
Sunday, February 3, 2008


did you ever have a secret
that you have never told a soul?

when one tells you something
and asks for you to keep it a
secret do you?

do you know a secret about
someone you are close to
but can't tell them because
it will hurt their feelings?


i for one have no secrets, if
i have not told one person
than i have told another
all might not know the same
secret, as it seems i select which
secret to tell which person

if one asks me to keep a
secret, i keep it close to my
heart, i do not tell

and yes, if i know a secret that
will hurts one feelings, i keep it
a secret, as it is my way of protecting
them, but am i really protecting them?

not sure.....


  1. Repost:

    Good Morning Owls!

    I have coffee on!!

  2. OK--SECOND!! Hi BIRDEE--I am trying my darndest to get to bed and it's not working! No coffee for me!

  3. Zona, have you been up all night?

  4. First!!
    Great blog Carol ty.
    From #51:
    Happy Superbowl Sunday OWLS.

    There is one person that knows everything, I mean everything about me... that's my hubby.
    When asked by a friend not to tell their secret... no can torture me and I still wouldn't tell u.
    Keeping secrets can be dangerous.... depending on who the secret is about, and what the secret is..
    I have told a friend her hub was cheating on her, and the result was..I lost a friend... so I'm not sure I would do the samething again..
    I have to think more about todays topic.
    See ya's later Owls.

  5. I knew I shouldn't have stopped to read n post re: the blog first. ROFL

  6. (((((( Zona- Birdee)))))))
    Good Morning Sweet Owls.

  7. Lovey, Thanks! that makes two for me...on being first!

  8. Repost:

    JODI-CONGRATS on "This Owl Said".

  9. I loved your post yesterday Birdee!

  10. Thanks Lovey!
    I enjoyed reading yours and the others too!

  11. Have you gotten any sleep Lovey?

  12. Zona why can u not sleep?
    Too much Superbowl partying?

  13. Birdee, yes, I slept all night.:o( missed the late night hoots

  14. How much time difference between us?
    It's just about 9am here!

  15. no time difference, it's almost 9 here too Birdee.
    Have u been to sleep yet?

  16. My mind was a blank last night.
    I wanted to join, but, you and these other owls are so witty sometimes, I couldn't keep up.

  17. CPGEM8: I like to think of a keeping a secret as 'keeping a confidence'. It may mean the same thing, but it has a better connotation. If a friend tells me something and asks me not to tell, I don't tell. I don't care how tempted I may be, I will keep it quiet. My Uncle Mario gave me the best advice when I was a kid. If you know something "Keep it in your stomach." That way no-one can get hurt, and my main goal in life is to try and not hurt anyone. Now do others keep MY 'secrets'?? I don't know. I would hope so.

    LOVEY: I am so sorry I missed you this morning. Mr. Z stomped his foot and said "Time to go to bed." As you can see, I snuck back out--but now I think I need to get some sleep. I hope.

    Super Bowl Sunday...everyone have a safe and happy day!!

  18. I slept some, but it was a very restless sleep.
    Good to know we're on the same time. i always wonder what about that, and what everyone might be doing. I'm such a curious person! LOL

  19. Boy, that last sentence of mine was messed up. Need more coffee

  20. Birdee u are by far a witty lil Owl and a funny lady. You bring me to tears of laughter.

    I missed out last night. I fell asleep after my hot bubble bath.I woke just in time to have coffee with Jodi before she went to work this morning.

  21. BIRDEE & LOVEY: I am overtired I think. I have been up since about noon yesterday. It is 7am here. I am now going to sleep until 1pm when Mr. Z has to get up for work. It was great to be able to say HI to both of you this morning. See you this afternoon.

  22. Zona Happy dreams to u.
    C u later today :o)
    Great to see u this a.m too.

  23. (~~~)* Big cup o coffee for u Birdee.

  24. Zona! Hi!
    I'm like you on this secret thing.
    If someone shares something with me and asks me not to repeat it, I Don't! Especially if it involves how they are feeling about something! Because I would want them to do the same for me. They would have to tell me if it was ok to share the information, for me to repeat it. But, then that really wouldn't be considered a secret, would it.
    Kind of goes back to the whole Friendship thing. To be a good friend, you have to be trustworthy.
    Not sure I'm making much sence here.
    Bottom line, Yes, I will keep secrets for my friends. As for myself, I really try to be pretty much a open book.

  25. Zona, sleep well! Hope to see you later!

    Lovey, Thanks for the compliment!
    I love to make you laugh!

    Sorry, it took me so long to type and read you posts. I'm so so slow!

  26. This is a real interesting topic today.
    I can't wait to read what others think.

    Birdee, I agree, it goes back to being a good friend.
    I knew a secret that would hurt my friend, I had to make a choice to tell or not... I believed, and I still do, that I was being a good friend telling her.
    But she thought differently.

  27. I think if someone was doing wrong to me, I'd want to know. So, I can't really see myself getting upset with the friend (person) for telling me. Now!, If I knew for sure they were telling me something to deliberately hurt me and make me suffer...Well, that's a Whole different story.

  28. Ohhhhhhhh I have secrets but I gymkhana tell you what they are!!!

    Going to see who is here.

  29. Birdee thank god you are first!! I need the coffee!

    Zona: A close second! I thought you would still be out with the football crowd and working girls! LOL

    Lovey: I would whisper secrets to you!!! How do you stand up to water torture and Gilligans Island reruns????

  30. Good SuperBowl Morning to you LynnD!!

  31. LOL water torture, I know how to hold my breath well..Gilligan reruns, I'd eat 2 batches of brownies before the torture began.

  32. Birdee, I think my friend was embarrassed,ashamed,and angry... and I just happen to be the one she took it out on.
    I hold no ill towards her. I told her because I loved her like a sister and I thought the longer she went without knowing, the greater the hurt would be...and if they were going to work it out, the sooner they started the better. She had 2 young babies.

  33. Now, here's an interesting situation, kind of on the same topic..
    A couple of my friends, were going through rough situations, they asked for my help and I of course helped them and stood by them. I considered them to be important friends to me. I may not have agreed with them, but it was there life and as a friend, I felt it very important to supportive. Once their lives got back on track, I no longer heard from them, well, there were a couple more times, when they were having more problems. It seems when their lives are going well, I'm not even a thought. But, if there is trouble, then they call and need me. When I've called and left msg's for them, hust to say hi and chat, they don't return the call. And, they have certainly NOT been there for me when I needed a friend.
    So, any thoughts? Cuz, if they should call out of the blue again, I'm not sure I would be able to say what I feel.

