
Friday, February 17, 2012

~ I Love This Man ~

by Tina~in_ut


  1. entrée rapide et diapositive chaussette!!

  2. Good Morning!!

    Great form and execution MICHAEL..I give your sock sliding into First an 8.5! Just remember to watch out for that wall next time... ;D

  3. TINA: Well he sure made his Hollow Point to me..sheesh!!

    FROM 51:

    DI: You're right..I did get to travel and meet a lot of owls..and I'm so glad I did!

    I told Randy about my comment..he reminded me we had a little excitement here when he squashed off his finger..which by the an does have a talon. He does a mean Dr. Evil impression.. ;D

    TINKA: I am proud of being Irish! I didn't know that 'the other shoe is gonna drop' syndrome comes from my dad's side of the family..I thought I inherited it from my mom..the Russian

    J/LIN: I think you're absolutely right! :)

  4. Happy sock sliding to you Michael. Is that you in your avatar? I clicked on it to make it bigger and it disappeared. Wow, magic, or is it voodoo? Anyway I bet you look gorgeous in that outfit.

  5. Good morning Zona-My-Baby - Yes, you have quite a bit of excitement in your life these past few years, some good, some bad. How about the visitors you had from Utah and Denver? That was fun. How about the hail storm that dropped hail the size of baseballs and ruined your roof and gate? That wasn't. I think we both have had our share of "excitement" and both like the calm times. Just wait until I can make a trip to Az. We will paint the town red. And when you finally get to Victoria. Well what happens in Victoria stays in Victoria.

    Have a great day my little one.

  6. Tina - I still feel a bit shaken from listening to that man. It felt like he was scolding me. It's hard to believe a daughter could be so disrespectful. One would think that having a father who owns and uses a gun like that, she would be scared to disobey him. I know I would. I understand his anger but I am frightened by him. I wonder what happened when she got home from school that day. It makes me so thankful that we had three good kids who grew up to be great adults who had good kids.

  7. Chad showed this to me last week and he said it was a good thing we didn't have a gun when he was a teen. I would have liked to see the daughter's reaction when she watched it.

    Good morning to Michael, Zona, Tinka and all the other Owls. My hunky electrician is going to put light kits on the ceiling fans in the pool room this afternoon. I decided the Coors Light fixture just doesn't give off enough light. I hope you all have a good day. BBL

  8. I must feed my "fur babies". They are patiently waiting. I have my Tropicana and that is good enough for me until after I have checked my farms.

    I can't believe it's Friday already. Where did the week go?

    Have a fantastic weekend Owls.

  9. Good Morning Barb - We were typing at the same. You are lucky to have a husband who is also an electrician. It is so expensive to hire one. When I did renovations to this house I phoned 8 of them and only one would consider doing the job. It cost me $8000.00 but 7 of them were too busy doing bigger jobs than that. I was very frustrated.

  10. We have Irish people here? Maybe you need to check that to be sure. I always heard that the "The luck of the Irish" isn't far behind "The easy and high paying jobs of the Mexicans."

    Gosh I hope that wasn't offensive but I thought this to be a highly pedigreed me. My Mother was Chinese and my Father from deep in the Congo so I am a Chigro. Amongst ourselves we call each other "chiggas" but it only ok when we say it...

    I have always thought of the Irish as red headed drunks picked on by everyone from the vikings to the British.

    Yall do have some funny jokes though...heres one:

    Two men were sitting next to each other at a bar.
    After a while, one guy looks at the other and says, "I can't help but think, from listening to you, that you're from Ireland."
    The other guy responds proudly, 'Yes, that I am!"
    The first guy says, "So am I! And where about from Ireland might you be?"
    "I'm from Dublin, I am."
    "Sure and begora, and so am I! And what street did you live on in Dublin?"
    "A lovely little area it was, I lived on McCleary Street in the old central part of town," the second guy says.
    "Faith & it's a small world, so did I! And to what school would you have been going?"
    "Well now, I went to St. Mary's of course."
    The first guy gets really excited, and says, "And so did I. Tell me, what year did you graduate?"
    The other guy answers, "Well, now, I graduated in 1964."
    "The Good Lord must be smiling down upon us! I can hardly believe our good luck at winding up in the same bar on this very night. Can you believe it, I graduated from St. Mary's in 1964 my own self."

    About this time, another guy walks into the bar, sits down, and orders a beer. The bartender walks over shaking his head and mutters, "It's going to be a long night tonight, the Murphy twins are drunk again."

  11. Tinka, The hunky electrician is not my husband. My husband was very handy and could fix almost anything, but since he passed away, I have to pay for all repairs now. :(

  12. merci beaucoup Zona!!

  13. Michael Congrats on being first and, boy,are you dressed up. Is that your "pimp suit"? Excuse me.....your "french pimp suit"?

  14. Zona Make sure Randy knows that things are plenty exciting without another "smashed finger" episode. I hope he has a really good grip on his knife when he carves those pumpkins at Halloween.

  15. Tina I had heard about this but hadn't seen the vid. It reminds me of that saying, "I don't get mad, I get even". Well, you could hear the anger in his voice but he kept it under control. He sure did get even, though.

  16. Tinka This will be a hard lesson for that guy's daughter but she brought it on herself. Not too smart of her to post all that.

  17. SacBarb How are you doing? Are you getting stronger everyday? I hope the swelling in your legs has gone down.

  18. J/L, I am getting stronger every day with a few exceptions. Wednesday I didn't feel well and was nauseous all day and had a fever, but by Thursday morning I was much better. I was worried that I was getting a cold or the flu, but all seems to be well now. Thanks for asking.

  19. Sorry Barb - I knew that. Just one more example of "senior moments". I saw the word "hunky" and I always connect that word with husband. I don't know why.
    Was the job expensive? Is it hard to get an electrician in your city like it is here?
    Happy you are feeling better.

  20. Michael - I have an Irish ancestry. Both my mom and dad's grandparents came from Ireland during the potato famine. They were heading for New York. The story I heard was they got as far as Cape Breton Island, at the most Eastern spot of Canada. They got off the ship for a rest and the women refused to get back on again. There they settled for a few years and then ended up in Halifax. N.S. It wasn't an easy life for them. My grandparents, parents and sister were born in Halifax. I am very proud of my heritage and Irish jokes don't bother me at all.

  21. I am waiting for my Mac Geek. He is going to max out my ram (to 16 gigs) on both my IMac and my MacBook. The computers should be pretty fast after the increased ram is installed. He was supposed to be here this morning. Now it's after 3. I just keep waiting.

  22. Just-Lin - I agree the daughter certainly brought it on herself. I just think the father would have made a better impression if he refrained from swearing. I couldn't help but think, "I know where the daughter learned how to swear". Hating guns makes me leery of what he did to the computer. I think that was "over kill". (Please excuse the pun.) The whole video was mesmerizing that's for sure.

  23. I love a good Irish jig....

    Lord of the Dance...Riverdance...Feet of Flames...

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Michael Is your avatar a pic of Michael Flatley? lol

    (my delete...typo)

  26. Evening all I am at the beach!!! Wohoo!

  27. J/L...

    no...well ok... initially Tinka had asked me about an outfit but things went to Ireland so funny how that worked out...


  28. Michael I was only kidding but it is kind of Flatley-like.
