
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This One Day

~And the Journey Begins~

This one day, same as always, my daily routine, it seemed as it began no different then any other. However by days end, the course of my journey in life had changed. I did not realized it at first, but several months later I knew, that, this one day was my journey, and if not for that day, my journey would have been different.

One day in your life can change your course, and define who you will be.

It has been proven to me many times, with many different stories from others. But no other stands out in my mind as the book "The Kite Runner". That young boy's life changed completely just because of one day and what occurred on that very day. I urge anyone to read this book, and I am sure you will agree. I read it several yrs ago, yet the book has never left me.

Some might say, you don't have to take the course, you can veer away if you want. I disagree, this one day, you cannot, as its the defining moment of what your life will be, it is the course chosen for you. It is usually a complete surprise that this day will be the one day, so you are
not prepared. It does not matter tho, because your journey begins and the course is laid out.

I think back many times of that day, and the more I see it, the more I see who I am today, and why that day defined me. That one day gave me my course, I live it now. It is not to be changed, it could have never been changed. It is my course, my journey, it was chosen for me.

And since this one day, the sun brings the yellow, and the flowers bloom, and the trees grow, and life becomes.

So sweet!


  1. Good Morning Everyone!

    Congrats on FIRST SCIRISH!!

    Off to read the blog!

  2. Morning Glories!

    Scrishy do you have your alarm clock set to when the blog posts? LOL Congrats on first.

    Hi Zona!

    I think my life is a path and you never know when the path will switch up and you have to change course. To me this is the mystery of life.

    I have realized you have to adapt and learn or life will leave you at the end of the path with nowhere to turn.

    Ok I have only had one cup of coffee will be back after a second cup.

  3. I never read "The Kite Runner", but i think that life can change course many times. We make choices everyday that can affect the path of our lives and others. There are thousands of little interactions during the the days, weeks and months which can send us veering off in another direction or just gently change our paths. I guess that's what makes life interesting....

  4. Lynnd....No alarm...I just am having trouble sleeping!! So, so tired today and no nap in my future as I have a Dr appt today....again *sigh*

  5. CPGEM: What a thought provoking blog! I'm trying to decide if only ONE day, and the journey down one path changed what I thought my life would be?? If so, there seems to be a series of choices I made that day, that led me to where I am now. Could I have doubled back somewhere along the road, and been right back where I started? Is it free will..or destiny that leads you down the path you take?

    I'm afraid I'm not making much sense (is that just me, or the antibiotics??)..but your blog today is really making me think about where MY journey began.

    I've never read "The Kite Runner". I'll have to check it out.

    Thank you CPGEM for a really interesting blog!

  6. LYNND & SCIRISH: Your posts gave me even more to think about..this is a good thing! :)

    Feel free to say "Huh??" when you read mine...cuz that's what I'm doing... ;)

    VIG: I sure hope you feel better today.

    DIANNE: Very gentle {{hugs}} hope you are feeling better as well.

  7. Good Morning _ I just wanted to see who was up this early. I will be back in an hour or so.

  8. Zona....No huh? I get what you're saying...I think certain things in our life are destined to happen, but what we do with those situations is free will.

  9. Good Morning Hooters!

    Congrats on 1st scirish!

    Hi Zona, lynn and tink!

    I read the "kite runner" at the urging of my son. He is an avid reader like his mother. Profound message in that book and in this blog. I believe that I know exactly the day that my life took the path it did. I can only imagine how my life or my sons'would have turned out if I hadn't taken that path.

    I married right out of high school and had my son by age 20. It was an abusive relationship and I ran away with only our clothes and a playpen one night when my son was a year and a half.

    Long story short- I met Mr. Goldie, he fell in love with my son -then me- and a couple of years later he married the 2 of us. A year later the ex gave up parental rights and Mr. Goldie adopted our son. That was in April. Our second son was born in June.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Only 2 more days and the grandbabies are here!!!!

  10. GOLDIE: I just read your post...and the very last about taking the right path! Two more days...I'm smiling just thinking about how happy you'll be, and how much fun you'll have! :)

    TINKA: I'm up early!! Actually, I got up to take meds and I'm heading back to bed too.

    I hope everyone has a good day...g'night! :)

  11. GOLDIE: LOL...your avatar!! :D

    SCIRISH: Good luck at the doctor..hope relief is in sight!

  12. Congrats on first, Scirish. I hope your doctor appt goes well. Hugs!

    Carol, very thought provoking blog! The day that started my journey was the day I broke off my wedding to my high school sweetheart. (I've talked about that on the blog before so I won't bore you with all that!) My life would be so different had I gone through with it. Thank God for unanswered prayers, alright!

    The Kite Runner is a great book and so is the author's second book, A Thousand Splendid Suns.

    Zona, you made perfect sense to me. But then, I haven't had coffee yet. ;)

    Goldie, I'm so proud of you for making that decision. Many women don't/can't.

    Hi LynnD and Tinka!!

    Area 51: I forgot to mention last night that the alcohol in my son's car was unopened, thank God!! Also, thanks Dreama, for your sweet comment--SWAK back atcha!

    Have a great day, owls! I'm off to the grocery store and dropping Ippuni off for a grooming. There's NO WAY I would attempt to cut his hair. He's a fiesty little doggy.

