This Night Owl Blog has given so much! It is a fun place, we don't bash and we have fun being "tedious"! We offer advice, give love, lots of free food and an open forum which can be about anything that is important, thought provoking or just plain silly. And sometimes we just March (some to different drummers, but all together). :) It is not about a single person, it is about all the people on any given day blended together.....Goldie!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Sleep does come!
i am very sleepy tonight, i always
write the blogs the night before
so i have them ready to post in
the morning
so my thoughts are really with
my bed and my pillow, just the
thought of getting comfy, makes
me happy
i do need a little help to sleep tho
so i take my ambien and off i go
when i was younger sleep always
came on its own, and now my sleep
needs help, when i asked the doctor
"why does our sleeping patterns change?"
she told me as we get older more
is on our minds, and there are times
that we can't shut it down
i also have a problem sleeping out
when i am in a different house if
it were not for ambien i would not
sleep, i guess its the change and the
thought of not going to sleep that makes
me anxious
so now i think i am addicted to
ambien, and i don't think i really
care, as it gives me my much needed sleep
at days end, and who can argue with that
i feel that i rambled on, and not really
sure what i have written, i do know that
the words flowed, so this blog was to be
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 336 of 336Oh no you don't
Oh yes you did!
CraP I was too slow again!
And I was just going to stick my ugg shoe on your shell to slow you down..
My internet connection sucks, it slows me down....
Turtles do everything slow....well almost everything
k rematch date is when?
When I get my new computer, as then it will be fair...
Just curious...has anyone seen the ads for the Miss USA pageant later tonight...the ones where all they show are a contestant falling on her arse and that god-awful answer to the question from last year? I realize they're touting the fact that "it's LIVE and anything can happen", but it's almost like they're making fun of their own show......makes ya say "Hmmmmmmm".
That's cause Trump gets all his employees from the reality shows.... cause he never like pay!
I really don't know about turtles doing everything slow. When I watch those animal channels. Turtles sure do now how to mate. And they have a
thousand kids....
Trump likes to make a grand entrance,
and I guess he things those ads are funny...He needs to come home and raise Baron...
Didn't the Pointer Sisters have a song about wanting a Turtle With A Slow Foot?
Bono: I have seen the commercials and the S.Carolina contestant about edumacation makes me cringe everytime! I would say the viewer ship is dying out and this is there way to get people to watch. Really sad but true.
Gave up pageant watching a looooooong time ago.
I know people enjoy it, but they are not for me.
Just re read my post and my edumatcation makes me cringe too! LMAO
I agree about the ads for Miss USA. I think they are making the girls look like idiots instead of focusing on how some of them are very intelligent. Not to be partial to Miss WA (wink wink) but she has a degree in Engineering and works for Boeing.
And I liked Colorado and Hawaii but they did not make my Top 15. Sorry.....
By the way, Miss Hawaii was one of the whitest girls there! Shouldn't Miss Hawaii have a beautiful golden tan???? LOL! I know, she's taking care of her skin!
Barb what is your criteria for your top 15?
Sorry....I'm a girly girl sometimes and watch Pageants for the dresses like when I buy all the magazines after the Oscars and the Golden Globes!
LynnD~~I'm with you. No pageants! and 'edumacation' is one of my favorite words! Did you get out in the sun today? Possible 80 here tomorrow...WooHoo!!
Barb: That's cool! I hope they have big scholarship money for these women!
Bono: Yes I went and SAT in the sun today did not move much at all! It is supposed to hit the 70's or so tomorrow they keep uping the temp. It hit about 70 at my house today. I even have windows open!!! I can smell fresh cut grass from the neighbors yard! It is heaven.
Lynn.....Since I didn't take the time to read all of the interviews, I just go with pics. The website has glamour shots and then candid shots of the girls. You can tell more of how a girl looks in the candid shots. Miss WA has some bad glamour shots, but she's really pretty in her candid ones. I also go with dresses. But when it comes time for the show, I go by the interview question. If they can't talk in public then they have no business representing the USA. I honestly was not a fan of the girl who won last year. Suprised me. She was really cute, but I didn't like her answer to her question. Don't remember what it even was now.
Barb: I agree with you that they should have some education and be able to speak in a public format with intelligence to win.
One of my myspace friends, Meghan, is Miss Vancouver USA. She participated in the Miss WA USA pageant. Her mom works with my hubby. She is in Vegas to support Miss WA. Her page is private, but if you go to the myspace page for Miss Washington Pageants at
then go to the pics, the 2008 Pageant Candids, Meghan is in the last 2 pics of page one. She is in a pink shirt and in the most beautiful multi colored dress. Take a look!
Hmmm I must be really tired or maybe had a mini stroke today. I am having a heck of a time spelling and typing!
I almost typed fresh cut gass and I had a heck of time getting an answer to you Barb on that last one.
Next I will be drooling too!
Holy Buckets we are already at 224!
You owls have been busy!
Barb I will check it out!
LOL Lynn! Sounds like you needed a nap today!
