
Monday, May 12, 2008

"Smile and say Cheese"

"What story does this picture tell?"

there are times i look at pictures
that are on my space of my friends or
pictures i am shown of family
and or acquaintance's

if the picture is unknown to me
i tend to tell a story in my mind
about the picture, kinda like make

it is amazing how i can make up this
story and it seems so real, yet the person
who's picture it is, tells such a different

it is true we conjure up things in our
minds and most of the time they are
all so different

i believe in the words:
"A picture tells a thousand words"
for what you see or believe can be
so far from the reality of the picture
a thousand times over!

last year i was shown a picture
of what seemed a sweet family, it
was a christmas picture, the children
in their best christmas outfits,
the parents looking so perfect,
smiles were everywhere, even the
dog seemed to be smiling, behind
them all was a fireplace, so bright orange
it glared, i stared at the picture with
envy, thinking "how lucky for
this family, picture perfect"

not so perfect, they are now divorced
he, was never happy in his marriage
he, was miserable the day of the photo
he, was forced to take that photo

so, at times does a picture really
tell the whole story, or is it just a mask
for reality?

can we ever really know?



  1. Good Morning to read the blog!

  2. Good morning everyone!

    Wonderful topic Carol!

    To me this picture represents what I don't have...a husband, children and happiness. It's a beautiful picture but to me it is sad.

    Have a great day.

  3. CPGEM: What an interesting blog. I'd like to think you can see the truth in a person's eyes..even in a photograph. But I wonder now, how many times I've been mistaken. I know that there have been pictures taken of me where I wasn't feeling well, but I smiled and hoped no one would notice. I bet I didn't fool anyone! I'll be thinking about this one all day.

    DIANNE: Glad you are home in your own bed. Take it easy please and rest.

  4. Morning Glories!

    Zona got first!!! You are up early girl!

    Good Morning Shirley!

    What does that picture say? Mom shops at the GAP! LMAO

    I think there are pictures we see and we project our own wants and desires onto the subject matter. It strikes a chord and we go with it.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Mothers Day!!

    Mine was fine but I do have a sink full of dishes this morning. I refused to do them yesterday! LOL

    Waving at anyone who has posted after me!

  5. Hey Zona: I will MS you a little later. I have to run Mr. Lynn D to his ride share in a bit.

    Dianne: I am so glad you are home!!! When I get done with the pain killers if any are left they are yours! LOL (((Hugs))) on your neck lady!

  6. Congrats on first Zona!


    Toast (White, WW & brown)
    Jams, jellies, marmalade & PB)
    Cream cheese
    Asst.muffins (bran for Lynn D)
    Fresh fruit
    Juices (prune for Lynn D)
    Milk (reg, soy and chocolate)

    Fresh cut flowers on the table.


  7. Morning SHIRLEY!

    LYNND: Good Morning!! Actually, I haven't gone to sleep yet! I LOVE what you see in the picture!! LOL!

    CPGEM: I went back to look at the picture you looks to me like that family is wishing they could go somewhere far away from where they are.

  8. Well Shirley Zona And LynnD The early birds this morning!!!

    Congrats On 1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Shirley.. A bagel and a smear for me this morning .Thank you!!!
    LynnD I hope you are feeling much much better!!

    I love photography...(It will be my profession one day ) (SOON I hope).. I like to get lost in the pictures... and Figure out the story!!!

    Wishing you all a good day...
    Remember postage goes up today...add that penny to your letter or you will get it back!!!!

  9. Dianne-finally-home-in-denver!!!!!
    Feel better real soon!!!

  10. Good Morning IBB! I love photography too. I liked the 35mm SLR's so much...can't get the hang of the digitals.

  11. Good morning!

    Congrats to our Zona! And hugs to other early birds Shirley (thanx again for the breakfast!), Lynn, IBB and Carol!

    I think pictures can be very deceiving. Some people can easily push their demons/hate/fear way down and never let their emotion show.

    A good example is OJ Simpson. Most people believe he is a double murderer. Yet there he goes, smiling and acting normal each day.

    Others cannot hide it and you can look at a picture and see the pain in their eyes.

    Lynn, you crack me up with the Gap comment! hahahahahaha!!

    Welcome home Dianne!

    I'm off today! Yipee! Like Arnold sex I'LL BE BACK!

  12. Good morning zona, shirley,lynn, Ibb- congrats on 1st zona!

    The picture~~ my first thought was it is a classic photo op of the perfect non-existant family. Sounds like I am a tad grumpy today.

    We lost a Med-flight helicopter based out of UW Hospital here in Madison, WI with 3 on board Saturday night. Please say a prayer for their families and all their co-workers and the patients lives they touched. I am deeply saddened by this.

    Thanks for the breakfast Shirley.

    Happy Belated Mothers Day.

    Hope everyone has a good day and a good week.

    Dianne- glad you are getting better!

  13. OOOPS it should read as Arnold SEZ

    HI GOLDIE!!!!

  14. Goldie, I read about that helicopter crash yesterday when I was at work. I have been thinking of them ever since.

    We lost a team here a few years ago, it was absolutely heartbreaking. They were on their way to a very bad car accident and went down.

    I have a good friend who is a trauma nurse with Life Flight. It is a very dangerous job.

  15. It is very sad. One of those men was a client of our office. I had to report his death and file the claim this morning. That is why I feel especially bad.

    My son is an EMT and drives an ambulance. I think that makes me more aware of this too. You just never know what can happen.

