what is the deal with ice cream
why does everyone love it so,
i personally could take it or leave it
however whenever i talk favorite
foods with others, ice cream always
comes up in the conversation as
one of their favorites
they seem to eat it by the pints
or gallons, not just one scoop
or maybe two, a pint? a gallon?
i have also noticed they can name
ice creams flavors and the makers
of these certain flavors, and of course
tell you with certainty which one is better
if i have ice cream, i don't really know
the difference in the makers, to me
vanilla is, well vanilla and the same
with chocolate
these ice cream lovers eat it all year long
even in our winter months, it is something
they must have
i remember this from childhood:
"you scream, i scream, we all scream for
ice cream" i remember chanting that
when the good humor truck would drive
in our block, and we would make a mad
dash into the house to get some money
from our parents to buy the ice cream
i never finished mine, i threw half
of it away, i guess that was my first sign!
perhaps i need to find a flavor that would
make me love it to, perhaps i just stick with
the norm and don't appreciate it as others do
or maybe, i really just don't love it!
Yay in first, kgirl!!
ReplyDeleteGood morning owls!!
Carol, I like ice cream, but it is not one of my favorites!
Good morning K-girl, Grandma Moses and everyone else yet to arrive!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 1st K-girl!
Great blog as usual Carol.
homemade biscuits
toast (white, brown, raisin & WW)
eggs any style
bacon (reg & turkey)
fresh fruit
jams, jellies, marmalades & PB
milk (soy, reg & chocolate)
Fresh squeezed OJ
slimfast shake (asst. flavors)
Fresh-cut spring bouquet for the table.
Shirley, the flowers are beautiful!! Did you cut them this morning??
ReplyDeleteIce cream is a favorite food of mine. It isn't in my budget at the moment but I still love it. Coffee is my altime favorite flavor, but for some reason it is a very hard flavor to find.
ReplyDeleteThere is definately a difference in brands. The store brands have so much preservatives in them that when the ice cream begins to melt it turns into foam. Homemade ice cream, which is the best, just turns into a milkshake when it melts.
When I was a kid we made ice cream all the time in the winter. We made coffee , chocolate, vanilla, stawberry, grapenut and even peach flavored one night. Dad and I were the biggest eater, but Dad always had to have bread with his. Actually Dad ate bread with everything now that I think of it.
Thanks for stirring up some good memories Carol.
Have a good day everyone and eat some ice cream!
Yes Grandma Moses I cut them from IBB's garden. I hope she doesn't mind, but she has such beautiful flowers.
ReplyDeleteTOP TEN!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTurtle - congrats on first..
Good Morning, GM, Shirley!!
I have alot of catching up to do from last night and need to read the blog!!
I hope everyone has an excellent day!!
Good Morning Everyone! I have been kept off the computer by Mr. Z who believes he should be able to use it too. I don't think he understands, do you? ;)
ReplyDeleteCPGEM: I am not a huge ice cream fan either. I like it, but if I couldn't have it, I would be ok. My favorite flavor is vanilla bean..especially if it is homemade.
KGRL: Congrats on 1st!! Smoooch!! ;)
SHIRLEY: Wonderful breakfast..I'll just grab some OJ and run..thanks!!
Mr. Z just gave me back control of the computer a half hour ago, so I haven't been able to read yesterday's posts yet. I will try to catch up this afternoon, IF I don't have to share again.
Night everyone, off to bed with me. Have a wonderful day, be good or good at it!! ;)
ReplyDelete*****SPECIAL UPDATE*****
ReplyDeleteI heard from DIANNE last night. She is doing better. Her CTscan shows that the pneumonia is going away. They have gone from IV antibiotics to pills. She expects to be relaesed today or tomorrow. The doctor's are sending her home with oxygen, and have warned her to take it easy or she'll be "right back where she started". She isn't sure how much she will be able to post.
She wanted me to send her continued good wishes to TINA, LYNND, SHIRLEY and anyone else who is hurting or not feeling well.
She misses everyone and thanks you all for your concern and prayers and hopes to be able to answer messages soon.
OMG - cpgem --- I TRIPLE LOVE ice cream!! It is a MAJOR weakness!! One of my favorite flavors is coffee and - I hate to DRINK coffee, but LOVE the ice cream.. I prefer Dreyer's!!
ReplyDeleteAND - there really is a difference in the different brands - YUMMY!!
MR. MEK does NOT like sweets, but he does love his ice cream!!
OH - now you have me craving some!!
BUT - have to get to work...
Zona - good morning...
Shirley - I forgot to thank you for breakfast!!
Later Hooters!!
Zona - thank you SO much for the update on Dianne!!
ReplyDeleteOH - and speaking of updates...
Lynn D - is the plumbing unplugged yet??!!
