
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Time Dilation and Space Compression #9

by Whabby

Well here we are, owls: The penultimate time dilation blog! This week we’re going to feast on some of the implications of the effect, such as the solution to last Wednesday’s conundrum. Before we get to that, though, I want to take care of an important piece of unfinished business. I want to be sure you understand that time dilation is all-encompassing: it occurs for any and all events on board Shirley, not just the movement of the light pulse up and down Shirley’s shaft.

What is an “event”, when you really think about it? My definition is pretty simple: An event is anything that has a beginning and an end, and takes a measurable amount of time to occur. What about when an event happens in a frame of reference that’s moving relative to you (like an event onboard Shirley)? We’ve discovered that, during the time that separates the beginning of the event from its end, the moving object covers a greater distance in your frame of reference than it does in its own frame of reference. Shirley is moving at the same finite speed in both frames of reference (in both cases, she covers exactly the same distance per unit of time). Therefore, the only way that she can possibly cover more space for the stationary observer (you) than for an observer (naked George) onboard is for the event in question to take more time.

To further appreciate this point, let’s return to last week’s version of the thought experiment. Shirley was revved up to very close to the speed of light, and the critical event (that light flash traveling up and down her shaft) took almost 13 minutes (as measured by you). Now, suppose you and naked George decide to do something completely different for a change than tracking a light flash. George proceeds to stand up (still erect, of course) with a baseball in his hand. At just the point where Shirley passes over you, traveling at that same 299,999 kilometers per second, George throws the baseball straight up in the air, with just enough force that it travels upwards for 1 second, and back down to his hand for one second.

Suppose also that you have a closed-circuit television that lets you watch the baseball go up and down. What would you see? Well, a television signal is a form of light, so it travels at 300,000 kilometers per second. Since the television signal is beaming directly from the floor of the spacecraft to your television set, what you see is determined by how far the signal has to travel, which, in turn, is dependent on how far away Shirley is when the images that make up the view on your television are emitted (typically, about 120 images are created every second). We saw last week that in two seconds, extra space is being created at a furious rate by Shirley’s high speed (the distance along Line B is stretching out quickly). This means that each successive television image of the baseball is traveling a longer and longer distance, which means a successively longer delay between when the onboard television camera records the image of the baseball, and when you see that image on your screen. The net result is that you would start to see the ball moving very slowly upwards, like your television was showing film of the event in slow motion, and as time continued to pass, the movement of the ball would slow down more and more, until it became imperceptible.

The baseball wouldn’t stop moving entirely, though, and if you took a break and went to the bathroom, when you came back you would see that the ball had moved. 13 minutes after George released the baseball, you would finally see it return to George’s hand, and his new throwing event would be over.

Actually, you could take a lot of breaks from watching your television in 13 minutes. You could go to the bathroom, have a brief conversation with your neighbor, perhaps watch the entire Kentucky Derby if it happened to be on, and even read an Owl’s Nest blog. Meanwhile, George would have no time to do any of these things; he would be fully occupied with throwing the ball up and catching it right away. All his concentration would be on that one very short event, and he’d have no time to do anything else. A text from him might say something like: “I was really rushed! I just barely had time to throw the ball up before I had to catch it again”.

Not so for you, and not so for everyone sharing your frame of reference (which is everybody else on the Earth). Imagine all the things that happen across the world in 13 minutes. Thousands of people die; thousands more are born; thousands exchange wedding vows; thousands get notices of a hiring or a firing; and there’s a distinct possibility that a big natural disaster like an earthquake occurs (and the first reports about it came in on CNN). In short, a busy little chunk of everyday life, full of scores of individual events, passes by.

What would happen if you didn’t stop Shirley from traveling at 299,999 kilometers per second after the two seconds it took for George to complete the ball-throwing task (or the light pulse measurement task)? That is, what would happen if you just let Shirley continue moving at the same speed for, say, two weeks of ship time? You would just go about your normal daily activities during that period, and so would George onboard. But, what would your texts to each other look like at the end of the two weeks?

Remember, when you and George were doing the light-pulse measurement, it was taking about 775 seconds for you to see the light pulse return to Shirley’s floor, versus a paltry two seconds for him. For every second of time that was passing for George, approximately 387 seconds were passing for you. That same multiplier works for any time scale. Thus, while only two weeks of time pass for George, 775 weeks of your life unfold.