  16. It's true... beware of helicopters! I did some work several years ago on developing a cockpit display for helicopters that would help pilots avoid wire strikes, which is a major hazard.

    Carol: Can we really every know? No. Huz has a photo of himself and his brother up in Calgary riding horses, and they are both beaming for the camera and looking like being on a horse is just the most fabulous thing in the world.

    In reality, Jim was a hurtin, uncomfortable mess.

    I wonder if Dan Blocker liked riding horses?

  17. Thanks for breakfast, Shirley! :)

  18. Whabby- I don't know if he liked riding horses, but I bet he liked getting paid to ride horses!

  19. Good Morning Zona - First on the blog and first in my heart. You are up early. I love your avatar.

    Good Morning Shirley - I will have toast and tea now and Slim Fast for later. Thanks again.

    Good Morning my friends, Lynn,
    Ibebold, EJB, Goldie and last but never least Whabbear. I hope you are all fine this morning. It is a glorious day here. I wish VIG were here but she is traveling again.

    I will read the blog and check my messages and will be right back.

  20. I love taking pictures. It is my hobby. I have album after album of happy family events. However, photography is an art form. It does not always represent reality. It is impossible to tell if we are seeing a true picture or not. No matter what the set up is, one can not know for sure the story behind the picture. I recently saw what I thought was a lovely family photo taken in Hawaii by a professional photographer. It consisted of a father, step-mother and a beautiful little blond angelic looking child with his arm around his step mom. Now I had been told that this boy did not like his step mom so I was surprised to see them all smiling and looking so happy. When I asked about it I was told, "What you can't see in the picture was the boy pinching his step mother's arm really hard and she just smiled through it". What a disillusionment that was.
    The Pollyanna in me would like to think, however, that most pictures I see of happy families
    are the 'real thing'.

  21. Goldie - I will say a prayer for those lost in the helicopter. It is always so sad when we know the people involved in these tragedies.
    My prayers are also with the Chinese people who are still buried in the rubble of that horrible earthquake. How many are still alive and hoping to be rescued. It breaks my heart.

  22. Happy Monday!!!

    Zona - congrats on #1

    Shirley - please remember that the grass is NOT always greener on the other side of the fence!! Thank you for your lovely breakfast spread...

    Lynn D- you never cease to amuse me!! GAP!!! LOL - I also have some dishes to finish washing!!

    IBB- you take great pics and I pray that your dreams do come true - and we did remember POSTAGE!!

    EBJ - Isn't OJ AMAZING - how he can act like nothing happened is beyond me -

    Goldie - I read about that story yesterday and my heart sank - very dangerous job -

    Whabby - Good morning!! YOu crack me up - while all of us gals were lusting over Little Joe - who knew someone thought that Hoss was sexy!!

    Tinka - Good Morning - I saved you a seat next to me!! :-)

  23. Cpgem - Love your blog today!!

    I TRIPLE love taking pictures and I LOVE having my picture taken.. (I never like how I look in any picture - but I do love having it taken)........ Most of my family members HATE having their picture taken, but humor me to a certain extent!! SO, I do know that in most of the pictures that I take - the subjects are NOT happy to be in them!! OH well - they will thank me in the future!! LOL

    I hope everyone has an excellent day!! :-)

  24. I'm watching the Today Show - and Gladiator starts tonight - does anyone actually WATCH this stuff? Good Grief!! I know, I will not be watching!!

    I'm going to try to stay off the computer today - and be productive around the house - we'll see how well I do!! LMAO!!

  25. Morning MEK... Was the pot pie good!!!???
    Wish I was there!!!

    Prayers for the family of those lost in the helicopter crash!!!

    Goldie ---{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
    just because

  26. I really was going to shut the computer down - BUT -

    I remembered...

    Mr. IBB's mom is having surgery today - so I could ask you to keep her in your thoughts and prayers today!! She is a super lady!!

    Goldie - we are also sending thoughts and prayers to the families of the accident!! (you are welcome for 25)!!

    IBB - the pot pie was one of the BEST I have ever made - YUMMY!! wish you were here also!! Hey, we would have taken some pictures!!! LOL

  27. gosh - I left out a word from my sentence...

    IF I could ask - please

    there we go!!!


  28. So... survivor fans...did you like the outcome...
    I wasn't really thrilled...

  29. IBB - i only watched this season of survivor last night - but I was NOT thrilled either - oh well...

    BUT - james still loves AMAZING!!!

  30. Good morning Doves & Owls~~~What a fantabulous Monday. It couldn't be more beautiful! I think this is 'No Excuses' yardwork week. They say 90 by Thursday, so it's time to "just do it". Weeding, planting, feeding, pressure-washing, wrought-iron derusting....OY!!

    Carol~~Oh, the magic of photography. I love getting lost in pictures! Give me a beautiful Travel & Leisure, Architectural Digest or Gourmet magazine and I am THERE. Rather than reminding me of what I don't have or places I haven't been, I really feel I am there, and it's SO much easier on the budget (and my lazy butt) than actually being there. Sometimes they even inspire me to actually GO or DO something. A vivid imagination is a terrible thing to lose! :o)

    The family in the picture? I say they're on vacation from Kansas, seeing the ocean for the first time and not quite sure what to do next.

    More Shout-Outs later, but for now....((Goldie)), I'm so sorry. Dianne, glad you're FINALLY home. Joey, Yoo-Hoo...time for Show & Tell!!!

