
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ash Wednesday

today's daily blog
is from our night owl

~Ash Wednesday in Utah~
~For Zona~

Growing up in Southern California, I had no concept of what it would be like to live someplace where people didn't understand your beliefs, or at least be somewhat aware of them. The church on the corner nearest our house was Baptist. The next closest church was Presbyterian, followed by Calvary Chapel, and then our Catholic Church. On Ash Wednesday, the first day of the season of Lent, our church was packed with all the students in the school and our parents. Some of the other churches had services, some didn't. We would get our Ashes on our foreheads, and of course, compare whose was darkest or biggest or whose looked like a cross or just a smudge. It stayed on until it wore off from rubbing our forehead or until we washed it off at the end of the day. If we went somewhere after school, no one looked at us funny or commented. It's just the way it was!

For those of you not familiar with Ash Wednesday and Lent, here is a little explanation. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the 40 days of Lent, which doesn't include Sundays and ends on Holy Thursday. Lent is a time of new beginnings and is an Old English word for Spring. Catholics believe it is a time to simplify your life, especially by eliminating harmful behaviors and attitudes. We use the time for fasting, prayer, "giving up" something, and, equally important, doing a little extra something for someone. As children, we always, ALWAYS gave up watching television. We were allowed to watch one program once a week during Lent. It was always The Brady Bunch! You have no idea how it killed us to give up TV. We also gave up candy. Back then, on our way home from school, there was a Carnation Ice Cream shop that sold candy for a penny or a nickel…..AND I LOVED IT!!! So giving up candy was hard for me. Oh, I almost forgot… aren't supposed to let others see, by the look on your face, or any other way, that what you have given up is causing you any discomfort or stress. Not until I was older did I realize that my mother had a hard time with that part. On Friday's and on Ash Wednesday, we do not eat meat if we are over the age of 14 yrs old, and we are asked to also Fast, meaning that we have only one meal or one regular meal and two small meals. I have to laugh because I remember my mother just whining that she was "so hungry"!

On Ash Wednesday, we go to mass and during the service, the priest uses ashes to make a cross on our foreheads. He uses the leftover palms from the previous year's Palm Sunday which are burned and sometimes mixed with Holy Water. The priest says, "Remember that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return." The ashes symbolize repentance and purification. They are a reminder to us that life passes away on Earth.

In 1993, my little family moved to Utah…..just Mr. Tina~, my one year old, and me. Mr. Tina~ went to work for the Catholic Church and I went to work for Delta. One of the first questions people asked us was, "Are you a member of The Church?" My answer was always, "Yes!" Mr. Tina~ had to always correct me and tell them we were Catholic. I just thought it was the craziest question! Mr. Tina~ started telling everyone who he worked for, and that quickly nipped the other question in the bud! Our first Ash Wednesday was hilarious for me…..and it was just a regular day for Mr. Tina~ I went to Church like normal, got my ashes, and went off to work. On my first break, I was walking around and noticed the odd stares. Now I know what you are thinking…..but these stares were even more strange than the ones I normally got!!!! Then, one lone soul decided to be brave and whispered to me that I had dirt on my forehead. Of course I laughed and explained what it was. You would have thought I was from another planet. (be quiet Lynn~) She had no idea what I was talking about. The next year, the same thing happened….and the next….and the next. I don't know if it's the devil in me or what, (again Lynn….shhhhh) but now I make sure the ashes are in the shape of a cross and they are DARK!! It's fun to see who the first person will be to say something to me. I guess I took the diversity for granted in SoCal. It's something that I miss and something I wish my children could experience here.

I'm not going to tell you what I'm giving up for Lent, but I will tell you that it'll benefit me, as well as others. I also want to look for something I can DO to help others. I have found that sometimes that is more important, and hubby and I are trying to teach our children the same.


  1. TINA: You are something else. Thank you for a lesson on the faith I was raised in, but for some reason lost the understanding of somewhere along the way. My mom would give you a huge hug if she could. I am sure she is smiling down on you. I've said it all along, you may be a goof--but you are a sweetheart as well. Thanks for this surprise. {{HUGS}} Oh, and SWAK! :)

  2. TINA: Your descriptions of your experiences brought vivid pictures to me. I grew up in SLC..up on the "east bench". I still remember the questions..what Ward was I in, what Stake House etc. There were kids in my neighborhood who were prohibited from playing with me. I was raised Unitarian..a true heathen. I was discharged from an honors English class for writing words subversive to the Mormon culture. And yet, my relationships with a few Mormon's who were truly good people kept my heart open to that faith system. I participated in my share of Mormon bashing but I also defended the system.

    I can imagine the isolation you must feel and hope today your ashes attract someone you can do something good for, by sharing your faith and your goodness.

    I too practice Lent..I learned it as giving up what gets in the way of my relationship with God and adding something that will enhance that relationship. So, even though I have a Buddhist practice..I am deeply grateful for Lent and for your blog helps ME feel INcluded and seen.


    (Zona..way to go #1)

  3. BREAKFAST for the early bird owls:

    Fresh layed eggs cooked to order
    Ciabatta Toast
    Cara Cara oranges
    Organic Blueberries
    Italian Coffee with cream or soycream
    Agave flavored sweetener

  4. Good morning, Tina and Zona!

    Tina, that was a great lesson in religious history, and geography, and sociology! LOL!

    It also brought back memories of the religious environment I grew up in. The setting was a small town in Ontario, population a mere 1200. Nevertheless, the town had five, count 'em, five churches: Baptist, Free Methodist, Anglican, United, and Presbyterian (sp?) (sorry, Tina, but the nearest Catholic church was eight miles away in Meaford!)

    All of these were Protestant denominations, and yet, it was a big deal if people married "outside their church", and to some extent, even the town's social structure broke along "denomination lines".

    I wonder what the situation is like in Utah today, where the one protestant denomination is so dominant. Do Mormons ever marry outside their faith? Like, you know, to Catholics, even (heaven forbid)?!! And would there be a social stigma if they did?

  5. ... and good morning to you, too, resident Buddhist NowMercy! Breakfast sounds totally yummy!

  6. Congrats on 1st Zona.

    Great blog Tina. I enjoyed your story. I know you are not telling but I am guessing what you are giving up for lent--you are not going to call Jodi a whore anymore!!! Right, am I right??????

    nowmercy, I hope those fresh layed eggs didn't cause you too much discomfort. But thanks for breakfast!

    Morning to you Carol, Bear, Zona, Nowmercy,

  7. Thanks do like your eggs? Oh, and YOU should surely be the one to respond to the word of the day..carefully of course. hahaha.

    From "area 51" a quick scan sends me to say"

    KGIRL: Wishing you a Lou Melantio Pizza at least in your dreams
    AMICUS: So glad your "rock" is headed home and doing well.. big sigh of relief
    SANDII: so glad your rock has, uh, passed! Yay to mineral oil and your great doggie mommying.
    BONSIS: YAY to the end of PMS (btw I learned PMS was "Permission to Manifest Self"
    SCRISH: 5 pounds...way to go!!!!
    VIG: Loved your comfort food understanding..thanks
    TINK:Oh the agony for you..I am guessing you may need to know you haven't added any sorrow..and I know you have not.. I can FEEL your love and compassion for your sweetly confused Mom through my laptop...sending prayers.
    IBEBOLD: Whoa..that is so much at once. I hope you have time to mourn and important. If you have to have puffy eyes.. I am glad they reflect how deeply you love your friends and how deeply you were and are loved by them. I am sending prayers your way too. Be gentle.

    Everyone else.. I had SO MUCH fun reading your comments from yesterday, and your comfort foods... missed you all.. glad for a bit of time to catch up.


  8. Goldie..not too bad for me..but the hens do always go on for a bit after laying..I imagine they are saying ow, oh crap, ow, hey that was more than a medium egg, look what I did..wish that egg was more lubricous, cluck cluck cluck.

