
Thursday, September 22, 2011

~ That Moment Just Before the Pain Began ~

by Tina


  1. omg...this makes me laugh every time I see it~ :)~

  2. Morning everyone and TINA too. Congrats on first.

    I cringe when I see these pictures-- ow!!!

    Up early for some reason. Will try and go to sleep

  3. Morning Glories!

    Hmmm it seems to me that the most moment that caused the most pain would have been the swearing in of George Bush the Second time.

    Sorry but I find the picture of the President and his family included in this very tacky. You want to take pokes at President Obama fine, but I find it interesting that lately they include Michelle and his girls. Who once again are not elected officials.

  4. What I want to know is exactly when republicans think the pain began..

    Well I will tell you. It began when that son of a bitch Ronald Reagan was elected...then when Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with a huge surplus GWB systematically destroyed everything he touched and drove us further into debt than we have ever been...

    Only a small portion of our debt is a result of this presidency. When faced with almost insurmountable debt...the crimes of the prior administration...including false flag operations and war...I think Obama has done a remarkable job dealing with the incredible mess left behind by GWB and Dick Cheney.

    A headline this morning tells an interesting story...

    GOP Congressmen Fault Obama For Green Jobs Agenda.. But Seek Same Jobs For Constituents

    The unfailing stupidity and arrogance and the GOP in refusing to cross party lines and compromise their "bible based" lunacy for the good of the country is treasonous as far as I am concerned.

    Warren Buffett has a brilliant idea to straighten the assholes out. If during their term they perform badly...they are ineligible for reelection...

    Barack Obama has never stooped to the lying and mud slinging tactics of especially this bunch of bat shit crazy presidential contenders...he doesn't have to create stories or lie...the truth works just fine when you are this president.

    And lets not forget...Barack Obama won the election....he is the POTUS...naturally that is going to bring criticism from all the wannabes....and losers.

    I for sick of listening to it...if the GOP criticism came with possibly a better idea...a willingness to work together...but it has been obvious that their interest only lies in making him a one term president...

    One of the things that strikes me...I wonder how it really feels to have actually cast a vote for McCain and Palin....after everything that has come to pass...I can't help but wonder...aren't those people embarrassed? Ashamed....? You know who you are. You actually walked into a voting booth and cast those votes....God help us....Old yellow teeth McCain would be bad enough...but Sarah Palin a heartbeat away from the presidency?
    I have more pride in this country than to see it become a laughing stock again...

    But fortunately...Barack Obama kicked McCains butt back to of the worst human rights states in the nation...

    And since not a single contender is in any way or form presidential...Obama will be reelected...we will get rid of the bunch of clowns in congress....and even with the incredible opposition Obama has experienced...the utter disrespect....and the time restraints left him... in 4 more years...with a decent congress...he will finally be able to do what is necessary to straighten out 8 years of a criminal administration and a bumbling buffoon in the white house...

    And as people continue to search for a way to make fun of Barack Obama...they will only come off as offensive....much like this blog...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Good morning, HOoters! Let's all take a deep breath. It was a joke! I certainly laughed at jokes about GW. As long as the jokes aren't racist, Obama is subject to having jokes said about him, just as anyone else would be in the position of Commander in Chief. He can take it. I think some of us have become thin-skinned on his behalf because of too many racist jokes and insinuations out there. I don't see this blog as being like those. I don't happen to agree with today's joke, as we were already in a heap of hurt well before Inauguration Day. All presidents get made fun of, though, and being black shouldn't mean Obama gets treated differently.

    Btw, that was my delete. Too many typos.

  7. Tina You are looking lovely today. Thanks for the blog. I really cringed when I saw the bull's horn under the skin of that guy's leg. Yikes!