  31. Prayers and thoughts to Mr. IBB's mom!

    Can we really know what is behind a picture? NO.

    Years ago I was having a discussion about Hitler with my Mom. I asked her why, when he was so horrible, do we see pictures of people cheering him on. She said to me, what you don't see is the soldiers with machine guns standing behind the crowds. You had no choice she told me. That just gave me shivers.

    I have a pic of Mr. Golide and me that is the best one ever taken of the 2 of us. However, when that picture was taken, I was so sick and in so much pain I would rather have been put down by injection. People always comment on what a great pic it is and how happy we look. Little did they know...

  32. Carol as usual deep. In honor of today's topic my Avator is my favorite uncle and his grandkids. It is one of my favorite photos and just one look and you can feel the love.
    Photography is my hobby.I know that some people plaster on a fake smile. I couldn't live my life that way.I want to be happy and not miserable.
    I am grateful for my life and my friends and family. We are as happy and content as can be expected. My relatives are loving and my friends are close to my heart and I cherish them.
    I guess we could always want more in our lives but then I think of how many third world nations have nothing. Many of those people live in shacks. They are lucky if they can own a few chickens. To have dinner they must cut the heads off of the chickens and pluck the feathers. When they have no money for meat then they eat a pot of bean soup. Any time I ever feel sorry for myself because my discs hurt then I think about everything I do have and then I feel more appreciative.

  33. Hi Owls!

    Remember me???? :)

    I too love taking pictures but not having them taken. For some reason I always look like I'm being poked in the butt with a cattle prod!!

  34. Shirley
    I'll have a bagel and cream cheese and tea. I'll also do dishes!
    I'll also do dishes for you. :0)
    OJ Simpson will hopefully go to prison now. That man is the devil and so used to being evil that he can wear a smile on his face and nothing bothers him. He is devoid of emotion IMHO.
    Glad to hear you are home.
    Prayers to the families. That is very sad.
    good morning and who is or huz? I keep hearing these rumors through the grapevine....
    Are you home yet. Missing you.

  35. Great Blog this morning Carol!

    The timing is ironic because for Mother's Day I got a whole series of photos that were taken of my kids. Berry was going on and on about how some of the flaws could be fixed, like one the boys hair flying up in the back. I told him not to change a thing! I love those flaws!! The fact that my daughter has chipped nail polish and bangs in her eyes... I will remember these moments fondly when she is a teenager and I can't get her away from the mirror!!

    I often wonder what people are hiding when they send out the absolute perfect Christmas photo. Heck, I am just happy if I can get all 3 kids to look at the camera at the same time. You should hear me... it is not the happy family moment, that's for sure. Eventually, I will give up and just be happy to have everyone in the picture. (I got SO lucky last year!)

    I realized recently that I am missing from many family photos. I love to take photos and I hate how I look in front of the camera. I realize though, that someday my kids are going to want to see pictures of me... so I need to get over my own ego. I would do ANYTHING to have a photo of my grandmother, but apparently she was always the one in the kitchen.

  36. Good day everyone.
    IBB~ Please know my thoughts and prayers are with MrIBBs Mom.
    So much sorrow in the news today.
    I have been visiting one of my Gen. Motors. lunch buddies in the hosp. He thought he had gall bladder problems. I just talked to him on the phone. He has been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer! Good grief he is young!I was hoping to never hear that word again! His name is Mike, he is on my, myspace.

    The picture of the day reminded me of the "Jersey Boys". They had the same shot taken. I will post it later on my space. I am off to the VFW to do a little volunteering. Nothing big, just serving coffee and doughnuts. Later....

  37. Zona, Baby! Good job on being first today.

    Shirley Another wonderful breakfast. Thank you.

    Carol Another interesting and thought provoking blog. Thank you.

    As soon as I saw that photo I thought they were looking toward the future. Either that, or they're expecting an alien space ship to land. LOL

    Dreama Lovely photo. Thank you for sharing.

  38. SCirish..
    Welcome back...we missed you...

    Glynis-- What agreat gift for mothers day..enjoy....

  39. Thank you all for thoughts and prayers for my M-I-L....she has been in OR for about an hour!!!

  40. Dreama thanks for doing the dishes! I'm sure Lynn D will appreciate it too.

    Ibb ((HUGS)) for you, MIL and the rest of the family. I hope her goes well.

    EBJ I agree with you. I think it is very easy for some people to mask their feeling. Sometime those who appear to be the happiest are in fact the most miserable.

    Goldie I'm sorry you are sad today. (((HUGS)))
    I was not happy with the results of Survivor. I wanted Cirie to win.

    Whabbear I would fix you breakfast any day. You're welcome.

    Hi Tinka! I'm glad you like the slimfast. I'll try to remember it all the time, just for you.

    Mek you are right...the grass isn't always greener on the other side, but I sometimes wish I'd had at least a peek through the fence. Oh, and by the way I will probably watch Gladiators tonight. While I think the show is stupid I like watching people compete.

    Bon'O enjoy your day of yard work. Sounds like you have a lot to do.

    Hi Scirish! I know what you mean. It seems that at the exact time the picture is taken I have the dumbest expression on my face. That is why I try to avoid haveing my picture taken at all costs.

    Glynis I agree with you about fixing pictures. I think once it is taken it is a moment in time that shouldn't be altered.

    Mary I am very sorry your friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. ((HUGS)) to you,him and his family.

    Dianne I am glad you are back home. I hope you get better soon. ((HUGS))

    Sorry for the long post.

