
Sunday, March 9, 2008


i am so confused by the emphasis
that is put on celebrities in this century
everything that goes on in their lives
is shown on most tv stations and
so easy accessible on the internet

what is the attraction, that makes
one completely enthralled with
these celebrities?

we have a war going on and our tv
stations are commenting on how many
drugs anna nicole smith took

i also find their salaries to be
completely outrageous, if you can act
and happen to be lucky enough to
get a break in the industry you
can make millions of dollars

why, because you can act~~

we have nurses, teachers, fireman
policemen etc. that have very important
jobs, they help the sick, teach the young
and save life's, yet their salaries are no
were near what these celebrities make
they are lucky just to make a living
and pay their monthly bills

where is the reasoning in that~~

i have stopped going to the movies unless
a discount is offered, it is not because i
don't have the money, it is the principal
the movie industry charges so much money just
to see a movie, why so they can pay their
actors high salaries? well i will not be contributing
to paying their salaries

i would rather give the money to my
local hospice or my town emergency squad

please don' get me wrong, i love looking
at george clooney just as tina does
and of course zona's huge grant

i just don't want to pay their salaries
and really don't care if Britney Spears
is dating yet another person

whatever happen to priorities?


  1. Actors do get paid huge saleries. I always thought it was wild how much they earn.
    As far as media goes....I don't approve of their sensationalism and I feel that it is a shame that so many people feed off of it all. Even our local media is always chasing after people even if it is at a funeral just to get a story. It's been way out of control for quite some time. My nephew's friend Billy said that in Iraq they only had to worry about coming under attack twice a day and that was when the media aired. The terrorists want notoriety so they make sure to toss a bomb or some grenades when the media airs.

  2. I need coffee. It's too early. This time change is poo! Be back later!
    As I exit...happy dance at being first! :0)

  3. Wow! Look at me - almost first! LOL

    I have to admit to a guilty obsession over the lives of celebrities. I do check out TMZ and Perez and read the rags in line at the grocery store. But I also have to admit to feeling a sense of superiority when I see them screwing up their lives and their reputations with the excesses of the celebrity culture. Lately, celebrity is it's own reward - think Paris Hilton - and they are known for being known, not for talent or accomplishment.

    As for the money - well I'm old enough to know that all that money buys is options, not happiness. And for those who use their options to help others (even though I can't stand them - Brad & Angelina are a good example of that), good for them. The others (hello Lindsay and Brit) will either learn the hard way and lose it all or the harder way and lose their lives.

  4. Good Morning Dreama and Canadian Girl -

    Congratulations Dreama - Thats the first time you have been first isn't it?

    A bigger congratulations to CC on your new grandson. I did send you a picture comment but I didn't actually say those words. What is news about the baby today?

  5. Dreama and C C - Did you post and leave because I seem to be alone here? I agree with everything said in today's post. In a fair world teachers and nurses would be paid more than celebrities. That will never change I know that but it should. I have my grand daughter here. She is still asleep so I slipped out to put on the fire place so it's warmer for her to eat her breakfast. She loves Coco Puffs and of course being all sugar she doesn't get it at home. That's the fun of coming to Nana's house. I let her have them because she doesn't get to sleep over very often anymore. She is almost 10 and has a much busier life than just a couple of years ago.

  6. Well I do believe I am alone here. I will go and feed my 'fur-babies' and make breakfast. I will be back when more little owls have come to the next.

  7. I thought I would try one more comment and wish every one a beautiful Sunday. It is now 8:15 here but I guess the little owls' bodies are telling them it's only 7:15 and they still want to sleep. But this is Pacific Daylight Time. Where is every one on the East coast? It isn't early there. Every one must be at Church at this time.

  8. I am still alone and my grand daughter is up so I am off to make her breakfast. See you all later.

  9. YEAH -

    Happy Sunday!!

    I'm off to read the blog..

  10. Hi Tink!

    Glad you're back...I was just thinking of you this morning

  11. oops! congrats Dreama on first

  12. Carol! Very good post, I totally agree.

    My own personal goal for myself is to get back to watching a good movie and not be concerened about the actor's personal lives. That means stop going to TMZ and

    I am guilty of spending too much looking up gossip. I could be doing a load of laundry during that time or playing with my kids.

  13. cpgem - your blog is something that I ponder alot..

    I used to love to read People Magazine and now there are a million like it - I USED to love to read about celebrities and watch Access Hollywood and those types of shows - but it seems that as I got older - the "young ones" have taken over and I am sick and tired of having Britney, Lindsay and Paris shoved down my throat..

    Movie wise - I didn't see ONE movie that was nominated for an Academy Award this year - the prices at the theater have gotten SO high - that we will wait for them to come out on video - heck, when the matinee is $7.50 - I don't consider that a bargain!!

    I agree that their salaries are insanely high - and very few do "good things" with their money.

    with all that said -

    Even though we didn't change times here in AZ - for some reason - it sure does feel like we did!! I am exhausted this a.m. -

    Thanks to all for the belly laughs last night - that was TOO much fun!!

    I hope everyone has an excellent day!!! :-)

  14. Ok, I admit that I could be called a celebrity junkie, but I think it's because their life is so much different than my own. I'm not saying better, just different. I think all of us like to people watch, and the fascination with celebs seems to be people watching on a grander scale.

    I do think the money is outrageous and could be better spent elsewhere, but I also don't think acting is as easy as it looks. I for one would not want to spend 18 hour in NYC in winter waiting for, and then performing a scene where I had to walk down the street in a sleeveless dress, or do stunts, or act like I'm having sex with someone I don't even know (ok, that might depend on who). Should they get a million dollars for this? Nope. But to stop it the public has to protest..and they just aren't (well, not many)Have you seen the price of concert tickets? And the freakin things are still selling out.

  15. Hi Hooters!!!

    Just a quick note to let ya know I made a post on yesterday's page, before this was up!

    Just letting you know, I'm still around!!

    Have a great day!!!!

  16. Good morning!

    Hi Dreama! Yay you were first today!

    I just tried to catch up from yesterday and read that your dad is doing good! I'm so happy for you :)

    I too am appalled at the salaries that actores are paid.

    Just a couple days ago, there was a Tide laundry soap commercial with Kelly Rippa. I told Mr. EBJ why in the world does she need to be doing a Tide commercial? Are we supposed to really think she does her own laundry? She can't possibly need the $$.

