
Saturday, March 1, 2008


i have come to the conclusion that
ppl with mighty fine attitude's
just piss me off

why must some people think
they are better then others and
come off all snippy with a wide
ass attitude

life is so short in so many ways
what is the problem with just being nice

i find with just one question asked in
the most simplest of ways, the answer
is a retort with a attitude

whether it be the telephone company,
the cable service, the doctors office
etc. everyone has a attitude

try as i might to be very sweet when
i call, i soon find myself crazed over
what i am dealing with

i step back, think, thank them
and hang up, only to call right back
hoping, actually praying to get
someone nicer next time around

this is how i deal with it
frustrating at best!


  1. I'm all by myself to enjoy this victory.

  2. Great post, Carol, I had a little talk to myself this morning about adjusting my attitude. :)

  3. Great post, Carol, I had a little talk to myself this morning about adjusting my attitude. :)

  4. Great post, Carol, I had a little talk to myself this morning about adjusting my attitude. :)

  5. ITEACH you are number ONE and TWO...wooHOOO to YOU!!! and good very morning..

  6. I think I had an attitude problem with the enter button, because it wasn't entering fast enough. Then look what happens!

  7. ITEACH: and three
    and four
    and five,
    L O L

  8. Nowmercy good morning to you, I'm off to do laundry.

    Have a wonderful day, dear!

  9. ITEACH: Your attitude adjustment might have been like the computer..slow but catching up!

  10. How are you feeling this morning?

  11. A little grouchy, but I'm going to keep myself busy to keep my mind off of it.

    Okay, I'm really going to do laundry now. :)

  12. CAROL: Thanks for the TOTD.. attitude is so hard. I really do believe that rudeness is epidemic in America. I remember a Sweet Honey and the Rock song with words "A please a thank you and a smile will take you a long long way". I believe that many of the tv shows are part of the virus that is spreading. Sarcasm, interruptions, dismissive comments etc. are all a part of this nations dis-ease, lack of ease with being Who we are. And it hurts. I hurt, I am guessing Carol part of you may hurt, with this loss, this deep deep loss of the very ability to connect and take time.

    I truly believe to my core that human beings are happiest when they are of service or being kind, and the disconnect from this primal need causes an unhappiness that is unfortunate and insipid.

    If you read this, I thank you. I needed to be heard.
    Carol if any of this resonates for you, I celebrate, because I want to meet MY need to reach out and really hear others.

  13. Well since I'm talking to myself, I want to share a funny on me..
    Scene: "Stuck" in traffic with very slow drivers.
    I was so uptight..losing what I perceived as precious minutes. Suddenly I realize that my "come ON's" and grunts etc are filling the car and my kiddo with anger and green icky fog. I breathe, pray, and the Goddess of laughter blesses me, because the next thing I say is, "PEOPLE, don't you read your memos? It is all about ME!!!" We cracked has become the way dealing with situations that we can't change.

  14. Good Morning Hooters!!!!!!
    Sorry I've been gone so long. I've missed you all. I went away last weekend with my sister and she has been staying around here, trying to figure out what she want's to do about her bf/relationship. I've been trying to keep up with all of you in between. Sadly, I'm so behind with all of you.
    I tried to join last night, but had problems getting to the site. Just realized this morning that the AT&T guy's have been around the house and nieghborhood. Hopefully, they are done with whatever they were doing.
    Hopefully I will pick up on what you all have been talking about.
    I've Missed YOU ALL!!

  15. Carol, great TOTD. I have this problem in my own family. My mother gave me attitude the other day because when I drink tea, I leave the spoon in the cup! I do it because I put honey in it, and I'm alway's stirring it up. Hey!, if I get poked in the eye...that's my problem!! And my sister ALWAY'S has to talk to people with a attitude tone, like she's a miss know-it-all. (the oldest sister)
    Hell, if I pick up a magazine or something at the house, she alway's has to inform me with "That's mine"!! Well, my attitude turns into.."good, shove it up your ass!! That way you can be sure no one will touch your stuff". But, I never say it, just think it! But, one of these day's I may get worked up enough to actual say it! HA!!!

  16. iteach, Thanks!!!! I've really really missed all of you too!!

  17. ITEACH---Congrats on!<@<#----

    Good morning all...

    We have a sign hanging up at work... "attitudes are contagious---Is yours worth catching"!!!!!!!!!!

  18. ibebold!!! hi!
    Good sign to have! I should make that up to hang around here and "other" place's!

  19. Birdee-- I think you need to tell her that...
    Geez... you are just going to look at a magazine... not take it away forever!!!

  20. iteach got the first, second, third, forth and fifth...she shoots she scores (hockey,, anyone?)! Way to go!

    nowmercy....Sweet Honey in the Rock? I LOVE them! Have you ever seen them in concert....fantastic!

    welcome back, birdee!

    ibb...good are your feeling today?

    thank you carol for a topic I think about alot! you are a thought provoker! thank you, thank you!!!

    and can I say my current attitude is that it is too frickin' early to be awake (7ish on the west coast) on a Saturday morning, but the internal clock doesn't know it's
    THE WEEKEND!!!! so I am mostly whispering this morning, in case other people are actually sleeping in!

    when I was at a conference last week, I was trying to get myself and two others from the resort to the airport (a two hour drive) so called the rental car company, the woman made it very clear that in just making the inquiry call, I was bothering her tremendously. when I asked if the car had winter tires, she said in the huffiest voice possible "of course not". when I said...well, are the roads okay for all seasons tires? she said, "well, how would I know I don't drive". at that point, my brain was screaming "customer service, baby!!!" and decided we would take the bus! I sometimes just want to say to people like that "I can tell you don't like your job and it doesn't make you happy. maybe it would be a good idea to look for another one...right now!

  21. ibebold, Hell, I should take it, just to really piss her off!!
    I can run faster than her!!

  22. good morning feathered friends.

    ITEACH, congrats on being 1st (thru 5th!!)

    NOWMERCY, good morning. You have the right attitiude. Humor can make the worst of situations better! Where's the breakfast? I'm hungry!

    BIRDEEEEE, welcome home! That was funny about wanting to tell your sis to shove it up her ass so nobody will touch her stuff again! I missed you.

