
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lazy, Hazy, Crazy days of Summer

Those days of Summer

by Maureen

♪♪♪♪ Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Those days of soda and pretzels and beer
Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Dust off the sun and moon and sing a song of cheer ♪♪♪♪
"As Sung by Nat King Cole"

Do you remember summers as a child? It seemed they lasted forever. Now each year as we grow older, those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer roll by faster and faster. If summer was a TV show, when we were young, it would have been a summer replacement series, then it became a mini series, down to a movie of the week, an hour special and now it seems to be merely a ½ hour special. As children, we played all day...from early morning till the streetlights came on. If it rained, there was always a neighbors house to play in...and if their dinner was better then the one your mom made, you stayed even longer! Summer was a break from the pressures of the school year. Now, when we really do have pressures in our lives, there is virtually no summer break.

As a teen and then a college student, summer could never come soon enough nor last long enough! There was so much to do and it seemed like nothing was unattainable then. Vacations, amusement parks, days at the beach (yes there are beaches in Cleveland!) road trips and just hanging out with friends and meeting new friends. Softball games, picnics, ice cream stands, canoing, and camping.

Now I find summers to be no different from spring, fall and winter (except for the heat and humidity!)...go to work, come home, take care of responsibilities and repeat! A little fun thrown in on the weekends...just like the rest of the year!

I miss those
lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Those days of sodas, pretzels and beer
I wish those summer's could be here again



  1. Happy Birthday BIRDEE!!

    and Good Morning Hooters~~*~~Have a terrific Tuesday!

  2. Happy Birthday to BIRDEE!! You sweet chicken owl you!

    MO: I remember loving summers. Yep, that would be me saying that! In Pennsylvania we would go to the woods and catch crayfish..swim in small doughboy pools and generally run and play until it got dark.

    In AZ things didn't change that much. I don't remember it being as hot then as it is now, or I could just handle it better. My elementary school is right at the end of the street, so the neighborhood was full of kids. Every family had a pool, and our only decision was whose we wanted to swim in. We played softball (I broke two windows one summer and was limited by my dad to defense only) and had water balloon fights. My family always took a summer vacation. I wish I could see summer the way I did as a child and love it again!

    MAUREEN: This was a great blog and brought back great memories. Thank you!

    BON'O: Good morning to you!

    Nikki goes to the vet in 30 minutes, just for summer grooming. I better run and get ready! Have a great day everyone.

  3. Good morning, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRDEE!

    Congrats on 1st bon bon and hi Zona.

    Great blog today Mo- I will be back later to add my 2 cents. It is going to be another long day today............

  4. Third!!! Waving a wing @ BON & ZONA!!!

  5. GOLDIE - You booted me out of sorry you actually have to work today....and your quote still gives me the giggles!!!

    MO - Great blog!! Summertime in Wisconsin.....out from dawn to dusk playing with the neighborhood kids, hanging at the pool, riding our bikes, camping, campfires telling ghost stories and eating s'mores, and the races!!! We never missed going to Angel Park Speedway every Sunday night!!! Good grief....the kids don't even get out of school until June 10th this year!! But they will all do much of the same.....and they love it!!

  6. Just wanted to send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to BIRDEE!!! I hope you enjoy your cake....although the word on the street is that you should wear depends today. :P

  7. Good morning!

    Happy Birthday Birdee!

    Congrats on first Bono.

    Hi Carol, Zona, Jodi and Goldie!

    I will be back later to comment, off to CPR class.

    Have a nice day today!

  8. Morning Glories!!

    Bono got first! Watch out! LOL

    Happy Birthday Sweet Birdee!!

    Mo: I had not thought about summer as a kid in a long time.

    You are right. I remember being out until it was dark. We would play hide n seek in the dark and flashlight tag and run around like crazy.

    Popsicles melting and my Dad would take time to take us to a lake or the beach. When he couldn't Aunts or Uncles would load us up. If all else failed water fights and the sprinkler were great fun.

    As a teenager I remeber being a little naughtier. Drive In Movies and cruising the main drag. Stopping at the local pizza place or A & W. One of my friends parents owned the A & W and we would get free rootbeer. I worked at the local theaters and my friends loved me because they got in free including the drive in because they were owned by the same people.

    During the day when we would get the few hot days in Grays Harbor we would all load up in a car and head to Ocean Shores. Then we would stop at the local small grocery and the girls would scout out who we could approach to buy us beer. I told you naughty!! LOL

    Not the same anymore. Seems like we are lucky if we get 2 weeks to enjoy the lazy summer months and even luckier to go away and lay on a beach somewhere.

    Makes me wonder why we hold ourselves back. Makes think I should reconsider what the priorities could and should be.

    Maybe just laying in the yard with a beer in the evenings and playing flashlight tag with dogs is the answer. Hmmmm I will have to think about this some more!

  9. Ok split my posts because I was long worded as usual.

    Good Morning to Zona, Hodi, EBJ and Goldie!!!

    MEK and Zona: Stay in when possible!! I could not take your heat. Yes I am a heat wimp!

    Hodi: The kids here don't get out of school until June 16th!!

    I will try to pop in again before I take off this morning.

    It's food pick up day and other projects are on the list.

    Waving at everybody!!!

  10. 'weenie: Ahhh, childhood summers! June bugs, the July 1st church picnic, playing at the "sandy hill", going to the frog pond, softball, "scrub", swimming in my aunt's pool, and endless hours inventing games with my best friend Rick.

