12., what affrimation for you that you are not alone, really. I am stunned at how much you have been through.

    Zona:Wow, so grateful your mom's sis showed up..still it can really shake a gal up.

    I'll look forward to reading all the stories.

    Since I'm here..Breakfast is Served:

    Fresh berries
    Plain Nancy's Yogurt
    Thick cut whole grain toast
    Cream Cheese
    Brazilian Coffee
    Earl Grey Tea
    Honey, sugar, sweeteners
    Cream, soy cream

  13. Before I head out, Good Morning early Owls!!!

    Zona, Joey, Nowmercy, Birdee well and I guess me!


    I really have to go to sleep--but here's one more.

    My mom told me this one, and my grandmother confirmed it. It happened when I was four years old. We were living in PA. My mom and grandmother were in the kitchen when they heard me singing in the basement. They walked half way down the stairs and saw me sitting on the arm of a rocking chair. My feet hanging over the seat, and I was singing softly. The rocking chair was moving slowly back and forth. My grandmother asked me quietly "Who are you talking to?" I answered "Grandpa" My mom said my grandmother had to grab onto the bannister. They asked me what he was wearing, and I told them. My grandpa had died two days earlier and what I described were the clothes he died in. I hadn't yet been told he was dead.

  15. HI I am really and truly going to bed! Night all!

  16. BIRDEE!! Couldn't leave without saying HI to you sweet chickenowl! I'm going...;)

  17. Morning owls...
    Good topic...I feel like I have returned from the dead :) Nasty ole tummy flu...

    I did have an odd experience about 6 months after my Grandmother had died. My Mom had given me a metal powder puff holder of my Grandmothers that played music when you lifted the lid. It was very old and the music part was broken. One afternoon I was laying on my bed talking to my Mom on the phone about Grandma and what a tough time she had with her illness. The music suddenly began to play from the powder puff holder WITH THE LID ON! I jumped up and lifted the lid and the music stopped. It never has played again. I believe it was Grandma telling us she was ok.

  18. Good morning everyone! Thanks lynn.

    Congrats on 1st Zona.
    Joey, you are turning into a real bridesmaid here, but don't worry- you will be first real soon.

    Crack= what you don't want to see from you plumber.

    I have never really believed in UFO's, ghosts or the supernatural. I am a skeptic by nature. Prove it with science.

    However, shortly after my dad died I was having a really bad day. I was sitting on the couch and crying ( I am not a crier about me ususally, I cry at commercials, national anthem, sad movie kind of crier). Anyway, across the room on top of the entertainment center was a picture of my dad from his childhood. As I was lamenting life and talking to the picture, I said something to the effect of " just show me it will be all right dad".
    All of a sudden I got a tingle on the back of my neck (like someone stroking my hair) and the picture fell over.
    I felt incredible calm and I knew it was my dad's presence in that room.
    Nothing like that has ever happened to me before or since.

    Carol- thanks, it is the mental part (oh, and those needle biopsy's hurt!) I am sure that I will be just fine too. Scheduled the ultrasound for next wed.

    Happy Hump day to all!!

  19. Good Morning Owls, Congrats Zona. My baby got lst and 2nd and I am so proud of my daughter.
    I am flying in and out. I am off to the Doctor's to get results of my tests.

    Nowmercy - I am grabbing some granola and berries. A perfect breakfast for a girl on the go. Can I still refer to myself as a girl? I guess I can. I haven't the time to read the stories but I love ghost stories and have a couple of my own. I will be back this afternoon. Thanks to those who wished my mom well. She is about the same, not great but hanging in there.

  20. I'm sorry, SacBarb! I should have said goodnight!

    Oh boy, juicy TOTD from Barb in Wa! In a stunning admission that will surprise everyone, I haven't experienced a single supernatural event in my entire life. No ghosts, no UFO's, no precognition, no telepathy, no... nothing.

    I'm sure loving your stories, though! And I have a question for all of you:

    In most of your stories, the ghost interacts in some tangible way with the physical world. The entity in question sets up a very complex pattern of compressions and rarefactions among air molecules, for example, which your ears convert to a neural code that your brain interprets as sound. Or, the entity overcomes inertial and gravitational forces to move a physical object, such as a cell phone or a screen.

    How, owls? How can a noncorporeal entity cross that divide and effect such physical changes, when they have no obvious means (vocal cords, hand and arm muscles, etc) to do so?

    What's the mechanism?

    I'll be back later with another challenge on this topic! Until then, ponder away!

  21. The teacher in me won't let me leave without saying no-one has done today's assignment. It did not ask you to give a sentence of the word of the day nor tell us what it's not. Joey you get only half points for your answer.

    crack- a line on the surface of something which it has split without breaking into separate parts.

    Now all those students who didn't read the assignment or who had a dirty mind, please write the definition out three times.

    Joey- Stop refreshing and you will be first.
    Ms. Tinka

  22. LYNND: So grateful for your work at a foodbank..busy places these days.

    GOLDIE: Many hugs and much light
    AMICUS: Glad your Dad is still improving, same to TINA! Yay!!!

    For any other Owls who need light, care, hugs and kindness..this is for you:
    May the angels protect you
    Trouble Neglect you
    May you always have plenty
    Your glass never empty
    May your tears come from laughing
    You find friends worth having
    Every year passing they mean more than gold
    May you always be humble
    Smile more than grumble
    And know in a storm
    You're never alone...

  23. Whabby..that is no mystery..there is no divide.. that only exists in our consantly searching for dualism minds. Everything is the same on the atomic level. No divide, no division, one. Once again, habitual mind patterns set up to "protect" and provide herd mentality as it appears safer.

    How's that?

    TINK..oooh good luck with the test results.
    CRACK...what you don't want in your walls after and earthquake
    CRACK...what you never want sold in your neighborhood (or anywhere for that matter)
    CRACK...what you might want in the wall between you and another.
    CRACK...what you don't want to hear when sliding across the kitchen floor in socks
    CRACK...what is nice to hear on a Friday night from the top of beer bottle.

  24. 25!!!!!!!!!yay..I am the quarter winner

  25. Good Morning Owls!

    I don't believe in ghosts or the supernatural, but The Sixth Sense is one of my favorite movies if that counts. :) I normally avoid scary movies, but that one was brilliantly written and directed. I loved the reaction my mind had when the truth was revealed. It instantly went into rewind mode trying to figure out how I missed that. Fantastic flick! :)

    Barb in WA: Thanks for the interesting topic!

    Waving Hi to the early birds:
    Zona: Congrats on 1st!
    Nowmercy: Thanks for breakfast and the kind blessing!
    Lynn D: Thank you!
    Scirish: Glad you're feeling better!
    And all the other Owls who will be visiting the nest soon!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!

  26. Happy Wednesday!!

    Good Morning - my friends..

    Congrats to Zona on #1 baby!!!

    SacBarb - i LOVE how you marched with Tina last night!! :-)

    Tina - LOL at "that is how it is done"!!

    Barb in WA - Great Blog - as I have said before - I would NOT be able to work in your building!!

    Whabby - left us "pondering" again - you never did say if you won the trivia last night!!!

    Howdy to all that have posted today and for those posting while I am...

  27. The morning that my father died - I was getting ready early to go to the nursing home to see him before I went to work, cuz we had been having "dad alerts" (might not make it) for several days - we had a snow storm the night before - but I was determined to get there to see him that morning - anyway - I was putting on my mascara and I had a cold rush flush thru my body that I can't describe in words - the mascara brush dropped into the sink and I sank onto the floor - it's a feeling that I will NEVER forget - I cried and cried - I picked myself up off the floor and my phone rang - it was my mother - before she could say anything - I said - Dad just died, didn't he? She asked me "how do you know?" - I said "I felt it" - I was upset with myself that I hadn't made it to be with him - he died alone -

  28. On one of my recent visits to Virginia - we were at our family plot at the cemetary - my mom, IBB and I pulled up at the little church - I said to IBB - are you going to lock the car - she said - there isn't anybody here - SO - I left my purse in the car - well - we were walking around and out of the corner of my eye - I see this gentleman in a military uniform near the car - and i started to say - HEY - someone's at the car - but then I realized that there really wasn't anyone "there" - gave me chills - my mom and sister thought I was NUTS....... oh well. I know what I saw!!! :-)

  29. Okay - hope everyone has an excellent day!!

    I need to clean up my craft mess!! Amazing how easy all that stuff made it downstairs and how difficult it is to get it back up stairs and put away!!!

