
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Fishing Trip

by Dianne

Four guys have been going on the same fishing trip for many years.
A few days before the group’s annual departure date, John’s wife puts her foot down and tells him he isn’t going. John’s fishing buddies are very upset that he can’t go, but what can they do?
Two days later the three get to the camping site to find John sitting there with his tent set up, firewood gathered, and dinner cooking on the fire, drinking a cold beer.
“Heck John, how long you been here, and how did you talk your missus into letting you go?”
“Well, I’ve been here since last night. Yesterday evening, I was sitting in my recliner when my wife came up behind me, put her hands over my eyes, and asked, ‘Guess who?”
“ I pulled her hands off, and there she was, wearing a nightie.
“She took my hand and pulled me into the bedroom, where she’d lit candles and put rose petals all over the place. Well, she’s been reading ’50 Shades of Grey’….
“On the bed she had handcuffs, and ropes! She told me to tie her up and cuff her to the bed, so I did.
“And then she said, ‘Do whatever you want.’
“So, boys, here I am!”


  1. Oooooh, I love your kinky blog lol!! I would give anything if Jim could go fishing, or gambling! He used to go to the VFW to swap lies with his buddies at least twice a week! *sigh*.
    I set up the old Karaoke system in the garage so Jim can practice and get out of my hair lol! I have my more advanced system in the basement, all set up for me. I really don't like him messing with that one. It's all computerized. He could accidentally wipe out all my music! His crippled up hands aren't as nimble as they used to be.

    JustLinn,The guys do get soup and sammies once in a while, but only fore lunch. Today I made pancakes and sausage for a late breakfast. Super is yet to be determined lol! Last night I made beef& gravy over mashed taters. Tues was homemade meatballs and spaghetti.
    Fri is pizza. I am making it homemade this time. Jim can order out on Sat and chicken n dumplings on Sunday. Whew! Now to make out next week's menu! Yuck!!
    My shoulder is much better with all the stretching and massages from PT. I also thought of putting my arm in a sling, but my therapist said I should keep those muscles active without overdoing it. He said "simple, if it hurts too much, don't do it!" LOL!
    Jim is not a big fan of computers. I got him a laptop for Christmas one year. He barely uses it except to check his banking and stock activity.

    Barb. I had a few "Sat Night Live", Julia Childs visuals when you mentioned your messy flour situation lol! Today I did something like that with my pancake mix, except my flour went all over my stove! You came to mind immediately! :)

    It has been raining for a few days, but it looks like we will be getting good weather this week end.It is still in the 60s. I want warmer weather, but not like Arizona!!

  2. Justl, yuck I wrote "fore". Please ignore lol!

  3. Mary, when I said flour went everywhere, I meant EVERYWHERE! In addition to the floor and counter, it went all over my BLACK stove! I don’t know what I was thinking when I got a black stove. It shows everything! I am constantly wiping it, even when I hardly cooked on it. Now, it gets used a lot more because Chad cooks a lot, and it’s a real pain! But, we do share in cleaning the kitchen, even though he does most of the cooking.

  4. I’m watching the Parks & Recreation special on NBC. This must have been filmed before all the quarantine started, because they aren’t practicing social distancing. TV has been trying to adapt to social distancing and it’s been very interesting. Saturday Night Live did their second show in that mode last Saturday and it was much better than the first try. The morning shows are doing a good job, also. I wonder what normal will look like when this is all over. Even more, I wonder when it will be over. My grandson got a call from American Airlines and canceled their flight to Japan. He and Allie were scheduled to go on May 23 for 10 days. The airline will restore my miles and return the money I had to pay. They may be able to go in August. We’ll see. I want them to be safe when they do go, so it may need to be even later.

  5. Does anyone have Seaside’s phone number? I have
    925-768-8847. It’s an old number and no longer a good one for her.

  6. Hi....that was a pretty good blog if I do day so myself! Picked up our groceries today. I ordered crescents for Louis to wrap around his brats and they gave me cherry filled ones you make in the oven...two boxes of them. It wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. We did get some decent tp finally. I can’t get spray Lysol or Tylenol. I had a virtual unexpected 9am call with my dr. I called with a question And they made an appt. I yawned a couple of nights ago and it kind of hurt. Yesterday it hurt a lot on the left side. I could barely open my mouth. Today that is better but it still hurts on left side ...headache, jaw ache. She gave me anti-inflammatory for three days. I can’t take anymore days as I had the bleeding in my tummy a couple of years ago. Tylenol does not help the headache. Hopefully better tmrw.