    And when it rained, there was always "soldiers". We'd set up groups of those little plastic soldiers and then stretch elastics out on rulers and let them fly, trying to hit the opponent's soldiers and knock them over.

    Fun, fun, fun!

    Happy Birthday, birdee!!!

    Zona and MEK: Stay cool! We're heading to Palm Springs Thursday evening. I see there's a dramatic cool-down in store for the desert this weekend. Enjoy!

  11. Howdies to Zona, Goldie, Jodi, EBJ, Lynn & Bear!

    Mo, thanks for sharing your childhood Summer memories and evoking many from the rest of us. I look forward to reading more of them throughout the day. Just pumped up my 'Songs of Summer' MS playlist and spent an hour going back in time over breakfast. Along with a refreshing morning rain, what a great way to start the day. Thank you for the wonderful blog. Ah, if only we could return to that 'Age of Innocence'.

    ITEACH: Fingers still crossed. Hoping today's a much better day for you.

    DIANNE: Will this be the day you come out to play?

  12. Happy Tuesday!!

    Good Morning..

    Happy Birthday, Birdee!!! Hope all your wishes and dreams come true..

    Bono - congrats on FIRST!!

    Off to read the blog!!

  13. Good Morning Bon O (first) and Zona-my-Baby. Happy Birthday Birdee, my dear friend.
    Good Morning also to Goldie, Jodi, EBJ, Lynn, Mek and last but never least Whabbear. I am waiting for my Mac Tech guy so I will be back on this afternoon. I will answer myspace messages then too. Have a great day.

  14. Good Morning Owls!

    Mo: I miss childhood summers too. Life was so much simpler then. I was always ready to go back to school at the end of summer though, because by that time, I was getting bored. But, nine months later, I was counting the days until summer break again. It was a nice balance of work and play. :)

    Happy Birthday Birdee!!!

    Waving HI to BonO, Zona, Goldie, Jodi, EBJ, Lynn, Whabbear, MEK, Tinka!

    Happy American Idol Tuesday! :)

  15. Hello Owls!

    Just a fly by....I wanted to share the giggle I got in my mail this morning!,0,1036393.blurb

    Have a great day everyone! I will be wishfully thinking of those childhood days of summer!

  16. p. s. Happy Birthday Birdee!!!!

  17. MO - great blog!!

    I'm not recalling any memories at the moment - sadly!!

    Lynn D - I think it would be a hoot to gather up some neighbors and have a hide and seek session or red light/green light!! too fun - I'm sure the kids would wonder what the heck we were doing, since those games seem to be non - existant these days!!

    Zona - we need to find a swimming pool and fast!!!

    Goldie - sorry you actually have to work again today!!

    Jodi - glad to hear that Mr. VICKS finally came thru!!

    Whabby - flinging soldiers around - :-) - have fun in "the springs" - yeah - we are going to "cool down" to the 80's by Thursday!! today, is supposed to be record breaking!!

    EBJ - have fun at class - good to know you can save us all!! Can't wait to hear your take on those non-amazing bachelors!!

    Tinka - Good Morning - see ya later...

    Bono - again - congrats on FIRST!!

    I hope everyone has an excellent day!!

  18. Good morning, Amicus and Scirish!!

  19. Ok gang getting ready to fly out the door here soon. Hoping we have no cart mishaps today! Tho I know Jodi enjoys it when we are Lucy and Ethel.

    I should clarify that my friends would get into the drive in for free because I knew the ticket sellers and we had a deal with them.

    Whabby will love this! All we had to do was to bring a joint and voila the 13 people in my car sailed right through! LMAO

    PS This worked both ways at the theater I worked at. The person who was an employee free, and friends too if there was a little sumpin sumpin for us at the ticket booth!

    Ahhh who does not love bartering!

  20. BonO~# 1 today!

    Mo~ I have wonderful summertime memories. Many have already been mentioned. I loved cruising the A&W with friends, having picnics at the gravel pits,going to the 5 & Dime,and hanging out at the soda shop. A few of us in the neighborhood who were in the school band would grab our instruments and march up & down the street playing silly stuff. I'm sure driving neighbors crazy!

    Eastbay~ It's been a long time since I took the cpr classes.I tell Mr Mary he should take classes. Why should I save him if he can't save me LOL!!

    Birdee~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  21. Forgot to wave at Zona,Scirish,Tinka,
    Goldie,Whabbear,Jodi,MEK, Lynnd ~~~~
    Shoot me if I miss someone LOL!!

  22. Good Morning Owls. This was supposed to be my early morning for my weekly business meeting, but it was so comfy in bed with the rain falling outside... I played hookie!

    I still love summer! It is when the schedule is lighter and the kids are home from school (talk to me at the end of August though!)

    I remember running around barefoot until the bottom of my feet were black. We would go rafting down the river (which was much more shallow and safer than the rivers I live near now!) If we were lucky we would go for a snowcone or a Slurpee and still get to buy something from the Good Humor Man. I loved hearing the bells on his truck!

    We kept cool by running thru the sprinkler, or sneaking into the private swim club. We played in the woods and never worried that someone was there to hurt us. We pretended to be Indians and made soup out of water and dandelions in my mom's good pots and pans. Our teepee was a blanket or two draped over the wooden picnic table.

    At night we would scramble to get a jar, throw in some grass and a few twigs and catch lightning bugs (we didn't call them fireflies where I lived.) The boys would always smear them on the sidewalk and we would gross out with amazement as the light streaked and glowed on the pavement.

    There were sleep overs and we would stay up late so that it would cool down enough to fall asleep. We didn't have AC, but had large window fans.