    CAROL, great topic! Working with the general public sure can inspire some attitude stories as well as the ones we encounter with the supposed customer service departments on the phone.

    My attitude is at it's worst when I am dealing with me. I can be really sarcastic and mean to me.

    But with others, I try to be sweet and kind and funny. Trying to turn their attitudes around. Sometimes it works, but usually not.

    Working in retail for so long, I could have become quite jaded around the customers with problems, but I always tried to take the high road, and if all the sweetness and light failed, I turned to humor. If I could get them to laugh, then things went up-hill from there.

    I think that when you are dealing with people, I try to remember that I don't know their real situation and I am a captive audience for them, so I let them have their say, then deal with it. Maybe I can make the situation at hand better for them and also improve their entire day. Then I would go into my office and swear under my breath (ok, not always under my breath!) and call them names!! neener neener neener

    I'm so mature...NOT!

  23. VIG---
    Good morning....
    I am feeling better... still snotty!!!
    But I hear it lingers for awhile!!!
    I have never been sick for 3 weeks in my life... even when I had Pneumonia!!!

  24. O.K.... trying my hand at the breakfast stuff....

    Lets see....

    OMLETTE bar ---antway you want it...
    Sausage patties and links---
    bacon--- Turkey and real!!
    Assorted fruits...
    OF course Grapefruit!!!
    Coffee --Tea---
    And I will take a Dr Pepper...
    and I have a diet pepsi for Tina!!!
    Hope I didn't forget something...
    i am new at this!!

  25. Good Morning Mo---
    See I was reading your mind... Enjoy breakfast!!!

  26. MO!!!!!!!!!!!
    Happy to see you here.
    I agree, I can have a shitty attitude when I have to deal with myself too!
    I really irritate myself!!

  27. Hi VIG!
    Hi IBB ! Damn this cold that is going around. Feel better.

    I just remembered a service story that I am kinda proud a mean kind of way!

    I was at a local deep discount store. Every cashier had lines at least 10 people long. I got in one and waited and waited. I was now third to cash out, when the cashier looked at me and said I am closing after the person in front of you. NO FUCKING WAY, after she let me stand there for 25 minutes. So I told her that. Then she kept making faces at me while she rang up the two people in front of me. She also made a comment about me to the next cashier. I was livid. She tried to tell me again she was closing and I informed her that she was not, she still had her light on, she let me stand there, now for 30 minutes and she was going to ring me up. As I stood there, I realized I would have to write a check and I really didn't want her knowing my name, etc... I also was not liking her too much and felt a pang of vengence run thru me. It was my turn and she snarled at me while she rang. After she rang and bagged the last item, I looked at her straight in the face and said...I wouldn't buy this stuff from you if you were the last cashier in the universe.I told her she was nasty, had an attitude and should consider a new career. Told her she better start voiding the sale, cuz I was outta there!! I then went to the manager and reported her.
    I laughed all the way home...without my purchases and did't ever shop in that store again.

  28. IBB - thanks for breakfast, I am starving. Since you're still "snotty" should I avoid anything that is green in color? LOL

  29. LOL..Mo...
    I avoid green things anyway... sick or not!!!

  30. Love the story MO---
    That little snot deserved that ...GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!

  31. Mo, Loving that story!! Good for you.!!

  32. Thanks Carol, You always come up with a great topic. Good Morning to you my dear!

    Good Morning iteach, #1 - #6. You are on your weekend and should be sleeping in. Didn't I tell you that in a message last night? Do any of your students give you attitude? I bet not.

    Hello Birdee - So happy to see you posting. I love all the picture comments you send. That way I don't miss you on the blog. I have you captured on myspace.

    Good Morning Ibebold, Your attitude sign should be hanging in every store.

    Good Morning Nowmercy, I enjoyed your post thank you. It gives one lots to think about.

    VIG - My friendly neighbour. You will be home tomorrow won't you? Call me.

    I was finding that someone's ill-tempered attitude could put me in a bad mood for the rest of the afternoon. Now I try very hard to 'rise above it'. I quote Dr. Dyer once again and tell myself "You are not important enough in my life to affect my mood". Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. There are many people involved with looking after my mom. Some have the sweetest dispositions. Some are so nasty in their attitude I can't wait to get out of that place.
    I had an aunt who used to embarrass me when I was a child because she always responded to a miserable store clerk with the parting words of "You sure don't like your job do you". I would slink away when she said that. Now I am beginning to think some of them need to be told and perhaps reported.

  33. Good Morning Ibebold, I am sorry I didn't realize you were sick. I would have sent you a card to cheer you up. It is very kind of you to make breakfast when you are just recovering. I would love an omelette and sausage. Thank you.

    Maureen - You are someone who has the type of attitude I like to deal with. I bet if truth be known you are always very kind to people.

    Off for breakfast. Have a great Saturday everyone.

  34. Good Morning Owls nest!!!

    Iteach wahoo first several times over! LOL

    I do want to make a comment about the bra conversation from yesterday.

    Someone said they paid $70.00 for a bra???? OK sister if I paid that much for a bra I would expect a lift not only for the twins but my face also!!! Holy Crap!!!! They had better be so perky that people across the street waved back at them! Enough said.

    Attitude hmmmmm Yeah sometimes I have one, well maybe two.

    However like Mo I did customer service for years and had to smile and pander, and in general eat shit!

    I do like to tell you tho that about 99 percent of the people were polite and wanted to be helped. The one percent I always figured could not be helped even by the best therapist. My Motto all those years was "Thank God I do not live with that person"!!!

    Carol I do not put up with attitude on the phone at all. I always ask for a name and then I ask for a supervisor!

    In restaurants another story I wait until the next day. No spit in my food!

    Yay Birdee made back into the nest!!!!!!!!!

    Hi IBB, Mo, NowM, and Vig!!!!

  35. TINKA---
    i love that...
    "you ar enot important enough in my life to affect my mood..."
    I need to remember that at work tonight...
    there is one guy I work with that just Tap Dances On my Last NErve...And I think he enjoys it,,,,So I shouldn't let him get to me...
    But he calls me Sue....
    I become Regan in the exorcist (you know-head spinning all the way around)when people call me Sue...
    It is not my name... And why people assume that they can shorten your name without being told that they can...
    Well that is my attitude problem..

