
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Intuition or?

today our daily blog
is from scirish

Intuition or??

by scirish

I’m sure everyone has had those moments. The ones when you knew something was going to happen and it did. Or the moments where you said “This has happened before, but where do I remember it from?” What are they, in your opinion? Are they intuition? Are they shards of a past life? Are they are they simple coincidences. Or could they be an assimilation of facts that you didn’t even know your mind was gathering?

Whatever they are, they happen frequently. The most recent instance, for me, was rather disturbing. An old boss of mine was grievously ill with cancer, my sig other still works for him and had told me how many times he asked about me. My relationship with this boss was contentious and tumultuous, so much so, that I had no real desire to resume contact. I finally, grudgingly sent an e-mail, months ago, stating I was sorry he was so ill. I was rather apprehensive about getting a reply, and when I didn’t, it was a relief. I just assumed he was not pleased with the tone of the message and decided not to answer. I hadn’t thought of it in months. Until yesterday morning. I was just lying in bed, waking up and thought: “I guess he will never answer me” a half hour later I found out he had just died. Why did I think of that e-mail today, the day he died?

This is rather a macabre example of the phenomenon, but it does seem to exist, whether it’s knowing someone is going to call before they do, feeling certain an event that you have no control of is going to happen or getting a jolt about, or a shard of, the future or people, places or things that are not in your normal thought process.

What do you think it is?


  1. scirish, ty for this topic. This happens to me all the time. I have to think about the example I will give. Good morning owls!


  3. nowmercy, ty for the kudos!! Good morning!

    Amicus and DonnaJean, I have been thinking about both of you and sending best wishes to you.

  4. Good Morning grandma and nowmercy!

  5. Thanks for the topic Scirish!

    Your topice reminds me a lot of my job. Do you think so too Tinka?

  6. SCIRISH: What a fun topic. My belief is that there are lots of ways the world really is that the mind can't comprehend so it denies it. I have come to believe that intuition is as normal as anything. I went through a long and arrogant time in my life when I thought it made me special to have intuition. When I look back I am so sad and embarassed by my dishonoring of this wonderful experience.

    So, hesitantly I will share that I have on a daily basis, the experience of knowing what is happening in different places. I don't attempt to control this, I don't pay a lot of attention to it unless it has to do with me directly. When I was a kid, it was annoying and hard to understand, but I thought everybody knew what else was going on besides what was spoken.

    I believe that because I grew up in a home that was frequently unsafe because of all sorts of abuse, and much of the time I spent trying to predict the abuse, I finely tuned that intuitive signal and learned to use it for safety.

    Now? It is a part of me like breathing. Often I will not act on information. Its a boundary thing. I know this sounds weird, but it is a natural and non scary part of my life. It's organic.

    Examples? Last week my daughter was riding well in the arena, but I realized I was going to go out in the parking lot for a minute. I did and was able to warn a gal who was leaving that her trailer door had come open, so her horses were not secure. Yesterday while working on a client's leg a nagging intuition would not stop so I asked how things were going with her dog..she answered she was re training her great dane.. the result was me knowing why that leg was so tight.. a new syle of walking a 100lb dog.

    I am going on and on, so sorry. I am really looking forward to hearing everyones experiences. I love the idea (duh) and thanks again SCIRISH!!

  7. Good morning iteach!
    scirish, on your topic, back in July, on July 12, to be exact, I said to my husband, sister and daughter-in-law that I felt something bad was going to happen. The next day I felt uneasy again, but all things were great in my life. On the 13th my mini dauschund became ill and there was no saving him (internal bleeding). He was not even sick, I thought. He had some symptoms, which now I know were the disease. At the time, the vet attributed these symptoms to stress because I had gotten a new dog in April and my doxie was almost 14 yrs. old.
    I don't like that intuition and I hope I don't feel it for a long time coming.

  8. GRANDMA MOSES: That must have been so hard to have that impending doom feeling and have it kind of "confirmed"... I am sorry for your loss of your sweetie.



  10. I never look at my lesson plans to teach.

    My gut tell me where to go by looking at their faces.

    I constantly observe my students.

    Due to so much observation I can tell when there is somthing wrong with them or when they don't understand something.

  11. Good morning Grandma Moses, Nowmercy,and Iteach.

    Congrats Grandma Moses on being first,

    Thanks Nowmercy for breakfast.

    Scirish you topic for today is fasinating. I'm not sure how I feel. I know some times I will call a friend and the will say they were just getting ready to call me too. I just thought of it as coinsidence. I look forward to reading the rest of todays comments.

  12. Nowmercy, ty for the wonderful breakfast.

    Good morning Shirley! Sometimes the exact thing happens to me or vice versa. I will be thinking of someone and the phone rings and it is them!

  13. Good Morning Feathered Friends!

    GRANDMA MOSES - Congrats on #1!

    NOWMERCY - Yummy breakfast, hits the spot!

    ITEACH - You sound like a really great teacher. Really knowing your students as well as you do. They are lucky to have such a caring teacher.

    SHIRLEY - That happens to me a lot, and I always think they are just saying that...until I am about to call someone and the phone rings and it is them.

    DONNA JEAN - I keep hoping you and Laurie Elizabeth can kick this flu's butt already and feel good again. {{{hugs}}} to you both.

    AMICUS - Hoping today is a little better then yesterday. {{{hugs}}}

    Hello to all that fly in during or after my post.

  14. Good Morning Early Owls, It's just past 7:00 on the West Coast and the owls are already out in full force. I will read Scirish's post, congratulate Grandma Moses for being the earliest bird and I shall return.

  15. Oy, how rude of me

    SCIRISH - Congrats on the TOTD. I am not sure about intuition or what. I think maybe we all have some form of it, or maybe we just know ourselves and the people in our lives so well that we can just know what is happening with us. I don't know. I am confused!! I have a gut feeling I am going to hit the publish comment!!!!

  16. Good morning Maureen and Tinka!

    Off to play with kids.

    Thanks Maureen, but this week has been challenging. I have a few students that are having a very hard time with math.

  17. TINKA - good morning! Did you enjoy your new DVD player?


  19. NOWMERCY - I think that would be Tina! But thanks for the fyi, cuz he is soooo yummy to look at!!

  20. MAUREEN: YAY.great video.. Good mornin!
    SHIRLEY: HAPPY Saturday..hope you get calls from friends you think of today
    TINK: nice to read you today

  21. An excellent post Scirish. It really makes one THINK. I really believe there is a sixth sense and it is stronger in some than others. Sometimes you question it and wonder if it is a coincidence. On three different occasions in the last few years I have walked into my mom's room to find her hanging onto the sink or some other object just seconds from falling. If I had not walked in at that moment we would have had another accident. That may be just luck or maybe not.

    I have two examples that have stayed with me for years. One was in 1960 when I lived in Vancouver. I would get a letter from my sister nearly every day. (It was very expensive to call Long Distance in those days.) One morning as I was going through the mail, I picked up my sister's letter and I got a shock that went right down that arm. I knew before I opened it there was bad news in it. I was shaking when I opened it and found my 3 year old niece had been badly injured in the face. I thought about that feeling of premonition a lot through the years.

    The second time was in 1983 and my father-in-law was dying. We had all sat by his bedside for days. One night about midnight the family suggested I go home for some rest. At 5:25 I jumped out of bed, dressed, jumped in the car and arrived at the house at 5:30. Dad had just died at 5:25. Everyone wondered who had called me. I told them "Nobody did, I just knew".

