
Sunday, August 8, 2010

~ Billie Jean ~

by Tina~in_ut

I'm still on my Michael Jackson kick.  Listen to him every day.  I picked this version of Billie Jean because you can tell his fans just loved him.....young and old.  I picked it for one other reason......see if you can figure it out~


  1. omg....we just had a fight with the tkt counter....and we won~ :D forgot the blog posted~


  2. Bebbi~ seriously? 2 diff shoes? I'd tease you FOREVER for that!!~ :D

  3. Tina, you have just ONE other reason? I watched the whole vid! Not an easy task to do over dial-up. What's your "one other" reason?

    Carol, I hope daylight doesn't hurt too badly. I'm glad to know you enjoyed yourself.

    Bebbi, never again will I feel stupid about my shoes. You nut!

    Hey, to all the owls who haven't dragged their butts out of bed yet!

  4. Happy Birthday, my dear friend Carol! :):):):)

  5. well I have to say that was pretty overwhelming....omg...

    I felt like I was there exciting....oh wait...what am I saying...

    the reason you posted this is because it shows Liza and Macaulay sitting with me in the front row!!!


  6. yes Liz, dahling~ you are correct~

  7. Morning Glories!

    Happy Birthday Carol! You are the prettiest by far today!

    Lord Tina is brawling with ticket counters? Can I just say inanimate object.

    Sorry kids but I just can't take Micheal this morning. I am going to confess, I am sorry that he passed away so young, but I am not a huge fan. :( So there you have it.

  8. Happy Birthday Carol!! 60 isn't so bad either! I hear it's all down hill after 100 LOL!!

    Tina, I hope it wasn't the gal with the hairy armpits that attracted you!
    I saw Liz. If I wasn't limited on my megabytes, I would watch it again. This is one of my favorite songs he sings. "Ben" is another along with "We are the world".

    I need to purty myself up. My sister & her hubby are doing a concert about 70 miles from here and need to get going. They are missionary singers. They just got back from South America & Mexico. They live in Ohio, so I don't see them very often.My sister is 70 and getting a little frail so I attend their concerts whenever I can.

    Have a great Sunday everyone'''

  9. Lynn D...

    I was never a big fan either....but this is "Billie Jean!!"

    and regardless of who it is...the song...etc.,

    the crowd....getting into costume one piece at a time....the moves...

    thats just pure-dee entertainment at its best....

    if you saw this on Broadway for the first time....with any talented would be fantastic.....

    But fortunately...we have video of Michael doing it better than anyone is his... this nest...hasn' private...prolly with a full length mirror...attempted to moon-walk!?

    And who doesn't wear one
    exfoliating bath glove and a fedora while doing it??

    I know I have....and if I do say so myself...I do it pretty well in my bathroom...on the socks...with the doors locked!!

    So Lynn D....can you do a "turn" while moon-walking? :)

  10. Tina: So pretty..yes, two different shoes and believe me, they do! haha..and, sad thing is, I have done it more than once. Although, to be honest, they are very similar all black shoes..not like a sneaker and a dress shoe. Just plain black low heeled dress shoes. Silly, huh.


  11. I was going to guess that it was DeeDee at 5:31....haha, but she gave it away already! Thanks

  12. Bonachichi: I am a nut..and all the guys at my work love it..they love to tease me about it..but I give them shit too. Two of my managers wore the same shirt on Friday..and another manager sits in between them. The other admin and I gave the two guys heck all day about it. And, I asked the manager in the middle if he felt like a book today and sitting between two book ends. I love the group I work with, they are the best!! Seriously, the best!!

  13. Tina: Loved the video..that was awesome!

  14. Happy Happy Birthday Carol! Have a wonderful day today! Sounds like last night was perfect! :)

    TINA: Michael Jackson was an incredible talent..loved the video today!

    MARY: Awww c'mon gorgeous..I bet the purtying up took all of five minutes..if even that..ijs!! Have fun today! :)

    DEEDEE: My sister can moonwalk! She tried to teach me..I twisted my ankle..of

    SACBARB: Sorry I missed your blog yesterday..I'm not surprised your son sent that to you..he seems to have the same great sense of humor as his mom! As for unplugging the computer..I can't even imagine..yikes!