  13. Great Posts everyone!

    Scrishy I hope all goes well at the Doctors!

    Goldie Wow!

    Zona I guess what I am saying is that life is not over yet and you can always hit a new path. Never know when it will change.

    Ok I have to get ready for food bank.

    Everyone have a fantastic day!

  14. Carol: Very thought-provoking!

    My single day that changed everything completely wasn't the result of a decision I made, but an opportunity that arose (the decision was a no-brainer).

    I've written about this before, but the opportunity was to move from Ontario to the Bay Area. There I was, in 1987, 27 years old, still in school, still almost completely closeted, still never having had sex with a man, and still nursing a life-long interest in space, science fiction, and the like.

    And that day, my Ph.D. advisor walked up to me and, right out of the blue, asked me if I'd be interested in pursuing an opportunity to do a post-doc at a NASA center in the San Francisco Bay Area.

    Um, let me get this "straight"! You're talking about a chance to move away, come out of the closet, in the gay capital of the world, and work for NASA????

    Well, uh, yes, I would VERY much like to pursue the opportunity! LOL!

    And I did!

    Zona: You made perfect sense!

    Goldie: Is your first son your gay son? I forgot to ask whether he was out protesting last weekend!

    Sandie: Forgive me! When you described the situation with your son in A51, I was thinking to myself, well, at least the situation's not as over-the-top as what's happening to Lynette and Tom with their son in Desparate Housewives!

    I know... totally ridiculous reaction!

    Hi, Lynn D, Tink, and scirish!

  15. I have never read that book but will have my Dad order it for me on line. He reads a lot.
    I always say.. For a new door to open you must close the old one. You have to take chances every single day of your life without fear of consequences and enjoy all of the wonderful new beginnings that life has to offer if only we make ourselves willing to open the new doors. Have a great day in the Nest!

  16. Whabby- no the first son is not gay, he is married and has my 2 grandbabies. The youngest (2nd) is gay. No he was not our marching this past weekend- he was working- flying the friendly skies, much to his chagrin. But many of his friends (including his best friend-who is straight) were out!

  17. Good Morning Scirish, my competitive friend, I do think you are going to win. I have been awake since 4:30 and I have no idea why. I got up three times and went back and tried to sleep but couldn't. I turned on the computer at 6:30 and was surprised to see ten comments already. A couple of times in the past I have turned the computer on at six and waited for the blog. Those were days that the blog was late and I sat here far too long. I decided I would never do that again.

    Good Morning Zona - I am glad you are getting better. I hope my niece VIG is too. If you are wondering about the aunt/niece component, just remember the scene in "Just Got Mail" when Tom Hanks explains how the little girl could be his aunt.

    Good Morning - Lynn, Goldie, Whabbear, Sandie and Dreama. Hope you are all having a great day.

  18. Scirish - I hope your procedure goes well. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    I will try to find "The Kite Runner" on tape. It sounds interesting.

    Lynn - Enjoy that coffee. It's tea for me. I could never drink coffee especially in the morning. I wish I liked the taste of it because it smells so good.

    Goldie - What a smart move you made that day. God had someone else waiting for you I think.

    Sandie - I hope you forgave your "Birthday Boy". Give him a hug for me.

    Dreama - Your dad sounds like a very smart man.

    Whabbear - Opportunity really came knocking on your special day. How different your life might have been if you had stayed in Ontario.

  19. Shirley - If you are still counting, I think I may have the most 25's. I know that is not a big deal.
    By the way speaking of counting, you missed VIG. I think she has 13 blogs so far.

  20. I can still remember the day I decided to become a teacher. I had not thought of it before as I was planning on becoming a Lab Technician.

    I was in grade 12, sitting at my desk, looking out the window and day dreaming. I should have been listening to my History lesson but it was 2:30 and I was tired. The Primary School across the street had just 'got out'. I saw all these little six and seven year olds walking home carrying their lunch kids. Suddenly, I wanted to be a part of their lives and wondered what it would be like to teach them. That was the exact moment I decided to enroll at the Teacher's college instead of UVic. It was a decision I never regretted. I often look back on that day. I remember it so clearly.

  21. Time for breakfast and Regis.

    My house is so cozy because the fires have been on for two hours. My oil furnace is set for 68 and it has not cut in yet this month. I have been faithful about burning wood. I should have mentioned that yesterday when we were talking about saving money. They more than doubled my monthly oil bill from $110 to $146 in August. I decided then to use the stove and fire place this winter. I am hoping for a big refund this June. We shall see. It may not be worth the work. I also wonder what I am doing to the environment.

    Have a great day everyone. I will be back this afternoon.

  22. One of the most significant turning points in my life was the day I went shoe shopping with a friend for her wedding. There at the mall was a kiosk with a place to schedule a civil service test to be placed in a job with the IRS. Since dropping out of college (for financial reasons) at age 20 I felt like I needed to find a "real" job so my friend and I both signed up. The test date fell on her wedding day so she couldn't do it but I went and took the test early that morning before heading off to be one of her bridesmaids. Several months later I got a notice to appear for work. That was in 1979 and I worked for the government in various positions for the next 21 years, until we moved to California in 2000. The best outcome of that fated day is the people I met who have been friends to me for nearly 30 years now.

