
Friday, June 4, 2010


by Bonachichi

The answer to our prayers. A place where nobody knows what anything means.


  1. Shaboom shaboom Ya-da-da Da-da-da Da-da-da Da......

  2. back to her cheating I see....

  3. Bonachichi~ Thanks for sending the blog?~ lol~

  4. pretty ugly....pretty is as pretty does dear....

  5. How the hell did you get first? I've had this computer chair stuck to my ass for the last 15 minutes, refreshing this site every few seconds! Damn you and your evil twin sister Dee!!!!!

  6. its called cheating....Tina is a cheater.....

  7. Shirley~ You wouldn't even believe what I have to do to get in here from work! It's a wonder I can even get first~ Good Morning, Sunshine~

  8. Well, after watching the blog video it leaves me with this question:
    What the HELL was that?
    Thanks for sharing Bonachichi...I think! LOL!!

  9. yet she can do it every day from work....must be tortuous.....

  10. Shirley, I was ready to pounce-to-b-first too lol! My puter crashed I am , low on the totem pole!

    Bonochi, now that was just annoying lol! I have all I can do with the "normal" English languish!

    Morning waves to Tina-I-cheat-a-lot, & DeeDee~~~

  11. Morning Tina and DeeDee!

    DeeDee you do have a point there...she does make first quite often from work.

  12. Morning Mary!
    I had my 1st comment all ready to use and I didn't get to use it so here it is anyway!

    Boo Ditty Hoo Ha!!!!
    I'm 1st!!!!
    Bam that evil twin Dee!!!

  13. You guys' Blorkiffability just went down 2 points. No goints for you.

    I don't know whether my motive was to annoy, but if that's the the result I can live with that. I thought it was funny and satirical up until the bad words at the end.

    Happy Friday!

  14. Mornin Tina! missed you!

    Bonachi, I happen to like the vid. I would have stopped it sooner if not lol! It just annoys me when I can't keep up with them youngins!

  15. Bonachi, I happen to have a very high Blorkiffabilitionishioness of you :)

  16. Ok, time to get on with my day. I have a huge to-do list. Have a great day everyone!

  17. oh look ....Tina is speaking to everyone but

    Keep on being a poota....I got somethin' for ya.....

    Bonachichi......they guys in the video were good little actors and I loved the look on the ones face when he said "sounds the alien made before he

    its done all the time....if you have ever been on "Stumble"...they call their pages lens....

  18. Well, I guess it can be somewhat annoying. Self serving, pompous, college snots. Spimple, my arse.

  19. Bonachichi this was not annoying. Listening to that pompous CEO ass of BP speak is annoying.

  20. DeeDee, thank you. I'm trying to be a kinder, gentler Bonachichi. It seems, offensive as I am online, I am even more so in real life. I know. I've achieved the impossible.

  21. lmbo bonachichi~ this i gotta available?~

    and DD~ I am too speaking to said "pretty is as pretty does"....and I answered "how would you know?" hmmmmmmmm?

  22. i just had an hour recurrent training on disabled I know why some of you are the way you names of course (DeeDee!)

  23. "When dealing with disabled passengers, the #1 rule is to avoid being first on the owls nest blog"

    - from the official airline manual

  24. hmmm, tina~, explain that statement..... LOL

    good morning, you are busy little owls today.

    Will watch the vid later Bona, doesn't sound like a good idea while clients are here....

    waving my one good wing at everyone!

  25. Speaking of British Petroleum....I know the human factor in this is huge....and other than the 11 were killed in the explosion..... everything now filters down from the environmental aspect....

    The lost wages for the fisherman and shrimpers....the summer cancellations for the Gulfs beaches...all the possibilities for what could happen and is happening......

    The saddest thing to see are the photographs of the turtles and dolphins....and my God...the birds.....all the creatures that are suffering and dead because of the filthy stinking oil...