    My dad was a railroad fanatic so we only vacationed in places that he could photograph trains. He is in his final days (I have been saying that for a few years now) and he is putting all of his film on CD and sending it to me for my kids to have... I cherish this film. I had forgotten what it was like to see a steam engine coming down the tracks. Now we only see Amtrak!

    I hope I can make summer as memorable for my kids. I am having fun trying!

  23. Sorry about the book I just wrote... I guess I had a lot of fond memories.

  24. LYNN D - I'm all for "bartering"!!! Can't wait to hear how Lucy and Ethel did today!!

  25. OMG -

    Ted Kennedy has a cancerous brain tumor!!

    an aggressive tumor

    they interupted regular programming - so this is serious!!

    Thoughts and prayers to the Kennedy family!!

  26. Another favorite summer memory was going for a drive up to Merrimac, Wisconsin. They have a ferry that runs across the Wisconsin River. That in itself is fun, but the best part was getting ice cream cones at the ice cream shoppe while we were waiting for the ferry!!! And drive in fun!!! We'd pile into the back of the family station wagon (or as Chevy Chase calls it the family truckster) in our jammies and pull in backwards so we could watch from the backend. I think there is still 1 or 2 drive-ins within an hour from here. I think maybe I'll have to take the kids this summer!!!

  27. MEK - I just saw that, too!! My thoughts and prayers going out to the Kennedy family, too.

  28. G'mornin MEK, Tinka, Amicus, Scirish, Mary/MI!

    Saddened to see the latest Ted Kennedy news.

    Glynis~~What vivid visuals! Thanks for sharing memories so very much like mine. I had to chuckle at the "black feet". Our street was paved with tar, which would bubble on hot summer days. The original bubble-wrap OCD experience! When we got bored riding our bikes over the bubbles to hear them pop, we'd play barefoot hide and seek. Many lectures from moms and long baths at the end of the day to remove the gunk from our soles.

    Remembering also: *hula hoops, *homemade stilts, *weekly visits from the Bookmobile, *bells attached to fishing poles propped in the sand so we'd know when there was a "Fish On!!" *Bobbing around on floats in the Columbia River, occasionally getting tossed by waves created by the wake of giant freighters headed out to the ocean (& usually on to Japan).

    With apologies to MEK & ZONA~~ After an early wake-up, I had to close the windows and snuggle under the electric blanket to read this morning's paper What a treat!!

  29. Bono - LOL at electric blanket - YIKES!! I WISH it was cool enough to use one of those - I long for the day!!!

    Glynis - thank you for your memories!!

    I'm not getting much done today!!
    LOL - oh well - it will be there tomorrow!! and the next day!! and the next!!

  30. Oh - and BONO - it's only 101 right now - only being the operative word

  31. BonO~ I slept with my big quilt!

    MEK, Thanks, I have had the tv off today. It's on now.I haven't heard anything yet.
    What sad news!

    Jodi~ Your comment to Tina's sunset on myspace made me cry.

    Hi Glynis!

  32. Ouch, MEK~~I am SO sorry. Very blustery, and occasionally showery 57* here after 102* just upriver from me yesterday. Quite shocking!

  33. Mary/Mi~ Hi back at ya! ;0)

    Bon~ I also forgot to add, drinking the nectar out of honeysuckle. I could spend all afternoon looking for a good one. No worries of pesticides back then.

  34. O, my gosh, Glynis. Did you have the tall tubular grass with the white spongy stuff inside? Don't know why the honeysuckle post reminded me of that. We'd strip out the inside and make 'daisy-chain' necklaces out of it.

    It also reminded me of the hours spent with a coffee can hanging from a cord around our necks to pick gigantic wild blackberries ~~~ and having warm blackberry cobbler and homemade hand-cranked vanilla ice cream later the same day.

  35. Mo
    Great blog. Ahhh, to be a kid again when every day was a vacation when we weren't in school!

  36. MARY/MI - That has always been one of my comments to the kids. They never had the opportunity to know my brother. He was an incredibly talented artist.....and just my way of telling them that Uncle Dale is still watching over us....and still painting for us!!

  37. Anyone up for a skeet shoot?!!? PULL!!!

  38. Jodi - TOO FUNNY -

    are you looking to march to FIFTY

  39. Calling my cell phone will NOT hinder me!!

  40. left, left, left, right, left!!!

  41. Damn, missed the march.....Congrats to MEK on 50!!! You're quick!! :P



    Thanks for the blog today mo.
    I love summer. But ony if it's not in the 90's or 100's. It's not fun in the PNW when the temps get that high. Our beautiful rhodies had just become full bloomed and then was 97' and it killed all of those beautiful blooms. I was so bummed.
    Well guess I better see what everyone else has written today!

  43. glynis....i loved what you wrote today! but smearing the poor buggies on the sidewalk???? ewwwwww. i have only seen fireflies at custer national park in south dakota. they are not natural to the area though, someone brought them in.
    bon...we did the same thing with the tar on the street. the original bubble wrap!

  44. Hello all you Sweet Owls!!!!

    I just woke up from a little Birthday nap!!!

    Thank you All for the Wonderful Birthday Wishes!!!

    I love you All!
    and I had two surprises today!
    A phone call from both Moweenie AND...Lovey!!
    Sweet Lovey is still sick!!!
    It was so nice to finally hear her voice!!
    Get well soon!!!!
    Mo sang to me!!!!