  23. The other really significant turn in my life is the way I met my wonderful hubby. I had been playing around with Yahoo personals in 1997 and was corresponding with a very nice man who worked at the Pentagon and who, as it turned out, had graduated from my high school in Austin, TX and whose sister had been in my homeroom class because we had the same last name.

    Unfortunately Tim only had a computer at work so late one Saturday night I was restless and became curious about other personal ads from people in Washington DC (OMG, the perverts!). Then I was curious about those living near my dad in Kansas City, MO (typical midwest personalities).

    Moving closer to home, I looked at Dallas. One ad was written like a page from a romance novel, with the writer and the reader as the characters, describing how we found one another at a fabulous costume ball. I was curious so I wrote him exactly these words, "Interesting ad. How's it working for you?"

    He responded with, "Not as well as I'd hoped but better than I expected. Several responses, three dates, one very nice prospect. It's 3am...relationship troubles? If so, I've been there and might be further along in the process. I would be happy to lend an ear." He went on to talk about his family and gave me the next excerpt of the romance novel.

    I was surprised he seemed to already know me even though I had said nothing about myself so I wrote him back. That led to online chatting, phone calls, and a late dinner in Austin about 3 weeks later. The night he walked into the restaurant I felt like we had been together forever and he was just coming back from a long business trip.

    I had no idea I would find my soulmate surfing the net on a restless Saturday night. I had no idea on that Saturday night that I'd end up selling my home to move to Dallas and subsequently land in San Francisco where so many more lovely friendships have been forged. And he had no idea what kind of trouble he was in for when he told me how that ad was working for him, lol! It was an interesting turn both our lives took when our paths crossed.

  24. Good Afternoon Everyone!

    CAROL~ Great Blog, as usual! "The Kite Runner" and "A Thousand Splendid Suns" are also two of my favorite novels also, like SANDIE. I am not sure, though, if I want to see the movie they made. The book is so intense, I don't know if I could handle the movie.

    It has been very interesting reading of everyone's "life-altering" days. Each one very different, and very curious.

    I guess my "life-altering" day would be April 1, 1984. I wish I could say it was an "April Fool's Day" joke, but it wasn't.

    That is the day my wonderful husband, and father to my three beautiful daughters was tragically taken away from us, when a drunk driver killed him on his way to Lake Tahoe for a California Association of School Business Official's Conference.

    It was a gorgeous Spring day. A Sunday. The girls and I were just getting ready to cook supper when I got that awful phone call. The CHP was calling, and when the phone rang, Amanda, my middle daughter ran to answer it, because it was about the time Larry had said he would call from Tahoe. She picked up the phone and anxiously said 'Hi Daddy'! The person on the other end, kindly told her it wasn't "Daddy" and could he speak to her Mommy.

    Well, the rest is history. I have been Mom and Dad to Aimee, Amanda and Laurie ever since then. No more "loves of my life" for me. I tried a rebound rlationship two years after Larry died, and that was a horrible mistake.

    Ever since, I figured, better to have loved one wonderful man, and lose him, than to have more unhappy marriages.

    I am sad and lonely at times, any one would be. But, I have my three beautiful girls, and now three fantastic grandchildren to keep me very busy. And of course now, Miss Olive has come into our family, too!

    I have many wonderful friends, go on trips and vacations, and have a strong religious/spiritual life. So far this is enough for me.

    I just wish that my Grandchildren could have known what a wonderful Grandfather they had. Someday, that will happen, as I do believe that they will meet him in the Resurrection.

    SANDIE~ I left you a short message in Area 51 regarding your son. I hope you had a chance to read it.

    TINKA~ Your house sounds so cozy! I just love sitting by a fire, whether it be a fireplace, or woodstove. Also, thank you so much for the email. You gave me such good advice, and I am glad you enjoyed the pictures!

    After several days of record-breaking heat for November, we are cold and foggy, and everytime my heater kicks on, all I can think of is "Cha-Ching, Cha-Ching", and my PG&E bill!!! For those of you not in California, that is our Gas and Electric company. We laughingly call it "Pacific Greed & Extortion"! Those of you in Northern California will agree with me, I am sure!

    Well, our morning did not start off as well as I had hoped, and Olive and I did not get in our morning walk, so I better go put on my warm sweats and walk this little girl.

    Be back later.

    Peace & Love to All,
    NO on H8,
    Donna Jean

  25. oh outatuune~ that is so freaking romantic~ and so sweet~ omg~

    Scirish~ congrats on first~

    Carol~ loved your blog! Loved the Kite Runner~ Hubby gave me his next book, but i haven't had a chance to read it yet~

    I've been trying to think of a single defining moment that changed my life, but looking back, i think it was all the really rough times and how i handled them that made me who i am~ (a freaking mess!!!!) j/k~ I am woman, hear me roar!

    Dianne_puking_in_Denver~ stop it!!!~

  26. Good day to everyone
    My comments are ultimately about VIG. I am writing this without her permission and I hope she will not be angry with me.

    We have been writing back and forth and she sent me something that was very profound to me. I had asked her to tell me more about her work with the deaf/blind.
    She spoke more about it and also sent me a video to watch. One video led to another and I proceeded to watch one about Helen Keller. Now it isn't that I didn't know a bit about her life, but none the less it renewed some very strong emotional feelings in me about her life. In turn it made me think of today's blog. How ABSOLUTELY profound was the day when, because of Annie Sullivan's work with her was the day Helen finally grasped her world around her. In turn it made me think of how many millions of lives Helen Keller impacted. And finally, it made me think of how many lives VIG'S work has blessed, and how many have had their day of change.