  34. Hmmm

    Lovey-I too, have been in that position, but I'd do it again. If I lose the friend for being the messenger then I still did what I felt was right. I don't think I could continue to look her in the eye knowing something like that. I wouldn't feel like I was being a true friend if I kept quiet.

  35. That's true Lovey, She was probably afraid to confront the other person, and you were in the line of fire. I'm sorry that happened to you.

  36. HI Lynn & Scirish!!!

    coffee coming right up!

  37. birdee-If you feel uncomfortable saying what you feel, why not just keep them on an acquaintance level? Be chatty on a superficial level but not involved in their issues.

  38. Good Superbowl Morning SC!!

    I have to agree... I know I would do it again too.
    Cause I couldn't live with myself if I didn't.

    Birdee..sounds to me that relationship is one give, they take..

  39. Hi Scrish!

    If a secret is one that is truly hurting a friend I more than likely will tell them. Sometimes I think with my heart and not my head.

    If I lose them as a friend then they were really not my friend to begin with.

    Birdee: I call those fairweather friends. You have to decide how much you can help them and sometimes you have to let them go. I guess the real question is, if you are having problems are they there to help you get through them?

  40. Hi Birdee....Thanks for the coffee!

  41. Good morning! Such a good topic!, GEM, carol, so many aliases? lol fun!! TY for telling me, but I think I was figuring it out, but now I am sure ~ ty!

    lovey, I totally agree that you were doing her a favor. Even now that she is not talking to you, I believe that it will help her in the future (if, when) he does it again. You may not have lost your friend, she may be back.

    I hold secrets very close to my heart. It is like I am afraid to tell them. I think I am afraid ~ afraid of hurting my own integrity!

    See you owls later.

  42. Scirish, I've tried that, but my problem is, the whole time I'm chatting at them, I have all these pent up pissy thoughts going on in my head. I would just love to ask them..If you can call me when you Need Help, then why not when things are going good. It's like I'm not even on their radar!
    So, the whole time I may be seeing them or chatting with them, I just want to yell WTF!!!!

  43. Good Morning GrandmaMoses!

    I agree, self integrity is very important.

  44. Birdee LMAO@ pent up pissy thoughts....
    I gotta keep that one to use some day.

    Sometimes it's good to yell WTF!!!!! Now that I have your attention..LMAO

  45. Yo guys are right..Fairweather friends..that only take!
    They have Never been there for me!
    And to this Day...I Still keep theirs secrets! I would just like to be strong enough, to tell them NO, if they ever called again with a problem..Because, I'm the one that ususally ends up getting hurt, when they toss me aside during the good times.

  46. Hi Lynn!

    Birdee-It sounds like you have two choices then, either spit it out (my fav)or just tell them you're too busy to chat when they call. After a few times, they'll probably get the drift

  47. Lovey, use it any time you like. LOL

    The only one that Actually hears my pent up pissy thoughts is the hubby!!

  48. Scirish!! Ok, will do! Hopefully I will have acquired a back bone and be ready for them!!♥

  49. Birdee-lol...Just let those pent up pissy thoughts out!

    uh oh! creatures are stirring... time to make the donuts :)
    Have a great day owls!

  50. **Perk** HOMEMADE DONUTS!
    Hey SC git back here n make some for the nest.hehe

  51. I need to get my butt in the cable guy coming soon. Need to clean up and move the TV..
    But, I Don't Want too!

  52. Birdee, u know they will call, keep that in the back of your head and they can't catch u off guard :o)

    Treat them like phone solicitors,
    "I'm sorry I can't talk right now I'm on my way out the door". LOL

  53. Can I just say.....I Love getting feedback from you all!

  54. Good Morning Grandma Moses!!!

    Birdee: Pent up Pissy thoughts only hurt you!! I know I have been there. I agree with scrish. Let it out or let the friendships die a natural death.

    Oh before I forget Go Giants!!!! that is for Gem. I am just watching for the commercials today. Tho I would like the underdog to win!!

  55. I'm being paged ..gotta run, I'll be back later.

    (((( Hugs Owls))))) enjoy the day! Keep on smilin :o)

  56. Good morning hooters!

    Congrats Birdee on being first today!

    I don't like when someone tells me something, then wants a promise to not tell anyone else!

    It's not that I will tell, because I would never, ever break a promise like that. I just worry, and depending on what it is, take it on as if it's my own concern.

    I'd rather not be in that position.

    Here is a Paula the kitty cat princess update.

    We had a noon appt. with the vet yesterday. After 2 hours of blood and urine tests, we got a diagnosis of renal disease. Her little kidneys are not working as they should.

    She got some fluid at the vet, and we were sent home with a liter bag and will give her 100ml a day (it goes between the shoulder blades, under the skin).

    We will do this for 10 days. She is also on oral antibiotics for 2 weeks.

    Luckily, I worked at a vet clinic before and during nursing school, so our vet was agreeable to letting me do it, rather than bringing her back and forth to the clinic.

    This is her 3rd episode of bladder infection in just over 2 months, so looks like her failing kidneys have something to do with this.

    We will be changing her diet to a more kidney-friendly food (lower protein) which may be difficult, she has eaten the same dry brand her whole life. She refuses to eat wet/canned food, and does not like treats.

    Hopefully she will respond to the treatment, and will eat her new food, and we will have her around for a long time to come.

    Anyway, I want to thank everyone here for their positive thoughts, I truly appreciate it!

    We're having a Super Bowl party today, it's raining and ugly outside.

    I hope everyone has a great day! Thanx for the coffee, Birdee! yum

  57. Thank you also Scirish for the donuts!

  58. Good Morining Feathered Friends!

    I am running late, so I will commentabout secrets when I get back home later on.

    Here's some breakfast to get ya started:

    Warm Maple syrup
    Warm bluberry syrup
    Turkey Sausages
    Fruit Salad
    Birdee's coffee
    SC's Doughnuts

    See ya all later!