    MO: I can't wait to see the shirt you made! I bet it's cool!


    Have a nice Sunday cream with cherries on top for everyone to help CAROL celebrate! :)

  15. BIRRRRDDDDEEEEE! I just saw that wisp of a feather that blew into Area 51..and knew you must be close by..there you were in 52! I'm glad your mom is ok..and hope her surgery goes well! ♥

  16. Tina Okay, you're pretty but you don't have a sparkly glove. Thanks for the vid. Michael was definitely an amazing talent.

    Dianne Actually, we did a puzzle a couple of weeks ago and I might make tuna casserole tonight. :) How's your foot doing?

    Carol So how hearty did you party yesterdqy? I'm so glad you had such a good time. Are you in recovery mode now?

    Bebbi I can't say that I ever wore different shoes at the same time. I did once discover that I had my underwear on inside out.

    Bonach I'm out of bed, but barely. I really need to start going to bed earlier.

    DeeDee I thought I was the one that looked like Liz. Are we twins separated at birth? LOL

    Mary Have a nice time at the concert and visiting with your sister.

    Zona Thanks for the ice cream and cherries. I totally blew it last night and had a big piece of chocolate cake. Now I wish I hadn't. :(

    LynnD I hope you're having a day of rest. Or are you having the rest of the vodka? LOL

    Jennifer Waving a wing at you. How are you doing? Did school start yet? My grandkids start next week.

  17. J/L....ur right! I don't look a thing like her....but you definitely what was Macaulay like?

  18. I am such a nerd~ When I pic a SMV, I listen to it all week long. By the time Sunday rolls around, I'm so over it. I just watched this vid again~ I love it!

    DeeDee~ Since my family had to hear this all week long, my daughter came up behind me and decided that she should try to moon walk. She did a pretty good job. I'm just glad no one grabbed their crotches and dry humped their hands~ (dang me.....maybe I should show this to Mr. Tina~)

    Carol~ I'm so glad ur birthday didn't suck! :)~

  19. Yeah. Just stopping in quickly. I didn't see Liza and Mac, but who's the blonde in the middle? DeeDee, if it had been you, no way would you have let Tina post it, I'm thinking.

    Any entertainer who can own a crowd so completely during his performance is a master. A true showman.

    Lights out for me... just for a bit.

  20. TINA - Triple love this video!! I kept expecting to see Dee Dee sitting with the Queen, tho ;)

    I have practically worn my copy of This Is It out! Both the CD and the DVD!!

    CAROL - Once again, enjoy your special day!!

    Waving a wing at everyone else. Gotta go make supper. Paul brought home fresh corn on the cob, cucumbers and melon from the farm!! I think that will go nicely with some big fat cheeseburgers ♥

  21. BEBBI - It was YUMMY!! Just flossing all the corn out of my teeth now ;)

  22. TINA -'s not like I'm flossing with a pube or something!!!

  23. LOL..flossing with a pube or something..~!! omg, Jodi..too funny

  24. eat up!! By all means!! Enjoy your corn!! ka-ching!!

  25. Okay..goodnight all..sweet dreams.

  26. Good night BEBBI ♥

    DEE DEE - lmbo!!

  27. CAROL...I hope you and CICI had the most incredible, special and awesome birthdays ever!! looked mahvelous this morning...but not as 10x stunning as I am!! ijs!!!

    Can I just say I will NEVER do the tie thing again! I did 3 shirts. I don't really like any of them. And it took all frigging day in the hot sun, then I had to leave them in a sealed plastic bag 24 hours. Then I stopped at Elaine's and usedher garden hose to rinse them. Then I had to wash them once in cold water then again in warm water. Sheeesh, so exhausting!