    JL, I’m not quite sure how the hair coloring will work. My hairdresser has set an appt for the 16th if they can open on the 8th. Lots of rules you go though. Denver is making the city a mandate of masks next week inside a public place. Costco and Walmart are already doing it.
    I’ll bet you are missing your coffee shop, aren’t you? I’m missing some of my favorite servers at restaurants that I’ve gotten to know over the years. How’s your back? Mine is terrible. None of the meds work for me.

    Mary, your weekly menu exhausts me. I will say I’ve been planning dinners too but not as fancy as yours. Tonight was leftovers for Louis and nothing for me. We picked up some fast food for lunch. Glad to hear your shoulder is feeling better. How long will you be going to Pt? So will Jim go out in garage and do karaoke? That would be a nice break for both of you. Tonight on world news it showed a few cruise ships still out there with a lot of workers still on board and I think a couple of hundred Americans. There’s something about getting them ashore. Can you imagine a couple of months in a room now?

    Barb, I have a black top stove too. It’s dusty a lot since I don’t cook much but it does show everything ..I agree. I had no choice as it was already in when we moved in years ago. Guess what we did today? Cleaned the house. It was not a deep clean by any means but dusting, vacuuming and mopping. I don’t think I’ll See my cleaning gal until at least June or so. Hey, I’m missing her a lot although she’s not the best duster. I found some long time dust...I’m a good duster. Louis vacuumed and mopped. I wiped down kitchen and we both do our own bathrooms. Whew! That’s enough for one day. You are so lucky Chad cooks for you. Your stew

    I’m still doing little projects daily around here. I wrote out a lot of cards today. I ordered mine so at least I don’t have to go get them. That’s about it for today.

  7. Dianne, you ordered cards? For Christmas? We have been doing a little housework, too, but really very little. Keeping the bathrooms clean. We always keep the kitchen clean, which is easy because the dishes go right into the dishwasher. I got a new one about a year ago, but I hate it. We have to rinse the dishes really well, no matter what soap we use. Also, it doesn't have a heat dry cycle. It’s only a fan and we have to leave the dishes in there overnight after they are done or we have to dry everything. Chad did a lot of research on dishwashers and he said most of them had the same features, but none mentioned not having a heat dry cycle, so we assumed they all did. This one is a GE. It’s an energy saver to not have the heat cycle! It doesn’t save MY personal energy! LOL That’s what we get for assuming!

    The View had a guest that was an entertainer on one of the cruise ships that are stranded in the ocean because of Covid19. The passengers have all been taken off and allowed to go home, but not any of the crew, including the entertainers. They all have to stay in their rooms except for meals and for short times for exercise. It’s been over a month. They don’t even know why they can’t go in to port! At least he didn’t know. Maybe the Captain knows, but hasn’t shared the info.

  8. Barb I also have a black stove and I have a black refrigerator. They're both a pain in the ass to keep up so I just don't look too closely. LOL My dishwasher is mostly stainless steel but with a black control panel. It's a Kenmore and it really works well. I've never had any issues with it. I guess I do rinse things off pretty well and I always hand wash pans. I don't know why. Out of habit, I guess. My dishwasher does dry with heat and I always assumed they all did. It does have a "Smart Cycle" which is where I always have it set.

    I was watching The View the other day, too, and saw that interview with the entertainer. He seemed to be handling the situation really well. At least it looked like he was able to be in a nice cabin since there weren't any paying customers on there anymore.

  9. Dianne How is that pain in your jaw today? I wonder if it is related to your ear. Hopefully, it's not another dental issue. Ugh! I was having a mysterious sharp pain in the joint of my right hip off and on yesterday when I would take a step. I felt like I needed some WD-40 squirted in it. LOL I'd be walking along and all of a sudden, "Ouch". I was walking around very tentatively. So far it hasn't happened today. Knock on wood.

    Two days ago, something bit me on the inside of my left arm just below the elbow. I still have a big red welt there that's a little larger than a quarter. If I touch it, it makes it itch and also hurt a little bit.