MEK: Before I head off to bed, thank you for the reminder about Ghost Whisperer.
ReplyDeleteLYNND: Hope you are feeling better today.
Hopefully I will be able to use the computer later today, cuz I sure do miss everyone. Night!
Good morning!
ReplyDeleteCongrats K-girl for being first!
And Shirley, thank you for breakfast and beautiful flowers :)
I'm not a huge fan of ice cream either. Once in a while I get a craving for a banana split.
There is an ice cream place near here called Coldstone Creamery, and my huz went and got a banana split a couple weeks ago.
It was delish! But the best around here is still Dairy Queen. Baskin Robbins is pretty good, too.
Once in a great while I'll buy some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream (BJs is the best!)
Hi to Carol, GM, MEK and Zona! And everyone else who posts after me.
Thanx for the Dianne update, Zona.
Have a good day, dear hooters!
Hi kids...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGood morning everyone!!
ReplyDeleteEvery Sunday night ( during warm weather) we all drive to the Dairy Queen. We get some ice cream through the drive-up then we drive around town eating our ice cream.
ReplyDeleteWe drive by all the nice houses and think about our ultimate dream house.
We don't play the radio. We all just talk as we drive and eat.
I always get a small vanilla sundae with pineapple.
My hubby's secret dream is to own a Dairy Queen. We always talk about what we would do if we owned it.
Good morning Grandma Moses.
ReplyDeleteOh what a surprise to find you up so early (Not!) :0)
Thank you for breakfast. As promised I will do the dishes! I will have raisin toast served dry, fresh fruit and a glass of soy milk.
As far as ice cream goes I don't eat it often at all. If I buy ice cream buy Skinny Cow. I go to TCBY yogurt and have a fat free, low sugar treat instead smothered in fresh seasonal fruit.
ReplyDeleteThe bouquet of flowers is stunning and the aroma smells so nice. Thank you for all of the many times you have given us the flowers. You are such a sweertheart!
Top twenty-five!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood morning sweet owls. The nest is full this morning.
ReplyDeleteI see that after I left the nest last night a few, who should go nameless , NOT! lol!(Turtle,Jodi,LynnD,Whabbear & Tina), jumped on the naughty mat and raised hell. Tisk, tisk!!
See if I ever leave Whabbear in Tina's hands again!
Ice cream is a weakness of mine, esp. strawberry cheescake. There is a little ice cream shop near by (too near) that makes all their ice cream.
I will be gone most of the day. I have to judge a kid's Karaoke at 1:00 and the adults at 9 tonight, with a baby shower in the middle.
Have a great day all!
Oh, and Happy Mother's Day tomorrow!
Turtle--Congrats on 1st!!!!!
ReplyDeleteShirley-- thank you for breakfast.. and I am honored to have my flowers on the table.. Glad you all enjoy them!!!
Morning Grandma Moses....
MEK-- we do love some ice cream!!!
Zona...Morning..up early or still up..
EBJ... I love ice cream but can't do banana splits..
Iteach.. I don't think I could own an ice cream place.. I would be eating some profit...
But it would be cool!!!
Morning Want2...
Hope you all have an excellent day!!!
Morning Glories!!!
ReplyDeleteKgirl got first!!! Woot Woot!
MEK: We have partial unpluggedness this morning with no backsplash! LOL
Zona: Thank you bunches for the Dianne update!! Missed you on the blog. Tell Mr. Z that keeping you off the computer is unacceptable!!
Shirley: Thank you for breakfast. I am searching for something high fiber. I guess I may have to eat the spring bouquet! LOL I will have coffee and raisin bran. Yuck
Hi GM, Want, Iteach, Dreama, and EBJ!
Ice cream well I am another that I will eat it if it is in the freezer but really don't miss it if we don't have any.
If I get a rare craving it is for the expensive stuff. My favorite is the Godiva dark chocolate and raspberry or they used to have a hazelnut and pecan hard to find now.
Sometimes a peanut buster parfait from Dairy Queen will get me too.
I do remember racing for the ice cream truck as a kid. We would scream through the house begging for money. Then it was a choice between an actual popsicle (sp) or a fudgescicle.
If it was the popsicle it had to be either the great big rocket shaped one that was red white and blue or banana or root beer. I still like a banana or root beer popsicle on a hot summer day.
Waving at anyone flying in this morning!!!
I should have said we always have ice cream in the freezer because Mr. Lynn D is an ice cream fanatic!! I think he would main line it if he could. What I think is weird tho is that his fav is French vanilla. Nothing exotic.
ReplyDeleteMy son Philip absolutely loves ice cream! He would have it for every meal, if I let him.
ReplyDeleteMary, you sound like you have a very busy day ahead of you! It sounds like a lot of fun.
