our daily blog today
is from goldie
i can't wait to hear how
we all picked ours~~
What's in a name?
by Goldie
We were all given a name chosen by someone else when we were born. We had no say in it, and love it or hate, it is yours. Mine is Heidi.
Our online name is different. We got to make the choice as to what our name would be. My email, myspace and blogging name are all GOLDIE. Because of my affection to golden retriever's? No. I have never had one. I have a wonderful, beautiful Black Lab who I would throw myself, if need be, under a bus for. (I am hoping that won't be anytime soon!)
Years ago a little old man would call our office and ask questions about his account. Just checking if we had the correct address, beneficiary, etc. Nothing ever changed, so there was no need. It didn't take me long to figure out he was lonely and wanted to chat. This went on for about a year.
One day he said to me that I reminded him of his dog. Huh? I wasn't' sure if I should be insulted or not.
Then he said the nicest thing that I think I ever heard. He said that I was like his golden retriever, GOLDIE-she listened patiently while he rambled, never judged or interrupted and made him feel like what he said mattered.
Insulted? No, he paid me the highest compliment I had ever received.
A week later I got my first email account. When the tech asked what name I wanted to use- you guessed it- GOLDIE@..
That same day I found out the little old gentleman had passed away.
I have used that moniker ever since for everything online.
So how did you choose your online name? Is it your own, a made up one, your location? What is the story to your 'identity'?
Good Morning all.
ReplyDeleteThere is still no one awake this morning. What kind of St. Paddy's Day parties did you owls have?
ReplyDeleteI am going to read the post now. When I get back I expect to see Joey in the next.
ReplyDeleteSurprise it's me Tinkatia.
ReplyDeleteI was going to combine my two dogs name to make a name for me. Then I watched a Kate Hudson movie. For the life of me I can't remember its name. I remember I loved it. There was a gorgeous model named Tinka. I decided to use Tinka and add it to my 'babies' name. Ronnie has renamed me Pink/Tink. That's cute too.
ReplyDeleteDreamatexas - You haven't left me sitting here all alone. Where have you been?
ReplyDeleteHey TINKA..congrats on #1!!!
ReplyDeleteGOLDIE: What a great idea for a blog! My on-line name came from the state I live in AriZONA and the fact that I am over sensitive and act like a big BABY. There you have it..ZONABABY!
Have a great day everyone.
Good Morning tinka
ReplyDeleteCongrats on first!
Its seems you cracked lots owls up yesterday with your "virgin march".
I too, thought it was hilarious!
You are one special lady!!!!
I was a chicken shit, when I first started to comment on Rossland, which I think is about 3yrs ago. I did not want to use my real name, so I used cpgem8....And then it just stuck, so whenever I post on sites, blogs etc. I used my pseudo!
cp...my initials
gem...first three letters of my business's name
8...favorite number
Thanks for todays blog, I so appreciate you helping me out.
I have gotten a late start, so I must sign off now, and sign onto my airline system.
Happiness and Smiles to all
ZonaBaby - I didn't expect to see you up because you were up late last night. Are you up for just a short time? I hope so. I need all my children to get 8 hours sleep each night.
ReplyDeleteHello..my dear!
I have snail mail coming your way!
Look for it.....
Carol - Good Morning my dear. You really solved a mystery. Your name was one I could not figure out. Thanks for revealing that.
ReplyDeletebreakfast is served:
ReplyDeleteham & cheese omelettes
banana nut pancakes
maple syrup, whip cream (Tink)
scrambled eggs
center cut bacon (Maureen)
hickory smoked ham slices
assortment of cereals
oatmeal, sweetened
wheat toast & jams
Belgium tea(Tink)
fresh roast coffee
soy milk (Notmercy)
reg. milk
sparking water
night.owls.sb - You are a pretty special lady yourself. As a matter of fact you are the 'most special' because you do so much for us.
ReplyDeleteTINKA: Just waiting for Mr. Z to get home. It's been a long night.
ReplyDeleteCPGEM: I think we are all a little bit chicken when first posting on blogs where we don't know anyone.
I was here Tinka making breakfast
I'll be back in a little while. Work calls!
Also they say we're in for severe thunderstorms at noon and possibly tornados again. Wonderful!Winds are at 50mph.
ReplyDeleteDuh... How fun, I could not figure out your pseudo, And yet it was so easy!
You must try and remember the movie, I would love to know...
Dreamatexas - Thanks for bringing breakfast. It is an hour since I had my O.J. and I am ready for a manly breakfast.
ReplyDeleteI would like Banana Nut pancakes with maple syrup and whipped cream, and a nice cup of hot Tea. You are so sweet to make it for me.
ReplyDeleteIs that Harrison Ford, I can't make it out...
What makes me special, is all of the owls, as they give me a reason!
ReplyDeleteThanks for breakfast!
I really gotta go...
ReplyDeleteI will check back tonite...
TINKA: Is is Raising Helen??
ReplyDeleteCPGEM: Yes it is!! I changed from Hugh Grant so that TINA's migraine would go away.
Night.owls.sb - I just checked on the movie. It is "Raising Helen" with Kate Hudson and John Corbett. She works for one of the hottest modeling agencies in town. The hottest model at the time is "Tinka, Everyone knows Tinka". Then 'Helen' loses her sister and she is left to raise her sister's three children. I highly recommend it.
ReplyDeleteZona - Who is your new man? I liked Hugh better. Wasn't he great in 'Nodding Hill'?
ReplyDeleteIt took me a while but I figured out your name.
Carol - I think God made you special. We just put the icing on the cake.
Good morning!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great blog idea! I often wonder what someone's name means. Now I know a few of yours!
Like Carol, when I was reading the other blog, I didn't want to use my real name.
I just picked east bay, cause I live in the east bay, and J for my first name initial.
I have another account and I use anangelrn. I picked that because at the time, I was working in the NICU, and I called the babies my little angels.
When I went to pick the account name, I wanted baby nurse, baby rn, everything I wanted was already taken.
So I triend angel and it was available!
Goldie, love your story, it is heartwarming.
Congrats Tink in Pink on being first!
Paula update. She is back on antibiotics :( She started straining again yesterday morning. It was unbelievable timing... I saw Paula strain, and within about 2 minutes, the phone rang and it was the vet. I couldn't believe how lucky that was.
Anyway, she is back on antibiotics, this time for a month. And will continue the fluids.
Her lab tests on Sat. were almost exactly the same as 2 weeks ago, still elevated.
Have a wonderful day!
I have to go too. I will be back later. Zona, you go have a nap. I will answer your lovely letter later this morning.
ReplyDeleteLove you. Tinka
Good Morning East Bay J - I wondered about your name too. I hope Paula has a good day. I am off for a while.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning feathered friends!
ReplyDeleteGOLDIE...what an interesting topic of the day. I really thought you were GOLDIE for 2 reasons...because of Goldens and because you are precious...like 24KT gold. The story you told of how you got it was so special. It often only takes one stranger to bring us so much in life.