    Denver seems to be behind the curve on the wearing of masks in public places. We've been doing it for a long time, it seems.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Mary It have been a bit of a challenge for me to make up a menu for at least one week at a time. I guess I don't have to do it, really, but I am trying to limit how often I am in the grocery store during this pandemic. I'm so used to just getting what I'm in the mood for on any given day. Anyway, I was all set to get up at 5:00 a.m. again last Tuesday but when the alarm went off, I could hear water going down the rain spout outside my bedroom window. I quickly decided, "Oh, hell no. I'm not going to stand in the dark AND in the rain/drizzle in a line waiting for the store to open. I went back to bed for a few hours and got to the store around 9:00. I lucked out as there was no line (they only let 20 in at a time) and I was able to get right in. I was able to get another canister of disinfectant wipes. I was surprised as I haven't seen those in a long time.

    Yesterday, I made myself a big salad for lunch so for dinner I just had a ground beef patty, sauteed mushrooms, and mashed potatoes. I made enough potatoes to have it all again tonight but I will probably add some kind of vegetable. I keep alternating between making banana bread and making brownies. This is not going to end well. LOL

  12. Dianne2 I forgot to ask you if you are watching the Singing/Bachelor show. Barb and I are not in love with it but we keep watching it. At least they all have good voices.

    Are you writing out Christmas cards?

  13. I just realized it was actually Thursday that I went grocery shopping, not Tuesday. It appears I can no longer keep track of the days. One just melds right into the other. I was able to get the smog check on my car on Wednesday. That was a big deal outing. It was done in 15 minutes.

  14. Hi....barb and JL, no I’m not ordering or writing Christmas cards! I found a place that has every card you can think of I've been ordering from online for over a year. I pay less than the store too. I was ordering my June and July cards and writing out my May cards including Mothers day cards for Tammy and liane. I’m not that efficient of doing Christmas cards, besides lots of things changing between now and! Today we too, our Sat ride to get Mexican food and deliver to Tammy. We did venture by Krispy Kreme as it was buy one get one so took one to Tammy and James. We went to Starbucks too. We were gone almost 5 hours. I love it but Louis thinks it’s too long. It’s not like we have anything else to do. We got a quart of margarita too. We did Olive Garden the buy one get one so we will be eating that for a couple of days. Good as I’m sick of cooking.

    JL, I don’t think,I have dental issues as it’s where my “not real teeth” are on top. If I push on where my jaw opens it hurts right there. My ear doesn’t hurt. The pain is still there. I may end up going in but I sure don’t want too. How’s your arm and hip? I hope better. Yes, our gov suggested strongly we wear masks but finally stores and Denver making it mandatory. I’m so glad. I get Mad when someone doesn’t have one on. No, I’m not watching the music show. I’m not even watching the voice this time. I just would rather listen to music and play games, read fb, etc.

    Barb, it must be terrible with the crew being left on the ships. I wonder if they will go back some day although, I think,they have a contract. My nails are so long! I’m going to ask for a new set when I go in. It will be easy to remove as they are about ready to fall off. I’m hoping for hair later in the month. Kayla went back to work today. They are running shifts there from 8-10. She had thE 3-10 Today and was busy as she just does color right now. I’m glad she’s working again. They are even wiping down blow dryers, curling irons, etc., after each client. .....what’s up?

  15. Dianne,The weather has been wonderful here. It's nice being able to sit on the patio. Zoie has been on a kick lately. She constantly wants to go out there. If this keeps up, I will have a good 'ol Caribbean tan lol! It's supposed to cool down next week :(

    JustLin, I have trouble remembering what day it is too lol! I find myself watching less tv and more, listening to music especially since Matt got me Alexa. My new "smart tv" has some good stuff to watch. My fave. is all the Biographies.
    Last night I watched Liberace (not the movie), Robert Mitchum , and Sammy Davis jr.

    I think my PT is done. Mt PT guy says he doesn't know if my ins will give the ok for more appointments. He said he would call. The exercises are helping, but I am still having pain.
    Next week I go to me eye specialist. I am hoping mu eye pressure has gone down.

