
Saturday, February 2, 2008

Your Memories?

our daily blog is from Mary/Mi

Your Memories

by Mary/Mi

I have always wondered what others first memories were. How far back do you remember. How much of it is what others have told you? Is it clear in your mind or just a fuzzy thought? The best I can remember is the age of 6 and my first year of school. I was held back one year to go with my little sister. It was a choice I wish they had not made. I always felt out of place being older. I remember little snippet's here and there, but not a lot. Our family didn't take many pictures of us when we were small, but the few I have are precious to me. I think it is wonderful that MEK and others have taken up scrap booking. Preserve your families history. Hopefully later generations will appreciate it. I would love to hear of your first memories.


  1. FIRST!!!!!! Yesssssss!!!!! If I can't beat TINA @ 400, I'm fine with first!!

  2. MARY/MI - Great post!!! I remember back to around when I was 4. I was in a wedding that year - and totally remember walking down the isle.....the bouquet that was bigger than my head......and of course the cute boy I got to dance with at the reception. I'm Mom took tons of pics of our family. Someday I really should try to scan and upload you would not believe some of the hairstyles my Mother made me wear!!! LOL!!

    I hope everyone has a great Saturday!!

  3. YEAH JODI!!! Now I can be second and still have Hugh in sight!!

  4. CAROL - One more day!!! GO GIANTS!!! I'd love to see them take Tom Brady down a peg or two!!!

  5. MARY/MI: My first memory is of wearing a pink snowsuit and being carried by my mom. She seemed to be afraid, so maybe this is why I remember it so well. I found out when I was older that I was being taken to the hospital with pnuemonia. I don't remember the hospital stay at all.

    When I was in my late 20's and at a family dinner, I told my grandmother that I remembered rocking in the rocking chair on her second story porch. I described her yellow house perfectly. My mom turned around from the stove and said to my grandma "I TOLD you not to let the kids play on that porch!!" I started laughing so hard--it was as it had just happened! My mom--always protecting us, even 24 years after the fact!

    Third is ok too! HI TINA!!! ;)

  6. HI ITEACH! I'm off to sleep a couple hours..more Super Bowl stuff today. I sure wish it was the Raiders.

  7. Hi guys, I have been reading everything in this owls nest, and all I can say is WOW, I'M SO IMPRESSED!! So much writing talent, interesting tales and, of course, the most wonderful people!
    I am so happy to see so many of you again ~ TinainUt., Bono, Jodi, Zona ~ I could go on and on....
    Thank you to whabbear and Carol for helping me get here.

  8. MARY/MI, My earliest memory is when I was 3 and a half years old. I don't remember anything about the day except my mom coming out of the hospital holding my new baby sister in a HUGE blanket. (It was January in NY, cold) The excitement was incredible and I couldn't wait to hold her, but I don't really remember if I did.

  9. Good Morning Owls!

    Mary/Mi: This should be a fun and interesting topic too! Thanks! I just came in from salting my parking lot so I need to thaw out before I can put some thought into this one. :)

    Welcome to the nest:
    Grandpa Moses

    MEK: Glad Barney is going to be OK. Hugs for him and hope he feels better soon.

    VIG: Welcome back! Missed you!

    Waving Hi to:
    And all the other Owls who will be joining us soon.

    Happy Saturday, everyone!

  10. Amicus, thank you for the welcome. I always appreciate you sharing with us your knowledge of our four legged loved ones.

    iteach, Jodi stole your answer? Your first memory is also at a wedding holding a bouquet!?! kidding

  11. Oh grandma, yes, my first memory is the age of four and I was also a flower girl.

    Grandma, I was also 3 1/2 when my sister was born and I have no memory at all of it. In fact today is her birthday.

  12. Good Morning Carol, Jodie, Zona, iteach, Amicus and all the owls who post after me.

    Welcome Grandma Moses. Nice to see you here.

    VIG: Welcome back. We missed you.

    Mary/MI: A good topic to get a lively discussion going. My first memory is when I was almost 3 and my sister's best friend died. She had been very sick for a long time and I remember clearly saying to my sister "Lola's in heaven." That was minutes before the phone rang and Lola's mother called to tell my sister. I have never had an experience like that since and I'm not sure I would want to know things before they happen.

  13. I have a class this morning and I have to usher this afternoon, so I will be back after dinner. Have a good day everyone.

  14. Grandma Moses: Thank you! I love talking about pets! I do it all day and still never get tired of it. :) Glad you're here!

    SacBarb: Hi! What show are you ushering today? I'm going to see Jesus Christ Superstar tomorrow, and I'm really looking forward to it. We have tickets to our Fox Club brunch too, and you should see their table of desserts. Oh my, yummy!! I'm looking forward to that too. :)

  15. Good morning hooters!

    Welcome Grandma Moses! I think you will enjoy the owl's nest. It's a wonderful place!

    Congrats to Jodi for being first today!

    OK, the earliest memory for me was about age 3 or so, I remember swinging on a swing set. Can't remember anything more than that, just swinging!

    My kitty woke us up at 3:30 this morning, crying and straining to pee, so I'm waiting for the vet clinic to open so we can take her in today.

    I heard her meowing loudly, so went in the bathroom and there she was in the tub, trying to go.

    This is her 3rd episode in the past couple months, so it makes me worry a little.

    Please keep good thoughts today for Paula the Princess (her pic is on Myspace). She is almost 16 years old.

    Right now, she's asleep under the covers with my huz.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  16. iteach, Happy Birthday to your sister! I only remember that one scene in my mind. My mother coming out of the hospital with her in that big blanket. My next memory is kindergarten, it is so funny because I clearly remember the radiator we stood next to when we lined up. Isn't that a crazy memory?

    sacbarb and east bay j, Thank you for the welcome.
    east bay j, sending out prayers for your sick kitty, Paula.

  17. Congrats Jodi on 1st today!

    Welcome all new Nesters!