Sorry Lynn D. My breakfast really wasn't very high fiber, so I made you a batch of bran muffins...with or without raisins...and here is a pitcher of nice prune juice for you. Hope it helps! Lol!! BBL
ReplyDeleteGood Morning All Owls - I am late in settling into the nest because I answered my messages first. I have such a rigid schedule I decided I must be a little more flexible. My 'babies' and I do the same thing at the same time most days. I think it's the teacher in me, following a day plan.
ReplyDeleteK-Girl - Congrats on 1st? Is it your first time? I can't remember now.
Shirley - Thank you for breakfast. I am going to have an old fashioned hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs, toast with jam and tea. If you don't mind I will take a Slim Fast with me for my lunch. That's what I always have for lunch and I am getting low. You are sweet to go to so much work.
Dianne - I am waiting for you to get well so I can make that phone call. Kathy called me last night and gave me the details. Once you turn 35 you must take it easier.
Ice cream - I can take it or leave it. I always have it in the freezer because my grand children love it. One of my favourite memories from my childhood involved an ice cream cone, always Vanilla, every Sunday afternoon. It was our ritual to go on a Sunday drive, the exact same route each week, driving along the Waterfront, stopping for ice cream and sitting and looking at the ocean while we ate it. It was the same thing, same time every week but I always looked forward to it. Maybe that's where I get my rigid schedules. I wonder if my dad still gets an ice cream cone on Sunday in Heaven?
When my kids were little they would wait every Saturday for the ice cream truck to come. Aw, those were the happy days.
Tinka- I am just like you, I like to follow dailey plans.
ReplyDeleteShirley: Thank you for the fiber fix! LOL A little prune juice can't hurt either!
ReplyDeleteIteach - I guess once a teacher always a teacher. The first year I was retired I was constantly saying to myself. "They are at recess now" or "Now the bell is about to ring". It took almost a year to forget about their schedule. I still miss the fun things, the first week of school, the last week in June, the Christmas concerts. I could go on but I would bore everyone. It's a good life.
ReplyDeleteCarol - I forgot to thank you for the great blog. I love the picture you chose. I forgot to mention the one thing I love in the hot summer is an orange popsicle. Now that to me is a real treat.
Mary: Things DID get a little, er, out of hand last night. I don't know what came over me.
ReplyDeleteTina doesn't know what came over her, either.
Oh, wait. Tina's a pro. She DOES know. LOL!
Ice cream! I've adopted the bad habit of eating it while I'm in chat. Bad, bad bad.
But... here's a decadent tip for everybody if you have a Fresh Choice restaurant in your area. I went to Fresh Choice for dinner this week, and made what is one of my favorite desserts EVAH!
It starts with one of fresh choice's yummy brownies on the bottom. Then, I add the ice cream swirl from the frozen yogurt machine. Then, I add a generous amount of fresh choice chocolate pudding. Finally, I top it all off with whipped cream.
OMG, what a multi-faceted taste sensation!
OK, have to get on the road to San Francisco. Have a great day, turtle, GM, shirley, tink, MEK, zona, East Bay, iteach, Dreama, IBB, Lynn D, and the ubiquitous Want to Sleep!!
ReplyDeleteSweetie will have to send you a lot of high fiber fruit to eat and a bottle of Dulcolax.:0)
My friends have gone back to CA. But I don't get to relax. This afternoon I made plans with my sister.
Vanilla is vanilla????
ReplyDeleteHoney...you did not just go there!
There is Vanilla, or course, but then there is Vanilla Bean, French Vanilla, Country Vanilla. I'm sure there are others! And as for chocolate......
OK, I won't list ALL of the different types of chocolate!
I'm actually not huge on ice cream either. I love a soft serve cone in vanilla, or chocolate, or the swirl. Just hardly ever get it. When we get ice cream for home hubby likes just about anything, mint choco chip, banana split, rocky road, whatever. Since it's just the 2 of us, I may take a scoop when it's first opened but then he eats it with a spoon right out of the container, usually in 2 sittings, and then it's gone. Our store now carries it's brand of ice cream in individual serving size, so I got 2 of those the other day. He had mint choco, and I had dark raspberry with choco chunks with 1/2 the fat. It was yummy. Took me 2 days to eat it, took him 15 mintutes to eat his.
Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
CONGRATS ON 1ST KAHONUGRL! Did you not go to bed or something????
Off to my afternoon nap with the kiddos. I hope everyone is having a good day.
ReplyDeleteYou must have been posting as i wrote. Didn't see you.
SaraLee used to make me hungry just by her name so I'd always be eating cookies in chat. That used to be my job to give everyone the midnight munchies. :0)
Good morning everyone.