    Barb. I love cruisin', but not like the ones stranded!
    I love my dishwasher! I have had it for at least 10m yrs (knock on wood). I researched and asked around. I got a "Bosch". Expensive, but worth it!

  16. Barb, I'm not sure what "10m years }is lol!

  17. Hi everyone. I have exciting news. I talked to Seaside Lady today and told her about our blog still being alive. She said she will post. She made some Raiders masks for me and Todd and Vicki and I called to thank her. Facebook deactivated her account because they wanted verification of her name. She sent them what they wanted and is waiting for them to ‘approve’ her name. Anyway, she’s fine and hopefully she will post soon.

  18. Barb, that is good news. I didn’t have a phone or email for her. She made us bronco masks and I’d asked her to make a raider one for zona so I wrote her a thank you note the other day. I sent her my email and phone number so I could be in touch. We always talk on fb messenger. I think everyone misses her. It would be fun if she came on our blog. Wow....we’d have five of us.

    Mary, we’re having nice weather too. I was cleaning out emails last night and listening to music next thing I knew it was 4:20am! I couldn’t believe it was so late. I was up about 9:30 this am but took a long nap late this afternoon. I’m feeling kind of down tonight. No special reason, I just think all this gets so tiresome from time to time. I’m sure everyone feels that way.

    JL. What’s for dinner on the menu this week? I don’t have anything figured out but I will I guess. We still have Olive Garden for tmrw night. . I’ll have to think of something. I still have that darn face pain sometimes worse than others. The face cream she gave me does nothing to help. Oh well, I’ll see how the week goes. I want steak for Mother’s Day. We don’t grill so maybe Outback or something.

  19. Dianne, I know your face pain must be so uncomfortable, that being said, it reminded me of a joke Jim threw at me years ag. He asked me if my face hurt, I said "no", he said "well, it's killing me". baaaaad, I know!!! lol!!
    I sure hope it lets up soon.
    I have my "down" moments too. I take Zoie for walks and that helps some.Being able to sit out in the sunshine helps a lot!

    I hate what the news is putting out about Michigan! A few radicals do not represent us! People are restless and I'm not talking about the gun carrying a-holes. You would think all of Michigan was out terrorizing!
    Our circle of friends are just as afraid of the virus as anyone and intend to keep distancing and wearing masks. Hair and nails, well lol at least no one can see us!
    It is the not knowing how long this will last, that is frustrating.

    I murdered my tomato starters :( They were growing tall and proud until I put them out on our first sunny , warm day. Now they are sadly hanging their heads.

  20. Mary, My Father-in-law used to tell that joke and a bunch more like it. He also would save up all the Italian jokes to tell me and I hated it. He knew it. Then one day, I told him an Okie joke, and he never told me another Italian joke, although he was fond of blond jokes, and mysogynist jokes. I had to bite my tongue a lot!
    How’s Zoie’s leg? Is she using her new ramp?

  21. Dianne, so sorry your jaw is hurting. I hope you can get something that helps. I have so many pain meds that don’t help, I could start a pharmacy! I have learned to live with it. I try to ignore it. 😫. That doesn’t always work, either.

  22. SacBarb,Zoie's paw/leg seems to be doing better. I do have to rein her in sometimes when she wants to walk longer distances. Her ramp should be here in a couple of days. She is doing great on the out door ramp though she still manages to hop up and down sometimes.
    I LOL, at your dealing with your Father-in-ilaw!

  23. Mary Thank you, again, for the cute mask. I only had the one and I was needing a back-up.

    I feel bad for my dog as I haven't taken her on a walk for a while because of my back and sciatica. My sciatica is usually my left leg and adding to that, I've been getting a rather sharp pain in my right hip joint, off and on, when I am walking. I think I had that leg positioned awkwardly when I was hoisting myself up off of the couch. With this shelter in place stuff, I've been spending more time on the couch than usual.

    I know nothing about gardening but I thought tomatoes liked the sun. Was it a case of too much, too soon? I love tomatoes and wish I could get some that were homegrown. Nothing in the stores even come close to what a tomato should taste like.

    Why do men always like corny jokes? It's like their humor meter got stuck at the 12 year old level. LOL

  24. Barb Thank you for the birthday card. It is so darn cute. You do such a good job. You must miss getting together with your crafty friends.