    Earliest memory. What a great topic. I know for sure that one of them was my 4th Birthday. I can still see the pretty cake with the sugar duckie candle holders. I still remember the blue polka ball I got as a gift. I remember a lot of stuff from when I was 5-6 and in Kindergarten. I loved Kindergarten. We had to bring a special rug, blanket, mat to class for our quiet time. And it was also special if you got to have your quiet time in the little play kitchen we had in the room. I had one of those multi colored braided rugs! I still to this day love those rugs. I remember how we would get juice and crackers for a snack. Oh and that one reminds of when I was in a daycare at the bowling alley my mom was either working in and bowling in and mom had given me a bag of crackers with peanut butter on them for a snack and this wicked old lady in the daycare took them from me because she said I did not have enough for everyone so I could not have them. I remember crying and crying and my mom came and got me she was so furious with that woman that she never took me back. I will have to ask mom how old I was. Had to have been before Kindergarten. (ok called mom. she said she was about 27 so that would have made me 3. she even remembers that happening and how she was so pissed at that woman that she never took me back!)

    I also remember some of a reoccurring dream I had as a child. I only had the dream as a child but I had it a lot. I was in a very deep hole looking up. It was like I was trapped in the hole and men on horses came and helped my out of the hole. At the time I didn't know the difference about the clothing they were wearing, but a lot later I realized that they were wearing clothes from like 1500's or something. I always kinda wondered if that was the type of memory that people get when they say they have been reincarnated and they can remember other lives. Because seriously, why would a very young child dream something like that? In color too! We didn't get a color tv for a very long time so it's not like I saw that on tv or something. I mean it's possible, but really who knows????

  18. east bay j... sounds like a bladder infection. my sons kitty was just doing the same thing. he had to give her drugs and she is all better now.

    sorry about the book i wrote guys!

  19. Paula has an appt. at noon today, so I will let you all know what our vet has to say!

  20. Jodi!!! First!!!

    Good Morning Zonababy, Amicus, iteach,Sacbarb and EBJ!

    Welcome to the nest grandma moses!

    Wow Mary what an interesting topic!

    I am sad to say one of my earliest memories is at about 5 or 6. My Mother was very ill my Dad took my brother and I to North West Hospital to see her. Back in those days kids were not allowed into the hospital so we had to stand out side her window and wave. I remember holding my brothers hand and wondering why we could not go in.

    I do have some hazy memories and pictures jog things loose once in awhile. But for the most part it seems I have blocked so much out. I had a therapist tell me that this is not unusual( the psyche protecting itself) and when I was ready they may or may not come back.

    Really that is ok I am glad I have any memories of her. I do get wonderful stories from family members even if I don't remember.

    You are so right it is important to preserve your family memories!!!

    On a silly note. I am glad I don't remember being a breech birth! Family history is that Dad took Mom on one of his favorite hikes to his super secret fishing hole. 13 mile hike and when they got home she went into labor with me. The doctors told him that the hike caused the baby to turn!!

    Yes Tina I have an excuse for being Ass backwards!

  21. Good Morning Barb!!

    EBJ: I agree with Barb sounds like bladder infection. Sending Paula (((Hugs)))

  22. LOL at Jodi and Tina leaving me comments at 2:30 this morning! You guys must have seen that I was online! I got up because my bedroom was friggen roasting in there and I need to cool down and have some water. So I got on to see who was in here and there were Jodi and Tina. The comments were around 475 I think, I thought about just sitting there until it was close to 500 and them jumping in and trying to steal it! But I didn't and went back to bed. Woujld have been funny if I had stolen it from one of you! Now I have to go back and see who got it and when!

  23. "Long Post Alert"
    Oh!! This topic may not be good for me!! All my memories are about the mishaps I've had.
    When I was a toddler, my parents were having a family get together. There were cars in the driveway. I went walking down this drive at the same time my aunt was pulling in. She didn't notice me, and I ended up being sandwiched between two cars,on the side of them, not bumper to bumper. My mother would have to explain how they got me out. I don't remember, but I wasn't really hurt.
    The other is, we had a horse, not a large one, but he was a bit rambunctious. I was riding him, my dad was holding the reins. Dad let go, and slowly the horse started to speed up his trot. That damn horse took off running, with me holding on for dear life. He went all through the neighborhood, with everyone chasing after us. He ended up taking me back to the neighbors yard, where he dumped me on my ass! Then he stepped on my hand, as if to say...Take that! Would you believe, he just stood there and let my dad take hold of him, no more running!! Don't think I was older than 6 or 7.
    Then when I was 13, a new neighborhood. We had corn & hay fields around the house. Some guy, would let us ride the wagon as he picked up bails of hay. Of course we had a neighborhood bully, and one day while riding this mountain of hay, he was sitting next to me. The asshole pushed me off!! I remember crossing my hands in front of my face as I fell. Well, I landed face first. Broke BOTH of my wrist's. The Doc. only checked one of them, so I went for a week before they realized the other was broken too. My grandmaother, who lived with us, saw me trying to turn the water on one day, and it was finally noticed why I was still in so much pain. Not to mention, I couldn't hold the wrist up. So back to the Doc, so he could pull it into place and cast it up. Now, this part I think is funny. I loved to play baseball!! The cast's were only half cast's, put under the wrist to keep them straight and then wrapped. Guess that's how they did them back then. Anyway,I could still hold a bat and swing. Well, I kept cracking the cast's. The Adults, couldn't figure out how they kept cracking until about the third time. Needless to say, I was made to stop.
    Next memory..When I was sophmore, parents and two older sisters all worked. I was in charge of dinner. I was suppose to be making potatoes, frying them. Well, I had the oil in the black skillet, got distracted (the stove was electric) I had it on the back burner, it started to smoke, little brother comes in, moves the skillet to the front burner, and acts like it's on FIRE! I got confused as to what burner the skillet had been on. So...I grabbed the handle and Shoved the damn thing to the back burner!!! Well, all the oil splashes back on my hand!! I'm standing there, watching my freakin skin melt!! Just then, Dad come's walking in from work, see's what the hell is going on, and grabs my hand to put in under cold water. Off to the ER we go. Dad tells the other kids to call MOM and tell her what happened and we're going to ER. Well, there we are, waiting to be seen, my Mom isn't there yet. Just as I'm finally being seen, she come's in.. Where was she? Ha, she was waiting for us at The OTHER hospital! I thought I was going to get my ass in big trouble for not being careful. Kept saying to my Dad, I was sorry! He just looks at me, kind of chuckles, and says, "It's not MY hand that's burned". I just had to chuckle back at him, through my tears.
    The only other real memory I have, is when my oldest sister was learning how to drive! Now that was a hoot! I do remember some holidays. New years was big. I remember the adults all dancing. But, not so much as far as birthdays and Christmas. And that just bugs the hell out of me. I've seen the pictures! Granted, there aren't that many pictures. Back then with six kids, My mom had her hands full. Dad was a truck driver, gone alot. But, I remember we had a small, small house, five kids at the time, and my Dad's mom lived with us. Two or three bedroom house, can't remember. But, I do know, all of us kids were packed together in there. When the sixth, kid was about to come..We Finally moved.
    I've asked my Mom about why I don't recall the other stuff. Her reply.."I don't know". I think my older sisters remember more than I do.
    Anyways!!! I'll let ya know if anything else comes back to me! May have to grill my mother! Sorry you asked where I've been?! ;o)ha!