But 775 weeks is almost 15 years! At the end of George’s two weeks, if you could exchange photos along with your text messages, he would look identical to what he did before; nobody ages noticeably in only two weeks! But you… you would look noticeably older; depending on how well he knew you, George might even have trouble recognizing you for a moment. And imagine all the pages and pages of news you could put in your text message to him, with 15 years worth of your life to draw from!

If we extended Shirley’s trip a little longer, to say a month, almost 30 years of your life would pass. Again, George would not have aged at all, not really, but there’d be a nontrivial possibility that you would have grown old enough to die. And in fact, if you cranked Shirley up even more, to faster than 299,999 kilometers per second, the time dilation would grow so extreme that in the month George spent on board Shirley, many thousands of years would pass here on Earth.

In just one short month, George could transport himself far, far into our future. Shirley would have become a very effective time machine.

I told you time dilation was a really freaky phenomenon, didn’t I? But there’s one last aspect to it – the answer to last week’s paradox – that may rank as the freakiest of all. Let’s go back to our standard thought experiment with the light pulse. Remember from last Wednesday’s blog that, from George’s point of view, in the two seconds it took for the light pulse to go up and down her cylinder, Shirley had traveled exactly 599,998 kilometers down the line? That’s not a trivial amount, granted; it’s about 1.5 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon. But it is trivial from your point of view, because for you, Shirley traveled 236 million kilometers, about a third of the way to the planet Jupiter! By virtue of traveling so far, she and George could well have collided with an asteroid, ending both the time measurement experiment and George’s life. Meanwhile, from George’s perspective, nothing of the sort would have happened.

One afternoon this spring, while pondering this conundrum during my afternoon run on Stevens’ Creek trail, I had an “aha” experience, and the last piece of the time dilation puzzle finally fell into place for me. The light pulse moving up and down the shaft of Shirley is the same event for you and George; therefore, it has to have the same history in both frames of reference. So how do we get around the “asteroid collision” paradox? There’s only one way. The light pulse has to be at the identical location in the solar system at every point along its journey to the top of Shirley, and back down to her bottom, for both you and George. That way, if George and Shirley meet with their doom along the way, they do so both in your frame of reference, and in George’s.

Let’s assume George and Shirley have the good fortune to avoid all asteroids, and the light pulse reaches the floor of Shirley’s shaft quite safely. The speed of light is constant, so according to Shirley’s odometer, she has to have moved exactly 599,998 kilometers to your right when the light flash reaches the floor. The only way to reconcile that fact with Shirley being all the way out in the asteroid belt is if, from George’s point of view, space itself gets compressed – literally, scrunched - in the direction of Shirley’s movement. And that is the simple, but astonishing truth, owls: space actually shrinks along that direction of motion, by exactly the same factor as George’s time expands for you. In other words, when Shirley is traveling at 299,999 kilometers per second, everything in her path, including that final destination out in the asteroid belt, becomes 387 times closer than it is for you here on Earth. That’s why, from George’s perspective, it only takes two seconds to reach it!

We just saw that if you were part of a frame of reference that moves at a sufficiently high rate of speed relative to the Earth, you would become a time traveler, able to take a very short trip and yet return to Earth years in the future. Spatial compression is the amazing flip side to this; it means that, within your lifetime, you could travel to very remote destinations in the universe, including other stars and even other galaxies, which to us on Earth are so far away as to be forever beyond our reach.

Even though this is mind-boggling stuff to me, you may have one final “so what” reaction. You could argue that it’s totally absurd to have gone to all the trouble of exploring and explaining a phenomenon that never actually happens, because nothing actually ever goes that fast. But you know what? Actually, some things in the universe do move at close to the speed of light! What those things are is the topic of next week’s final blog.


  1. yippee!!! I need to go get a tankard of cawfee and read the blog now..

  2. WoW! Bear.....I totally agree with you! I just can't believe it! (does that sound like I understood it?) :D

    Congrats on first, Scirish~

  3. Good morning, Scrish & Tina! Great blog, Whab! My brain says, "no way" because it wonders why anyone would want to live "forever" aboard a spacecraft. I know. Nothing at all to do with it. Try telling my brain.