ReplyDeleteI'm just doing a fly-by before I head out to a sorority Mother's
Day brunch. My DIL and her daughter are going with me. I see I missed a party in the nest last night. I was a the movies watching McDreamy. And I missed GW, too. I thought my TiVo was set, but NO!!
Turtle: Congrats on #1. You stayed up late!
Shirley: Thanks for breaky. Since I'm going to brunch, I'll just have Coffee.
MEK: I got a QVC delivery, but no book yet.
Zona: Thanks for the update on Dianne. Mr. Z needs to get his priorities straight. The Nest comes FIRST!
Dianne: If you are reading, I'm praying for a speedy recovery for you. Well, I'm praying even if you aren't reading.
Hello to everyone else. I gotta go now 'cause I'm late. Have a great day everyone and I'll be back later.
Turtle I'm surprised to see you so early this morning. Congrats on #1.
ReplyDeleteShirley Thank you for the wonderful breakfast and lovely flowers.
Whabbear Why aren't you on the naughty mat?
Zona Thanks you so much for the update on Dianne. I sure hope she gets to come home today.
Dianne (((HUGS)))
Lynn D So glad things are working out, so to speak. And thank goodness for no backsplash. I hate when that happens! LOL
Carol Thanks again for another great post.
I'n not that big on ice cream unless your talking about a hot fudge sundae. Even then, it's really the hot fudge that I'm after. If I do have ice cream it will be chocolate or choc. chip mint.
Now Custard loves vanilla bean ice cream. My husband was also a fan of vanilla ice cream. Does it seem most men go for vanilla? Maybe it is the most like mother's milk? LMAO!
ReplyDeleteI spotted 2 typos in my long post. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteHI GUYS!! I'm sneaking in to use the computer before Mr. Z gets up.
ReplyDeleteFROM AREA 51: 500 comments!! You guys went a little crazy yesterday!!
WANT2: YAY!! First again! Did you take that drive? LOL!
SHIRLEY: I'm sorry you were hurt. I hope you are feeling better today. :)
TINKA: It was wonderful to talk to you. You always make me smile.
VIG: I have been thinking about you and hope that your back is all right.
GMOSES: Sorry to hear about Rita. I hope she will live a long and happy life though.
LYNND: I'm sorry to hear about your lack of relief...;)
MEK: OMG! Plop by plop! ;)
BON'O: You can also stay away from the computer if your hubby says "Get away, it's MINE today!!"
Trust me. ;)
IBB: LOL @ tricking the eggs!
JODI: Please tell Mr. JODI congrats for me. I think I have that peanut butter frosting memeorized now too! So...wanna email the meatloaf recipe?? :)
RGIRL: You are so frickin funny!!
TINA: YOU are a GOOF! Congrats on 169, 200 and BEAR!! ;)
CPGEM: Thank you for yesterday's blog..which I just watched before posting. LOVE Carol Burnett. We watched it every week. My favorite parts, were when Tim Conway got everyone to laugh and they had such a hard time recovering. Thank you for the clip!
J/LIN: Congrats on 400! Did you figure out 'trapeze' yet? If you do PLEASE email me!
KGRL: Not EVER kibbles and bits..Prime Rib..eventhough I've never had it, I hear it is wonderful! ;)
MARY/MI: So you're the one who left BEAR in TINA's hands?? LOL!
BEAR: :) :0 :o ;) !!!!!
Dang that was a long post..sorry about that...I really have to hurry to get MY time in!
ReplyDeleteEBJ: We have a Coldstone right up the street..never been there but heard it is very good. Ok, got me, Dairy Queen soft serve is one of my faves.
ITEACH: I always get the strawberry sundae..we have three DQ's with-in a mile of us.
MARY/MI: I'm still laughing at what havoc leaving BEAR in TINA's hands brought on! You crack me up!! ;) ***and***
DIANNE wanted me to ask you how her quarters did in Vegas..and if you need her Direct Deposit account number??
IBB: I was still up..now I am stayin' up! Loved your pics at Richmond!
LYNND: Glad to hear there's movement today! LOL!
TINKA: My dad took us every Sunday too. I hear you get your heart's desire in Heaven..I bet your dad gets his ice creeam cone!
BEAR: How are you feeling this morning? A little wrung out ;)
SACBARB: Have fun today! And you're right..the nest does come first! Can you call and tell him that?? ;)
J/LIN: LOL @ vanilla ice cream!! DIANNE asked if you could post your necklace as your avatar so she could see it??
OK clock struck twelve and I think he's waking up..gotta go til later. Have a fun day everyone!