  24. Lynn D....I have that same memory! Well except that it's mine and not yours! My mom had my brother 2 weeks after my 6th b-day and we were not allowed in the hospital so we had to stand outside and wave to our mom up in her room. How sad that they thought children were so germy back then that we could not even see our parent in the hospital.

  25. vig, jodi, carol and mary/mi: thank you for your kind comments last night about my story.

    Great subject, mary/mi! My earliest memory is when I was about three/four. I loved all my dolls and would line them up on the couch and take care of them (feed them, give them meds). I clearly remember their faces, combing their hair, etc. I guess I was meant to be a mom! LOL

    Tinka, so glad your family is
    safely in Hawaii!

    Welcome grandma moses and scirish (if I didn't tell you yesterday)!

    Have a great Saturday, owls!

  26. Barb: It is crazy when we think about it now. Thank God they realize that having family and friends around when you are in the hospital helps so much!!

  27. muligatawney: Who knew east indian stew???

    I thought it was Irish with lots of whiskey! LOL

    Thanks Carol, I learned something new today!

  28. There are so many people I would like to comment to this morning but I have been busy answering messages and now I must have breakfast before I faint. I will just say a blanket
    "Good Morning" to everyone and wish each and all a good day. I will be back to talk about my first memories. See you in an hour. Love, Tinka

  29. Hi All! Hey Jodi, Amicus and SacBarb...thanks for the shoutouts! I am glad to be back with the Owls. You are all so amazing and awesome! are welcome! Thanks again for sharing such a beautiful story with us!

    Welcome Scrish and Grandma will find this a most accepting and welcoming place. Where you can post as much (or as little) as you feel like and people welcome you back when you leave for awhile!

    Zona..have a good sleep and hope you are surviving and enjoying the invasion of your city with football fans! And to all the Owls (yay Jodi!) waiting anxiously for that big game...hang in there...just one more day!

    East Bay J...good thoughts today indeed for the Princess kitty! a memory about your sister's friend! I have read that kids can be quite psychic and then it gets hidden as they get older and learn to censor themselves. I wonder if that is maybe an untapped treasure for you?! have some great plans for the weekend. You are so lucky..I love Jesus Christ Superstar...enjoy! Hosanna, heysanna!

    Mary/MI...what a great and thought provoking topic. The older I get, the more important memories become! Thanks for providing us with a vehicle to reminisce. And to all the Owls that have posted here this morning..your memories are all so touching and heartwarming! Thankyou for sharing them with us all!

    So my earliest memory would be being put down in my crib for an afternoon nap and not being tired and not wanting to be there and crying and crying for someone to come and get me. I remember it seemed like an eternity before my Mom came to get me...but in reality it was probably a half hour or so. I would like to think that I was under two or so...but hey I am the youngest of five with a very busy Mom..who knows how old I was!!!!!

  30. Good Afternoon Owls!!

    JOTI!! Congrats on #1

    Great blog Mary/MI!Ty :o)
    I can remember my pre-school years.
    I remember playing tea party and rice krispies in bowls with the milk in our teacups.I remember our nap time in the afternoon. All the kiddies gathered in a big room with hardwood floors and layed down with our blankys for our afternoon naps.hehe.
    I started kindergarten when I was 4 almost 5,so I was 3-4 years old in preschool.That's my earliest memory.
    I loved pre-school :o)

    ITeach Congrats on "This Owl Said"

    a curry-flavored soup of East Indian origin, made with chicken or meat stock.

    Did everyone enjoy dreaming of their cowboys last night? LoL.

    Hope you're all having a spectacular Saturday!!

    Now if you can find your way here then you can get a Myspace account. I want to show you all of my 100 pictures of my family, my furbaby and you have got to see my Mardi Gras dudes that I met in New Orleans.

  32. My first childhood memory was when I was 2 1/2 and I was sitting on a blanket with my baby sister trying to hold her under the watchful eye of my Mother. I also remember my first Easter egg hunt. That was a lot of fun.I was 3.I remember dropping one of my colored eggs as I was placing it into my basket and the shell cracked. Oh well, it still tasted good when I ate it. Well, that's two memories instead of one:)

  33. mary
    thanks for today's daily blog
    interesting topic!

    love all the first memories everyone has shared

    congrats on first!!!

    grandma moses
    welcome to night owls, sit back
    relax and enjoy, and of course
    comment as you wish..

    to all
    if anyone is interested in posting a daily blog, please let me know
    all is welcome to do so!

    my earliest memory
    i was at a wedding, i was about five, i remember being all dressed up, there were lots of people. i thought i was standing next to my dad, so i hugged at his legs to stay close, however something was just not right, and when i looked up it was not my dad..Yikes. i remember being terrified, not knowing where my dad went. Just when i was about to lose it, my dad swoops me up into his arms. And all was good again!

    gosh that was 42yrs ago and i remember it so well!!!

    chickenowl aka birdee
    perhaps when you were sandwiched between those two cars, you lost a nugget or two! ;O)

    i am working today, clients are coming in at 4pm, however i will be lurking, as that is so much fun

    congrats on the word of the day
    you are!
    (i know i am a goof)

    no daily blog as of yet for tomorrow so if anyone has something to share, let me know, if not you guys are stuck with me!


    my goodness please check back in so we know that you did not faint. Where is that WABBEAR when I need him to give me a shuttle ride to Canada to take TINKATIA a nice warm southern style breakfast.
    I have to dash for now and get some work done:(
    Good morning everyone. I can't remember all of the names that I just saw so group hello!