    How many millions is she getting for the commercial?

    We stopped going to the movies. If there is something we want to see, we rent it. We had Netflix til recently, and it was a good way to see the movies.

    Talking about teachers and schools, just last week in Oakland, they are about to discontinue some high school sports programs, due to lack of $$.

    They can't afford the teachers, so will cut out sports programs to compensate!

    One day, I think it was Friday, the students all got up and left class to protest the decision to stop the sports programs.

    Some of the kids were interviewed on tv, and they were saying how the sports were the only thing keeping them from "hanging out" and getting into trouble.

    Some were hoping to get scholarships because they were so good in their sports.

    Now, if some of the famous people who make millions for doing a Tide commercial donated just a bit of that money to the school programs, this kind of thing may not happen so much.

    It frustrates me terribly that here we have kids who want to play sports and go on to college, and may not get to.

    Then there is this rich woman who has a maid to do her laundry, hawking Tide and probably laughing all the way to the bank. Her kids will never have to worry about having a teacher or playing sports.

    I am sorry to vent, it know it's not Kelly Ripps fault that the sports program in Oakland may be discontinued. But if that Tide money could go to schools to pay the teachers so the sports could continue...

    OK I must get dressed and get over to Trader Joe's.

    Oh, thank you again everyone for your concern about Paula! It is so heartwarming to me that sooo many people care about the kitty cat princess.

    She is asleep under the blanket on the bed. I have to give her the morning dose of antibiotics in a little while.

    And tonight is "fluid" night. We continue this til her appt. at the vet next Saturday.

    She seems to feel good and is acting frisky. You wouldn't know she will be 16 next month. Hopefully, she will continue to do good!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  17. I just made a quick fly by and she there are now more owls.

    Good Morning, Mek, Iteach,
    Skirish - Thanks for thinking of me.
    Birdee - I will go and readlater what you said in area 51.
    East Bay J - Glad Paula is doing better
    Dreama - I forgot to mention your Dad. Hope he is better this morning.

  18. Dreama
    Congrats on First! Glad your dad is well!

    I feel the same, I used to be so into the celebrity hype, and then it all just changed.

    East Bay J
    Your post was right on! Glad Paula
    is comfortable

    I do have that guilty pleasure now and again, its the money that ticks me off!

    You are probably right, acting might not me as easy as one might think, My gripe is with the salaries mostly, I just think they are way to high!

    Good morning dear, Have a great day with your grand daughter!

    It is very possible for a chickenowl to burn steak, as what the heck do they know. And yes I would love to help you paint, However I could never be there by this afternoon, so please start without me!

  19. Good morning owlettes and congrat dreama on 1st!

    Carol, one of my favorite rants is about overpaid athletes! It burns my buns when I hear about a 57 million dollar contract or some such evil amount. There are so many underpaid people who have jobs that really MATTER and barely eek by. Have you ever tried to take a family of 4 to a professional sporting event? Tickets,parking, food, programs- you might as well take out your second mortgage on the way to the game.

    I admit to being a bit of a celeb follower. But we rarely go see a movie anymore- we rent a movie. Mr. Goldie and I used to do every friday afternoon dates which usually involved a movie and popcorn. No more- way too expensive. I don't want to pay for rehab or clubbing for some celebrity.

    My son is an EMT and usually is the one driving the ambulance. That means when the roads are solid ice, he driving to help save a life. When there is a blinding snowstorm or fog, yup again. When drivers don't yield and run lights and put the ambulance and its occupants in peril? Yup, they still do their work. They are not in it for the money, nor are teachers or day care workers or so many other noble professions. They love what they do, they help people but the pay scale would indicate that their jobs are second rate compared to a celebrity or athlete. Shamefull. Just shamefull.

    Ok, sorry for the long winded post.

    Hope everyone has a great day today. I am making a turkey with all the fixings for dinner (just because). I have a 15 pound bird just for me and Mr. Goldie, so there will be lots of extra to put on the buffet table along with a fresh pan of brownies!

  20. Fun night at the nest, You owls were very busy, I try to keep up, but I fizz out. I read all the comment tho
    and they were a hoot!

    Daily blogs are needed, unless you all want to continue to hear from me!

    Shout out to some missing owls

  21. Good Morning Owls!!!

    Dreama is 1st! Way to go!

    Oh boy Carol you have hit a topic that drives me insane!

    I agree so much with what you posted. I also throw Sports figures into that catagory.

    The priorities in this country have totally spun out of control! IMHO

    But the reality is that teachers, firemen, policemen etc... Don't make money for anyone. Sad but true! I really think on this issue we have no one but ourselves to blame. As these are public funded occupations we the public balk at any tax increase etc... to pay for these services. Our government looks at them as no better than a maid or waiter, service jobs. Again this is my opinion.

    The reason we drag our feet is because we suspect the money we pay for these services is misused. I know in our state that the feeling is that the higher ups are making way to much and it should go to the people on the ground fighting the fight. I really feel this is why our nation is slipping if we don't even care enough to make sure future generations are educated and healthy where are we going to end up?

    I really started to go crazy when the evening news all started to have celebrity buzz type segments as part of their programming! I am sorry but this is not news to me!! It drives me to drink!!

    I don't care who is in rehab or who is having another baby! It does not change my life one iota!!

    This year the sports industry has really pushed me over the edge with the steriod and human growth hormone scandal! Why in the hell are we spending money for the government to have Grand Jury meetings on this??? Shouldn't the MLB be addressing this issue? The same with the NFL and NBA!

    Why because they make money on the players and they sure as hell aren't going to penalize or tell on them if they are bringing in the crowds!

    It is that old saying for Celebrities and Sports figures, Any publicity is good publicity! The bigger the scanal the more money to be made!

    OK off my soap box! I told you this makes me rabid!!

    Shaking my head and looking sheepish.

    Good Morning Tinka, CG, MEK, Scirish, Iteach, EBJ and Birdee!!

  22. Goldie
    I agree about the overpaid athletes as well. I just don't know how this families do it, just to see a sporting event, hundreds of dollars must be spent! It cost one of my clients 20thousand dollars to go the Superbowl (family of four) Grant you he is wealthy..It just does not make sense...

    And, these concerts, hundreds sometimes thousands are needed to see a music event. These brokers eat up the tickets and then resell them. What amazes me the most is the concert goers pay these prices..

    Something is very wrong!!!