    My friend, Jane, just came by to give me chocolate cupcakes and a container of homemade chili, which I love. This will be my birthday dinner celebration. Oh, she had put a candle in one of the cupcakes and lit it and sang happy birthday to me. We were outside on my front porch so it was tricky to keep the candle lit, but it was successful. I broke my own rule of social distancing and gave her a hug. Here's hoping that wasn't a mistake but I was just so thankful for her efforts. I also know that as of last Friday, there were only 37 Covid cases in Pacifica so I think I'm pretty safe. Every Friday the county is posting the number of cases cases in each city so I'll be keeping my eye on that.

  25. Dianne Thank you for the cute birthday card. My hair is starting to look like all three of those ladies' at any given time.

    Speaking of hair, I need a haircut sooo bad. It's really getting annoying for me to try to style it in any kind of way. The length is bothering me even more than the white/gray roots. I'm starting to wonder if I should get let the color go natural once I'm able to see a hairdresser and get it cut. This might be the opportune time to do that but I'm just not sure. Karina and Lynn can certainly carry it off but they are a lot younger. I'd probably just look a lot older. It would save me a decent amount of money to not have it dyed every 4 weeks.

    Are you still having that pain in your jaw?

  26. JL, yes, it seems men do resort to the Jr. Hi humor. We used to take the kids to the zoo a lot and the flamingoes were right past the entrance. Every single time we went, Bob would ask, of no one in particular, “do you know why they stand on one leg?” One of the boys would always say, “why?” Bob would answer, “because if they lift the other one, they would fall down!” Everyone would groan! But it was a tradition every time we went! Even now, Chad and I will go to the zoo because he likes to shoot pictures of the animals, and he always asks the question, just to honor his Dad’s memory, and we laugh. We’ll have to plan an outing to the zoo after the SIP is over. April 2, marked 27 years since he died and April 10 was his birthday and we didn’t visit the cemetery, so we’ll probably do that, too.

  27. Mary, I love the mask you sent. It was so sweet of you to do that. Thank you so much.

    Chad hasn’t been cooking a lot lately, so we are on our own when that happens. I usually have soup or a salad if we have salad stuff. I’ll put shrimp from the freezer or canned tuna in it. We haven’t been getting a lot of fresh veggies since the virus. I don’t trust that just washing them is OK, so we’re sticking to frozen veg. mostly. We do buy a head of lettuce and onions and potatoes and carrots, because i can peel them and take the first layer off the lettuce. Last night I made a big fat juicy hamburger and it was so good. I have actually been craving a hamburger and it really hit the spot. I put dill pickles, lettuce and cheese on it. Yum! Tonight he made teriyaki chicken with brown rice. It was delish. I am a very lucky woman!

  28. Dianne, How’s your jaw? Better, I hope. I saw that Olive Garden has their BOGO dinner special on again. I may ask Chad to go pick some up for us. He’s not crazy about OG, but maybe I can talk him into it. I like their food.

    I have all this free time and I haven’t really done anything constructive. I have closets I could clean and purge, yet I have not even attempted to do it. I’m feeling guilty, but not enough to get in gear! LOL. Maybe tomorrow! Ha! Chad worked on the flowers today. The bulbs he planted are coming up and he got some stakes to hold them up. They are about 2 feet high.

  29. Happy Birthday JL. I’m glad you had a bday dinner you didn’t have to figure out . I had Fritos and dip. A real Ww special Ha! Glad you recd your card in time. I sent it early. Today was my virtual Ww meeting and Louis fell asleep and was snoring. They had to mute me. I did not find any humor in it! I Had another face time call and the same thing happened. You can imagine my humor by then....none! My back pain is bad too. Drs has me taking more gabapentin during the day.... no change today plus my jaw doesn’t hurt as much but it gives me a headache. Dr told me To call dentist so I did. I’m seeing her Friday. I’m not thrilled about going in there but at least they will all be in masks. you’re thinking of not coloring your hair. Nope....not me. I’d look too old I think. Yes, it would save money but I’m going the 16th. I like my length but not the grey. Happy birthday one more time. Xxoo

    Barb, I like OG too. It’s a great deal of soup or salad, two meals and breadsticks for $12.99. It’s a decent selection too. People here are getting mad about wearing a mask. Denver is mandatory and people are threatening to shoot the health officials! I sure wear my mask even for drive thru at Starbucks. Im Going to try and work on my summer clothes closet. Too much in there and jumbled together. I buy too much and keep running out of hangers. I just ordered more today. My husband tells jokes like your husband. They are never funny.