  35. I am getting ready to go this evening to a Robbie Burns party. I don't think Robbie Burns' birthday is celebrated in the states. It's a big day in Scotland and they celebrate it in Canada too the same way the Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day. As a matter of fact the Scots get very annoyed that St. Patrick gets so much more recognition. The main dish tonight is Haggis. If you don' t know what is in Haggis it might be a good word for the day. Needless to say I won't be eating any of it.
    In my story about my sister (it's on myspace) I told about my first memories. I think my very first memory was when I was 3 and nearly died from Diphtheria. There was an epidemic of it in our city so everyone was getting shots for it. A lot of children died that year. My mother didn't want me to experience the pain of a needle so she kept me in the house instead. Only one little girl from across the street was allowed to come in. Little did she know this girl was a
    'carrier'. My dad worked the early shift on the dockyard so he was up at 4 am. He found me almost unconscious with a very high fever. They rushed me to the hospital and somehow I survived. The doctors said if it had been one more hour it was highly unlikely that I would have. That's an interesting thought because there would be no kids or grandkids either. I wonder where they would be? Anyhow I digress. The memory I have is the little boy crying in the crib next to me and my dad coming with a big comforter to wrap me up and take me home when I was better. I remember my mother crying all the way home and didn't know why. The irony of the story was the fact that because she wanted to save me from a needle, I was like a pin cushion from needles by the time I got home. That laid a pretty big guilt trip on my mom. She can't tell you what she had for breakfast but she could tell you all about "Little Audrey's Diphtheria.

  36. Dreamatexas - I am here. I did not faint. You know how I love to be dramatic. I could have used that Southern breakfast however especially if it was served by Bear.
    Love, Tinka

  37. SUPER Saturday Early Birds!

    Grandma Moses ~ So glad you found your way! Did you bring anyone else with you? We're desperately seeking Alex & Delly.

    Missing there a caterer's strike? As a break from IBB's leftover pizzas (which are always appreciated), I brought croissants...plain, chocolate and cream cheese. Also, tons of smoked bratwurst for tomorrow ~ but feel free to start early!

    I'll save first memories for next post. Great topic Mary/Mi!

  38. - I don't want to cut into Lovey's congrats but didn't you see my answer almost as soon as you posted the question last night? That's all right. I love you anyway.

  39. Hiya Carol.....WOTD is a fun add on, thanks for all that u do for the nest!!

    Birdee lilchickenowl..tweet tweet..hehe

    SacBarb~~ wow is all I can say about that~~ wow~~

    Joti~~yes scan scan scan we want to see pics :o)

    Zona~~ I don't think Mom's ever stop protecting their young...keep her outta the nest, we'll be in big twubble missy..LOL.
    Miss u this early early am..

    LOL good excuse LynnD

    VIG sorry I couldn't stick around early this am, my head was hitting the keyboard :o) Great to see u back.

    Well I gotta go watch one of my fav movies... Air Force 1.

    See ya's all later :o)

  40. Tink ~ Sent you a comment earlier about your could do that stuff!

  41. Bon Oregon - I haven't seen your message but thank you for writing. I won't be eating any Haggis that's for sure. There is something wrong with my Safari. It keeps throwing me off myspace. I don't know what the problem is. If I haven't thanked anyone for their picture comments that's the reason why. I think the problem is the same reason why I had so much trouble with EBay. I had to keep changing my password over and over again.
    If anyone has a Mac and could suggest a reason for my problem please write me.

  42. tinka
    I am so sorry, I stand corrected,
    congrats on first! Here is your answer from area 51...

    Mulligatawny is a spicy meat or chicken soup from India

    you get seconds, ;O)

    I guess that teach's me to read all the comments thru!

  43. - That's all right. I shouldn't have mentioned it.

    Lovey you can have the lst place ribbon because you drew such a good red hat on your owl. The 1st place ribbon is red and the 2nd is blue. Blue is a favourite colour of mine. Have fun today while I am trying to eat Haggis. Love, Tinka

  44. TINKATIA glad to hear that you didn't faint. I made the soutnern breakfast for you but WABBEAR is no where to be found to zoom me over to deliver it. It consists of scrambed eggs, buttermilk biscuits with cream gravy, hash browns, a side order of ham and sausage links.I thought about making babana nut pancakes drizzled with warm maple syrup also but I know how you are about calorie counting and watching your girlish figure. I know you don't drink coffee so I made fresh squeezed orange juice. Now that it's near brunch time I better start adding some sliced fresh fruits, and array of salads and a few pastries. Well, I am off to brew some tea to complete the meal!

  45. East Bay J: Hugs and prayers for Paula the Princess. Hope she's feeling better soon.

    Lynn D: You just solved a mystery from my past, because I have a similar memory of my mom waving to us from a hospital room. Now I know why. :)

    VIG: I saw the movie, but this will be the first time I've seen the musical performed on stage. Gethsemane is my #1 favorite song from a musical so I hope whoever performs it does it justice. Michael Ball gives me chills and goosebumps when he sings it. :)

  46. TINKATIA I sent you an e-mail with a web site that might help you with your MAC issues.
    Now I am off to give my Pekingese her bath.

  47. Good Afternoon, my friends!!

    Welcome newcomers to the nest.. this is a wonderful place full of LOTS of love!!

    EBJ - I am thinking of you and your dear Paula today (as always) and praying that everything works out - I, truly, know what you are going thru..

    Congrats - Jodi!!

    Mary in MI - you have my mind reeling - and I will really have to think about this - I'm trying to come up with a GOOD memory!! LOL
    Thanks for your blog!!

    I have enjoyed reading everyone's memories - I'm sorry i can't respond to all - I am frantically trying to pick up my house, pack (cuz we all know I am a procrastinator!!!) and run errands for my mother!!!!! AAGGHHH... I'll try to get back in here later!!

