
Monday, May 10, 2010

Center for Women & Families Pegasus Parade 2010!

by Bebbi

As many of you know, I walked the Pegasus Parade for the Center for Women & Families on Thursday before coming to Chicago to meet all of you.  The Pegasus Parade is the official parade of the Kentucky Derby Festival. The Kentucky Derby Festival is the two weeks of activities that precede the Kentucky Derby on the First Saturday in May.  The Center decided this year to participate for the first time and I was fortunate enough to be able to volunteer!

The Center for Women and Families is Louisville’s shelter for anyone who may need an escape or safe haven from a domestic situation. Also, they help any victims of sexual violence.  They do so much good for the community.  I work as a hospital advocacy volunteer. I go to the hospital when someone needs to have a representative from the center to coordinate assistance and be a general support to the victim.

It was a really long day in the hot sun. I arrived at the Center at 1:00 and we didn’t hit the parade route until after 6 p.m.!  We were through by 7:30 or so. While we were waiting for our spot in the parade I was able to pet the dogs from the Humane Society and talk to a lot of people.

We had to do a short routine and I will admit I was not very good at it. We all had trouble though when we got in front of the cameras. The music started unexpectedly and we were all over the place..but not a single person cared. We all laughed about it on the way back to the Center.

While we were walking that parade almost all of us had a touching moment. – by either  a child pointing to us and telling their Mom..”look there’s the Center!”,   Or women holding up a fist and saying thank you, or whole sections of the crowd bursting out in a small roar when we went by.  This really made you realize how many lives the Center has touched. It was to say the least, inspiring!

The group consisted of a group of cheerleaders, volunteers and Center employees. Many of the Center employees said they saw people that had been through the Center. After the parade, the Center Director said thank you and we basked in the true happiness we felt.  I am so glad I did it and would do it again in a minute!

Have you or any of your family ever walked in a parade?


  1. Bebbi~ that is so cool....especially to see all the people that ya'll have helped~ The only parade I've been in is the St. Paddy's Day parade in SLC. That's a lot of fun and the kids really like it~ My sister was in the Rose Parade one year and I spent the night there to watch her. That was cool, too~

  2. Morning Glories!

    Tina you a beautiful again this morning!

    Bebbi that is so fantastic. Great volunteer job. We have a center for women here and if I was not doing the food bank I think I would put my energy into these programs. They do such amazing work.

    I have been in parades here for the food bank and when I was a kid I was on a drill team. They sure had you guys waiting a long time to line up for the route.

    Thank you for your service to your community. If it weren't for volunteers I some times wonder how most communities would survive.

  3. Good morning pretty TINA!!

    I have been in countless parades. I started when I was about 7. I took baton lessons and our little group always performed in our Summerfest parade. Then I was in marching band. We always marched in our parade and any other town we were competing at. At one time I worked for one of the banks in town and we always walked in our parade. Then there are the parades that we have had the horses in. Total fun riding in a buggy or a covered wagon.

    BEBBI - How fun for you!! And it's great that you "felt the love" from all the lives that the Center has touched!!

    Today is my true Mother's Day. I have the house to myself!! So on that note, I'm going to lay back down and enjoy the peace and quiet ♥

  4. LYNN!! You and I were typing at the same time. Hope you have a great day!!

  5. Tina: So pretty! And was a fun day. :) I bet that was amazing to be in the Rose Parade! Wow! What did you do int he St. Paddy's parade?

  6. Good Morning!

    BEBBI: I think it's wonderful that you are involved in helping a women's shelter..what a worthy cause! I've never walked in a parade..I have walked many times for the March of Dimes. I always thought I was in such good shape for these things..not so much. I'd really be hurting the next day..but it was so worth it just to be able to help.

    Your blog has inspired me today BEBBI..I am going to finally gather up all of my mom's clothes and get them ready to donate to out local women's shelter. I've waited way too long to do this..I know now that it's time.

    TINA: are a vision of loveliness at FIRST today! :D

    Hi LYNN! Hi JODI!