    That leads me into one of the stories I was going to mention the day we talked about ghosts, (I never did get to write that day.) We later moved into the house where my FIL died. For the first week we had many strange things happen. We heard footsteps on the stairs. A large platter that he had given us exploded in the night, pictures fell off the wall, locked doors suddenly opened, to name a few. After a couple of weeks these weird happenings stopped. I think FIL got used to us being in his home.
    Not long after my husband left us, I put in an alarm system. For days after installing it, the system would start beeping every morning at exactly 5:25. That beep signaled there was trouble in the line. The company tried everything to figure out the reason and couldn't fix it. Finally the whole system was changed and the beeping stopped. I never did tell the technicians my father-in-law died at 5:25. Weird eh?

    Iteach - I know exactly what you mean. I think good teachers definitely have a sixth sense.

    Nowmercy - You really seem to have a gift. It must scare you a little.
    Your breakfast sounds so delicious. I am going to have to take a few moments to choose. It all looks so good.

    Grandma Moses - I know what you mean. That feeling of 'something is about to happen' makes one rather uneasy.

    Maureen - I could just add my name onto your post. I agree with everyone of your comments.

    Shirley - I have the same thing happen with telephone calls. It never ceases to amaze me.

    Amicus - I hope you were able to sleep last night. I was thinking about you. (((hugs))))

  22. AMICUS: When I read your comment yesterday and your post..I kept hearing the word Grace in my head.. thank you for being true to your heart and feelings.

    DONNA JEAN: Prayers for healing and restoration constantly coming to you and sweet Laurie.


  23. Intuition, or...? scirish, great question!

    Is my life lived with blinders, owls? I read NowMercy's post, of someone who routinely receives and acts on information about the world around her that is not provided by normal sensory channels, and I'm just astonished... every bit as much as I was astonished by the comments some of you made earlier about your routine experiences with ghosts! Why? For one thing, personally, I don't have such "out of the box" experiences of information acquisition. My life is lived without these capabilities.

    Intuition is one thing... it could be the subconscious processing information, outside of our conscious awareness, and then delivering the products of that processing up to a conscious level. Similar to dreaming, really.

    I have one example of that happening in my life. Many years ago, I was having a flare-up of a dermatological problem that I had received treatment for, several years before that, from a dermatologist in Santa Clara Valley. I wanted to go back to him to treat the new flare-up, but I couldn't remember his name! Then, one night, I had a dream with him in it, and woke up with his name clearly on my mind: Dr Abrams!

    I was, like, whoa! Thanks, unconscious, for helping me retrieve that information!

    But I think NowMercy is talking about something completely different... genuine ESP... and now we get into some very interesting, and confusing, waters!

    Despite widespread fascination with ESP by parapsychologists, and repeated attempts to bring the phenomena into the laboratory and study it, there is still no firm evidence for its existence. And, of course, no recognized channel in the brain for receiving, processing, and understanding information that doesn't come in from the regular senses.

    When I read of someone like NowMercy, who's life seems to be naturally infused with some combination of telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition, I start salivating! I would LOVE to bring you into the laboratory and try to capture and verify your capabilities!

    OMG! That verification would rock experimental psychology in particular, and science in general, to its very foundations!

    :| :) :D

  24. Whabbear - How do you explain the documentation of some of these occurrences. I will give you an example. My brother-in-law's mom had a fiance in the the first World War. One night she woke from a deep sleep and knew something had happened to him. She wrote the time and date in her diary. She showed it to her family. It was two weeks later that they got the word that he had died at that exact time. She was a very honest woman and I don't think she would make up that story. There are books and books of such documentations. How do you explain those my dear?

  25. Good morning lil owls,

    Amicus~~I'm hoping your broken heart is feeling a little better today as you smile with remembrances of your Fantine.

    scirish~~Great TOTD. Sometimes my intuition hits me like a lead balloon that comes out of nowhere. Spooky, especially when it's right on, in the not too distant future.

    Donnajean~~Hope you and Laurie are getting better each day. After I read your post late last night, I went over to the other blog and read what was said. Good for you, for speaking up! You two stay in where it's warm and it's probably time to have some more chicken noodle soup.

    grandma moses~~Congratulations on being #1. Sorry about the lose of your puppy dog and very intuitive on your part. Love your name....I guess it makes you the Senior Elder of the nest, unless Methuselah shows up. lol

    nowmercy~~Thank you for the lovely breakfast. Enjoyed you post and sometimes I think women, more so than men, have stronger intuitions. I guess it seems that way because we seem to listen to it more openly. Who knows, though?

    iteach~~I could feel your vibes in your classroom looking at all those sweet little faces and I'm sure you 'zero-in' on the ones with puzzled expressions. It would be great if all teachers could use this tool to 'reach' their young inquisitive students

    Good morning, Ms. Pink/Tink! I was thinking about you putting the pink throw rug in your fur-baby's cage and had to smile....of course, there's nothing more appropriate for you. Gotta love it!

    Shirley~~That telephone thing happens to me quite often. Weird, huh? Once my mother was calling and as soon as I heard the phone ring, I picked it up and said "Hello, Mother". She said "How did you know it was me?"..........I don't know. Sooo, does your plumber have to come back today to ' finish' what he started yesterday? lol

    Moweenie~~Good morning to you, and I had to LOL about your gut feeling you got about hitting the publish comment icon. You're so funny. Did you get the measuring chart I sent?

    Whabbear~~Good morning! Very interesting concept, and yes, if we could actually put tangible results to these tests, it would put a whole new spin on the teachings of brain functionality. Really quite interesting. As I shared with nowmercy, my thoughts of women possessing these characteristics more strongly than men, I'm not so sure that men just may not be listening to what's 'coming through'. (Honest, no Really an interesting subject and needs more exploration. Sometimes, I think that the older we get, and because of the many life experiences, we are more in-tune to intuition. I'd like to volunteer for the brain/intuition research program, but I already know when they open mine up, they'd just say..."Are you kidding? What the hell is this?".... lol

    Have an exceptionally good day everyone. Waving Hi to all the Owls and Owlettes yet to fly-by.

    Long-winded Ronnie

  26. Grandma Moses
    I read that you guys got snow?!

  27. I will be back later to read everyones post. Great topic. Today it is a warm sunny day and we are going to the park.

  28. Nowmercy run from Wabbeear and that scapel in his hands. Wabbear wipe that drool away before you drown yourself in it. :0)

  29. Hi Whabbear, Tinkatia, Ronniegirl and Dreamatexas.

    Ronniegirl the plumber was definately not the good looking one, it was the electrician. They both finished their work yesterday. But I must say the electrician did an excellent job...very thorough! lol!

    Dreamatexas enjoy your sunshine, we got about ten inches of snow last night, so everyone here is shoveling today.

    Have a good afternoon!

    If anyone gets hungry there are sandwiches and pies in the frig left over from yesterday. Enjoy!

  30. Oh, I forgot to comment on the word of the day. Let me think about it and I'll get back to you. Lol!

  31. Maureen, Shirley, and RonnieGirl, ty for the congrats on #1.
    Dreama, we had about 6 inches of snow in Lynbrook, Long Island.
    Tinkatia, I definitely believe some things are unexplainable.