  8. Dianne Anytime I'm up before, 10:00 a.m., I feel that I'm up early. LOL

  9. LynnD Miss you still! Did you hide the kazoo?

  10. Michael But tell us how you REALLY feel. LOL

  11. I am 3 days into no anti depressant medication....kwim?

  12. Thank you, J/L~ it IS just a's my own opinion anyway...many Republicans stay off the blog when it gets policital...some even have left over it because they find some of the posts insulting....I feel insulted when I'm lumped in with the masses.....but I figure hey...just ignore..didn't even read Michael's post cuz I figure I'll prolly have to kill him over it....but I know how he feels and he has a right to his own opinion...right or wrong (he thinks he's right/I think he's wrong) :)~ Anyway, I'm not going to keep from posting just cuz I don't agree....too busy for that~ I just wish everyone would work together (in Washington...not here...i think we're pretty good here)

    btw....funny thing....the people I work with are all finding this humorous~ :D

  13. It's UTAH for gods sake!!!!

    Something nice...btw......

  14. Tina I agree. Wish people in Washington would put aside politics for a change and figure this shit out.

  15. 3:22pm ET and JUST NOW you say something nice? ga!!!!!! I guess better late than never~

    J/L~ mwah~

  16. Just_Lin said...
    Tina I agree. Wish people in Washington would put aside politics for a change and figure this shit out.

    September 22, 2011 3:32 PM

    Thats what I said....geeez!

  17. Hi Guys!

    TINA: Geez those pics are hard to look at..especially the one with the bull and the leg..yikes!! I only looked at a couple when I called Mr Z in to see them..we were both cringing at each one..then we saw the last pic..we certainly didn't see that coming! Personally I think a picture of Congress would have been perfect for the last picture..because when it comes right down to it..their inability to work together is what has caused this country so much pain. It can't be one side against the other anymore..they have GOT to get together..get moving and fix things...soon.

    A lot of good shows on tonight..Big Bang..Person Of Interest..and another one I can't remember the name of.. ;D so I'm off to watch some TV..have a good night everyone!

  18. Maybe we need a third party...
    The Pajama Party

  19. Well, Tina, I see a few have a sense of humor!
    The last pic could have been anyone.. It was a joke!
    It never seizes to amaze me how we as Repubs are expected to "take it", but not allowed to "give it". It was a joke!!! Cut her some slack MK??
    I have not said a thing about all the Nest or FB political postings. I respect all of your views, please respect ours.
    off my soap box and waiting for the backlash....

    IT WAS A JOKE!!!

  20. Mary~ u got that was a FUNNY joke~ :)~

    J/L~ I like that....the pajama party~ where do i sign up?~

  21. Tina I figure it would be harder for all parties to act like pompous jerks if they were in pj's.

  22. Mary: This is a painful comment to write. The easy thing would have been not to write it at all. We've never discussed this before, and I love and respect you to pieces, and please try to understand, this is not about Democrat vs Republican for me. It's not about party affiliation. It's more personal. The issue is, how can I respect your decision to go into the voting booth next year and vote for a candidate (assuming the Republican nominee is Romney or Perry, which seems likely) who has signed the hateful National Organization for Marriage's pledge to work to put an amendment into the US constitution that would dissolve my marriage and officially break up my family? And who will work to preserve DOMA, when DOMA is a law that deliberately and cruelly doesn't allow me to include my husband in the safety net that the government health care insurance policies provide for the spouses of heterosexual employees? That in the event I predecease him, will prevent Jim from collecting half of my government pension, which is the survivor benefit available to opposite-sex spouses of married federal employees? That will deny Jim the portion of my social security payout that he'd be eligible for if DOMA was repealed? That, if Jim predeceased me, would levy inheritance taxes on me that wouldn't exist if the government recognized our marriage, and might force me to have to sell my preferred retirement residence, Palm Springs, to pay them?

    Bottom line: Would you be able to respect my political decision if you knew I was trying to put a person into power who was going to mount concrete attacks on your family?

  23. Bear Thank you for reminding us that our decisions in the voting booth don't just effect us individually, but effect our friends, neighbors, and loved ones in very real ways.