  9. PS Goldie..I just LOVE your owl...and finally remembered to say so..

  10. Zonababy..I am slow, veerrry slow..who is your "owl" pic?

  11. Good Morning everybody. I am going to get my homework out of the way first.

    lubricious - smooth and slippery with oil or a similar substance.

    Is there a test on these words in two weeks

  12. Thank you nowmercy, I have always been told that my eyes are my best feature........

  13. Thank you nowmercy, I have always been told that my eyes are my best feature........

  14. Congrulations Zonababy. You are lst. I hope that means you are just getting up and not just going to bed. My little one needs her sleep.

  15. Godlie.. Goldie.. you're welcome x 2
    Here's m new owl

  16. Congrulations Zonababy. You are lst. I hope that means you are just getting up and not just going to bed. My little one needs her sleep.

  17. Good morning Tink..I can take any spelling test as long as I can use spell check during the test.

  18. Tina , thank you for that wonderful lenten story.

    Would anyone like to share their favorite meatless dishes?

    I am always looking for new receipes for Friday nights during lent.

    My two stand-bys Fish sandwiches from McDonalds and cheese pizza from Pizza Hut can get boring.

  19. Good Morning Owls!

    Zona: Way to go first!!

    Tina: Thank you for sharing your religion with us!!

    I was not raised in any formal religion. My Mother was Catholic but when she passed Dad never pushed us to go to church.

    I do remember going with An Aunt and Uncle and cousins a few times. What I remember most was the ceremony of it. While beautiful I never really agreed with the message being delivered.

    For a time I attended a church in my early teens. Again I just never felt like I fit in.

    When Mr. Lynn D and I got married I went a few times with my Mother in law. She was Southern Baptist. A side note here Mr. Lynn D was an ordained minister for the Southern Baptist church before I met him. He left the church for many reasons that I won't go into here.

    I remember that when I attended church with my Mother in law whom I adored, so was going to make her happy. I went to an adult Sunday school in her church (You have to remember this was in the 1980's) I knew right away that I would not and could not abscribe to this religion. The lesson was about Aids and that all people who had contracted this horrible disease were being punished by God. I sat and listened and then stood up and looked at all of them and I said I am very sorry but I disagree and that it was this kind of thinking that was holding us all back from finding our real and true connection with God. I left the room. I did attend the Sunday sermon with her and listened politely. At the end they called for anyone to come forward and be saved. I saw my MIL out of the corner of my eye praying ferverently and I knew she was hoping I would stand up and march down the aisle. I could not do it. I felt bad but I just could not embrace her religion.

    I do have to say I always admired her and she is one of the few people in my life that I have known that was what I would define as a true chrisitian. She walked the walk and talked the talk and meant it. Tho she later told me that she took what served her best and lived her life accordingly and did not ascribe to the vengeful God concept. I loved this woman.

    Today I guess I am on my own journey. I believe in God and pray to him. But I am looking for that spiritual connection. Not the religious connection.

    I guess some would call me a heathen and maybe I am. I don't much care. I care that I have lived my life, trying to be a part of the human race flaws and all, but with love and not hate.

    To me life is a journey to the next level what ever that may be.

    Sorry long post again. Funny how this came up today as I had a very restless night with very disturbing dreams. I am guessing it is to remind me to slow down and take the time to listen.

    So thank you Tina for a gentle reminder this morning.

    Peace everyone!

  20. Tina - I identified with everything you said in the first half of your lovely and informative essay. The only two differences were giving up T.V.
    (We didn't have T.V. until I was a teenager) and not eating meat. Not only could we not eat meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, it was a sin to eat meat on any Friday or Feast Day until Pope John VI at Vatican II in 1965 said we could. He also declared at that Vatican that we could have breakfast before having Communion on Sundays. I suffered with that rule because without food I would nearly be fainting by the time Mass was over. The answer was to go to Mass as early as possible. I always gave up pop and candy. Candy was easy because I didn't like it that much but I was in agony giving up my Kik Cola. (Does anyone remember Kik Cola?). I must confess I did sometimes cheat. I wonder if I will still get into Heaven? Thanks Tina for bringing back those childhood memories.

    Zonababy - My mom would give Tina a hug too.

    Whabbear - I think there still is a stigma to marry outside the church. I know there is in the Catholic church.

    Nowmercy - Thanks for the boiled eggs on toast. I need protein today. Thank you for the kind words about my mom. I will be spending the day with her, going to the church services. I know now I will come home very tired but happy.

    Good Morning Goldie - The site must like our comments today but it is posting them twice for no reason I can see.

    Have a great Ash Wednesday everyone. Now that I like chocolate it will be a little harder for me to give up but I know I won't cheat.

  21. Good Morning iteach - The only meatless recipe I have is tuna casserole and I think the whole world knows that one. We used to have pancake day at our public school on Shrove Tuesday. Do they do that at your school? I bet that has changed just like Christmas concerts have changed to Winter Festivals.

    Lynn D - Good Morning and thank you for your interesting post. When I was a child it was a sin to go to a protestant church but that rule changed too. I attended the Baptist church with Ron in Cincy. I loved their hymns.

  22. Ok had to take a minute and regroup!

    Nowmercy: I always love reading your posts!

    Whabbear: I have a few Mormon friends and yes it is still a stigma for them to marry outside their religion.

    Goldie: I was thinking the same thing you were. I don't know if she can give up calling Jodi a whore for lent! LOL

    Tinka: Are you using google to get your answers! LOL I thought the word of the day was what they did to my car when I took it to Jiffy Lube! LOL

    Iteach: May I suggest Nachos with cheese only! There is always Salad too.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

  23. Tina: I admire you for being faithful to your religion and beliefs! Catholic churches are few and far between here, also. I knew I was moving to the Bible belt and that Baptists and Methodists were prominent here, but that still surprised me. I have several Catholic friends here and they were recently talking about their unhappiness with their church and talking about moving to the "other" Catholic church. Meanwhile, there's a Protestant church on every corner--and they're HUGE! It sure is a different world than my home state of MD! LOL

    Nowmercy and Tinka, I think lubricous should have been yesterday's word! :)

    Thanks to all of you who left comments about Luc after I went to bed last night. Your support means a lot to me. He's fine!

    Tinka, I hope your Mom settles in today. I know that must be hard on you to see her out of sorts.

    Amicus: So glad Dad is doing well.

    IBB: I'm so sorry about your friends. What a good friend you are.

    Whabbear: When we lived in Korea I was friendly with lots of Mormons (they ran the Boy Scout Pack) and one woman I knew did marry outside the church. She told me that when she went to heaven, they would not be able to live together in eternity since he was not Mormon. I remember it clearly because she told me she wasn't sure she wanted to live with him for eternity anyway! LOL

  24. Lynn - I am using my dictionary. I did know today's word however.

    Sandie - Thank you. I am off to see her now. I hope she is happier today. I also hope you got a good night's sleep.

  25. Good Morning Feathered Friends!

    TINA, bravo! Beautiful post. Regardless of what anyone says, you are a good girl!!! (Since I don't do lent, I can call Jodi a whore for you!!)

    TINKA, OMG, if anyone will be sure to get into heaven, it's you!

    NOWMWERCY, thanks for breakfast! May I have egg whites srambled, please?!

    ITEACH, do you have a Trader Joe's near you? They have incredible meatless meatballs and veggie burgers. May help in your quest for new recipes.

    LYNN, Beautifully said. I bet your mother-in-law is as proud of you and adored you as much as you did her. Mr. Lynn D is a lucky man.

    Hi to ZONA, GOLDIE, WHABBY, and all of you yet to post.
    I will share a story a little later on.

  26. Nowmercy, I went to that website and it is so neat. First of all I love the design of it, very inviting.

    I just breifly looked and there were a lot of receipes that caught my eye. I will look more tonight after hours.