    Procrastintation is my middle name!!! :-)

  30. Good Morning Owls! I hope you are all enjoying a nice hump day!!

    Barb in WA~ Great subject!! I don't have any major stories, but I have always believed in spirits. I have seen one for a split second, and only believe I truly saw it because my friend who lives in the house where I was visiting knew exactly what the ghost looked like. He even had a name for her.

    My only other experience was when I was in my late 20's. My friend who is really into this stuff asked me to do a Ouija board with her. I was a skeptic, but thought sure...why not! We sat on the floor with our legs crossed and the board sat lightly on our knees, so there was nothing under the board. We both hovered our fingers over the "cursor" but never really touched it. We asked our questions and at first thought nothing would happen, but then there was almost a magentic feeling and the cursor started moving around the board. I wasn't sure if I should stay and continue, or run for me life. I stayed though.

    To this day when I tell my friends (and even my husband) about this, a lot of them think there must have been some sort of trick or that my friend was pushing it. I don't care if anyone else believes me though. I was there...I saw it...experienced it... and I KNOW what happened. Can I explain it? No! Do I need to? No. Some things just are... and I don't feel a need to know and understand everything.

    Whabbear~ You must have been a persistant and pesty little child! ;0) Did you ask WHY? and HOW? all the time back then too?

  31. Good topic, Barb! The night after my Mom died twenty-four years ago, I was exhausted as I had been up with her solidly for a couple of days without sleep. At that time, I liked to listen to my Walkman as I drifted off. My Mom always hated that as she felt it was wrecking my hearing and my sleep. That night, I would turn on my Walkman and it would immediately click off. I tried to turn it on about ten times and it clicked off right away. I tossed it aside with a "to heck with it", I'll fix it in the morning, rolled over and went to sleep. The next morning I checked to see what was wrong with the Walkman. Turned it on and worked right away. Kept turning it on and it kept working and in its Walkman lifetime it never clicked off like that again. So I knew that my Mom had been working from "the other side" to ensure that her exhausted child had a good nights sleep!

  32. OMG MEK- that is too freaky.

    The day my dad died I was up early getting ready to visit him,we lived an hour apart. I was putting my mascara on when the phone rang -it was my Mom telling me that he had just died.

    For those who don't know, MEK's dad and my dad passed away on the same date (different year)

  33. Hi All the Owls....NOWMERCY: I love your descriptioins of the word of the day!!

    JOEY: It was me that thinks you look like a boob...your owl~~~I guess I still need those glasses this morning LOL

    TINK: Was there any of our snacks from last night left for you to enjoy with your breakfast. MO: I don't think you are going to have to worry about me taking the cooking job! I might find myself out of the nest on my butt!!

    Barb: Good topic..this is going to be interesting to read all these each day is!!

  34. Goldie - wow - that is freaky and it gave me chills and tears.. as that is one thing that we had never discussed.
    hugs my dear friend!!!

  35. I'm so glad a lot of you have told some of your own stories. I have so many others! Things about the building, my brother, things that have happened to my sister since she was young (think the show Medium). But I'm going to read some more of the comments first!

  36. "Yes Miss Tink."

    crack- a line on the surface of something which it has split without breaking into separate parts.
    crack- a line on the surface of something which it has split without breaking into separate parts.
    crack- a line on the surface of something which it has split without breaking into separate parts.

    **don't tell Miss Tink that I used the copy & paste feature**

  37. MEK--WOW... you never told me that story!!! wow...

  38. As many of you know - two of my favorite shows are Ghost Whisper and Medium...

    Amicus - i agree about Sixth Sense - I did figure it out before the end - but wondered how i had missed it from the beginning!!

    I do NOT like horror films - never have, never will....

  39. Oh heck ya. I've had spirits around me all my life. The last time that I saw one was a few weeks ago. It lives at my friend David's house. We always watch movies at his house because he bought a 65" TV. Anyhow I was consumed with the movie. David began pointing and saying the words ghost at the window over and over. I thought he meant in the movie scene. Finally I looked over towards his fireplace at that window and there she was. She was gray matter in the form of like a million dots of dust. She floated by and then just disappeared into the air.

  40. Good morning Owlettes!!
    Sorry just taken aback at MEK's Story...

    I love ghost stories.. Have a couple of my own...
    And I laughed with her at the family cemetery...Said it was "barnabus" coming to see us... We have an old family portrait of this man ... William Spangler... Like our great great great great grandfather... we always teased that he looked like Barnabus from Dark Shadows...
    so we were at his grave when MEK saw "him" standing by my car!!!

  41. Good Afternoon Feathered Friends!

    ZONA - YAY!!! First!! Congrats!

    BARB - Awesome TOTD. Thanks for sharing your story and illiciting all the interesting ones so far...and many more to come.

    I do believe!
    I used to work in a shopping plaza that used to be a farm. The owner of the farm had a son named Billy and one year, he was playing in the cornfield, when his dad didn't see him and ran him over with the reaper and killed him. The plaza is totally haunted. In the store I worked, Billy would play little tricks...the scanner would beep and NO one was even close to the counter! And things would fall off shelves (never break) but just kinda take a dive, with NO one around it! we heard many stoies around the plaza of little games billy woukd play!

    *waving HI* to JOEY, LYNN, AMICUS, GOLDIE, WHABBY, NOWMERCY (thanks for breakfast!), TINKA, BIRDEEEEE, MEK, SCIRISH (feel better), GLYNIS, DIANE and VIG!!

  42. I read a lot of Sylvia Browne books about the supernatural. Last Christmas I had to tell the spirit in my house to leave. I have no idea who was visiting me. Day after day I kept finding objects moved like I found my flower watering can sitting in the middle of my steps twice. Then a frame just dropped off of my shelf and the glass broke. I had made a photo ornament Christmas tree. One of the photos flew off of the tree and went into the back of my hair as I was walking towards my kitchen. That was it. I said please go away. You are stressing me out. It left. This is the first Christmas in 4 years that it did not come back.

  43. Good Afternoon Owls,

    I havent commented here in a few days, My kids are on Mid Winter Break this week from school, I had such big plans for us to clean and go thru closets and here it is Wed. and NOTHING is done OH WELL!!!! Were having fun, but we need to go shovel the 5 inches of snow from last night.

    Barbra I love your blog topic, I could go on and on, but I wont because I could seriously write a book on that subject. But my husband and I bought this house in 1993. We did not know the history behind the house. When we came and picked up the keys, Robbie the wife said to us I hope you love little boys (they knew we were trying to have kids and having trouble) I said why do you say that? She said well let me tell you a little story, the very first couple to live in this house could not have any children either and then they had 3 boys and moved. Robbie then said we bought the house in 1986 and we had our daughter who was 6 and the doctors told Robbie and her husband they would never have any more children, she ended up having 2 boys. Then she said so there is a history of this house loving little boys. I said ok I blew it off. Low and behond we moved into this house in June 93 and August 94 I got pregnant with Anthony and 2 more boys to follow. I called Robbie up and told her with each pregnancy she just laughed and said that HOUSE LOVES little boys. When I was feeding Anthony when he was a baby in the nursery (which was beautiful and ready for a boy) I was rocking and feeding him a felt like a cat brushing up my legs I looked down, nothing was there. So I just thought well it must be the spirit in here that loves baby boys. It gives me chills to this day. Like I said I have so many other stories but this one is the best. When and if I put my house up for sale I should put a note FERTILE HOUSE FOR BABY BOYS.