Hi Zona-my-Baby - I woke from my nap and there you were waiting for me just like the dutiful daughter you are. You sent me so many presents. Was "Mickey Blue Eyes" for Mother's Day? I love Hugh's blue eyes.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure what has been going on while I slept but I have heard the rumour that the nest was so noisy last night that the police had to be called in. I am so glad I had you tucked into bed with your window padlocked. (not that I don't trust you.) I am afraid someone like our friends Tina and Jodi may try to kidnap you. I hear by way of the grape vine that Dianne is still talking about the night you were left on the floor of the nest. I have nightmares about that night. How many days until our 200 Day party? Or do we now wait for 500? A mother never stops worrying no matter how old their children get.
Love, mama Tink
Shirley - I loved the chocolate Slim Fast. It's the only flavour I really like. Thanks Hon
45 That's close to my age.
Thrifty!!! (when I was little)
Carnation!!! (when I was little)
I LOVE ice cream!
Farr's is an hour away and I would pack all three of my kids in the car for nap time and when they woke up, it was ice cream time! I love their Chocolate Burnt Almond Ice Cream!
I love Bubbies, too....but that's a longer drive.....to Honolulu! :)~ Oh Carol.....I was going to marry the ice cream man!!! :)~
kgrl~ congrats on 1st~ ....and Jodi explained the pic to me!!! OMG!!! :)~
Dianne~ get your ass home...and bring the oxygen with you!!!! :D
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why you we're not commenting more....lmao.
ReplyDeleteBUBBIES! We are so there when you get HERE!
Yeah pulled an all nighter....just got back from running errands, and I am wondering what to put on the grill tonite. Gonna have a couple of peeps over to play wii tonite....
I'm thinking marinated chicken grilled zucchini, and grilled red potatoes with fresh dill?
lol.....just leave out the dill~ And I'm there~ :)~
ReplyDeletehmm rosemary then?
ReplyDeleteI don't know Rosemary!
ReplyDeleteMom just called....she got her card and loved it~ It's the simple things that just make you smile, huh?
K-Girl - Your dinner sounds great to me. I will fuel up my private jet and be there in time I hope. I am assuming I am invited. Oh Oh maybe I am not.
ReplyDeleteVIG - A shout out to my friend who is in Ogopogo land right now and does not have internet access. Hi to you my dear when you get to read this.
I am getting ready to go to a Dance Recital at UVic. A lot of my ex-students will be dancing. To save my energy and to keep me from getting sick again because of too many activities in a row, we have decided to spread out our Mother's Day celebrations. My son and family were planning on spending today with me but with my recital to attend tonight we will spend next Sunday together. I will have a day to spend with my baby. Tomorrow I will spend the morning with my mom and afternoon and evening with my daughter and family. I think at my age (50+) it's the way to go. Did I hear Iteach laugh again? "I will get you my Sweetie and your little dog too."
Have a fun night and behave all you owls. I want a good report tomorrow. None of these shenanigans like last night.
Zona - I am trusting you to stay in your own bed.
ReplyDeleteYou my lady are always invited~
All the hooters are cordially invited. Tho I know I would have to make certain reservations for some~
TINKA: Grey's Anatomy will be for Mother's Day. It'll just be a little late. I don't think the padlock will work..TINA told me she has the key. ;)
ReplyDeleteTINA: I know Rosemary...you'll like her, she has a great bite. ;)
KGRL: Waving a wing atcha!
TURTLE - Sounds good to me.....have TINKA send the jet when she's done with it!!! Oh, and I have my powerball ticket bought for tonight......a girl can only hope!!!
ReplyDeleteZONA - I'm glad you have that recipe memorized....just remember the important parts.....a splash of milk, otherwise it's too stiff, but not too much....otherwise it get too wet!!! :O~
So does her cousin Dilly....but apparently Tina doesn't know that.
ReplyDeleteHow's it goin Zonababy?
stiff, wet, oh geezus here we go...
ReplyDeleteTINKA - It must be dance recital season.....I went to my nephew's dance recital last night!! He did the most awesome solo tap routine!!!
ReplyDeleteTURTLE - Those are technical cooking terms. Well, at least here in WESconsin!!!
ReplyDeleteJODI: Don't tease me..;)
ReplyDeleteKGRL: Goin' good. Talked to the doctor and we have a plan of attack now. Will there be fresh pineapple with dinner??
ReplyDelete66 The year I was born!!!
ReplyDeleteIll top that!!!!
ReplyDeleteTURTLE - Are you moving slowly today?!!? Naanaa naanaa boo boo!!!
ReplyDeleteTURTLE - With pleasure!!! :O~
ReplyDeleteTURTLE - I'll take raspberries for dessert!!!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about rasberry parfait
ReplyDeletewhat would a girl from wisconsin know what to do with a rasberry dessert?
ReplyDeleteTURTLE - We even have them on sale at Kwik Trip!!!