  36. Well, I need to get some stuff done around here. Have some repairs/remodeling that we've been working on. Off to buy stuff!
    I'll try to get back later today.
    Hello Tink and Lynn d!!

  37. LynnD--
    I agree... I would not spend 75 dollars on a bra...
    And you are right... hell it better clean the house for taht amount of money....
    JMS(Just My Size) works just fine for me.... 12.99 at walmart!!!

  38. Hey IBB: Don't let the fool get you down!!!

    I have a lady at the foodbank that always calls me Fran! LOL Don't know why? I have corrected her several times.

    Now I just shrug my shoulders and laugh!!! The other ladies think I'm crazy but what the hell today I am Fran tomorrow Sadie who knows.

    You could always give him a nickname and use it with customers. Call him Tom or Jimmy bet he stops soon. My favorite when I was training teenagers (girl or boy) was hey sweetie!!! They hate this infront of everyone!!! LOL Soon they would adopt a very polite attitude!

    Bet they called me bitch on their breaks!

  39. Tinka, I wish I could sleep in, but little Carolyn loves to get up early.

    I have one this year in my classroom who has been giving me a lot of attitude, I have been trying so hard to connect with him.

  40. LynnD--
    It's funny.. people just care what they call you..

    I have some people call me Sharon...
    I would take that over Sue any day!!!!

  41. Somehow I posted on yesterday's post and I see Lovey and Whabbear over there too. I don't know what happened.

  42. iteach Your last post reminded me of my son's first day of kindergarten. I was all excited about it and asked him how his first day of school went. His reply was, in a disgusted manner, "It was okay, I guess, but they didn't teach me to read yet". He continued to be disappointed in school for all the years to come. Talk about an attitude!4444

  43. I have no idea where those fours came from on my last post. My fingers were nowhere near the four, honest.

  44. Here is the post I left on yesterday's page by mistake. Sorry Lovey and Whabbear. Your comments also said March l but it was early this morning. It is just me that is having a senior moment.

    Birdee and Iteach - Until I looked at the comments you two sent me, I forgot it was March today. That lifted my spirits a lot. My grandmother died in February and my mother always thought she would too. She always hated February. Well she isn't feeling well but February is now over. Whoopie!!!!

    Lynn - I agree. I would never pay $70 for a bra but I like the 'X your heart' ones that retail for that. I always wait for the half price sale and get 2 or 3 at one time.

    Ibebold - I repeat that "You are not important enough in my life" expression a lot. I have a real problem with being too sensitive. I have been all my life and at my age I am not about to change even though I would like to.

    Iteach - When I first retired and had just one dog I got up when ever I felt like it. (That is except for the 3 years I gave day care to my grand daughter.) Now I have Tia, she is almost 2 and has us up at seven every morning. I hope she slows down as she gets older. It's nice to have one day a week when you can sleep as
    long as you like.

  45. Good Morning, my fine feathered friends!!!

    I woke up WAY too early this a.m., after trying to pretend to be a "night owl"!!

    Cpgem - thanks for the blog today -
    Iteach - congrats on one, two, three, four, five , etc...

    Lynn D - who knew you had SO many names!! :-)

    Good morning to all that have posted....

  46. IBB - I think I will use your quote on some of these ladies in this scrapbook group!! they just take WAY too much energy to know!! They suck the life out of you with their drama

  47. Tinka--
    I will repeat it alot myself now...
    I am the same... I take everything personal... I know most of the time it is not... but that is me...
    and those are the lasting effects of mental abuse,...
    It is always our fault... we are never good enough...

  48. Morning MEK---
    Glad you and turtle got together...
    And WOW... it was really late for you last night...

  49. Attitude - isn't it amazing how customer service seems to have gone right out the window!!

    I love to "kill 'em with kindness" -

    A smile speaks volumes!!!

    I hope everyone has an excellent day!!! :-)

  50. Good morning, IBB!!

    Yes - we never think we are good enough, do we?? isn't that sad??!!

    Yes, I was up REALLY late - but well worth it!! would not change last night for anything!!!

  51. I need to get the camera and upload the pics, but I have a nice visit from my K.C. - she's purring away and I don't want to disturb her!! :-)

    Nothing better than a purring kitty!!

  52. iteach What a goof I am. I forgot to say Congrats on being #1 how many times today? LOL

    Carol Thank you for the TOTD.

    Jodi You get Owl Said today!

    IBB Thank you so much for breakfast. Hope you don't mind that I shorten your name to IBB.

    I had a really good experience with customer service when I called Social Security after my husband died. I just couldn't believe how nice and helpful the lady was. She came up with the fact that I would actually get a few dollars more a month in widow benefits if we went by my first husband rather than the second, as improbable as that seemed. I should have told her supervisor how great she was but I didn't think of it. I sure told her how impressed I was with her, though.

  53. OMG - it's Mr. IBB's birthday today!! and guess what - his card is sitting here waiting to be mailed!!! LOL :-)

    Just Lin - that is great that you got a GREAT person to help you out..

    I always make sure that managers know the GOOD stuff as well!!!

  54. Just_lin--
    All my friends call me IBB...
    I love it!!!!

  55. And yes MEK... It is Mr. IBB's B'day....
    HE will get home from work around 2 and I have to be there at 3 so.... we are not celebrating today... but we are waiting til wednesday night... maybe mail it today it will be here for the party!!!

  56. LOL -
    I am SO surprised that I didn't get a response from IBB about Mr. IBB's card!!!

    HELLO!!! :-)

  57. There you are!!! typing at the same time!!!

    It's getting mailed today!!!

  58. Will "you know who" be at the party??!! LOL

  59. Okay - I think I am going to go lay back down - :-)
    cuz I can!!

  60. We are waiting til I am healthy so Alice can come...
    I haven't seen her for 3 weeks... With her being on Chemo I would hate myself if I got her sick... so I have stayed away... but I sure do need a hug from her...I haven't seen her in way toooo long....
    And "HE" might not be invited... J/K... Of course I have to include him... It is hubby's 2nd best friend!!!