  59. Congrats on first birdee and thanks for the coffee. Will go well with the donuts scirish put out (ty).

    I try to always keep a secret. I will not repeat what I am asked not to. This causes me major discomfort at times. I hate that uneasy, I know what you don't know, feeling about someone I care about.

    However, if it is for a persons physical well being I will tell. My son (back in high school) confided in me and made me swear not to tell that a friend of his was doing something illegal and dangerous. I went thru the whole scenario of betraying my sons's trust but decided the potential outcome for the boy's well being(and other kids) overrode,and I needed to talk to the parents. They did not thank me. They didn't believe me and told me to mind my own business. A week later the boy was injured and arrested for exactly what I had warned them of. But-I would do it again if it involved someones safety and of course innocent people going down with them.Otherwise, no- my lips are sealed.

    Today is my grandbabies birthday! Brynn is 2 today and I am sad I am not there. But we will be there in a month (on her brothers 1'st birthday), so I guess I will survive.

    Hope you all have a good day. I have an indoor soccer game (nephew) to attend, then a birthday lunch (same nephew) to attend, then company here. Another relaxing Sunday for me (HA!).

  60. Good Morning Owls!

    Happy Super Bowl Sunday to everyone!

    Cpgem8: Have a great time at the party! Thanks for the thought-provoking questions about secrets. My mind is clutter with JCS lyrics right now so I'll put some thought into my answers after I've enjoyed the show. :)

    Catching up on yesterday's comments...

    sacBarb: I think it's wonderful that you volunteer your time like that! Not only do you get to see a lot of great shows, but you're also helping to keep theater alive. Big shows like Phantom always pack the house, but it makes me sad to see so many empty seats at some of the other shows. It would be a shame if theater became a lost art for the younger generations.

    Tinka: You're welcome, but I really haven't been much help. I wish I had some answers for you.

    VIG and Jodi: Thanks for making me even more excited! I think I'm going to love it too. I've spent the morning repeatedly watching Michael Ball perform Gethsemane. :) I own at least a dozen CD's with that song, but no one does it better than him. If you haven't already seen it, here's a YouTube link:

    Hope everyone has fun day!

  61. Good morning owlettes!!!
    Lovey -hey!!congrats on almost first!!!LOL..
    Birdee-what's up?? crazy lady.. I think we have a lot more in common than we know!!
    Lynn D- you crack me up
    Scirish--Homemade donuts...yummmmm
    Grandmamoses-- welcome--
    EBJ-- lots of kitty prayers coming your way..
    and I will deliver that pizza about half time... is that good..
    Mo- thanks for breakfast.

  62. good morning Amicus.. we were post ing at the same time..

  63. mornign that took alot of strength.. and to get shot down.. bet they felt stupid the next week...

  64. If I am told a confidence then I never repeat it. Years ago my two best friends kept a secret from me and I wish they would have told me. They both knew that my ex husband had a girlfriend on the side. Yuck. If I would have known then I'd have divorced him much sooner and been spared an additional year of heart ache and misery. I would have also saved half of my skin cells that I scrubbed off during that long, hot, soapy shower with that brillo brush! :)

  65. dreama-- I think your friends should have told you...
    I hate a cheater!!!

  66. Good Morning Birdee (1st), Zonababy and Lovey, You three were bright and chipper early this morning. Good Morning also to Lynn, scirish and grandma moses. It is only 8:00 am here and I feel like it is the middle of the night. I don't do well staying up late at parties. I don't drink but I feel like I have been, sort of groggy.

    East Bay J - I agree. I don't like someone telling me gossip and asking me not to repeat it. Quite often that person is saying the same thing to several others. If the story gets out, everyone is left 'pointing fingers'.

    Goldie - Happy Birthday to little Brynn. Two year olds are at such a nice age. They always adore their grandma's.

    Iteach - Happy 5th Birthday to your little son.

    Amicus - You helped a lot. I am going to get our Mac Geeks onto the problem this week.

    I must tell you that the Scottish Robbie Burns party was great. It was put on by a friend who was born in Scotland and came to Canada 20 years ago. He still has a heavy Scottish brogue. It was quite festive. Doug, dressed in his kilt marched out carrying the Haggis to the tune of bag pipes. He said the Scottish blessing. The meal is exactly what he would have had in Scotland. I was so surprised how tasty Haggis really is. When I mentioned that I had 'googled' what was in it I was told to 'google' was is in Hot Dogs and I would find similar ingredients. (I should have kept that secret to myself.)
    By the end of the evening we were all wearing Jimmy hats and posing. I think it's the first time since I got my new camera that I forgot mine. I will have to wait until others send them to me.

    Secrets - If someone tells me a secret and asks me not to tell I live by that code very strongly. That is what a true friend does.
    There are other things that are told to you where you have to make a judgement call. In the classroom if a child tells you about abuse he has received at home it is against the law to keep that 'secret'. It must be reported to authorities. When I
    'home-stayed' International students, girls from other homes would confide in me about the poor treatment they were receiving in the homes where they were staying. Now there is a 'home-stay' rule that states the girls must never talk about anything that happens in their present home to any-one else. To me that was keeping a 'dirty little secret'. To report this treatment would get the Asian student in big trouble with the University. To ignore it was leaving a girl, with very little English skills, in a precarious position. I lost a lot of sleep over that one and had to decide on a case by case basis. Two years ago it became too stressful and I gave up having students. I miss the house being filled with young people but it is far easier to live with two sweet little dogs.

    While all of you are watching today's game I will be reading all the 'memory' stories from yesterday. Have a great day. Love, Tinka

  67. East Bay J: So glad you have a diagnosis for Paula. I hope all of the treatments work! Thank you for the update.

    Mo: Thanks for the lovely breakfast! We know you just skipped out so you would not reveal your secrets!

    Goldie: Happy Bday to the baby and nephew! I would have told in that instance too! I am not surprised they did not believe. So many people living in denial.

    Iteach: Happy Bday to your little one also!!!

    IBB: So glad I can crack you up!!! Evidently you are one of the 3 people who get me! LOL

    Amicus: Wishing you great fun at the show!!

    Dreama: I would have wanted to know too!! People are very wary of telling because they would be afraid of losing you!

    Tinka: Sounds like you had fun at the party even with that party menu! LOL Don't google hot dogs!!!