    After my overwhelmness passes I will be back.

  27. Scirish:
    Hope the Dr's appt went well!

  28. Goldie:
    Wow, thanks for sharing.

  29. Sandie:
    A Thousand Splendid Suns, was terrific as well..


    Yes, I knew it was unopened, cause if it was, I don't think the cop would have let them go so easy..

    I know here in NJ any kind of alcohol open in the car is illegal, just wondering if every state has this rule.

  30. Tina:
    Your single defining moment that changed your life....

    January 10, 2008, when the nest was created... And here I was.. cpgem8.

    Perfect, dontca think?


  31. Outatuune:
    I love your story.. You could have never know it was to be, however that was "your day" Thank goodness for restless Saturday Nights!


  32. yes, Carol~ you are perfect~ ...but i was thinking of the mistakes i've are definitely not a mistake~ A crackwhore, yes....but not a mistake~ :D

  33. Okay, I think I am enough past overwhelmed to write about my life.
    At 29 years old I got married,got pregnant within what seems like minutes later, bought a house, bore my child and my dad died. It seems I started a new chapter in my life.

    A couple of years later another new chapter. It started with a mistake, or was it divine intervention? Since my veterinarian in SF left his hospital I make an appointment with a new vet in Pacifica. I looked under veterinarians in the local pacifica directory. I went to the clinic on the day of my appointment and they didn't show an appointment for me, but said we can see you anyway. The veterinarian said my cat needed a dental. He then said, how will your husband take this, or something like that. I said that I had been thinking about getting a part time job. He then handed my an application for work. I filled it out and was hired. I had been thinking about going to vet tech school and now he would train me on the job. This was something I had always wanted to do. This happened because I went to the wrong hospital. Was it a mistake , or was it divine intervention. If anyone read what I wrote yesterday regarding tooth brushing or driving please don't decide how it happened based on that.LOL.

    Or.....Feel free to vote:

    A. Bumbling idiot ( )
    B. Divine intervention ( )

  34. Lani:
    I agree Vig is a amazing person, and has a amazing zest for life. She devotes herself to others so freely.

    I am honored to call her a friend, and happy she is here on the nest..

    She is a inspiration.. and of course so is Helen Keller.

    Vig blogged about Helen Keller once, its in the blog archives, I will look up the date for you..

  35. Thank you CAROL. It isn't a coincidence that I received VIG'S email on this day of your thought provoking blog.

  36. Donna Jean:
    It only shows how very strong you are, and always was...


    I had a crapola morning too.. :(

  37. Lani:
    Everything happens for a reason!!

  38. Tina:
    There are no mistakes only lesson's


  39. Tina:
    Thanks so much for calling me crackwhore... It is so endearing..

    I feel the same about you!


  40. ***Attention K-Mart Shoppers***

    Supreme Court has just agreed to hear the argument against Prop 8

    Back to your regularly scheduled blogging.

  41. Back to work for me...

    See ya all later....

  42. Oh, I forgot to mention this...

    I read Ant's Blog, not daily, however I do try a couple of times a week...

    Ant was dating a man named Richard, they would make vblogs together often, so in watching these blogs, you got to know Ant as well as Richard. They broke up several months ago. Ant was so upset by the break up as I think Ant was looking for long term and it seemed Richard was not willing to commit 100%.

    These last few months Ant would talk about a friend being ill, however he never mentioned a name.

    Today Ant posted on his blog that Richard had passed, he was the one that was so ill, he was 46yrs old.
    So young, So sad.. I think he was a playwright. Ant has not said what his illness was, however it does not really matter.

    But I could not help but think!

    Did Richard know he was sick and did not commit to Ant because he knew and he was trying to protect Ant from a sure heartbreak? Or Perhaps he did not want to burden Ant with the mental and physical toll of taking care of him...

    I do know this from looking at those videos, you could see the love they had for each other.

    Just so sad..

  43. My post up there..

    "Everything happens for a reason"

    Reminded me of ♥♥Lovey♥♥


  44. Happy WEdnesday!!

    I've been MIA - and still have SO much catching up to do..

    cpgem - great blog today -

    waving howdy to all!!!

    I hope everyone is well......

    and having an excellent day!!

  45. Well, everything happens for a reason and there was definitely a reason to come to this amazing blog...especially today! I am having a day of still trying to get better and a rather low energy working day. The beautiful stories of moments that mattered, are incredible and have been truly motivating and inspiring!

    Lani and made me cry and you made my day. Thank you so much for your kind words about what I do. But I feel like I am blessed to work with the students that I work with. They deal with so much everyday yet are so strong and so resilient. The pain that a few of them live with brings me to my knees. Their spirit and sense of joy in the things that I often take for granted is a lesson in itself and humbles me daily!

    The way I came into my current job was synchronistic in itself. And was because of one wee boy named Thomas (who I have written about here on the blog) who I went to a meet to become his Intervenor and I didn't know what that was and I was nervous about finding out what that entailed and who this little boy with soooo many issues was. Meeting him, changed the direction my life was going. What has come from that one little meeting, blows me away when I think about it!!!