OK....I'm off to watch Ghost Whisperer since the pageant doesn't come on until 9:30. So I will be back at 9pm!
Barb is she the pretty blonde?
I am going to go watch some TV and try to get some sleep tonight! LOL
Lynn....she is the dark haired girl.
My husband is upstairs in bed and he just texted me a message.
It says "Cum and get it".
Now is that romantic or what!
iteach: Wellllll, if he's already cum, and just wants you to get it, that's above and beyond the call!
True romance! LOL!
Oh my, where to begin...
Whabbear You certainly have a point!
LynnD I know strokes aren't funny, but you had me laughing so hard I peed myself! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!
Tinkatia, MEK, Zona, and all other GW fans (SacBarb)?
OMG! GW is fabulous tonight! :)
Hi everyone!
Iteach that is pretty funny! Your husband cracks me up!
Would you believe that I do not know how to text message? I'm probably the only person on the blog who has no clue about that.
Good blog today Carol! I love to sleep, very seldom get to sleep in. I fall asleep really fast, never have a problem.
Both my huz and I get up early, so we are usually in bed about 9. I can sometimes stay awake til 11:00 (I always stay awake on Monday nights when the Bachelor is on! haha). Usually I'm asleep by 10.
Don't nap as a rule. But I had pneumonia last year and the year before, and recovering from that takes a while. I had to take a nap at least once a day when I could.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
EBJ - I have NO idea how to text message either!! oh well...
AND - our little pageant dork didn't do too bad with her top 15 picks!! BUT - I am NOT going to spoil!!!
Whabby - you never cease to amaze me with your "drop bys"!!
and - I think Iteach found something else to do tonight!!
When I first got my cell phone, I sent a text message to my girlfriend just to try it out. I've never done it since. I prefer to just call.
OK, not going to watch the pageant, but just had to see the initial intro's. Based only on 1st impression 'cute' factor...I think I liked Kansas & Oklahoma.
I agree that Miss Oklahoma is cute. Some of them are a little weird looking, IMHO! LOL
Oh my stars, I didn't think they still had those pageants.
It's gotta be years n years since I watched one.
What's with these "judges" on Miss USA? OMG, one of them is Rob Schneider who comes from my town. This is a strange group to be judges.
Hmmm I wonder if eating a cherry blossom this late at night will prevent me from sleeping :oP
Hey Lovey! How are you tonight?
My husband, the jaded cop, always got misty eyed whenever the pageant winner was crowned. Their tears always got to him. LOL
Ok...I have to send out that Tina sent me a myspace and pointed out that she might be out to get me!!! I posted a spolier last night at 3AM for AI. I am so sorry. I am so careful not to read them but not to give them as well. One hundred b'slaps to me!! What can I say, "I was on meds for bed and tired?" That sounds good, right? I am really sorry! I kind of made it up to you already when I called you "sweet" on the blog during the week...remember Tina? I am now leaving with my tail between my legs and not even taking any brownies!
A cherry blossom?
Was Linda McCartney one of the judges?
Hiya JustLin, Dianne, and anyone else in the nest tonight.
A cherry blossom is kinda like a chocolate bar, but it's a cordial cherry inside chocolate with nuts.
:o)mmmmm good, they are a big treat for me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them
Dianne_be _afraid_be_very_afraid_in_Denver You've gone and done it now!
LOL Dianne given spoilers away... you're in big twubble lil lady.....
Can I bslap ya? Huh huh can I.. I'll use a feather.
Oooh! Cherry blossoms sound yummy!
Dianne Linda McCartney is deceased!!!! Heather Mills is one of the judges. LMAO
Lovey~~Thanks, I needed some 'being bad' company. Since I don't do chocolate, I'm savoring real coconut ice cream (found the good stuff, Joey!) with a lil swirl of Creamy Jif for good measure.........ooh, so very gooooood to be so very bad.
Hehehe Bon soooooo very very good to be sooo very very bad eh.
Omg Mills is a judge?? I really wish she would go away into the night.
Mills probably needs the money! Bwahahahahaha!!
Ok...first I give a spoiler, then I think someone deceased is a pagent judge...I knew it was Heather Mills (sort of).duh! Well, you all must think I am a real wacko tonight!!!
Bono: Where do you get coconut ice cream? Yum..sounds great.
Ok Lovey: Since you have been gone if you want to be the smacker tonight..get the feather!
yes, she does have a thing for the $
Dianne I think you're a wacko every night! Bwahahahaha!
awhhhhh Dianne thanks hehe
Thanks J/ I will have to go after Custard again! I thought I was through with all that but if you are going to agree with my names about myself----Hi Ho I come Custard!!
Dianne I don't know what the problem is. I was only being agreeable. :)
Dear Tedious: Please let my boyfriend know that I will be on my way for a visit in 51 DAYS!! I think that means I will be arriving a few days ahead of you...(I always hated to be second). I know you are such an agreeable gal...tell him Wacko is on her way. Sincerely, you know who
Dianne_a_Mind_Is_a_Terrible_Thing_to_Lose_in_Denver~~Hey, just call it your 'David Spade' moment....(see Area 50-something)
Glynis (wherever you are)~~Are you able to attend any of the Dalai Lama's Seeds of Compassion events in Seattle this weekend?