  7. LynnD: I think what you do is fantastic. My daughter was a big volunteer in "Dare to Care" for several years and it was very rewarding for her. She helped pack the backpacks and that program means a lot to her. I still can't remember the name of the celebrity that is so big into helping with that. But, she came to Louisville to promote it. What you do is so important because it is the basic sustenance that maintains lives!

  8. Good morning Zona and Jodi, I will comment more later...hope your day is great!

  9. Bebbi, I enjoyed your blog, but something more came to mine.... This, our quiet Bebbi? Writing blogs? Give yourself a pat on the back for coming out and expressing yourself! You're such a great gal and to hear of the wonderful lfe you lead is a real treat for the rest of us...

    Oh, and thank you for taking me shopping the day of your parade!

    I have to get ready for work. That, right... work. As in your 8-5 (or in my case, 8-9 or 10) work. I'll check in when I can, but otherwise, have a wonderful morning, Night Owls!!

  10. Zona: I like to do the walks too. I have done them for breast cancer and juvenile diabetes. My daughter did them for Dare to Care but she didn't walk, she mained the table and handed out tshirts. March of Dimes is a good organization. They have been around so long. I have donated to them in the past. :) That's awesome that you are going to gather your stuff for the shelter.
    One time when I went on a run the lady who was raped didn't have anything but the clothes on her back. The center had bagged up different sizes with everything (pants, shirts, socks, shoes, etc)..and they handed her a bag with her correct size. The lady broke down she was so thankful. These women literally come in with the clothes on their back and I have been there when they got what you give! It's truly a village that helps these women (who could be any of us at one time in our lives or another).

  11. Bonachichi: It just so happens I have had more to write about, other than trips to Costco and eating Crackers and Diet coke....

    It is nice to write a few. Don't count on my life being busy enough to continue very much longer..haha. :) It's pretty quiet over here in Louisville most the time.

  12. Bonachichi: I enjoyed so much talking to you while I ran around getting stuff. :) Thank you!! It was good for me too.

  13. Morning/afternoon Owls!

    Congrats Tina...AGAIN!!

    Nice blog Bebbi! You should be very proud of yourself for all the work you do to help people.

    I have been in a couple parades but I was in a vehicle, waving like a queen. It felt really nice! Have a great day Owls!

    I'm off to my friend Mary's funeral. The family wants our family to sit with them. Wasn't expecting that, but mum wants to so we will.

    Still can't talk much and kind of feel like crap, but oh well, poor me. Suck it up and move on. I said...SUCK IT UP AND MOVE ON! I'll be glad when I can talk again. I hate repeating myself. I said...I HATE REPEATING MYSELF!!

  14. I have never walked in a parade. It looked like that was a lot of fun and it helped a really good cause. I believe this and other organizations are wonderful it gives a voice to those need help. I hope everyone has a good day!!

  15. Happy Monday Owls.

    Tina, This is your prettiest look evah flying in at first. Love the lipstick and that pouty mouth.

    SHIRLEY, I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER VERY SOON. Oh wait, you can't talk, but you CAN hear. Sorry for shouting! My thoughts are with you today.

    Zona, I hope your back is feeling better, too.

    Jodi, Happy Mother's Day. Take full advantage of your day.

  16. Bebbi, You should be commended for the work you do for the center. Without the volunteers that work with agencies that provide these services, they would not be able to help the number of victims that they do.

    I would have loved to walk in a parade when I was younger. At this point in my life however, I am content to just sit and watch.

  17. Barb: Thanks! Well, you will have to be one like Shirley and get to be in the car waving like a queen. That sounds REALLY nice. The Director of the Center road in the car in our group. :) Also, LOL at yelling at Shirley..that made me laugh.

    Shirley: I hope you get to feeling better and lucky you for getting to be in the vehicles in the parades.