    I see Jigglin Jax made it here good to see her. Love Ya Lady

    Its good to see everyone, Zonababy, Hi Joey from VA, Goldie, Jodi, Nowmercy, Maureen, Tinkatia, LynnD, Birdee, IBB, Tina, Amicus, Dreama, and anyone else I forgot I'm sorry, Your all in my heart. I will check back later, I have to go move that snow with the boys, were dividing it up it should go faster.

    Love to all,
    Renee EVE

  44. Gosh - IBB - I am SURE I had shared that story!! I'll tell you more later!!

    AND, yes, they laughed at me at the cemetary - but I swear he was afraid that my aunt (by marriage) was about to give his portrait to Cracker Barrel!! I'm always afraid that some day - I will see a long time relative's picture on the wall in that place!! :-)

  45. Deep and fun morning here in the nest.

    BARBWA:Look what you started!!! I will never tell Tink what you did...

    GYLINIS: I had not thought of ouija boards forever..many creeped out afternoons in our basement

    WHABBY: I can only imagine being a Sunday school teacher to quote Annie Lammont you would "have me thinking thoughts that would have Jesus drinking gin out of a dog dish" Keep it up!!

    MEK: From time I spent in hospice, I can tell you A LOT of parents leave when no one is around and visit on the "way out" it just seems to hard to go with family around. Hope this helps a bit.

    VIG: LOVE your "owl" whoa. I guess your mom will always be your MOM!! ahh sigh.

    DIANE: thanks!

    GOLDIE/MEK: What an incredible connection..those always feel like old villages coming back together.

    Get to go massage now..have a great day all!!!!!

  46. Hi Mek,

    I'm sure you had a good vacation??!!! Are you all rested up or ready to go on another one???

  47. WOW YOU GUYS! I'm so glad that everyone is sharing. Fantastic. I'm so amazed about the connections with MEK and Goldie and their dads. MEK, that is so incredible about your dad letting you know. My brother let my nephew know. The night Rick was killed I called my sister for her and her husband to go to the Hospital right away and that I would take care of calling Mom and everyone else. So off they went. They decided not to wake their kids since it was around midnight. The oldest was a senior in high school. The next morning when my sister told her kids about Rick's death James told Terri that he had a dream that night that he was in the car with Rick and that Rick turned to him and smiled and said "It's OK. Everything will be alright." James had not even known that Rick was gone yet when he had the dream. And then that week after he was gone, my cats acted very strange. The first thing I remember was when I was sitting on the couch crying and one of my cats jumped on my lap, and she had her paws on my shoulder and she was looking at something behind me. She just kept moving her head around looking at something and then she meowed at whatever/whoever was back there. And then my other girl kitty was in my bedroom and she ran over to the corner of the room and stood up with her paws on the wall and she was looking up and meowing at something in the corner of the room. The last thing with my kitty was when we brought home Rick's ashes we put them in the bedroom closet. When this same kitty came into my room she ran right to the closet and started trying to get in there. She never wanted to have anything to do with that closet before. I still have some of his ashes in there, and whenever I see them I always think that someday I will let Rick out of my closet!

  48. IBB - HI!
    DREAMA _ HI!
    You both flew in while I was typing and getting foaded!

    BTW, I don't watch scary movies, I'm such a wimp!

    I have another one...kinda! Right before my mom died, I spent the whole night in her room, holding her hand and just being there. At 7 am, I told her that I was going home to shower, stop in at work and be back at 11 am. I headed back there and I was a little late and got there at 11:05 am. At 5 to 11, my mom had passed. She didn't want to die in front of me.
    It still gives me chills

  49. This is a little off track however my sister and I dream the exact same dreams occasionally.We aren't twins. We are 18 months in age apart. Me, her, and my Mom have always seen spirits. My Dad always said no way, impossible. He said the human brain is powerul and can cause any number of things to occur such as visions or curing pain. He read the book 90 Minutes In Heaven a true story written by a Baptist minister out of Houston. My Dad can not rationalize that minister's story so he says maybe his brain is not open to such things. He finally beleives that me, my sister and my Mother have seen what we claim that we have over the years.

  50. JOEY
    I liked your smiley face story.
    my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Mom.
    your breakfast was devine.

  51. By the way....I got a myspace message from just_lin. She thinks my scary "green fingers!" movie was The Beast With Five Fingers! LOL! I knew someone would know what it was!

    You guys....Thanks so much for sharing today. I love all the posts.

    Dreama! WOW! I would love to see our Miss Mary. I did see her skirt go around the corner once and another time I saw her shadow in the reflection of my computer screen as it moved from the window into the building. I've never seen that since. But I would love to actually see her like what you saw. It would scare the crap out of me, but still how cool would that be!
    My sister on the other hand has seen ghosts. The earliest that I remember is her screaming bloody murder because she saw a ghost in the front yard one night when we were kids. It was a lady in a long white dress and her hair all flowing out behind her and then she floated off. Freaked Terri out. And then right after she moved into her house she was in her living room and she turned around and sitting in front of her fireplace was a little black girl with pigtails. The little girl just gave Terri a big smile and then faded away. Terri has not seen her since.

  52. Hello, Owlettes.

    Barbara/WA What an interesting topic for today.

    Tinka and Goldie Keeping you in my thoughts.

    MEK Please don't feel guilty. Your dad left exactly when he wanted and needed to.

    Now for the TOTD. About one year after the death of my very abusive first husband, I was laying in bed in bed one night and suddenly felt he was standing there next to me. I was terrified! I jumped up out of bed and checked on both of my small children. First my son, then my daughter. Both were fine and I felt no malevolence in either bedroom so I finally went back to my own bedroom and laid down again. I felt the presence again but it was not scary. The feeling I got was that he was okay now, that he had full understanding, that he was at peace and no longer had anger or ill will towards anyone. He was at peace and wanted me to know he was leaving me in peace. I never felt it again.

  53. just_lin.....I think you needed that for closure. I'm glad that in death he could give you at least that.

  54. must do some work now.

    i will stop by a little later and see what others have come to share!

  55. Amicus good to see you back.
    VIG, Renee haven't seen you in awhile either.
    Wabbear can't wait for more. This is one of my favorite topics of discussion.Zonababy congrats on #1.
    Thanks for all of the stories everyone. They are all fascinating.

  56. Zona I forgot to congratulate you on #1 today.

    scirish I think I forgot to thank you for yesterday's blog. It was very thought provoking.

    Tinka Sorry we were negligent with our daily assignment. Thank you for defining the WOTD for us.

  57. MEK: I forgot about Medium. Love that show! I also agree with you about horror films. I avoid most scary movies but especially those. :)

    Renee, Maureen, Dreama: Hello and Thanks!

    Good Afternoon to: Glynis, VIG, Dianne, Just Lin!

  58. Wow! these stories are great!

    Just Lin~Thanks are due all the owls for responding..I just finished reading the posts and am sorry I missed the fun...I spent 2 days hurling and didn't get to play :(

  59. Amicus I'm waving my stubby little wing at you.

  60. scirish Hi, to you to! I'm so glad you're feeling better now. I sure hope I don't get it, whatever it is.

  61. Hello Owlettes! And Joey and Whab of course, LOL!

    My ghost story isn't about actually "seeing" a ghost, but I felt it, for sure!

    2 1/2 years ago, a very good friend of ours, Gary, was killed by a train. He and a good friend, John, were waiting for a train to go by on some tracks, when they didn't look in the other direction, and one was coming from the other way too, and hit them both as they were crossing the tracks. It was really bad, there was nothing left of either of them, just little pieces here and there. The trains in Wisconsin just go whizzing by, that's for sure!!

    Anyway, hubby and I went to Guttenberg, where they live, to Gary's house to see his wife the day after it happened. We were there for about 3 hours, then left to come home for the night. It was about 10:00 that night, and I was driving. All I could think about was Gary. Hubby kept telling me to keep my eye out for deer, as it was the end of October, and they were all over the place. I had just quit thinking about Gary for a minute, and my mind was wandering, when I felt a tug on my seat belt. I mean, it was a TUG! Instantly, I saw the back end of a buck, a good sized one, that had just crossed the road in front of us. The first thing I thought was, "Thanks, Gary!" I tried moving quickly forward, I tugged on my seatbelt myself, nothing, NOTHING felt the way that original tug had. And the tug came from behind, like someone pulling it from the back seat. There was nobody else in the blazer, except hubby and I! So, I know Gary was there guiding us home. When we got home, I told hubby what happened, and said we had a friend in the back seat with us. What freaked me out the most, probably, was that hubby said, "No, we had 2 friends in the backseat." meaning Gary and John.