  23. Lynn D
    Oh my goodness, I feel the same way about the steroid issue. Why should we pay for what the sporting industry condoned. It really pissed me off!

    And to show it on TV....

    Oh boy, that really got my goat...

    I am running out...

    I will check back later...

    Have a good day!

  24. DREAMA...congrats at 1st!

    TINKA...enjoy the time with your granddaughter. It's funny how kids need a social secretary these days. I have an 8 year old cousing and I swear, she needs a dayrunner to keep track of her social activities!

    CAROL...I never tire listening to you!

    MEK...I agree, too damn tired this morning!

    EBJ...Good Morning!
    SCIRISH...Good Morning!
    HOLDIE...Good Morning!
    ITEACH...Good Morning!
    BIRDEEEEEEE...Good Morning!

    I will comment about the topic in a little bit. Need food. Need it now!

  25. Ok got some more coffee and calming down now.

    Good Morning Carol and Goldie.

    The last game I went to was a Mariners game and I only went because I had won free tickets at work. So I had free tickets, the parking was 20.00 dollars. French fries were 8.00 and single beer in a plastic bottle was 6.00 etc... A hamburger made me faint!!!

    There is no way a regular family can afford any of this!

  26. Good Morning Mo! Are you fueling up to dig yourself out of your house this morning?

  27. The whole entertainment industry and the sports industry is outta control.

    I dont care how good an actor or actress is, no one should be making 20 million dollars a film. or 57 million for a sports contract. If the actors and the movies are soooo good, then give them points on the back end of the movie, so the viewers are paying the salary if they choose to see that movie or not...and not be forcing us to pay 10 - 11 bucks a ticket to see it.

    And the cost of sporting events is disgraceful. The steroid thing is disgusting. You pay a fortune to see a ball game and you are supporting a bunch of cheaters and liars. And it isnt even really a fair competition with the enhancements.

    And the cost to have a snack at the events (movie or sports) should be illegal. I admit that when I used to go to the movies, I took my own soda or water in! And sometimes even some candy. But I HAD to have popcorn!

    I think that if a celeb. gets rich off of the little people, they have a responsibility to pay it forward. Put their money where their mouth is.

  28. On the flip side...I get star-struck and nosy and wanna know the gossip! But I think the papparrazi have gone too far. The children of the celebs are just that...CHILDREN. And they should be left alone.
    When I lived in Los Angeles, I had the opportunity to meet a ton of celebs and I have 3 autograph books full!
    But I am sick of Brit-Brit, Lilo, Paris and the other little skanks!!

  29. CRAPPPPPPP...My power just went out. WTF??????? I have no alternate heat better come back soon!

  30. Goldie - I totally agree about the sports figures and how much it costs to go to a game - loving sports the way my family does!!

    Only way I can afford to get into a World Class Sporting event is to VOLUNTEER!! :-)

    Well, I'm off to make those damn rodeo tags - YES, they will FINALLY be done!!!

    Good morning to all that have posted!! and those that will.. catch ya later!!

    OH - and I'm on "Mission SI" !!


  31. - I know how busy young kids are today. My two oldest grand children used to spend one night every weekend here and now I have to be fitted into their busy schedules. They do have a lot of opportunities for cultural activities so that is good. I just miss them however. They slept over when they were babies but Naomi's mom is very protective so I don't know when her first sleep over will be.

    Maureen - I wish you lived closer. My house is so warm because the fireplaces are on. I hope your power comes back on soon.

    Birdee - I read your post from area 51. You are a busy lady today.

    VIG - Spring Break is coming. Let's do something exciting. I don't mean go to "Daytona" or anything that exciting but we could think of something.

  32. Maureen - I am glad your power is back. I was going to start worrying about you. Make a nice cup of tea now.

  33. Ok gang pray for me! I have to venture to the grossry store on a Sunday!!!

    I will be back later!

  34. Good morning, Tinka, dreama, CG, scirish, Carol, MEK, scirish, iteach, birdee, East Bay, Goldie, Lynn D, and 'weenie!

    'weenie: Did Lovey send me (or want to send me) a message? I checked my MySpace page, and nothing there!

    ToTD: I think this is a complex issue! Reading the comment section, I was just waiting to see sports figures be brought into the mix, only to see Goldie do so, but there are other categories, too... like CEO's of big corporations... who make obscene amounts of money.

    So I wonder where we should "draw the line" on who "should" be entitled to make that kind of money, and who should not? Do any of us have a problem with an entrepreneur like Bill Gates making it really big? Perhaps not; after all, he helped create a software industry that employs millions around the world and greatly benefits the economy.

    Well, hmmmm. The fact is, big movie stars and sports stars actually do the same, albeit to a lesser scale. Their star power contributes to the ability of their movies to be profitable, and profitable movies keep an entire industry afloat.

    Same with the big sports stars. Very few people go to see (or watch) golf tournaments for the 100th ranked golfer in the world. On the other hand, Phil and Tiger pack us in, both on television and in person on the golf courses.

    My point? Money is pretty soulless. It is a product of human wants and needs and choices... but perhaps, in the end, those choices (even though they occasionally create great wealth in undeserving individuals) by and large have a net positive impact on our modern economic engine, and hence on society.

  35. WHABBY...Lovey didnt send it to you, she claims that since she dropped it off, it's mine now! Friend Request me and I will send it to you!

    I also agree about the CEO's and big industry. Look at the oil companies. They are raising the rates of gas to record highs, and then they are reporting record profits. Who sees that? The guy working on the rig? The gas station owners? No, the CEO and other big brass. They can afford to pay 4 bucks a gallon, but I can't. Gas station owners don't make any money is the other crap they sell that keeps them afloat.

    And don't get started on the health care industry!!

  36. TINKA...thanks for the warmth! I feel all these thousands of miles away! ;)

    LYNN...GROSSry store!! LMAO!

    Can y'all tell I am avoiding going out to start digging!!

  37. WHABBY...i snagged you off of someone's page and friend requested you!

  38. I was scrolling down and reading everyones comments but I couldn't go any further than GOLDIE'S BROWNIES!!!

  39. Brunch is now being served:

    ham & cheese omelettes
    Belgium waffles & maple syrup
    oatmeal sweetened
    assortment of cereals
    center cut bacon
    sausage patties
    blueberries & strawberries
    sliced melons
    tossed salad & dressings
    croisants & butter
    bagels & cream cheese
    donuts and bear claws
    reg. milk & soy milk
    sparking water

  40. Happy Sunday Owls. I hope everyone is having a great day.

    Dreama: congrats on #1

    CG: Did I miss you telling us the name of your new grandson? He sure is a cutie.