TINKA...congrats on first!! And so happy you are not a marching virgin any more!! Cute story for your moniker.
DREAMA...thanks for the Bacon. I better scoop it up before CPGEM8 sees it! What is the meaning behind your name?
CPGEM8...I don't care what you think your name means. To me it is simply you...a sparkling and rare gem.
My moniker here is my name! No story behind it. I am named after my paternal grandmother who had passed away before I was born. Her name was Mary. I got the first initial and supposedly my parents like Maureen O'Sullivan! They also liked Cary Grant and my brother was named Cary. He hated it and for his 13th birthday, he was allowed to have it legally removed from his birth certificate and his middle name became his first name. The reason he hated the name Cary is because there was a girl in his class with the same name!!
My first venture into the world of celebublogging was at that other blog we all met at! I chose Moweenie because my little cousins called me that when they couldn't pronounce Maureen! And it stuck and I think fondly of them when I see it or say it. I had thought of changing it, (it seemed to illicit some strange...and hilarious comments) but our dear WHObby talked me out of it!
I do have other nicknames in my non-cyber world. Most friends and family call me Reenie.
Damn, another novel from me!
Well good morning Owls!
ReplyDeleteI logged on and their were 4 posts and went to let one of the dogs out and there were 21 Yikes! LOL
Tinka first again!! I also read you were no longer a marching virgin! LOL Way to go!
Hi Dreama, Zonababy and CPgem8.
Goldie that is a wonderful story about how you got your computer name!
Well mine is not so wonderful or exciting! LMAO
When I started posting at the Ross Blog I had never posted on any website ever before. I read for awhile and then one day I just had to post! I could not take it anymore. It really never occured to me to make up a name. I just knew enough to realize that I should not use my full name.
So Lynn really is my first name and D is my first inital on my last name. Told you boring! By the time I realized that I could use a made up name I was locked in as everyone knew me by Lynn D.
However when I opened my first email account I had to pick something. Mr. Lynn D told me to pick something I would always remember. Well with short memory problems and all, I finally decided on my family nickname lynnepie.
This nickname was the bane of my existance when I was a kid. Only family members used it but they of course used in front of friends and strangers and it would drive me crazy! They even shortened it pie when I was a teenager! Tina and Kgirl no jokes!! I know what you could do with that!
As I got older it just was. I gave up trying to correct them and just went with the flow. It really is a name I can't forget so it was a natural to pick for my email name.
Wow as usual I write a book!
LMAO Hi Mo! You and I just write and write! I wonder do you ever just say yes or no?? I don't very often!
ReplyDeleteZONA...I figured out the Zona part. I thought the baby was because you are a babe! Like zonaBABBBBY! Yeah baby! And no one puts baby in the corner!!
ReplyDeleteEBJ...whenever I see your name, I think of JBJ!! You can be another honorary Mrs. Bon Jovi...like a lot of us here!! bwahahaha. Your story about your email name is so touching. They are little angels, aren't they.
TINKA...I knew about the TIA part, but I had no idea about the TINKAT part of your name. What a cute way to pick a name. I hope you get lots of rest today so you can have a wonderful meeting with VIG tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteLYNNepie...NO! I usually can't manage to convey anything in one or a few words! See, I couldn't stop at no...had to go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on...
ReplyDeleteWell I thought goldie had something to do with your hair. When I first saw you post I figured you had gold hair! ( I was going to say blonde but realized that did not sound right!) LOL
ReplyDeleteTinka: You were way more creative than I was! Love it.
cpgem8: I always wondered what all of that stood for! I new it had to be something but was mystified as to what! I don't know why but it made me think of gambling!
Zona: I figured the first part was Arizona. But the baby added made me think whew this is on hot tamale!
Mo: I always figured your name was something kids would call you because they could not pronounce your real name! Don't know why but it made sense to me!
EBJ: You name like mine just made sense. I am sorry Paula is back on the antibiotics! Sending her (((Hugs)))!
Dreama: So spill how did you get your name??? Is there a mystery here?
Mo I actually can SAY yes or no. A lot of people accuse me of being quiet believe it or not.
ReplyDeleteWhen I write though it just seems in my head I think in so many words and can't express myself without using all of them! LMAO
For the life of me I can't remember why I picked "iteach".
ReplyDeleteLet me think about it for a while and I will get right back to you guys.
Have a great day!
maybe I should change my name from moweenie to moWORDie!
ReplyDeleteOh that Iteach! She's such a card! LOL
ReplyDeleteHey MoHowordie! LMAO
Hey everyone- I am excited to read your responses to my blog. Thanks for using it Carol. I too was nervous about it.
ReplyDeleteDon't know when I will be back on today- Police called at 6 this morning. Our office had been broken into (all the offices in this building) and ransacked-computers stolen, etc. So needless to say I have a busy day of cleaning, corporate protocal to follow and yadda yadda. I am so pissed I could scream!!! And I have not yet showered, so I have to go home and do that too.
So anyway- I hope you all have a good day and I'll be back on later!
Oh, shoot, I remembered and then I got distracted.
ReplyDeleteWait a second now I remember!
There are too many darn Jennifers in the world.
I had five Jennifers in my high school graduating class of 180.
In college there were a mess of Jennifers.
There are Jennifers everywhere!
GOLDIE...I am so sorry about your break-in. I get so mad at the crime rates skyrocketing. Can anyone say recession.
ReplyDeleteJust be glad that no one was hurt.
Morning everyone!
ReplyDeleteIt's busy in here today...Thanks to all who sent prayers for my friend.
What a fun topic! It's gonna be interesting reading today..
My name is actually a nickname. I happen to be Irish and rather ...shall I say...frugal.. at times. My Sig other constantly asked me if I was sure that I wasn't Scottish as they have a reputation of frugality (no offense to any Scots out there). He....funny man that he is....decided that I must be Scirish and the name stuck
TINKA - Congrats on first and not being a marching virgin anymore!!!
ReplyDeleteGOLDIE - Great blog!!! I remember when you told me that story. So sorry to hear about your office. Totally sucks.
Well.....there's no mystery here......JODI is my name. Although I have grown very fond of my new name HODI!!! Thanks LYNN D - I think you were the one that dubbed me that!!
Not feeling the best today - hoping I'm not getting the crud that has been going around.
ZONA - ((((HUGS)))) 2 U - and I totally understand.
Oh Goldie I am so sorry to hear about your office! I would be royally pissed too!
ReplyDeleteHodi: I love you but can't take credit. I think it was Whoretina who called you Hodi first and I loved it and started using too! I really hope you are not getting sick!!
Mo: I did not even think about recession and crime! Gosh you are probably so right and it will keep getting worse. Scares the hell out of me!
Scirish: Thank you for clearing up your name! That one had me racking my brain and also trying to figure out how the heck to say it! I kept reading it a scrish! LOL In my head you are Scrishy!
