
Monday, January 7, 2013

Why Men Shouldn't Shop with Their Wives

by Dianne

A husband and wife are shopping in their local supermarket.
The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in their cart.

"What do you think you're doing?" asks the wife.

"They're on sale, only $10 for 24 cans", he replies.

"Put them back, we can't afford them" demands the wife, and so they continue shopping.

A few aisles further on along the woman picks up a $20 jar of face cream and puts it in the basket.

"What do you think you're doing?" asks the husband.

"It's my face cream. It makes me look beautiful," replies the wife.

Her husband retorts: "So does 24 cans of Budweiser and it's half the price."

That's him on aisle 5  . . .  he never knew what hit him.


  1. Wakey, wakey, wakey Owls. Where is everyone?

    Dianne, This cracked me up and reminded me of my former neighbors. They went to the store and got one item and when the cashier asked the husband if he needed a bag he said "No thanks, I've got the old bag with me." That marriage didn't last.

  2. SacBarb You are4 such a beautiful early bird today. LOL @ your story about your neighbors. I'm certainly not surprised that the marriage didn't last. The honeymoon was definitely over with that one.

  3. Dianne Thanks for the funny blog today. My husband used to wander off and it seems he looked at everything. Drove me nuts. I would rather just get in and get out.

  4. J/L, Not that I want to defend the husband of that couple, but the wife was kind of a ditz. She talked incessantly about nothing. Once when they were at our house, which was directly across the street, the wife was was going on about nothing when he said to her, "you should go check the roast, it may be burning." She left and a little while later came back and said, "I'm not cooking a roast." ????? They were both very strange.

  5. I have hunky workers here measuring the gutters on my house. I am getting new ones on Thursday. It rained last night so everything is wet, but they said it wouldn't hinder them. I hope it doesn't rain on Thursday.

  6. J/L, My Hubby was one to get only what he needed when we shopped. He didn't even look at anything else. I didn't mind that in the gross-ry store, but I hated it when we went Christmas shopping. He would just want to get anything so we could get out of the store quickly. He knew it drove me nuts, and I think he did that just so I wouldn't ask him to go with me. Funny how little things like that bother a person and now I would give anything to have him here to go shopping with and bother me.

  7. Dianne, your blog reminded me of an old country song "The Girls All Get Prettier at closing Time!"

    My Hubby is an "I'm going to get what I came here for and get out" kind of guy!! He hates to shop! Now I just buy my own Christmas present and he pays me for it lol! Did I say he was also LAZY?

    Barb, woot woot for the hunky gutter guys! Mine were cute too! I knew the owner from work at General Mptors. He did the house& 2 garages for $650.

    Time to head to FB .........

  8. I hate when I'm eating chips during Biggest Loser. It always makes me feel guilty. I can feel Jillian screaming at me.

    Good Evening Everyone. Thanks for the comments today. Louis and I don't shop together much. He thinks I'm pokey...and I am. I went to Target today just to see what they had for their white sale and spent $90 for nothing white!!

    Barb, are you gutter guys still there? Thought maybe you invited them for dinner. :). Barb, you sure are pretty at first today and your hair is combed pretty too.

    Mary, I remember that song well. I think we changed to guys in my old days.

    JL, how is your shoulder doing? I hope your pt work is helping.

    I just heard a story from my ex son in law ...his parents just renewed there vows after 50 years and when the minster told him he could kiss his wife he said, "that old I have too" in front of everyone at the church. I think I might have canceled those vows 50 years or not.

  9. Dianne, I would have hit him on his "kisser" LOL!
    BTW, I was eating a doughnut with hot choc. while watching Biggest Loser lol!

    Time to head to bed. Long day tomorrow cleaning out my office. If you don't hear from me in a couple of days call the Hoarder peeps!!

  10. DIANNE - Hilarious!!! Reminds me of the old coot I work with. When a guest asks how he's doing he says "better than nothing, at least that's what the wife says". I can just about imagine his "schtick" at home. OY!!!

  11. Mary, LOL. Will we see you on TV? I've never watched that show, but I used to watch the show where the people would organize a messy room and hold a garage sale to get rid of stuff. Can't remember the name of the show.

    Dianne, the hunky guys were here less than an hour. They just measured the house. Another crew will be here on Thursday to install them. I never understood why they are called white sales. They usually don't even have anything white for sale.

  12. Jodi, That's what my father-in-law always says, too. Is your co-worker from Oklahoma? MY FIL says everyone in OK says that.

  13. SLIN - I can't keep up with my hubby. He's a man on a mission ;)

  14. MARY - I should try that with my hubby. He got me a new crockpot. Didn't even wrap the damn thing....WTC!!! I guess I could pretend that he got me my new camera ;)

  15. DIANNE - How awful...I would've decked him right then and there!!!

  16. Yesterday was my day off, but I got up at my "normal" time, because Sam had to be to work by 4am. I stayed up because I took Tim out for a birthday breakfast. Decided to call the dr. Was kinda just waiting this "crud" out, but woke up with stabbing ear pain in my right ear. Guess I didn't call soon enough. They couldn't get me in until today. So I'm heading to the dr after work.

  17. Paul is down with what the boys had. I don't like it when he gets sick. Especially when he can't hold any food down. Messes with his sugars. I'm praying he feels better this morning ♥

  18. BARB - Waving at you!! I guess we were posting at the same time :)

  19. BARB - I don't think so...he's just "simple" ;)

  20. Jodi, hope Paul is feeling better today. Seems like everyone I know is sick. We are trying to stay in our little bubble and stay well. Early to take Sam to work, wasn't she driving?

    Barb, maybe you could whip up a little something for the installers. ....hubba breakfast I meant!!

  21. BARB - You're welcome on the review of Les Mis! I had only seen it live once, and that was over 20 years ago! I have always loved the music from that show ♥

  22. DIANNE - I didn't have to drive her....just make sure she got up!! I don't mind. I got lots done yesterday morning!!

  23. And thanks DIANNE! He's one of the toughest guys I know, so when he actually goes to bed for over 12 hours, you know he's not feeling well :(