  41. Hi Just_Lin!
    waiting for an alien spaceship to land...LOL!!

  42. CAROL - Great blog. I think they are from WESconsin.....and visiting the ocean for the first time!! I know when I saw the ocean for the first time, I was in total awe.

    ZONA - Congrats on first!!

    GOLDIE - I didn't hear about the accident until this morning. The male nurse on the flight was a classmate's brother. I'm sure I'll be going to the wake this week. According to the paper, all three had years, and years of experience.....what a tragic loss for our community. :(

    IBB - Sending my thoughts and prayers for you MIL. I hope the surgery goes well and she has a quick recovery.

  43. Howdy Owls.

    Great blog Carol, ty!!

    Can we really know what is behind a picture?


    I have looked through thousands of family photos that had the perfect setting with smiles from ear to ear..they looked like perfect happy families,but after reading briefs on the families, they were far from happy and the monsters came out in words and actions.

    The eyes tell it all, but they become blurry when looking into them through a lense.

    In today's picture,I see FAITH, HOPE and LOVE.

    To me,they are a family.
    They are looking over the water, into the heavens, with faith,hope and love.
    They are soaking up the energy from land,sea and air.
    They know, what will be will be.We will survive.

    I've had a busy day, so I will catch up later.
    Love n Hugs xox

  44. Jodi- He is the one that is our client too. I talked to him about 6weeks ago. I opened his file this morning and saw the notes from that conversation. I think that is what made me even sadder.

    By the way JODI- how are you feeling today? LOL ;)

    Thanks Shirley, it just seems to be a bummer day for me. I don't have a lot of them, but today it seems the world is heavy.

    Mary, it is not a little thing. Any type of volunteering is a BIG thing in my book.
    So sorry about your friend.

    Murphy's law is in full swing today too. Last friday I had a fight with the toner (and lost) on my copier- today it is my printer giving me fits. I really think I need calgon to take me away........

  45. Hi Jodi and Lovey!

    I was just wondering about our avitar pictures. How do they reflect us? I think I am the total opposite of my avitar. Does your avitar picture represent you in any way? I'm curious to hear what Lynn D, Goldie and Lovey have to say about their avitars. Hmmmmmm.

  46. Goldie how about an afternoon cocktail? We might have a margarita or a bloody mary left over from yesterday's brunch.

  47. GOLDIE - Feel like a million bucks....and SHIRLEY.....I had theeee best bloody mary's at brunch yesterday. Most places use only one garnish, but this place had the trifecta of garnishes.....a garlic dill pickle, a big honkin' green olive, AND a mushroom. I was in heaven!!

  48. SHIRLEY - I think my avatar is totally who I am!!! GOLDIE....what do you think?!!? :P

  49. I was AMAZED at who won on Survivor last night. I thought for sure it would be Amanda.

    I wanted Amanda or Cirie to win.

    Can't stand Natalie and was glad to see her go. Pravarti is just, well, can't quite think of the right word.

    Tonight is the season finale of The Bachelor. I'm sure I'll be AMAZED at which AMAZING woman he will pick.

    I've been out mattress shopping all morning. I had no idea there were so many types and brands. And they are EXPENSIVE!

    The one I liked best was $6900. Can you believe that??? And they have great financing, no interest or payment for a year.

    I luckily was not tempted and told the sales man it was a LITTLE (haha) out of price range.

    I'm trying to think of a way to tell my huz that I bought it with a straight face, but don't think I can. Plus, I don't want to give him a heart attack!

    I've also run errands and went to the bird vet to get food for Poe, and to the other vet to get food and bags of fluid for Paula.

    IBB sending good thoughts fro your MIL.

  50. Is EVERYBODY a Survivor fan? Didn't anyone watch 'Brothers & Sisters' with me? What a great episode last night, and can't wait to hear more about Ryan....hmmmmm.

  51. Shirley- I think I will take you up on the cocktail!
    I almost said that there are no bloody mary's left, Jodi drank them, but she fessed up.

    I TOTALLY agree that Jodi's avatar is sooooooooo her!

    Mine? I think most of the time is expresses me- kind of whimsical in some ways, proper in others but with eyes wide open. And damn cute.

  52. Just a quick fly by.....

    IBB Sending tons of positive thoughts to your MIL. (((HUGS)))

    Jodi and Goldie I'm so very sorry to hear about the crash of that flight.

    I'm also so sorry about that huge earthquake in China. How horrible.

    Shirley I don't know why I picked the avatar I have at the moment. Glasses would normally conjure the image of a serious person but my glasses are over-sized and askew. I think I am a serious person and my feelings run very deep, however, I'm also capable of being a total goofball and I love to laugh.

  53. Good afternoon Owls. It is going to be a glorious day here in Sac and by the end of the week we will have temps in the 100s. Ooohh. too early for that.

    Zona: Congrats on #1. You should be sleeping now.

    Dianne: I hope you had a good night in your own bed. Do what the doc said so you can fully recover.

    EBJ: was that a Freudian slip?? LOL

    Glynis: My Hubby was the picture taker in our family and when he died I realized that we had very few pictures of him. I wish I had made him get in more pics.

    MEK: You are right about your family thanking you later for taking so many pictures.

    Goldie: {{{HUGS}}} I am so sorry that your community is suffering such a great loss. Praying for all.

    J/L: You crack me up. I'm going with the spaceship theory.

    IBB: Praying for your MIL.