ReplyDeleteHi everyone. Thanks for all the sunshine and comments on myspace. I sort of slept most of yesterday so I didn't get them until now. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteGREAT blog topic!:)
ReplyDeleteWOW, y'all are all bright eyed and chatty this morning! LOL
LOL@tink saying "I expect to see Joey"! haha
Okay, mine is pretty obvious..My name is Joey and I'm from VA! LOL...When I started posting on that "other blog" 2 yrs.+ ago, I used JoeyfromSC...Just plain and simple!
BUT, what many of you probably don't know is that there are two other names I use!
One is "ajoebloe" or "joebloe" which came from my best friend who was killed. He gave me that nickname like "the average joebloe"(get ur minds outta the gutter..hehe)
So it stuck..Then sometimes I use "joebloe1116"-That date is special to me-Think "my honey" and "consumate"(2001)ROFLMAO
It's very interesting reading how you guy's came up with your names...Goldie, that is such a sweet story! Thanks for sharing!
Carol, I know most of you have heard this, but isn't it so funny how we all thought you were ROSIE when we first met you in chat!?LOL
We thought like this:
gem=we weren't quite sure haha
8-8 yrs. Rosie & Kelly together
ROFLMAO..We were SO wrong! You also bopped in that one night RIGHT at the same time as Mr. Intern! LOL
We surely thought we had it pegged!
I look forward to reading the rest of your stories..I think it's a neat thing that we each have our own unique identity online, and that "name" is what you become to "know" the person by!
That's why I still can't get used to calling you "CAROL" cpgem8! hehe
Known you for 2+ yrs. and I still know you as "cpgem8"!
Y'all have a great Tuesday..Auntie lunch was postponed from yesterday to today due to her sick puppy! Hope he's better!
WOW, didn't mean to write a novel! haha
ReplyDeleteTinkatia: So it's really pronounced "Tinka-TIA"?
I always called you(in my own head)
Tink-KAH-TEE-AH! lol
say it fast lol
Oh and Carol, wow, thanks for finally clearing up how you got that name! LOL
I look forward to IBHO, MEK(I think it's her initials right?), and many others! FUN!
EastbayJ: I always wondered yours too! thanks for solving that mystery!LOL
I know wHObbear's real name, so I am not sure where the "WHAB" came with to go with "bear" which we know he's a "bear" for obvious reasons;)lol..If he ever explained it, I missed the memo!
Congrats on first, Tinka! I love your name--it's fits you--you are beautiful and you are a "role" model to all of us.
ReplyDeleteDreama, I hope your storms are mild and you stay safe today! And yeah, how did you pick your name?
Zona, I too thought the baby part was because you're such a hottie!
Carol, I love how you chose yours--eight is my favorite number, too!
East Bay J, babies are angels and so are rn's! I hope Paula is doing better.
Goldie, great blog and I love how you got your name--very touching. I'm so sorry about your office--that so stinks.
iteach, you crack me up. You could be "irock," too!
Maureen, Lynn D and Jodi, I can see we are all imaginative . . . LOL. I used my name, too.
Actually, my real name is Sandra. My sister chose my name because she said I looked like a Sandra. I was supposed to be Karen but my Mom's SIL stole that name right before I was born.
Have a good day, owls!
Lynd...lmao @ Scrishy!
ReplyDeleteGoldie..What a sweet person you are! So many people get impatient with the oldsters that are lonely. I have to admit, I too thought your name was either a dog or hair reference. Sorry about your office...must be a bit creepy for you today.
Cpgem8....I think I remember someone asking you what your name stood for on the "other" blog and you said to split it up and it would make sense. I split it every way to Sunday and couldn't figure it out. Glad to have the mystery solved.
Tink...I always thought you were a place near where you lived. I don't know why, but your name always reminded me of Mount Katahdin in Maine.
This is fun!
Hi Shirley, I hope you're feeling better today and get some warm sunshine where you are!!
ReplyDeleteHi Joey!
Scirish, I love how your chose your name! I was saying it wrong, too--don't know why--it makes perfect sense now that you explained it.
ReplyDeleteGood morning to all you AKA's!
ReplyDeleteGoldie, great blog and I also thought it was because of your gold hair. i love the sweet story about the old gentleman. So sorry about your office...grrrr
Tink, congrats on #1, and of course I love your name.
Zona, I agree with Lynnd about your name. I thought maybe you were a hot tamale, which you are, when you showed up at The Other blog.
Cpgem8, This is too funny. For months when I started reading The Other blog, I wondered if you were a lady or a man. All I knew by the way you posted in that neat and special way, sometimes it seemed like an authority figure speaking. Really!! lol I was a little scared about blogging and you always seemed so helpful and kind to everyone.
Dreama, thanks for the breakfast, and you know how much I like picante on my eggs. How did you choose your name?
Ebj, I thought those were your actual initials. Sending Paula some hugs.
Mo, I'm named after my grandmother also, that passed away when my mom was nine, but you already knew that.
Lynnc, I love lynniepie! I too, had been a lurker over there and then late one night, I JUST HAD to post.
Scirish, I had a feeling you are Irish, great choice
Sorry about the novel I'm creating here. (would you expect less from me?) LOL
Jodie, Good morning...I kinda of felt that your real name just might be Jodie. I do like your nickname of Hodie, though. Hope you're not getting the sick junk that's been going around.
Shirley, It is sooooo nice to see you stopping by. I have been missing you and you loveable wit!
I'm gonna try to stay up with y'all today.
Does anyone want this novel autographed...it's a first edition?
Good morning Joey and Sandie.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your stories about your names.
RONNIE - Not to be picky, but it's JODI - with an I!!! LOL!! Just something that I've had to fight my whole life. Although - I do understand why you typed it that way - cuz you're RONNIE - with an IE!!! Have a great day. :D
ReplyDeleteHi Ronnie! I hope you're having a great day.
ReplyDeleteJodi, I have the same problem. I actually changed my nickname spelling in high school--I thought Sandie was cooler than Sandy. Now I have it misspelled all the time.
Good morning owls. I hope you are all having a good day so far. It is going to be a beautiful, sunny day here.
ReplyDeleteTinka: congrats on #1 and your new non-virgen status.
Goldie, what a great blog. I, too, have wondered about a lot of the screen names I see. And what a sweet, touching story about your name. I'm so sorry your office was violated. That happened once when I was working and it is very upsetting, not to mention all the extra work it causes.
Zona: Like some others, I had the Zona part figured out, but wasn't sure about the baby part.
Mo: I have a cousin Maureen and the little kids called her Moweenie too, so that was no mystery to me. I think it is cute, but Maureen is good too.
scirish: I thought your initials were sc and you were irish. Half-right. I am still keeping your friend Jessie in my prayers.
iteach: I just can't figure this one out, so give!
cpgem8: That does clear up the mystery, but gem is perfect for you. Thanks again for creating this wonderful place for us.
My name is easy. I live in Sacramento and my name is Barbara. I am a huge Gone With The Wind fan and my primary email is Mrs. Rhett, but wanted my blog/myspace address to be something different, in case I needed to dump it for stalker reasons, so I chose sacBarb. So there you are.