    To this day, I have not gone back over to where they were killed. When we drive by it by boat, I keep my back to it. I can't look at those railroad crossings, nor can I go there. I'm not sure I ever will be able to. We used to go to that bar a lot with Gary and his wife, as a matter of fact, that was the last place I saw him alive, 2 weeks before he was killed!

    Jodi or Goldie, maybe you know where it is--Glen Haven, and the bar is Whack's.

  62. I'm hungry...what should we have for lunch today?????

    HI to JUST LIN and EVE!

    CRACK - what JODI, TINA and CPGEM8 are on!!!!! bwahahaha

  63. Lin~I hope no one gets it...haven't been that sick in a long time...I did however lose 4lbs...

    Amicus~flapping hello to you and Joey too!

  64. Barbara from WA--thanks for the blog today! I love talking about ghosts!

    Zona--congrats on 1st and 2nd!

    Tink--thanks for the definition today!

    Good thoughts and prayers are out there for Goldie and Tinka as well.

  65. Maureen Hi back at ya! Hey, I made meatloaf. Does anybody want meatloaf sandwiches?

  66. j/l - I LOVE meatloaf sandwiches - why is it that meatloaf always tastes better the next day!!

    LOM - you sent chills up my spine - and for your husband to admit that he felt it too!!

  67. scirish - glad you are feeling better - it's been going around - lots of owlettes have had it - hope yours doesn't last as long..

  68. Hey all..quickie here..
    First: Prayers also to DonnaJean And Laurie..

    BarbWa: Your story of kitty and Rick brought me to sweet tears
    MAUREEN: Chills here too..what a sweet night you had.
    LILOLE: Two passenger indeed!!
    JUSTLIN:So glad he could make what he could be
    RENEE: I know that tug of family, nest, time.. hope you enjoy the boys!!!!!
    DREAMA: Glad your visitor moved on. Someday I'll talk about moving some spirits on, but for now, for you..phew! And Dream is realy to me.

    Okay, know I missed sorry.

    Lunch if you haven't already had some.. uh, well?

    Tomato Soup (home made)
    Grilled cheese w/butter too (soy for those intolerant flock members)
    Baked chips
    Carrots, pickles
    Sparkling water
    Fresh fruit..including mango, papaya, cherries, melon, strawberries etc.
    dig in.

  69. SCIRISH..feel better soon..boullion for you?

  70. nowmercy Thank you for serving lunch. I'm bringing:

    Wheat and white bread
    Mayonaisse and ketchup

    It will go great with the tomatoe soup! Enjoy, everyone.

  71. Yummm, I'll have a nice mug of tomato soup (oh my god...a campbell's tomato soup commercial came on as soon as I typed the words...eerie!) and a meatloaf sammie on wheat.
    And some baked chips and fruit!

    That commercial was weird timing...have to do with today's topic??????????

  72. argggg!! no boullion, I'm floating in it and starving...meatloaf sounds sooo good

  73. The Phone co is a PITA!!!! After a half hour of phone tree crap, they can't tell me when my mothers phone line will be up! Just that there is a cable down and they are working on it!
    Now I'm worried that her heat may be out

  74. I love this topic!! Thanks, Barb in wa! Your building sounds so cool.

    I think I've mentioned that I had a boyfriend who died in a car accident when I was 22. Shortly after he passed away, I had a very vivid dream that we were on the roof of a building, sitting in chairs, and there were lots of other people. We were saying good-bye. (The other people were saying good-bye to loved ones, too.) He told me that he was okay and that I couldn't go with him. To this day I remember every instant of that dream.

    Some say that's just our own minds comforting ourselves but I really don't think so.

    My dad has always been tuned in to "the other side" and once he was visiting me (about 7 years ago) and we all went out shopping except him--he stayed at my house. He said he fell asleep on the couch and when he woke up, a man was standing at the top of the basement stairs, and the man smiled at him and then disappeared. He said the man had a beret on his head. My boyfriend used to wear a hat like that all the time!! My parents only met him once in the whole year I dated him. (He was 37 when I was 22 and my parents hated that--that's a topic for another day!!). I got such chills when Dad said that.

    Dreama, I've read Sylvia Browne, too, and I find her so interesting. I'm not sure I believe everything she says about "the other side" but I sure want to! It's really interesting reading, owls!

  75. Oh yeah, it was you Dianne about the boob owl! LOL:)
    Okay, MEK's cemetary story triggered another one in my memory!
    My aunt lost her only daughter at the age of 18 in a car wreck.This was in Sept. 1990! In 1997, we were going to the cemetary in NC from SC to put flowers on her grave... My Aunt was really not wanting to go because she knew what a sad day it would evoke in her memory and was just not wanting to get upset 'cause she was visiting my brothers and I...We actually got this artificial spray thing to put on there...We decided we needed some type of wire to hold it on to keep the wind from blowing it away..We decided on wire coat hangers...So we loaded them AND the spray into the trunk and off to NC we go....I don't even believe we stopped but the closer we got to the cemetary the more nervous, sad and somber the mood became in the car! We get out and open the trunk and WOULD YOU BELIEVE the coat hangers were NOWHERE to be found in that trunk!?!
    We all 4 knew for a FACT we put them in there..So as we're digging around in the trunk, the thought that these vanished just cracked us all up! We could NOT stop laughing..So we decided to put the spray on her grave anyway instead of the headstone and it just turned out to be a funny experience..I think it happened so that we WOULD be forced to laugh and not cry..I STILL get chills thinking about it as I'm typing now! It is just something that cannot be explained!:)

  76. Loving the stories.... I have LOTS of them, but I'll tell you the one that gave me the most comfort. About 10 years ago, I was going through a very difficult and painful time in my life. One morning I was in particular dispair and I was going to work. It was summertime. I got out of my car and started to walk towards my office when I noticed two shadows walking beside me - one a grown man and one a younger man. It was my brother and father, who had both passed. I looked beside and behind me and nobody was there, but the shadows were hugged close to my body and walking along side of me. I felt the warmth of their presence. It didn't change the situation, but I knew that I had two guardian angels who cared for me. I can't explain it to you Whabby, but I truly believe that there is something beyond our comprehension and sometimes we have to accept with faith what we can't explain with science.

  77. Good Afternoon wonderful owls. I have started to pack for my trip to San Diego. Gettin' all my stuff together and I know I am going to take too much. I just got a flash of when MEK was packing for the BABB and her cat got in her suitcase. Made me giggle.

    Barb, what a great topic. I have already told you about when my sister's best friend Lola died and I knew it before we got the call. I wasn't quite 3 yet and I haven't had another experience like that since. (that was for our 'earliest memory' blog)

    I haven't ever seen a spirit, but about a year after my husband died, I woke up out of a sound sleep to the VERY STRONG smell of cigarette smoke. My hubby smoked about 2 packs a day. There was no one else in the house and I had all new drapes/curtains and carpet, because the old ones had a smoke smell. And I didn't allow anyone to smoke in the house. I can't explain the strong smoke smell in my bedroom, but it lingered for quite a while after I awoke. The same thing has happened a few times since then, too. I like to think he is here looking out for me.

    I don't know if this counts, but I also strongly believe in angels. I have been in stiuations, that could have been disasterous and weren't, and I am sure that I had an angel on my shoulder at those timnes.

  78. Zona, congrats on #1. You better be working on "you know what"

    Tinka, Congrats of getting the assignment right. You lead us so well.

    Lynn D, I work at a food bank too. Don't you find it so rewarding? I really love the time I spend there and the people I get to meet.