    Tinka: Have fun with your granddaughter

    Birdee: Good for you getting your bedroom painted. Are you going to just live with a color you don't like or are you going to do it over?

    Lynnb D: LOL @ gross-ry store. How true.

    Goldie: LOL @ second mortgage to buy sports tickets. And I love turkey. What time do we eat?

    MO: LOL @ other skanks. Many of the young celebrities do not seem to have any sense of responsibility or morals for that matter. Sad.

    Whabby: Even though I hate to admit that you are right, it is true that celebrities and sports figures keep a lot of people employed. But at what expense and what kind of message does it send that they make such exorbitant salaries? And they are the role models for our youth?

    MEK: I see I missed out on all the fun last night while I was pigging out on crab. Be sure to show us your rodeo tags.

    Shout out to scirish, iteach, EBJ (glad Paula is doing better), Carol (thanks for the blog), and everyone posting after me.

  41. Dreama: Thanks for brunch. I'll have a ham & cheese omlette. Yum.

  42. Maureen, Thanks once again for your kind words. I guess your power is still on since you didn't say otherwise.

    Whabbear - Thanks for the lovely letter. Have fun in Palm Springs.

    Carol and SacBarb - Thank you for the shout outs. My grand daughter is a doll. She could put the Grinch in a good mood. I feel so lucky to have her.

    Dreama - May I have waffles and strawberries? I assume there is whipping cream because I know you always have that on hand for me. Thanks for the tea too.

  43. This topic was a very interesting one!!!

    As much as I hate to admit it, I do want to know "all about" the stars, celebrities, etc.

    Usually just so I can complain about how over-paid, over-indulged, too skinny, alcohol and drug induced they are, and just about everything "TOO MUCH" about them!

    Yet, I can't wait for my People magazine to be delivered on Fridays. I know, I am one of "those" people. I admit it!

    But on a serious note, there are quite a few celebrities who do NOT seek the spotlight. They do a lot of charitable work (that is not publicized) and try to live just normal lives with their families, usually outside of Hollywood in some other State.

    But all we hear about are these spoiled, 20+ yr olds who need to be seriously brought up to speed (no pun, really) on what the Real World is all about. But, I am sure it will never happen. The movie moguls make too much money on these people and thats the bottom line. The Almighty Dollar.

    Did anyone watch "The Starter Wife" last summer with Debra Messing? I thought that was a very good show, well written and acted, with a lot of truth behind the comedy/drama of the series.

    I guess, though, since I do read some of the mags, watch some of the TV shows that glorify these so called "celebrities" I am part of the problem. Is there a 12 step program for this???? LOL

    Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday afternoon.

    I am being very lazy today. Reading (no, not People, a real novel) and just relaxing.

    Love to all my Lovely Owls and Owlettes! (I think we are down to just one Owl, haven't heard from Joey in awhile),

    DonnaJean and Miss Laurie

  44. Handing Sacbarb an omelette and whip cream for Tinkatia.

  45. This time change has me all messed up. I will be back later!

  46. Good day to everyone Whabby mentioned LOL!! I am shamefully lazy today!

    Dreama congrats on 1st and wow what a great spread you have! ( brunch of course LOL)

    Tinka~ My son is 39 and still loves Co Co Puffs! Enjoy Grand daughter, in a few years she will be off and running! My Grand children are in so many activities that I barely see them. I am looking forward to having them over for Easter dinner. I will take what I can get and lavish them with love!

    Goldie~ Bless your Son.What would we do without people like him!
    Pass the Turkey please!

    Maureen~ Geesh I hope your power stays on!

    MEK~ I will believe those tags are done when I see them! LOL!!

    I am not a big Star follower. I never buy the mags. I quit a long time ago when they printed the stupid "Alien" stories and the people with deformities. I do indulge in "In Style" magazine. I do love to see the latest stuff out there and the fabulous clothes the rich wear. I love to peek into their beautiful homes without reading all the negative crap.

  47. Oh, it is starting to smell like Thanksgiving in here! Couple of hours and we will all be feasting on the turkey & fixings.

    Re: The celeb trash mags. I read People and the
    The National Enquirer.
    I believe very little in the NE-BUT and this is a HUGE BUT- that tabloid rag helped save my dad's life about 32years ago.
    There is one page in there with breaking med info. Well my dad had blockage of the coratid artery from his diabetes. There was no surgery or anything to be done at that time, he was told that he was a ticking timebomb for stroke and/or death.
    My boyfriends mother at the time read the article of breathrough surgery at the Mayo Clinic for just that condition and gave it my dad. He followed up and eventually ended up there and had it done. Bypass brain surgery- twice! It helped him live another 20 years.

    Thank you mary/mi- I am really proud of what he does.

  48. YW, Audrey!

    SacBarb: Indeed! Those are interesting questions you ask. Maybe we'll just have to accept that this is a totally gray area, with both good and bad intermixed!

    LOL@Mary's laziness!

    Hello, DJ! I read your comment over on the RossBlog... seems like this a lazy Sunday all around...

    OK, off to get in a run (trying not to be TOO lazy on vacation).

  49. Good Afternoon Owls!

    Tom was on Barbara Walters so does he count as a celebrity now? If so, I'd like to add him to the list of people who need a salary reduction! I'm very frustrated with MySpace! ;)

    Cpgem: Thanks for the blog!

    Dreama: Congrats on 1st and so glad to hear your Dad's surgery was a success.

    A sunny Sunday Hello to everyone!

  50. Money makes the world go round money makes the world go round...

    Whabbear read your post with interest and yes much of that is true.

    However if they can pay an athlete 56 million for a contract why in the hell can't they build their own damn stadiums??? Why do they expect the tax payer to pick up the tab for new or renovations!!! Sorry this is a sore issue with me as the new owner of the Sonics is trying like hell to get out of the contract that goes until 2010 and insists if Washington does not build a new stadium he is taking them to Oklahoma!!

    This is where I have a problem with salaries etc.. With sports anyway! 56 million to hit a ball with a bat. Paramedics barely 30,000 for saving lives.

    I am also tired of our tax dollars going to bail out billion dollar industries that over inflate the prices and leave the consumer and their employees holding the bag.