    Thank you!

  27. Oh Maureen, we do not have a Trader's Joe here, I guess it is a grocery store?

  28. TINA: Boy that back brought a lot of memories of my Catholic Faith, We always went for ashes. I remember being a kid in elementary school and all the lunch ladies had that black spot on their head. Some of the kids would just look at them and say ooo yuk they all have dirt on their foreheads. I looked at the kids and said no its ashes for Ash Wednesday. Some kids understood, some didn't. We always went to 7:00 pm Mass, just like our family will be going tonite, for ashes.

    Hello to ZonaBaby, Goldie, nowmercy, Whabbear, Tinka, iteach, Lynn D. Enjoy your day!!!!! And anyone else I missed.

    IbeBold: Your a Good Friend, and I'm very sorry.

    iteach: We eat the same things during lent on Fridays also, Tuna and Noodle Salad, Grilled Cheese & Tomatoe Soup, Piergois with Vegetable & Salad, or we go out for Fish & Chips (thats my favorite, no work for me).

    Ok back to washing the beddings.

    I'll check back later

    Love you guys

    Renee Eve ((((((HUGS))))))))

  29. Here is my religion story (I know you're thrilled!!).

    After my father passed away, we moved to Cleveland, where my mom and dad's family lived. We moved into the burb that our relatives lived in and it was predominantly Jewish, and mostly Orthodox.

    Judiasm has 3 main branches - Orthodox, Conservative and Reformed. My parents were raised Orthodox, but we were now all Reformed. Reformed is the least religious, but still believed in the basic tenets of the religion. We didn't honor the sabbath or keep Kosher. We went to synagogue, but only on the "high" holidays. We celebrated the holidays, but more as a social event!!

    The street that we moved to was close to 90% Orthodox. In a mile radius, there were probably 10 Synagogues. My mother smoked, drove (even worked) on Saturday and we certainly didn't keep Kosher, as evidenced by the pizza delivery car that came over quite often! It took a long time after we moved in to be accepted onto the block - - and accepted as Jewish.

    The Orthodox (and especially the Hasidim or Chabad's) didn't even recognize Reformed Jews as Jews. As time passed, we were accepted and even well-liked. We were invited to weddings and Bar Mitzvah's (Orthodox do not have Bat Mitzvah's) and to celebrate in neighbors homes and Sukkah's.

    It turned out to be a wonderful place to grow up. As the years passed, the neighborhood and street changed. As new families moved in, our little street became a United Nations of sorts. We were a fully integrated street and all of us kids played together - - regardless of relgious affiliations (or lack thereof), regardless of color. The grown ups sat together on each other's porches, sharing the stories of the day. We all practiced the same thing - - HUMANITY.

    I wouldn't change those days for anything. (well, except that my dad would have still been alive)

    It is kinda like the Owl's Nest - - we are all different, yet we accept each other and care share our stories of the day and support each other in ways that transcend our religious beliefs.

    Sorry for the long-winded post ;)

  30. Zona Congrats on being the early bird today.

    Tina Thank you for your thoughtful writing. I also grew up in SoCal and there were areas in my hometown where there seemed to be a different church on every corner. I was not raised in a religeous family but attended various churches with friends throughout my youth. I never attended a Catholic service, however. Somehow I seemed to always know what the ashes on the forhead represented. I am guessing that I learned it from a fellow classmate at an early age. I probably asked as there would have been a number of kids and teachers walking around with the ashes on their foreheads that day. I'm always somewhat surprised that some of our country has such limited exposure to other religions, races, and sexual orientations. I have gotten spoiled by the diversity I see around me and take it for granted at times.

    I hope you are having a wonderful Ash Wednesday and that you are helping broaden other people's minds today.

  31. Good Morning Renee and Jus Lin - I hope everything is going well with you two today.

    Maureen - I loved your post thank you. When I get to the Pearly Gates I am going to tell St Peter that Maureen said "TINKA, OMG, if anyone will be sure to get into heaven, it's you!" I sure hope that works.

    I am learning so much from all of you thanks so much.

  32. I'm thinking Tina gave up sex for lent, but just doesn't want to admit it!

    I grew up Catholic too, but I do not practice any type of religion now. Weird, I remember going to church, CCD classes on Wednesday, Ash Wednesday and stuff, but I never gave up anything for lent. We used to do the whole, eat fish on Friday, but then I think my mom just got tired of the whole thing. I decided in my teen years that I would not raise my kids under any religion and that when they were adults they could do their own research and decide if they wanted to join whatever church/religion that they felt suited them the best. So far neither of them has found the need to have religion in their lives. None of their friends belong to any church either. I don't know how it is elsewhere in the States, but in our neck of the woods attendance in churches have gone by the wayside just like joining a club like the Elks or Moose has.

  33. BARB,
    In Cleveland, churches are suffering from the same fate. The Diocese is closing churches left and right. Catholic schools are closing and combining 2 or 3 into one. There is a shortage of Priests and in many areas, 1 Father has multiple churches and congregations to administer to.

  34. Maureen: Thank-you for sharing your story, I LOVE listening about other religions. Our Special Education teacher at the boys Elementary school is Jewish and she always teaches the children how she celebrates her holidays, for Christmas Around the World the kids LOVE to listen to her. I was talking to her at Vincents Christmas/Ethnic Feast, she told me shes Jewish and Polish, she liked my Pierogis that how we got on that subject, I love her, shes so sweet, the kids also love her, I can't believe the patience she has with them children.

    Barbra in Wash: You are very right attendance is very down in the churches. When my husband and I joined our Church in 1993 we always had 4,100 families, for the past 2 years were down to 3,100 thats a HUGE drop. Plus I teach CCD for 1st grader and we only have 4 classes this year compared to 4 & 6 years ago when my other 2 sons where in and I taught they had 10 classes then. SO you are right people are dropping.

  35. Maureen:

    The same thing is happening over here to in Detroit. Even though we don't live in Detroit The Archdiose of Detroit cover the whole Detroit Metro Area. There is a shortage of Priests, they are closing parishes left and right and letting the people find new ones. Some priest do have multiple parishes to take care of. In our parish the reason why we had a decline is because no one likes our pastor. I personally like him. Hes a lovely speaker, and he loves people I have no idea why people don't like him. Last year ago in March there were a group of people that were passing out letters about him about all the things he did wrong for all the other churches he was at, they said VERY NASTY things about him, I felt very bad for him. But he got up the next week and explained it which took a lot of nerve. I do not know who the people were who composed the letter but it was terrible.

  36. Good morning owls. I hope everyone is having a good Wednesday.

    Tina: My memories of Lent in my childhood is the same as yours. And even though we argued with my mother that Sunday was part of Lent, we didn't watch TV on Sunday either. I really enjoyed reading your blog and remembering. Thanks.

    Zona: Congrats on #1.

    Nowmercy: Cara Cara oranges are my favs. Thanks for the other eats, too.

    Lynn D: I think you have found your Spiritual connection. It doesn't have to be associated with a formal religion.

    Tinka: Cheating on the Kit Cola is NOT going to keep you out of Heaven. In my youth, we were not encouraged to go to another church, but we weren't told it was a sin. My husband was not Catholic and he had to go to 6 pre-marital classes at the Church to learn about the Catholic religion and to understand the practices. He also had to agree to raise our children in the Catholic religion. John Paul II made a lot of other changes at Vatican II. Another one was to say the Mass in English instead of Latin and and I think this was one of the best changes because it allows for so much more understanding of the Mass.

    I am off to run errands. Will check back in later.

  37. Sunday WASN'T part of Lent....

    Need to proof before posting

  38. forgot....congrat on 1st today zona!

    renee eve and maureen...