  61. Thanks for the myspace message Tink! Sorry I haven't been posting - it has been a loooong week. For those who have been kind enough to ask, nope, no baby yet. This little sucker is just as stubborn as his mommy (I have NO idea where she gets it). I was at the hospital with her until the wee hours on Thursday night. There was some early labour, but more importantly she has some serious blood pressure and kidney issues now. After several hours of debate and testing, they decided that she isn't full term yet (she is 4 days shy of the magic 37 weeks) and it wasn't wise to induce and/or C-section yet. So, unless she goes into labour again on her own, it will probably be another week. I am SO anxious to meet and hold my little grandson, but I guess it is up to him now. Talk about "attitude"!!!

  62. Hey all.. here I am at the library with dd after a violin "adjudication" for her. She had a bit of a melt down at having to do homework but is zipping along now..thank GOD for libraries.

    BIRDEE: Yay, GREAT to have you posting. Sister stuff can be so much pent up old ick... hope you can get a break from it now and then.

    IBB: Triple love the sign and THANK YOU for your terrific customer service with breakfast Happy Bday IBB

    VIG: Oh, if ONLY I could see SHR in concert. OMG.

    MO: Woops, was mothering too much to put on a feed. And YES, mercy toward the self instead of a constant barrage.. a challenge.

    TINK: Dr. D has great ways of putting things so they can slip past the "yeah but" radar.

    LYNND: LOL LOL on the $70 bra comment

    MEK: Hope your bod catches up with some rest today... and yes kill with kindness...

    JUSTLIN: So glad for the SS lady being kind and helpful

  63. CG: Oh the waiting and your concern.. sending prayers..

  64. NowMercy--
    I will tell Mr. IBB happy b'day from you...

  65. Congrats on 1st today iteach!!!

    Man.....I totally need an attitude adjustment sometimes. Ive been so much better since not working full time. But I still get snippy with people who call my house. We usually don't answer the phone here, like AT ALL! We let the machine pick it up and when we want to talk to friends or family we just pcik it up. But for about 2 months now someone has been calling I swear 10 times a day and not leaving a message. Now they are leaving messages for our daughter, who moved out 2 years ago! Turns out it is a credit card company she no longer owes money to! So I picked up the call the other morning and said "Who are you looking for?" She asked for my daughter. I said "She has not lived here for 2 years." So then the woman had the never to ask for her phone number. So I asked her who she is with. She said it's personal. I said you're calling my house asking for my daughters phone number, who are you with. She told me and asked again how she could reach her. I said I don't have to give you that information and I do not want you calling here for her again. As I was hanging up she was yelling into the phone "Mam! Mam! Mam!" But I hung up.
    They did not call again that day and called once yesterday and I picked up the phone and said "SHe does not live here anymore do not call here again." and hung up. I am not kidding when I say they were calling 10 times a day! I was so pissed.
    Off to the Backyard Bird for feed!

    Have a great Saturday everyone!

  66. BARBWA: If they keep calling you can report them to the State Auditor Office of your state. ICK.

  67. Ibebold - We will work on that issue together. We will no longer give anyone permission to hurt our feelings. Say Happy Birthday from me to the Mr.

    Mek - Slept in eh? Pretty good party eh? Did you get a picture with K-girl? Please post it.

    Canadian Girl- Thanks for the update. I check every morning to see if the new "Mr. Attitude" has made his appearance. I guess he is calling the shots. My prayers are with you that everything goes easily for baby, mom and of course you.

  68. Barbara in WA- You don't need an attitude adjustment. You have every right to get snippy if not plain rude to someone who invades your privacy. We can have a number blocked here. Can you? I would suggest that. It's enough to give you an ulcer.

  69. Ibebold
    thanks for breakfast
    I just said that the other day about some people just want to suck the life out of me so I learned no in 3 different languages!
    wow, what a story.
    hope you have a nice sunny day today!
    Nowmercy, Birdie, VIG, CG, LynnD, Just_lin & everyone have a wondeful week end!

  70. Here's one way I use to help myself after someone tries to puke their misdirected attitude on me:

    When I was a parole officer I occasionally had to visit the jails and prison. While there, especially because I was a woman, the inmates would taunt me with very crude, cruel, rude behavior and comments. One day this got to me and a veteran officer noticed. Here's what he told me..."You can go home and do anything you darn well please, they have to stay and live with themselves and no freedom"

    Somehow that helps..I know people with a "bad" or toxic attitude have to stay in their bodies and their tudes unless they change.. but I can stay pleased and positive and not be locked up with them in their cells.

    Easy to type, tougher to

  71. Just caught myself lol lol omg... I've been watching a woman here at the library, she has books and stuff she clearly came to do, BUT she has napped, viewed her cell phone etc.

    I came here to check in briefly and then do my taxes and bookwork while my dd does her homework. Instead I'm having fun here and looking for bras online and judging HER. OMG the human mind is so funny. Kay.. gotta go now and accomplish something I will be good about later.

    Y'all are addicting yknow..

  72. BARB, if she calls again, just ask for her supervisor. If that doesn't help, report them to authorities.

    When I used to get the calls from telemarketers, I did one of 2 things...
    1. I asked for their home number. When they asked why I said so I can call YOU and interrupt YOUR dinner. They would usually laugh and agree and then say good-bye.

    2. I asked if they could put them on hold a minute. Then I put the phone down and walked away. They would hold FOREVER! They also couldn't be bothering anyone else!! Yes, my phone would be busy, but it was so worth it to let them hang...and hang...and hang...and hang...

  73. Nowmercy!!!LOL... Judging her... that is funny...
    but the NEST is addicting ...yes very much so... but in such a good way!!!
    can you feel the love!!???

  74. Mo-- I have done your #1.. but I love # 2...

  75. O.K... I need to get ready for work... Hope it is busy...
    Later taters...

  76. The person that I dread the most is the woman at the front desk at my doctor's office. She always has something smart ass to say and I dread when it comes time for the end of my appointment and I must check out and deal with what ever grouchy crap she feels like spewing. I go there once a week for physical therapy and I just double dread it. I think it's just pointless to behave like a mouthy Biotch (male or female). I guess there are a lot of miserable people in this world and feel the need to take it out on their customers and others. Typically it takes a lot to push my buttons. I try my best to tune mouthy people out. I wouldn't want to live that way. I love my tranquil world of calmness and sanity. But if the stress does enter my life then at the end of the evening I let Calgon take me away!!