  4. Morning Glories!

    Yipeeee! Scrishy got first again!!! Love that!

    Whabby first of all you have George playing baseball with me???? NOT!

    The only thing that would move at the speed of light would be the orgasm I would have if George moved his totally erect status towards me.

    Baseball? Really Baseball?

  5. Well crap Bear~ I understood that....very very interesting~ Next week, could you liken it to NASCAR? :D

    Good Morning Bonachichi and LynnD~

    LynnD~ Why are you having my orgasm?~ ija~

  6. If anyone finds my brain, could they send it back? I believe it escaped and took a ride on some spaceship...

  7. scirish~ Was it a long ride or a really short one?~

  8. Happy Whabby Wednesday!!!!


    Happy first Scirish!!!!

    Morning Tina, Scirish, Bonacci!!!!

    Overload on !!!! Fun!!! Again!!!


  9. Scirish..

    My brain is on the spaceship with yours.. Fun!!!!!

  10. Lynn!!! forgot to say Good Morning!!!


  11. Lynn!!!

    OMG!!! Porn in the AM!!!


  12. FYI, I am in a exclamation kinda mood..

  13. Dianne..

    Area 51, saw your comment, totally understood.. can't your hubby work in the garage? Don't you have a great comfy chair out there?

    Here is a smile just for you :O)

  14. Bonacci..

    Area 51.. thats the thing with words, sometimes you don't fully understand them until you read them back. I agree, when writing the blog, approval was certainly not what you were looking for, it was just a way to get your thoughts out. However in our hearts of hearts, it will always help seeing it thru other ppl, and perhaps validating our decisions.

  15. Bonacci..

    I can certainly live with George Clooney on a spaceship and I know Tina can.

    Now if it was Woody Allen, no way Jose!!!!!!

  16. And Zona can certainly live with Huge Grant!!!!!

  17. Good Morning Hooters! congrats on 1st scrishy!!!

    Carol! LOL @ your last post- hope the *hic*ups* go away soon!

    Whabby you lost me some weeks ago so I am just going to glide over the text and let the brains on here figure it all out. :)

    If my computer experience so far this morning (damn f**** piece of sh**) is any indication of how my day is going to go--- it is going to be a loooooooong one!

    I got quote of the day- mark that down please Shirley.

  18. Is it me or does "Dilation" have some kind of porn ring to it???

  19. G'morning!!

    SCIRISH: Yep..FIRST! Congrats!

    CAROL: !!!!!Huge Grant!!!!! :D

    GOLDIE: I think I'm about to have the same type of day..we had a t-storm and the paper got soaked, power went out, internet went down..and it's only 730! Can't wait to see what else happens today! Actually, with that kind of morning so far, hopefully there's nowhere to go but up! :D

    LYNN: Just from him moving towards ;)

    TINA: Actually, NASCAR might not be a bad idea...

    BONACHI: I read your blog this morning and although I have no children of my own..I've seen my friends' and familys' perfectly angelic children change drastically when they hit their teen years. Some take longer than others to calm down and realize what they are doing to their lives and others..but sooner or later they have all come around. Hang in there.

    Off to read BEAR's blog..

  20. BEAR: Hey..I got it! Most of that made sense to me, well not the math part so much..but I really kinda got the rest of it! It's like a Star Trek or Star Wars movie..only it's real...verrry cool! :D in that spaceship has to be the best..ijs.. ;)

  21. Good morning!

    Seems like Bear is sending us subliminal messages. Erect, shaft, dilation, does it REALLY have something to do with the speed of light??? Or are we getting suggestions of porn?? hmmmm????

    Congrats on 1st again Scirishy!

    Have a nice day everyone!

  22. Scrishy: Congrats!

    Lynn D: Uh huh, and just what base would you like to get to? Oh, wait... I think you answered that!

    Tina: Why, yes! ;)

    And... hmmm... NASCAR. I could work out the time dilation between you and the cars!

    Yeah, Zona! That's really a big part of why I tackled this particular bit of knowledge, because it seems like science fiction, but isn't!

    Dianne: I read your post back in A51 too, and chuckled to myself. And then a quick shiver went down my spine because... Huz is going to retire in December of 2010. How much more time are we going to be spending together then than we do now? LOL!