    Bon'O: I love Brothers and Sisters. I'm glad that Justin and Rebecca finally got together. Now about Ryan...could the Walker's really have yet another sibling? And I love Sally Field.

    Shout out to all of the owls who landed and to all who post after me.

  54. Congrats on 1st zona!

    I don't have a lot of time...need to head back to work. Just wanted to make a quick comment.

    To's all in the eyes. You can see a smile in someones eyes if they are truly happy at that moment. I have seen many a picture where someone is smiling, but there is a blankness to their eyes. What is that saying.....The eyes are the windows to the soul....or something like that. I will check back later to read all the comments!
    Have a great day everyone!!!

  55. Shirley~~ My owl avatar has been with me since the nest opened.
    I picked it because it made me laugh and to me,it looked like a night owl.
    I often laugh at myself,and hope to bring laughter to others too.
    You'll notice it has been dressed to fit certain helmet, bandaids and gloves are when I'm run over in the

    Recent blogs:

    Mother's Day

    Joey thank you for sharing your mom with us.
    LynnD~You comment was very special to me.Thank you.
    I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day celebrating Women.

    Ice Cream:
    Oh my stars I LOVE ICE CREAM!
    But I am picky it must be Breyers or Haugen Daus.My favs are simple, chocolate and vanilla, because I love adding things to it...fruit or broken candies n chocolate bars.

    Funny is perfect
    Carol that is my favorite episode of the CB show.It makes me laugh more n more everytime I see it. Ty for finding it on ytube for us to enjoy.

  56. left, left, left, right, left!!!

  57. left, left, left, right, left!!!

  58. left, left, left, right, left!!!

  59. left, left, left, right, left!!!

  60. left, left, left, right, left!!!

  61. OH! I forgot to say "thank you" to lovey for her interpretation of me. It really is her avatar (made for me!)

  62. Jodi and Goldie~~
    Your avatars are TOTALLY U!!LOL

    Goldie,perfect discription!

  63. brat!!!!!!! I was marching in silent


    We're running a special on TURTLE Sundae bars this weeek.....2/$3.00!!!

    And no ZONA, just cuz it's Monday, we don't have TURTLE Monday bars!!! :p

  65. Thanks for the warm wishes for our community too.
    I am sending my thoughts out to all those people in China today too. How horrible and sad.

    Ok, I am leaving work and taking my dog for a walk in the sunshine. Will do us both good!

  66. I saw you peeking out of the bushes lovey!

    Jodi- I'll take 2!!!!!!!!!

  67. GOLDIE - I'll have to keep you updated on all our specials now that you've opened the camper for the summer!!! Oh, and when is it BLOG BUDDY weekend?!!? Let me know.....cuz I would be so there!!!

  68. GOLDIE: I just missed you this morning..I am so sorry to hear about this accident. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of all invovled.

    I have two family members who are police officers, and I know how these kinds of accidents can bring all those buried worries to the surface.

    TINKA: GOOD AFTERNOON! I hope you are doing well today. I think I inherited a bit of that Pollyanna attitude too..though it has been challenged as of late. AND I love looking through your pictures...can't wait til I can see the albums in person. :)

    WHABBEAR: With Little Joe and Adam riding around, my mom always like Hoss best...who knew? ;) Hope you are healing quickly!

    MEK: 100 by Thursday and then no turning back...are you ready?? We put the blankets away...LOL!! ;)

    IBB: Lots of prayers for your MIL..I hope she is out of surgery and doing well.

    SCIRISH: Of course we remember you! How are you feeling?

    MARY/MI: {{HUGS}} I hate that word too.

    BON'O: You can't have 90 degree temps..where will I hide from the heat?? ;)

    LOVEY: I've missed you!

    SACBARB: I was sleeping! Now it's too hot to sleep..blech.

    JODI: Going to tackle another drawer today..wish me luck!

    J/LIN: The pics of you on Myspace are just beautiful..the laughter and happiness just shines through.

    BARB/WA: It IS in the eyes. You take some of the best pics btw. :)

    DIANNE: YAY!!!! :)

    VIG: Missing you! Don't let Ogopogo get you!

    Sheesh this is a long post...I think I need my inhaler!

  69. LYNND: Speaking of avatars...I just there any special reason you are a PEANUT M&M...and not just a regular one?? I know why you're green...;) :) ;)!

  70. Lovey & Scirish~~You've been missed!

    Vig~~You are STILL missed.

    Dianne & Lynn~~Keep getting better!

    Jodi~~Good talking to you last night and this morning. Remember, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy". ;o)


    Dawn & Jax~~Thinking of you both with the fires so near. Be safe.

    ZONA~~Come on out west! Only 60-ish today. Now saying 91 Friday so it'll be 95, but we'll just go to the beach. There's always a cool breeze off the ocean.

  71. BON'O: You said "come out West.." and I had to stop and think cuz I thought I WAS West...then I remembered you were Wester than me. I really need to keep up on my Geography lessons with VIG..;)

    Ocean...oh what a lovely word...

  72. Zona~~ Not only Wester, I'm Norther! :o)

    Whew~~ Hands are shaking from trimming hedges...hard to find the right keys.

    Is anybody watching ( or already watched) these adorable little talented munchkins on Oprah? Someone might say..."Amazing!"

  73. CHARICE PEMPENGCO....where've I been? Inf*^#ingcredible!!

  74. Bono - I missed Oprah cuz I took a nap!! :-(

    Zona - wester - LOL

    Bono - norther

    It's like a blow dryer blowing hot air on us today -

    Here's the NEW SHOW ALERT!!!