Hello also to Lynn D, EBJ, Dreama and Jodi.
Good Morning Everyone!!! How are my fine feathered friends this morning?
ReplyDeleteGreat Blogs these past few days. I just haven't been feeling very well, so I have been just reading, and not posting.
Welcome Jennifer!!! I am so glad you joined us!
I am not imaginative at all when it comes to "monikers".
When I started over at Ross blog, I used my real first name. And, then I thought no one really knows my middle name, so I'll just add that too!
Maybe this isn't such a good idea, with all the identity theft and all, but, Its just me, DonnaJean. Although very few people outside of these blogs calls me that! Its usually just Donna. Family sometimes calls me DJ.
I have a question that maybe Carol, or Amicus or Joey or one of the other technical wizards out there can answer for me.
I tried to post a comment on the Ross Blog, and a little window popped up saying:
Internet Explorer
Out of Memory at line:202.
And when I tried refreshing etc, I finally could get into the comment section, but there was no "sin in" highlighted in blue. And it said I wasn't registered.
I don't mean to bring this up here on the Owls Nest, a completely different, loving, and all accepting Blog, but if anyone here also posts over there occasionally and can help me I would certainly appreciate it!
Oh, and, before you ask, I haven't had any trouble like this on any other site I visit.
I am off to the Dr for myself today. I've been experiencing some chest pain lately, and extreme tiredness, so I just want to make sure I am OK and healthy so I can take proper care of Miss Laurie when she has her heart surgery. Now it looks like that won't happen until May.
It might just be stress, (I am hoping) or maybe just residual effects from being so sick with the flu and bronchitis.
I just want and need to know! If all the Dr says is "Donna, you are just getting old, and you will feel aches and pains now and then" FINE!!! I just don't like not knowing why I am feeling this way.
I want to be happy and healthy again!!!
Love to you all, and have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!
DonnaJean and Laurie Elizabeth
Hello RonnIE, SandIE, Joey and Shirley. I think we were typing at the same time.
ReplyDeleteAnd Donna Jean too. Good to see you here.
ReplyDeleteWaving a wing @ SACBARB, DONNA JEAN, AND SANDIE!!! I'm gonna go take a nap....I'll check in later.
ReplyDeleteDonnaJean: I hope all goes well for you at the doc's. You have been under a lot of stress lately, so I pray that is all it is.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Jodi.
ReplyDeleteHi sacBarb and DonnaJean,
I had your named figured, and I agree with wanting to try to keep idenity private. i also am a huge fan of Gone With The Wind, and i love your email name of Mrs. Rhett.
Donnajean, I'm glad you're going to the doctor today. With all the sickness and stress you've been through lately, I bet your body is just hollering "Uncle", as in...enough is enough for a while.
Take care, and let us know.
Well, I'm off to do a few errands and then finish making my Easter baskets for my grandchildren. I just love all the sweet pastel goodies a 'Nana' can put in that soft 'grass'. I don't do a lot of candy, but ooooh all the fuzzy little animals and pretty hand painted eggs. It all makes me so happy.
ReplyDeleteGoldie Great blog today. I, too, am one of the ones that thought it had to do with your hair.
ReplyDeleteTinka Congrats on #1. You're getting good at that. I knew your name had something to do with the furbabies but didn't know about the movie.
cpgem8 When I first saw your name, I assumed cp were your initials and though gem stood for your zodiak sign, Gemeni.
The only people that call me Lin are the people at the animal hospital where I work part-time. When I first started there as a full-time employee, there were already 3 other Linda's there, one even had the same initials. So I became just Lin. It's a very large practice and alot of the newer people have no idea that my real name is Linda.
Good morning (PDT!) Owls. I missed you yesterday. I received word Sunday p.m. that my favorite aunt (in Wyoming) had passed and just felt like being quiet for a bit. From Area 51.......
ReplyDeleteGRANDMA MOSES~~Next time you fly through, rest your wings a bit longer......Happy belated birthday, W2S! And ZONA, trust you had a 'delight'ful day. 8D~
TINKA~~Congrats on being last, first, second, third.....If you don't teach your babies to sleep in a bit, I'll never see you here. You'll be napping before I get up. Or I could stop staying up until 2 or 3 a.m.?
JUST*LIN~~I can see the tarmac from here......you're almost there!!
VACATIONING VIG~~Did you catch my MS status comment? Can't wait to see/hear you at the piano! That must bring back some treasured memories.
ITEACH ~~ Thanks for commenting on my new MS page/song. Feel free to close your eyes and listen anytime you need a breather. I listened to it repeatedly yesterday while making my list of things to pick up for your class. I'm off to shop in a bit. Also talked with my daughter yesterday about project ideas, as our 'baby' is in 2nd grade. She'll get back to me with ideas and is planning to send stuff as well!!
Sorry for the long post. Needed to catch up. GOLDIE~~LUV your TOTD, all the replies and especially the story of your 'name'. More on that, next time. No more green beer, kids. Cadbury egg, Carol?
Thanks for the blog today goldie!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on first tink!
And congrats on QOTD to mo, tink, and iteach! Woo Hoot Hoot 3 quotes!
So....my online name is my name and my state. Not my "state of being" just the state in which I live. Boring I know. I love goldie's story on how she got her name. If I had to change my name to reflect my "state of being" it would be something like
I think you get it!
Tink....was the movie How to lose a guy in 10 days???
ReplyDeletePatient Goldie, nice blog....
ReplyDeleteKahonugrl is because my Hanai name (a Hawaiian name given to you by someone who is of Hawaiian descent when they bring into their family, kind of like adaopting) is Kahonupaalani. Seeing as that is long and it was gonna bring so many questions I shortened it to Kahonugrl. Kahonu means "The Turtle" and I am girl...lol.
I still get questions on how to say it (KA-HO-NEW) so I started signing everything thing as Turtle as it was easier for peeps.
Scirish: How is your friend doing? Is she resting peacefully?
ReplyDeleteShakara Ledard is the name of the model who played Tinka in Raising Helen.
How happy I am to see the nest filled up with happy little Easter owls. It was lonely first thing this morning.
ReplyDeleteJoey - If I had your phone no I would have called you this morning to keep me company. When I first saw your name I thought you were a fellow Canadian. Joey from Vancouver is what I thought. I like your pronunciation of my name. I hadn't heard it that way before Ross called me that when he opened my green Unicorn. I thought "Hey that's a neat way to pronounce it". Since I shorten it to Tinka I didn't change it however.
Jodi - I hope you aren't getting the flu. Drink lots today.
Goldie - I hope there isn't too much damage. I hope you catch them.
Shirley - Happy to see you posting. I was going to write you today.
Sandie - You always say such sweet words.
Donna Jean - Get those pains checked out. Don't let them tell you it's stress. Get tested.
Bonnie - It was I who woke up the dogs at 5 am. I just couldn't sleep any longer. I am ready for a nap now however.
ZonaBaby - It was fun talking to you on the phone today.