    Yes I agree it is a gray area in so many ways but really doesn't the public need to step and say no more! How about some laws that protect the average consumer!!!

    Ok really off of my soapbox!!! I guess I am cranky again from the gross-ry bill I just paid!

    Ok I am going to post this cranky one and then go get an attitude adjustment!

  51. "Good Morning" Everyone~

    Lovely topic Carol~ I agree with the end...will all that money get them into Heaven? No~ And does it buy happiness? No~ It may make them comfortable while they are on this earth, but it doesn't buy them true friendships~

  52. Howdy OWLS!!

    Carol fantastic blog today!
    I sooooo agree with you.

    I'm not a big celeb junkie.
    I have my favs, but I don't go searching for info on them etc...truth be told, I'd rather not is irrelevant info to me.

    I rarely if ever, go out to the movies.
    I'd rather wait till they come on TV or buy/rent the DVD. I can enjoy them in my home, on my own tv, with my own popcorn etc....besides I can't justify the cost for a movie night is outrageous.

    MO omfg, I hope u got power back.... geeesh after the dump we got last night, the last thing u need is no power.
    It took hours to dig out this morning.

    Mek pls post pics of those rodeo tags hehe:o)

  53. Tina, I don't even think it makes them comfortable, cause they seem to be always on the run searching for more money and stuff, they never stop to smell the flowers, relax or enjoy life.... the next buck is the only thing they can see.

  54. Hello Everyone!! I just thought I would do a very quick fly over to let you know that I am still around and exist.

    As most of you know, my youngest granddaughter has been sick for over a week. It just doesn't seem that anyone can figure out what has been wrong with her and they have given her nothing other than tylenol and motrin. As an old time mom, I still don't think it is "norml" to have a fever of 101 to 104 for this long! After 10 days she seems to be up on the upside swing of the illness and the fever has dropped. Bad news is now her older sister (9) has come down with it seems the same thing. My daughter had her at the Urgent Care today and then said no strep and put her on tylenol. Mr Dianne has been sick since the middle of the week and got worse yesterday. NOW this is a whole different situation. He won't follow my "motherly" rules, he is grumpy and won't stay in bed and why do men always walk and talk different when they are sick? My daughter calls it the "sore throat shuffle"! I can be a decent nurse but this Florence Nightingale is becoming Nurse Ratchett...give me strength!

    I am on my way to the store for my daughter and dropping off some things there and for MrD and then I guess I will come home again. I can't figure out where to go and I hate to go to bars on a Sunday all alone. I wish I lived by Whabby and the Lone Star!! lol

    Ok, thanks so much for all the prayers, concern and good thoughts this week here on the Nest and on myspace and thanks ZONA for helping me keep with the updates as I haven't been on here since last week. I do try and read when I have my phone so it is usually late at night.

    CG;; CONGRATULATIONS on your new grandchild!! I am so excited for you. This is a great new chapter for you!!!

  55. Lynn I totally understand what you're saying......

    Unfortunately it is usually the city/state/province that want the property so they can reap the benifits-profits of renting it out.

    Every deal is different. In Ontario,some cities also receive a portion of the ticket sales from events and some stadiums are privately owned.

    Areas-stadiums are a business,it must be profitable, for both teams-entertainment industry and property owners(city-state-province or private owners)

    If a stadium becomes outdated it must be updated to remain profitable.
    Sometimes the cost of the update is prohibative then a new venue must be build.
    If you have concerns with the city footing the bill for the reno's or purchase of a new stadium, it is up to u the tax payer to push your city into selling off the property.

    Just my 2 cents:o)

  56. Hi Diane~ So sorry about the "sore throat shuffle". We have been re-infecting each other with colds here! Guess who is the only resident nurse here! I know what you are going through! Hang in there, spring is just around the corner!

  57. I did it! I shoveled my way outta my garage!! Then I gethome and the neighbor has decided to park is truck in front of his I not only had to manuever around the snow mounds, but his damn truck, too! But I managed and I am ready to bunker down again!!

    DIANNEsurroundedbyabunchofsickiesINDENVER...hoping that your family recouperates fully and quickly. Take care of yourself, too.

    OUr stupid city built a new football stadium and decided against a dome! How ridiculous. Now we can NEVER have a Superbowl here. The revenue that an event like a SuperBowl brings to a city is incredible...and we will never see that.

  58. Ok I feel a little better. Had not eaten today. I also have the sore throat back and have been coughing and sneezing again!! What is this super flu crap?

    Sandie I totally sympathize with you. What you said about coughing and peeing. Only I am sneezing and peeing! Pleasssssssse make it stop!

    Diane: I am glad you granddaughter is feeling better but so sorry the other one is getting sick.

    Lovey: I get what you are saying the stadium in question is not that old and had been remodled before. I understand all of that but I still feel that if they built there own. They could have there own rules etc.... Then maybe we could take the money used by taxes and put it back into schools, police, Firemen etc...

    Waving Hi to Tina and Mary MI!!! And anyone else I missed.

    I bought A New Earth has anyone read this book yet?

  59. Hello to everyone! I woke up with a frickin' allergy headache..what a pain!

    CPGEM: My pet peeve with celebrities is that they will do anything they can to get into the spotlight, but once they are..they spend a crazy amount of time and energy trying to hide from photographers and reporters. I don't understand why they all hide once they are what they wanted to be--a celebrity. Do they not know the press comes with the territory? I admit the press can be overzealous, but I just think if these 'stars' would stand still and let the picture get taken maybe they wouldn't be chased so much. And it all comes back to this..didn't they want to be chased and recognized in the first place? I know my arguement is flawed, because you have to take into account their children, who should be left alone. Just that the whole spectacle of running into the car, flipping off the camera and hiding their faces seems so ridiculous to me.

    I use to be a big reader of the Star and National Enquirer, bought them every week. Honestly, they just got too expensive and I lost interest.

    The first time I heard a movie was going to cost 100 million dollars..I was stunned. I can't even imagine that kind of money. I have a hard time imagining $10,000!! Now $100 million budget for a blockbuster is nothing, to me that is just nuts.

    Gonna say my hi's and hey's in my second post...

  60. Good afternoon all!

    Tinka...great idea...a meeting of the Island Owls during spring break will be fabulous! Spring break and an island....hmmmm...might it be "owls gone wild?" always your topic is a thought provoker Thanks for making me think, CPGEM.