    I know I've been MIA for awhile, and I'm sorry about that! I will try and do better...cuz....
    You ALL Mean ALOT To Me!!
    Thank you all again!

  45. I need to ask...Didn't someone just have gallbladder surgery not too long ago?
    I'm thinking it was LynnD???

    I had a bad attack last weekend..
    Had been awhile since my last one.
    But I was wondering.....How bad do these DR.'s let it get before they Finally take it out????

    This last attack was not quite as bad as the last. The one previos to this..I swear I could feel the bile moving through!
    ( I described that one to Mo and she told me what is was)

    This one though...I swear my stomach was bloated and tight. I only felt relief after belching!
    Which I was doing alot!
    The nausea was pretty bad too.

    I'm wondering if I should just wait for the next attack before I demand that my Dr. get this thing out! I was a bit surprised he didn't have me do it months and months ago.
    So....Do I get demanding or wait a little longer!!!???????

  46. Oh!!! When I had the previous attack... which almost made me pass out...he just gave me Vicodin!

    So, I took one of those again!!

  47. Good afternoon my lovelies.

    Mo: Great blog. It has brought back memories for all of us it seems.

    Bon'O: Congrats on #1 you early bird.

    Zona: I bet Nikki looks good all spiffed up for summer.

    Goldie: Are all the assholes finally gone?

    Jodi: It was just announced that the last drive-in here is being torn down for a mall. So sad to see history disappear.

    LynnD: LOL @ flashlight tag with the dogs. It takes less to amuse us as we age. I also worked at a theater in high school and I know all about that 'barter' system. LOL

    Glynis: I grew up in Los Angeles and never saw a firefly until I visited relatives in New York when I was 11. I was mesmerized by them.

    Waving a wing at EBJ, Scirish, Mary/MI, Dreama, Barb/WA and everyone who lands after me.
    MEK: Adult hide & seek sounds like fun. So sad about Ted Kennedy. And congrats on #20 & #50. You are a marching fool, and I mean that in a nice way.

  48. Birdee~ Hope you are having a wonderful birthday and that you get rid of that gallbladder soon!

  49. I have much the same memories as most of you about summer as a kid. We had tons of kids in the neighborhood who stayed out til dark. I knew it was time to go home when my Mom put the porch light on, and I better get there right away. I used the same technique for my kids. But, sad to say, now it seems, that kids can't play outside as freely as we did. It is sad really.

  50. sacbarb~ I grew up in MD and there were TONS of lightning bugs all up and down the East Coast. We hosted a male choir from Wales when I was in high school. We were driving in the car with some of them and one man made the comment that he had too much to drink because everytime he looked into the trees he saw flashing lights. I still crack up laughing when I think about that poor man!

  51. Birdee - I'm sorry to say that I let my gallbladder get SO bad (not having any idea what it was) that I landed in the ER and it was removed the next day!! Good Luck..

  52. Glynis: That's too funny. Did you ever tell him what he was looking at?

  53. birdee....
    I'm the same as MEK. I ended up in the ER and had it removed. It took 3 days because the surgeons recep was an idiot, who he ended up firing I might add. She told me he was "busy" and could not be seen until Wed. This was after spending Sunday in the ER throwing up and getting morphine for the pain. I stayed home until seeing the surgeon Wed rolling around on my bed crying. It was horrible. By the time I saw him he immediately put me in the hospital, hooked me up to antibiotics, and had surgery the next morning. Stayed there for 3 days total. Usually it's an in-and-out procedure. I would not wait until you end up like MEK and me. Talk to your doctor and tell him you want it removed. If he gives you crap, get another opinion. A tip to know that you are having a gallbladder attack is to take in a deep breath. If you can't because of intense pain, or have a lot of pain on the right side under your upper rib cage, then it's probably your gallbladder. When you do have it removed, the best thing to help you digest your food afterwards is to take a digestive enzyme. I take a pill from Swansons Vitamins online that is just called Digestive Enzymes. It is made with Ox Bile. Sounds gross, but it's not. It's just a tablet that you take with your food, no taste or anything to it. But it puts bile into your stomach to help digest your food since after the surgery bile no longer goes into your stomach. This causes problems! I won't give you TMI!!!!

  54. heh looks like i said the surgeon was rolling around on my bed crying!

  55. hours later - this is STILL hanging out there..

    okay -


    outta respect for Turtle!!!

  56. Birdee - what Barb in WA said!!

    Barb - LOL at the surgeon rolling around in bed with you!!

    Seriously -it is serious - and I was told that if I hadn't gotten to the hospital when I did - I would not be typing and communicating with you all today!!

    I had NOT gone to a doctor, cuz I just thought it had to do with my lupus and in my head said - this too shall pass!!

    BUT - when I started "throwing up butter" (which was bile - I had NO idea) - and I could NOT breathe and the pain in my side was SO bad, sweat beading off my forehead - it was NOT a pretty site - AND - this was New Year's Eve and I did NOT want to "bother medical staff" over a holiday!! SO - New Year's Day - after trying to play in a golf tournament - (yes I played 11 holes) - I could NOT stand or sit - it was off to the ER....... three days later - I came home -

    OH and the nurse who did the ultra sound THANKED me for NOT coming in the night before cuz she was SO busy!! imagine....... oh well..

  57. Hey Lucy made it home!!!

    No problems doing the food thing Jodi, but we saw a horrible accident on the way home. We could not believe a little blue car upside down in the middle of the road and the roof was flat. We were sure who ever was driving had to be seriously injured if not dead.