    Medium is NEW - I believe the Finale...

    Bachelor - the final AMAZING rose ceremony!! (EBJ will have to let me know who wins)..

  75. I can't believe this is still hanging here -

  76. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!

    I feel SO much better now!!!

    I can go get dinner ready!!!

  77. LOL MEK...I got stuck to the leather chair..congrats on 100!!

    Off to have a salami sandwich, I love that wonderful meat..!!

  78. One thing I forgot to say today..


    flash, flash, flash!!!

    last summer - my nephew would NOT let us take his picture unless you said BOOGER OR - you had to "pick your nose" - so I would pretend pick - we got alot of great pics!! LOL

  79. Zona - LOL - yes, we are sticking to things aren't we...

    and - we are a sad case - complaining already and we haven't hit 100 yet!! LOL

  80. MEK~~Congrats on 89 - 105 (with a 'stuck' Zona in there somewhere).

    Holy Moses, now they're saying 94 by Friday, so it'll be 100! MEK, have Zona pick you up on the way. We're going beachcombing!

  81. Headed back outside. Need to keep workin' til dark, as it's going to get very sneezy this week. But it's also an excuse to get away from TV politics. Today, McCain and Bill Clinton are here AGAIN. Hillary and Obama are back this weekend. Can't wait until next Wednesday! Enough already!!

  82. Bono - we are on our way!!!

    Zona - pack your bags..

    Bono - I agree - ENOUGH already!! but sadly - it has ONLY just begun!!!!

  83. 'tis me...the long lost one again...did you know you can get a great french mani buy painting woodwork?

    love you guys...need bath

  84. ********ATTENTION*********

    I made strawberry shortcake for everyone. With real whipped cream!


  85. I am thinking that carol needs to hire a jet, start on the east coast, make stop thru-out the country and pick up every last owl....and land in Honolulu. Not too warm, not too cold, not always sunny and not always cloudy, activities galore, and me to boot!

    Who's in?

  86. ME ME ME ME... I'm in!!

    Turtle - the trip sounds good..

    Just Lin -the cake sound AMAZINGLY wonderful...

    OMG - I just talked to IBB - she will be writing about her day shortly!!! OMG!!!

  87. Good Evening Owls!

    IBB: I hope your MIL's surgery went well today. Sending a prayer for a speedy recovery.

    Mary and Goldie: I'm also sending prayers for those affected by the sad news you shared.

    Survivor: "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast" and now, Outflirt. ;) What a disappointing ending to the best season ever. One of the finale highlights for me was when James talked about his Dad. Buried underneath all those intimidating muscles is a gentle teddy bear. :)

    Brothers and Sisters: Loved the finale and can't wait to find out who Ryan is. Highlight for me was the Justin and Rebecca love connection. They're so cute together. :)

    Jersey Boys: I love this YouTube video, because I get a kick out of Paul Shaffer's enthusiast introduction.
    Jersey Boys on Letterman
    I can now say the same thing he did, "I have seen it twice, and I'm going back for my third time."
    After seeing it again yesterday, I came home and bought tickets for Wednesday night. It's addicting! :)

  88. Amicus - hey there!! waving a wing!!!

  89. K-Girl - I am in too. I would love to go to Honolulu

    Just Lin - I dropped by for some strawberry short cake.

    ZonaBaby - Thanks for the letter. I have been in my quiet mode all day. I am resting up for the next celebration which is Victoria Day, May 19th.

  90. KGRL: In a heartbeat...I'm IN! Get me out of this crazy desert. Seeing you seals the deal! :)

    J/LIN: Thank you!


    MEK: Thanks again for the "Medium" reminder. 80 tomorrow, possible snow in the mountains..and 102 on Friday! WTC?

  91. TINKA: **Jumping** and waving!!!

  92. Hey!

    Strawberry shortcake sounds sooo delicious! Thanx JL!

    I bought some Baskin Robbins ice cream on the way home from work yesterday (I think the ice cream blog made me do it!)

    I have "Everyone's Favorite Candy Bar" (with pieces of Snickers in it) and "Chocolate Mousse".

    I had a little bite of each last night and they are really good. I have plenty left, so sharing it along with the strawberry shortcake.

    Count me in for the Hawaii trip, I'd love to go!

    It's supposed to be 100 here on Thurs and Fri! Not quite as hot as you girls in the desert, but pretty darn hot.

    I agree about James from Survivor, he is a sweetie and also very good looking. I was glad he won the $100,000.

  93. Hey all....
    Thank you soooo much for all the well wishes and Prayers... they worked... surgery was a success ...she has full range of motion in right arm and will start therapy in the morning on the left... both shoulders were operated on...

  94. I don't think you ever can tell by a picture.

    None of my family pictures ever turn out picture perfect and I like it that way.

    Our last family picture is a prime example. Carolyn was scared and cried the whole time.

    I told the photographer to go ahead and take the pictures. That is my family tears and all.

  95. ZonaBaby - Waving back at you and Matthew. When you visit me will you bring him too please?

  96. Hey y'all!! I literally just got back from NY 2 hours ago:( I'm pooped!!

    I had a blast and can't wait to tell you all about it...I will be doing blogs, slideshows, posting pics, etc. this week! It's gonna take a while because I have TONS of pics, video! lol

    I sent Glynis a postcard from Times Square because her email addy was the only one I had memorized haha

    So, I am sorry I couldn't check in while I was gone, but I loved being unplugged actually! It was a much needed break!