    I was pondering the TOTD as I went for a walk (amongst daffodils and cherry blossoms...fabulous!) this is a subject that I have had much discussion about with friends and won't bore you with that now ...but i will say isn't it interesting that since the war began in Iraq there has been so much emphasis on what celebrities are doing...a fascination on the lives of celebrities that allows us to escape from the real world. And I know that interest in the lives of the famous has always been there but it seems to me like the fascination has increased, along with so many more ways to get all the gossip many "Entertainment Tonight" type shows are many TMZ type blogs? My question is is this perpetuation of coverage of celebrities intentional as it allows government and corporate media to create a there as much attention on a road side bomb or attacks on a village in Iraq or the soldiers that have died as there is about Brittany and Lindsay and Paris? It doesn't balance out...but then I have to remind myself that without a couple of celebrities, we all wouldn't have met!!!! Off my soap box now...and back out amongst the tulips I go!!!!

  61. I want to send out a BIG congratulations to CG!!

    TINKA: Your post is a perfect example of what is important in life. I am so glad you got to spend time with your granddaughter. I hope you are feeling the sun on your face and have a smile in your heart. Love you! Oh, and just seeing that fuzzy little owl makes me grin!

    ITEACH: Mr. Z tells me to watch a movie the same way..just don't think about anything you may have heard about the actor off the screen. I find that so difficult when the movie is "Mission Impossible".

    MEK: The prices ARE crazy at the theaters. We usually only go if we get a gift card. BTW are you all packed yet?? ;)

    BIRDEE: So great to see you! Hope you are having a good day!

    GOLDIE & LYNND: Our state just built two new stadiums with tax payer dollars for teams that can't seem to win! Now the state has a budget shortfall and is thinking of cutting some of it's daycare and senior programs. They also said they might have to cut back on some police programs! Does anyone hear the property tax cash register ringing? Cuz I sure do!

    MO: Still dragging out all the paperwork! Will let you know what I find out!

    DIANNE: I know how worried you are. I am always glad to help. I hope things only improve in the next few days. Please remember to take care of YOU too! Big ol' AZ hugs to you.

    LOVEY: It's still going, like the energizer bunny!!

    TINA: Can I blow out the candle yet?

    SACBARB: Pics yet?? I want to see! :)

    Waving HI to everyone and hoping all is good. I really need to take something for this headache. I'll be back in a while, in a much better mood. Forgive me if I missed a shout out!

  62. Maureen You're comment reminded me of a funny story. My family was out having a birthday dinner and a nice restaurant. In walks four young women that were dressed like hookers, I swear. One even had on stockings with a garter belt, even though her skirt was about as long as short shorts. Suddenly my daughter's boyfriend says, just loud enough for us to hear, "Skanks, party of four. Skanks,". ROFLMFAO, big time!

    There was a story on TV the other day about all the jobs Britney is supporting. A bunch of photographers bought memberships at the gym next to her dance studio just so they can park in the lot and try to get pics. Same thing with an apartment building adjacent to it. They rented an apartment just so they can stand out on the balcony all day to try and get a pic. It's crazy. Bottom line is all the teeny boppers love to know everything that is happening with her.

    Dianne/Denver Men really play it up when they're sick, don't they?

    DonnaJean Glad to see you fly into the nest.

    Dreama Congrats on #1. and thanks for brunch.

    Carol Thank you for the TOTD and for making this nest for all of us.

  63. I may never get 100 or 200, but I got a 69!

    I will take it!

  64. iteach~ lol...but don't you get 69 a lot? :)~

  65. Not for the next five days!

    Hubby just left for work and won't be back until Friday.

    I'm lonely.

  66. Crap, I didn't even realize I almost had a 69. Haven't had one of those in a long time!

  67. Hi guys. My new avatar is my house and the snow that is piled by the back door! I had to shovel out of the driveway. The back stoop, which is under a roof was mid-calf deep and I had to shovel a path from the parking lot to the door, so the mailman can deliver tomorrow. The snowmound is as high as the roofline of my garage!!
    When this melts, I sure hope I don't get flooded. And we are expecting more snow tomorrow!!

  68. What? You NightOwls gave up last night so close to 600??

    Birdee~~What color is the bedroom?

    CG~~Did we all miss the grandbaby's name? Just ask Tinka, you're in for YEARS of fun!

    Dianne/Denver~~Stay well. Get-better wishes to all who have -- or have family with -- -the plague of '08!

    FrozenOwls~~Is there an extended forecast that includes the word "thaw"? Have faith! This is the first day of 2008 that it's actually warmer outside than in here!! All the neighbors are out, greeting each other for the first time since Halloween ...LOVE IT!

    ToTD thoughts to follow.....

  69. On the ToTD~~I agree with all that's been said before, with a special "Here! Here!" to Whab, and LynnD. In addition to the ridiculous wealth of stars, athletes and CEOs, another category that REALLY burns me is the megamillion/billionaire rap moguls, appealing to the lowest common denominator of youth fantasies.

    Oh, MO~~Just saw your snow. Now I almost feel guilty about mentioning our first WARM sun of the year......(almost). Seriously, hope it's over soon!

    IMHO, the 'demise of western civilization as we know it' began with Robin Leach's "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous" in 1984. Although there have always been tabloids and fan-mags, and People kicked it up a notch in '76, "Lifestyles" brought the lush life in live action into our homes to really convince us of what we peons were missing. Since then, clone programming has filled practically every network and cable channel. BUT, we have only ourselves to blame, I think. It is, after all, all about Supply & Demand Economics. IF we ALL stopped buying the rag-mags, going to the movies and events, watching the crap TV shows, the advertisers would bail and it would be gone. Of course, we all know that'll never happen.

  70. Holy Crow Mo!!! If that isn't freezing tits weather I don't know what is!!! I wouldn't leave the house!

    Hi Zona! Two new stadiums! Argggggh to bad for the senior citizens! Makes me crazy Well crazier!

    Hi Just lin skanks party of four! LMAO

    Vig: Very good point and I think you may have a winner!!! Diversion at it's finest!

    DonnaJean: Some how I missed you!!

    Hey Bon flew in!! Waving at ya!

  71. You are so right Bon! And Nope it will never happen as we keep watching the next couple of generations gobble it up more! My question is when will to much be enough??

  72. Hey LynnD~~Extra BP meds with the ToTD? :o)

    Are you getting this same beautiful Springtime up there? Blow the warmth on up to Glynis to help her get well. Sounds like Tink & VIG are getting some up there way. There's little more beautiful than the PNW coming out of hibernation.