    We finally got to drive past it and could not believe they had a teenage girl sitting on the back of the fire truck checking her neck etc... She did not look like she had a scratch on her!!! Amazing!

    Glynis: LOL at going barefoot until the soles of your feet were black!! We did too. I also remember stubbing my toes all the time and riding our bikes barefoot! Truly a miracle I still have all of them! LOL

    Birdee: I did not have my gallbladder out! Thank Goodness. My Friend did last year. It had gotten to the point where she couldn't eat anything with fat in it at all!!

    Have the Doc take it out! I agree with MEK and BarbWa if he won't find another doctor!!

    SacBarb: I think I am going to order some miner lights for the dogs. I keep seeing them running around looking for us! LMAO Working in theaters are the best jobs!!!

  58. Zona: What is a doughboy pool??

  59. OHHHHH, that felt so good!

    It has been a rough couple of days and a I am now going to feed my face with pasta, write on this blog, watch Idol and DWTS. What more could I ask for to lighten the load?? :)

    Birdee- hope you feel better, get that thing taken care of.

    sacbarb- no the assholes are still there, I just left the situation for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I go back and deal. Oy

  60. Hi Ladies!!

    Just stopping back for a bit...cuz I knew you Lovely Ladies would help me with my situation!

    I appreciate you sharing your medical situation's with me.
    I think I will take your advice and call my Dr. in the morning.
    I'm not too bad right now, just some mild pain in my upper back. This is how is started last time too, along with the right side pain, like you said Barb!
    If it does get worse tonight, I think I will definately have Mr. Birdee take me to the ER.
    This is so tiring and painful to deal with! But, luckily for now, I have not thrown up...just nausea.

    Thank you so much!!!
    Love you!!

  61. Hi Lynn and Goldie!!

    Sorry 'bout that Lynn. Good to know your's is ok!!!

    I'm not eating much lately and when I do, I'm keeping it light and bland!

  62. summer memories- gee that made me smile Mo. Catching firefly's and playing in the yard at dusk with the rest of the neighborhood kids.
    Sunday rides and picnics, the community swimming pool and the dime we got to get a treat from the stand, the Dog'n'Suds drive in and the drive in movie.

    Going camping with my family, and meeting up with the same people each year in Tomahawk, WI. It was also a time when my father was still able to do a lot of things with us kids, before he was disabled. Fishing, hunting with my brother, throwing the ball and taking us skiing. :)

    Thanks for the memories Mo...

  63. LynnD: I loved working in the theater. My favorite thing was to shine the flashlight on kids in the back row who were making out...unless they were friends of mine. LOL

    Goldie: So sorry about the assholes. Too bad you can't shoot 'em. :(

  64. Birdee:
    Happy Birthday!

    Congrats on First!

    Thanks for todays blog. My summer memories as a child are the same as yours. So much fun, it was wonderful. My neighborhood was filled with children, we were out from dawn till dusk.

    I loved catching lightening bugs, we would do this for hours, and then we would count who caught the most.

    And now all runs together!

    Thanks for the memories..

  65. sacbarb, you literally just made me laugh out loud. Thankfully no one was harmed in todays round of assholes vs. Goldie.

  66. Glynis:
    I loved reading your novel! Again, just great memories...

  67. I too, had to go to the ER, one dreadful night because the pain was so severe. I was living with these attacks for months, never knowing the reason. I just dealt with it. And on that dreaded night I just could not take it anymore. I was admitted and had my gallbladder removed the next day. It really was not that awful as they kinda sucked it out of my bellybutton, so no scars, and not alot of pain. The recovery period was a breeze.

    I then had "bathroom problems" for months, and was so depressed, as I could not go out to eat without having to "run". So I just ate at home, and if I did go out I would not eat.

    I finally found a book on IBS which described a drug (which is actually a powder) called "Cholestyramine" It helps with the bile.
    So I faithfully drink it daily, I pour into to 8oz bottle of water.
    It is truly a miracle drug for me.

    This drug is actually a drug for lowering cholesterol. My cholesterol levels are low because of it.

    I recommend this to anyone who has had their gallbladder out!

    Sorry this turned out to be novel!

  68. Birdee:
    Please go to the doctor and get that Gallbladder out! Now its a same day procedure, the girl that works for me is going next week, and hers is same day!

  69. sacbarb:
    Can I shoot my "assholes" too?


  70. barbwa:
    I know exactly what the TMI is! I know it all to well!

    Glad you found something to help.

  71. just got home from the grocery store..
    it's 102 outside and the wind (blow dryer) is blowing..

    I see a march in my near future

  72. getting my dialing fingers and thumbs ready for tonight..

  73. Simon was on Ellen - thinks David Cook will take it -

    but we have our work cut out for us tonight

  74. my fingers are sweaty and sticking to the keys

  75. YES - now to go catch up on the comments!!

    Doing the HAPPY DANCE all by myself!!!

  76. carol....unfortunately I still have "those" issues from time to time. It comes in "spurts" I guess you can say! I can "go" for weeks at a time with no problems, and then it hits me again. Does anyone else notice they have this problem more when it is really hot outside? It's like my intestines get cooked or something.

  77. OMG- 4 hours of voting- we are going to have to carry MEK out on a gurney!!!!!!!!!

  78. Oh- remember my neighbor who I babysat for when they rushed her to the ER last week? They determined that is was a gallstone. Yup, that was the diagnosis. The problem is she had her galbladder removed last year!! They said it happens sometimes...
    things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm

  79. Goldie: I supervised for 20+ years and was often elbow deep in assholes. And since they were civil service employees, it took an act of congress (almost) to discipline them. Then I worked for the Governor's Office and was elbow deep in politicians...same thing. I wanted to shoot 'em. :D

    Carol: Go ahead and shoot 'em. I'll start the collection for bail.