  77. DREAMA, try killing the beotch with kindness! Bring her a candy bar, a carnation, a muffin, a card or something everytime you go. She is probably a bitter person that few are nice to, and she takes it out on strangers...because she can.

    If that doesn't work, then bitch slap her! j/k!

  78. Maureen
    you are too funny. I have tried to compliment her hair, her jewelry,smile really big ...nothing works.

  79. I did bring my physical therapist cookies and muffins. He misunderstood and got too friendly. But that's another topic of the day!! Doctors who are perverts. LOL

  80. Busy Saturday here, so just popping in to wish everyone a terrific weekend, and Happy March! Speaking of which, as I looked at the MARCH comments I received today, I couldn't help thinking about our Marching Owls. Y'all could adopt one of those comments for an avatar!!

    MEK~~I, too, adopted "Kill 'em with kindness" as the best approach to deal with Attitudes. Bad Karma People so desparately want you to feel as miserable as they do; it frustrates the Hell out of them, when you don't succumb!

  81. Hey kids just popping in trying to get something done today! LOL

    CG: Sounds like you have a stubborn one on the way!! Saying prayers for a safe delivery!!!

    MEK: Can't wait to see the pictures of your meet and greet with Kgirl!

    Tinka: I can not and will not pay $70.00 for bondage equipment! LMAO

    NowMercy: Quit laughing out loud. You are in a library! Shhhhhhhhh

    Hi Ya Mo: I am going to start asking everyone who calls me for their home phone #!!! I love it.

    Hi Bon!!!

    Ok back to drudgery!

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. CG - somehow I missed that the little one was "on it's way" - praying that everything goes smoothly!! and can't wait to see pics of you holding the little guy!!

    I got a little more rest - funny, how my animals have decided that TODAY of ALL days - there will be NO rest!!

    AND, Mr. MEK is on his way home from Sam's Club - this could be interesting - we don't NEED anything, but he was "by it" - so he HAD to go in!! You just can't get out of Sam's or Costco without spending a fortune!! I bet we'll have toilet paper coming out our ass!!!!!! :-)

    Okay - I'm going to upload the pics now!!!

  84. I will sacrifice a march to get pics up!! LOL...

  85. Yes, Bono - I thought the same thing when I saw "March" comments -

  86. MO - I had a friend who used to ask telemarkers for their home number -

    Now we have the NO CALL list - which works - except for political calls.

  87. Oh, my - my computer is really slow today

  88. Birdee - good to see you back..

  89. I need to get out my pencil and paper - cuz I know I'm missing someone to respond to.

  90. Left, Left, Left, right, LEFT!!

    Here I go...

  91. Left, Left, Left, right, LEFT!!

    Here I go...

  92. Left, Left, Left, right, LEFT!!

    Here I go...

  93. Left, Left, Left, right, LEFT!!

    Here I go...

  94. LOL - I know how CPGEM feels talking to herself....

    okay - I REALLY am going to check out the pics we took and get some uploaded!!

  95. DAMN!!!!!

    MEK, you said you were gonna sacrifice the march!!! Congrats

  96. For the curious...deleted a post above, which included a link. Realized it was not the entire 'skit', so it lost a little somethin' .........back to work!

  97. DREAMA: What a bummer.. to have dread about going for help.. yeeuck. I have a neighbor who used to be like that. My friend and lady neighbor (who also solved the mr. icky prob for me) and I both dreaded running into "Mr. Wilson" (from Dennis the Menace). One day he really put my friend down and he has a way of doing it that takes something real and makes it really negative and biting. Any way, he leveled a remark at her.. she didn't miss a beat, looked right in his eye and said with a sad sigh "Oh Jerry, I can always count on you so say something that hurts my feelings" Woa. I tried a similar one later, following her lead. I said "Oh Jerry, leave it to you to be the best at letting me know about my shortcomings.. good job".

    He has been nicer and nicer and we let him know that too. I think I should try and get my friend from down the street in the nest.. yes?

  98. btw.. homework and book work done, walked downtown from the library with dd, had lunch and a chocolate at the best candy store ever and had a great but windy walk back. phew

  99. omg got in the middle of a March.. woops, congrats to MEK you sly devil

  100. MEK you must be tired after all that marching..MO..did she hurt you when she blew by?

  101. Sorry, MO - I just could NOT leave with it being SOOOO close...

    Nowmercy - glad that homework is done - how funny - you watching that lady in the libary - I LOVE to people watch - Airports are the best!!!

    OKay - now - these pictures that we took last night - are very dark - my camera didn't think we "needed" a flash and would NOT work with it - and without it - they just don't look very good - PLUS - it was 11:30pm!! Turtle looks GREAT - I, on the other hand, oh well!!!!!!!!

    Off to up load!!!

  102. MEK Hey, congrats on marching to 100.

    You know, it would be very handy to have toilet paper coming out of your ass. ROFLMAO

  103. MEK Hey, congrats on marching to 100.

    You know, it would be very handy to have toilet paper coming out of your ass. ROFLMAO

  104. Sorry, didn't mean to post twice and be tedious. LOL

  105. Just Lin - LOL at tedious AND TP out our butts!! BUT - he didn't buy anymore of that!! just when you think he is predictable!!

    Okay - pics are uploaded on myspace

  106. HI Everyone!

    First off I want to say how sorry I am for not getting to meet up with KGirl. I'm happy that she and MEK got to meet each other. I did talk to her on the phone, and she couldn't have been nicer or more understanding.

    AREA51 TOTD: When I was 17, my dad and I were driving back from my eye doctor appointment. About half way home he blurted out, "I might have pituatary cancer..I'll know in a week. I haven't told anyone, not even your mother. Please don't say anything to her or your brother or sister. I wasn't going to tell anyone, but I'm so scared I had to." I was stunned. I had to go the entire next week keeping his secret and it wasn't easy. Everytime I looked at my family around the dinner table I wanted to say something. It's a big thing to keep quiet about when you're seventeen. I never said anything and dad's test came back negative. It's kind of a different 'rock and a hard place' story; but believe me, I felt more pressure than I ever want to feel again.

    I am now off to read today's blog!