  32. Good afternoon everyone!! I spent the entire day up North yesterday. Guess what I saw and played with? No, not Hugh Grant..though that would have been just as wonderful. Mr. Z and I got caught in a storm..and it snowed!! I was so has been 20 years since I've actually been in the snow! It was a little scary to drive through, and I was only wearing jeans and a cotton shirt..didn't bring a it was cold..but it was fun!!

    I have an immediate new found respect for everyone that has to drive in that snowy, icy weather everyday..cuz it isn't easy! People were zipping around us at over 80mph both up the mountain and down. That was a little disconcerting. Mr. Z drove like an old fadoo..but was still going 65! I guess the conditions are just something you get use to, I don't know.

    So for everyone that I have teased about the cold weather--BON'O--JODI--MARY/MI--GOLDIE--TINA--DIANNE--TINKA--VIG--...and anyone else--I think I get it now. Kind of at least.

    OOOOHHHH...but it was sooo much fun!!

    Off to catch up on the blogs!

  33. Thank you, Shirley, I forgot to comment on the WOTD also.

    Think~~An opinion or maybe using the power of rational reasoning.

    That's a difficult topic and I THINK it taxes my brain entirely too much to Think too long about it. lol

  34. Zona~~

    Sounds like a terrific day. Glad you got to spend your day together playing in the snow. Sounded like fun, fun, fun!!



    I was going to post this song later on the night of this blog, but had a bad headache..and wasn't able to. I sang it at my first school recital when I was 7.

    "Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue..I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too." I can't believe I can still remember that.

    CPGEM8: Thank you for the HAPPY BLUE--again, how did you know?

    TINA: You can't even post "I've been in and out all day.." without it sounding naughty to me! ;)

    TINKA: At first I thought you posted that you DIDN'T earn your white wedding dress..I needed to sit down a minute. Then I re-read what you almost succeeded in shocking me!! ;)

    JODI: VISA+SNOW=Brain cells saved! Still only 2 outta 3 though!

  36. I have been on the computer all morning. It is time for Slim Fast and one of Shirley's sandwiches and a nap. Boy this retirement is hard.

    ZonaBaby - Thanks for the lovely long letter. I will answer it in two hours, I promise. I am glad you are safely home. Did you really think for a minute that I wouldn't have earned that white dress? Those nuns had us so scared of going to Hell we almost demanded chaperones.

    Grandma Moses - I agree. How can some of these strange happenings be explained?

    Ronniegirl - I think I am going to be PinkTink to you from now on. LOL
    Congratulations on the Word of the Day. Great thinking girl.

  37. CPGEM8: What a wonderful, thoughtful blog you wrote yesterday for a hurting friend!

    AMICUS: I know exactly how you are feeling, can you stand just one more {{HUG}}??

    TINA: Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well.

    JODI: I haven't heard anything from Tina and I'm beginning to worry.

    SCIRISH: Many times I have 'felt' things were about to happen, or 'known' they have before anyone tells me. There are just as many times when I have been absolutely clueless. I'm not sure if I just don't 'listen' to that inner voice, or just don't know sometimes.

    GRANDMA MOSES: Hey and Congrats on #1!!

    NOWMERCY: I have always been afraid of a sixth sense..maybe that's why I don't always listen??

    ITEACH: Hi sweetie! How is your Saturday going?

    TINKA: You were up a little late last night..just take it easy, ok? I worry.
    Your post about your FIL gave me chills.

    MAUREEN: LOL at you knowing you were going to hit the button!!

    SHIRLEY: My sis and I always call each other at the exact same time too.

    WHABBEAR: When my mom was in the hospital after her aneurysm, the doctors told me that we only use 10% of our brain..couldn't there be a 'channel' for ESP that we are totally unaware of?? But in my case, still afraid to explore?

    RGIRL: We had a blast! ;)

    EBJ: Anxiously awaiting news on Paula!

    HI to everyone! Hope you all have a great day!

  38. Hello Owls!! WOW, what a glorious day it is here. My daughter and I went out for breakfast together and enjoyed sitting in the sun. My DH has the boys and took them to speech. I have the better end of the deal this time!!

    I believe in telepathy and intuition. I believe we ALL have it, but some either do not know how to use it; or use it, but don't know how to control it to work when they want it to. There are just way too many coincidences. Too many people from different backgrounds and different parts of the world experiencing the same thing. That isn't coincidence.

    Sometimes I think that you can see proof of these unknown things by looking at a newborn baby. It almost seems that they do not speak because otherwise they would tell us what they remember... so nature has made it so they keep all the secrets kept until they can speek and that is just long enough for them to forget. Or for us to think they are silly little children. Maybe you have to have been around babies to sense this, but when I saw my baby daughter sit in her car seat and suddenly turn her head to look up at the ceiling to her left, stared at it with interest and then start cracking up with laughter...I knew there was more to this world than I could see or would ever understand.

  39. Good afternoon, owls! Congrats to SCIRISH for another thought provoking TOTD AND for the risque "This Owl Said"!

    NOWMERCY~~Sorry I slept through breakfast. Stayed up until 5am, changing my MySpace page and adding more photos, talking to Jodi on the phone. Oh, and introducing a new owl to the nest. I think there might be a bit of peacock cross-breading. Glad I wasn't there to watch at conception!

    Jodi~~what fun to actually talk to you last night! Can't wait until you have a weekend. You're working way too hard.

    MEK~~Looks like a beautiful day on the course today. Hope you enjoyed the owl I sent. It just wouldn't stop hooting "I am totally a MEK owl!!"
    btw, seeing Tiger Woods in a orchid polo today confirms my "Yummo!" from a couple days ago :D~

    Zona~~Sometimes it's weird how closely connected we are to our nest*mates. Knowing how you miss snow, without thinking about it, I found myself clapping my hands and smiling when I read your post :o) Hope you got pictures and share them with us.

    bbl with a comment on the TOTD.......after more coffee! Lovin' reading your stories. How about some french dip sammies for a late lunch ~~ or salad buffet and croissants for the non-carnivores?

  40. Yes, My favorite part of the day just ended nap time. It was great.

    Now my least favorite part of the day has started. "Which child can make the biggest mess."

  41. p.s. I'm just catching up on my morning mail. I don't think LynnD would mind if I directly copy and paste part of one from her @ 8am:

    * * * *
    "If you could please post for me at the Owls nest that I will try to post later today. Mr. Lynn D is trying to fix my sick computer today. So I am hoping to be able to use it!!! He has so restricted me on his computer that I am not going to argue with him. Just going to get chores and errands done today."
    * * * *

    LYNN~~We'll leave the light on for ya!

  42. Hello Owls!

    grandma moses Congrats on being first today.

    scirish Wonderful topic for today plus it's your quote for Owl Said.

    Bon'O Love your owl. So glamorous!

    I think intuition and instinct were much more prevelent for our survival when we were still living in caves. The more we "advance" the less we need it and the more we get out of touch with it.

    Back in the late 70's I went through some self-awareness workshops. Alot of it had to do with meditation and really tuning into the universe. One particular exercise had us pair up with someone else in the group who we had no prior dealings with. That was easy as there was about 250 in the workshop. This partner then gave us a name of someone they knew and where they were located. My partner chose a friend who lived in Canada. In a meditative state, mind clear and open, I spoke out loud to him the impressions I was getting. I had a very clear image of a thin man painting at an easel with lots of little children playing around him. This blew my partner away because his friend was an artist who volunteered at some type of pre-school or daycare center. What really got to my partner was when he asked me "What is my fantasy late at night?" I got a very clear picture in my mind's eye of the silouette of a large rabbit walking upright on a hill. I said to my partner "You fantasize that you turn into Harvey the rabbit and walk around late at night while everyone is sleeping". He jumped up out of his chair yelling "How could you know that?" It truly freaked him out for a long time. He avoided me thereafter. I do know that there is just no way I would have been able to guess such a thing.