    Good to 'see' you. And, yes, shout-outs to VIG. No doubt in my mind the Feds love how easily we are diverted from reality.

  73. JUST LIN...your story about the skank party reminded me of what my mom used to do. When she agreed to let us take her to a real restaurant, she would always tell the hostess our name was POT, so she could hear the hostess announce a table for the POT PARTY!
    Here is this little old lady having them announce a pot party!!

    LYNN...believe it or not, it wasn't that cold today! I didn't even need a ton of layers when I went out!! And the sun was shinning like it was August!

  74. up THEIR way, or up THERE....take your pick :o)


    Those damn rodeo tags are DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pics will be posted soon!!

    Zona - NO, I am NOT packed yet!! One thing at a time!! LOL

    Shanks party - TOO FUNNY.

    Pot party - even funnier!!

  76. Congratulations MEK!!

    Heading back out into the Sunday sunshine. BBL?

  77. Just a quick update. My daughter is feeling pretty sore and tired today and baby is jaundiced, so they put him in an incubator with the billy lights. He is considered a preemie (36 weeks) and his blood sugar is low, so he's hard to keep awake long enough to feed him. I'm sure all will be fine, but it is worrisome (and I hate to see MY baby in so much pain). Hopefully they will be going home Tuesday. Thanks for all the comments, guys.

    Oh, and MEK? I think I need to take up scrapbooking now, so I may be asking you some stupid questions , ok?

  78. CG - I'll keep you, your daughter and the little one in my prayers..

    AND - no scrapbooking question is stupid one!! SO, ask away!! I will be more than happy to help out!!

    love to you!!

  79. MO - since you dug yourself out - did you pick up some St. Patrick's day paper for me??

  80. (93

    I know someone is out there.

  81. okay - I must admit
    THAT was NOT very fun!!


    Can't wait for everyone to get used to the time change

    AND - what is funny? - is that we don't - but yet - I will be traveling into TX and I will have to do the time change twice in 7 days!! LOL

  82. DAMN!!!!!

    congrats MEK!!

    uhhhh, st.pat's paper!

  83. Sorry - Mo - you were a few seconds too late!!

  84. WOW - I'm watching Extreme HOme Edition - My brother never said a word about them being at a West VA football game - and taping and everything - (I'm sure he was NOT impressed) - but how FUN!!!

    MO - no paper - I'm so bummed

  85. MEK...i'm always a dollar short, a day late or in this case a post late!

  86. MO - that's okay - I'm just happy that someone else was really out there!!

  87. MEK...did ya post your tags yet?

  88. Yes, mo - they are posted!! Go have a look!! :-)

  89. *burpppp* Oh- excuse me! I am still stuffed from dinner then I added dessert to the overload.

    A little late but leftovers on the counter for you all;

    mashed potatoes
    green bean casserole (no lids)
    cranberry sauce
    Chocolate silk pie

    eat up!

    CG- I am sure all will be well. It is very common for babies to be a bit jaundiced. But just a warning- you will never NOT worry again the rest of your life now that you are a Grandma!!

  90. Goldie - your words to CG just brought tears to my eyes - you hit the nail on the head - she will NEVER stop worrying now!! :-)

  91. I meant it MEK- I think it is harder when you don't have direct control and you can't be with them all the time like when your kids were little.

    I made myself get up early this morning even though it was Sunday. So now I am tired (probably has nothing to do with Stuffing myself ).

    I called all over today too MEK- no SI's in town! On the hunt!!!

  92. CRAP! Two generations to worry about now??? Hey - why didn't somebody tell me this before? Ok, I just looked at his picture again and I'm totally over it - he is SO worth the worry (and so is my daughter). Actually, I just talked to her and she is much calmer now (better nurses after the shift change) and his last feeding went really well. So, Grandma (we still haven't settled on a name for me) is off to bed!

  93. Goldie - I KNOW you meant it!! You have SO much love in your heart!!

    I got it - "Mission SI" is ON!!!


  94. Nighty night Grandma CG!! ((HUGS))

  95. Nite, CG!!
    hugs to you and yours!!

  96. Great Mek- I will so owe you!

    I am off to bed too. Sorry I can't hang longer with you. The late night shift should be here soon;)

  97. Goldie
    I can smell chocolate a mile away

  98. MEK...the tags look great! And you have such pretty hair!

  99. CG
    My Mom chose Nanny over grandma. I call my grandma Momaw.
    Speaking of grandmas...has anyone seen Grandma Moses around? Hmmm...

  100. Good evening OWLETTES!!!!!

    CG-- So glad you are here... They are right... you will always worry...

    Thanks for the brownies last night sorry wasn't here to get them!!!

    MEK-- Tags Are done...They look great!!!

    CPGEM--- Great topic.. I so agree .. and the first thing I thought was .."There is no such thing as bad publicity" If the media didn't hype everything so much... do you think they would be as bad...

    I wont repaet ... but pretty much agree with everyone.. on all the "add ons" to not just celebs!!
    Dreama --Congrats on #1..

  101. Oh and Just_lin... LOL.. At ..."69.. haven't done that in a while..."

  102. Hey MEK/Goldie~~just popped in to Mission SI...don't know why I didn't think of this before. My daughter works for the Media Distribution Co. that delivers all the magazines/newly released books, etc. to the stores. Want me to see if she can nail a few S.I.s??

  103. I can Be on Mission SI also...
    Always willing to help !!

  104. MEK
    I love your rodeo tags, and so very glad they are finally done!

    All I can think about is you crawling over that mound of snow to get to your car, I think that mound of snow will be there forever!

    CG Sorry about the baby, I sure he will be fine, however like you I would worry to!

    Geez, sure hope you find out what the problem is...

  105. I am off to bed!!!

    See you guys tomorrow...



  106. BONO - That would be GREAT !! Goldie needs TWO of the special edition about Brett Favre that is supposed to hit newsstands tomorrow!!!

  107. Cpgem - thank you and good night - hope you get a great night's sleep

    I know that hour can be a major difference!!


  108. If we ALL get her some - then maybe she can make the nest some extra funds!!

  109. IBB - sorry that work was so boring tonight..

    I'm sure everyone on the east coast is in bed by now!!

  110. Goldie-- MEK-- I will look here tomorrow...

    I am off to bed... work early tomorrow...
    See ya all later...