    I'm not sure that churches have been closing here. There still seem to be tons. But I know that their congregations are very small. There are 2 really huge "mega" churches though that probably have thousands of attendees. One literally has a shuttle system to get people from the outer parking lots to the building (think disneyland) and they have to have people direct traffic. It's crazy. And I have no idea what branch of the Christian religion they are . I'm sure I could google them and find out! One of my best friends of over 30 years is very involved in her Lutheran church. She even gives a huge portion of her paycheck directly to the church. Now THAT is something I would never do!

  39. Maureen, Renee and Barbara/wa, that's really interesting about churches closing. There's no lack of church going folks here! In fact, if you don't go to church, you'd best not mention that. LOL

  40. Jumping in here, in between clients:

    Do you all REALIZE what you are DOING??? You are discussing and sharing about religion, spirituality and beliefs.. with peace and acceptance and kindness toward each other.. there IS a GOD!!!

    BARBWA: Letting your kids choose is a way to stay open..
    RENEE: Girl you do a LOT of you have nice washer or somethin? Jus sayin..
    LYNND: HH Dalai Lama says "My true religion is kindness"..sounds like you have found your practice of spirit.
    TINK: THanks for sharing your memories..
    ITEACH: So glad you like the too.
    JUSTLIN: Hi there!!!!
    MAUREEN: What an incredible place to grow up. BTW..ever read "The Blessings of a Skinned Knee" about parenting from the Jewish perspective? Love that book.

    Hope I didn't miss anyone..

    We have sooo much wind

    Loving this group more and more and more...

  41. For Lynn D:

    A woman turns to her older female pew sitter in church and says to her "Gosh this pastor is SO dull and boring" to which the other woman exclaims, "WELL, do you know who I am?" and the replay from the first woman is a cautious "No". The older woman says "I am the pastor's MOTHER!" The first woman asks, "Well, do you know who I am?" and the older woman replies, "NO!" to which the first woman says, "Oh, Good!!"

  42. I know I'm gabby today...
    Here is a great website

    About all belief systems

  43. Good Afternoon Owls!

    I had to squeeze in some extra dogs today to make up for being off yesterday so I'll have to catch up on all the posts later tonight.

    Tina: Thanks for an interesting and well written blog! Although I'm not Catholic, I live in a predominantly Catholic area so other kids at school helped me to understand some of the beliefs and traditions when I was growing up.

    I was raised in a hellfire and damnation church. We were all sinners, and we were all going to Hell. I now consider it religious abuse, and I attend a non-denominational church that teaches love and acceptance instead. :)

    Waving Hi to everyone! Hope you all have a good day!

  44. Good Ash Wednesday to all.

    Thank you all for your wonderful post to me!!

    nowmercy- you have such a way with words.. I love reading your posts..

    Tink- I so hope you found your mother settled today!!

    Zona-- congrats on # 1

    Tina-- What a wonderful explanation for those who thought they understood it and for those who don't know!!

    I talked to MEK today.
    She has ( as you know) limited internet access.. She asked me to tell you all Hello... and tomorrow she will have no access to the computer at all.. and will be home Friday.. And looks very forward to catching up then!!
    And she thanks you all for "looking out for little sister"!!

    Our tradition is .. we give up chocolate for lent..
    And we ate fish every Friday ..I mean every Friday.. All year long!! Not just during lent..

  45. NowMercy:

    I have a 12 almost 13 year old son that I'm teaching next week during mid-winter break how to USE the washing machine, he takes 2-3 showers a day, he needs his sheets washed like every other day, NO I don't do it every other day, but once a week I do them all. My washer is 15 years old I also have my moms washer & dryer that are like only a few years old downstairs incase mine break. LOL But I also have 6 people in my house and it stacks up pretty high. So I do laundry every other day and wash my throw rugs every other week. But my oldest and boldest is gonna learn, just wait he uses a new towel at every shower. Hes into I don't want GERMS. It just started in 7th grade.

  46. IbeBold,

    I don't like fish that much, I like Tuna Fish, and FRIED FISH, and shrimp. We are also giving up chocolate and candy all JUNK, chips, etc.

    Nowmercy: I'm going to to another load LOL.

  47. Renee Eve-- I don't like fish that much either .. that was what Mom made us do..

  48. Good Afternoon Owls!

    Mo: I loved hearing about your childhood and beliefs!

    NowMercy: Thank you! LOL at your joke!

    Sacbarb: Sending you (((Hugs))) So glad you don't have to go the wedding in your night gown and bathrobe! LOL

    BarbWA: I have let my kids decide too.

    Hi IBB!

    I love hearing everyones perspectives and memories!! Thank you all

  49. RENEE: Whoa..that a LOT of linen!! I do laundry every day, but from my massage practice. I feel like I got my life back after getting an extra large capacity front loader..less water and energy and WAY less dry time. Hope some time you can be blessed with that. My 12 year old daughter is learning to do her own stuff too. I laughed when you talked about teaching them to do their own neighbor has 4 kids..3 boys. the 15 and 13 year old boys do their own laundry.. my friend quietly calls it "marriage insurance" because it will make them more attractive and make her look more attractive as a future mil..the one who Taught Them How. Bet you enjoy the comic strip called "Zits".

  50. Lynn D..glad you liked the joke
    IBBOLD..Gosh, thanks
    AMICUS..amen to the abuse..spiritual abuse..ick

    I was raised Unitarian and was taught Jesus was a great prophet and teacher and was given the chance to choose what I took in from the rest of the story. So I love the guy..good with his hands, gentle to the hurting, stern with the misguided, trusting of women and a talented healer and (for me) beautiful and pure service driven Spirit. I have tried all sorts of religious expressions. Knowing I was always drawn to more contemplative services I gave Buddhist teachings a try and that is where I feel the most alive. I teach my daughter the beauty of Christ's teachings, we attend a few Christian churches about every 4 weeks, and a Rabbi comes to visit our town ever 6 weeks so we attend his presentations when we can. I feel fortunate, having grown up in a culturally dominated community that I was given a chance to be quiet and listen early on. I learned Transcendental Meditation at age 14 and it really helped me see things differently. (Maharishi passed yesterday btw). I joined not one but two spiritual cults in my now I take the Buddha's words to heart.."Here is what I did..try it for yourself and do not worship me" and I try hard to remember Christ's words "Love thy neighbor". I am never close to where I want to be and yet feel some acceptance of where I am.

    Okay..a rambling, just about me, not a preach of others. I am fascinated in hearing how people tread their ways along the path of faith.

  51. NowMercy: I'm jealous thats what I want a FrontLoader, I heard WONDERFUL things about them. But like I said I already have a spare in the basement. I'm like really far away from that. LOL OK boys are home gotta go check back packs and do the momma thing. I'll be back later

  52. Great Read Tina!

    I was raised in the midwest, Chicago to be exact. When my mother and father decided to get married my mom's parents viewed it as a disgrace as my Mom was marrying outside her faith (Catholic). My father is the son of a Presbyterian Minister.

    Being raised staunch Irish Catholic my Mom's parents did not back down. After meeting my dad's father, they finally relented and allowed them to marry as long as any children born we're raised catholic.

    So....they did marry in a catholic church, with a long catholic mass ceremony and my grandfather the minister, who I learned just a few years ago, asked my Dad one thing when my father explained the story to him. "Do you love her"? When my father proclaimed that he did, my Gramps said good! That is all that matters to me. That you are loved and that you love.

    Many things happened, my brothers attended catholic schools, we attended catechism classes every Saturday morning and went to church every Sunday. Some significant events happened within that particular church that caused my parents to speak amoungst themselves. One major event was a turning point, and from that moment on us kids we're told that when we arrived at the age of 18, that we would be allowed to make the decision for ourselves whether to remain a member of the Catholic religion or not.

    All four of us went on different paths. The eldest is a christian, but in a church that brances off from Catholicism. The second still attends that same church as my Mom. I beleive in something greater than me, tho I have yet to define it, and follow no organized religion. My younger brother is an atheist.