    I hope everyone is having an excellent day!! :-)

  48. Two earliest unassisted childhood memories:

    *Days spent riding my first very BIG red tricycle, always with my BFF Alice Mae standing on the back 'passenger' platform with her hands on my shoulder to remain on-board. All the while, I had my Raggedy Amy doll (blue & white checked pillow-like body) in a firm grip, clutching her golden hair along with the right handlebar. Poor baby~~ she was run over regularly, but I couldn't bear to leave her at home with a sitter!

    *Weekly car shopping/banking trips to Astoria with mom & dad. We lived 15-20 miles away, so it was the big city. These trips are my first real memory. Astoria, where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean, was the site of Tongue Point Naval Base, where the Navy 'mothballed' hundreds upon hundreds of battleships in the years after World War II. I never stopped being awed by seeing them, row upon row, until the early 60's. Astoria was also home to the Bumble Bee Tuna canneries. I remember wondering why almost every woman in J C Penney and Woolworth's wore white shirts and pants and had white "Rosie the Riveter" style scarves tied in front over their hair........and they all smelled 'fishy'! Thank God, Astoria was also home to a big sawmill which filled the air with a wonderful clean aroma of fresh-ground sawdust. Like living in a cedar chest.

  49. Tinka...happy Robbie Burns party day! I too use a Mac and have done so for a few years. I started out with Safari and later found it wouldn't support things like Hotmail and Myspace and even the Intern's blog. I had Firefox Mozilla put on and I am finding it a lot better than Safari. Something you might want to take a look at.

    Amicus...I have seen the movie several times and the play a couple of times...and the movie is wonderful but I absolutely loved the play. The scenery and set design was amazing. I think (and I hope) you are going to really like it.

    Hi MEK...good luck with picking up, packing and running the errands!!

  50. Thanks, Jodi! Congrats on being #!!

  51. Hi GRANDMA MOSES - You found us!!!

    LYNN D - Thanks for the new kneepads!!!

    AMICUS - Jesus Christ Superstar is one of my fav musicals!!! Enjoy - and you'll have to report back on how it was!!

    JUST LIN - Thanks for the add - I love your page!!! Tina did a good job!! Now the fun begins.

  52. BON*BON - So sorry I was just showing up when you were leaving last night!!! Totally not intentional :D :D

    MEK - So glad that Barney is ok!!!

    LOVEY - You said a mouthful!!! ;)

  53. Tinka and Dreama: Here! Here! We just got in from three sets of tennis, so I had to race out without posting this morning.

    Mary/MI: Earliest memories... I definitely have quite a few as a 4 year old, when we lived in Richmond Hill, Ontario. Riding my tricycle in the driveway, swinging on a swing up at the cottage, getting caught in a muddy field near our house and having to leave my shoes there, acting up at church and being banished to my room when we got home, and ganging up on a poor little guy, younger than me, and pushing him into a creek!

    There were three of us, and we actually conspired to do it. Thank heaven, he just landed in the water (this was the middle of winter, but I guess the creek wasn't completely frozen), started crying and ran home.

    My mother forced me to go up to the home, knock on the door, and apologize to his mother. The feelings of shame and fear and remorse were overwhelming.

    That memory haunts me to this day, and my Mom still remembers it, too. What if he had been injured, or even drowned? OMG!

  54. I have loved reading all of your first memories. I must say you have all rekindled a few more of mine.

    Jodi~ Why am I not surprised that you grabbed the wrong leg LOL!!

    Whabbear~ You of all people surprised me! I am re-thinking any possible "seaside" trips with you LOL!!

    BonO~ Now you did it! Anything with cream cheese is my weakness!


    Welcome Grandma Moses!!

  55. Dreama - That breakfast sounded delicious. I will be ready next time.

    grandma moses - Welcome.

    VIG - I will bring up Firefox Mozilla at my next computer meeting.

    Amicus - Thanks for all the help you have been trying to find for my problem.

    I am busy today so I am saving all the 'memory' stories to read tomorrow while you are all watching the game.

    I will check in late tonight if I can.

  56. Tinka~ I'm on my way out to. Hubby is treating me to a "Robbie Burns" celebration dinner, he just doesn't know it yet! LOL!!

    Tina~ You are sooo bad!! :+)

  57. Grandma Moses in the house! Now we can have cawfee tawk (anyone who hasn't done so - you MUST go to chat and dock her - Linda Richman lives!!). Welcome GM!

    Whabby - the things you learn in here! A bully??? LOL!

    My first memory was my third birtday. We were living in Vancouver and had a little pool in the backyard (my birthday is in July). The little boy down the street (we used to call him Dennis the Menace)came over and took off his shorts to jump in the pool. My big brother was SO upset that I saw his "thing" that he chased him all the way down the street - NAKED!

  58. CAROL - Only about 24 hours now - GO GIANTS!!!

    I brought supper!!

    shredded Wisconsin cheese

    Assorted beverages including:
    Diet Pepsi
    Spotted Cow Beer


  59. Hi CGIRL - We've missed you!!

    MARY/MI - Thanks for the kisses!!

  60. Hello everyone. Okay, so Tina built me a MySpace page and I keep getting lost in it. Maybe that's where the people on LOST are, stuck in MySpace! LOL Anyway, I really don't know how to do much yet so if you would like to be my friend I am justlinagain.

    Grandma Moses Hello, again, and thanks for helping me on my short visit in chat.

    EastBayJ Hope things go well with Paula. Sounds like UTI to me (urinary tract infection). She may very well need to me on a special diet.

    LynnD I can't believe your mom went on a 13 mile 'secret trail' hike while that pregnant. I guess you're lucky you were born in a hospital!

    Mary/Mi What a great topic. Thank you.

    I was born in Tampa, Florida, and we lived next door to my grandparents. There was just an expanse of land between our very simple houses. I do remember the layout of the house and pulling a chair over to the kitchen sink so I could stand on it to look out the window over the sink at my grandparents' house. I remember being in their house and sitting on Grandpa's knee and him asking if I had eaten dinner yet. I would always say "Yes" and we both knew it was a lie. He then would open the drawer in the wooden table and take out a piece of candy and give it to me. I'm not sure how old I was but we moved when I was four.