    I hope alot of you remember the movie "Harvey" starring James Stewart. He imagines he has an invisible friend who is a 6 ft. upright rabbit named Harvey. I love that movie.

    Whabbear What do you think of my story. There really is no way I could have come up with such thing by accident.

  43. I'm doing spring cleaning right now and it feels good!!

    So signs of spring in Illinois right now, but I'm making my own spring.

  44. Taking a break from cleaning the house.

    BON'O: I was all smiles when I read you talked to JODI on the phone--doesn't she have just the best laugh?
    Mr. Z brought the camera, but forgot to charge the batteries. :(

    TINKA: LOL at having a chaperone on your wedding night!!

    ITEACH: I'm trying to make my very first card..come to my house and you'll see what child can make the biggest mess! ;)

    JUST_LIN: I think your post was really fascinating..I am just glad your partner didn't have a more kinky fantasy. Or maybe not. ;)

    Back to cleaning...where will I clean next? Any guesses?

  45. Just a quick fly by owls...
    LOL! I had no idea I had the quote of the day...

    Some great stories and thoughts today...Hope to read more later..

  46. Another incident that stands out in my mind happened shortly before I turned 18. Some friends and I rented a small house for a week down at the beach. One of those friends was Alice who I had been very close to ever since 4th grade.

    Anyway, out on the beach that day a couple of nice looking young Marines started talking to us all. One Marine was especially interested in Alice and asked her out for later that night and she accepted. Once evening came, the rest of us left Alice as she readied for her date, and we went down the block to spend time with some boys who were also renting a place for the week. Everything was fine for a while but then I started getting very uneasy. I tried to ignore the feeling as all was well where I was, but then it occured to me that my uneasiness had to do with Alice.

    I told the others I was going to check on Alice, that I had a bad feeling, and I returned to our rental. I found the second Marine in our living room, and heard Alice's date yell for him from the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door and found that he had Alice on the floor, cowering and crying in the corner, with her blouse opened and her bra pulled up over her breasts.

    I absolutely snapped. Every four letter word known to man came flying out of my mouth as I screamed in his face. Words I had never used before in my life. I kept it up as I followed him back to the living room. He made a fist and drew back his arm as if to punch me in the face but his friend grabbed it and told him they should get out of there. Fortunately, they left.

    That Marine had been charming and friendly and the perfect gentleman on the beach. I am sure that a rape would have happened if I would have ignored that uneasy feeling I seemed to get out of nowhere.

  47. DEAR WHABBEAR: Here's some information you might find interesting..
    There is a great book by a fellow Canadian Mario Beauregard PHd called "The Spiritual Brain" A neuroscientist's case for the existence of the soul. He is helped along by Denyse O'Leary, a journalist from Toronto. This book is a helpful guide for the corner many excellent scientists find themselves in when facing non material phenon or perceived phenon.

    Second.. medical anthropologists and sociologists agree on the following: As a rule, males are hunter/gatherers and in all traditions they need to focus and go toward what they see, hear, smell, taste. If you will pardon the expression, their perceptions and actions in the world are forward and penetrating..toward prey, shelter, threats, etc. In order for humans to develop..the male was designed for this task (hard wiring if you will)

    The Female is very vulnerable when caring for very young. She cannot (think caveman days here..that is where a lot our current genetic/neurological programming comes from) look up all the time to see what could be a she PERCEIVES what is around her environment..almost becoming that environment in order to efficiently sense danger.

    The goal of this hardwiring is for biological survival.

    So, it is very possible that women do have differently wired inner senses of what is happening. And perhaps without the need to survive in a cave these senses turn toward other tasks.. have entered into an area that I study voraciously and love passionately.. that is neurology, animal behavior, and human development.

    Sorry for the loooong post, pretend this was about planets...

  48. SHIT! I posted a long post before the one to Whabby. I very thoughtfully took about a half hour to note everyone's earlier posts and respond..and it did not post!

    WAAAAAAAA. Everyone..if you posted before this I read it and connected..but I can't say it all again. Darn darn darn.

  49. JUSTLIN: Isn't it great to know we can sometimes count on something else? Yes!

  50. nowmercy I love your input on this subject. I think Joey is with his sweetie this weekend.

  51. nowmercy Did you see my post right before yours to Whabby? We were probably typing at the same time. I think we know alot more than we realize.

  52. And JUSTLIN I LOVE LOVE your owl..a real hoot. TY for your words. Hope Joey is havin fun

  53. Juslin: I DID see it and am familiar with the meditation. I am so glad you got such a positive confirmation of the ability to cooperatively "see". One of the things that I think freaks folks out about intuition is the fear invasiveness. I have experienced that and sadly used to do it as a parlor trick that was really really abusive. I know now that the best use of intuitive seeing is with permission only, mercifulness, and a full awareness of my own limitations. Lots of things to go hmmmm about...

  54. oh and JUSTLIN, a agree, there is a lot more than meets the eyes. How not boring..yes?

  55. nowmercy My second long post was about an incident not so fun as the first, but definitely useful.

    I like my little owl, too. Arms opened wide to welcome everyone or offer a hug. :)

  56. I guess that would be "wings" opened wide. LOL

  57. Justlin: I read that glad to have help when we need it and so glad you found the right words for the situation.

    Thanks for the feathery hug!

  58. DInner/Snack:

    --Nachos with black beans, jalepenos, black and red chips, real or soy cheese with salsa and sour cream on the side
    --Greek Salad with extra olives and feta
    --Tortilla soup
    Wine, beer and sodas
    Basic Saturday night fare..oh..and beano lol

  59. I was hungry so I thought I would drop in for a snack. I am just going to check out what there is today. I just got back from my walk in the sun with my wee ones. It's a God Given Day today here. They don't make them much better.

  60. Oh I was just in time for nachos with all the trimmings and a diet coke. How lucky could I be. Now to read what I missed and then write the letter I promised Zona 2 hours ago. I am coming Baby.

  61. Maureen - I see a question from you about my new DVD player. I bought exactly the same one as I had before, a Panasonic. The only difference is the fact that this one doesn't have a sleep switch. When I go to bed I always set my T.V. and DVD player to go off after 2 hours. Then it doesn't matter when I go to sleep. Does anyone have a solution? Would it hurt if I set up a timer attached to the player? You know the kind we use for Christmas lights. Any techies please answer.

  62. Someone asked about Joey... I believe he has a visitor this weekend that he has been looking forward to being with. I am sure he will come back on Monday all giggly and giddy with details... or not.

    I forgot to tell you all about what happened to me a few years ago. I had a really awful dream. It was filled with incredible pain, and I was standing outside with my neighbors because one of them was having to leave us. We were all very close and spent a lot of time together. We were out front in the street and crying. It was so painful that I woke up in tears. It was way too realistic.