    MEK, Thanks. I just got lucky 'cause we all know that you and Tina are the masters marchers.

    Nowmercy, that is a beautiful sentinment you left in area 51. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  79. LOM- sorry, I don't know where that is. But I sure am glad your friend was there to keep you safe.

    J/L- I made meatloaf on Saturday. I had a meatloaf sandwich w/ketchup and mayo for lunch yesterday. So yummy.....

  80. These stories are so interesting. I so "looked" for something after losing my husband, but I never had any feeling of him being around. Someone once told me that things happen and you just don't recognize it.

    I have never tried mayo on meatloaf..sounds great and I am starved. I see it is almost gone.

    I brought all the fixins' to make milk shakes. I brought many flavors because I know quite a few can't eat chocolate right now. I even have some unusual flavors, so step right up and do you want whip cream and a cherry? I have a whole jar so you can have as many as you want too.

  81. dianne- I'll take the chocolate the others gave up! Hold the cherry- havent' had one in years ;)

  82. Coming right up, Goldie. Maybe it is time for you to have one after all these years!! Are you still snowed in there? The weather is crazy. Today it is 62 and almost Spring and they are saying 3-6" of snow by morning. It's no wonder everyone is sick. What Goldie, you want another one? Boy, you sure drank that one fast!!

  83. Oh, one more thing Goldie. I hope you don't end up on the naughty mat again today, as that wasn't a pleasant sight to come upon so late the other night!!! Did you get one of those pull-ups from your granddaughter yet?

  84. Sandie
    Did you see the episode where Montel talked about his first introduction to Sylvia Browne and as they shook hands she pulled him straight through a spirit. She said she did it to avoid any skepticism from him. Montel said it was a feeling that he never wants to experience again.

  85. DIANNE,
    May I have a chocolate shake? And I can use a new cherry! Ooopsies, did I just type that?????
    I hope you brought a lot of them!!

  86. Good afternoon Owls or Evening depending on where you are!

    I have a couple of stories!

    One is about my mother that makes me laugh to this day.

    After my Mother passed away we still lived in a house on Fremont in Seattle. I am not sure how long after she died but we did move with in a year or so of her death.

    My Dad had to go out one night and so he had my cousin Cathy and her friend Suzanne come to baby sit, they were both about 16 at the time. Dad explained where everything was and what time to put us to bed and how to reach him if they needed him and he left.

    Suzanne and my cousin fed us and then got us ready for bed. They then went to the livingroom to watch TV. My cousin was on the couch and Suzanne sat in the rocker recliner. You have to know that recliner was bought especially for my Mother by my Dad when she was so sick she could not walk by herself. He even picked out the color to this day I remember that turqoise recliner.

    Well the girls settled down and were just chatting and Suzanne says to my cousin that my Dad is a good looking man and he should not have any problems finding someone else. My cousin said as soon as that sentence left Suzannes mouth she got this weird look on her face and then the rocker recliner slammed forward and Suzanne was on her face in the middle of the floor!!

    My cousin swears up and down that my Mother was there and was not happy about that comment!!! LOL Well Duh!

    I have had a couple of incidents over the years but my most recent has been at the old school and foodbank.

    Our foodbank is in the basement of this old school we have two large rooms. In the main room is an area where we have canned goods and other items that we put together staples for people and we have a shelved area where we put misc. odds and ends. Things we are not sure what to do with like pop tarts or cookies or jello etc... We let people decide each week by the size of the family how many of these misc. things they would like to have.

    We had received a donation from a store of big bags of potato chips and I was putting them on the shelves. Everything was fine until I got to the last spot. I was stocking the two or three on a shelf like a grocery store.

    I got to the last spot and put two bags up and bent down to get another bag because there was room. The two bags fell off of the shelf. I did not think anything about it and put the two bags back, reached for the third and the two bags fell again. Well I was getting frustrated so I grabbed all three bags put them on the shelf and kind of pushed them to keep them there. All seemed fine. I had just turned to attend to something else when out of the corner of my eye I watched as the last bag I had placed shift it did not fall it flew across the aisle and landed on the floor.

    I remember yelling Holy Crap!! All of the ladies turned and I told them what had happened. They all laughed and said make friends with the ghost. No one is sure who the ghost is we think it was a spinster teacher that still has a rep as a mean one.

    To this day weird things happen in this building. Nothing harmful, like Barb said missed placed items. Neighbors by the school house have reported lights coming on in the middle of the night etc... We all just accept it now and say Hi hows it going? and move on.

    The only scary movies I hated as a kid were Vampire movies. Actually it took until my 20's until I could sit down and watch one. They scared the beejus out of me.

  87. As I slurp my chocolate shake, I have brought's on a warmer, so whenever you want it...dig in!

    Baked Herb Chicken and mushrooms (sorry Birdee, had to use what I had today!)
    roasted red skin taters
    roasted green beans and brussel sprouts
    Crescent rolls
    and we have dessert thanks to Dianne!!
    soda pops
    and sparkling water

  88. dianne, I am trying really hard to stay off the naughty mat. But its al MEK's fault anyway. Yup, thats my story and I'm sticking to it. MEK made me naughty..

    Good shake(s). Pass my cherry to Mo please. I have no further need for one, no one would believe it anyway if I said I had one.

  89. LynnD~ are so sweet~ :)~ I have to go read all the comments...Barb/WA ..... I love your's so fun~ :)

  90. I second what LYNN said...TINA, you whore!!

    LYNN, so glad you are back amongst us. {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}

  91. I have most of you on my Mypsace friends list but if I am missing anyone then be sure to request me. There you can put a picture to who I am and meet my family and my furbaby.:)I have like a gazillion photos up. The photo of me kneeling by the huge RC Zero airplane is where we saw the spirit float by a few weeks ago.

    off to the naughty mats for name calling.

  93. tina~ you whore!! How are you today?

  94. Goldie & Mo~ thanks so much for the love~ It means so much to me~ I love that you are free to express yourselves and are proud of OUR profession~ :)~

    Dianne_you_are_screwed_in_Denver~ is snowing like a mutha and it's sideways.....good luck tomorrow~ :)~

    now ladies (term loosely used~) let me finish reading~ :D

  95. We are going out to Valentine's Day dinner tonight because tomorrow it will be too crowded so see you all later. I'll bring back dessert for all.

  96. damnit- I just got off the naughty mat!
    Lynn and Mo started it...... :(

  97. Man I'm stuck on the naughty mat!! But I am with Mo and Goldie, Watch out! I think we should call it the bad ass mat!

    Ok off to watch Oprah and then have to go get Mr. Lynn D! Love ya all!

  98. Loving the comments today guys!
    love how tina stole the march from lynn!

  99. LMAO - I was calmly reading the comments and Lynn starts her march and I just KNEW "someone" would come out of the woodwork - I LOVE it - I, seriously, have tears running down my face I was laughing SO hard..

    Way to go, Tina!!! :-)

    Tina - you enabler - I love you - now I have to go shopping... :-)

    Barb in WA - thank you - beautiful!!!!

    SacBarb - I hope you don't end up taking a critter to San Diego!!

    Goldie - I LOVE mayo on meatloaf sandwich- I guess i just put mayo on ALL of my sandwiches - it has to be mayo - no miracle whip!!

    Milkshake sounds good - ya'll (for Joey and IBB) are making me crave things.. OH - and cake slices are on sale at Safeway!! LOL

    Hope everyone has had an excellent day... :-)

    I love everyone's stories -

  100. Goldie - I will be your fall guy for the naughty mat - LOL

    Lynn D - bad ass mat - I think that would get us on the damn thing!! :-)

  101. YAY!!! GOLDIE, LYNN and I are on the Naughty Mat! Woo hoo! Goldie, honey, make the three of us a pan of brownies, ok?? LOL

    Woo Hooooo, I made it to the naughty mat, I made it to the naughty mat, I made it to the naughty mat!!!!!!!!! YIPEEEEEEE

  102. thanks MEK- and NO miracle whip for me

    ok, I'm good with being on the 'bad ass mat' with lynn and Mo. What kind of trouble do you think we can get into girls?