    Mary...So is Jim in the garage singing? I wish Louis had a hobby. He normally goes to the shooting range but they’re closed right now. How’s Zoie doing? It’s nice you can take her for walks. How do you like what I “cooked” for dinner tonight? I’m not as sweet as you are around here.

    Well,time to wat he the 10pm news and get depressed. I haven’t watched it all day. .

  30. Well I believe my brain is fried.....It's toooooo dang hot!! At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it. LOL!
    Hi ya's me SEASIDE, remember me? I miss you guys so so so much. I'm commenting on Dianne's last post because I can NOT see where to post a new one. Like I said my brain is fried. I'm sure it must be simple but I don't see it.
    We are doing good, just keep going. Tired of missing my friends and sooooo tired of Facebook. I have no idea what their problem is and why they do this to people. Especially now when contact with loved ones is so very important.
    I hope each one of you are doing well, staying safe, finding ways to have fun and stay happy. Please know you're in my thoughts. MUCH love to ya all.........Seaside

  31. Hi seaside .YEA. so glad to see you. I hopE you start coming on the blog now And join the four of us. You did a great job responding. We’ve all missed you so much on Facebook. I received your voice mail today. It was great to finally hear your voice. Is it ok with you for me to call you back? We are loving our bronco masks. Hope you guys are safe and doing well. Xxo

  32. Seaside!! It is so goods knowing you are ok! This Mama Mary worries about all of my friends!
    On posting, nothing to complicated., we just go down a couple spaces and write in the name you want to refer to and comment to them, then drop a few spaces and on to the next owl,all on the same blog.

    Dianne,Your cooking skills work for me lol! Tonight we ordered out Chinese.
    Zoie is doing fine. I gave har a bath today and attempted to trim the hair around her paws. She's not used to the hair hanging out so far. Jim has been keeping himself busy working out in the yard trimming branches and bushes. Tonight our bro-in-law stopped by and we invited him to stay for dinner. He has been so lost since Shirley passed. It's only been a few months, so he's still trying to cope with living alone. He misses all the kids and grand kids. They usually keep his spirits up.

    SacBarb, I have always washed my fruits and veggies. most with vinegar soak and some with a bit of Dawn.

    JustLin. My hair is long too, but that doesn't bother me as much as the silver roots! I tried using a semi-dye hair color, but it isn't sticking. I may have to go darker.
    I wish I looked good in gray hair!

    My therapist left me a text saying the ins. ok'd 3 more sessions.
    Night all!!!

  33. Hey ya all..........
    DIANNE----My Broncos BUD! You can call me ANYtime, I'd love to hear your voice too. I want to come back to Facebook but honestly I don't know if it's going to happen. They won't let me log in and say I need to prove who I say I am. They want 3 different forms of ID, driver's license, SS card, pass port but will also accept copies of personal mail, catalogs, magazine subscriptions, Costco card, any utility bills--PG&E, cable etc. I sent them PG&E, cable, catalogs, personal mail, orders, subscriptions, Kaiser card, packages received....ALL says Seaside Bush. I told them it stinks they do this to people especially now when it's so important to keep in touch with those you love. I guess I'm just to controversial for them LOL!! You know all the trouble I make with pictures of Gidget, Santa Cruz, RAIDERS, and BRONCOS!

    Hi Mary.....I hope your cutie baby is doing good. My baby will let me cut the hair around her toes but will go ballistic if I even look like I'm going to cut her nails. Not going to happen. Little poop LOL She is hating this heat just like me. Lordy I do not do well in the summer, I'm definitely a winter girl. It's been so dang hot and it's only the first of May. Been in the 90's for a week. Yesterday and today in the 100's. I'm tooooo old for this poop!

    Please know I love each and every one of you and miss reading your FB posts and seeing pictures of your families. Mostly I hope ya all are well and enjoying what ever it is you get to do. We doing fine even though we miss some things. My Munchkin works almost nonstop and loves his job but sure is tired.
    Stay safe-----be happy xoxo