I have taken more notes here but I will continue later. Have a great day everyone.
Barbara - Thanks for the information on the star who play Tinka. She is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteMO~~Loved your tribute to Patrick, 'Dirty Dancing', and our Zona. I like your theory better than her sensitivity theory. NOBODY puts our ZonaBaby in the corner! And your mention of recession got my blood boiling again. I almost lost it listening to George W yesterday, talking about "going through a rough patch but the economy is sound". I kept hearing his voice from 4 years ago..."Mission Accomplished!" WTC?? Grrrrrrrrrrr.
ReplyDeleteScirish~~I love it!! Cool story.
Goldie~~So sorry to hear about your office. Can we come help?
This is so fun; Thanks again, Goldie! I have a few email accounts with different names, but had never been a blogger before finding the RossBlog. As I got to 'know' the regulars while lurking there, I always wondered where they were located. When I decided to jump in, I chose Bon'Oregon for that reason. My first name is Bonnie and Oregon is home. Bear shortened it to "Bon'O" for me back then, so I like that - or just plain ol' 'bon' .
Big waves to Ronnie,Shirley and DonnaJean!
A new avatar for a while, in honor of Tinka's "Easter Owl" post :o)
ReplyDeleteK-grl..Jessie is doing well. The Dr has her on some meds that are making her a bit loopy and she is rather enjoying it. She's actually kinda funny...she doesn't drink, so this is a new thing for her.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for all the prayers. I hope her spirits stay as they are now.
Hi Everyone!
ReplyDeleteShirley! Nice to see you here!
Goldie, So Sorry about the break in..
I like all the stories about your names.
I picked mine from the movie Hope Floats. I love Sandra Bullock and Gena Rowland. I wish they would do more movies together. They were so cute in that movie. I've alway's liked her nickname in that movie.
So, that's how I picked my name for blogging. My real name is Joan. Some of my relative's still call me Joanie and sometime's people call me Joanne. That's the only time I may have to correct them. When I got married the Preacher kept calling me Joanne and I felt like I had to go along with it, didn't think it would be polite to tell him differently.
So, that is how I became Birdee!
Have a great day Everyone!!
iteach: Rosie's new book "Craft U" is just out and I'll bet there are a lot of kids projects in there.
ReplyDeleteGood morning all.. It is a busy place this morning...
ReplyDeleteTinka -- # 1 Always in our hearts... And you are a model...
CPGEM8- I had always wondered about your CALL name...but like everyone else said.. that is too easy... and we were making it hard..
SCirish.. That is too funny... I had wondered about yours also...scrishy!!! you will always be scrishy now..
And yeah DREAMA--- What is your secret...
Mine is not because I am a bold person... the last 4 letters of my last name are bold... so... Ibebold...( I am kinda bold too...)... and it stuck...
wishing all a good day... this one is flying by... that is always good at work.. everyone shipping Easter goodies to grand kids...
Goldie---Love the blog... and truly love the way you got your name...
ReplyDeletewell....lets start a march...
ReplyDeleteim curious to see who joins me!
ReplyDeleteor if everyone else is off to lunch
ReplyDeletegee....i may just be doing this all by my lonesome!
ReplyDeleteWOO HOOT HOOT~~
ReplyDeleteSOOOOO CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteA FEW MORE
ReplyDeleteone more
ReplyDeleteI did it!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Barb_in_WA You did it
ReplyDeleteThat was freaky, I just glanced at as the bell was ringing.
ReplyDeleteGood job Barbara!
ReplyDeletei'm confused???? i thought iteach got it??...i guess i just don't get this marching thing...not to mention sucking at it
ReplyDeleteI thought I did to for a second, but when you count back it was Barbara.
ReplyDeleteohhhhhhhhhhhhh....i get it!
ReplyDeleteI'm home now eating lunch! How funny! I'm glad you guys were there so that I had someone to march with! Makes it more exciting. Then right in the middle of it someone came into the office so I had to pretend like what I was doing was important! LMAO!
ReplyDeleteBARB/WA - Congrats on 100!!! lol @ pretending on doing something important!! What?!!? Marching isn't important?
ReplyDeleteJust dropping in to say Hi!! I have to get ready for my son's parent/teacher conference. I hope everyone has a great afternoon. :D
Hi gang,
ReplyDeleteI am glad you enjoyed the blog today. I am blonde so the goldie fits that part too. Most people are a bit surprised when I tell I was "named" after a dog!
I have handled the police multiple times, insurance people, locksmiths, workman (trying to get the door frame fixed) corporate for the security breech and the bank. My son called to say my grandson has pneumonia in one lung, but dont worry to much (?!)
I finally went home at noon for a shower and food and have cleaned up my desk and put everything (who the f** rifles thru the pens and pencils??)away.
I am now ready to eat the asshole out of a rhino.
I have enjoyed all your stories about your names. I also want to thank you for your thoughts and awww's, about todays big flipping ordeal. You are a great bunch of hoots and hooters!!
Hi Everyone! Sorry for the late post (my boss is really keeping me busy so I can't find the time to sneak in)!
ReplyDeleteBig "surprise" on my name! Actually, when I signed up for my account, it already put my name in, so I just left it. I figure that "Jennifer" is anonymous enough (as iteach so well stated).
However, on my gmail account, I am "charelv10" (which is a combination of my dog Charlie and my cat Elvis and my favorite number, ten)! I like "even" numbers, and ten is my favorite. I hate that the date of my birth is 17 and the year is "1969" (as they are all odd numbers)! ...ok...that's enough about my weird "quirks"!
iteach and I were talking and that might make a fun blog (all our funny quirks)! However, I would be afraid that we'd all show how truly "crazy" we all are! LOL!
Good Afternoon!!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, I am back from the Dr, and she has me all set up for a bunch of tests. Starting with a full blood work-up, and, ARGHHHH, a colonoscopy!!!
She is certain that my chest pains, which are not truly "chest" pains, are a result from my fall last November, (remember when I bruised my ribs and sacrum?) and from all the coughing from the flu and bronchitis. She said I most likey strained my ribs. The pain I get is more under my upper left breast, and happens mostly at night when I try to turn in bed, or when I stretch or bend over wrong.
I looked up lots of info on Heart Disease and Women, and the pains I am having don't sound like those.
But, she said I am under a lot of stress, (duh, ya think?) and has set me up with an appointment with one of the Behavior Med people.
Guess what day the appointment is. April 2. The day my husband died.
So, my question to all of you is this. Should I change the appointment? Or would it be good to go and talk to someone that day?
Since mostly my stress right now is all about Laurie, I know I will be in a more emotional frame of mind and body that particular day.
I can see the pros and cons of both.
Sorry to bring up such depressing things.
I want to be happy again, and write witty and fun things to everyone!
That day will come, believe me!! I am too stuborn to let all this crap happening in my life right now to bring me completely down. I may get a bit blue, a little depressed, but I refuse to "go to the dark side"!
Thank you all so much for listening to me all the time, and always having such amazing advice, thoughts and concern. I love and care for all of you so much!