    Thank you Carol for another very thought provoking blog!!!!

  46. Scirish: Congrats on first!

    Carol: Great blog! I can think of a few days that changed my life. Some very suddenly and some gradually.

    I have walked 8,839 steps and am down 43 lbs now! woo hoo! I hope everyone has a great night!

  47. scirish Congrats on #1, again! LOL

    Carol Thank you for another great blog. We probably encounter many crossroads in the journey of life, some more dramatic than others. Like Goldie I used to be in a very abusive relationship which I wrote about in the earlier days of this blog. There was definitely a very life defining moment that happened back then, a life or death moment.

    Right now I need to go to the grocery store and make a life changing decision on if I should get some more Hershey's Kisses or not. :)

  48. Good evening, owls! I don't know about you all, but I'm tired tonight!!

    DonnaJean, I did see your Area 51 comment--thanks so much for the support. He'd better learn from this! He's a good boy and I know that.

    Whabbear, do not go there!! LOL That's funny that you thought of that--and yes, thankfully he's not in THAT kind of trouble.

    Tinka, thank you. Yes, I forgive him. I have a hard time staying angry at my kids. I know they're going to make mistakes. I did, too. By the way, LOVE your Christmas page!!

    Outatuune, loved your hubby-meeting story! So sweet!

    Carol, yes, that's a law here, too. I don't know if it's in every state but I'm betting it is.

    Lani, that's so sweet what you wrote about VIG.

    VIG, you are special. It's so easy to feel your kind heart right through the blog/myspace.

    Bebbi, you go girl!!

    J/L, buy the Hershey Kisses!!

  49. Lani, I'm sure all the animals at your vet feel blessed that you landed at their doorstep through divine idiot intervention.

  50. Scirish congrats on 1st!

    Good evening Zona, Lynn D, Tinka, Goldie, Sandie, Whabbear, Dreama, Outatuune, Donna Jean, Tina, Lani, Carol, Just Lin, Mek, Vig and Bebbi.

    Interesting blog Carol. I don't believe I've had any life changing moments in my life. I guess if I have to think about it then the answer should really be I haven't had any life changing moments in my life not "I don't believe I...". It shouldn't be something you have to think about.

  51. Hi Shirley!! I've been thinking about you!

    I'm off for the night. I'm not exactly sure what I did today that has made me so tired, but I am! I'm going to watch my shows and go to bed.

    Goodnight, dear owls!

  52. Hi everyone! I have been at precarious crossroads in my many "tender" years. I look back and think, "man what if I had chosen the other path?". The chain of events would have been so different! Even my bad first marriage produced my two wonderful sons. I would have never met my present Mr Mary.
    If I had never left my home town and married a local boy who had a crush on me.... Would he he still be alive today? He was drafted in the Army and died in Vietnam a hero. If we had married and had kids, he wouldn't have been drafted. Would others have died instead of him? You can see how life can have so many twists and turns. Someday I will write a blog about "Bernie". I looked him up on the "Wall" in Washington D.C. I hope to go there some day.

  53. OUTATUNNE, yours is truly a marriage made in heaven. How romantic.

    SCIRISH, I hope you have a good nights sleep tonight.

    ZONA, you are absolutely making sense.

    TINK, your home always sounds so inviting. Yours is literally a day "dream" come true.

    GOLDIE, yours is another romantic story. The most wonderful part is that he fell in love with your son 1st. WOW

    BEAR, Isn't the Bay Area the Best!
    When you used the word "straight" it reminded me of the day my brother and I were driving up to Petaluma and I asked him at some point if I should go "straight" He said, no, we go gaily forward.

    DREAMA, that is the key.....without being afraid.

    DONNA JEAN, you are truly a living testimonial for living in faith.

    TINA, Not a freaking mess!!

    SLIN, thanks so much for mentioning Hershey kisses. It changed my immediate life due to the fact I was sitting at my computer and read your words which compelled me to rise and go into the kitchen and grab a snickers bar. Thanks a lot!

    I have a good feeling that the SF court will overturn prop8.

  54. SHIRLEY, where are you?

    Is the first one on the blog tomorrow going to set up Shirley's birthday party?

  55. J/L:
    Def get the Hershey's Kisses!


  56. Mary:
    Wow, Yes, Life takes you journeys, and then the what if's make all sense. I am sorry to hear of the passing of Bernie, he died fighting for our Country. He is a hero.

    Thanks very much for sharing...

  57. Goldie:
    I meant to say this earlier and forgot, what a great thing Mr. Goldie did.. So very special..

    Kudos to him.. and of course to you for protecting your son as well as yourself...

  58. Hmmm...Is it Shirley's b'day tomorrow..


  59. do you even know you got 69?????

    how sad~ :)~

  60. J/L:
    And you needed to do what you had to do, for yourself and your children.

    We must fight at times, for ourselves.

    Many Smiles


  61. J/L:

    Send me some of those Hershey's Kisses, I need a chocolate fix.

  62. Zona:
    Its destiny! I so believe that!

  63. Tina!

    I did not see ya!

    Ha! No I was not paying attention I was in writing mode...

    Now, If I was in crackwhore mode, I would have surely knew I got 69..


  64. MARY, I am glad you have Mr. Mary. Reading your story it is very apparent to me you have a most thoughtful outlook on life.