  107. ZONA: holy shit that is heavy...some times it amazes me that grownups think they can lay stuff on younger folk. My dd calls it "g.u.p.s." and declines.. "Grown UP Stuff.

    Glad you liked talking to Kgirl..hope she's having a great trip........

  108. Hi hooters!

    MEK I'm so thrilled that you and KGirl got to meet last night! How fun!

    Great pics, it looks like you were having a good time.

    I LOVE meeting blog buddies, hoping we will have some new people coming to the BABB in Aug.

    Congrats to iteach x 5 this morning!

    Will be back later, hope everyone is having a nice day so far!

  109. Just flying through again while I clean house, etc....

    Zona That was alot for your dad to lay on you. On the other hand, it's nice that he trusted you to be his confidante.

  110. CPGEM8: Believe it or not, I rarely get customer service people who are down right rude. Mr. Z however, always seems to find the one person who has had a bad day. He called a computer tech person recently who couldn't seem to handle the fact that he didn't understand something about the way the computer was working. Isn't that why you call the tech number in the frist place? This girl was literally yelling at him. THEN, with the problem half solved, she said her shift was over and she would call back the next day! I told him to just call back and get someone else, which is what he did and got the problem fixed.

    ITEACH: Congrats on being #1 2 3 4 AND 5!!

    NOWMERCY: I agree with you..I know when I am helping someone, or just making someone laugh--I make myself smile too.

    BIRDEE: YAY!! You're back! I missed you! My extended family is famous for showing attitude. They know that my love for them will allow them to get away with it.

    VIG: It sounds like you got one of the people on the phone Mr. Z usually gets!

    MO: I would come home from my retail jobs just burnt out. I never knew what made some people so angry. My aunt said the same thing you did, you just don't know what is going on at these folks homes. Then she added "And be glad you don't." BTW: LOL at your 'attitude adjustment' to the rude cashier.

    IBB: I sure hope this is the last of this cold or flu for you!

    Breaking into two posts again...

  111. Hi gang, just checking in to see if all is well. Thanks to all those who checked in on me during this cold/flu crap. That was sweet.

  112. My clients who work in retail say the two hardest customers are the ones who talk and their cell phones through the entire transaction and the ones who make no eye contact and mumble.

    The hardest retailers for me are the ones who are so tired or what ever that I feel like an inconvenient dollar.

  113. WANT2: so glad you are coming back to the living.. how is your mouth with the tooth gone..better I hope???

    Take care, off to somewhat resentfully clean the kitchen and pick up a buddy of dd and go to a play at the local college.. The Three Muskateers.

    Gotta go get rid of the crankies that have grabbed me by the short hairs..ouch.. LET GO DAMMIT

  114. Want~ I am so glad that you are feeling better!

  115. Hey Mercy, the teeth are all back in place, good as new.

  116. Thanks Teach,,,,I'm on the road to getting back to normal, I hope.

  117. LYNND: LOL @ 'no spit in my food'!!

    TINKA: I try not to let it bother me if someone is rude to me in a store. But my feelings get hurt, and I try to figure out what I did wrong. I know you're nodding at this because you know me so well.

    MEK: The pictures are great! I am so bummed I couldn't meet KGirl. I bet you had a great time. Congrats on 100!

    IBB: Happy Birthday to Mr. can save this message until Wednesday if you want! ;)

    CG: Sending you prayers and positive thoughts.

    BARB/WA: My mom had the same kinds of phone calls come in for my brother from the credit card company. They just wouldn't believe she didn't know where he was. She finally said "Do I have to contact my lawyer?" They never called her again.

    NOWMERCY: It was really hard for me to handle as I was the child with the most sympathetic heart. But as JUST/LIN said..after it was all over, I was honored that he confided in me. He did the same thing years later when he developed prostate cancer. Everytime he got his good results back, he called me first.

    Waving a tired wing to EBJ, BON'O and anyone else I missed. This headache, though not as bad as yesterday is still lingering.

    JODI and TINA: SWAK and thank you for your concern. It means a lot.

  118. Bono - ROFLMAO - PITCHER!!! LOL.. TOO FUNNY!!!!

    Want - glad you are on the mends..

  119. iteach Congrats on 1st thru 5th! Fun...

    want Glad you are coming out of the flu thingy, so happy no overdosing was involved :O)

    mek and turtle I am so happy you guys were able to meet up, I saw the pics and it looks like a good time was has by all! Kudos to the both of you.

    zona Geez thats alot for a teen to carry around. It is true, when one has to be strong they find a way!

    birdee So glad you found your way back in, Now Behave or we will have to call JO JO on your chickenowl ass!

    mo You go girl, that is way to stick her attitude up her ass!

    Gosh I am using the word ass alot today whats up with that!

    mek You have any extra toilet paper :O)

  120. Zona - sorry you had to miss meeting Turtle - your loss was my gain (sorry) - we had a blast!! Hope your headache goes away soon!!
    LIKE, REAL soon!!! (get it!!??)

  121. CPGEM - sure - how many rolls do you need!!

    OH - and Want will appreciate this - LAST time he bought ONE PLY - good grief!!!

  122. Oh - and I will change my pic here for those would don't have myspace!!

  123. I'm glad I figured out that it was MEK that Turtle was meeting, she messaged me she was meeting MEL, I was confused.

    That damn one ply should be half price MEK.

  124. Here's a comment so the pic will show up..

    REmember - it was late - I had been scrapping all day and Turtle had been traveling all day - even though she looked GREAT!!!

  125. Want - funny thing - MEL was my nickname FOREVER after high school - then, that group of friends went their merry way!! :-)

  126. Mek, I should have figured it out since I know your email. But, as you know, I'm slow.

    Great pictures, I wish I could have been there with you and Turtle. And, I bet Bear would like the Roadhouse, seems like something he would enjoy,,,lol. Did you bring your pencil with so you can blog?

  127. Hey, Want, it sure is nice to see you back. Glad you're feeling better.

  128. Thanks so much Lin,,,,I have some catching up to do..

  129. My Aunt Jo is really not doing well, I am going to see her.

    This saddens me so, I know she is elder, However it still hurts!

    I will check back later!

  130. Happy March/Saturday! Two reasons to be happy on this cold Mich. day.

    Birdee~ I don't know who I missed more, you or your Avatar! LOL!!