    I will have to read all of you guys comments about my Mama story from Sunday and get back to you! I will do that tomorrow! It was an honor to have my first blog entry posted here!:)

    I hope you all had a great Mother's Day!

    I'm going now to change my myspace pic so you guys can peep that until I can get more up! lol

    Have a fantastic evening and know that I missed all of you!!

  97. IBB- I had no idea the dang postage went up today!

    I mailed Bonnie a b-day card today, so I bet I will be getting that back. Sorry Bonnie, your card will be late.

  98. IBB: I am so glad everything went well!

    ITEACH: Love that pic..all your pictures are adorable.

    TINKA: Can we both fit in that spare room?? ;)

    HI JOEY!! Welcome back!

  99. Zona- Hello!!!!! Thanks for the comment today on Myspace.

    Philip is feeling much better, thank you.

  100. Zona Thanks for the kind comments about my pics on myspace. I just see my chubbiness. I'm glad you see something else.

  101. Joey Welcome home! I'm glad you had a good time. Can hardly wait to see the pics.

  102. IBB - share the rest of your day with us!!!!!!!!!!!

    Iteach - can't wait for the summer when you can play with us!!

    Joey - Welcome Home!!!

  103. Sorry it took me so long to update about My M-I-L... it has been an interesting day...about 2pm my hubby calls... long before surgery should be over.. he never made it ot he hospital.. he hit a deer on the way..Or should I say the deer hit him... came out of "no where"... landed in the windshield and rolled down the side of the car taking all the glass with it....
    when I got home and saw the car.. I told him he had a guardian angel with him....

    Thanks for sending her BonO...

    I am going to post pictures of the car on MS...
    but we went to see his mom... she is doing great ... thank you all for the prayers and well wishes.. again..
    what a day...

    she was worried because Mr. Ibb wasn't there ... Mr. Ibb's dad just told her he was having car trouble.. so everything changed once we got to the hospital... Pop said her whole mood changed when we alked in...
    I told her about all your well wishes and she got a tear in her eye...
    love you guys...

    off to post pictures...

  104. MEK- I was thinking the same thing.

  105. I think all 3 of us would fit in my room.

  106. Oh goodness lots to catch up on...

    Off to read

  107. K'girl~~I'm in...but only if I have time for a mani-pedi and a spray tan first! It's been a pasty-pale winter and I've been digging in the dirt all day. I'll bring you that puppy!

    SacBarb/Amicus~~Wonder who will play Ryan, the mystery sibling? Can't wait to find out.

    YAY!! Joey's home.

    JustLin~~Have to go work off too much dinner, but please hide me some strawberry shortcake for later. YUM!

    Iteach~~I gave you your homework assignment last week to get your Forever stamps. Did you skip class that day? (I'll scrounge up a penny for the postman :D~)

    IBB~~Good news about the MIL, and I KNEW I sent my angel for a reason!! Glad Mr. IBB is okay.

  108. Bonnie, I did get the forever stamps.

    However, I had one pretty flower stamp left. Last night I thought to myself, I'm going to put that on Bonnie's envelope, because it is so pretty.

    I should have been pratical! :)

  109. Zona:
    Congrats on First!

    Thanks for breakfast!

    I felt the same way about the picture, it just seemed they were going thru hard times, and just need to be some place else!

    Yet Shirley saw it so differently!

    So my blog does make sense :O)

    LOL...Gap,maybe that is where they needed to be!

  110. Ibb:
    Sorry about your mil, however I a glad she faired well. And poor Mr Ibb having a run in with a deer, I have heard deer do much damage to ones car. Just very glad Mr Ibb is ok!

  111. Amicus:
    I enjoyed watching the clip, they are the original cast members, the ones I saw on Broadway. It was lots of fun to watch!


  112. Bachelor spoiler... not ...He picked an AMAZING girl to be his wife!!! LOL....

    last week we sold out of "forever" stamps.. and today we almost sold out of 1 cent stamps.. so now I get to go stand in line at teh post office in the morning to buy stamps .. so our customers don't have to stand in line at the post office.. doesn't seem so bad when you are on the clock..

  113. Joey:
    Welcome back, so glad you had a good time, can't wait to see the pics!

  114. Mek:
    Where are you why can't I find you!

  115. Bon:
    I love that you garden, I am so not good at stuff like that!

    And yes we will have to wait till next season to see who Ryan is...

  116. Scirish:
    Hello, glad to see a comment from you! Forgot you~~Never!

  117. Dianne:
    Glad you are home, and hope you are feeling better..Good wishes are being sent your way!

  118. pictures posted on My space... and he was going 55 MPH when the thing hit him..
    it was running across the road, came over the median embankment and landed right on top.. window level..
    he never saw it...
    said it was just like an explosion .
    never changed lanes.. went up turned around and drove straight home.. sasid the deer was dead on impact...
    poor thing...

  119. Mek:
    There you are! I agree can't wait for summer to, as then iteach can be tedious with all of us....

  120. Turtle:
    When I win the lottery and hire the jet you will be the first to know!

    I will name the jet "69"


  121. IBB: Do you know if the Sinatra stamps came out today..or do they come out tomorrow?

  122. Lovey:
    I love how you word your thoughts!

  123. just_lin, sacbarb, tinka, barbwa, glynis,ebj...

    waving at you all :O)

  124. I'm popping in and popping out to say goodnight to everyone.

    I hope everyone has sweets dreams tonight!