I better go now, I am starting to cry, and I can't see the keyboard!!! Don't want too many typos!!
Peace, DonnaJean
Goldie: I love your story too! That is a very good compliment! I'm also sorry to hear about the burglary! Let's hope all those computers were password protected and very secure! YIKES!!!
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you DonnaJean!
Scirish: That is a cool story too! I love it!
Ronnie: Is that your real name then?
Yes dreama, do tell...
BTW: I did think about using "Cloudy" as my posting name, but I decided to stick with Jennifer (since I was already new...)!
ReplyDeleteI have CLOUD E on my license plates!
I know...I'm a dork!
DJ- (HUGS) and wishing you nothing but the best. You are such a wonderful lady. If you are asking opinions-then mine is that maybe that day would be a good time to talk to someone. But only you know in your heart if you want to deal with it on such an emotional day.
ReplyDeleteDONNA JEAN...huge {{{hugs}}} to you. I want you to be well, too. I think, imho, you should keep the appointment and your loving husband will be there with you, helping you thru it. It may have been fate that made the appointment on that date.
ReplyDelete{{{{hugs}}}} again...just because.
jennifer (cloudy)- All our computers have disk encryption. When you turn them on you get a blue screen. You have to have security codes to get past that just to get into windows to open everything up. So very secure-and worthless to the thieves. We have very sensitive data (social security #s, etc) on all the clients in them - so it is as safe as it can be.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any idea about the other business's here in the building. Everyone lost some computers (laptops and imac's) and a 52 inch big screen tv and ipods too.
I am on may way home to have a beer or 3. And a frigging double batch of brownies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a message asking how I picked my MySpace moniker.
ReplyDeleteI collect pigs, so my friend KaHOnugirl told me how to say pig woman in Hawaiian. That is how I became Pua'a Wahine
I wanna let you all know that I will not be around so much during the week. I finally got a job. It is only a temp. position, but I am hoping it works out well and becomes a perm one. I start tomorrow. I imagine I will be exhasuted when I get home...I am not used to getting up early! But I will try and stop in tomorrow evening. I will miss y'all!!
ReplyDeleteI too see it as a way for your hubby to come thru for you.
Plus I think we all want to see you get better quickly, not only for you but for Laurie.
So my vote is to not rescedule but only you will know what is truly best for you.
(((((( DJ ))))))
ReplyDeleteGot some Maui Waui brownies being FedEx'd to your door, along with some Longboard Lager!!!
That just sucks what happened!
DJ...Hugs to you, I'm so sorry you are feeling down. Prayers for you that it gets better...and soon! You have so much going on it's no wonder you feel stressed and emotional. About the appt...since the purpose of it seems to assess your everyday stress level, would not that particular date skew it up way higher? Just a thought...
ReplyDeleteDJ: I didn't know your husband died on April 2nd. That's the day my husband died, too. I remember thinking later that if it had to happen, I was glad it wasn't on april 1st. I don't know what your routine is for that day, but I agree with Goldie, it probably wouldn't hurt to talk with someone that day. This is the first year I am not going to go to the cemetary, beause I am going to be in Hawaii on April 2 and also April 10, his birthday. We had to get the trip booked before the end of April and I think he would want me to go instead of moping here at home. I will do something special in Hawaii to commemorate both of those days.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the doc is going to run the tests to rule out anything serious. Take care of yourself and get lots of rest. Give Laurie a (((HUG))) for me. (((HUGS))) to you too. Luv ya.
DJ~~Bless you. Sent my vote to you on gmail. (hint: I agree with Scirish, for the same reason.) But earlier is better than later, if you can.
ReplyDeleteMO~~Congrats on the job. New adventures and waking up the routine are good for the soul, if not the body while we adjust. Hopefully, the nest will prove good for unwinding!
Okay. Off to shop for 2nd Graders!
Mo: Yay for you that you got a job. I hope it goes well for you and becomes perm if you like it. We will miss all the meals you provide, but then maybe I'll lose some weight...nah, prolly not.
ReplyDeleteten more days til I get to meet Sacbarb!
ReplyDeleteAnd what is it 6 more days til lin gets some custard?
Turtle: I am so looking forward to it.
ReplyDeleteJust_Lin: When are we gonna get the details of the Custard meet? I know you will be too busy while you are together, so we'll prob-ly have to wait til you get back home. Wait, maybe Dianne will be able to update us since she will be there too.
DONNA JEAN - I say leave the appt when it is - I'm sure that he will be with you. ((((HUGS)))) to you!!
ReplyDeleteSACBARB - Couldn't think of a better place to commemorate both of those days. Lucky you......and you get to meet our TURTLE!!! Remember to take plenty of pics!!!
MO - Congrats on the job!! I hope things work out for you. Just remember - we'll be here for you. It's a great way to unwind at the end of the day. Or start the day.....as most of you know.....I get up an hour early just to feed my addiction!!! Hello.....my name is JODI.....and I'm a NIGHTOWLSAHOLIC!!! LOL!!
GOLDIE - Are we still on for lunch on Friday? I'm thinking that a big greasy bar burger is what I'm craving!!! They make great burgers at a place here in Oregon called Hacks!! I'll give you a call.
ReplyDeletekgirl-bless you, I need them!
ReplyDeleteHappy Dance for Mo about the job.
You bet we are on for Friday Jodi!
I know nothing about Oregon-so you will need to give me directions. Thats a whole nother blog...LOL
Thank you all for giving me your input regarding my appointment on April 2.
ReplyDeleteI talked it over with both of my other daughters, and they both agree it might be a good idea to go and have someone neutral to talk with.
I am sure I will talk about Larry at that appointment, but I too, just want to go and start feeling better!
I appreciate everyone's thoughts and ideas. They really helped me make my decision.
Laurie is home from her program and needs some attention, so I better go play Mom for a awhile!
Love you all, DonnaJean
Hey Everyone!
ReplyDeleteLeaving my office in a bit!
I will read the comments when I get home!
I did skim...and can't wait to really read them...
You are now a working girl I will listen to Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 song in your honor. I am thrilled for you. New beginnings, my friend, they are always good!!!!!
And, you better check in after work as late nite snacks are always needed....
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry! That is just awful, hang in there!
TINKA & VIG - Have fun @ lunch tomorrow. We expect a full report and pictures!!!
ReplyDeleteGOLDIE - I'll give you a call with directions!! I think even you will be able to find Oregon!!!
I'm going to turn on AI and head to bed early. Can't get rid of this damn headache.....hoping some sleep will help. I hope everyone has a great night!!
goldie....i forgot to say how terrible it is that your office was broken into. i hope everything is ok.
ReplyDeleteok...back to reading comments
ReplyDeleteoh....wait.....it's something like oregon, wisconsin or ohio or something like that....dang it~~
Hi everyone! Went shopping today which I really hate to do. I guess if I was a size 8 it wouldn't be such a chore.