    I can't believe that rule! That is insane. How can anyone protect these students against that. I would have given up too. That is a horrible moral dilemma to put people in.

    Scrish: Anymore Donuts??? Lovey ate them all!!! If she keeps that up we will have to buy her a bigger Thong!

  68. east bay-just stopped in for a sec and saw your comment about your kitty. In the Sunday paper here there is a column every week from Dr. Michael Fox who is a holistic vet. He has dealt with the issues your kitty has in past columns and offered suggestions of home prepared foods to help them get healthy. The website is below if you'd like to check it out.There is a side bar on pet food harms which may address some of difficulties you are having and there is a small section with recipes. Good Luck!

  69. Good Morning Everyone~ I can't believe I'm saying that and it's actually still morning~ :|

    Birdee~ Congrats on first~ I wrote you a script for when your "friends" call:

    AssFriend: Hi Birdee....I really need your help.

    Birdee: Oh...I'm sorry....I can't help you, I have to wash my hair!

    ShitFriend: But it's really important and I need you!

    Hot Birdee: Oh shoot! I really can't help you....I have to get this splinter out of my finger! Sorry!

    ButtFriend: You don't understand. It's IMPORTANT!!!!

    Sexy Birdee: (if the above hasn't worked) Fuck off and DIE, BITCH!!! :)~

    Zona~ lol at you thinking you were first~ :)~

    Lovey~ you are such a lovey~

    Cp~ have fun today~

    MEK~ safe travels~

    Jodi~ there is something wrong with your myspace pic~

    Secrets: I'm very good at keeping secrets. I've come up with a sure fire way of not spilling them! When someone tells me something that I'm never to repeat, I simply tell them.....go ahead and tell me, but if you ever bring it up again, please know that I won't remember you telling me in the first place. :D It works...they tell me...I forget it immediately....and everybody's happy~ Of course, if it is going to hurt someone, I will tell.....and i will tell them that I will be telling! I don't like to see people hurt like that. I had a really hard time when I saw two people from work cheating on their spouses. I wasn't close to either of them, so I didn't say anything, but I just couldn't look them in the eye or with respect ever again~

    Now my secrets....very few know them and there are some secrets that I have never shared...not even hubby~

    Have a superfantastic day everybody~ I'm off to take a nap~

  70. LynnD~ you are on crack!~ (am I one of the three? do I get you? was I right?) :D

  71. lynn-No more donuts...starting the Chile now tho!

  72. Good morning, owls! East Bay, best of luck with your cat!

    Secrets? Secrets? Hmmmm... I have one that I will never tell anyone in my regular life, but I will tell you owls!

    Back when I was just starting to get involved with my boyfriend before Huz (so in 1989), I had a brief but torrid affair with a married man (well, he wasn't really "married", but had been with his lover for over 25 years). Looking back on it now, it is such a sweet memory.

    I don't think he's told anyone either!

  73. Tina of course you are one of the 3. The question is do I get you?? LMAO

    Ohhhh Scrish: Going to wash my bowl right now!! Chili yipee!!!

    Whabbear: You were the other man??? I won't tell. Using Tina's theory I just forgot what I am not telling. Hah I knew short term memory loss would come in handy.

  74. Hi Hooters!!! Cable guy has left, but I needed to calm down before I came back. He was taking so long to do things and was having a conversation(personal) on his little ear phone..But, what really ticked me off..He Left MY Gate open!!!! So, after cable guy left, I let the dogs out of their cages and outside!!! Just happened to look back out the door and saw Pepper out side of the fence! She's the small dog, so I thought she had crawled under the fence again. NOPE!!! Another look and there were my Boxer's out too!!!
    And they Love to RUN!!
    Well, I was going to let the conduct of the cable guy go. BUT, after seeing my dogs out...(because they are hard to catch) I made a pissy phone call!!
    Luckily, maybe because it is so cold out, they stayed in the yard/woods. But I couldn't see Ruby and I was getting scared. If either of the dogs is going to go far, it would be Boz. He's the most high strung. I've tried EVERYTHING to get them to not run. Even paid a trainer $250.00 for Boz. Since he is the ring leader, I thought he needed special training the most.
    UUUUGGHHHH!!!! I was so ticked...think I need to have a beer or some wine to calm down!
    Would you all have done the same? Call and complain?! He knew I had dog's, I tell anyone that comes here and he could hear them in their cages!!
    Thanks for letting me VENT my pissy thoughts and happenings!
    Tina, Thank you. That is Funny. Love it! I will print it and keep it by the phone...I can let them go, But will still never tell their secrets! Even if I'm crapped on, I don't betray, because at one time we WERE Friends at one point and time.

  75. East Bay J, I'm sending soft belly rubs to Paula! I love cats. I had two of them not to long ago. Kickers & Icky, they did fine with my dogs. It's always so cute to see dogs and cats together, but I think for now, it will just be the three dogs. I have pics on my age if anyone wants to see them.

  76. Birdee Congrats on being #1. I think the problem with your sometimes friends is that you now remind them of their bad times. They may also feel embarrassed now about things they confided in you.

    If someone asks me to keep something in confidence, then I do. Fortunately, it does not come up often. I would not keep a secret if it was something that put someone in danger.

  77. JL, You could be right about that.
    Thanks for the feed back.

    Thanks for the Congrats on being 1st. Everyone!

  78. Hi owls! I am so happy to be here ~ love hearing all of these views!

    East Bay J., I hope your cat adjusts to the new food and is on her way to feeling better.

    Lovey and LynnD., ty for the hello.

    ibebold, ty for the welcome!

    Maureen, thanks for breakfast!

    Dreama, I'm sorry for the position you were in. A terrible betrayal by husband and friends.

    Hi Tina!!

    Tinkatia, you were between a rock and a hard place with the situation being the girls getting in trouble with the university.

    Birdee, I hope your dogs come back soon, and yes, I would have called and complained.

  79. Just checking in again. Getting ready for the game. Mr. Lynn D says he doesn't care who wins and may not even watch! He thinks that the game is predetermined by the NFL and the refs.

    The Refs all have bets on the outcome and the NFL has also paid them off, so that the team that will sell the most merchandise wins!