    The next day my friends/neighbors were all out front and I had not mentioned my dream. One of the gals said, "Hey Cathy... you aren't moving are you? I had a dream about you last night." OMG, I almost hit my jaw on the ground. She went on to describe her dream, which was almost exactly the same dream that I had experienced. She talked about the pain and the crying... and she woke up also because the pain was too much. Cathy said there was NO WAY they were moving. They were so happy here and the kids loved their school.

    Soon after that, Cathy's husband was diagnosed with non-smokers cancer and he died after a 2-1/2 year battle. He was only 43 years old and had been at his healthiest when he was diagnosed. It was, and still is, one of the worst things I have ever dealt with.

    Cathy ended up moving her family back to Atlanta so they could be near family. When she left, we all stood out in the street. We were hugging each other and crying and the pain was emense. It was just as I had felt. There was no way I could have seen that coming. And there is no explanation for Lisa and I having the same dream on the same night.

    Some things just cannot be explained. That doesn't prevent me from believing.

  63. Yum..I just told my husband that I would like a Greek salad for dinner. I would like some extra olives, please (they never put enough in those salads) and then some nachos..I love these kind of brussel sprouts!!

    Mo: you guys make me laugh as you think of my name as Dianne_in_Denver, etc. You are all so darn witty!!

    BONO: I had to look twice and click on your new owl. I thought it was a Bronco owl!! I was so glad to see you finally switched sides!!

    NOWMERY: Every time I see your owl, I just want to hug you!!

    JUSTLIN: I am packing for Idaho as fast as I you have any idea what the weather is there right now? I have my teddy (not teddy bear) packed and I don't know if I need boots (for the snow).

    SCORISH: great topic. I too have the phone call thing and you really are thinking of that person right when they call. Sometimes I get a "feeling" if we go to a casino that I am going to win a decent win..never has worked out yet! I guess my feelings are mental (what I want them to be, maybe).


    Hope today is tiny bit better, Amicus. Thinking of you.

  64. I just read all the posts and without taking notes I can't remember a fraction of what I was going to respond to. It all got wiped out when I read what Jus Lin said about the Marine. How lucky it was you got the intuition to go back and check. Yes there probably would have been another rape. Did you report him?

    Zona - I am sure my father-in-law checked in here for years. There were too many unexplained happenings. I was never scared because I always thought he was looking out for me. I haven't felt him around for the last couple of years.

    Bon O - Your myspace page is beautiful.

    For those of you who don't have daffodils in their gardens yet I sent pictures of them for your myspace pages. I hope they weren't interpreted as bragging. Every year in February we do a flower count that numbers into the millions and send that number along with thousands of Daffodils back East. It is meant as a gesture of sharing but I think it is frequently interpreted as one of bragging. Anyway I meant well. Of course some of you are living where it is hot already. I didn't stop to think about that. Off to write to my cyberdaughter.

  65. GLYNIS: I wonder what parts of you that dream prepared for what was coming? If any?

    I too have those kind of dreams..

    When I was little I told my mom to slow down because around the bend in the canyon we were in were some horses that could not run. She was used to listening to my predictions by then and slowed way down.. sure enough, two curves and there were two hobbled horses.. Another time we had just left my "foster" grandma's and I saw blood everywhere.. I told my mom and she pulled over and calmly asked.. "did grandma fall?" I said no, I just wanted to get home my mom drove like a bat out of hell and at home it was like a crime dad had fallen on his bike and came into the house, bleeding from the head, bled everywhere and driven himself to the hospital. When my mom called he was too woozy to talk and she told them not to give him penicillin (he spent a week in icu after an allergic reaction), the nurse yelled stop stop stop..they were about to start an iv of penicillin because he had so much debris in him. Last week I called my mom and told her I had a dream about her eyes..she said she had a small sore on one of her eyes and decided after the call to get it checked out..she called later, it was the beginning of shingles and she was able to avoid the worst of it by getting on it fast.

    Love them vibes..mostly.

  66. Tinka, NoMercy, and JustLin:

    Tinka, I might take a swing at explaining your late relative's intuition with an appeal to "reporting bias". To really try and establish the veracity of these sorts of intuitions, we would have to collect data on (get a census of) all the feelings and intuitions that everybody has ever experienced over their lives that didn't turn out to be "true"- the "false alarms" as it were. If we were able to get accurate numbers from such a survey, would the false alarms turn out to be much greater in number than the "hits" that get etched into our memories and subsequently reported- sometimes from generation to generation, as in Tinkatia's case?

    So I think some of that is going on here. But even I (LOL) have trouble explaining an event as wildly improbable as Just Lin's telepathic images of Harvey on a hill.

    So, that kind of story leaves me with a skeptical, but open, mind. If there is something to what NowMercy says about differential evolutionary requirements having resulted in women having more telepathic and intuitive capabilities than men, there must be some physiological basis for it, some brain region or neural net that differentiates the male and female brains, and "lights up" differently during Esper activity. That should be studied in a laboratory setting.

    On a different issue, I'm very interested in a neuroscientist who has a case for how the brain can support or house a soul. I will check that out... thanks, NowMercy!

    In fact, that was an interesting segue! Owls, do you think that ESP and intuitive powers are in some way linked to the soul? Would an exploration of brain activity associated with processing information obtained through ESP senses also tell us something about how a noncorporeal entity (the soul) interacts with a corporeal one (the brain)?

    I'm headed out to a scrumptious seafood dinner party at a friends place, so I probably won't be able to check back in until tomorrow morning. I can't wait to read your thoughts in these things!

  67. Glynis - I just read your post and it gave me the chills. There is so much we don't know about paranormal powers.

  68. Tink: I adore the way you communicate and your need to be kind and considerate is so very clear..I often feel a bit of a blessing when I read your posts! I will enjoy the cyber daffodils until mine pop up

  69. BONO OMG your myspace page.. wow you really gave a gift to anyone who goes

  70. TINK: Thanks for the flowers. I would never think you are bragging and if you were, it would be okay because you have beautiful flowers and we have dried weeds, grass and last years flowers! Good think I love winter!

    TINA: Have fun at the Jazz concert tonight with your family. :)

    Someone has been on myspace putting new things on it...not my fault JustLin! I don't even know how to make a song...TINA is my mentor on myspace!

  71. WHABBEAR- I enjoy our encounters so much. One of my needs is to question and deepen my foundations of understanding and your questions and opinions meet that need for me. Hope you have a wonderful night!

  72. RE word of the day, overheard by a friend in a recovery meeting:

    thinking binge (instead of drinking) it.

  73. Hi DIANE..I agree..we have brown grass, mud and ice..I like thinking somewhere spring is springing

    BONO.. you are busy. wonderful owl.. with attitude and style

  74. Tink~ Thank you so much for my daffodils. Growing up, my mom always made a big deal out of St. David's Day because she is part Welsh. The nat'l flower of Wales is the daffodil, so seeing them reminded me that March 1st is just around the corner. Thank you!!

  75. Things are quiet. I guess everyone has big Saturday night plans..Gylnis at at hockey game, Tina at Jazz concert, Jodi sleeping for work, me...just sitting at computer!! It sounded good all day but now I want to do something fun too!!

  76. Diane..I'm kind of here..I was trying to pimp my page but it gets over my head so I'm taking a break and getting ready to watch some bbc comedy. How are YOU tonight?

  77. Hi everyone!

    I love the topic of the day, so interesting reading everyone's posts.

    I can't think of much to tell, other than like a few of you, my best friend and I kind of sense when the other is calling. I've literally picked up the phone to say hello the instant before it rings.