    MEK: I hope by Simon saying that isn't the kiss of death for Cook. My dialing finger is ready. 3 hours to go here.

  80. goldie....I had 2 large stones and about 200 very small ones in my gallbladder. The surgeon said not to be surprised if years later I get a stone in my intestines. I can't see how I could not have shit them out by now!

  81. ok sacbarb, you convinced me. Tomorrow I take no prisoners. The problem is that assholes I am dealing with are all long distance and by phone and email. New York and Cleveland to be exact.

    I actually got a solicitation in the mail today from the Xzldxizn Missions (in NJ) that included a lamenated Serenity prayer. I repeated it multiply times this afternoon!!!!

  82. LOL- fingers on wrong keys.. that ws Salesaian Missions (never heard of them)

  83. well fuck me-- that WAS Salesian

    David Cook singing... swoon

  84. Goldie~~FOUR hours?? Good thing I've already had carpal tunnel surgery on the right hand!

    At least it'll give me something to do while watching Oregon election results.

  85. YES! IT was AWESOME! applause, applause,applause....

  86. Well damn, the little David was really, really good too! This is going to be a battle.

    I promise not to say more about it unless someone asks.

  87. Hi Owls...good Idol evening!

    Maureen...what a wonderful blog. I have been recalling memories and singing "Lazy Hazy Days of Summer" all day. Great song and great memories! I loved reading everyones blogs today about their childhood summers!
    Funny..I have the same memories about camping trips, family road trips, cottage time, beach time etc...but alot of my memories are also tied into summertime childhood food. From someone who loves food and is usually battling with's funny how that works! So I remember...homemade popsicles made with Koolaid, watermelon, hotdogs on a stick, s'mores, roasted marshmallows,corn on the cob, banana boats,A&W frosty mug rootbeer (in the big brown jug) potato salad and coldcuts (in my pre-vegetarian days!!, Dillybars, and lots of icecream! Okay, now I am hungry!

    Birdee...hope you have had a wonderful special day! Happy, happy birthday! And I have also had my gallbladder out. And the cure was so much better than the symptoms. I had five really intense attacks before it was decided to take it out. The surgery was like Carol said...they just sucked it out..I have three tiny scars and thats it. I was back to work in just over a week. I have had absolutely no problems related to it,since the surgery and I am really glad I had that old thing out! The attacks were horrible and the surgery was not that bad! A talk with your doctor is a very wise idea!

  88. Mek:
    I am watching Idol now! I am ready to vote.

    From time to time, I will have some issues as well, I then just double up on my drink... However its not the weather for me, its when I overeat!


  89. I'm hoping they BOTH rock. The last couple weeks had me longing for some who've been voted off. Entertain us, guys!

  90. Goldie:
    I agree they were both very good!

    This is going to be tuff..

    However I am still voting for D Cook!

    Not saying anything more either..

  91. Goldie - you crack me up

    FOUR HOURS - goodness - BUT - I will go down with a blaze of glory all in the name of a good cause!!

    and correcting your correction!!

    Barb in WA and cpgem - I have the problems that you speak of - LOL and that is ALL I will say!! OH, I could tell some funny stories about it though - but I won't!!

    SacBarb - yes, I thought the SAME thing about Simon!! Crossing fingers!!

    Oh My - we ONLY hit 103 today!! but we have a storm coming in from the Pacific Northwest - (THANKYOU) that will cool us down by Thursday!

  92. Vig:
    So very glad to hear you have no problems now! My doctor told me that so people have no issues (bathroom) afterwards and some do!

    It is good to know...

    So funny you used the "big word" and I used "sucked it out", its the jersey in me.


  93. Hi All!! It's 108 wonderful degrees here. I'm not crazy, just trying to accept it!! ;)

    LYNND: A doughboy was an above ground pool..that was a brand name I think. We actually had one here in AZ, then my parents had a party and their friends got drunk and broke it. So we got a built in pool! YaY for drunk friends!!

    JODI: PULL!! ;)

    WHABBEAR: I hope hope hope we get rain!

    TINKA: I hope you got all your computer issues fixed, I wanted to wait and make sure before I wrote.

    MEK: I have a nice, clean pool a few yards away...the water is still a little cold though.

    GLYNIS: We were told to be careful of the 'crazy man' in the woods who lived in an old house. When we saw a run down utility shed, we ran home screaming.

    SACBARB: Nikki was groomed for summer and now she doesn't have Raiders legs anymore. :(

    HI & HEY TO: GOLDIE..who is eating pasta and glad to be home! BARB/WA, CPGEM, SCIRISH, AMICUS, MARY/MI, TINA who is around somewhere...and VIG who I am going to go look for.

    Happy IDOL night...I vote for the little guy, right?

  94. Bono - I agree - I am hoping they both do well!! But - I'm voting for Cook....... (sorry Tina)..

    VIG - howdy - my surgery was also thru the belly button - have a couple of extremely small x's and no problems at all!!!!!!!

  95. VIG: THERE you are! :)

    BIRDEE: I still have my gall bladder, so I will just send big ol {{HUGS}} to you.

  96. Hmmm, 1200 people currently under lockdown here (Springfield) at Symantec. Anthrax threat in mailroom. HazMat on site. Sure hope they turned their ballots in BEFORE work today, as I bet they won't be released before 8pm!