    Sorry gang but he can't stand the Patriots. He thinks they are cheaters and should have lost their 1st game and got fined! I actually agree with that.

    Birdee: I would have called and they would have heard some mighty fine cussing!

    Hi Just lin!!!! YeHaaaa!

    I think Mr. Lynn D is still upset about the Seahawks.

  80. I did it!!!! Wahoo! Neener Neener neener!!! 100!

  81. Holding up my wing in a big "L" to MEK and Tina!!!!!

    I know MEK is traveling but that is not excuse! LMAO

  82. LynnD, Congrats on 100 posts!

    Grandma M & Lynn, Thanks for the back up. I really think it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't been on his ear phone. BTW, he was talking to someone about being written up a few times! Plus, he forgot to hook some cables hubby had to do that. Hubby was ticked that I called and got pissy. But, I told him, if he or I would have left the gate open, I would have been just as pissed off at myself and him!
    Grandma M, The dogs are back! Thank you!! All tuckered out from their run!

  83. LynnD, i really don't get into sports, but on superbowl, since everyone else does, then I try.
    I think it has to do with seeing them possibly getting injured. Can't watch that happen.

  84. Got my beer!!

    Words I'm loving today...

    Neener, Neener...Pissy....Whore!

  85. Lynn D - I am not going to 'google' Hot Dogs. I have heard before that if you knew what was in them, you would never eat them. They are so good at the Country Fair.

    It is a moral dilemma the home-stay parents are put in. I couldn't take it any more.

    Whabbear - I will never tell your secret. I promise. Cross my heart.

    Dreama - I will write you on myspace about the secret that was kept from you.

    Zonababy - You will always be lst in my books, you know that.

    Grandma moses - It was between a rock and a hard place because when I would tell the student that I wanted to report the fact that they were not getting enough to eat and were so cold in their rooms, the student would beg me not to. Four times I requested to have students be transferred to my home and that helped those 4 students but there is a real problem with the 'home-stay' program. It really needs to be investigated. I read in the paper that it was discovered that a few of the Canadian students staying in Asian homes were abused. They are trying to solve that problem too.

    I think it's time for lunch. Is there any Haggis on the menu today Maureen? If not I will have a chicken salad sandwich please. You tip is in the mail.

  86. Birdee - I forgot to mention your scare when the cable man left the gate open. I know your pain. The same thing happened to me 2 years ago. The sprinkler system man gave me back the key to the South gate and I assumed he locked it first. Tango has full access to the back yard because it has a 6 foot fence and 3 pad-locked gates. When I discovered the gate open and Tango missing I thought I was either going to lose my mind or have a heart attack. It took an hour to find her. I sat down on the sidewalk and cried when she came happily walking home. She thought she had had an adventure. Never again have I assumed a maintenance man has locked the gate. I also put in an order for a second Bichon. I could never replace Tango but I thought if I had two I would have twice the love and less chance of ever being left with none.

  87. Birdee Glad you got the dogs back. I would have been SO pissed off!

    LynnD You galloped right to 100. Yippee-ki-yay!!!

    Whabbear Is this someone you see on occasion? Just being nosey.

  88. lynn d--- congrats on 100... way to go..!!

    Birdee-- I would have made that call...
    My dogs got out about 2 years ago.. they were gone for 3 days... I didn't work, I couldn't go to class... I was a mess...
    used 2 tanks of gas looking for them..
    and they just came home... Maggie was so tired.. she didn't get out of the bed for 24 hours...
    glad yours are home safe and sound..

  89. BIRDIE
    you did the right thing by phoning in a complaint. What is wrong with these workers. I have seen the meter readers come into neighborhoods and just leave gates wide open and the family pets just running out. I can't count the number of times I've tried to chase down dogs.
    I read the mood bulletins and noticed that several people are having problems with Myspace today. Poz Mikey just put up an angry red face also, so possibly it's not yuor MAC and its a quirk with Myspace.

  90. I'm home again!

    TINKA, chicken salad sammich on the way (and I DIDN'T make it from chickenowl! I saved Birdee!)

    SCIRISH, thanks for the chili. I was going to make some, but now I don't have to!

    BIRDEEEEE - Congrats on being #1. Hoot hoot hoot!!!

    Secrets...I can't talk about the topic because it's a.....SECRET! Just kidding!

    If I know something that could hurt someone physically or emotionally, then I find a way to tell them in a kind and caring way. I have had a friend get mad, but it was essential she knew the truth and I reasoned that she was not a good friend if she would drop me for telling her.

    I had another friends daughter give me her facebook addy and I read it one day. I read some things that shocked me, and could have put her or others in danger.
    I did not want to betray her trust in me, but I knew I had to tell her mom. So, I called her and asked her if she ever saw her daughters facebook, and suggested highly that she look at it and read it. She needed to know, I felt better and she was thankful that I told her.

    2 years ago, my two best friends found out that my boyfriend had actually moved a woman into his home! He was recently divorced and had custody of one of his daughters. He had told me that I could only call him on his cellphone or at work, because he hadn't told his daughter about us. She was rather needy after the divorce. I understood and complied. Well, the son of a bitch used that as an excuse for me not calling case the girlfriend answered! And then he would have to explain to both of us! Well, they didn't tell me because the decided that it would hurt me too badly. I was really mad at them because they let me live the lie...I thought he was THE ONE...and I felt so betrayed by all three of them. I bitched them out, dumped him and finally told them that I still loved them BUT please never do that to me again!! They are still my 2 best friends and he is single again! The bastard had the nerve to contact me, tell me he is available again and to call him!! NOT!!!

    HI to everyone!! I have to catch up on a few things, so I will be back later.

  91. Hey, I think the birds are back from down South. Haven't heard any chirping in along time.
    Does that mean spring is close?

    Just_Lin, Thanks! I always wonder if I over react. I hate to get people into trouble, that's why, Until I saw he had left the gate open, I wasn't going to complain about the other stuff.

  92. Only have a moment for a quick Super Sunday Hello to all who have been or will be 'nesting' today.

    Hate gossip, hate secrets...but a confidence is something I would never break, unless--as others have stated--it involved victimization that could be precluded by notification to proper authorities. I felt honored, during my career with Security Pacific, to be a Peer Support Counselor. Received a lot of specialized training and we wore tasteful small gold pins that said "P.S...can we talk?" making us identifiable and approachable.