ReplyDeleteDonnaJean I'm so sorry that you are still feeling poorly. I agree that you should keep the appointment. The sooner the better. Your beloved Larry would never have wanted you to put off taking care of YOU. (((HUGS)))
Goldie You've had a long day. I hope you have a nice evening.
Maureen Congrats on the job. My daughter worked for a long time at a place where she started as a temp. I hope it goes well for you.
Barbara in WA I loved your "important" march. LOL
SacBarb and Turtle I am so jealous that you will meet next month. How fun! Dianne/Denver has been told to leave Custard and I alone! You all are just going to have to wait for my report later. Actually, if things start going really well, I'll probably have to be a little more closed mouth and private about it.
I can't open more than two windows at a time today. WTC?
I just loved reading everyone's comments today, so fun to learn how each pseudo was picked...
Would have never guessed!!!
I thought you were irish and sc were your initials. Thanks for clearing it up..
You always crack me up when you tell that story, me being rosie!!
And I feel the same, I use the pseudos so often, that sometimes the real names are strange to use!
When you moved and changed VA, I still thought of you as SC :O)
I love your new owl! So very cute!
and your pseudo is perfect for you!
Changing your picture for Tina...
I am still trying to figure out
your pseudo ;O)
barbara in wa
ReplyDeleteI like using barbwa its like barbara but barb wa...Ok I know I am a goof...
Had no idea how you got birdee, Loved the movie Hope Floats! I have learned something today. Never call you Joanne! As I never want to see a
"chickenowl" pissy!!!
turtle I for some reason know you as turtle! I always refer to you that way! I can't remember what you used on Rossland, was it Kahonugrl?
You will always be moweenie to me, as that is how I first met you!
I know I am forgetting some, And I took notes....
I'm back!!!
Happy Tuesday!!! everyone..
ReplyDeleteI have been reading the comments today -
Goldie - GREAT blog - and your story made me a bit sad!! Also - i am SO sorry that someone broke into your office - you feel SO violated when that happens..
Tinka - I LOVE "Raising Helen" and I always think of the movie when I see your name -
Joey - I remember when you were moving and traveling - I used to post that you were Joey in SC, in NY but moving to VA - it got quite confusing..
Birdee - i LOVE hope floats -
cpgem - i also thought that you were Gemini!! (cuz I am!!).
I'm having a brain fart...
Have to go refresh...
AND - I sure hope Idol does NOT butcher MORE Beatle songs tonight..
I hope everyone had an excellent day!!! :-)
146 LOL
ReplyDeleteMEK Hooray! Good to see you again. I'm waving my wing at you.
ReplyDeleteI thought is was because you were a bold person! :O)
Very close! My business's name is
Gemini, not because of the zodiac sign and I not a Gemini (I am a leo)
The original owner opened the business in 1962 or 63, can't remember, it was the year the Gemini space shuttle went into Orbit, so he named the agency after that! When I bought the corporation, I bought the name as well!
Uh,oh. Looks like my count was off. LOL
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness mek I was just thinking about you, and wondering where the heck you were!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see a post from you!
Hope you are doing ok...
Tinka - congrats on FIRST.
ReplyDeleteK'girl - congrats on 69
Barb in WA - congrats on 100 - that was a great march - people came out of the woodwork!! LOL
EBJ - saying prayers for Paula!!
Jennifer - WELCOME - I have been gone and haven't been able to give you the proper HOWDY!!!!
Winds were HORRIBLE driving across Texas today - My arms are SO sore from holding the car on the road.. but we are safe...
ReplyDeleteUCLA Study
A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle.
For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features. However, if she is menstruating or menopausal, she tends to be more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth and a spear lodged in his forehead while he is on fire.
No further studies are expected.
Hey - Just Lin and Cpgem..
ReplyDeletewaving back at you!!
I'm in Alamogordo, NM!! at the Comfort Inn - another great reception dinner - can't wait for the scrabbled eggs in the a.m.
cpgem - congrats on 150!! :-)
ReplyDeleteSorry you are not feeling well, It could be stress, as life as been very hard on you lately...
I would have kept the appt. I have to go back and read your last comment, as I missed it the first time around!
Hang in there, Sending you many smiles and happiness....
Jodi and Goldie-Wished I could be there..So exciting! Take pics plz!:)
ReplyDeletehehe Carol!
LMAO@MEK sneaking in;)
Goldie: I also meant to tell you how sorry I was to hear that happened to you! awful!
OMG I am so excited..Peep my bulletin on myspace for full details! For those who do not have myspace(I think most of us do and I have most of you on my list)
If not, http://www.myspace.com/ajoebloe
Okay, here is the bday video for Rosie's 46th this Friday! GET your TISSUES ready! It is moving, funny and just plain awesome!
My silly self is @ around 3:33!(orange PEACE tshirt)I am right before the sexy Ashley Parker Angel who I saw last summer in Hairspray on Broadway in NY! He didn't come out the stage door, so this is my payback!:)Kelly W, who along with others, compiled this amazing project told me today she didn't even know I liked him..It was all coinky-dink! LOL
Here is the link, feel free to comment also and let them know how great it is!(I got so excited, I left 4 comments in a row today-Go figure-haha)
Reminds me of MoMouthWeenie, or however u said that today! LOL
I'll be in that club with you!
ReplyDeleteI did not know was 150..I am typing so much, I am not even counting...
You are at your favorite hotel...
Hooray for you!
Were you sad to leave, or are you ready to go home?
I would assume mixed feelings...
Hello Joey SC/VA
ReplyDeleteOff to read your comment!
MEK: ROFLMAO@scrabbled eggs!?
ReplyDeleteDo you make words with them?haha
Sorry you're not feeling well!
Shirley-Good to see you!
Just_Lin: ROFLMAO@that! I think I've been PMS'ing lately!haha
haha@Carol typing so much she's not counting!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm finally ALMOST used to VA instead of SC!
What is MY name?
ReplyDeleteWhen I started reading the "other blog", I had noticed that alot of people used their name and where they were from - since I had never commented on a blog before - I was nervous to keep myself "private" - so I chose (yes, Joey, you are right) - my initials and where I live...
BUT -the catch is - the initials are my MAIDEN name initials - all through my business career - I had to sign my initials to everything and i STILL sign MEK - people just started calling me "mec" - cuz it was SO much easier than my whole name - cuz you HAVE to call me by BOTH or I will NOT answer!! :-)
So - that is my boring story!!
I have loved reading everyone's stories - I have ALOT of catching up to do!!
i have REALLY missed this place. I was on my SIL's mom's computer and I really didn't want to leave a trail to our "place" - she would NOT have understood!! LOL
ReplyDeleteHow fun a Rosie Video, I am going to watch it now! I can't wait to see you!
So fun....
OMG - the spelling Police are out in FULL force -
ReplyDeleteJoey - I have missed you!! LOL
Have you never had scrabbled eggs!! LOL - i have NO idea WTF - I have been in a car with my mother all day!!!!!!!!
Cpgem - I was sad to leave, but am looking forward to getting home. if that makes sense!!