    So although I am familiar with the Lenten season I do not follow it. I have great respect for my mother's beliefs and when she visits me here, I still go to services with her out of respect to her, I just do not accept the host as it would be hypocritacal of me. And I know that she respects my decision.

    Sorry to be so long winded....whew it just kinda flew outta me....

    Soto my Catholic friends here on the blog I wish you a blessed Easter season, may your sacrifices be gentle and your outreach be plentiful.

    K I am shutting up now.....


  53. Can you say blizzard?!!! We are getting hit hard here in Mich. I knew it was coming so I did all my running around yesterday. I'm packing today for our trip to Vegas on Sunday.

    I was raised in hard core protestant. I don't know why, but it didn't "take" with me. I had to attend Church many times a week. My father was the Preacher! He was very strict with us. I was on the rebellious side.I never understood how wearing make-up,short sleeve blouses,going to movies, dances etc. would send you to hell! He lived to be 75. In his later years he grew to be more tolerant and understanding of others.

    I totally understand why so many want to "leave it to the kids until they grow up". I said the same thing. I did send my boys to Sunday school until they decided they no longer wanted to go.
    I have seen the down side of this. My sister went with the "let them decide" theme. Her girls never went to any church. They are both in college struggling with "faith". By this I mean (this is hard to explain), They seem lost when they want guidance ie, depression,loneliness,school & boyfriend issues. I am not overly religious, but when I find myself in need of guidance I have the foundation my parents laid down for me to fall back on. I know we have our inner selfs to go to, but sometimes we need a little "spiritual" help too.I'm sure this is clear as mud LOL!!

    OK, back to my packing.

    Good subject Tina!

  54. KGirl: What a respectful and beautifully told story..I felt really touched reading that part of your herstory. So glad you didn't "shut up" any sooner.

    MaryMI: good luck with that blizzard lady..and I agree, somehow humans really NEED a backup plan and spirituality is a great plan.

  55. Do any of our owls live where are the tornado's happened?

  56. Mississippi, Tenneseem Alabama and Georgia right iTeach?

    Off the top of my head I can't think of anyone, but have thoughts to those that lost their lives.

  57. KGirl..I join it the thoughts for those who died and their families..sounds terrifying.

    Any owls affected?

  58. Scrappysmom and JeanK (dancer under the moon) live in Tennessee, one in Memphis and one in Nashville. I hope they and their families are ok.

    SANDIE, please check in.

    Also Biscy is in Atlanta.

    I just turned on CNN and ther are 52 known fatalities.

    Prayers to all involved.

  59. Mo have you checked Ants blog to see if Jean and Scrappy have logged in and commented today?

  60. KGIRL,

    No I don't go there. I guess I will take a look.


  61. I sent an email to Whabby..I think he may have a line of some of the folk because of the chat room from Rossbog.

  62. Okay, I just got off the phone with Jodi for the first time, and ladies, I think she is nicer than her potato salad!

  63. I just read thru the Ant blog. JeanK is ok and Scrappysmom has yet to post.

  64. nowmercy LOL @ bog

    iteach You mean you don't spell Jodi with a "W"?

  65. No, not after the first phone call.

  66. thanks mo for checking their status, I would do it, but it's hard to see my computer screen over all of these

  67. I found Scrappysmom myspace page and left an email and looked up the paper for where she lives in TN.* Does not look like that small town was affected but lots and lots near there were. Wow.
    (*the benefit of having been in law enforcement in my past was learning to track down folks..please don't be creeped out, I use my powers only for the light side.

    ITEACH: so glad to hear Jodi is better than boiled and spiced up potatoes.. that must be a relief lol.
    btw..are you SURE it was Jodi??)

  68. TINA - Great job!!! You continually amaze me. :D

    ZONA - Congrats on first!! I think we all could use a refresher course :D

    MO - LOL @ calling me a WHORE for TINA!!! You'll have to do it properly - ATTENTION KMART SHOPPERS
    How do you spell whore? J-O-D-I!!!!!

    ITEACH - Great to talk with you today!! I hope a 12 pack will be enough to get your neighbor to blow you.......uh, I mean your driveway :D :P
    p.s. It's not very becoming to beg!!!

  69. Nowmercy, I love creepy powers! I have more respect for you know, just kidding. :)

  70. JODIW: So are you a broker now? Moving up to the Pimp world? Or just a consultant. Be sure to file the proper papers for running a business.

  71. ITEACH..why just kid around about having more respect for me..why not just give in..resistance is futile..oops..that was not me

  72. Oh, let me practice!!

    How do you spell whore?


    There is a "redlight" special in aisle 69


    Oh my, that was fun!!! How'd I do??

  73. Wondering what the fees would be to have Jodi broker a shipment of Lou Malanati's pizza to Honolulu?

    Do I have to beg, do I have to curse, or do I owe her something else?

  74. I'm here! Thanks for worrying about me, Moweenie!! I'm in Augusta and we usually do not get hit with the bad weather that other parts of Georgia get hit with, like Atlanta.

    We've had bad rain and wind all day but right now it has settled down. I haven't seen any weather advisories for us--only more thunderstorms later.

    I hope others are safe.

  75. LOL ALERT..Here' the at public library with daughter..she is studiously doing homework (yes I am a good mom) and across the room sits our neighbor, a mom to my kiddo's bf..she keeps nodding off! And then someone in her vicinity let out a loong toot (I assume its the little old guy near her) and the nodding mom jolts up and snorts!!


    Seriously getting a hernia trying not to rotflmao

  76. Nowmercy, I think the fumes at the library are getting too you!!!!!!

    Who knew the library could be so much fun!

    Nowmercy I am going to send you a message tonight about my library experience.

  77. KGIRL: So what WOULD and overnight ship of a frozen pizza in ice cost anyway? I thinkin of moonlighting.. as long as all you want is the pizza..just saying..

  78. ITEACH..yay..something to look forward to. I'll be outa the loop for a bit..daughter has hip hop and then we want to (respects to kgirl here) have pizza and watch Hettie Winthrop..

    Bytheway..what's for dinner?

  79. MO - Great job!!!!! That was perfect!!! Especially the special in isle 69!! :D :D

    KGIRL - Just a bucket of corn :O~

    NOWMERCY - Who knew the library could be so much fun!!!! I've had hernia surgery - and it's not fun.

  80. In regards to blog buddies in the tornado affected areas, I only know of Biscuit and Scrappy. Scrappy has not logged on to myspace since the 4th. I know our former "cop" already looked into that. I sent a message to Jac asking if she has heard from her.

    I love our little chat today about religion. My catholic upbringing still makes me feel guilty about no going to church.

  81. I have to get going on stuff, so here is dinner a little early:

    TOSSED SALAD w/ Mixed greens
    Garbonzo beans
    Cheese cubes
    Toppers of salmon and chicken
    Warm garlic toast
    Asst. dressings
    Soda pops
    Iced Tea and Hot teas
    and maybe GOLDIE will make some magical brownies for us tonight for dessert!

  82. Nowmercy, that's so funny!! I'm still laughing!

    Libraries are terrible places to have something funny happen! It seems the librarians are so stoic! One day I was at the counter checking out a book and when I pulled my wallet out to get my library card, a tampon somehow came flying out and bounced across the counter landing right in front of some man. I got the giggles so badly that I think I was snorting! The librarian didn't crack a smile. Jeez.

  83. Hi everyone! I hope your day is going well. Extra late today as the house next door was just sold, and as I was going to sleep-they decided to replace the roof. How rude!

    I wanted to reiterate my thanks to Tina for this great post. It was informative for me, because-as I said-I got away from the ceremomy of the Church, though not the very basics.