    ***ATTENTION CRAFTERS &/or SuperBowl Widows*** If anyone's in the market...30% off scrapbooking supplies & $50 off Cricut @ Michaels........just sayin'

  93. Ha! I just told hubby that I asked you all for you opinions, and that you all said you would do the same, and that LynnD said she would have cussed. So he had to come here and read some of them. Started I had to get one more dig in...told him in the words of LynnD.....neener, neener, neener!! LOL

  94. On another topic....Anyone here watch or used to watch, General Hospital? I saw the other day, that the women who played nurse Amy Vining passed away. I always wondered what happened to her. I guess she moved to Potland OR. and was doing charity work. Cause was renel failure. She wasn't even 50 yrs old. I was surprised by it. Another one, so young.

  95. BIRDEE,

    I have been watching G.H since I was a little kid with my mom!

    How sad about the actress that played Amy Vining. Yes, too young.

    One of my fondest memories was sitting in a restaurant in Studio City and in walked the cast of G.H!
    They were celebrating the birthday of Anna Lee (Lila Quartermaine)! I was happier then a pig in shizzle!!

  96. Hi all.. I have only a few minutes and have briefly scanned...dd is ice fishing with buddy and family and I am scrambling to get ready for superbowl. I slept 8 hours last night, first time in at least 4 years..feeling great.
    Secrets..I keep them. It seems to me being told a secret (not gossip) is more being told how vulnerable someone feels about something, or how low they feel about supporting their own authenticity. We all have those places. In my work I see lots of folks and hear lots of stories and mostly I see human beings trying to make sense of the world though lenses that may or may not reflect the current reality. Makes for lots of compassion.

    However, I did listen to "HumanKind" this a.m. with David Kazinski describing his process of having to turn Ted (aka "unibomber') over to the FBI, knowing a death penalty was possible. Great show. and hellos to all..gotta stay on track even though I would also like to nest in with you.

    Caring sent out to canadiangirl, donnajean and any owls in the nest who have secrets that are a burden or a fear...go gently.

  97. Maureen, How lucky you were to there. I'm jealous. Love that show. But, I did get away from it for awhile, cuz of work. I think the part I missed was when they added Jasons' girlfriend Sam.

    Hi nowmercy, Have a great time with the family.

  98. BIRDEE,
    I think SAM is the devil's spawn!!
    Who do you think is the strangler??
    I am such a dork!!! (at least I'm not a whore like TINA!!!!!!)

  99. Mareen, Boy that is a good question! I keep going back and forth. It's between Logan and that new guy working at kelly's. Did you see the other day, when he was talking to that Kate on the pier, and wanting to show her his pics?

    And why do they always hang out on the pier late at the freezing cold?? LOL

  100. I just remember before they killed off Georgie, while she was waiting in the park, whoever was approaching her, she wasn't afraid. She looked surprised, but smiled!

    I'm a dork too!
    I hate the way Sam is always talking in a whisper! All breathy(sp) and such.

  101. Here is no secret~

    I love you guys!

  102. Lynn D: I do, every once in a long while. Last time was at the local Safeway where we shop in San Francisco. Huz was with me, which is amusing, since he is the only one I've told in California.

    More generally, the affair does lead to amusing situations every once in a while, because Dub (his nickname) was a member of the same tannis club (the gay and lesbian tennis federation or GLTF of San Francisco) that Huz and I belong to, so everybody knows him.

    Last Friday, we were at a party of GLTFers to watch the Australian Open women's final. Dub's name came up in the course of some gossipy conversation, and people started talking about how socially "adventurous" Dub has become since his life partner passed away a few years ago.

    Gay men being gay men, speculation turned to some particulars about his "male organ" (LOL!), and Huz, shit disturber that he is, jokingly asked me if I had any special insights to offer!

    Um, yeah, but nothing I was willing to share!

    Ah, secrets!

    Carol: Apologies! I should have included you in my shout-out to the original Rossbloggers this morning!
    Speaking of which, we should try and get Trish in here!

  103. Hello Hello! The reigning marching queen is in the house!!! LOL

    Nowmercy: That is very insightful! I bet you do hear it all.

    Gh: It is going to be Logan! No chemistry with LuLu. They are going to get rid of him!

    Saw that about Amy Vining too! Very sad and strange she was so young.

    Sam is an idiot and criminal but I would kill to have her bod!!!

    PS I love Tracy's new haircut!!

    Who thinks Micheal is going to end up shooting his Mom or brother??? I do

    Ok will be back in a bit

  104. Whabbear!!! Hi to you! Would have liked to been there for that get together. Sounds like fun!

    Lynn..I think Logan too, but then I think..will they keep the story line going for him and his Daddy, Scott. Or just end it?
    Oh, I wouldn't mind looking like Sam either. But, I was getting tired of looking at her in her workout attire! Doesn't she ever go to work anymore? LOL
    Really don't like them killing off all the ladies though! Now what will happen to all the men! The good regulars, I mean.

  105. OH!! Lynn, I think Michael little brother is going to get a hold of the gun..think he will be shot..

    And what is with Carly coming down on Elizabeth after she tried to keep AJ away from micheal? And then she calls Elizabeths' kid a bastard??? I want to smack her!!

  106. Hi everyone, awake revitalized and ready to watch the Super Bowl!!

    GOLDIE: A very Happy Birthday to Brynn!

    BIRDEE: Sooo glad that your pups are back--my heart skipped a beat while reading your post.

    MAUREEN: My husband's neice and nephew both have Myspace pages--NOT set to private. When I first saw them I was a little shocked. I wrestled with telling their mom--but scrolling through their friends list..who do I see?? Their mother!! Well, at least I didn't have to make that decision.

    LYNN D: Congrats on 100!! Those solo marches can be very invigorating!

    EBJ: Hugs to you and Paula! My sister's cat did very well on this treatment.

    TINKA: You party animal! I am so glad you had a good time.

    JUST_LIN: How are you liking Myspace??


    Hubby is off to work--he has to leave early because he drives right past the stadium and it is gonna be c-r-a-z-y! Just remember while you are watching the game--you are, virtually, only twenty minutes away from me! I am so frickin' excited!! YEEE---HAWW!!