    I know there have been times when I dream about something, then realize the significance later. But I haven't been able to think of a good example to share today.

    Tink, I love daffodils! Today my huz and I went to our other house, we just rented it out and we had to replace a light bulb that is very up high.

    Several years ago, I had planted daffodils and tulips around a large tree in the front yard. The house is a salmon color, and I found gorgeous, matching colored bulbs! haha

    They bloom every year and by Easter are all up and open. They are so lovely! Today I saw that they are all coming up, so soon there will be a circle of pink around the tree.

    Our new house has no bulbs of any kind, so will be planting this year, for sure!

    Paula had her blood tests today, and unfortunately the results are exactly the same as 2 weeks ago. She is a little above the high normal range on the BUN and creatinine levels. booo

    The plan is to not give her any more fluid for now, then have her blood rechecked 2 weeks from today. We'll then see if her kidney function is the same or climbing again.

    We were given 2 options. One was to continue the fluid for 2 more weeks, and the other was the one we decided to do.

    She hates getting the fluid, my husband hates it too. I wanted to give her a break from getting poked. I hope it is the right thing to do. She is eating her new "kidney" diet food, so hopefully we won't regret stopping the fluid.

    The rain has been pouring on and off all day, it's just miserable outside. I think we're in for more tomorrow.

    Oh, congrats to Grandma Moses on being first today!

    Bye for now!

  78. Happy Saturday nite!!

    I was LAST yesterday!!! WOO, WOO...

    OMG, OMG, OMG -

    TIGER IS IN THE FINALS!!!!!!!!!!

    OH MY..

    scirish - congrats on the blog today - my mind is not functioning - so I will have to catch up this week on all the happenings...

    It was a BEAUTIFUL day on the golf course and tomorrow's weather is supposed to hit 84... (sorry for all those having bad weather!!)

    Alarm will go off at 3:30a.m. - so - I will call it a night now!!

    I hope everyone has an excellent evening!!!

    GO TIGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. hi EBJ: Sorry Paula wasn't any better today but at least she wasn't any worse! You are making the decision you feel right for go with it!

    NOWMERCY: I am fine. We went to a basketball tournament today for my 9 yr old granddaughter and they won and that was fun and then out to lunch. I think I will go and watch Biggest Loser. It is the only reality show I am not caught up on except for my soap Days. Too bad we aren't closer and we could either meet up for a drink or pie and coffee! I am up for either one. I doubt my husband would even know I was gone as he has been on his computer downstairs doing school work since we got home. Want to meet?

  80. MEK: Glad you are having a great time. Wow...3:30AM...that is much too early. At least you won't be making a habit of that early morning wake up...most of us are just going to bed then! You are being a night owl only in the morning!

    Now I remember I am doing something..I am packing for my early trip to Idaho to check up on Custard...with Justlin's blessing...whoops...I mean Tina's blessing! Does that count?

  81. Whabbear - Excellent post. You are so intelligent I find it hard to give you an answer that explains intelligently how I feel about the paranormal. I think on this issue we will have to agree to disagree. You are a true scientist and I am not. I love you anyway.

    Nowmercy, Dianne, and Glynis, Thank you for enjoying my daffodils. It was so pretty on my walk today I wanted to share. It was only after I sent them that I thought they might be misinterpreted. I love daffodils. They are my favourite flower because they are so bright and hopeful after a dreary winter. They are the only flowers I keep in my home. I have cut daffodils in vases and in pots all around the house from January when the first hot house ones come out until April. They last so long and stand so straight. I love tulips too but in one day they are drooping and looking sad. They are lovely outside in April.
    Spring - It fills the soul with such warmth.

  82. WOW...I am busy now----packing, getting ready to watch Biggest Loser and going to meet NowMercy (in the middle somewhere).

    TINK: Are you still awake? What are you doing? Are you watching a DVD?

    ZONA; Where are you?

  83. MEK Glad you popped in. Could you please take Dianne with you when you leave again in the morning?

    Dianne/Denver Why don't you get on a plane and meet MEK? She could lose you, I mean take you to the golf course. :)

  84. East Bay J - I am happy Paula isn't any worse and that she is going to have a break for two weeks. I have been there and it is so hard to give meds to cats. I really think they resent it, much more than dogs do. Cats are very proud and like to make their own decisions. I see you like daffodils too. My favourite childhood picture of me is one taken in my white confirmation dress standing in a field of yellow daffodils.

  85. How Many of You Remember Memorizing this poem in school? I do.

    "Daffodils" (1804)
    I WANDER'D lonely as a cloud
    That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
    When all at once I saw a crowd,
    A host, of golden daffodils;
    Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
    Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
    Continuous as the stars that shine
    And twinkle on the Milky Way,
    They stretch'd in never-ending line
    Along the margin of a bay:
    Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
    Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
    The waves beside them danced; but they
    Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
    A poet could not but be gay,
    In such a jocund company:
    I gazed -- and gazed -- but little thought
    What wealth the show to me had brought:
    For oft, when on my couch I lie
    In vacant or in pensive mood,
    They flash upon that inward eye
    Which is the bliss of solitude;
    And then my heart with pleasure fills,
    And dances with the daffodils.
    By William Wordsworth (1770-1850).


  86. nowmercy LOL You were not being your "higher self" when you snuck in like that! Congrats!

  87. oh crap justlin.. I happened to log in and saw 97 and dint read any comments soI typed meme ..i really hope YOU won now that I see how hard you worked on it

  88. No, nowmercyyou won. Your timing was perfecto!!

  89. uh..didn't and it was Tinks fault..darn that daffodil poem and nope,,, don't remember it and I am laughing so hard my dog is freaking bout THAT for coincidence???

  90. I'm going to take a break for a while. I have the movie "Micahel Clayton" to watch. Later, Owls.

  91. bye for now JL..let me know if you like the movie..I should watch at least one nomination before the oscars...

  92. Maybe I should watch "Michael Clayton" not "Micahel Clayton", apparently a poor knock-off. LOL

  93. Just catching up on posts and flitting in and out, so to avoid a marathon post, I'll split things up over the evening....

    Glynis~~Your stories gave me chills...and confirmed my take on the intensely beautiful soul I knew you to be. Indescribable.

    JustLin~~Thank whatever powers may be you have 'the gift' and were able to use it. Makes me wonder if there is not a link between this gift and the 'free will' of humans to cause or prevent events. That 'free will' is often used as the answer to the question often posed to believers in The Almighty as to why bad things happen to good people. If more of us had or acknowledged that Gift within us, could more of those things be prevented? Hmmmmmmmm.

    Nowmercy~~See why I love you so? and btw, the bizarre synchronicity continues.....Before you offered up Greek salad with olives and feta, guess what I had made for lunch today for friends? Yesterday I ventured from my usual grocer to WalMart Superstore to pick up some bargains on frozen stuff. Saw something I'd never tried but took a chance, and made it for lunch today. What was it? "Sam's Choice Greek Style Herbed Chicken & Feta Cheese Kit"~~chicken with Kalamata olives, roma tomatoes & feta. Never tried it before and probably won't again, but why was that on both of our menus today?

    Tinka~N/M~Dianne_No_I'd_Never_Switch_from_ My_Seahawks_for_Denver: WOW, thankk you for the great comments about my new M/S page and owl. I had to Google the lyrics to the new song on my page by Celtic Women. The fine Irish lasses in that song would fit right in with our Nest hoochies!! While their men are of making money in New York and Boston, they're gettin' it on down at the pub!