    Like Jodi, I was in the baton troupe when I was younger although I never did band. My son was in marching band. I have always walked parades when I have been in them. But the last parade I was in before this one was when I was

  18. Jennifer: I hope you have a good day too!

  19. Shirley: I am sorry, could you please repeat that..hehe..sorry, couldn't resist.

  20. BEBBI: What a great blog and also thanks to what you do for your community and women everywhere. You have the busiest life...along with LYNND.

    I was in a parade years ago twirling my baton. My daughter followed in her mother's footsteps but it hasn't helped us too much financially along our life paths. :) Does it count that I have been to a lot f parades? I love a parade and all the bands. I am feeling like bursting into a Barbra Streisand song....I LOVE A PARADE!!

    TINA: You can take off your dress up outfit as Mother's Day is over now. How sweet was that for your daughter to do and have your special lunch fixed and your favorite lemon creme cake....she must surely be your favorite child this week!!

    SHIRLEY: Hugs with you today as I am sure it will be a sad day. I hope you get feeling better soon. I think you need a lot of ice cream to make your throat better and quit makes it worse.

    ZONA: Are you busy working on those clothes? I feel the urge to do some things around here too today. It must be BEBBI sending her energy to us

    BONACHICHI: You won't know what to do when you get off at 5pm tonight. Enjoy the "normal" life while you can!

    JODI: Ahhhhh, a day of rest all alone...sometimes the silence really is golden, isn't it?

    LYNN: What did your guys fix you for dinner last night? did they do the clean up too?

    We had a nice time going to the mountains for dinner. It is just a little cafe that I have taken a couple of you to when you were in Denver. It is a nice drive and the food is decent.

    Anyone watch the end of Amazing Race last night? I wasn't very happy with the ending of it but I do really enjoy that show and all the scenery.

    Tomorrow I go "accountant" for a follow up or just to see if he misses me. My DIL goes there and told him she thinks I go just to see him....nice and I was just telling him a couple of weeks ago that I had been with him longer than a husband!! He's probably scared now.

  21. I called and finally talked to someone at United today and complained about my trip issues and they sent me $100 voucher. Nice but I hate United.

    JENNIFER O: Nice to see you posting on the blog. How is that cute little baby of yours? Is she walking all over yet?

    SACBARB: My husband and SIL went to see that movie Saturday night and really liked it. I don't really care for those kind of movies. I guess I am too much into the girlie movies. I'm always glad MRD has someone to go to the movies with for all the action ones.

    Well, I am off to PT for my foot and see if I can't walk a little better. We go to Texas next week for a week. It would be nice to have my heel feel somewhat better before we go on our road trip.

  22. My son and I are going to go and see Ironman this week. That is "our thing"..we couldn't go opening night because of the people in town and his brother's graduation so we are going to go this week, probably Thursday or Friday.

  23. Sending energy to all who needs it..! :)

  24. Hi hooters,

    Bebbi, how wonderful that you participated in the parade for the shelter!

    I salute all those who volunteer and give their time. I keep thinking I will do volunteer work again, I need to find the right place.

    I think I was in a parade years ago, when I was in 4H. The city I lived in had "Western Weekend" every year, and I seem to remember riding my horse in the parade.

    The bay area is getting a nice downpour of rain today. We are happy, as last week we had a couple days of 80 degrees, and this will delay our turning on the sprinklers (hence putting off the big water bills) a little longer.

    Dianne I watched the AMAZING Race last night. I was not thrilled with the winners, either. I thought it was cool that they ended up in my neck of the woods for their finale. I've been to Candlestick many times so it was kinda fun to see them end there.

    Shirley I hope you start to feel better. Sorry for your loss.

    See ya all later!

  25. Tina You look very pretty today but is that your Valentine's Day outfit? That was over months ago, Dear.

    Bebbi Great blog today and I, too, admire how you give back to your community. I've performed in lots of bands. In junior high I was the single baton twirler for a city band. Part of my routine was to do cartwheels while holdig the baton. You can bet I watched closely for horse shit. In high school, I was a flag twirler so was in many parades then, too. It was fun but very difficult on those hot summer days in Southern California.