  97. Zona - thankful that I am souther than you!! LOL - (Joey - I know that is NOT really a word)..

    and - we won't try to influence you - BUT - :-)

  98. the winner of round 2 is David....

    Doesn't matter who does the best tonight- my 400000 votes are going to David Cook!!

  99. Goldie - lol at DAVID - which one!!

    but I agree - ALL of my half million votes are going to COOK!!

    OMG - Mr. MEK just asked me if I wanted to get in the HOT tub - HELL NO - it's too hot outside!!

  100. MEK- maybe "getting in the hot tub" is code for hanky panky...
    does he not know that it is Idol night??????????????

  101. bon bon- I'm glad you are not locked up. Um, I mean under lockdown.

  102. LOL @ Goldie...

    MEK~~Tell Mr. MEK I'll be right there. I'm freezing! It's a sunny VERY windy 55* here.

  103. MEK- tell Mr. MEK to get busy dialing too....
    I have to go dial away for the next 4 hours and you David C fans better do the same if we want him to win.

    Off to watch the crowning of DWTS now! Life is good...

  104. BON'O: Stop's 108 now..

    GOLDIE: 400000...??

    MEK: half a million...??

    ..geez my fingers don't work that guys practice?? ;)

  105. ZONA~~Trust me, I've got this down. Set your redial and use the eraser end of a new #2 pencil (We have a bunch here in the nest, don't we?). I figure one vote every 10 sec's IF you disconnect as soon as you hear the "Thank You for voting" dude.

  106. ok, I am taking a break. I can't get thru for David C. That is a GOOD thing. I have my cell phone and land line on redial and am using both hands. I am biarmatis. ;

  107. ok, I'm happy about the couple going home and the 2 couples left in the finals!!

    got thru once now for David C!

  108. BON'O: I want to try this voting thing...can you give me all the numbers to both Davids so I can be fair??

  109. Goldie~~for what it's worth....seems like you get fewer busy signals on the 2nd or 3rd # given for the contestant, at least that's been my experience here in the wild west.

    Is IBB in the house?????

    From the spoiler (Thanks, Joey!) it seems clear who won the hearts and votes of the judges tonight.

  110. zona- There is no fair in voting for Idol! VOTE DAVID C

  111. I agree bon bon about the voting- those are the #s I am using

    I also agree it was a clear favorite with the judges tonight

  112. ZONA~~Pasting from the spoiler:

    1-866-436-5701, 1-866-436-5703, 1-866-436-5705
    or text "VOTE" to 5701

    so I assume David A. is 5702,4,6.

  113. BonO Congrats on #1. Your owl always looks so beautiful and fancy.

    Mareen What a wonderful blog you wrote. It brings back so many great memories of hot summer nights in southern California. As a kid there was playing outside way past dark, doing cartwheels and backbends on the front lawn, riding bikes or playing Hit the Bat. Sitting at the lunch counter in the drugstore and trying to decide between a chocolate coke, cherry coke, or vanilla coke because I loved all three. Oh, and sometimes I'd get a chocolate malt instead.

    As a teenager there were endless days laying in the sun by the pool, slathered in a mixture of baby oil and iodine, perfecting my tan. We didn't know better, in those days. Or we'd go to the beach and return sunburned and exhausted. I'd take a cool shower and rinse the sand away from impossible places it had got to. While Mom made dinner, I'd lay on my bed beneath an open window, the sprinkler would be on outside and the breeze would get cooled as it passed through the water and then gently glided over my skin. That's one of my most favorite memories.

    Birdee HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm sorry you're feeling poorly. My daughter had her gallbladder out several years ago. She went home the same day and even insisted on going into the grocery store on the way home. She was told to stay home from work for a while, I think it was a week. She never had any problems since.

  114. If anyone has the time, I'll take a DWTS spoiler. Haven't really watched much this year; tried last night and just couldn't get into it.

  115. Zona - our time zone can not start voting until 8pm...... so don't start now!!

    AND - redial is the way to go ..

    just like GOldie and Bono said..

    LOL at Goldie with both land and cell!!!

    Bono - he's waiting for you!!!

  116. WOW~~Now the FBI & National Guard are with HazMat @ Symantec!!

  117. BON'O & GOLDIE: Thank you!! Maybe I should either sit out, since I didn't watch this season..or watch tonight and decide. Either way..thanks!! :)

  118. Bono - I don't know WHERE IBB is? She usually emails me on Idol night!!

    hope she's okay!

    Howdy - Just Lin!!

  119. Maureen Sorry I misspelled your name.

    MEK Howdy to you, too.

    Zona You should watch Idol tonight just because there will be some really good singing. You'll probably enjoy it even if you don't want to get into the voting thing.

  120. Watch zona- you will enjoy the singing.

  121. Mo~ thanks for the wonderful blog~ I loved summers when i was little.....i think we were all in our bathing suits everyday.....whether we were in the pool, having water balloon fights, or just running thru the sprinklers~

    Birdee~ Happy Birthday you chicken owl, you~

    Zona~ thanks for getting the RIGHT phone numbers for me! :)~

    Goldie~ Thanks for letting us trick you into giving Little David's numbers~ :)~

    MEK~ our weather is crazy! It's been so the 90's....we turned our a/c on for the first time yesterday....and they are saying we are getting snow tomorrow! go figure~

    Jodi~ Did you hit it? Any feathers left? :)~

  122. I have spent almost all day with the Mac techie and I have had enough of computers for today. We installed Camino and Moxilla Firefox and discovered the problem with my myspace was a MYspace problem not a computer problem. The anti phishing add that they added to our log- in space disrupted my logging in. We got that settled with Myspace. We then installed the latest upgrade in Macs called "Leopard". Then we installed the terabyte of Ram and lastly we installed Photoshop Elements 08. That will be great for my photography. That's enough for one day.
    I will comment on Maureen's great blog tomorrow and I will answer my messages in the morning. My head is spinning and my computer wants to go to sleep the same as I do. Good Night sweet Owls. Zona and VIG, I am fine, don't worry about me.
    See you early tomorrow. Love, Tinka

  123. Back when I was little I use to play outside all over the neighborhood until dusk. Then I would hear my dad yell my name and off I would pedal my bike home.