  94. TinK; I don't ever remember the poem either but then I wasn't alive in 1850...I am old but come on, give me a break!

    JUSTLIN; Now that wasn't very nice to tell MEK to take me to the tournament and lose me!! You would miss me when I was gone. Tina tried that once leaving me and as I remember AmyP was with here but I am like the bad penney..turned up again!

  95. Let's all to to the pub...I'll drive -at least going there.

  96. Hmmm, Dianne_Pub-Hopping_in_Denver distracted me with email, so I didn't notice my typo above. Ya know what? Don't care! :o)

    Tink~~I wasn't there in 1850 either....but I do remember memorizing (in addition to the Owl & the Pussycat) "Hats Off! Along the street there comes, A blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums", etc. etc. That was a childhood favorite, as was "Whose woods these are I think I know"....

  97. I thought anyone over 50 or whoever took English at University would know Wordsworth, Keats and Robbie Burns poetry. Am I from a different ilk altogether?

    Dianne -Shakespeare was born in 1564. I have studied "Hamlet", "Macbeth", "The Taming of the Shrew".
    "All's Well that Ends Well".
    "Henry V", and "Henry IV" to name a few. How old does that make me? LOL

    Now I am feeling so old I must crawl into my bed. Have a good night you young and frisky owls. God Bless you and Keep you safe.
    Until We Meet Again. Love, Tinka

  98. Amicus has a new layout on her myspace "In memory of Fantine". It's beautiful.

  99. Tink~~You KNOW we're just messing with you. Heck, I'd memorized a good portion of The Bible by 6th grade....and those guys are older than Shakespeare!

  100. Bon P - I know you guys are messing with me and I am messing with you right back at ya.

    Now I really have to drag these old bones to bed.
    Love, Old Pink Tink

  101. See I am so tired I hit the 'P' instead of the 'O'.

  102. I have read all the posts. The weather here was sunny and warm. Spring has sprung! We went to the park and tonight dinner and a movie.
    My sister and I have had the same exact dreams on the same nights. We are not twins. We are 18 months apart in age. My sister and I have discussed this during our luncheons and shopping sprees and we have concluded that we have no idea why we have the same exact dreams on the same exact nights. I had to think long and hard about posting this. I fear Wabbear and his laboratory. I feel like I can read his mind and I keep hearing labotomy. :0)

  103. Frickin frackin. Thank goodness for copy and paste. I always forget to sign in before I make a long post.

  104. I remember waking from an unusually frightening dream once when my husband and I lived in California. I sat up in bed and told him he had to call his brother. He reminded me it was late, and asked why he needed to call him right then. I told him I dreampt that his brother was in a car, upside down in the water. I wanted him to tell him to drive very carefully. My hubby called his mom and told her to pass the message on to his brother. The next day his mom called to tell us that my brother in law had been in an accident. His car had slid off the road and landed upside down in a wash. He had been pulled out, hurt but alive. Mr. Z was completely freaked out.

    One morning while my dad was sick with cancer, I remember hearing the phone ring. I didn't answer--just began sobbing. I knew what the call was about without picking up the phone. It felt as if my very heart had been ripped out. My dad had just died.

    JUST_LIN & NOWMERCY: My mom always told me she could 'see' that I had this sixth sense in me--but was afraid of it. She was right. I have quashed it eversince I understood what it was. I still do.

  105. DIANNE: You have your teddy packed? I hope it's fur lined so you don't freeze your assests! Be careful of the spurs on those boots too. Oh..and keeping with the theme, don't forget to practice your lasso tossing! ;)

    TINKA: Thank you for the Daffodils. My favorite flower from my favorite lady! :)

  106. Zona!!! Why are you encouraging Dianne? I don't want her rustlin' my cowboy. She needs to find her own. ;)

  107. JUST_LIN: ooooopssss...didn't mean to encourage encroachment!! ;)

  108. Zona Did you see the Wanted poster I made on my page? I'm so proud of myself for figuring out how to do it. Dianne now has a countdown clock to intercept my reunion with Custard! LOL

  109. JUST_LIN: I'll go check that out right now..I sent DIANNE her own cowboy. I sent her one before but she either used him up, or she slapped his backside and sent him home. ;)

  110. TINK: Your are still a few years older than I am. Remember I am 31 and you are 39...soon to be 40, I might add. Now listen up, I memorized the Paul Revere thing and I don't mean Paul Revere and the Raiders and that came from 1775, so I am not quite as old as some think either.

    ZONA: Thank you so much for reminding me to bring my lasso. What is a Colorado girl without her lasso!! I am going to Idaho ahead of schedule because JUSTLIN doesn't want my protection, so I have to go scout out the scene before she arrives. JUSTLIN sent me a creepy cowboy a couple of weeks aqo but now your cowboy, ZONA, is just what the doctor ordered. No, I didn't toss your other one aside (must be this one's brother)!

    I am sure glad JUSTLIN doesn't know how to get in touch with MrDianne!!! And..just for the record, I was a victim on myspace with that countdown. Remeber, Tina is my "helper". I am sure she will fess up to this after her Jazz concert is over.

    Uh Bono, did we go to the pub or not? I feel like I have been singing My Wild Irish Rose all night...hopefully, you were with me during this "fun" time.

  111. Dianne/Denver Enjoy your cowboy that I asked Zona to send you. He is your consolation prize. Did you ever go see my Wanted poster? I'm so damn proud of it I'm encouraging everyone to see it. LOL

  112. DIANNE_LEARNING_TO_ROPE_THEM_AND_RIDE_THEM_IN_DENVER: Oh boy--you have two cowboys? Hope you have enough rope and energy! At least it will give you some EXTRA practice for when you go to Idaho ascoutin'! ;)

    "Oh listen my friends and you shall hear, the fateful ride of Paul Revere.." close???

  113. DIANNE: You don't have a city in the above post!! It's DENVER you ding-a-ling posting box!

  114. Howdy OWLS!!

    SC wonderful blog!! Thank U

    I have an inner voice that speaks to me a lot, and no not one of the voices in my head hehe.
    I always search for it when making a big decision, and I always listen to it when I feel fear.

    Hope everyone is having a fun weekend.
    Lots of Hugs n Love,

  115. LOVEY!!! Finally, we meet on the same page at the same time! I hope you are having a great weekend too. :)

  116. Hi Lovey: How have you been? You been misbehavin' --I mean behaving?

    I see Jodi is awake just not posting yet. You should have been awake earlier and you could have been singing Irish songs with Bono and myself, or packing for Idaho for a roadtrip, or watching JUSTLIN try and send me to Arizona with MEK and told her to lose me, or just chit chatting with all the great owls (above included)!

    JUSTLIN: Yes, I looked at your wanted sign and send you back a myspace message hours ago about it. You are still reading my messages, right?

  117. Good Morning Zona,Dianne,Jodi!!!

    LOL yes finally Zona!!

    Crap looks like I missed a fun night in the nest :o(

  118. Good morning DIANNE, ZONA, LOVEY, JUST LIN!!!

    Just made a pot of hazelnut coffee, stoked the fire, did the dishes.....and now I can play for a bit. Today is day 8 of 10 in a row. This little owl is pooped, but I'll make it!!!