ReplyDeleteSC/VA looks like "SCAVA" lol
ReplyDeleteIsn't Lynette's last name on Desperate Housewives named Scava?lol
Oh wait, Scavo!LOL
watching IDOL..David Archuleta(who forgot the words last week is AMAZING tonight)
Carly Smithson was pretty good just now!
Brooke looked like a canary! ROFLMAO
I forgot his name! dagnabit! he messed up for the first time;)voice cracked and it just wasn't good..he's usually gr8 every week!
ReplyDeleteAre you getting ready for work?
I did not now, you used your maiden
name as your last initial, I am learning so much today!
Ok...off to watch the video...
And no marching till I get back!
Hi there everyone. I haven't read todays blog yet. I wanted to tell iteach that I had fun at Barnes and Noble looking through their children's books. I found a couple that I thought were sweet. I also bought some small stuffed animals, crayon,& tooth brushes. That was the most fun I have had in a long time! Thanks for the fun iteach. I will mail them out tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteaww I've missed you too MEK! I'm literally sitting here chuckling at the "have you ever had them?"LoL
ReplyDeleteand been in car all day with mother!hehe
ReplyDeleteI agree in everything you said about idol, just remember do not leak to much out, as lots of people are in different time zones!!!
I like Scava Kinda makes you Italian....
ReplyDeleteYes "mixed feelings" I have them all the time in certain situations!!!
Joey - :-)
ReplyDeleteYes, don't let too much out about Idol - it was FUN being only an hour behind the East coast people, cuz I'm about to be the FULL three hours!!
Joey - don't you like scrabble in your eggs??!! OH - in the south, they do have that in their meat section - I just remembered - IBB will be able to tell us what it is exactly!!!
haha@it making me Italian!
ReplyDeleteOH yeah..OOPS! LOL
Well, it was kinda general, but I was not even thinking about west coasters!sorry y'all! LOL
Sorry Mek! OMG you're right..it's called "scrapple"! EWWWWWWW LMAO
ReplyDeleteIt's like everything in a pig(sorry turtle) from the Rooter to the Tooter as they say in the South! YUCK! ROFLMAO
When I managed the sub shop there, people wanted a "scrap" sandwich..It was all the pieces of meat that would fall off the slicer at the bottom and it was like a variety of meats! LOL
2 hours-IDOL-btw;)
ReplyDeleteat 9:30 mark(just now) RYAN just said SCRAMBLED EGGS ROFLMAO!
not giving anything away..just had 2 share the timing on that!
My name is pretty boring "Mary".
ReplyDeleteHow I got it is not LOL! When I was born My Aunts on my father's side (#1)wanted to name me "Sylvia", while Aunts on my Mother's side(#2)wanted to call me Mary Ann.Aunts #1 said that if you said Mary Ann fast in Spanish it sounded like "marrana" which means pig! Aunts #2 said "Sylvia" in Spanish sounded too much like "Cheeva", which I think is goat!
They had a terrible fight. They put my name in a jar and drew Mary Ann.
That is what is on my birth certif.
To this day my #1 Aunts call me Sylvia!
Joey - my mom's mom used to make that for breakfast when we would visit - my mom LOVED that stuff - it was always a "special" breakfast - never could understand that...... YUCK........ I am SO glad that others have heard of it!!
ReplyDeleteMary in Michigan - Waving howdy!!
My dad's name was Verne so my grandma thought it would be good to name me LaVerne. But my mom thought that sounded like a stripper! LOL
ReplyDeleteJust Lin - lol -
ReplyDeleteHey gang just checking in!
ReplyDeleteDon't know what is wrong with me today. I just feel exhausted.
DonnaJean: I agree with everyone here. Keep the appt. I think it will help. (((Hugs))) Glad your doctor seems on top of things!
Bono: Sending many (((Hugs))) your way!
MEK: Glad to see you post! You always add a spark and I miss you when you are gone!
Joey: I remember when you were JoeySC also!
Sandie: When I see your name I always think Sandra Dee! Weird how the brain associates things! LOL
Shirley: Waving a wing at you!
Now we need some of our other regulars back because I sure miss them!
NowMercy thinking about you!
Dianne/Denver where the heck are you?? I know you have missed out on some custard!
Dreama: The mystery woman! I guess you blog name story must be pretty racey!! I am making up all kinds of wierd stories since you have not shared!
(((hugs))) to all!
Mary/MI LOL at your name story! My family says I went 4 days without a name the fight was over which grandmother to name me after. The choices where Agnes or Mildred! Thank god my Mom went a whole nother direction!!
ReplyDeleteOhhhh the thought of Millie or Aggie just gives me shudders!
joey? what are you sorry about? Im a Turtle not a pig...lol
ReplyDeleteAnd spoilers.....I am 6 hrs behind the East Coast....kinda makes it hard to go home and watch things when I know what's gonna happen, tho I do admit that sometimes I will ask. I think I am the last of the time zones....but I know the West Coasties don't like spoilers either.....
Iteach - i just read yesterday's blog and I had to chuckle when you said the toothbrush needs to be new... cuz EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWw if someone sends an old one!! LOL
ReplyDeleteOkay - I have ALOT of catching up to do!!!
I just watched the video Joey posted, They all did a great job in wishing Rosie a happy birthday!
I think you looked great, it was perfect!
And lemondeb is in the video as well...
I am sorry Ross did not answer your e-mail, I saw your comments on Rossland asking him to check his mail. Sorry he did not...You tried very hard tho. Kudos Joey!!!
There is whole world out there on blogging, I has no idea Rosie had a blogger group on flickr!
You learn something new everyday!
Happy Belated Anniversary to Zonababy!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Birthday to Want2.
Scirish - thoughts and prayers to your friend...
Off to sell a washer/dryer set from my old house.
ReplyDeleteThen home to watch AI.
If I don't pop back on, everyone one of you cyber hooters have a great evening!!!!
MEKKKKKKK You're back. Glad you arrived safely at your first destination.
ReplyDeletek'girl - have a great night!!
ReplyDeletenite turtle
ReplyDeletegood luck with the selling!!
Hey SacBarb!! HOWDY!!!
ReplyDeleteLynnD! WOW that was close LOL!! I'm glad they didn't name me after my Aunts "Minnie,Tacha,Bertha, or Clemencia!
ReplyDeletebummer - I missed 190 - I have to get back in form!! LOL
ReplyDeleteMEK how is your travel weather looking for tomorrow? How was the reception?
ReplyDeleteOk..this is going to be big one!!!
ReplyDeleteSomeone is roaming!!!
Steel toe workboots...check
Knee pads....check
Eye Patch...check
Ankle Guard....check
Names -
ReplyDeleteOh - i could have been Ruth Lehew or Sarah Cabel.........
Oh - here we go..
ReplyDeleteget ready
Ouch...shit...who hit my knee...
ReplyDeleteShit forgot my knee pads...
Left - Left, Left, right left.
ReplyDeleteStop Pushing.......