ReplyDeleteAfternoon or Evening Owls
ReplyDeleteJust got back from the dentist so I am feeling better.
The oral surgeon felt so sorry for me since they aren't open tomorrow that he sent me home with all of the packing stuff for my dry socket and included a butt load of dental tools! LMAO
So for Mothers day I got one of those fun little dental mirrors and dental tweezers and two scrappers and scissors! Holy crap!
Who needs dental work? hehehe
Whew I forgot that Bubbies was an ice cream place. I thought turtle was endearinly calling us all her bubbies and just spelled it wrong! ROFLMA
Ok yeah it's the drugs, everything is cracking me up!
Have fun Tink
Hi Hodi!!!
Hi Zona!!!
Hi Iteach!!!
Hi Whoretina!!!
Waving a wing at everyone!
I am rushing to get out but I have to find a volunteer who will keep my Zona safe.
ReplyDeleteTina - Where did you get the key? The only one who has a set of my keys is Bear and I trust him with my life. I see an investigation in in order here.
Lynn - You must win the prize for getting the most original Mother's Day present. When you add it to all the drugs you are getting I would say you are set for the week-end.
K-Girl - Thank you for the invitation, or did I invite myself? Now I know what Bubbies are. I thought it was a term of endearment.
Jodi - 66, That's the year I was born too. What a coincidence. I bet you enjoyed watching your nephew dance. I wish my grand daughter were in it.
Of course you can have the jet when I am through with it. That's what owls do - share.
Zona - I can't wait until I get my Mother's Day present, two seasons of Grey's. That will take me right through the summer. Now I won't feel like I am out of the loop when you VIG and others discuss McDreamy.
I think I hear a knock on my door. Must run. Have fun but not too much fun. Talk to you in the morning. It will be a late night tonight. Love, Tinka
Congrats on First and I had no idea what Bubbies is, I am assuming from the comments it is a ice cream place?
Glad you relieved yourself today, and so very happy there was not backsplahing. Hope you are feeling better
Good Thoughts are being sent your way♥♥
Thanks for breakfast sorry I missed it, and the flowers were a nice touch!
Give Mr Zona a drink, spike it with ambien, that way you can play on the nest all your want! :O)
I love that you get ice creams with your kids, what a great memory you are making as a family
I love the hot fudge part the best
as well!
ReplyDeleteYou must be right its recital season as I went to my cousins this evening, it was wonderful to see all the dancing, however my ass is killing me, as I sat there for 4 hrs. Why do they make this recitals so long?
CAROL - lol!!! I got one better for you.....a cute little 3 year old pulled the fire alarm last night (no idea where the parent was), so in the middle of this very cute dance routine, lights were flashing....alarms blaring....and we all had to file out til they figured out what had happened. So this owl was a bit tired this morning....after only 4 hours of sleep!!!
ReplyDeleteOh shit, that must have put a cramp in dance routines!
Actually at least your ass got a break :O)
Owls: LOL! On Rossblog lately, newbie "jeepin" and I have been talking about chat, and in a comment about it this morning, she noted innocently that we west coasters are such "night owls".
ReplyDeleteShe won't have a clue about my response, which I just posted, but y'all may be amused by it! :)
Whabbear I checked your response to Jeepin. LOL
ReplyDeleteWe just celebrated Mother's Day at my mom's house tonight and I ate until I had to unbutton my pants.
ReplyDeleteWas that TMI? :)
ReplyDelete88 the year I graduated from HS
ReplyDeleteThe kids escaped from the barn again. So one will need to continue the march for me.
ReplyDeleteITEACH: No. ;) Glad you enjoyed your dinner.
ReplyDeleteJ/LIN: Hi! I can't get over to Myspace until Mr. Z gives up the computer tonight...how many more days til you grab your man??
CPGEM: I keep running in to comment when he takes a bathroom break..maybe I should just give him more to drink?? ;)
ReplyDelete100 for ITEACH!! Close the door!! :)
ReplyDeleteHeeeee's baaaaaackkkkkk!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteHello everyone!
ReplyDeleteCongrats K-girl on #1!
Carol: I feel like you about ice cream. I can take it or leave it! My daughter on the other hand is obsessed with it and even wants to be an "ice cream" taster when she grows up! LOL! (And she's as skinny as a rail too)!
I have been wondering if it isn't more of the memories associated with eating ice cream that makes people want it so much. I think ice cream is the first kind of "comfort" food we were able to have at a very young age.
Well, that's my "deep thought" on the subject! LOL!
However, all this talk is making me want some! (We always have it in the freezer because of Katie)!
Have a great evening and a happy Mother's Day to the owls who are mothers.
Let us not forget our own mothers who gave us all life in this world.
ReplyDeleteQuick get the ambien!