  23. EBJ: Ya gotta give 'em what they want! LOL!

  24. Well look at that! Carol got the first Fuck of the day~ :)~

  25. OMG!!!!I just got new boots from Zappo's. They are the BearPaw brand and oh so comfy and CUTE! They have the sheepskin lining so you can wear them without socks and all year (if you, for some reason want to wear boots in the summer)like Ugg's but half the price!! And did I mention cute?

  26. Whab, I wondered this last week but decided to wait and see... You are very specific about the spaceship traveling just under C. In the blog you mentioned that the dilation would be magnified at C, but is there another reason for keeping it just below that speed? Does something magical happen at C?

  27. Scirish Congrats on #1 and also on the new boots. I don't have Uggs and have always wondered----don't they get a bit smelly never wearing socks with them?

    Bear That is totally cool! It really makes me think that there are so many things about "reality" that may not really be real. Does that make sense?

  28. Bon! LOVE LOVE LOVE that question, because it's something that I didn't include in the blogs, but is a really great, and important inquiry!

    And you have the tools to answer it! Remember all my blather about how the relative sizes of Line B and Line C matter so much to time dilation? Last week we found that, from Pythagoras, with Shirley moving at just a smidgen below C (the speed of light C, not the length of Line C, even though they're identical), the contribution of Line B to the ever lengthening Line A was just a smidgen below the contribution of Line C during the first second of the light pulse's journey. If you follow the math from last week, you'll know that it is this slight discrepancy that eventually allows the light pulse to reach the floor, even from your perspective on the Earth.

    But if Shirley was traveling just 1 km per second faster (C), then the contribution of Line B would exactly equal Line C right from the beginning. And that would mean that the cycles of space/time creation would settle into complete equilibrium: the extra distance covered by shirley in each cycle would be matched EXACTLY by the increase in distance along line A.

    And what would THAT mean? The light pulse would always have just as much additional distance to cover in the next cycle as it just covered in the previous cycle! Yes, from your perspective on the ground, the light pulse would stop making any forward progress up to the ceiling, and so it would never get back to the floor. George would measure the same 2 seconds for that to happen, but the time dilation would become infinite!!!!

  29. J/L: YES! Space and time are not absolutes when you compare them across two different frames of reference. And that is astounding (at least to me)!!

  30. Whab....I wish I could introduce you to my Father! You and he would have a blast. He was a test engineer for Boeing (something to do with missiles)...'nuff said.

  31. Just Lynn...Dunno....I have never heard anyone complain about that. The sheepskin is supposed to "wick away moisture"...We'll see! I'm just thrilled to find something as comfy as I'm very hard to fit.

  32. Area 51

    Mo...Thanks for asking, but my back is worse than ever. I got so frustrated at my last Dr. appt that I have done nothing they told me to do. I just need to mull it over. Something is happening with the muscles that is making me feel short of breath. All the breathing tests are fine so it has nothing to do with my lungs. But my ribcage also hurts like hell now and no one knows what to do! Bet you're sorry you asked :)

  33. yay yay yay yay!!!!!!

    My daddy can see!!! He had catarac surgery on his second eye yesterday and he can see!!! (I'm a little happy...can u tell?!)

    I wonder if he'll go looking for skunks~ :)~

  34. Just wondering... since there is no gravity in space, is George's penis always up?

  35. Scrish, broken ribs can cause shortness of breath as well as what feels like back pain.

    Whab, I'm so glad I asked! Everything's clicked! Thanks so much for helping me to not feel so stupid!

  36. Great news Tina!! The miracle of medicine, yes?

  37. yes Bonachichi~ and lol....i thought you wrote "Everythings dicked!" lq~

    Mo~ which way is up? As long as he's stiff!~ :D

  38. Scirish I'm hard to fit, too. I should check them out.

    Tina What great news about your dad! And that would be "cataract". Didn't we go through this before? LOL

  39. Scirish Have they ruled out muscle spasms? Muscles can tighten up enough to hurt your ribs. Actually, people can have a cough that is bad enough to end up breaking a rib.

  40. silly girl, of course I am NOT sorry I asked. I hope they can get you relief from your pain.

  41. Evening Owls

    Tina I am so happy for your Dad!

    I am popping in and asking for something I don't do very often but I really need owl support, whether that be prayers or positive thoughts, I will take anything.