  26. Shirley (((Hugs))) to you today. I hope you feel better soon.

    Dianne I'm so sorry your foot is giving you so much trouble. Maybe your accountant can do something for it. He doesn't seem to be so good with teeth. ;)

  27. EBJ Hopefully, you were in a parade and not just wandering around town on a horse. LOL

  28. Hi Owls! I'm back from the funeral. Mum changed her mind about sitting with the family so we just sat with everyone else. As I sat there in the funeral home I couldn't help but think that probably the next time I'm there it will be for mum's funeral. Mary's death has hit mum very hard too. Mary was 18 years older than mum and none of us ever thought mum would out live Mary. It's been a really long and sad afternoon so I think I'm just going to play a mindless game on the computer and just chill.

  29. Just Lin I wanted to say the same thing to Tina! hahaha!!

  30. JL I'm sure I did plenty of wandering around too!

    There were some bars in town that had actual hitching posts out front, for people who wanted to stop for a drink while out riding.

    Maybe it was my horse that was shitting in your baton twirling path! hee hee

  31. SacBarb LOL @ you yelling at Shirley.

    Jennifer O I hope you are feeling better.

    LynnD I hope your freezers are working.

    Jodi That would be great fun to ride in a buggy or covered wagon. That would be right up my alley. Cartwheels are now out of the question.

    Bonach I hope you have a good day at work and that there are no helicopters involved.

    Zona (((Hugs))) to you. I hope you can tackle your task today with only happy memories. Your mom would be proud of you and happy that she will be helping others, even now.

  32. EBJ LOL!!!

    Shirley Great minds think alike. ;)

  33. Bebbi I am having a good day thank you.

    Just_Lin I am feeling a lot better. I am still tried but am feeling way better than I was last week thank you.

    Dianne Georgina is doing well. She is not walking but crawling really fast and walking on her knees a little bit.

  34. Bebbi ~ great blog!

    The first time I was in a parade was when I was 4. My mom was the president of the Newcomers Club and my brother and I were forced to be in many parades that summer. As a kid, my parents were on the board of the Jaycees so my brother and I were always in parades. As a teen I marched with the high school band (I played the piccolo) but after 2 years I decided the polyester was bad for my image so I quit.

    As an adult I volunteered with the local Jaycees and our local festival (sat on the board of the Jaycees as President and for our local festival as the secretary). After about 10 years of being in the parades, I decided to quit volunteering so much time away from the house so I quit it all. I like watching the parades with my kids.

    I hope you all had a wonderful Mothers Day yesterday!

  35. Annie: Thanks! I can't blame you one bit for wanting to watch the parades with your kids and taking care of your family. I always wanted to volunteer but I looked at it like my job was to raise my family first..and when I got old and gray (now!)...I could volunteer more..and I do. :)

    Jennifer O. - Glad to hear that.

  36. Afternoon All!

    Well another crazy day for me. Have been on the run today. Postal carrier food drive was this weekend so I had to help unload the food. Had a meeting with the board at the Senior Center here in town to help find ways to share food and resources. Then I finally had to do my own damn grocery shopping. lol I just got home.

    Dianne Mr. Lynn D made bbq baby back ribs, pasta salad, salad and apple pie. Yummm Did they clean up not! I got that this morning. They did clean under the stove so I guess I will take that. :)

    I am trying to figure out how the accountant will help Dianne's heel? One stop shopping? Does he have a foot fetish?

    I was on a drill team when I was a kid and we did local, state, and national competitions. Many parades were involved. I don't remember who said the polyester was bad for their image. Annie was that you? We had polyester dresses and hats with white go go type boots. LMAO!

  37. Can I just say if you are watching Oprah today..."Will-I-Am" Rocks!!!! That man is a class act all the way. On top of being a fabulous artist.

  38. Who's doing a 4th of July parade this year??? When I'm in town, I participate. If not, I do the May Day or Labour Day parades. I did a gay parade in Finland once, too.