  65. TINA, You are quite the little voyeur!

  66. HERSHEY KISSES FOR EVERYONE!!!! Help yourselves! :)

    Carol Thank you.

    Lani LOL @ go gaily forward.

    Sandie LOL @ devine idiot intervention.

    outatuune and Goldie I forgot to say how special your love stories are. *sigh*

  67. Just wanted to say HI, HooterPals! I've tried a couple times to put together a coherent comment, but The Cold From Hell that kicked my butt last night seems to have totally fried my brain today.

    Carol~~For reasons I may (or not) be able to explain another day, I got chills--and NOT from this bug--when I saw your blog topic, today of all days. For now, I'll just say that someone I long ago thought WAS my lifelong soulmate contacted me last week, and left a message again today that he'll be in town tomorrow, and wants to get together. The wise old lady that I am would love nothing more, but just hearing that voice again I know I'd be just a puddle of long pent-up emotions of love and loss. Don't think I can do it. How sad is that?

    SO....IMHO, it's never just ONE day. It's how we react to what life delivers on oh, so many different occasions that charts our future.

    This may become a deleted comment...I'm having a hard time pushing the 'Publish' button through some tears. Blame it on the cold meds.

  68. Dear Bon, I am sorry you are going through emotional and physical turmoil. It is interesting why it happened at once.

  69. Bono, so glad you decided to post. This little 'ole nest is pretty cathartic. I have been in you place before. I made the decision not to stir my pot of emotions. After a few thoughtful weeks, I was glad of the choice I made. You will make the right decision for yourself I'm sure.

    Whabby~Can you even imagine not taking the path you did? You would not have met your sweet Jim and I would have never met sweet Whabbear!!

    Carol & Lani Muah!!

  70. BonO Thank you for sharing that with us. I'm so sorry that you are going through emotional pain. It is interesting how this came up at the same time that you got sick. Maybe the universe is telling you something. Or maybe life just wanted to give you an excuse to step back and think things over. (((HUGS()))

  71. sandie, Thank you for your words. And, thank you for your vote! Pretty darn good conclusion:)

  72. Carol,

    I think this blog needs to be nominated for a blog away.

    Your words sang to me in the sweetest cadance.

  73. Wow, I have truly, truly have enjoyed reading everyone's stories today. They were amazing and joyful.

    Thank you!

  74. Hello Everyone!

    It was a long morning and afternoon for me, and for some reason, Laurie's Respite worker called me and said she was taking another friend of Laurie's today to have her nails done, and would I like Laurie to go too.

    Oh my! I was trying to fit in a pedicure for Laurie before next week, (for those of you who may not know, but this is very important, as Laurie will NOT let me touch her toes), and they will also go for a quick dinner.

    I hope this doesn't sound petty, but this just was so wonderful. I needed a bit more "free" time, and it is one less thing I have to schedule before next week, plus Laurie is having fun with her friends, not just always me.

    VIG and I have talked back & forth a few times on the Nest, and I so agree she is an amazing person! She gives of herself so unselfishly, and those she works with and helps so reap what this wonderful woman does!

    OUTATUNE~ I agree, what a romantic and fantastic outcome you had with Yummy Hubby! I am so very glad I had the privilege to meet you both last summer at EBJ's & SSL's BABBQ! I felt like we all just connected that day, like we knew each other forever! Amazing what this Blog can accomplish, and safely. I would LOVE to see the pictures of your trip to New York, and your Cruise. Since I don't have MySpace, would it be too much to ask if you emailed me the link to the pictures? Thank you!

    LANI~ I loved your story about finding your perfect job at the Vet Hospital! It was just meant to be. After my husbad died, I could not work for several years, due to Laurie's health issues. Thank goodness for Life Insurance!

    But, finally came the time when I needed to go back to work, and sort of like you, I found work through the oddest of situations!

    I firmly believe that what is meant to be, is meant to be.

    So, my dear Owls, the time has come AGAIN (after I thought I was retired), that I must look for part-time work. (DAMN ECONOMY)!

    It has been three years since I worked for a major Real Estate Company. And I do not have an up to date Resume', and really don't know how to do one for this new day and age.

    I am scared, nervous, and don't think anyone wants a 58 yr old woman manning their front desk! I think they would prefer a young, cute 20 something.

    On the other hand, I am very good at Front Desk work. I have a good memory for names, and I am very accomplished on phones. Seriously, I do love being a Receptionist. Many do not, but I do love to meet new people, and help them.

    Oh my! I started writing this post over an hour ago, and had to leave to tend to some things!

    I don't know who has posted after I started this comment, I will try to get back and read all of your posts!

    I have never been so busy and moving all over the house since Olive has come! I seem to want to keep moving, because the more I move, Olive moves, and I am trying so hard to keep this little girl awake, so she will sleep all night!

    She is adjusting to being crated at night, and she is fine at first, but the past couple of nights, she wakes up at 4:30 am, and I can hear her making noises and scratching. I talked to the Shelter today, and had a great lady give me more advice. Actually, TINKA gave me the almost same advice, and hers was terrific! Thank you, MISS PINK TINK, you will definitely be my "go to" lady for advice!
    Many XOXOXO

    I am so sorry for keeping talking about Olive! I feel like a new Mother with a baby, and I don't know exactly what to do! Many things I do know, and I am trying, but, I still have so many questions! I so can't wait for our Manners/Obedience classes to start, first week of December.

