
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Which Is The Guilty Dog?

by Sac Barb

Anyone who thinks a dog does not remember, does not understand, or does not feel guilt has not lived with 'man's best friend.' Just look at the expressions on the faces of these 3 cute pooches when they are asked the same question at the same time... (NOTE the immediate reaction of the two darker dogs on your right - talk about a total throw under the bus!) No matter how many times I watch (30 sec.), I laugh just as much as the first.


  1. Good morning....barb, I hadn't seen that video before....very cute. Hmm, I wonder who was guilty? Thanks forvsendingit in.

    Louis is gone to VA as his mom is doing very poorly. He's been so torn about going and when to go etc. I'm glad he decided to go now. He's going to be able to do some work for his job while he's there. I'm here as he had no idea how long he'd be gone and my daughter is still not well with her lupus.

    Ok, that's all I've got today. Going for hair

  2. BARB - Too cute!! I needed a chuckle this afternoon :)

  3. DIANNE - Sending healing thoughts and prayers for Louis' Mom. Also sending big love and prayers for your daughter ♥ Enjoy your time at the salon. I'm sure you're going to look fabulous!!

  4. Jake and Tim have flown the coop, so Paul and I are finally going out for our Valentine's dinner ♥

  5. Dianne You look lovely in first today. I'm sorry about Louis' mother and also sorry that your daughter is still not well. Many (((HUGS))) to you. Oh, and your hair is really lovely today.

  6. SacBarb Loved that vid. So very cute. Shared it with my friends.

  7. HOdi Have a wonderful time tonight. <3

  8. Hodi was hubby happy to see you home? Be sure to give him some extra sugar :)....but not in you tea;-)

    Dianne. So sorry to hear about your MIL. Saying prayers for her and your daughter.

    Sorry I have been MIA, but these ole bones take a while to recover from hanging with youngins in Hawaii! LOL!!
    Today I helped a little at the VFW in the preparation for their steak dinner.
    I came home and sent the Mr down to do dishes lol!He likes helping.

    Waving at JustLin~~~~~~

  9. Dianne, Sorry to hear about Louis' Mom and that your daughter is still having problems with this Lupus flare. Sending up healing prayers for both of them and the family too.

    Jodi, Hope you had a nice romantic dinner with the Hubs. ♥

    Mary, I always need a long rest after a 'vacation.' Guess I'm getting to old to party.

    J/L, I shared this with some of my other friends, too. It just cracked me up and the white dog reminded me a little of my cocker spaniel when he was in trouble. He really looked pitiful.

    Thanks for the comments, guys umm I mean gals.

  10. Home from dinner with a friend. It was nice. All quiet at my house with Louis tv going. Hmm, wonder what I'll do for dinner tomorrow night. ....not cook for sure

  11. SacBarb I always need a vacation after my vacation, too. Well, maybe it's more of a need to catch up on sleep.

  12. Dianne Have something delivered. :)

  13. MARY - lol @ not in your tea!!!

  14. SLIN, BARB & DIANNE - Dinner was good! Went to a little place and tried the lobster bites (on recommendation of my hairdresser). Should've stuck with the crab legs.

  15. Have a good to work I go!!