  107. Birdee If I was a soap it is AMC, and then sometimes I will leave it on while GH is on. Anyway, isn't Elizabeth the one that talks all breathy and whispery? I cannot stand it!!! Sometimes I have to turn it off just because of that. I want to smack her.

    Whabbear Good for Huz! LOL

  108. Maureen - I loved the chicken owl sandwich. I am glad you saved Birdee.

    Dreama - Thanks for noticing others having problems with myspace. I think VIG's idea and yours of switching to Moxilla might be a good idea. I am awaiting a Geek call.

    Iteach - Are you having a birthday party for your son today? How does that fit with Super Bowl?

    Birdee - I watched GH back in the 60's up until the "Big Wedding". I think I recognize one or two who have been on since then. I was going to write their names but they have just left me.

  109. ZonaBaby - You are up and ready to take on Super Bowl Sunday. All is right with the world. I wish I had the pictures to show you. There were some good ones. I don't feel like a party animal today. I feel more like a worn out old Cougar.
    I bet your city is wild right now. I wish I were there with you. What are you serving?

  110. Hi Zona, Tink, & JL..
    Had to stop and get something to eat.
    Zona, I may just watch the game I feel closer to you.

    Tink, I'm glad Maureen saved my butt too. I don't want to be no sandwich!

    JL, Yeah, Elizabeth talks that wy too..but I think Sam takes it to a whole nother level..HA!

  111. Tink, I think the few main characters left are Luke, Monica, Tracy. sometimes Bobby, and Laura..
    I was ticked when they killed off Alan. I thought he had some funny lines.

  112. Birdee - You are so sweet. I bet you would make a delicious sandwich.
    I am off to walk my little ones. I like to show them off on Sundays. There are a lot of Sunday walkers.

  113. Anybody notice how talkative I am today?? LOL
    Watch tomorrow I won't be able to put one word down. But, I hope that doesn't happen. ;o)
    Or maybe you all will want it to happen. LOL

  114. Birdee Yes, I liked Alan, too. I also like Tracy's sarcasm. Let's petition to kill of the breathy ones and keep the sarcastic ones!

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. I actually have to work for a while (I hate when that happens) but I will try to check back in a little later.

  117. Vig!!!!!!!!!
    Big Shout Out To You!!!!!!

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. Birdee - I wish I had stuck with GH. I started watching 'Young and R' when it started. It was about a year ago I gave that one up. I watch DOOL for 6 years and just gave up on that too. I rather miss them but when I turn them on I soon get bored. I don't know if I have changed or they have. I liked the love stories. I don't like the murders etc.

  120. GENERAL HOSPITAL - I was mad, too that they killed off Alan. But, I think I read somewhere that he wanted to retire. Someone said they are writing Bobbie out, so maybe she is the next victim.
    I don't want the killer to be Logan, I don't know why, I just don't!
    I love the banter between Alexis and Sonny's lawyer (i forget her name).
    I agree, Tracy's new haircut is adorable!
    And yes, Michael is going to kill someone...maybe Morgan.
    The old Carly (Sarah Brown) returns this week as Johnny Zucara's sister. And isn't Bruce Weitze awesome as the Zucara patriarch!

    I have to get back to work! See ya all later - and I see you VIG!! *waving hi* to VIG!!

    And a global flap of my wings HELLO to everyone!!!!

  121. Hey VIG!!!! :D

    Superbowl Commercial Update:
    My favorite so far is the Diet Pepsi Max commercial....funny~ and then the Bud Light Cheese commercial. All the House commercials are funny even tho I don't watch that show.

    I've been reading the blog during the game and pausing for the commercials~ :)~

    Birdee~ When you asked if anyone noticed how talkative you were today, i nodded....I thought that on your previous post~ BUT it reminded me that I was going to yell at you for not jumping in last night~ So glad you are here today and not made into any crazy sandwich~

    Grandma Moses~ happy you are here~ :D

    Zona~ they said there are about 73,000 people at the superbowl. Did you know that the Daytona 500 will have about 200,000 people there? And that's not counting the whores!! (like #24) :)~

  122. Hey Ms. T ~~ Same here. Pepsi MAX so far. If only they'd stop interrupting the commercials with all this football nonsense!

    if anyone wants....a soon as the game is over, all the commercials will be at:

  123. Dang, a 'rejected' Clydesdale AND a dalmation? How irresistable is that? Who was talking a day or two ago about crying over commercials? That one almost got me!

  124. Hey Bon~ No sooner do I post and my brother's friend's commercial comes on~ Dorritos had a contest and my bro wanted me to vote for his friend, Kina. SHE WON!!! She has an amazing voice and now has a record contract~ Had to call him~ I love stuff like that ~

  125. Bon~ I'm behind....had to fast forward to the game to see what you were talking about .... loved that commercial too~ :D

  126. TINA,
    How cool was that! I liked her song and voice.

  127. HI Vig I am waving like a mad owl!!!

    Tina the Toyota commercial is my fav so far!! Love the Badgers! Told ya cell phones will kill ya! LOL

  128. Has anyone else noticed how many of the first commercials where rip offs of other commercials?

  129. TINA - LOL @ not counting the whores!!!

    BIRDEE - Congrats on first!!! Glad to see your chickenowl back :D :D

    GOLDIE - Happy Birthday to Brynn!!! She's lucky to have a NaNa like you!!!

    ITEACH - Please wish Phillip Happy Birthday from me!!! 5 - what a great age!!!

    ZONA - Buzzed're too freakin' funny!!!

    CAROL - Thanks for a though provoking topic. I will keep a confidence forever!!! The only time I wouldn't (like so many of you) is if not telling would do serious harm to that person. I think it all goes back to loyalty - and I am loyal to the end.

  130. Congrats to bro's friend..she's GOOD! And have to admit Ms. Idol sang herself an anthem!

    kinda liked ghekko-Thriller :o)

  131. TINA - I can't believe that you actually typed that number!!! :)~

    LOVEY - Thanks again for the "coffee talk" this morning!!! Luv your bunny slippers!!!

  132. Hi owlettes,
    just popped in to say hey, hey!lol
    bono, loved the horse and dalmation
    tina sorry for your weather,hehehe
    it was only 82-83 today ;) tomorrow its supposed to be 85.
    can only stay a min gotta get ready for work yuk!