    Well, since I started this comment at least an hour ago, and haven't had any time to myself, (which was the whole point of Laurie going with a Respite Worker) I think I will go into the other room, get off this adddicting computer for a while, and try to have an hour of peace and quiet. (I doubt this will happen)

    Oh, I just heard that the California Supreme Court is going to hear arguments from both sides regarding PROP 8, and if it was even legal to have this Prop on the Ballot!(WHABBEAR, HELP ME, IF I AM WRONG!)

    I sure hope I heard right. Please don't quote me, I need to go listen to the news to make sure!

    OK, it is now officially 2 hours since I started this post!! So many things interrupted me!

    Do any of you also experience this difficulty in getting a post actually posted??

    Right when I was about to hit send, Laurie came home, and then one thing lead to another. You all understand that, I hope.

    Well, if anyone is still up on the East Coast, Hi and Sweet Dreams!

    And for those on the West Coast, have a great evening.

    I feel like I have a second wind, and I don't know why! I just have a feeling though, that I am going to crash in about an hour!

    Thank God for DVR! I have so many shows taped to watch, maybe this Saturday and Sunday will be a "STAY AT HOME WEEKEND, AND WATCH ALL YOUR TAPED SHOWS" weekend!

    Seriously, this is it for awhile tonight!

    Peace and Love to All,
    NO ON H8!
    Donna Jean and family!

  75. Lani, Mary & Lin~~Thanks much for the verbal hugs.We can never have too many of those! The 'bug' will pass and the contact from the past is always welcome...didn't mean to over-dramatize it. Guess I'm just a bit predisposed to melancholy today, missing mom on her birthday.

    Just to lighten it a bit, my frustration was with the mental imagery I had of myself today thinking about a 'reunion'....You know how when you come home to a puppy after being away on a trip, and they're so happy to see you, they circle your ankles and pee on your feet? LOL, yeah that's the image!

  76. Bon:
    Its actually not sad at all, if you feel in your heart that this once thought of soul mate would only make you hurt more. Then I agree, you are better not to see him.

    See, its all about the heart and what it can handle, sometimes it is good to see a long lost love, because at times you know then at that meeting that it could have never been and your heart is ok.
    That all along it was the memories that kept the heart beating.

    But, if your heart is to heavy and you know the hurt, well then, there would be no reason to bring the hurt front and center, as sometimes the hurt needs to burrow in the heart along with the memories.

    I share this with you, as I know how you feel, this is one of the reasons I started to blog. As I have a missing piece as well.. It might me a different scenario as yours but just the same.


  77. Donna Jean:
    Your post, I felt like I was there with ya as you took your breaks...


    Love the new pic...


  78. BonO Are your memories of this Ex bittersweet then? BTW, I cannot imagine you as the peeing puppy. LOL

  79. J/L~ i didn't realize we were supposed to change our avatars to who we want to sleep with! :)~

  80. oh shit, carol....did Mo get knocked up?

    I just made a a mug....MIL sent me the recipe....kinda weird/cool all at the same time~

  81. Tina:
    Well, perhaps she did and still is because I have not seen her in the nest lately...


  82. Tina I brought Kisses by popular request.

  83. A cake in a mug... there is something that is just kinda wrong about that....

    Do you drink it?

  84. put it in the microwave for 3 minutes and it "bakes"...rather interesting~

  85. Hi Tina!!

    Carol, you just did the 69er in reverse ah was it good for you lol!!

  86. Oh, how fun...

    Just like the easy bake oven!

    Do you use a spoon or a fork?

  87. Mary:
    I am out of practice, I am still in writing mode....

    I really need my crackwhore fix...


  88. DonnaJ~ I didn't mean to ignore you!. I too felt like I was there with you. It was cute the way you wrote in your own "time zone" lol!
    I am so glad I met you. Have a restful night.

  89. hi mare-mare~ how's tricks?

    Carol~ everything about me is easy~ :D fork baby~

  90. Ok, all you lovely peeps...

    I am off to bed....

    If mo comes by, ask her if she wants a baby shower here on the nest..

    Hmmm. I think its officially Shirley's B'Day here on the east coast....

    Happy, Happy Birthday Dear Shirley.. You are one special owl!


  91. See Tina, I am jealous, I want to be easy to... Can you teach me...

    And btw, I prefer a spoon, it just has a different feel to it...


  92. I used to have a recipe for baking brownies in ice cream cones (not the pointy kind). You'd stand the cones in a cupcake tin, fill with batter and bake. Very cute.

  93. Bon'O: Wow! Hugs to you tonight! While reading your post, my thoughts turned inexorably to... custard!

    Caryn: Fantastic story! You and Paul are both lucky people!

  94. Hey CAROL...I'm still alive and kicking!! And NOOOO, I am not knocked up! I think that ship has taken a different course! And besides, if I was it would be another immaculate conception! I am also pretty sure Bob is sterile ;)~

    TINAinutahorwhereverinthehellyouare...Hey ya crackwhore! How ya doing?

    SHIRLEY...HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to my favorite tart! I wish you only wonderful and happy things. I hope the sun shines bright on your special day.

    GOLDIE...I cried at your love story. Mr. Goldie is as blessed to have found you and your son as you are to have found him.