    Whabbear~I read your comment in area 51. The night before I found out he died I had a weird dream. Someone was in a boat, in the dark beckoning me to join him. I kept trying to get in but something held me back. I knew if I got in, I would never come back. I went to his wake. There were a lot of pictures of him in different boats. He loved to fish. I didn't put the two together until I got home. It's a good thing or I would have had a hard time driving!

    IBB~ My birth name is Mary Ann. People that just meet me assume my name is Maria. I hate that name,,,,, for me!

  131. want When you decide to overdose please let us know in advance as these cold meds could make you quite loopy!!!!!


  132. WANT2: Good to see your lil' polar bear back in the nest.

    CPGEM8: {{HUGS}}

  133. MEK!You 2 look like a couple teenagers LOL!! That's a "good thing"!

  134. Zona, sorry to hear you didn't get to meet Turtle. She was excited to see you and Mek, or Mel as she told me. LOL

    Take care Carol and thanks for worrying.

  135. Hi Hooters!!
    Trying to catch up! was gone all day shopping!

    Mary/Mi ok since you...

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. I think AT&T really messed me up.
    It taking for ever to refresh.
    Anyone else moving slow, or is it just me???

    Hey!!!!!!!!! Watch it now!!!!!!!

  138. This last time I flew, I left my leather jacket in the overhead bin.I couldn't do anything about it until our return flight. I went to the counter to inquire. They seemed pretty swamped so I stood there waiting for a chance to chime in. Some woman & her young daughter showed up . The lady was very upset about something, waving a couple of large cans of hairspray. She kept yelling"I need the supervisor! I MUST have these with me!!" Well they weren't about to let her board with them! She yelled "give me a box to put them in". By now she was in tears, telling her young daughter about the terrible service the Airline was. She slammed her stuff on the counter and stormed up the escalator dragging her daughter along and the security guard in tow! I noticed one of the large cans said synthetic spray. She had said she needed it for competition and that it cost $20. I think she was taking her daughter to a beauty contest. Poor kid!
    I never did get my jacket!

  139. Carol, ((((HUGS)))) to you and your Auntie!!

  140. Yay multiple Birdees!! LOL!!

    I had a little trouble getting into the nest today, and have had to push
    "publish" a few times. All is well now.
    Canadiangirl~ Baby may be waiting for St Patrick's Day!!

  141. WANT2: I am kicking myself and hating my headaches because of the missed opportunity in meeting KGirl.

    BIRDEE: My computer is slow fact I had trouble getting on the blog to begin with.

    MARY/MI: Poor kid is right!

  142. Ok then, so I can't blame AT&T??
    I'm trying to help hubby put up a new light in the kitchen, so I'm running back and forth.

  143. 'afternoon, owls! I just got up from napping, huz is still napping, life is good.

    CG: I tried to call you yesterday morning, but your cell phone service doesn't seem to have a "leave message" feature. T'were well this ends quickly...

    Sleep: Looking forward to when you fully recover... this has been too long for you!

    Mary/Mi: Wow! Can you tell that "Bridges of Madison County" is in my top 5 favorite movies of all time list?

    Carol: Attitude... hmmm... I haven't had too many experiences with sales people giving me attitude. I guess I'm lucky! And sorry to hear about your aunt; I hope your visit goes well.

    MEK: I, too, rolled on the floor laughing my ass off! Most people get embarrassed because they leave a bathroom with TP hanging off their shoe. You've taken that scenario to a whole new level!

  144. Tinkatia: No problem! But now I have to go back and read your post! LOL!

  145. Hi everyone.

    (((HUGS)))for Carol and Aunt Jo.

    Great pics Mek!

    Happy birthday Mr. IBB.

    Every week when I am grocery shopping I have to tell the cashier not to put my bananas on the bottom. They look at me like "Duh, do you think I'm stupid?". I caught them one day putting the bananas on the bottom and said "you aren't going to put those cansin withthe bananas are you?" to which she replied "oh, that won't hurt them". I reached in the bag and took the bananas out. I don't think she like it.

    I think it was IBB that said she didn't like when people call her Sue. Well I can't stand when people call me Shirl. It bugs the hell out of me.

    I can't think of anything else right now cause my head is about to explode. I am going to take some Tylenol. I have a couple income taxes to do so I don't know if I'll be back tonight or not.

    Oh, Carol great TOTD. You all have some interesting ways of dealing with attitudes.

  146. WHABBY, SHIRLEY, BIRDEE, MARY AND ALL. What a fun blog today.

  147. DINNER: Served with courtesy, by servers who don't have colds or illness, are paid well and are very happy for their job and prepared by chefs and cooks who love to cook and are having a really good day, and a menu prepared for variety and your pleasure..




  148. Nowmercy thanks for dinner. I'll leave desserts.
    lemon tiramisu(wabbear)
    reg tiramisu
    chocolate cocoa cake with hot fudge topping(my grandma's recipe)
    strawberry short cake with whipped topping
    blueberry & cherry mixed pie
    rice pudding

  149. nowmercy Thank you for the wonderful dinner choices, and served with such courtesy, too! I will bring cupcakes for dessert, chocolate with cream cheese frosting and yellow with chocolate frosting.

  150. Oh, Dreama, I like your desserts. Let's save my cupcakes for snacks later.

  151. Kendall Jackson Reserve Chardonay
    Pouille Fuisse ($200 bottle, the good stuff)

  152. Just Lin - I LOVE cupcakes - may I please have one now...

    We can have them in honor of Mr. IBB's birthday ---

    as I am making our mom's homemade beef potpie!! :-) (don't tell IBB, it's one of her favs!!!)

  153. Cupcakes with cream cheese frosting!! Yum. Lets not save them for later.
    It's the week end . Calories don't count!!!

  154. Good Afternoon/Evening my lovelies!!!

    Depending where you are, I hope this Saturday is bringing you all lots of love and happiness!

    Yes, I am in way too good a mood!!! I am feeling soooo much better, Laurie is too, and sparkles and glitter just seem to be radiating from my body!!! (sickening, I know, sorry, enough!)

    Regarding Attitude. Positive Attitude, Negative Attitude, it all is the same, just how you personally deal with it, in my humble opinion.