Congrats on Zona giving you her 100
and Congrats to Zona for marching to 100 and giving it to iteach!
What one will do friends♥♥♥
I just finishing watching "Ghost" and now I want to cry...
ReplyDeleteSince I have to post once more to end on an even note, I thought I'd mention yesterday's blog.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get a chance to read what everyone had to say, but I did watch the video! OMG!!! I LOVE Tim Connley and Harvey Corman! I LOVED the Carol Burnette show! She was my idol! I wanted to be a comedian for many, many years because of her!
Thanks for the memories!
Sorry I had a tear in my eye!
ReplyDeleteShould be:
What one will do for friends♥♥
Hi Jennifer!
ReplyDeleteThe skit was so funny, it sure brighten my day! Glad you enjoyed!
Zona thank you so much for finishing the march for me.
ReplyDeleteThose kiddos do not want to go to bed tonight. Too much sugar at grandma's house.
Carol: I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ghost!
Whabby- The movie "Ghost" goes hand in hand with GW.
ReplyDeleteI'm almost done with season two, only episodes left.
naughty bear!~ People on some other blog don't need to know how lucky you got!!! OR how good I was~ :)~
ReplyDeleteAnd here we thought Tina's talents were for handmade cards!
ReplyDeleteYou amaze us everyday!
ROFLMAO@Tina! Touche!
ReplyDeleteiteach: They are pretty similar, aren't they?
So you're making your way through the GW episodes? Excellent! We still have to see the first few episodes of first season... where Melinda got married.
ReplyDeleteThe first episode is what made me cry the most. The second one that made me cry hard is the one with the boys from the orphange that burnt down.
ReplyDeleteHello Mrs. Jodi! You get to sleep in tomorrow, how fun!
ReplyDeleteHello, Jodi!
ReplyDeleteiteach: I don't think we saw the orphanage one either. I better get the first season DVD.
But on to more important topics. I was just perusing the comments from late last night. The naughtiness was worse than I imagined.
Case in point:
Just Lin was asked:
"whats the time difference between you and custard?"
The answer she supplied wasn't quite right. Custard averages about 3 minutes, Just Lin about 5.
But last night on the phone... they were working on getting more in synch.
Good luck, Linda and Custard!
ok.....just got my Mother's Day gift from my boys.....a gel ice pack (for my headaches) and a mini fan (for my hot flashes). This is what I get when they go shopping with their father at Walgreens. WTC!!! I think this ranks right up there with LYNN D's dental instruments!!! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteWHABBY - I think it was the Bailey's talking!!! :P
ReplyDeleteITEACH - Did you get the kidlets corralled yet?!!?
ReplyDeleteITEACH - I get to sleep in til about 5am.....whoo hooo!!! We're going to my mil's church (she's singing in the choir) and then we're going to brunch with my mom's side of the family. Can't wait....we're meeting early for bloody mary's!!
ReplyDeleteleft, left, left, right, left!!!
ReplyDeleteOh shit Jodi!!! I actually like your gifts! :)~
ReplyDeleteBear~ shhhhhh....or you won't get lucky ever again! :D
hi iteach~
Jodi, you got more then I did!
ReplyDeleteI told my husband not to buy anything, because having my family is all I want.
He took me seriously! I will just go buy my own. :)
ITEACH - I've made that mistake too.....that is code for get me something nice!!! Doesn't he understand that yet?!!?
ReplyDeleteTina: I'm trying to be discreet, really I am.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm not succeeding. :(
Jodi: ROFLMAO at your Mother's Day gifts!
Poor iteach!
No, trust me, he is very naive. He is way too nice.
ReplyDeleteI already found a bracelet online that I want to buy.
ReplyDeleteDitto right back attca!
I got caught up on area 51 and I must say, Cyber Sex is def the way to go. No goodbyes, No uncomfortable stares, No "will you call me", No exchanging of monies!
Its perfect all you have to do is shut down your computer and poof your gone!
This should be a requirement :O)
Jodi, I had to read your gifts again and they made me laugh.
ReplyDeleteI think your gifts are kewl, you just need to have a little imagination!
Ice packs and a fan can surly be used for other adventures!
I just told my husband that whatever I get for Mother's Day he will get for Father's Day (so thinking he might get the hint).
ReplyDeleteYou know what he said "Sex, then I win twice."
He thought he was funny.
Whabbear You're 3 minute and 5 minute scenarios for Custard and I weren't quite right either. You see, when you have 3 hour "sessions" there are plenty of opportunities to be in synch multiple times. :) :) :)
ReplyDeleteZona Only 25 more days until I have another "session" with lots of Custard.
ITEACH - Totally sounds like something MR. JODI would say!!
ReplyDeleteCAROL - TRUST ME.....my minds already at work on that one!!!