  61. Hi JUST LIN - I love your page - I'm so glad you took the leap into myspace!!! Don't worry - you'll learn it very quickly!!! If you have any questions, feel free to email me!!

  62. Hey Owls!

    I had another memory today and it had to be earlier than the one I posted before. Wow Mary thank you!!

    It had to be before my Mom was very sick. So probably about 4 years old.

    I ate a bottle of orange flavored Baby Aspirin. Yep the whole bottle. I remember waiting for my Mom to get up and the glass bottle, was sitting by the lamp on the end table. I proceeded to eat the whole thing.

    I remember hearing my Mom get up and running to see her. She was in the bathroom and I was telling her something and I passed out cold!!

    The next memory is being at Seattle's childrens hospital. They took blood. Then they sent me home and I had to pee in bottles for some reason for a week and my Mom and Dad had to take them back to the hospital to be checked.

    I flashed on this today because I remember one of my cousins pulling a bottle out of the fridge and asking my Aunt and Mom what it was! Of course they started yelling put that back in the fridge right now!!! My cousin But what is it??? They finally had to tell him it was pee. I remember his horrified face! LOL

    Amicus: I am so glad I helped trigger a memory and that it provided an explanation.

    Jodi: You are quite welcome for your new knee pads! Notice I got nice girly Princess ones!

    Mary/MI: Everytime I read your name this way I keep thinking Marry Me. LOL

    Just lin: I will be tracking down your page soon! You also have to know my Dad he does not tell you how long the hike is. He just says were going to my secret fishing hole. He pulled this on me once as a kid. When he would ask if I wanted to go fishing after that I ran!!!!

    Vig: Viggy is back!!! Wahoo!!!

  63. Oh and Zona: I love Hugh Grant!!! It is that bad boy attitude! Sexy!!
    Colin Firth too!

  64. Zona~ congrats on last~ :)

    Hodi~ Congrats on first...but I know'll take it any way you can get it~ :)~

    Mary/Mi~ this is a wonderful topic~ WONDERFULLY TRAUMATIC!!!!! :)~

    Grandma Moses~ you have no idea how happy I am to see you! Did you hear me yelling at you to get your butt in here?~ :)~ (i really DID yell!)

    Earliest memory...yikes~ I remember kindergarten....standing in line waiting for the teacher....I was wearing a blue dress and a white sweater. AND IT WAS ST PATRICK'S DAY!!!! I had no idea ..... but the other kids did. By the time we were let into class, I had wiped my nose all over my sweater from crying so much because the other kids, mostly the boys, were pinching me. I remember Mrs. Phillips taking me into the back room, unzipping my dress in the back to see what damage was done! (iteach...can you imagine doing that nowadays?) Those kids were in so much trouble. It was mom apologized over and over again! She just forgot. To this day, even though my kids wear blue uniforms, I still make sure they are wearing SOMETHING green!

    One year on my birthday.....i must have been 8 or 9, I was really upset about something and was crying in my room. My dad came in and to get me to stop crying said, "Do you see the pretty sunset?" There were pinks, blues, purples...very beautiful....I said, "Yes!" He said, "When you see the sky like that, it means the Easter bunny is painting his eggs!" I was so excited, I stopped crying and went back to my party! (it was just they probably didn't notice I was gone) Years later, it dawned on me that my birthday is in freaking November and Easter is in April!!! I said something to my dad and he laughed...."It worked, didn't it?" Apparently, his mom used the same story on him once!

    Well...I have to go do my hair and damnation....I guess I should put on makeup~ I'll see you very late tonight~ Can't wait to read more stories~ Thanks MaryMe~ :)~

  65. Good Evening Feathered Friends!

    Sorry I have been MIA, but I have been busy and involved in some other things. I hope you haven't been too hungry!

    I have snacks for the night!

    Mixed Nuts (i thought it is appropriate!
    Mini hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls
    Chips and dip
    Tortilla chips w/ salsas and Guacamole
    Chicken wings (hot and mild) w/ blue cheese dressing
    Soda pops
    water w/ lemon and limes

    I will think about my memories and do a sep. post.

    I didn't have a chance to read yesterday, but I read the story by

    SANDIE - - that was beautiful. You were meant to be in that orphanage at the exact moment you walked in. What a lovely story! {{hugs}} to you!

  66. MARY in MI -
    Thanks for the topic. I have been traveling down memory lane a lot lately.

    Lets see, my earliest memory...

    I was about 4 and I took ballet lessons with my best friend, Rhonda. It was our recital and I had a pink tutu (sorry for the visual!). I did ok, but, as we were dancing our little feet off Rhonda stopped dancing as she was front and center and announced to the audience that she had to go to the bathroom!!

    Around the same time, one morning I awoke to an unfamiliar voice telling me to get up. I opened my eyes and there was my dad holding a "Chatty Cathy" type-doll. His friend worked for the toy company that made it and had one made for me. It also said other phrases, using my name. It was so fun. I wish I still had it today!

    That same year, my brother who is 8 years older then I, decided that having a sister that rode a bike with training wheels was an embarassment, so he took them off. I rode the whole length of the block and was so proud. I went in and made my parents come and watch me ride. I promptly rode up a tree! I still have the scar on my leg!! (and the training wheels went back on!)

    And ever since I was about 5, I too remember spending many hours in the waiting room of the hospital when my dad was ill. If he felt up to it, an orderly brought him, in a wheelchair, to the lobby so I could crawl in his lap and sit with him for a while.

    At 8, he passed away just moments after I left him, in my parents bedroom. I remember the sound he made as he died and my mom running from the kitchen. I was told to go to the neighbor across the street while the ambulance was on the way. I heard the sirens and was petrified. I watched as they wheeled dad on the gurney to the ambulance and it drove off. They never put on the siren, as there was no rush anymore, but I didn't know that. I waited on the front steps, listening and waiting to hear the siren. I never heard it.

    I had too short a time with my dad, but I have so many wonderful memories that still make me smile and laugh.