    Mr. Lynn D is going through some serious bull shit in his work enviroment. It is long and complicated but lets just say we are talking about interviewing attorneys and it may end up in a whistle blower action. He has sent out his resume and is also actively looking for a new job as it has gotten so bad.

    So if you could please just help us ask for some divine guidance or just positive thoughts that we come through this fine and in one piece.

    Thank you all.

  42. don't have to ask twice. You and Mr. Lynn have my thoughts and prayers that everything works out in your favor.
    Love ya bunches. {{{HUGS}}}

  43. Tina..

    so happy for you.. YAY!!!!!


    LOL on looking for skunks.. actually

  44. Lynn..

    You will be in my every thought, all good wishes, positive thoughts and many smiles coming your way :O)

    I hope whatever is going on it will work out..


  45. Thank you Mo and Carol.

    It has been another exhausting day. Between the food bank and this other conundrum I am wiped. I am currently holding depression at bay but I can honestly say I don't know for how long. I am heading off to bed.

    Love you all

  46. Lynn don't let the depression win. Once it gets a grip on you it's hard to shake. I wish you and Mr. Lynn the best. (((((((HUGS)))))))

    I hope you don't mind me groping...I mean hugging your husband. :o)

  47. Carol your skunk story reminded me of a segment on Ellen's show once, called "What The Hell Where They Thinking?"

  48. Whabbear you have had me moving more in the last few weeks than I could ever have moved in my lifetime...but with George? Couldn't you have picked someone better looking than HIM?!

  49. (((Hugs))) to everyone who needs them.

    Oh Bonachichi I meant to comment on your blog too. Sorry you are having difficulties with your daughter. I don't have children...BUT...there is no excuse for disrespect. It looks like she will have to learn life lessons the hard way. ((HUGS)) to you too. Oh hell, (((HUGS))) for everyone! Good night!

  50. I guess I'm by myself, so good night Shirley. Sleep tight!

  51. lmbo shirley~ goodnight~

    J/L~ I knew I spelled it wrong....but when i'm at work, I don't care....not enuf time to look things up~

    Carol~ :)~

    LynnD~ Prayers for you and hubby~ I'll call my mom~ btw....i thought you said "I am just pooping in"....I really need to slow down and read~

  52. Hugs to Scrishy and Lynn D! LD, that does not sound good. :(

    Shirley: Wait! Hold on! I thought all the owls loved George!

    Bon: Your question was a smart one, not a stupid one!

  53. Hey hooters,

    Lynn I will keep good thoughts for Mr. Lynn and you. Big ((HUGS)) to you both.

    Shirley, you and George will be through after next week. I'm sure your shaft as well as George's will need some rest lol.

    Tina, I'm so happy for your dad! That's wonderful news! :)

    Scirishy thanx for the info about the boots, I am going to check them out. They sound cozy and comfy.

    Nite all!

  54. LynnD I'm sorry Mr. LynnD has found himself in such a tough position. I admire him for doing what is right. (((HUGS))), prayers, and positive thoughts being sent to you both.

    Shirley Sweet dreams and congrats on 69.

  55. scirish~ just took the kid to find shoes for Homecoming....saw the "bearpaw's" and thought of you....and bear~

    thanks for all the yay's for my dad~ I'm excited~

  56. I just noticed what time it was! I never even checked in today!

    Whabby I read your blog, you were way over my head again. It kinda scared me,cuz I almost understood it! LOL!!!

    Tina, I am so happy for your Dad! Good for him!

    LynnD,I too will keep you in my thoughts and prayers & hope for a good outcome. {{hugs}}

    Scirish, I went shopping for fall/winter shoes. I tried on some Uggs. I wanted to get them but the gal who waited on me is the one I always go to, told me they weren't made for Michigan winters. I guess snow is not the best on that type of boot. That surprised me!
    I hope you are feeling better soon.

  57. It seems the Night Owls aren't such night owls these days.

  58. J/L: I know! Remember the late night owl action that used to feature Tina, SacBarb, Turtle, and yourself?

    Ahhh, those were the good old days!

  59. Maybe we're getting old. :(

    Actually, it's probably more due to late night farming.

  60. I have a slight cold so I think I will call it a night. Sweet dreams.