    My mom attended all Catholic schools growing up, and my dad converted so they could marry. As children, my sister and brother and I all went to Mass and to Catechism. We all had our First Holy Communions. Then, when I was 11, my aunt and her four children came to live with us from Cleveland..and I really think my folks got worn out. We still went to church on holidays, but stopped going every week. As the years passed, I still considered myself Catholic--just not a very good one. My mom made me promise that if she got sick, I would call a priest..and I did. I am glad that I could honor that wish. I actually called him three times--and he came to her hospital room three times. I guess I just wanted to be sure.

    Now I am re-learning things I knew but had forgotten. I know my mom is thrilled.

    I am going to read the rest of the posts and respond in a bit. Again, Tina, thank you.

  84. Because of the huge snowstorm we are having today - our Ash Wednesday service has been cancelled. I grew up in and still go to a Lutheran church in my hometown. I really enjoy the Lenten season - renew, rebirth.....all leading up to Easter. Our church has Wednesday night Lenten services with a dinner before church starts. It's a great way to reconnect with friends and neighbors!!! The youth in our church really get involved in the services and dinners. We don't formally give anything up for Lent - but being from Wisconsin - Friday Fish Fries are huge here - and something that I love!!! Like I said before, I still go to the same church since my parents moved here when I was 1 1/2. I was married there, and all our children were baptized there. As big as my hometown has become, my church family has remained a constant source of comfort and strength. My Mom was very involved in the Altar Guild - and they have a beautiful ceremony on Maudy Thursday. At the end of the service they file to the altar and "strip" it for the Good Friday services. After my Mom died, the Altar Guild has included me in this special service - I'm honored to do it for my Mom, since she can't.

    Wishing all the Night Owls the best Lenten season - one filled with self reflection, service, and a journey of love.

  85. ZONA - Waving thru the snow in Wisconsin!!!

  86. I'm crashing this march to 100!
    Ha ha ha ha... **insert evil laughter here**


    I BEAT GLYNIS!!!!!


  88. Are you counting, or am I?

    Hey, if I had to lose to someone... I am glad it is YOU Barb!

  89. LMAO!!!
    I have been so lucky the last 2 days to log on here just in time!

    How are you G???? We need to get together soon!

  90. BARB/WA - Nice purple rack!!! I had to click on your pic to see what that was :D :D

  91. I am having a pretty icky week. First the "ass" situation on Monday. Then this morning I was told by my step-brother that his mom is going to divorce my father. Yes, my father who is 82, on oxygen and can hardly move, is fighting prostate cancer and emphyzema... yes, that would be the man. I guess she can't wait one more year (or less) til he passes. Oh, I can't wait to see how karma kicks her in the ass!

    I know Whab, you don't believe in karma. Humor me, OK?

    PLEASE BARB, come visit me soon!!

  92. GOLDIE - Are you enjoying your snowday?!!?

  93. GLYNIS - ((((HUGS)))) to you - sounds like you're having a crappy week.....but maybe what you really need is a cocktail!!! Or one of Goldie's "special" brownies :D :D

  94. WHOA, Barb... did Barney get a sex change? WTF is up with the double nipple purple latex thing?

  95. Gotta go make supper - will be back later!!

    TINA - Hope you're having a good night at work.

    ZONA - Any beads yet?!!?

  96. Jodi~ I would take a cocktail in a heart beat... except I am alone with the twins right now and I need to go in an hour to unicycle practice to get my daughter.

    The drinking (and brownies) will have to wait. For now.

  97. GOLDIE: Guess Tina is going to have to relearn her spelling for the next forty days...LOL

    NOWMERCY: My owl is Hugh Grant, and I'm sure Tina wanted me to give him up for Lent!

    TINKA: I try to stay up until the new blog is posted, some days I make it--some I don't. I guess I'm just nosey. I had an awful time this morning though as I kept refreshing and getting a blank screen. I was close to swearing a blue streak..but I refrained.

    ITEACH: We ALWAYS have fish on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. I can remember as a kid eating mac and cheese and fish EVERY Friday.

    LYNND: I loved your post. I don't think anyone would ever call you a heathen.

    SANDIE: Our state is the opposite, we have Catholic Churches EVERYWHERE...I just can never get myself to actually GO!

    MAUREEN: My parents were both from Maple you know where that is? I loved your post. My best friend was Jewish and she use to always take me to the Community Center. We had so much fun. Great times.

    BARB/WA: My mom let us decide also. I think she just prayed we would all choose to be Catholic.

    MARY/MI: Your 'mud' was quite clear!! A solid foundation can be very important.

    JODI: I agree with ITEACH 100%-you are just the sweetest Pistol I know!

    IBB: Hope you are feeling better today! {{HUGS}} in reserve!


    KGIRL: I think it is just great that you attend church with your mom. What great love and respect you have for her!

    SHOUTS to AMICUS, RENEE, JUST/LIN, BEAR. I hope I didn't miss anyone.

    Thanks for all the congrats on #1.

  98. BARBWA: is it possible your pic blows things a bit out of proportion?

    MO Thanks for dinner

    JODI and ZONA got me sniffling with your sweet sharing, right after

    SANDIE made me chortle loudly with her tampon travails..

    Okay, I'm okay now.

  99. LMAO glynis!

    It was a heart balloon here at work yesterday that deflated a little overnight. When I came in this morning I started cracking up because it was laying on my desk all nipply! I hid it and have been showing it off all day! Didn't think it was approiate to have it on my desk where anyone could walk in and see it!

  100. Hi my lovely Owlettes!

    I have enjoyed reading everyones "religious" experiences, upbringings, and traditions.

    I, too, was raised Catholic, which was quite difficult, as my father and grandmother were not Catholics, but my dear Mother was, and when she died when I was 6, they promised her they would bring me up a Catholic.

    You can imagine how hard it was to be in Parochial school in the 50's and early 60's when you didn't have any other family Catholic. The "nice" girls were not so nice, if your parents weren't part of the Holy Name Society etc. So, I kind of became a rebel in school! The only good thing that came out of that elementary school experience, was meeting my best friend Angela! We are still BFF after 48 years! (She is the one I went to see the Eagles and Dixie Chicks with)

    Suffice it to say, I left the Catholic religion.

    I do have an extremely strong faith today. Just not Catholic!

    But I do remember all the Lenten activities, and it brought back many memories.

    I especially enjoyed reading Maureen's experiences, and also Lynn D's and Turtles.

    I am feeling a bit better each day. And Laurie finally returned to her Day Program today.

    The Cardiologist dept' just called, and we will be starting those tests I told you about next week. The first one will be a 24 hr halter monitor. Not quite sure what that is, but I am sure I'll find out! That one will be on Monday. Then comes the Nuclear CAT scan, and finally the MRI w/sedation. After that, then we will meet with the surgeons to discuss the surgery.

    A lot will be happening in the next couple of months.

    Hope you all enjoy this Ash Wednesday, and I'll be thinking of you all while I enjoy my Dove Chocolate and nice glass of Cabernet!!! LOL

    Till later, Peace, DonnaJean

  101. ZONABABY,
    Maple Heights is a stones throw away! Well, maybe if ya have a really good arm like Eli Manning!!

    HI to GLYNIS and DONNA JEAN! Give Miss Laurie Elizabeth a hug from me!

  102. Glynis, sorry about your stepmonster. I hope this means she will get nothing more then what she could be entitled to in any type of pre-nup or marriage laws in the state. I would hate for her to take everything from your father and leave him with nothing for his medical care.
    Robert said something today about us needing to go up and visit Bryan. As soon as I know when we are going up I will call you and set up something so that we can get together. Or I may just go up on a Friday by myself and stay the weekend!

  103. Good Evening owlettes!

    Had a lovely day snowed in with a roaring fire, movie, popcorn, dinner in the slow cooker and Mr. Goldie home with me. :)

    I have to say that I have enjoyed reading the various beliefs and practices of everyones religion.