  111. Good Night all my little owl friends. I am off to bed. See you in the early hours. Sleep tight. Love, Tinka

  112. Zona~ How are you feeling? Do you still have a headache? I hope not~ I'd cheer you up if I had any idea how~ :)~

  113. Tina: that's cold! How are you?

  114. Tina ROFLMFAO!!! You have such a sweet face, too. You'd never know the kind of things you are up to.

  115. just_Lin and she acts so innocent too. How are you?

  116. Hi SacBarb! I'm doing fine. I should be cleaning up the kitchen but I'm here on the computer instead. Do you have any photos from the wedding to post?

  117. I have been forbidden to post any of the kids. I don't know how to do it anyway.

  118. Gee, that's too bad. Were you happy with the outfit that you finally bought?

  119. I was as happy as I was going to be. I have been taking Prednisone since December and I gained 10 of the 35 lbs I lost and I hate the way I look in everything.

  120. Thanks, they're great! It looks like it was a beautiful wedding and a perfect day. I love the pantsuit. Where did you end up finding it?

  121. Hi sacBarb and Just Lin~ I was on another page trying to catch up~ What's up with you?

  122. Tina You are shameless. Funny, but shameless. LMAO @ your new avatar.

  123. Tina Are you hoping that Zona will come out and play?

  124. I got it as Sears of all places.

  125. Just Lin~ I know I'm shameless...but it's in response to her late night posts from last night~ :D

    Barb~ where's you wedding outfit? :)

  126. You know, I have a really neat black pantsuit, quite dressy, that I got at Sears. I was absolutely shocked when I found it. I can't stand Sears but I sure love that outfit. Go figure.

  127. Tina I don't recall what that would be from last night. Maybe it happened after I left. Was she making fun of George or NASCAR?

  128. J/L~ she used all three pics of that horrible man on purpose.....cuz she knows how cute (gag) I think he is~ :)

    barb~ I'll so sign in~

  129. Tina Okay, I see the parade of Hugh Grant photos. You're right. She was asking for it. (Sorry Zona)

  130. lol...I just want her to see it so I can go back to Eunice~

  131. SacBarb I need to do some shopping before I go to So. Calif. in 2 weks! Argh! I hate shopping. I wonder what the weather will be like. Living in the Bay Area at the beach, I'm used to cooler weather. I don't have hot weather clothes. Probably wouldn't wear them if I did have them. LOL I keep warning Custard that things have changed over the years.

  132. They just had that commercial on about kids needing a booster seat until they are 4' 9" When my son (the groom) saw that add he said I was only 3" away from needing a booster seat.

  133. Tina I love the photo of you and Mr. Tina that you posted the other day. You look so happy. Do you spare him your evil side? Or is he just well trained now? LOL

  134. The whole week after the wedding was very warm in San Diego, almost 80 degrees. I don't know where you are going to be exactly, but I'll bet it will be warm.

  135. SacBarb OMG!!!LMAO!!!! I can just picture you in a booster seat. I'm still laughing!

  136. Barb~ those pics are so sweet~ I love your outfit~ And I love the red~ Your family is so cute~

    J/L~ don't bother getting any clothes~ :)~

    oh barb....just had an idea....your kids don't want you to put any of their pics up on myspace....but they didn't say a word to me about doing it~ :D

  137. J/L~ thanks....and Mr can dish it out~ I have trained him tho~ He felt awful there......he has no idea I posted those~ :)~

    barb...btw...I was joking!!!!!~

  138. Tina Well, Custard does want us to visit our old elementary school, our old Jr. Hi, our old High School, as well as walk around down town. I think it would be a little awkward to do that without clothes on.

  139. J/L~ hmmmmmmmm~ GET SOME CLOTHES!!! what day does he go home?

  140. Damn, I missed another 69 opportunity! I go on the 22nd and he arrives on Monday the 24th and goes home Saturday morning. Hopefully we'll both have trouble walking by then. LOL

  141. J/L~ OMG!!!!! Hubby wants to fly down there on that Saturday Custard comes home~ Bummer! If the 24th was any other day than the day after Easter....I'd so be at the airport taking pictures of the two of you!! :)

  142. Good morning Ladies!!! I have to make this quick!! I have to go back to work today.

    SACBARB - LOL @ you in a booster seat!!!

    JUST LIN - Less than 2 weeks now til you're walking around nakey with Custard!!!

    TINA - Good morning!! Laquisha says Hi!!

  143. Hey Hodi~ Hope work goes smooth today~ Tell Laquisha.....uh...yeah....nothin'~ :)~

  144. Jodi Hi! Hopefully, we won't start the nakey thing right at the airport when he arrives! LOL

  145. Who's Laquisha? Hugh's "special" friend?

  146. TINA - I think she was still cackling til about 9 last night!!! Finally had to tell her to tone it down - I asked her if her jaws ever get tired!!!

    SACBARB - Thanks!!! I had 4 days off - but all I did was run, run, run.

    I hope everyone has a great day!!!

    Coffee, Diet Pepsi, and Blueberry Muffins are on the counter. Enjoy!!!

  147. Tina Why is Mr. Tina coming to Calif? Or is it both of you?

  148. JUST LIN - Just my deranged daughter!!! She called TINA'S phone and left a message and then got to talk "at" her yesterday!!! To say she has a motormouth would be kind!!! Oh, well.......the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!!! My dad used to call me radio station J-O-D-I!!! Or Big Mouth take your pick!!

  149. J/L~ It would be all of us.....all 5 of us....he wants to see his parents and I want to see mine! Oh...and Laquisha is Jodi's daughter....she called me tonight doing this voice that just sounded like a was hilarious....would have been funnier if I could understand her! :)~

  150. Jod Okay so I'm thinking Laquisha is someone you work with but then you asked her if her jaws ever get tired so maybe it is Hugh's friend. LOL

  151. Jodi~ Did your dad ever tell you that whore is spelled J-O-D-I? :)~

  152. TINA - Not once - not even the time that he walked in on MR. JODI & me!!!

  153. Jodi Sorry, didn't know you were talking about your DAUGHER!

  154. Ok gals.....gotta go jump in the shower!!! Luv u guys :D

  155. Ooops! I think daughter does have a T in it.

  156. lol~ J/L~ :)~

    Jodi~ I had the picture once....i don't need it again! Especially so close to bedtime~ :|