    Who started the rumor that I get off work at 5.00 p? I hopped a plane in Boston, flew to L.A. and went straight to my new office. I think I left around 8.00 local time. Don't remember what day that was... I left one night at 6.00 for a meeting, but got called back to work. I think maybe the earliest I've left my 8-5 job is about 7.00. Why do they call it that???

  39. LynnD: Woah..sounds really cute! :)

  40. Okay, how long have I been Leonardo?

  41. You guys are going to confuse Annie!! Poor gal. She probably thinks we all need adult supervision already!

  42. BEBBI...what a sweet and inspiring blog. I am not surprised about the charitable work you do and how you give back to your community. I saw that in you right off the bat in Chicago.

    I'm sorry I hadn't congratulated you and your son on his graduation. What is his degree in? Does he have a job lined up?

    I've never been in a parade. I did go to the Hollywood Parade one year. Very fun! In high school I was in the loser band and we never marched in a parade! We had uniforms, but only wore them for concerts.

  43. better way to watch a parade then thru the eyes of your children.

    DIANNE...hope your foot is better. Your Mother's Day sounds wonderful. Ya know it's never too late to put your twirling skills to good work! You can twirl your baton and tassels in unison!

    LYNN...Hey, at least they cooked for you! You do know what an inspiration you are to so many, don't you?

    TINA...I never mentioned how happy I was when you reported on your dad. That is soooooo awesome.

    JUST LIN...I could NEVER do a cartwheel...with or without a baton! I could do flips, walkovers, etc...but never a cartwheel!

    SHIRLEY...I hope you feel better soon. And I know how hard it is at funerals and the fear about the possibility of the next one. {{{HUGS}}}

    SACBARB...You would have been the princess of any parade...not just your sorority!

    EBJ...nice to see you posting here again. You've been missed.

    CHI CHI...Boston? When did that happen? I thought you were home yesterday being bothered by children that weren't yours!!

    HODI...glad you got to have your quiet Mother's Day! What is happening in the car situation?

    ZONA...good for you. YOu are doing the right thing. It is what is called a 'mitzvah' to donate your mom's clothes to someone that needs them. The memories will always be there for you and now you can have new memories knowing a woman that needs clothes will be clothed.

    JENNIFER...nice to see you! How's your mom doing? Tell her I miss her.

  44. I wonder what DEE DEE bought at Neiman's. Is she still unpacking bags and boxes?

  45. SHIRLEY...btw, my left hand is at the end of my left arm!! LOL!

  46. Get with the program, people! I went from London to Amsterdam. Amsterdam to Copenhagen. Copenhagen to Stockholm. Stockholm to Bangor, Maine. Maine to Boston. I caught an early morning flight (Wed or Thurs, I can't remember) Boston to Burbank,caught a ride to my new office in Simi Valley (CA) and have been working for THAT company since I got back to L.A.

    I did see one of my girlfriends from the 9th grade on Saturday, then worked again Sunday & today, which I'll be doing until I get fired or something. I'm still holding out hope that maybe I'll sleep sometime soon.

  47. Oh, look at that! I'm Bonachichi again! Wonder who I'll be next?

  48. Mo: Thanks! His degree is Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He's been working on some of his Master's classes and should have a Masters in another year. :) Thanks for asking!

  49. bonachichi: No wonder you don't know whether you are coming or going so much..I KNOW I could never handle your schedule...I sure hope it settles down for you and you get your much needed rest.

  50. I hate to brag but I got 20,919 steps today which is 8.8 miles! ha..! AND, I only gained 3 pounds during my eating fest this weekend. :) Yay!

  51. Oh, one other job that fell into my lap with the movie people. Some people (yes, friends) are paying me to listen to sound tracks and telling them what language is being spoken. I don't have to be fluent, I just have to recognize the language. I get union wage, which is something like $500 every time I walk onto a sound stage. It's not steady work, but it's some nice pocket money.