    Sometimes I am so upset when I call a certain company, ready to pounce on the poor customer service representative, and then I get a pleasant, helpful sounding voice, and my entire "attitude" changes! NOT that I don't express my dissatisfaction, etc. but I do it in a way that actually gives me satisfactory results, instead of just the opposite.

    But, I have also been on the other end of the spectrum. I call, just to ask a SIMPLE question, get a CSR with a MAJOR ATTITUDE, and my little question becomes a down and out battle of "who is going to win this conversation"?? I must say, I usually win!!! But not without lots of assertion on my part, asking to speak to the "supervisor" etc.

    I do not like "confrontations" But, I am not afraid of them either. I would just rather avoid them if I could.

    I have learned over many years that you really do turn people's attitude around by being nice, polite, respectful, and most important of all, ASK their name, if they haven't already given it, and USE it several times during the conversation.

    People like to be recognized. They LOVE the sound of their own name, and when you show respect by using that name you get so much further.

    Of course, my above comment was all about Customer Service and Attitude.

    Now, about Attitude in general. It is so hard to be happy and joyful and in a positive frame of mind most of the time.

    I can be sitting at the computer, drop a pencil and say "God Damn It"!! and all that happened was a silly pencil dropped and all I have to do is reach over and pick it up!! Why would dropping a pencil put me in a Bad Attitude frame of mind? Who knows?

    It was probably something else that happened earlier in the day or anything really, but sometimes the smallest and most inane things can really throw us off our track.

    Here is a quote I just read from Louise L. Hay from her book "I Can Do It" and it puts things into perspective for me.

    "I Am The Only Power In My World, And I Create a Peaceful, Loving, Joyful, Fulfilling Life"

    Yes, this is very hard to accept. It takes time. I still have a very long way to go before I feel I can truly believe all the affirmations I am reading every day. But, some day I will!

    On a totally different subject, I have a question that you lovely Owlette Techies can help me with, I hope.

    Many of you have my personal email address, and since I do not have MySpace, is it possible for you to send to me some pictures etc that some of you share between yourselves? Of course, I would ask permission of that person first.

    I know this may be a bit personal, but I was thinking about pictures that you may have when you all meet up for a "reunion", like when Turtle and MEK just did? If that is possible, I would love to see some of them.

    Just wondering.

    I hope you all have a fantastic Saturday night, and, Lin, just about 21 more days, right?? How very exciting!!

    And if SacBarb is able to get in again on her son's computer, call me again, please! I just can't find your cell #!!

    Peace, and Love to all, DonnaJean and Laurie Elizabeth

  155. OH! My new light is up in the kitchen!!! It looks sooooo purdy!!

    Yeah!! Dessert's!! No calorie counting for the weekend? Well, then..I'll be taking a nibble of each one!

    Mek, I'm telling ya jealous of you and turtle getting to meet up today!

  156. After leaving my very long comment, I just went back and was reading other comments, and I saw the picture of MEK and Turtle!!!

    How many ways can you spell BEAUTIFUL?????

    Thanks, for sharing, I love it!!!


  157. NowMercy~ Loved your menu intro!!

    Bear~ You are a hopeless romantic! I love the crap out of you (not literally LOL)

    I will now dive into the well stocked counter! Yummy! I'll bring my special wine glass!

    MEK~ I loved all your pictures!

  158. NowMercy: It is fun, isn't it?

    Dreama: I can't believe you remember what we had for dessert last Saturday! That's downright... stalkerish! LOL!

    Thanks for all the dinner and dessert suggestions for tonight! We're actually going out to dinner at a restaurant in San Carlos that I've never been to (eating out is rare for us). Looking forward to it!

    BTW, how's everything in Nova Scotia tonight, Shirl?


  159. Mary in MI: Thank you! And if your affection was ever to produce that outcome, not to worry! We have MEK to clean up afterwards!!!

  160. Does anyone know what happened to Renee Eve she is not on myspace anymore?

  161. Donna Jean - i do not have your personal email address - I would be happy to share some pics with you..

    Whabby - i can't believe Huzbear is going to out to eat!! :-)

    Mary - I DO have some butt shots - but I didn't put them up - I took TONS of pictures!! :-) Hundreds of pics!!!

  162. Whabby - what am I cleaning up??

  163. Be back later, Hubby talked me into going for a "cold one".

  164. MEK and Dreama I left the cupcakes on the counter. Plenty enough for seconds and even thirds.

  165. DonnaJean Hi, it's good to see you here. It's 23 days to Custard, i.e., 3 weeks from Monday. I can't believe it's really going to happen. It used to seem so far away and now it's right around the corner. Kind of like how Christmas springs on you when you think you have lots of time left to shop.

  166. iteach, I have no idea about Renee.
    jigglin just pointed it out to me.
    She was around this morning, cuz I sent her a comment.
    I hope she will still join us here!

    Renee, If you see this....I love ya!! ((((((HUGS)))))

  167. DonnaJean I can send MEK a message with your email addy if it is okay with you.

  168. Renee Eve Where did you go? Are you okay?

  169. MEK: Read Mary's comment! LOL!

  170. Birdee - it was awesome meeting Turtle!! I encourage everyone to meet a blog buddy if the opportunity presents itself!!

    Turtle - hope you guys made it to Ft. Worth!! Let us know that you arrived safely!!

    Iteach - I have no idea what happened to Renee..

  171. Whabby - I can't believe you put me on SHIT duty!! :-)

    We are watching the "Last Holiday" - kinda goes with the "bucket Lists" from the other day...

  172. NOWMERCY: Thank you for dinner! You know me though, gotta go for the meat!

  173. I am going to meet Jodie in June and I am very excited about it.

  174. I am also hoping Goldie will tag along too, I really want to meet her to.

    Oh, heck, I want to meet everyone!

  175. Where is Turtle going to on her trip?

  176. MEK: Liked "Last Holiday"...

  177. Iteach - I hope you also get to meet Goldie - she's on my list!! LOL (In a good way!!!)

    Turtle is helping a friend drive her vehicles across country to Alabama. They just happened to be coming I-10, so that I could hook up with them on their way thru town..

  178. gosh - that took FOREVER to post

  179. I might miss the march at this speed

  180. CRAP!! I keep getting foaded...
