
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

~ Colonel Angus ~

by Tina~in_ut


I had never seen this skit before last night on the Real Women of SNL. I'll really miss Colonel Angus~


  1. Morning glories!

    One comment? I hope that means everyone is out voting!

    Deedee you need a wax badly. imjs

  2. thats not me silly....thats a young Colonel Angus!!

  3. That was fantastically hilarious! I love the way SNL pushes the boundaries, throwing it right back at the censors. Great vid Tina, but I have to ask; Is Colonel Angus leaving your house? Why not invite him to stay awhile longer?

    DeeDee, um... wow. You sure know how to pick 'em.

    Hello LynnD.

  4. The video won't play for me. :(

    Hi DeeDee, Lynn D and Bonachi.


  5. Tina Hilarious vid! I remember seeing this skit when it first aired and could hardly believe it got by the censors. Of course, all the words are perfectly proper it's just how they sound with a southern accent and the implications of the meanings. Brilliant!

    DeeDee You are quite lovely at first today but I don't think I'm ready for that avatar. I'm only on my second cup of coffee.

    LynnD I forgot to get my ballot in the mail so will be dropping it off in person today.

    Bonach I also love their old Christmas skit with Alec Baldwin about the cookies, Swetty Balls.

  6. Shirley Waving wildly at you!!!!

  7. Shirley You can probably find the vid directly on YouTube.

  8. Happy Election Day Owls. My absentee ballot was returned over a week ago. I used to like going to the polls and punching the ballot, but now, in my old age, I find it much easier to mark my ballot at home and mailing it early.

  9. I also remember seeing this skit when it first aired. I used to be shocked by SNL, but now nothing they do shocks me. I remember another skit of the wild and crazy guys that had an alphabet poster in the background. Upon closer inspection, all the letters were made up of at least two people in different sexual positions. I have never seen them repeat that skit.

  10. Dee, While you are our early bird today, I can't say your avatar is pretty. Sorry!

    Lynn, LOL @ wax job.

    J/L, I get hungry when I see your avatar.

    Waving wildly to Bonachichi, Shirley and all the other Owls. Have a great day all.

  11. Hi late arrivals.... can Google Colonel Mangus and watch on the NBC SNL Site.....

  12. Oh my holy snot balls. DeeDee, how many times do people have to tell you to leave the young men alone? You will smother the poor guy!

  13. DeeDee For a minute there, I thought your avatar was of someone giving birth in the water with the aid of a midwife.

  14. ahhhhh....DeeDee~ I thought that was a picture of ur vagina!!! Butt then, ur latest avatar....made me spit out my DP~ Congrats on prettiest~

    Lynn D~ I just voted~ It was fun~

    Bonachichi~ I love how SNL pushes the boundaries too~ Love Alec Baldwin's Shwettie Balls and Betty Whites' Muffin~

    Shirley~ ya have to find this vid....look up "Colonel Angus!"

    J/L~ great taste~ (SB!)

    Sackie~ lol at erection day~

  15. no see....that guy is attempting to remove her plug so she will sputter around the pool....

    you a balloon when you release the air??

  16. J/L.....nice eyebrows on that baby

    lol at Holy Snot Balls.... wish it was a picture of my who-who......girl will do anything to get a look at my pie...

  17. Well, did everyone vote today? I hope so.

    Sweet dreams, HOoters!

  18. TINA - lmbo....luv the ladies of SNL!!!

    one word.....FURBALL!!!