  67. Hi MO!!! Welcome back!! Thanks for sharing your memories with us - so touching - your story about your Dad. I'm sure he is closer than you realize. :)

  68. TINA - lmfao!!!! I'm sorry, but I don't think even your mouth is big enough for that one!!! :O~

  69. Good evening nest! Welcome GM.

    I don't know what my first memory is, but my first BAD memory was from when I was 4. My parents owned a bakery in Chicago and on Saturday mornings my mom helped out, so I went to a German speaking preshcool for a few hours (to keep me bilingual- my folks are from Germany). Well, my dad was late picking me up and the teacher didn't want to wait- so she locked up the door and left me sitting on the steps by myself with an apple. Can you Frigging imagine that! In Chicago.
    My dad was so pissed that my Mom tells me that she had to stop him from hunting down the teacher and doing physical harm. Needless to say, I never went back.

    Congrats on 1st Jodi.

  70. hey nightowls

    Quiet day here in the nest!

    I am leaving for the Jersey Shore tomorrow morning. I am staying over and will be back Monday morning!

    Tomorrows daily blog will be posted as normal, Monday will be delayed a bit, depending on the time I get back!

    I have been invited to a superbowl party with my significant sometimes other!

    I am looking forward to the change of scenery!

    you will be missed! enjoy!!

    thanks for the snacks..

    congrats on your myspace, such fun you are going to have!

    i will be thinking of you tomorrow
    as i watch the game with lots of crazy jersey peeps. and...thank your for the smiles each day :O)

    i am sure your neck of the woods is in a frenzy, i have heard from some of my clients and they are having a


  71. Carol, have a great time. You too MEK! You will both be missed.

  72. Howdy Owls!!!

    Mo thanks for the snacks, we have missed u :o)

    Woohoo Tina is getting all dolled up tonight..hehe

    LynnD, I think lots of kiddies thought those aspirins were candy cause they tasted so good.

    EBJ hope everything went ok today.

    Tinka,I put the hat on and painted the boa.You can have all the ribbons, cause I'm really not a ribbon kinda gal :o)

    Gonna be missin me some Mek n Carol...ok don't shoot me, but I forgot it was Superbowl weekend.Ekk bad eh.

    Goldie I bet your dad was furious.I think we all would feel the same way.

    Zona--pawty pawty pawty hehe.

    I'm off to a hot bubble bath, I'll be back for some hootin late night.


  73. Good Late Evening..

    well, my bags are packed (almost) and I'm ready (almost) to go!!

    Mary - thanks for giving me a shout out in your blog!! :-)

    Carol - have a great time watching the super bowl - we can't check in till 4pm, SO - we'll probably end up in a sports bar..

    Zona - crazy, crazy in Scottsdale - GOLF and FOOTBALL!!!!!! and HOOKERS!!!!!!! LOL...

    GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the way!!!!!!!!!!

    Peeps - the hotel has "limited" use computer in the lobby - so I might be able to check email - but won't be in the nest until Friday late!! Keep in safe and warm while I'm gone!!

    I'll miss you guys!! and I know this is impossible - but TRY to BEHAVE!!!!!!!!!!! ROFMLMAO!!!


    I sincerely hope everyone has an excellent week!!!!!!!!! :-)

  74. Hi Owls! Hope you are all having a great weekend so far.

    I can remember being 4 better than I remember being 24! (And I didn't do drugs either.) It is just a happier time in my life, I suppose.

    My earliest memory is around 2 years old. It is a short moment that I remember, but I can remember standing at Towson Town Center (then it was Towson Plaza) north of Baltimore. I was with my mom and I had a yellow dress, matching yellow coat and I was playing with a hand muff to keep my fingers warm. I also remember looking at my shoes, which were those white baby shoes that nobody buys anymore. I have no idea WHY I remember that moment, but I can recall it like it was yesterday.

    I wonder if that was the day my mom was shopping for red go-go boots and a matching red raincoat? It was the 60's and pre-Laugh In, cut her some slack! My dad had been away at sea for several months and I can just imagine how badly she wanted to look HOT for him. Eewwwwwwww! I don't want to think of MY parents that way!

  75. CPGEM8 - have a fun time.

    MEK - have a great trip. San Diego is an awesome city.

    nighters feathered friends!!

  76. Hey Glynis is in the house..

    I must finish my packing.. :-) But - how in the hell do I know what I want to wear on Wednesday and what if it rains!! LOL

    BUT - I wanted to tell you all - I am STILL the designated traveling blog buddy - I am going to meet a blog buddy while in CA - I can't wait - details when i get back, in case something happens and we don't hook up!!

  77. Hi Nesters, Thank you so much for the warm welcome! Thank you to LynnD, Sandie, VIG, Dreama,, Tinkatia, Bon'O (Wish I knew where Delly and Alex are), Jodi, Mary/MI, canadiangirl, JustLin, TinainUt. (I thought I heard you yelling), Maureen, and goldie!
    If I missed anyone please forgive me.

    I enjoyed reading about all of your memories. Thank you everyone!

  78. Flying in late, but I'm here. I hope you all had a good day.

    Amicus: I usher for the B Street Theater here in Sacramento. It is owned by Timothy Busfield (he was in West Wing) and his brother Buck and today the performance was Tom Sawyer in the Children's Theater. They don't usually have first run shows, but I haven't seen a bad one there yet. Tim and Buck write a lot of the plays. I also usher for the Musical Theater in the summer and another theater that shows dramatic and comedic plays on the same property as the Musical Theater. I don't get paid, but I do get to see all the shows and I love it.

  79. MEK: Make sure you don't pack that cat!!! Have a good time in SD and I hope you get to meet up with the blog buddy.

    East Bay J: I've been praying that all went well at the Vet today for Paula the Princess.

    VIG: I guess you could call it an untapped treasure, cause I haven't been ablke to get to it as an adult.

  80. I am off to bed

    Thanks for all the well wishes!

    What I am looking forward to the most is my fav "applemartini" yummy..

    grandma moses
    not sure if you know this
    but is really me
    cpgem8 i have been taken over my owls...and lots of them!

    it is so hard to pack, and its a pain in the butt...i agree what the
    hell do you pack? Well just don't forget the thongs :O)

    with that note i shall say


  81. Good night Carol. Have a good time tomorrow and I'll be rootin' for the Giants.

  82. Did anyone get this yet? This is the Wikipedia definition.

    Gymkhana (derived from the Urdu, Hindi or Hindustani languages) word for "racket court"[1]) is an Indian term which originally referred to a place where sporting events take place and referred to any of various meets at which contests were held to test the skill of the competitors.

