by Tina
A woman walks into the downtown welfare office, trailed by 15 kids.
"Wow," the Social Worker exclaims. "Are they all yours?"
"Yep, they're all mine," the frustrated Momma sighs, having heard that question a thousand times before.
She says, "Sit down Terry." All the children rush to find seats.
"Well," says the Social Worker, "then you must be here to sign up. I'll need all your children's names."
"Well, to keep it simple, the boy's are all named T E R R Y and he girls are all named T E R R I."
In disbelief, the case worker says, "Are you serious? They're all named Terry?"
Their Momma replied, "Well, yes. It makes it easier. When it's time to get them out of bed and ready for school, I yell, Terry! And when it's time for dinner, I just yell Terry! And they all come running. If I stop the kid who's running into the street, I just yell Terry and all of them stop. It's the smartest idea I ever had, naming them all Terry."
The Social Worker thinks this over for a bit, then wrinkles her forehead and says tentatively, "But what if you just want one kid to come and not the whole bunch?"
"Then I call them by their LAST names!"
Oh My!! lol!
ReplyDeleteJust a quick fly-bye. I have another busy day! Getting my hair did then having lunch with my old co-workers.
I will catch up in area 51 later. I didn't want my sweet nagger Dianne on my arse, so I thought I had better check in lol!!!
I was a little down with either an allergy/sinus attack yesterday. It may have been from doing DJing outside in the Pavilion last Sat.. My nose and eyes were running non stop! I feel better today. Good thing, because I have to get grosseries too!
Have a great day peeps!!!!
I'm back and noooooone here! Fine...*stomps off
ReplyDeleteto FV*..........
MARY!!! I'm here!!! Come back ...
ReplyDeleteTINA - Hmmmm....clearly they are NOT Catholic ;)
ReplyDeleteMARY - I've been sneezing on and off lately, too. Started my Emergen-C, green tea, plenty of water regime. I cannot be sick. I got traveling to do next week!
ReplyDeleteHello, HOoters. Mary and HOdi, you two keep your sniffling and runny eyes over there on the other branch. It was a beautiful day today, warm and sunny, so I sat outside and got a little sun on these white arms and legs. I figure tan fat looks better than white fat. Ha!
ReplyDeleteSLIN - 3 more shifts and then it's vacation!!! Waving a wing from the infirmary ;) We've had some beautiful weather here, too! I got some great sun last weekend in Indy, and will continue to going into this weekend. After work today we have a work picnic and Friday Paul and I are taking his parents to the State Fair. Thankfully I have this weekend off to get everything washed and packed!
ReplyDeleteHi. My little jaunt to lunch with my uncle the other day was nice until after losing nah sitting in parking lot ..I heard a crunch and it was a crown coming off. I called dentist and told them where I was and it would at least be an hour and half before I could get there. They're open until 7 so told me to come. Well, the traffic was the pits and it took me two hours. I got there at 5:25. They said it was too late and I'd have to come back today. I was rather pissed as I thought they could just glue the dang thing back on. I then set off to meet granddaughter for our weekly visit and part way there I got a message that she had to cancel. All this in rush hour. Add me even madder at no notice from GD. I finally got home at 6:45.,, grumpy. I went back to dentist today and now they have to pull tooth and do either a bridge or implant. I didn't do
ReplyDeleteEither today as I had plans. A car almost changed lanes into me today. I had to swerve to miss them. I gained at WW. It's not been a fun couple of days.
Mary and Jodi, I sure neither of you are sick. Don't sneeze on us. Jodi, don't get too much sun.
Going to the Dierks Bentley (country) concert with my daughter tomorrow night. Lunch with that gal that wants to hang out every week.
Actually, I'm still kind of grumpy. Night
Mary and Jodi , I sure HOPE neither of you are sick. I see my proof reading left a little to be desired above...sorry
ReplyDeleteDIANNE - Geez....when it rains, it pours. I hope you at least enjoy the concert. Love u 💜
ReplyDeleteDianne, sorry but I had to laugh at your "'I'm still kind of grumpy".
ReplyDeleteI can visualize you saying that in your cute nagging voice lol! I sure hope the rest of the week goes better for you. Love Dierks!!
I had a guy driving in front of me the other day slow down and put his right turn signal on. I almost went around him . Well, he turned left! Dumb men!!