    I have some pretty strong feelings about some religions and their beliefs, based on the fact that I am a mother of gay man. However, I respect everyones right to choose who and what they worship. I have a standing rule not to press my believe on anyone or let them press me. I love that about this blog. No preachy, preachy.

    Jodi- I guess I was wrong. Tina did not give up calling you a whore for lent.

    Hi DonnaJean, glad you are feeling better.

    Brownies coming out of the oven soon...enjoy ;)

  104. HI...this has been a very thought provoking post that has made me think about the diversity and commonalities of faith. Thank you so much, Tina, for providing such a beautifully written, eloquent vehicle for reflection. I grew up in the Presbyterian church, which in Canada I think may be different from the Presbyterian church in the US. It is fairly middle of the road without a lot of specific kinds of rituals or traditions. My mother, who had a strong but quiet faith, encouraged regular church going and Sunday school classes, but she also felt that God was everywhere including the ski hill so it was okay to miss church to go skiing now and then on Sunday as long as he was acknowledged at some point during the day. So going up the chairlift, God always got a shoutout!
    I no longer am a part of organized religion but am very spiritual. I have been thinking about finding a church of some sort lately, mainly as a way to connect with like-minded beings. I remember really knowing as a child that I was a part of a community when I went to church.

    This may be a dumb question...but I was thinking about the fish on Friday ritual...what happens if you are vegetarian?. Are you breaking a spiritual rule of some sort if you choose not to eat meat, particularly fish?

    To all the Owlettes who live in the southern US...hope you are safe and have not been affected by the horrendous tornadoes! Good thoughts to you!

  105. tina
    Thanks for sharing your Ash Wednesday! Funny, everyone looking at your forehead :O)

    I too am Catholic, and was raised in a Catholic area, so I have been surrounded by Catholicism all my life. I have never left my hometown so I don't know what it is like to look different with my ashes :O)

    In Dunkin Donuts this morning I was surrounded by walking ashes, including me!

    I never had to give up TV. I used to have to write a "lent story" in my years of Catholic Schooling.

    What I do now for lent, is not eat meat on Fridays, and on Ash Wednesday, (any hard boil eggs laying around). I don't give anything up for lent, as I have learned in my years, that I don't stick to it.

    We have special foods we prepare for the Easter Season, Italian Specialties..So Delish!

    So that is my story, sorry it was long.

    I am leaving my office, I will check back tonite when I get home.

    right on with the definition of the word of the day! So funny coming from you. Good Job..


  106. Donna Jean-- A HAlter monitor is totally non-evasive..
    It is a pack on a shoulder strap.. it is hooked up like an EKG...
    But you wear it for 24 hours.. and you have to keep a journal..
    like 8am. eating breafast..
    8:30 Bathing
    so they can see what activity changes the heart rate ... That will be the easy test..

    I did work intensive care for 4 years!!

    Beautiful post all day...
    ANd thank you all...
    I am getting Stronger every day...
    It is just so hard...
    I justt want to make sure that I can be there for Alice at every turn..
    I am the point I can't hardly stand to hear the word cancer...
    Love to all...
    Your'e the best !!!

  107. Hey Gang I just got back from Wal-Mart and they were announcing a rollback price on Jodi and Tina. Man those girls get around!!

    I think what I have learned by reading everyones posts today is that Religion or Spirituality are really deeply personal journies that we all have to take and make up our minds for ourselves. Then we have to respect everyones right to worship or not in any manner they choose.

    Glynis: I am so sorry you are having a bad time. Helps me to put some of my worries in perspective today.

    BarbWA: Ummmm why is your picture a uniboob??? LMAO I had to look at the close up to figure out what the hell that was!

    DonnaJean: I am really happy to hear Laurie is feeling well enough to go out!! Hope you are feeling better too!

    If I missed anyone. I read your stories and you all gave me much food for thought today.

  108. Glynis That is such bad form on the part of your stepmother. May I ask her age?

    Barbara in WA Are you competing with Jodi's rack? LOL

    IBB You are a wonderful, loyal friend. You are a blessing.

    As far as religion goes, I don't see why we need much more than The Golden Rule. That seems to cover it for me.

  109. scrappy news from JAC.

    "Yes,she's fine but it scared the crap out of her. She started a new job and was at work last night in the AT&T building when it struck. They had security move them down to a basement for over an hour.She has to work the evening shift for a month during training. Her training supervisors name is B.J. Mc Horney we Laughed our asses off when she told us the story.Janet"

  110. Thank you, Tina, for sharing a side of yourself that we don't always see here in the nest. Anyone can tell, however, from your references to and photos featuring your catholic faith and family how central to your being these beliefs are. Love you for both the 'slut' :o) and the grounded wife and mother that you are.

    I was raised in Protestant fundamentalism, with church being our extended family. From an early age, though, I questioned blind faith. Currently I attend (occasionally) a very large interdenominational and uplifting church. However, I have to call myself an agnostic by dictionary definition: "a person who believes nothing is KNOWN or can be known about the existence of God or about things outside the human experience". I believe (because I want to believe) that there IS a higher universal force, but understand that I will never KNOW who or what that force is. I enjoy studying world religions and try to live a very 'spiritual' life. My own personal experience of the divisiveness of organized religion just doesn't allow me to adhere to an "only" way of believing.

    I couldn't begin to address individually the perspectives all the owls before me have shared today. How special to have a haven here where we can share all of our joys and sorrows, faiths and politics, geographic and cultural differences. That's my idea of 'church' in the most soul-nourishing sense.

  111. Wanting to give many individual shout-outs since I've been away for a while, but I'll save those for later. *((((Blessings to ALL!)))*

    ttfn ~~~bbl

  112. Okay Ladies,

    Can we get personal ?

    I need some advice. How do you or how did you deal with your cramps?

    What helped ease them besides yelling at your husband ever five minutes?

    Just looking for new ideas,because I have about 18 more years of this nonsense.

  113. I just read all the comments, how great were they!

    It is so what I need at days end.

    All of you shared your beliefs and your stories and I was glued to them all. We are so different, yet we are all human, same!

    I am so happy that this topic can be discussed with open minds, and sensibility to others.

    I cheer you all on in your beliefs
    and am proud to be a night owl!

    thank you tina
    no need to puke it all went wonderful!

  114. glad everyone is from our blogs are safe..

    sending warm thoughts to all you have suffered thru the tornado...

  115. Hi Just lin and Bono!!

    BarbWa: Thanks for the update on Scrappy and her family. Relieved to hear they are OK!!

    Iteach: I use ibuprofen and I buy those ThermaCare heat pack thingy's. Slap those on they help. If all else fails I have a very stiff drink!

  116. Hi Carol!!! We must of been posting at the same time.

  117. glynis
    Sorry about your "ass" I have had those day as well and they are
    "shitty" I so know how you feel.

    Also, sorry about your dad, what a crappy thing to do, I guess your stepmonster is willing to just walk away, well than I say go...

    I sure hope by weeks end things will be a little brighter..

    I saw little g's unicycle performance on your my space, she
    did a great job, it looks so hard
    yet she plowed right thru, Kudos to her.

    Feel Better

  118. I am home from a lovely day with my mom. As usual I am somewhat drained from repeating myself so often. I am going to get into the Hot Tub and then into bed and lose myself in a romantic comedy. I wish you all a good night and pleasant dreams. I love you all.
    Forever, Tinka

  119. I have received several daily blogs today. I want to thank everybody for helping with night owls.

    I have enough thru Sunday!

    I love when I get daily blogs from
    nightowls, I want to do a happy dance, but so afraid someone will think I am a nut as I dance in front of my computer :O)

    You guys amaze me, you all write so well, and come up with great topics, as much as you all think you can't do it, you can, the proof is in the blog!

    Ok enough of the "Adrienne/Rocky"

    Sorry, I can be goof at times


  120. lynnd
    Hi, I was talking to myself, as I do very often!