  125. Zona:
    Could there have been any other name?

    I don't think so :O)

  126. See MEK... whe nyou look at the pictures you see whre the head hit.. and you see where the ass hit... and Mr.IBB was never touched... see Guardian Angel.. thanks again BonO..

  127. OK, what the heck did I miss...

    What 3 will be in Tinka's room?

  128. Iteach - good night!!

    IBB - I just looked at the pics - GOOD LORD!!!!!!!! He is EXTREMELY lucky!!

    Cpgem - lol at you can't find me - I am all over here today - like Bono pointed out earlier - I am 89 thru 105!! LOL

    IBB - LOL at your "bachelor spoiler"!! :-)

  129. Carol, I missed it to! Maybe we could make it a 4-some ;-}

    IBB, So glad Mr IBB is alright! We live in an area where deer pop out of nowhere every night! One day Mr Mary & I were biking down the road. Hubby was way ahead of me. I looked in the field and saw a deer running like a SOB! It was on a collision coarse with Mr Mary! Luckily Mr Mary heard me and just missed getting rammed!
    Many cars have been hit by deer (and visa /versa) close to our house.

    Joey~ Welcome back. Sounds like you had a great time!

  130. G'night ITEACH!

    CPGEM: No...don't think any other name would do..!

    IBB: That was just scary to see.

  131. I want ot say a special thanks from mother in law to ..GOLDIE,MARY/MI,SHIRLEY,JODI,EBJ.JUSTLIN,SACBARB,BONO,ZONA,AMICUS AND CAROL...
    it means so much to me...

    thanks..I really did luck out in the mother in law department!!!

    just lin.. thank you I will have some strawberry short cake... real whipped cream...keeping in pratice!!???
    zona... the only 42 cent stamps I saw were purple hearts and american literature.. the purple hearts were selling well... teh other ones not so much... i will let you know in the morning... I will be at the post office early..

    and I agree.. James was the best part of survivor last night...He is the biggest sweetest guy ever,...

  132. wow two whole lines dissapeared...
    so let me finish... special shout out to... GOLDIE... MARYMI....SHIRLEY.... JODI...EBJ...JUSTLIN...SACBARB...BONO.... ZONA... AMICUS.. CAROL...

  133. Oh, Carol. I am SO not a gardener, so don't deserve the kudos. Just ask my neighbors! I admire beautiful landscaping and random 'native' or English country gardens, but I have neither the finances nor the patience to do what I would like (water features, Zen garden, etc.) so I do nothing except beat back what's overgrown and pray something besides the dandelions stay green or colorful through summer. :o)

    IBB~~ S*C*A*R*Y pics!

  134. IBB It's really AMAZING that your hubby got through that collision without a scratch (to him, that is).

    BonO There's plenty of strawberry shortcake and whipped cream saved for you.

  135. IBB LOL "keeping in practice".

    Turtle I want to come to Hawaii, too!

  136. Justlin.. it was amazing... but very sad for the deer... I mean out for afternoon run and BAM..

  137. Bon:
    What you do..I still can't do!

    We went to Aunt Jo's gravesite yesterday to bring her flowers and plant some plants, Well I just watched as my mom and my cousin did all the work!

  138. carol... I just watch also.. mr Ibb does all the work..and you all see his beautiful flowers... I love it...

  139. IBB~~Now that we know Mr. IBB's safe, have to chuckle at BAMbi ;D~

  140. thanks ladies for the picture comments...

  141. BonO- Mr.IBB just got a chukle out of that ... he is off to bed now...
    it is very late for him.. I think he was shaken up a bit!!???
    ya think>????

  142. IBB! I had a dumb blonds moment (sorry blonds). I went to check your myspace pictures and I couldn't find you in my friends. I thought for a moment that you dropped me :=( Then I realized you weren't "IBB" on my space LOL!!

  143. Mary/mi-- never worry about that... I would never drop you!!!

  144. Thanks IBB, I think somebody already did...on my head LOL!

  145. I was just sitting here thinking I needed to say sorry for being a blog hog tonight about my MIL and my hubby... and then I got thinking... this fits the TOTD.. Pictures... had some pretty scary real pictures to add today...
    these pictures told a story ... a sad one with a happy ending!!! For Mr.IBB anyway!! the deer .. not so much!!!
    Tahnk you all again... for the thoughts well wishes.. and just endulging me..

  146. now I need to get some rest.. need to wind down...
    have a wonderful rest of the night... and a great day tomorrow!!!

  147. Good night IBB and everyone else out there. Tomorrow is my once-a-month lunch with my retired work buddies.
    Sweet dreams.

  148. Mary/MI LOL that you didn't recognize IBB's other identity. I laughed because I almost did that once, too. LMAO

  149. Good night IBB and Mary. I hope you got your shortcake.

  150. Bono - LOL at BAMbi!!! I am just EXTREMELY thankful that I don't have to get on a plane for a SAD moment!!

    Just Lin - thanks for dessert!!

    mary - have fun at lunch tomorrow..

    IBB - hope you sleep well tonight..

    Good Night everyone!!

    Hope everyone has an excellent Tuesday!!

  151. Before I go to bed..

    Tina in UT - THANK YOU SOOOO much for sharing that with me!!

    gotta LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!


  152. I won't bore ya'll with my own little march to 200!!

    but it is SOOOOO tempting...