  133. ok, Ms. OCD here.......can't focus on the game, because I'm obsessing over a "how do they do that?" Help me, do they get the '1st & 10', '3rd & 8' arrow markers UNDER the players feet???

  134. When did Charles Barkley get so fat?

  135. bon'o~ lol...chucky has been fat for a while now~

    loved the pepsi/justin timberlake commercial....i'd like to suck me some Justin~ :)~

    OMG~ the planters commercial~ :D

  136. Didn't like JT's until the very end by the pool....a little eau de peanut to attract the guys, ladies?

  137. Bon'O Charles got fat a long time ago. Letterman used to give him a bad time about it.

    My favorite commercial so far is the Toyota one with the badger. I actually laughed out loud. I liked Diet Pepsi Max also. I must have missed Kina's. I was outside for a bit.

  138. okay....HELLO!!!! How can you beat a NASCAR commercial????? YA CAN'T!!!! :D

  139. Think I can get some chicken on the bar-b and not miss a commercial? Here goes..must have missed Nascar, T...we had a local hardware commercial instead?

  140. hey i missed the nascar one too ;(

  141. Love the Planters Commercial!!

    I see Chuck is still annoying even on a cell phone! LOL

    The water commercial was kind of creepy with the lizards! Sorry Bon!

  142. lynn d ...not as creepy as Tom Petty :o)

  143. ViG - Are you still on the ferry? How was the ride? At least you didn't have a windy day. That can make the ride rather unbearable. Let us know when you get to where you are going. It's Vancouver, isn't it?
    Love, Tinka

  144. Bono I am with you on that! My youngest daughter just called this the Geritol half time show!!! LOL

    I have to say that move when they are bending their knees while playing guitar is not sexy at that age!! They look like they have prostrate problems and gotta go gotta go right now!

  145. gee, lynn...maybe that's why we just had a local Urology Clinic ad after the half-time & before the Daytona commercial!

  146. Perfect timing! Bono LMAO!

    I told her all of those twenty somethings only new who Tom Petty is because of Guitar Hero! LOL

  147. I love Chris Myers....he's part of the NASCAR broadcasting team~ yummy~

  148. T ~~ no comment on the preview for George & Renee's movie??

  149. That wasn't was me~ I don't comment on myself~ :)~

  150. hey ~T~ i saw it the nascar ad, they are already gettin stuff goin around here for the race,you can get a box (disney) for only $6500 :O

  151. TINA - My favorite commercial is the Daytona 500!!! Gentlemen.....START YOUR ENGINES!!! Only 2 weeks now :P

  152. Tinka..sorry I missed your question. I am not on the ferry yet. I kept pushing it up all day because I had things to do....reports, laundry, etc. I had decided to go on the 7pm ferry but just discovered that Zona's boyfriend Hugh Grant is on t.v. in my very favourite movie: Sense and Sensibility. I LOVE that movie!!!! So I am crashed on the couch watching Emma and Hugh and Kate and it will be the 9pm ferry.

    Thanks to the OWLS for the shoutouts and waves. Flapping my owls wings back in a wave and shoutout to you all!

  153. WALL-E ad.......was that a 'hook-up' I just saw? Disney, my o-my. ;o)


    You now spell Jodi

    Now back to our regularly scheduled programming!!!

  155. MAUREEN was his name Bill? I knew a guy who did that stuff. He traveled and had a girlfriend in Africa,a wife in Louisiana and a fiance in Texas. His fiance e-mailed me last year on Valentine's Day to ask me what my knowledge was of him. I told her to pack up her stuff and run. Bill collected not only fiances but wives. He had been married 4 times that I was aware of. He wasn't divorced from wife number 4 and he was already shopping on EBay and bought 2 additional engagement rings. He was such a retard that he used his e-mail address as his screen name. I also gave her the web site to investigate him so that it would all sink in and not just be words from a stranger.

  156. Good Evening Owls!

    I can't think of anything else to add to what has already been said about secrets. I agree with all of you. :)

    Birdee: I had the same thing happen with my gate only it was the garbage man who left it open. I live on a very busy street so I was terrified when I realized my dogs weren't in the fence. Fortunately, I found all three of them in my neighbor's yard. It taught me valuable lesson about always checking my gate before letting my dogs out. I'm glad your dogs were safe too.

    East Bay J: Continued prayers for Paula.

    Ibebold, Lynn, Tinka, Zona: Hi! Thanks for the shout-outs!

    Overall, I was disappointed in Jesus Christ Superstar. In the hands of the right cast and crew, I have no doubt it would be an amazing stage production. Unfortunately, the current national tour leaves a lot to be desired. The sound crew did a terrible job of accommodating our theater, and the set design was too simplistic. It was just a metal platform with a bridge. Boring!

    The highlight for me was who played the role of Jesus. It was none other than Ted Neeley from the movie version. That was exciting! Sadly, age and probably years of performing have taken a toll on his vocal cords. Gethsemane requires a powerful, emotional performance, and he had to make too many changes to accommodate his vocal weaknesses. It was still a pleasure to get to see him though. :)

    I'm looking forward to seeing it again with a different cast and crew.

    Off to watch the Super Bowl now.

    Good night, Owls! See ya tomorrow. :)

  157. Am I the only one who isn't watching Super Bowl commercials? LOL. I am using the commerical time to stick my head in the refrigerator, tinkle (my nice word for pee), and type.

  158. Good night Owlettes!!!

    TINA - You have voice mail :D

  159. Ok I have to ask.

    Dreama why do you stick your head in the freezer to tinkle???

  160. G'Nite Jodi?

    T: myspace mail, too.


  162. Zona!!! Have another beer, girl. It's left, left, left, right!

  163. BON'O: Parrot's Bay...not beer..Rum baby Rum...;)

  164. naughtycroc Good night to you, too.

  165. G'night Naughty croc..Night Jodi..back to the neighbor's for me....waving at everyone!!!!

  166. Can't do rum, FroZona...but I hear a Fat Tire calling me. Must be the salty snacks :o)

  167. Birdee, Happy to hear your dogs are back and happy that you used us to show your husband you were right ~ like we know what we're talking about LOL

    ZonaBaby, super shout out right back!