    OUTATUNE...That was a great story. I am glad you were bored that Saturday night.


    If BIRDEE offers you soup...just say NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

    CAROL...about todays blog...I am thinking that everyday is an altering day. You have at least 2 choices with every decision we make each day. We know how the day turns out because of the choice we made, but we have no idea what would have happened had we opted another way. What the hell am I talking about?????? LOL

  95. Happy Birthday, Shirley~

    Mo ya ho~ how ya?

    Carol~ don't worry, honey....ur already easy~ :D

  96. Bear~~Thanks, Sir...and funny you should mention it. That's exactly what I told J/L last week!

  97. btw, Bear, this is the same 'custard-equiv.' about whom I posted the sappy poem from 20-or-so-years ago on MS back in June. Talk about melodrama!

  98. Hi Mo, hi whabbear!!!

    Happy Birthday Shirley!!!

    I am heading to bed.
    Tomorrow is my Niece's (Raquel) open house at her school (cosmetology). She passed all her tests and gets to start working on reg. clients. I am taking her out to dinner to celebrate.

  99. Mary Woo Hoo! A cosmetologist in the family. Lucky you! I think that goes with yesterday's blog about cost-cutting. :)

  100. JustLynn~ I think I will let her practice for a while lol!!

  101. Just_Lin, sorry I keep spelling your name wrong!

  102. Mary That's okay. I still answer to it. :)

  103. Ok, I really have to get to bed. Good luck to me, Mr Mary is sawing some serious logs!!!!!

  104. Mary: Congrats to Raquel!!

    Have fun at dinner tomorrow night!

    Bon'O: I remember your poem!

  105. The SF court will hear prop 8 next March.


    CAROL - Great blog!! Just didn't have the time to really stop in yesterday. I know a day that forever changed my life. Come to think of really is a HO moment!!! I never imagined that the hot guy that I picked up on a Sunday afternoon at a country bar in 1987 would become the love of my life!!! I used to tease my Mom that my one night stand turned into the love of my life....BUT IT'S TRUE!!! I couldn't imagine my life without this man, or the family that we have made together.

    I hope everyone has a great Thursday. I probably won't have time to stop in later.....I have to work today, then I am taking Sam and her friend Anna to the 12:02 am showing of Twilight!!!

    ITEACH - You made me giggle....can't wait for that hug!!!

    ZONA - Dropping off Glazer Donuts and chocolate milk for you this morning!!! I hope Angel enjoys all his belated b'day greetings!!! :P


    What a bunch of great stories! Thank you all for sharing. Excellent post Carol! I hope your morning is less craptastic than yesterday. :)

    OUTATUNE, such a romantical one you are. I loved your story.

    Whabbear, all I want to know is, are you secure enough in your sexuality to drink Tang?

    Goldie, a fella who falls for the kid first is a keeper. :)

    Bon'o, I hope you feel better soon. I say, meet up. Get it out of your system, and if he is a jerk, sneeze on him.

    Bebbi, 43 is awesome! Congratulations!

    Jodi, my girl wants to see Twillight too. Never would have thought she'd be interested in a vampire movie! Have fun! So what happened with the girl's night out. Details!

    VIG, feel better!! P.S. I pick C, Divine bumbling intervention.

    Zona, feel better!

    Dianne, feel better!

    Lani, I have a good feeling about it being overturned in March! Holding out hope. Those animals are lucky to have you.

    Donna Jean, that is a devastating story about your husband. So much to endure. I hope Laurie gets her pedi and has a little girl's night out fun. I know all too well about those long posts that can go on for hours.

    For me, defining moment... when I stop leaving the longest comment in history to go write an Emmy Award winning sketch. Here I go! :D

  108. I think I may be feeling a bit odd from the new meds, I don't want to read the comments now, because what would I do in the morning??? But, I wanted to say this blog has infiltrated, (in a good way) expanded and all that.... BUT did I get the right damn book when I ordered "The Fur Person" by May Sarton???? It actually is a neat book even if it's not the one I was supposed to get...I guess it feels weird cuz the librarians comment when I read "out of my genre". I didn't know I had one...

  109. i think there was supposed to be an "of" in there....and maybe 3 times a day is a bit much for this new stuff....

  110. ok..i did read a comment...and it was about the prop 8...I went to the protest in Northampton on Sat. It was pouring rain and I really didn't expect it to be much as MA has legalized marriage for everyone (I refuse to define it) and CT just did the same. I thought maybe I would just have to drive by and maybe sign a petition....It was soooo much more than that. My SO went with me, thinking we were going to a bead store (We did go there first...lame) Sooo as we are driving towards the protest...He asked me if I believe in "gay" marriage...I just looked at him...He did his own dissertation...about how ppl should have rights in medical situations ect...He carried a sign...I was just expecting him to park the car....

  111. K....I feel the need to babble...which is hard to do when you are a spelling freak...(joey...where are you?)

  112. Now that I said that......every rational thought in my brain went to sleep.....And most of the time I have so much to say....think...feel...I am such an word...

    I may want to stop whilst ahead

  113. There are so many interesting things to do in life...Great Wall of China is one of my personal favorites....Also the Burning Man in the desert...What an be able to GO....survive and song that mimics in a very small way...

  114. naw..guess not "the burning man"'s better than the video....i guess the song is me...i feel "broken" i would like not to