  103. I have never seen or felt a ghost while awake.

    However, I dream about my deceased boyfriend a lot. He died in 1996.

    For the first couple of years the dreams were horrible. He wouldn't talk to anyone and they were so cold. He never smiled and no one could touch him. Those dreams would affect me all day long.

    Then after a couple of years of dreams like that they started to change. They didn't feel so cold or scary. I still couldn't talk to him, but I felt more warmth. He had more to color to him and more real. I still could only look at him from a distance.

    Six years ago after I miscarried the twins he was there in my dreams. He was in his firefighter suit with his oxygen mask on. He took the babies out of my arms and took them away with him. When he took them out of my arms I felt totally relaxed.

    Now for the past two years he comes to me in my dreams happy and relaxed. He even talks to me now which takes my breath away each time he does.

    I have never shared these dreams with anyone. They are very precious to me even the scary ones. I still think his spirit is with me.

    I am sure some fancy pyschologist could summarize what all those dreams mean, but too me I feel like he will always watch over me.

  104. iteach,
    I think the fact that this comforts you is a wonderful thing. Thanks for sharing something so personal and special to you.

  105. Hey bad ass mat about I double the recipe for the brownies but bake them in a smaller pan????

  106. Iteach -thank you SO much for sharing your story with us. very touching...

  107. after 45 minutes upstairs - MR. MEK just asked me if I needed anything at the store - I said - NO, I'm getting ready to put dinner on the table - what could we possibly need - He said - I have looked everywhere and I can't find the Valentine I bought you - (how sweet) - i told him that was okay - he can give it to me when he finds it!!! Gotta love him!! He feels terrible - he's back upstairs looking for it!!


  108. LOL - neighbor across the street just called - asked me if I needed the Michael's coupon - I told her NO - I'm good!! thanks!! :-)

  109. I could make a fortune in here representing naughty mat-ers! I'll just throw my business cards on there with you.

    Just to make sure I win something (I never make the march), our temp for tomorrow is going to be .... *drumroll* 61.6 degrees below zero Farenheit! Anyone want a houseguest until, say, May?

  110. Good Evening Owls,

    SacBarb, I understand exactly about the cigarette smell. When I walk into a room in my house sometimes I smell my grandfathers cologne and its very, very strong and lasts a while, I just say Hi JaJa (Polish for Grandpa).

    LynnD: Your story made me laugh about the rocker, When my grandmother passed away and my grandfather went out after all she died at 62 and he was only 60 so he was young, well he dated a few women after a couple years I think 2 or 3 my mother use to get so UPSET. I understand now why. But he never remarried and never dated that much maybe just 2 or 3 women and it was only 1 date each.

    My father passed away July 25, 2006 he was 62 of lung cancer, he never raised my sister and I, my grandfather did. Well I had a lot of questions for my father, such as why you didn't see us more??, so on and so on you get the idea. Well when we got to PA on Friday afternoon, my brother Michael who my Dad did raise took us to his house to see him, my sister and I thought we were going to get a lot of answers we got NOTHING, he couldn't talk that much. When he seen us (It was like 13 years since he did see us, for another blog) but by him kissing us and hugging us, that what sorta ok with me. Well he died. After about 2 weeks passed I was like in a 1/2 sleep and I seen my Dad vivid and clear and I asked him all the questions I wanted to ask and got all the answers. The weird part was is he was so honest with me. Then I think I woke up but it was like I was never sleeping, I called my sister immediately like at 7:00 am LOL. Sorry for the Novel. I just love this topic.

    Thanks Barbra.

    Boy I hope I don't end up on the naughty mat, I'm a good little Owl LOL when I wanna be. Then I can be bad, very, very, bad.

    Love You guys
    Renee EVE

  111. Oh iteach what a touching story.
    I do believe everyone has an angel watching out for them, you are so right.

  112. Hi everyone! I don't have any ghost stories to contribute. All the ones I have been reading are quite interesting though.

    Actually I just stopped by to take back the three kinds of homemade ice cream I left last night. Only Bon'oregon and Goldie had some with buttershots. I spent all afternoon making it (sniffle, sniffle), but that's ok (sniffle). I'll just bring it all home(sniffle) and sit in my chair (sniffle), all by myself (sniffle),and eat it as I watch Americain Idol. Just a minute I need to blow my nose. Ok, I hope (sniffle) that you all have a wonderful (sniffle) night.

  113. shirley- don't take the ice cream!!!! If bon bon hadn't drank all the damn buttershots I would have had more. You leave me ice cream and I'll share my special double batch brownies with you...

    cg- I would like to put you on retainer please.
    I'd invite you over, but I think you should aim higher- or actually lower in the states for a warmer spot!

  114. ITEACH, that was so lovely that you shared that with us. {{hugs}}

    EVE, I'm glad you got your answers.

    SHIRLEY, I had a couple of bowls of your ice cream, but I snuck them when nobody was looking...i didn't wanna be a pig! I made brownie sundaes with it! Yumm!

  115. CG, 61.6 BELOW zero?????? Holy shit, I'm shivering just thinking about it. Can you stay home all day, under blankies and sipping hot cocoa or hot toddies?

  116. MO: You made me laugh that you didn't wanna be a pig LOL, you LOVE pigs my dear!!!! Dancing, painting, My favorite pig is Miss Piggy I LOVE HER.

    Shirley, I'm sorry I wasn't here for your icecream, but I will try some tonite. Please leave it.

  117. I dont wanna spoil A.I for anyone, but can I just say I want to adopt that David kid...what a sweet young man...seems to be so well mannered and talented.

  118. CG - you can come stay at my house until your area thaws out -we are going to be in the high 70's next week - SO, looks like my golf tournament weather will be SWEET!!! You will probably want to head home when we start hitting the 100's!! :-)

    Brownies, ice cream, milk shakes - oh my!!!

    OH - and Tina in UT - MR. MEK says - YOU ARE AN ENABLER!!!! LOL

  119. No, Mo - it's just a regular old workday - up early - unplug the car (yes, I said unplug), and off to the drive-thru for coffee. Then off to work, hospital, ....

    But, I'm packing my bags for Arizona - do you share Mr. MEK? I might get lonely!

  120. MEK- I was so sure you were going to say Mr. Mek says tina~ is a whore! LOL

    I know, back to the naughty mat for me.....

  121. ITEACH: Sweetie, you don't need a fancy shrink to tell you that you and your young ones have an angel.
    My x and deceased boyfriend used to help me too.

    CG..holy frozen fritattass..girl, come on down to balmy sw Montana.. 13 tonight but 48 by Friday..we will treat you right...ya'll stocked up? BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    Lets all have hot buttered rum, cocoa with baileys or straight tequilla to warm up CG

  122. CG - LOL - I will have to ask - look forward to your visit!!


    Goldie - I think you will have the record for minutes on the naughty mat!! :-)

    Idol in 10 minutes!! YEAH!! can't wait to see the final 24!!

  123. CG: Do you live in an igloo?? I yi yi!!

    Iteach: I agree with Nowmercy you have a guardian angel. Those dreams are precious gifts.

    Dreama: I guess we should tell you that Tina's real name is Whoretina. We have just shortened it to Whore or Tina depending on our mood.

    Goldie: Extra thick and loaded brownies! Wahoo!! If that does not work on anxiety I don't know what will! Hey I wonder????

    MEK: Mr. MEK remembered Valentines Day!! Hang on to that one!

    Ok gang my butt is whipped from the foodbank today! Going to get dinner ready and then veg!

  124. CG~Wow!!! You made it feel much warmer here....Do you have to plug your car in wherever you go? I'd forget and drive off with the thing still attached

    iteach~What a beautiful story, you gave me goosebumps

  125. OMG, owls! You're amazing me here! More of you have had a supernatural experience than haven't! More on that and other reactions later, but for right now...

    For right now: iteach!!!! Your story hit close to home. I mean, uncannily close! Incredibly close!