    There is plenty of blame to go around regarding this disaster...and I have to accept my part of the blame for many Americans are....unwilling to curb my own conspicuous consumption.

    I have no doubt that we ...meaning human beings...have made great leaps in the destruction of this planet.....

    Stephen Hawking...respected theoretical physicist....suggested that space was the Earth's long term hope....

  26. Its not nice to make fun of people with disabilities.....

    and thats comes from the The ADA Amendments Act of 2008...

    penalties could get your "COMFORT GRIP" replaced with a red hot poker....ijs..

  27. uh...Doh Doh~ I AM a person with disabilities~ ga!!!!~

  28. Cankles ARE NOT a disability!!

  29. Morning Glories!

    Crap Tina got first again! Pretty,pretty. Pretty.... fucking bold if you ask me!

    Bon I will catch the vid when I get home. I need to fly out of here to spend a bunch of money. Farming has me running behind.

    See you all later taters!

  30. Tina, you're in SoCal? I have plans to shoot boogers from the fwy overpass today, but I think I can rearrange my plans for mooning cafe windows this weekend.

  31. OMG! With a single spasm in my finger, I just sent you all Mother's Day Flowers in IP. It was supposed to be mysterious boxes. Sorry! Tina, where's that form?

  32. next week week....i gave you the dates~

  33. I'll try not to get arrested between now and then.

  34. Tina Yes, yes We know you graduated. Can you take that robe off now? Haven't you been pretty often enough in that outfit or do you just have an affinity for tassels?

    DeeDee LOL @ cankles not being a disability. When you have them, it feels like it. Oh, and I remember that song.

    Shirley You get an honorable mention for being the prettiest with a chair stuck to her ass. LOL

    Mary Aren't misbehaving computers extremely frustrating? Sometimes I want to throw mine out the window.

    Bear and LynnD Waving at you both and sending smiles.

    Goldie How's your hurt wing doing?

    Bonach I guess I get the satire, but to be honest, I couldn't watch the whole thing, I just wanted to tell them to shut up. I'm old. I get annoyed easier than I used to. Thanks for providing today's blog, though. I need to step it up and help out with that. Right now I wish I had stock in the makers of Kleenex.

  35. Tina Are you going to meet up with Bonach? Don't let her take you on an adventure. You might end up in jail in one of those countries that ends in "..stan".

  36. HUH???

    That was....interesting.

    Bonachichi, thank for the blog today. That's all I got!

    Tina, looks like you're back to work and pretty in first. Does that mean your outlaws are gone?

    Mo & Carol, I hope you can both relax a little this weekend. Still praying healing prayers for your respective family members.

    Gotta go. Got company coming...they're late. BBL

  37. Bonachichi: LOL! Love it...too funny

    Tina: Oh so pretty

    Hello everybody!

  38. Good evening feathered friends!

    I can't watch the vid, so no comment from me.

    I hope you all had a good day.

  39. Tina.. my goodness you are so pretty!

  40. OMG.. first time I laughed all day..

    Dee.. "Cankles ARE NOT a disability!!"


  41. Goldie..

    Hope you are feeling better...

  42. Ok.. dear owls..

    I am off to bed..

    and can I have a WOOT WOOT..

    no work tomorrow.. I have the whole day off..


  43. Carol, enjoy your day off! Relax!

    Dee Dee: I'm not sure our general culpability is as much in our conspicuous consumption as it is in our general complete ignorance about the existence of deep sea drilling. I seriously had not idea they were drilling that deeply, and even if I had known, I wouldn't have realized that drilling at such depths was such a cutting-edge (and therefore risky) enterprise.

    And with no really proven technology for dealing with malfunctions.

    If I had known, I might have been more concerned about it, and about what regulations and procedures were in place to mitigate the risk.

  44. My gink seems to have a skimple on it.

  45. LYNN... not sure but I think there is a shot available to cure that. Or maybe some gunk for your gink...

  46. That is great and just about sums it all up. Thanks for making me laugh.