    My parents never knew where I was, because they didn't worry about that back then. As long as I came home by dusk.

    I played with all my neighborhood friends and boy did we have fun. All we needed was our imagination.

  124. Amicus- I was just like you. I couldn't wait for school to start, but then I couldn't wait for summer break!

  125. TINA: I'm really watching tonight!! I want to vote!

  126. No problem Tina! Everyone deserves a sympathy vote or 2!!!!

  127. lol forget....i have a young daughter....she and her friends are all voting....and probably screaming (that's what they did when I asked if they were voting tonight!)

  128. Zona~ WATCH!!! They are both really good! (then vote for that guy I put on your page!) :)~

  129. Zona, it came in the mail today!!!

    I just love it!

    Zona found a card game from Crayola for my students that has OWLS on them.

    Tomorrow we are going to open the cards up and play.

    Thank you so much!

  130. ITEACH: Glad you liked them!

    I am off the eat and watch AI for the first time!!

  131. Mo- I forgot to tell you that this was a wonderful blog!

  132. May I just say - it's 7:33p.m, and this Idol finale is boring the hell out of me!!!


    Let me just clarify - I more than likely will NOT be purchasing either one of these young men's CD when it comes out!!

    BUT - with that said - I WILL do my duty in the voting!!

  133. O.K....
    Good evening OWLETTES!!!

    I have been dialing for an hour and a half and have gotten through only 9 times.. and this on the 3rd line!!!

    Mo-- great blog.. I love my summer memories... Hide and seek.. when you could talk your parents into letting you stay out after DARK!!!

    Sorry I haven't been in here earlier ..i had company... On Idol night.. the nerve... so I ran back and fore from the back bedroom (where idol wason) and the living room and company... when one of them is a good looking young thing with THE most beautiful blue eyes!!! You do what you have to do...

    BonO-- congrats on 1st!!!!!

    BIRDEE-- ahppy birthday... sorry you feeling crappy on your B'day...

    I had my attack a few years ago.. went to the ER and they said it needed to come out immediately.. and it was schuduled and then they called and it was put off for 2 weeks... tehy were waiting for my insurance to kick in... so I ate saltine crakers and (believe it or not).our homemade Spanish rice... for 2 weeks .. trying to keep from flaring it up.. I peeded orange also!!!
    that was interesting!!
    definetly get it taken care of!!!
    if you don't take care of you... WHO will!!!
    Waving a wing at all the busy dialing owls.....
    waving at everyone who has flown through tonight...
    watchign DWTS now...

  134. there's IBB...

    I LOVE looking at the company you had tonight -

  135. Speaking of getting 169, it is time for bed. :)

    Good night everyone!

  136. Good Night Iteach!!
    sweet dreams!!

  137. I am still dialing ... only gotten through a couple times!!!

  138. ITEACH: LOL!! GOOD night!!! ;)

  139. DWTS Spoiler!!!
    an athlete wins!!!

  140. So.............why do Ryan & David C. BOTH have Kewpie doll hair?? Don't think I'm going to like this much tonight.

    Talk about input overload...watching IDOL, Oregon elections, Symantec lockdown updates, and three REALLY awesome Flip-videos from daughter of the horrendous but BEAUTIFUL (easy for me to say 3k miles away!) thunder/lightning/giant hail storms they're having tonight.

    Back to IDOL.......

  141. My friend ALice called this evening...she had her last radiation tx today.... we are going out tomorrow night to celebrate!!!

    when she was leaving the doctor today she asked "What should I expect now?".. he said " you should expect to done!!"... sweet words to hear!!!

  142. MEK: Mr Z and I split the no voting tonight.

  143. to BE done...
    I am not excited at all!!!

  144. Goldie: I'm glad you cleared that up. I was wondering what the hell that was then it cracked me up that you corrected twice! Out of town is tough unless you have an uncle...Should I call him?

    Zona: How could the water be cold when it is 108 outside?

    I'm watching Idol now.

  145. SACBARB: I just went outside and stepped down two steps in the pool..I don't know how it is..but it's COLD!

  146. ...and it's still 100 degrees outside...

  147. Off to bed... monthly trek to Winchester tomorrow!! I have 3 MEKal's coupons!!!
    then to costco!!!
    coupons there too!!!

    the cake I have cooling right now smells really good...
    Hope it tastes as good!!!
    sleep tight all..

  148. Quickly, before voting starts...

    IMHO, David A. definitely won the night, and I want to adopt him away from Ogre-Dad. My hopes and dreams are for crazy-good success for David C.

  149. J/L~~Can't get through, so while you're here...loved your summer memories!

  150. BonO Those were some good times. Makes one get a bit nostalgic.

  151. I haven't been able to get through on any line. aaarrrggggghhhhhh Still trying