    Some of the older Rossblog owls may remember that my best friend from 7th grade through college died when he was 24. I wrote the following, part of a tribute to him, for our high school's 30th reunion dinner just this past November:

    "25 years ago, my close friend, Chris Anderson, died of lymphoma. His death, at the age of 24, still ranks as the saddest and most existentially confusing event of my life.

    Once, when I was visiting Chris in the hospital, about three months prior to his passing, this huge feeling of “unreality” – I can’t describe it any more precisely than that - welled up inside me. I remember blurting out “ You don’t belong in here, like this, in this predicament! Your place is with the rest of us, out there, living your life!”

    But it wasn’t. Chris was destined for somewhere else. Once in a while, though, he still pays me a visit in my dreams. For the longest time, those dreams had a frustrating theme to them: Chris was alive again, yes, but always remote or inaccessible, like he would be confined to his room while I was visiting his house, or be asleep, or unable to communicate due to some disability. He was always in the dream, just slightly “offstage”, as it were. When I woke up and remembered the dreams, the recollection was accompanied by vague feelings of sadness and wistfulness.

    I’m delighted to report that in my more recent dreams, there have been no such barriers. Chris is healthy, happy, and fully himself. When I wake up, I’m seriously grateful to my unconscious for giving me a chance to touch base with him again!

    Oh. One more thing. Chris remains young in my dreams. He will not grow old, as we grow old, even there."

    Now you see why, when I read your post, I was like, WHOA! In the very latest dream (at least that I can remember) we were both happy, and hugged each other!

  126. No spoiler - but could Paula NOT drag out these "speeches" to these poor kids any longer!!! GEEZ... I agree with Simon - she is annoying.

  127. Whab- you an iteach share a special, albeit with different people, experience.
    MEK and I do too.

    What is amazing to me is that people who have come together from all walks of life and places have such amazingly similar experiences and feelings.

    Hey, you think I can get into the Guiness Book of World Records for naughty mat times?

    CG did you get the dollar retainer I sent you?

  128. Whab- you an iteach share a special, albeit with different people, experience.
    MEK and I do too.

    What is amazing to me is that people who have come together from all walks of life and places have such amazingly similar experiences and feelings.

    Hey, you think I can get into the Guiness Book of World Records for naughty mat times?

    CG did you get the dollar retainer I sent you?

  129. Good Evening all Owlettes... ANd whabby ...

    Iteach... wow... Guardian angel for sure...

    I have two different tales... will do them in separate posts...
    The first...
    A very good friend of mine had a son who was diagnosed with a very rare blood disorder... most with this disorder didn't make it past toddler-hood he was 11 when he passed... so they had many more years than any doctor could have imagined... so she and her son had talked about when he passed... give her a sign that he had made it to heaven...
    He said how can I let you know...
    she said make it snow...I will know then...
    they also wanted to help others with this disorder... so the let Childrens hospital(in D.C.) have the body after his death...
    They (the hospital) only kept him for 4 days.. and then let thefamily ahve the body to bury...
    It was a small family cemetery in the hills of the shenendoah valley... cars couldn't get in... so we all walked up the hill ... they had a horse and wagon bring the casket up before us... we followed it up... Then in tradition we stayed while they buried him...
    It was Decemer 20th but an unseasonably warm day... we were just wearing sweaters... no heavy coats...
    but as we were walking out of the cemetery.. It began to snow... everyone knew the story of "let me know when you get to HEAVEN" and everyone stopped in their tracks... it snowed for about 5 minutes.. then the sun came out again... My friend has had piece ever since that day... she knows he is in heaven..
    that was in 1993...

  130. IBB- That was way too neat with the snow falling like that.

  131. Just Lin: I love meatloaf sandwiches! I'll take mine with mustard on white bread, please. :)

    Iteach: I too have dreams about my loved ones who have passed away, and those dreams always feel so real. The last one I had was about Cosette, and I woke up still feeling the warmth in my heart.

    Speaking of Cosette, I have a story that might relate to today's topic.

    As some of you already know, Cosette was named after the little girl in Les Miz. On the very day I lost her, I received an email from our Fox Theatre. When I opened it, there was a picture of the little girl with the words "Au Revoir" next to it. The email explained that after 19 years Les Miz was ending its national tour.

    It gave me chills, goosebumps, and of course, more tears. It was so appropriate for the way my heart was feeling at that moment. The show couldn't go on without her.

    Fast forward exactly one year later on the anniversary of the day I lost Cosette. I was sitting in the Fox Theatre reading the Playbill, and there was an article in it about Les Miz. The show had reopened on Broadway. Again, chills and goosebumps because it was so appropriate. My heart had been given a year to heal, and it was time for the show to go on. :)

  132. iteach, I've had many comforting dreams about my old boyfriend, too. It's been many years since he passed away but he still shows up in a dream now and then and I always awake feeling such strong emotions. I think he watches over me, too.

    IBB, that's a great story about your friend's son! Wow.

    Whabbear, Sylvia Browne says that we all appear as if we're about 30 years old on the other side (unless you were younger when you passed). I sure hope she's right because I was lookin' fine at 30! LOL

    Whenever I've experienced something like we're discussing, I often have just a bit of doubt in my mind--like, did I imagine that? But now that I'm hearing all of your stories, I feel that there's so much more to it than we understand. We can't all be crazy!

  133. Hi hotters!

    I've just read a few stories so far, WOW! I'm amazed.

    I don't have any ghost stories to share, but I do have one that I think qualifies for this topic.

    Twenty-some years ago when I was in nursing school, we had a rotation at a place called Sonoma Developmental Center.

    It was a place for developmentally disabled, and they had a gift shop.

    My best friend, Martha, and I went into the gift shop one day, when it was almost time to leave. We each bought a scraggly succulent type plant. They told us the plant would get beautiful flowers.

    Well, I had the plant for years, I lugged it all over with me when I moved. Martha did too, we both kept our plants and would joke with each other "did your plant bloom yet"??

    Always a big NO.

    Martha was diagnosed with breast cancer, and died October '01.

    Within a couple weeks, my plant got a huge, red, gorgeous bloom and flower.

    It just got the 1 bloom. I took pictures of it, I was just shocked and didn't really think anything of it.

    The thing didn't bloom again.

    Then, Feb. '05, my favorite aunt Nancy died of pancreatic cancer.

    Two weeks later, guess what? Yup, the plant bloomed.

    Jan. '06, my mom's mom died, and within a couple weeks, another bloom.

    Jan. '07 my dad's mom died, and you know what happened. Yes, another bloom.

    So, in twenty some years, the plant has bloomed 4 times, that's it. I've saved all of the blooms. Not sure what I'll do with them, but it makes me feel good to look at them and know what they symbolize.

    I truly believe it's a sign of some kind, and seeing the beautiful bloom is comforting, like my loved ones "up there" are telling me they are ok.

  134. O.K.... My next one ... a little more creepy... I lived in this apt under a restaurant and bar..
    I worked 3-11 at the hospital.. and when I got off work I would come and close the bar.. It was open til 2.. (I would be there anyway might as well be woking and making money.)..
    So anyway.. I didn't have a phone in apt.. shared the apt with a pregnant friend...and the bar didn't open til 5... so... if the owner came in early we could go up and use the phone.. one day we heard the door open.. footsteps aross the floor.. (it was all hard wood floors) so we went up to use the phone... gwet around the bldg. and to the front door... it was locked and the owners car wasn't there...
    but we both heard it...
    so later that week.. it was on a saturday afternoon... we only had about 4 customers in the bar... all were sitting at the bar... across the room were dart boards... with chalk boards and erasers ... for keeping score...
    well we were all just sitting there and one of the erazssers flew across the room... we all saw it... about an hour later a man came in ... none of us had ever seen him before... I served him... he didn't want to talk .. so I told if he needed anything call me...went on back to talking with others... then this man started saying..." well this place hasn't changed much".. It had been 15 years since he had been there,,,, it was a different name back then.. different owners.. it was a ruff place...
    I asked if he had been out of town... He said he had just gotten out of jail earlier in the week... so me being me ... I asked him wha twas he in for... He said he had killed a man right in THAT corner....
    it just happened to be where the darts boards were...