Jodi, I am feeling a lot better today, good thing, because I have a lot of running around to do.It is hot and the humidity is horrible! Prolly not a good hair day either lol!
JL, You cracked me up! ". I figure tan fat looks better than white fat".
time to put on my face, squeeze into my clothes, and face the world!.....
Dianne Wow! You have really been on a roll of bad luck. Maybe you should just hunker down at home for a day until it passes. I hope you enjoy your lunch and the concert. What have you decided to do about the missing tooth? God, I hate dentist stuff.
ReplyDeleteHOdi Your fun vacation is just days away now. I hope you have a wonderful time. How could you not? I made my flight reservations to go down to my hometown in late September to visit with my brother. It's his birthday on Sept. 22 so we'll be celebrating that. He'll be 63 and has very bad knees but walks for miles every day, plays co-ed softball two nights a week and pool volleyball two days a week. I wish I was so active.
ReplyDeleteYikes! Big racket in my backyard. A murder of crows is harassing a hawk that just landed in my redwood tree. The crows have now forced the hawk to move on.
ReplyDeleteMary I hope the humidity isn't too bad for you today. It looks like it's another warm day today so maybe I'll sit in the sun again after I run a couple of errands. I'm not much of a sweater so I get overheated pretty quickly and have to alternate between sun and shade. Even so, I did acquire some lightly sunburned skin yesterday.
ReplyDeleteJL, good for your brother! My knee hurts everyday, but I am still managing 10,000
ReplyDeletesteps a day, some days I only get 8,000. I have a fear of being immobile! My Mother
had bad feet from her diabetes and suffered a lot! I guess I am just a bit paranoid about losing my ability to get around so I tend to push myself.
It has been cooling down in the evening and early mornings, so that is when I walk. Even Jim has been walking! I am so proud of him! The Fitbit I bought him has got him out of his easy chair!
Jodi, it's getting closer!!!!!
Dianne, I want to hear all about the concert! The pic on FB shows you have a good set of teeth in-spite of the bad tooth lol! Nice smile :)
Mary LOL @ Dianne having a good set of teeth.
ReplyDeleteI need to be more like you and walk more even though it sets off my sciatica.
What's everyone up to? It was a warm day here so I sat out in the sun for a little while this afternoon. I also took myself out for lunch and picked up a few things at the grocery store. I gave the dog a new ball and she promptly started ripping it up. It now looks like a bowl. LOL Oh, well. It makes her happy to do it and I guess it gives her jaws a workout.
ReplyDeleteI'm meeting some former co-workers for breakfast in the morning so I'm looking forward to that.
Hi...the concert was really good. We lucked out on the weather too. I love sitting out in the evening listening to good music. Our seats were very good too. Tammy is a concert person. She's always going. I can't afford it!!
ReplyDeleteJL, I'm going to get a permanent bridge but have to have what's left of the tooth pulled. I'm dreading that next week. The next couple of weeks are not going to be fun. I have to go to a gastro dr, a pulmonary dr, primary dr and dentist. The dentist not only will pull the tooth but do a bone thing and then stitch me up. I think I'll take up drinking.
JL, do you have to get up early for your breakfast? We are going to my friends for dinner tomorrow night. We went out with Tammy and her boyfriend for dinner tonight. Did nothing all day but cat napped.
Of course, I'm wide awake tonight.
Waving a wing!! Up early to do laundry and pack!!! Can't believe we are leaving in 2 days!!
ReplyDeleteMARY - You don't let much slow you down!! I'm feeling better. I think my Emergen-C regime totally did the trick!
ReplyDeleteSLIN - Your brother has the right idea. Keep moving!!! Even when I'm having a pain or 2, moving always feels better than laying around. Pretty warm weekend here. High's in the low 90's and low 70's at night. Still working on my base tan for our trip! Hoping to get out this afternoon and nap on my quilt in the back yard. My legs need more sun!!
ReplyDeleteDIANNE - Are you still up? The concert looked really good! And I loved Tammy's videos of Shania! I had forgotten some or her great songs! I thought of you Friday night. All of a sudden I couldn't bite down on my left side. But it must have been something that had lodged itself back in there, but now it's gone. Good luck with all your appointments ♥
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