    We did do this bleaching thing and that was awesome. I had worn a blue t-shirt there and got decided to bleach it. I borrowed a t-shirt and took mine off and bleached it...AWESOME! That took all of an hour to bleach, set, rinse and then wash it. We watched this video on how to make a tie dyed v, so I did the technique with the bleach. So cool! I am going to wear that to work tomorrow. Maybe I will have Joni take a pic and post it on my facebook.

  28. HODI...glad Paul is ok. And dinner sounded delish!

    BEBBI...was your tie dying party so labor intensive?

    MARY...I agree with ZONA...I'm sure it takes only minutes to pretty up!

  29. MO!! Please post pics of your shirts. They sound great!!

  30. Joanne starts her radiation tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that it goes well and she continues it. She will go Monday - Friday for two weeks. And tomorrow she also starts being able to be 50% weight bearing on her right leg. Even tho today I watched as she wheeled herself to the bathroom, she walked fully on her leg a few steps to get to the toilet!! Se is so stubborn!

  31. HODI...I bought this cool lavender button down shirt at Salvation army. My intent was to do dark purple and turquise horizontal stripes. First I did the purple, then the turquoise. When I took it out of the bag, I missed an entire stripe of turquoise! I'm a dork!

  32. HO - You may be a dork, but I love ya ♥

  33. HODI...been meaning to ask...How's your dad? Love ya, too!

  34. MO - He's doing about the same. On about 3 inhalers, prednisone, and water pills to help with the edema. Not sure if he weighs 100 lbs anymore.....scary skinny!! But he is able to get out when the weather isn't so hot and humid and mows his lawn. This makes him happy. Thanks for asking!!

  35. Heading to bed. I have tomorrow off (yeah!!!) In the afternoon I have a dumpster scheduled to be delivered to the house. THE PURGE BEGINS!!!

    I hope everyone has a good night ♥

  36. BEBBI...from yesterday...I didn't go to Twinsdays...I got the hell outta town!! The main street was closed by the time I left so I had to go 15 minutes out of my way to get out! didn't come back until 10 tonight when it was all over and done with! It is held literally 2 minutes from my house and the noise would have been thunderous.

  37. CAROL...your pics are fantabulous!! You looked so very happy. That makes me happy :)

  38. Mo & Zona...MUAH!! You made my day with your "purdy" comments :)
    Since I started using
    "Bare Minerals",I have my make up routine down pretty good. It's my hair or lack there of that gives me trouble lol!

    Carol, I haven't seen your pics yet. I will be heading that way next.
    Jodi, I am so glad your Dad is doing well! You will have to put a little meat on his body with your fabulous cooking! :)

    Mo,no "double trouble" for you today I see.

  39. Thank You! Thank You! for all the birthday wishes.. and Tina, Thank You for the birthday song..

  40. I totally have been a whirlwind since yesterday. I felt so special all day.
    It was a wonderful turn out and the food was divine..

    click here for website

    The caterers did a amazing job...

  41. Tina. I am glad it did not such either.. lol

    Mo.. glad you liked the pics.. happy times.. and glad JoAnn is starting radiation.. sending good thoughts her way...

  42. Jodi.. glad all is status quo with day.. so sweet how he likes to mow his lawn.. and also glad Paul is ok..

  43. J/L.. yes def in recovery mode.. my legs and feet are throbbing.. I am hoping the throbbing will go away my tomorrow..

  44. Zona.. What! Birdee was here.. let me go see

  45. Well.. Well.. our Birdee stopped by..
    Hi Birdee.. miss seeing ya.. sure do hope Mom is ok, and everything will go well..

    And plz pick up the poop before you leave.. Comment section 52..pppppuuuuu

  46. OK.. 1:30a here.. and I need so sleep.. my long week begins tomorrow and I am so not looking forward to..

    Goodnight Owls..

    And Again.. thanks again for all the birthday wishes..

  47. okay...i'm a dork...again...I just made Janice watch this~ (really so I could watch it again!) :D

  48. Shirley~

    1. a douche

    2. viagra

    3. breast implants

  49.'re not a dork for making Janice watch. You're a dork for many other reasons :)~