  135. Amicus, that is so sweet. You and Cosette have a very strong bond.

  136. MEK~ I didn't get it at first~ I was thinking ....what did i do....duh~ you are hilarious~ :)~ I only had one....then my mom found another and I squeezed it in~ :D

    Iteach~ I love your is so amazing~

    All the stories are amazing~

    I have two people, a man and a woman, who watch tv in my family room with me....or rather....they leave the room when I watch tv. I've never paid attention to the shows I'm watching when they leave, but they don't seem to have the same taste in television programming as me~ At first, they scared the living daylights outta me.....we are the original owners of the house, so I couldn't figure out who they could be. She is dressed in white and her hair is up and he is in a brown suit with a hat.....they look like something out of the mid 1800's. After a while, I just started waiving goodbye to them as they left.

    The other thing I wanted to tell you is that I talk to the dead. When I was dating Mr Tina, his grandmother died. I was so mad at her because I had never met her and she sounded like a wonderful woman. So I told her I was mad.....and she laughed....I had the warmest feeling inside when I had that "conversation"...I told Mr. Tina that she was alright and it freaked him he's used to it~

    The last person I "talked" to was Mother Zona. Zona mailed me some of her mom's old things...mostly craft stuff, but also a couple of rosaries. It was sitting next to my bed and that night as I lay there trying to fall asleep, all of a sudden....there she was...not physically...I just felt her presence....and she was happy, smiling and just wanted me to know and to tell Zona~ There are a lot of people I've wanted to hear from, but I never hear from them....I guess just from people I NEED to hear from...hope that made sense~

    Anyway...I hear some people are calling me names...and I thank you profusely~ :)~

  137. O.K.... I would love to have a meatloaf sandwich with myo on white bread...
    that is the best sanwich in the world...

    And I am going to say... this is one of the best years of Idol ever.... the next couple of weeks are going to be tough!!!
    Now I taped BB9 so off to watch it...
    Hubby changes his mind last night... he wants to watch Idol not BB9..

  138. we can all be crazy~ (but the good kind) :)~

    EBJ~ oh my.....that is a great story.....keep that plant~

  139. IBB: What a beautiful story about the snow.

    EJB: How beautiful, it must of been a sign from them, I'm sure of it.

  140. I just love Ghost Whisper now and I'm hooked.

    However, I'm having more fun reading all of these stories tonight! They are amazing and I love getting goose bumps.

  141. I am just dropping in. At 9:30 this morning I was sent from the doctor's to the hospital for more tests. I was there all day. I will know more by the beginning of the week. For now I am to take it easy. I won't be on the blog much for a few days. I will save the ghost stories for the week-end. I love them. Take care. God bless.
    Love, Tinka

  142. iteach......I don't know what to say other than Thank You so much for sharing. I really think he is at peace now because he is helping you now by taking care of the babies. What a dear man.

    lynn.....i love your stories too! What a great day in the blog!

  143. BArb_in_wa--
    this is the best blog ... I love ghost stories...
    I wish I could work in your bldg..
    We use to go to this place with my grandmother.. Is a historic Civil war house... She gave tours... and they say there is a ghost in the house... Nana saw her ..One of the slaves killed the lady of the house.. the slaves kitchen was the most haunted place in the house... but she was the lady of the house and appeared in the formal dining alot..
    The place is called Belle Grove... You can still take tours there... it is not the same without Nana giving the tour ..
    MEK and I went there one of her last trips out here...

  144. tink, sending good thoughts and hugs to you dear lady..

  145. Oh! what did I miss? What's the matter with Tink?

    Whatever it is...just get better soon!

  146. Ibb and scirish - i don't think it would have been the ghost that made me leave the bar - it would have been the guy that saddled up to the bar....... why return to the scene of the crime when you get released from prison - good grief...

    Tinka - feel better soon...

    Tina - the one you snuck in was hanging out and almost got away!! OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

  147. EBJ - keep the plant - that is an amazing story - do you know what ever happened to your friends plant??

  148. Maureen: I agree with you about David. He's adorable! :)

    Ibebold: It does look like this is going to be a fantastic season. Lots of great talent!

    I am disappointment in one of their decisions though, but I don't want to spoil it for others who might not have seen it yet.

    Sandie: Thanks! I know you understand, because you feel that kind of special bond with Luc.

    Tinka: Sending a prayer for good news about your test results next week. {{Hugs}}

    Have a good night, Owls!

  149. OH and as I was channel surfing - the SCIFI channel is having Ghost Hunter episodes!!

  150. I have one more... it involves a ouiji board... My friend and I.. in the same apt below the bar ... got out the ouiji board one night... we started asking it ???'s.. it was on our knees... we weren't touching the cursor... but it started moving ... ( the spirits don't like to be laughed at).. so they say...
    Well about that time ... my friend farts!!!
    well we start laughing... and we could feel the cursor come to an abrupt stop... and we trieed to ask it one more thing... and then we got scared and put it up... When I moved out of that apt... she had left it behind... I put all my stuff in storage .. above my grama's store bldg... 2 years later when I got the stuff out of storage the ouiji board was gone!!!
    I don't want to know!!!

  151. I'll have to catch up later because I'm knee deep in TONS of Valentine's to send out on myspace;)hehe
    I am finally gonna be a proper friend and send stuff! LOL
    I sent whabbear THE neatest "space" retro one!!
    Here is one for y'all that pertains to today's topic! I could only find a small version of it though!:(
    It says "GHOST TO SHOW YOU"..haha
    SO CUTE!
    Goodnite y'all! I may come back IF I ever get done with this;)


  152. Feel better, Tinka! And, please rest and know that we'll all be thinking about you.

    Yes, Amicus, Luc is my poodle soul mate.

    Tina, we probably are all crazy! Maybe that's why we get along so well!

    Jeez, I hope I can sleep tonight--I kind of have the heebee jeebees.

  153. Night all you owls....try not to wear out the naughty mat...

  154. IBB - now THAT is funny - about the fart - not that the board was missing.

    Idol - yes, it is a good group - really diverse -

    Amicus - i was also disappointed with ONE decision - I applaud Simon - he was SOOOOOOO nice!!!

  155. Oh and not giving a spoiler(although GLYNIS, check your email!!! LOL) but I wanted to say how FAB American Idol was!! Only couple of mine didn't make it(like the homeless guy with accent when he sings) but all in all, it's gonna be a FUN season!

    I'll have to watch BB9 online when they post it!:(
    Ok off to spread myspace love for V-day! :)LOL
    I also have to take a pic of the cute "remote" card I got my honey that's coming next week! LOL
    It's like a real remote, but only the "channels" are renamed to be lovey dovey! HAHA..It was a Hallmark Card..when you care enough to send the very best! HAHA

  156. Mo.. Amicus..
    Yes David adorable...
    And Amicus... I think I know what you are talking about... I will not say anything either ... but I cried...

  157. OH NO - guitar playing illegal is back outside singing - GEEZ... he is SOOOOOOo bad....

  158. Now MEK- did you check his papers to know for sure he is an illegal?

    Can I get off the naughty mat now? I am tired and need to go to bed please, with Mr. Goldie. (wink, wink)

  159. MEK, maybe he is singing you a Valentine love song . . .

  160. Goldie - you may go to bed now and be naughty!! LOL

    Sandie - if he is singing a love song - I can't understand a word he is saying!!!

  161. Off the mat and going to go get naughty!!!

    Night owls, owlettes, hooters and illegals!

  162. Good nite Goldie!!!
    take that naughty into the bedroom with you!!

  163. IBB - lol - they just howl at the guy!! :-) and bark so that then MY dogs are the problem!! and you know how I hate a barking dog..

  164. No - I don't watch Big Brother - sorry!!

  165. Last year I got the live feed... don't know about this year!!

  166. The wind is really blowing outside - music has STOPPED - thank goodness!! It's supposed to rain tonight - then we will have excellent weather for the weekend!!

  167. Hoping for good weather for the tourney!!