  121. ITEACH: Hey..I can promise this will is something you will find at the health food store. It is called DongQwai. It comes in tincture form. Two full droppers and the cramps will ease almost immediately. DongQwai is a smooth muscle relaxant and that is what the uterus is. I really hope it helps..know you can't get it tonight but... Also taking high doses of vitamin B-12 helps..especially taking it two weeks before.

    I feel for ya..truly. A warm rice bag (fill a sock if necessary) can help.

    Take care dearie!

  122. iteach
    1..Three motrins every the hrs
    2..Lots of chocolate
    3..Carry a bat and swing when needed
    4..No sex
    5..Pray for tomorrow to come fast


  123. ibb
    thinking about you today :O)

    glad you spoke with MEK
    (was she drunk?)


  124. iteach - If memory serves me right, there is nothing like being tucked into your own cozy bed with a heating pad and a good movie.
    Tonight I think I will watch "Just Like Heaven" again with Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo. I don't have a pain in the tummy but I do in my heart. Ty 3's don't hurt either.
    Now I am off.
    Love, Tinka

  125. Tinkatia I guess I've flown in just in time to say good night to you. You continue to give you mother unconditional love and I am in awe of your strength and compassion.

    iteach Those days are far behind me but warmth on the belly seemed to give some comfort.

  126. iteach I have found that Robaxol Platinum (or any muscle relaxer will do) worked for me. Since I started pre-menopause last year my cramps have been more severe and this helps. I had seven and four week periods so I had to take something. Actually I think I will take some tonight. My cramps don't seem as bad as your today but it will help me sleep. I hope it eases for you soon. (((((HUGS)))))

  127. tinka
    The time and the love you give to your mother is amazing, It must be very hard, and yet each and every day you do what needs to me done.

    Your compassion and caring shines thru. Best Wishes always to you!


  128. Iteach--
    My remedy is 2 ibuprofen and one tylenol...( we call it my cocktail)
    The combination of the 2 are an unbeatable pair... I am at pre -menopause also.. and my cramps take me down for a day.. and these work for me... it is the only thing other than narcotics .. and don't want to have to start them!!

  129. CPGem- It was wonderful talking to her today.. and NO... she was not drunk.. But she IS enjoying herself!!
    I'm glad she needs it...
    Thank you for your good thoughts.. and thank you for the honor of "this night owl said this"!!

  130. Hey Goldie--- Are there any Brownies left!!

  131. You ladies or so helpful!

    I just got done walking on the treadmill and that kinda of helped.

    Now I am going to bed and dream them all away!

  132. LYNN D - LOL @ rollback prices for JODI & TINA!!! And yes we do get around!! :D :D

    JUST LIN - So glad you like my rack!!!

    TINKA - ((((HUGS)))) You're an amazing and devoted daughter. I'm sure that God is smiling on you :)

    BON*BON - So great to see you. Waving thru the snow at you!!! BTW - Could use the snow angel I sent you - our snow blower took a crapper.

    TINA - Nice cross!! Nice form, and very dark - thanks for sharing!!

    ZONA - Any word about the beads? I'm sure you must have them "paid" for by now!!!

  133. IBB - I'm still here but really need to get my butt to bed. Holy crap - I have to get up in less than 4 hours for work!! Have a great night :D :D

  134. I am off to bed!

    See ya all tomorrow!

    Great job today tina

    Tomorrow's daily blog is from a night owl. My plea worked, thanks!

    nite all

  135. nite jodi, sleep well and sweet dreams!

  136. Good Night Jodi and CPGem..
    Sleep well!!

  137. Jodi and cpgem8 Sweet dreams to you both.

    Tina Thank you for the inspirational topic today.

  138. Jodi ~ Hi kiddo. I'd be delighted to send him back to you, although he looks like he might also "take a crapper" at any given moment! Sweet dreams, darlin'

    and to you too, Carol!

    Can't tell you all how nice it is to address you personally via MySpace again.

    To DonnaJean...hoping when things settle a bit for you, we'll welcome you to that world. Until then, know that I'm thinking of you and Laurie Elizabeth.

  139. IBB Waving a wing at you.

    Bon'O Nice owl!

  140. ((IBB)) ~~ Hi there my 'not-a-sister-but-close-enough :o) Feelin ' better after talking to the real deal? Cyber-hugs to you in her absence.

    Stepped away to read up on the RossBlog for a first time in a long time. Things that make you say "hmmmm" ...........

  141. BONO---Cyber hugs right back at ya..

    Just_lin..Waving a wing back at you!!

  142. J/L ~~ Hey there. Didn't see ya fly in....maybe I was blinded by the glare of my own Valentine-Red wings. Ya like?

  143. Oh, hey, Jodi...I know you're gone now, but it just occurred to me....

    Maybe I should send you both the snow-blower guy and the snow shovel guy that you sent me...just in case the 'blower' takes a 'crapper'. Mr. Shoveler could follow behind him. Just, please, don't make me monitor their 'activities', ok?

  144. I cannot even begin to tell you all how much I appreciate your kind words today~ ah heck....I'll try anyway~ :)~

    Zona~ Sorry I had you worried yesterday~ :)~ Congrats on first...and hugs to you and your mom~

    nowmercy~ thank you for your kind words here and on myspace~

    whabbear~ you always make me laugh.....thx~

    goldie~ now why would you think I would give that up? :)~

    iteach~ I will sent you a comment when I get home....I can't find anything at work...most websites are blocked here~ Thank you for yours~ Isn't Jodi a hoot to talk to?~ :D Oh....I almost forgot...the cramps....just do what I do....carry a gun!!! :)~

    Lynn D~ thx~ I loved your long's never too long~

    Tinka~ thx and yes....Vatican II did change a lot of things~

    Mo~ I was counting on you~ :)~ Jodi and I both thank you~ :D And I really enjoyed your story~

    Jodi~ I can't thank you enough for your help and support~ Luv ya~

    cpGEM8~ thank you for your continued support and encouragement~ :)

    Thank you also to Lovey, Sandie, Renee Eve, Just_Lin, Barbara_in_Wa, sacBarb, amicus, ibebold, kahonugrl, mary/mi, vig, bon'o~

  145. Tina--

    BUD Shoot Out Saturday night ...

  146. Barb~ Where did you get your giant two nippled jelly bean?

    Jodi~ Bummer, I just missed you!

    Nite Tinkatia~ What a wonderful daughter you are! Your Mom did a great job with you.

    CPG~ What!! No sex??

    IBB~ Be sure & tell MEK I miss her sorry ass LOL!!

    So far we have had over 11 inches of snow! We are snowed in! Count down...4 more days until Vegas!!

  147. IBB~ I saw that....yay!!! I'm so's DJ's last year....well...last 5 races~ I'll have to pick a new driver~ :|

  148. IBB~Sorry,I'm not a NASCAR fan. A couple years ago we were given free VIP tickets to A Las Vegas NASCAR race and later to the National Final Rodeo. Just couldn't get into the racing spirit, but we loved the rodeo! We sure hear it from our NASCAR friends here in MI when we turn down free invites to more races!
    I do watch them once in a while.

  149. We have season tickets to Richmond...
    We used to go to Charlotte and Talladega...Had season tickets to each of those for a couple years!!
    They are trying real hard to take the die hard fan out of it!!

  150. And Tina...You could just continue to root for the 88 car!!!

  151. ibb~ true....but I can't stand hendrick~ :(

  152. Me neither...
    You can't know how hard it is going to be rooting for JR. this year ..when I hate all his teammates!!

  153. wait....who is the 4th guy? I know the pretty one and the gross one....but who it the 4th guy?

  154. Well frick. If you guys are just talking NASCAR I'm gonna go to bed.

  155. Barb In WA~'s the religion thing going? :)~

  156. i found my religion. too bad he came home with a headache and went to bed.

  157. i already stole 100 today from glynis!~