ReplyDeleteiteach~ but you lose twice! :)~
ReplyDeleteBear~ quit staring at me!.....and how come you didn't call me?...and your check bounced!!! :)~
Carol.....it doesn't work~ :)~
WHABBY - Are you kissing and telling?!!?
ReplyDeleteiteach I'm sorry, but your husband IS funny! :D :D :D
ReplyDeleteIt only works when you are a "crackwhore" so I guess I need to strip that name from you!
Tina I think you're misrepresenting yourself. Whabbear thinks you look like George Clooney!
ReplyDeleteHeck have the sex, as least you will get it :O)
ReplyDeleteLOL...gorge clooney!
jodi: I'm afraid so. I just posted a second comment that provided way too much information!
ReplyDeleteWhat's got into me tonight? Must be the cosmo Huz made for me. With grape juice rather than cranberry, it's gone down very smoothly!
And now... it's time for a refill !!
Carol: Have you watched GW?
Okay, you guys twisted my arm, I will have the sex. ;)
ReplyDeleteGeorge Clooney! Curiouser and curiouser....
ReplyDeleteNo, I have tried, however I just could not get into it, from all of you talking about it tho, it sounds amazing!
I think its Jennifer Love Hewitt, I just can' see her as the GW...
Are we still winning time with Mr. Iteach when we march?
ReplyDeleteGood, now go put those thongs on!
I don't watch GW either. I think JLH's mammaries are the real stars.
ReplyDeleteITEACH - Don't bother with the thongs......JUST DO IT!!! :p
ReplyDeleteOkay Bear~ how's this?
ReplyDeleteJUST LIN - mammaries?!!? oh, my freakin' hell.....I just choked on my soda!
ReplyDeleteTINA - Nice rack!! :P
ReplyDeleteTina It looks like you had a little work done while you were in Mexico.
ReplyDeletePorn, I see Porn!
ReplyDeleteI'm telling ;o)
Okay, it is time for bed, good night everyone!
ReplyDeleteSee you all tomorrow!
Oh FUCK Carol.....where???!!!
ReplyDeleteHoly Buckets, Tina!
ReplyDeleteiteach Good night. Enjoy your Mother's Day "surprise". :)
ReplyDeleteare we ready for a trapeze act between tina and bear?
ReplyDeleteevening hooters
ReplyDeleteTina Is that avatar for the same BEAR that we all know and love?
ReplyDeleteActually Tina, Whabby prefers a male, big and strong, one of his favorites is "Hoss" Dan Blocker from Bonanza, yep thats what does it for him!
ReplyDeleteSee what you can learn about someone over the course of 3yrs...
Wheres Turtle!!!
ReplyDeleteAs you can imagine, they aren't the major attraction for Huz and I either. But we DO get a great charge out of seeing how many normal everyday life situations they can put JLH in while wearing some plunging neckline number!
Tina: Did I miss something? What did you do NOW?
ReplyDeleteSorry TURTLE.....NOT!!!
ReplyDeleteWell Bear, if you didn't notice...I'm changing back~
ReplyDeleteGood Nite iteach, Have fun!
ReplyDeletestarts lobbing rasberries over the water at jodiHO for stealing my march and steppin all over my fins
ReplyDeleteTURTLE - What did you decide to make us on the BBQ?
ReplyDeleteTURTLE - YUM!!! I'll take mine on a lovely piece of cheesecake!!!
ReplyDeleteWant-to-Sleep sent me a photo of Dan Blocker! Yummmm !!!
ReplyDeleteCarol: I was JUST thinking tonight about how much better we've all come to know each other through the owl's nest, compared to the ROssblog. But yep, there's quite a bit of history over there too!
crap....George is on the other computer!!! :(
ReplyDeleteI sure hope that is the time of the orgasms themselves and that there ate hours of foreplay before that~
ReplyDeleteSo you used the unknown penis thingy instead?
its only 6 here. I still need to go to the store. i took a lil nappy after all my errands, and staying p playing last night...lol.
ReplyDeleteBut it will be steaks, grilled zucchini, and grilled red potatoes with dill.....
TINA - I think this one will definitely get WHABBY'S attention. Nice "monument"!!!
ReplyDeleteIts the tediousness, it actually allows you get to know one another better!
The owls nest is all about tediousness! And crackwhores of course!
Carol~ don't you know anything about D-Day?
ReplyDeleteNice unknown penisy thing!
ReplyDeleteGood evening, Turtle!
ReplyDeletelol bear! have another drink~ :)~
ReplyDeleteJodi's got it!
ReplyDeleteLOL!!!! Just entertaining myself. But you know I'm all about that!! Right TINA?!!?
ReplyDelete194 Tedious!
ReplyDeleteShit that went fast