  119. LOL Dianne, JustLin, oh my stars, I really should read the comments in full before I post eh.

  120. LOL @ LOVEY listening to the voices in her head!!! Hee Hee!!

  121. Dianne/Denver Ah, yes you did comment about it. Sorry, I'm tired and I forgot momentarily. I'm daydreaming about Custard so much, I can't focus. LOL

  122. 2 days Jodi... maybe I should put a count down clock on my page..hehe

  123. Zona, where have u been hiding huh?!?

  124. JUST LIN - Luv your wanted poster and countdown!!! Now to keep DIANNE away....LOL!!

  125. Lovey: Glad you read the comments as I thought you wanted me to pick you up for that Idaho trip I'm heading out on and nothing personal...but you weren't exactly on the way!

  126. Jodi I'm afraid Dianne is very persistant. I even had Zona send her another cowboy to keep her entertained. But NO, she's still after my Custard! LOL

  127. Dianne lol ok, so I get screwed up this early in the I thought you were really going on a trip...
    I'm busy anyway, I'm a bounty hunter working on a wanted poster released this evening.

  128. ZONA ZONA ZONA git yer butt back here :oP

  129. Good Morning Just Lin!!!heheh I didn't see u here...

  130. JUST LIN - I just sent another one to DIANNE!!! He's a real looker!!!

  131. JUSTLIN: Maybe time for nighty night for you.

    Hi Jodi: Not trying to be picky, but do you have any other flavors of coffee to make us? I am retired so I can't afford to buy any for the nest stash!! I bought dinner last week though. You are working too much. Why do they schedule you for so many days in a row? Isn't that against the law or something? I admire you for working all those hours, raising three kids and a husband and keeping up a house and a nest!!

    BTW Jodi, I am married and not trying to get in the way of JustLin, I just feel a "connection" to her and helping her out.

  132. ZONA - Where are you? I see your ass sticking out from beneath the bed!!!

  133. LOVEY: I'm here! I was playing in the snow on Friday!

    JODI: Hey Pistol! Mr. Z says hang in there..only two to go!

    JUST_LIN: I sent her two cowboys to wear her out, but she is insatiable!

  134. Jodi I'll go check out Dianne's cowboy. Did you see my Wanted poster that I'm so proud of making? I'm really getting "tedious" about it. LOL

  135. Oh boy LOVIE: It looks like you and I might be runnin' into each other in Idaho. Get a move on so I won't have to be there alone. I am not sure but I think Custard and that just wanted poster you are going after..look like brothers! I didn't realize you 3were a bounty hunter. So, you are getting paid for this job. Did you used to be on TV with a guy named Dog? JUSTLIN is out numbered now...Yahoo...Ride Em' Cowboy!!

  136. DIANNE-PICKY-IN-DENVER - I have about 11 different flavors.....take your pick!!
    House Blend
    Dark Roast
    Chocolate Macadamian Nut
    Royal Kona Blend
    Vanilla Creme
    Irish Creme
    Hazelnut Decaff
    Dark Roast Decaff
    and my favorite Hazelnut!!!

  137. Dianne LOL

    Zona wooohoooo playin in the snow... you're ready for a Canadian winter now.

    Ok who is getting the cowboy collection?


    I am new to the job, matter of fact, this will be my first hunt.

  139. Jodi I saw Dianne's cowboy. Kind of looks like a scroungy owl with a cowboy hat! BWHAAAAAAAHAHA!

    Lovey Waving a wing at you. :)

  140. I think I should take that "I love warm custard"out of my loves section on my has a whole new meaning here.

  141. Sorry I have to cut this short, but I have to jump in the shower and get ready for work. You girls behave ;)

  142. LOVEY: Oh man did we...and I stopped the loss of brain cells in the process. Did you know that snow is an aphrodisiac?? Twice??

  143. Well LOVEY you couldn't have picked a better "first hunt" Is the pay good? Does JUSTLIN have to pay you? I guess so since it is her Wanted Poster.

    Jodi: thank you very much. I guess I should stick with Irish Creme to stick with mine and BONO'S songs and drinks of the night!! OK JODI-----THAT COWBOY YOU SENT ME IS UGLY!! I think he/she is even older than I am. You were supposed to be distracting me from Custard but now you have me hot on the Idaho trail!! JUSTLIN tell JODI thank you!! I like them younger like ZONA sends me!!

  144. Okay, let's get this straight. I am the only one capturing Custard and as I understand it, the reward is bigger than average, if you get my drift, ladies. ;)

  145. ZONA LMAO!!!
    I'm so happy to read that snow was a good thing for you recently. I've had about enough of it lately :oP

    Umm well I'm not sure of the pay yet Dianne, but I'll be it will be really good if Custard is held in custody until payment on the bounty eh.

  146. ZONA: YOU HAD SEX IN THE SNOW TWICE_in Arizona? You forgot to mention that with all of your snow talk earlier. Were you making snow angels and then POW, ZOOM, BANG, etc? If that is the case that snow is an would love to move to some of our states and Canada. MrDianne will be surprised about that when I tell him in the morning!

    Ok all you snow people (when you wake up from your exciting night) let's take a poll for ZONA and see how many agree. At least we know ITEACH lives where it snows. Bad luck for K-Girl and Dreama and some of the others!!

  147. Jodi have a great Sunday, catch up with you later xox

  148. Zona next time, stop to make a few "naked snow angels" that's lots of fun too :o)

  149. LOVEY: I think ZONA already made a "few (two to be exact) naked snow angels!!

    ZONA; Thanks for the second cowboy. I love his chaps!

    I bet Jodi will be sneaking back on before she hits the road for work. Anyone want to bet?

  150. Geeeeesh I wish I had known u owls were awake all night

  151. JUSTLIN; We are all "tedious" at one time or another. Remember that's is why we were lucky enough to have Carol to make this blog for us!!

  152. LOVEY: You've had enough of what..exactly..hehehehe!!!

    DIANNE: No, my ass did not hit the snow! We got a room!! LOL!

    LOVEY2: There wasn't enough snow to make a snow angel, but we will keep that in mind for next time! ;)

    JUST_LIN: I keep sending DIANNE cowboys, she keeps using them up!

  153. what in the crap is going on in here? I was just summoned~ :)~

  154. TINA!!! Good Morning!!!
    Are u feeling better? I sure hope so.

  155. I'm feeling great, lovey....who is doing who and who is naked in the snow....and how many of us are meeting Lin at the airport when custard arrives? :)~

  156. Umm, :ox I'm being a good Owl sittin on the perch munchin cheezies :o)

  157. Tina It's starting to feel like a whole damn posse is going to be at the airport!

  158. yeah....but from the little I've read...they are all at the wrong airport~ :)~

  159. TINA: Well it's about frickin' time!

  160. Tina That's true but I think they plan to get him before he leaves.

  161. ZONA didya have a naked snow ball fight too?

  162. J/L~ they won't find him...until I tell them the airline..the airport and the time~ :)~



    LOVEY: S'noball fights here!!!

  164. Zona~ you did WHAT with WHAT balls?

  165. lovey~ i love your tequila shooters~ too cute~

    Zona~ naughty, naughty zona~ :)~ Yay for Mr Zona~ (he isn't blushing is he?)

  166. Good night ladies. I'm way too tired. See you tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good night.

  167. scirish~ loved your blog~ so interesting and also everyone's experiences.....have read about 1/2 way~

  168. nowmercy~ you are so in tune~ AND....loved they GC video~ thx~ :)~