  52. my bad...not being with the program

  53. Bebbi, about a year ago you'd walked the equivalent of 2/3 across the U.S

    This is an inspirational human interest story. Somebody in your area needs to tell the media, provide before/after pictures. You'll have sponsors coming out your ears! Really, get in touch with your local media. This has the potential of being a National news story!!

  54. In fact bebbi, what's the website for your local news channels??

  55. Mo: Who were you talking to when you said, "my bad, not being with the program?"

  56. LOL bonachichi.. nah..I don't think so..but it's a nice thought. :) and I can tell you how much I've walked..I have it all sec..I will go and look.

    5.9 mi daily avg
    14.9 mi personal best
    4,101.8 mi total

  57. Mo, it's hard to keep up with my program. In case you didn't notice, I don't keep up with it either. I didn't know exactly where Amsterdam was when I started my trip. You're not alone.

  58. Bebbi, would you be upset with me if I whispered in the TV peoples' ears??

  59. Bonachichi: Yes, it's not that big a deal. :) But I so appreciate YOU appreciating it. :) I really do. I am very proud of my efforts and recently actually fell below my I am really happy. AND, hell, I got hit on by a 30 year I must be doing something right..LOL. :) You are too sweet! :)

    ALSO, it makes me happiest that people I know and care about are inspired by it. I get the most joy when someone says they walked a couple of miles because I inspired them. That is all the reward I need..well, that and being able to breath, use my knees...not rest every 5 minutes..etc.

  60. Bonach That itenerary sounds so hectic, I don't know how you're able to stay with the program.

  61. Here's my step count:

    Since joining:
    14,137 daily avg
    35,466 personal best
    9,811,091 total

    I joined in June 2008

  62. is even more special that you have done this all for YOU and not for accolades. Knowing you wanted to be healthy and be healthy for your children is more inspirational then anything.

  63. Bebbi, those who know you and know what you've done for the sake of your health are truly in awe of you. I'll keep my mouth shut. No sense making a spectacle if you don't want it.

    Just_Lin, we've had our differences with respect to the types of people I associate with and/or call "friend", but really, for all the people I've given a "second chance" there are also people I write off. You meet all kinds. Some I'm happy to know, some I can't wait to get away from. Sometimes though, you have to put up with the "undesirables" to get where you need to be.

  64. Well, that is the only 69 I even desire to have..haha. Poor Mr. Bebbi...he's with Ms. No Libido...well, it perks up for about one day a month..and that is it. Poor fellow.

  65. Although I have to say that last week he did better than!

  66. I know..way too much information..sorry about that ladies.

  67. BEBBI...don't apologize to us...apologize to Mr. BEBBI!!

  68. Mo: LOL, actually we talked about it. It's just the menopause thing I hope. They had some article he read that 40% of married couples get it once a month..or something like that. He was telling me about it. He's very understanding. I am lucky to have him.

  69. Today Nicole was back at work. Poor kid. She finally got power at 7:30 last night. Her house was freezing, as it was COLD here. She still doesn't have cable or internet and probably won't for at least a week as she can't take off any more time from work to be there for the cable company. She still has tree and branches all over her yard. Her shed was smashed in half. She needs to get part of the house repaired. The insurance company may not cover the damages as it was an "act of g-d" and she is looking at close to 2K in damages and tree removal.

    I feel so bad for the kid.

  70. Gosh Mo: I hope that things get worked out for her soon. That is terrible!

  71. Okay..I am off to bed...take care all and sweet dreams....!!

    Bonachichi: Thank you! ;)

  72. Bebbi, one word: Porn!! Maybe SacB can loan you some of hers.

  73. Well, let's see... Mr. Boss is e-mailing me... I thought I left work hours ago. What am I, Steve Jobs? Goodnight to all you ladies of leisure.

  74. Who put crabs in Bonachichi's Wheaties? ija~

  75. What was that you said, Tina? I can't fucking hear you. Fuck!

    Bebbi: I've only been in one parade, the 1988 gay pride parade in San Francisco. What a blast!

    Shirley: Hugs. That cannot have been easy.