    In India, the term gymkhana is commonly used to refer to a gym. More generally, Gymkhana referred (and still refers) to a social and sporting club in the Indian subcontinent, and in other Asian countries including Malaysia, Thailand, Burma and Singapore, as well as East Africa.

  83. Looks like the nest is quiet tonight. I got home a while ago but needed to decompress a little. It is seriously crazy out there. Over 170,000 people at the FBR?? Un-frickin-believable! I hope everyone had a great Saturday. This city sure tore it up tonight!
    I even had TWO beers. YEE-HAW!!!

  84. ****ATTN K-MART SHOPPERS****

    Drunk Zona is in the house~ :)~

  85. ZONA - 2 beers?!!? Can you walk?

    CAROL - Have fun at the Super Bowl party!!! GO GIANTS!!!

    MEK - I'll try to behave when you're gone ;) Have a great time!! And we want that report when you get back!!!

    TINA - Where are the pics?!!?

  86. Jodi~ shut up~ they are loading~

    MEK~ have fun.....and behave...I know how crazy you get~ :)~

    Cpgem8~ have what iteach does~ :)~

    Ginger~ are you up all night?~ :D

  87. JODI: I can walk and boy can I ride...inhibitions gone...

    TINA: Buzzed only.

  88. Zona~ how was the ride? good for you? :)~


    (sung to the tune of nah nah nah nah nahhhhhhhhhh)

  90. SHIT DAMN ....... got foaded on 100!!!! Congrats TINA!!! I thought maybe you were distracted by the pics ;)

  91. TINA: AWWWW so sorry you lost your '0h'...ride comes later, have to blow up the pony first...

  92. jodi~ computer died at 99...thought for sure i wouldn't get it~ lucked out~ and I meant 100~

  93. TINA - Was it good for you?!!?

  94. TINA & JODI: I just got kicked out of myspace--do they do that if you say 'oral' too many times??

  95. ZONA - Not that I'm aware of!!! Why? Are you giving an oral report, or are you using oral whitener?!!?

  96. JODI: Oral Whitener?? Can you hear the scream from there? I get Oral that the same as a report??

  97. Jodi~ she's not getting oral..she's giving oral~

    hey you two~ I just watched the videos from the auction....I kept filming the mother of my son's friend who is spending the night tonight~ She is so shitfaced it's hilarious...and she can't stop dancing....oh my hell....I can't stop laughing~

  98. ZONA - That's how I keep my teeth white!!!

  99. TINA - Nice pics of DJ - but not what I was looking for :P

  100. Jodi~ yeah....i did that on purpose~ :)~

  101. TINA - Thank you!!! I love the dress!! Makes the girls look all perky ;)

  102. ZONA - Where are you? Is your jaw tired? Or have you passed out!!!

  103. JODI: I brush. And gargle. And swallow.

  104. Zona~ sweetie....we are past 40...swallowing is no longer required~ :)~

  105. JODI: Checking out the hottie in the tux on Tina's page and the babe with him...they look really familiar...;)

  106. TINA: DAMN! Missed the update!

  107. ZONA - Check out my new default pic!!!

  108. Goodnight zona and jodi~ I have to be up in 4 hrs for church....the kids have to serve at mass~ ttyl~


    goodnight Ginger~ :)~

  109. GOODNIGHT TINA!!! I already said a prayer for you all at church last night!!!

  110. TINA: G'night and thanks for reminding me it's Sunday...

  111. G'Night the new avitar!

  112. GINGER - Thanks for the add!!! Jump on in - it's fun!!!

  113. Goodnight ZONA!!!

    Hey LOVEY - Good morning sunshine!!! Do you have your slippers on?!!?

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. lol yes I always wear my bunny slippers...too funny.
    Love your comment on the pic...ty

    BTW, how did u know I posted that blog in myspace?

  116. LOVEY - I have the coffee - some lovey hazelnut. My favorite!!!

  117. LOVEY - I subscribed to your blog!!! I'm always interested in what you have to say :)

  118. Oh Thank u JOdi, I NEED coffee.
    I went to lay down after my bath, n I just woke up.
    Damn weekends get in my bloggin way..hehehe.

  119. LOVEY - Nice hat.......but you're too young for that!!

  120. lol well only by a few months
    I am in line this year awaiting my membership. hehe

  121. Thanks bunches for the comments on my pics...TINA,SACBARB,BONBON,CAROL..:o)

  122. Ohhhhhh and Jodi, mwah, thanks bunches for comments on my pics and blogs xox

  123. ohhhhh ok, hehe, I didn't know that Jodi...
    I thought the only way friends knew if I blogged, is when I sent out a bulletin.... well wowsers..
    Thanks hon :o) u made my day hehe.

  124. LOVEY - Well, your day is complete if you learn something new!!!

  125. oohhhhh I have u in my mailbox hehehe

  126. ROFL Jodi that's Tina on your mail avatar..ROFL

  127. LOVEY - Have a great day!!! And let me out of your mailbox - I gotta go to work!!! :P

  128. SACBARB --Wtg on WOTD..

    Not only is this a fun,nest it's also educational!
    Thanks again Carol for all your creative ideas for the nest :o)

    Glynis, LOL @ red go-go boots, now that brings a lot of memories back to me.

    Zona,SacBarb,Tina,Jodi :o( I'm sorry I slept through n missed ya's hootin it up late night.

    To many OWLS to mention,- Shout outs to all Owls-
    I wish you all a Terrific SuperBowl Sunday filled with tons of laughter, excitement and fun and good Superbowl food! :o)

    Hugs ♥xox♥

  129. ROFLMAO Congrats Jodi on
    "This Owl Said".

  130. Good Morning Owls!!

    I have coffee on!!

    I love reading All of your memories
    from childhood!

  131. Morning!

    New Blog Up!

    I am off to my SuperBowl Party!!

    We start early in NJ...

    Everyone Have a Great Day!

    I will see you all tomorrow

    coffee black, please and...
    stay out of trouble!