HOT TIP: If anyone wants to grill salmon this summer, You might want to buy and freeze it now....
$35 a pound soon?...yikes!
Whoops..I meant You_know_who_in_Denver
Wow Bono, that is a lot of money. I guess we will have to eat bats like they do on Survivor. I wonder how much a pound they go for in this economy--and where do you get them??
You Know Who~~Checked your belfry?
(what an odd word that is)
Dianne_eating_bats_in_Denver What's this "we" business?
J/L: I can't afford $35/lb for fish (remember, I don't work)!! And I agree Bono...what a strange word belfry I probably did another spoiler about Survivor!
Lol I agree JL... what is this "we" bit.... I'm just gonna stock up on chocolate.
TURTLE - You've been a marching fool today. Luv it!!!
Hi Jodi: You are just in time...J/L and I are planning a little trip, Bono is selling salmon for $35/lb, Lovey has a feather out spanking me and we were just firing up the bbq for a bat fry...from the belfry! lol
and dark chocolate is good for ya...LOL
Jodi!!!!!!! Hello sweet lady Ho xox
"We" means the owls. I thought we were sisters (and brothers) and that we back each other up, etc. Hey!
It's a good thing I don't like salmon, cause it would break my heart to pay that amount for it.
Bono: Don't you live where you can just go down to the docks or something and stick a fishing pole in the water and catch the fish?
when it comes to eatin BATS yer on yer own sista owl
Hi Hodi!! Don't let Dianne_in_the_belfry feed you any bats!
Night night Owls time for me to go catch 'z's
Wishing ya'll a super Saturday.
Love n Hugs xox
DIANNE - Any sign of curds yet?
LOVEY - lol you're on a chocolate roll again!!! Luv it!!
Good night LOVEY!!!
JUSTLIN - Bats?!!? Ewwwwww - no thanks!!
Good night Lovey.
Hey Hodi!
JODI~~Good morning! How's my favorite cheese-head today?
DIANNE~~I grew up on the Columbia River and, yes...that's about how we caught our salmon. And ate it so often I thought hamburger was luxury-meat! Looks like there'll be no commercial salmon season this year, though...thus the prices.
Sweetest chocolate dreams, Lovey. I'm saying good night, too.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm ????
Good night BonO!
Jodi: No curds yet but I just told my husband to keep on the look out tomrorrow for them and not to open them without me. I don't think he even knows what they are and I might tell him that they are terrible and he would hate them! :)
left 297
Ha Ha ha ha....I hit the 300 mark!! WOW..What a Turtles or any other owls..made it without a scratch (glad there was not any of those claws this time)!
Ok...speaking of sleep. My sleep habits are that I stay up much too late when I get talking on the nest!! I then sleep very late and wonder where my day has gone except when lunch or appts call and I still stay up late and then have to get up early (it would be late for a lot of you early birds). So, I guess I will flap up my wings and see if I can get up off the ground and fly the nest until tomorrow. Have a good sleep everyone!
Dianne So, you marched to 300 behind my back. Were you wearing cowboy boots?
Good night Dianne. No dreaming of Custard.
Holey Crap. I sucked big time tonight with my pageants picks. Oh well. When I saw the online photos of Texas I didn't like her look at all. Tonight I thought she looked better on tv. As the show went on I could tell the judges liked her. And then the final question nailed it for me. It was going to be Texas. I thought she was a little conceited, but they liked her. I thought OK and Missouri were the prettiest, but poor OK was just a young bubblehead after hearing her final question answer! Oh well.
going to bed!
nite nite!
JUSTLIN: I marched with my boots and spurs!! Night.
Nighty night, Owls!
Good night all. See you tomorrow.
Hellooooooo, is anybody here??? I just got home. Landed at 9:00 pm PST and it took an hour to get a shuttle home. Had a crazy driver that didn't know where he was going and went way out of his way for one couple and I was the last one to be dropped off. Now it is 11:29. I only tipped him $3.00, cause he wouldn't even take any of my bags to the door. I had to schlep 3 bags all by myself. Poor me! But I'm glad to be home and I messed you all.
DIANNE - Congrats on 300!!! I missed the march......uh, technical difficulties. UGHHHH!!!
Hey BON - This Cheesehead is great!!! Too bad about the salmon.
Waving a wing @ WHABBY!!!
Good night JUST LIN!!
How was your trip?!!?
Hey Jodi. Had a great trip.
Another screaming baby on the plane home. I guess it's a law now that the airlines have one on every flight. Is that right Tina???? Or maybe just on my flights?
SACBARB - Too bad about the baby.....makes for a long flight. Hopefully you had an ipod to listen to. Did you do anything special on the 2nd?
hey hows my favorite sacramento lady doing?
I just read my post and I didn't really "messed" you all, but I did MISS you all. Sorry about that.
Jodi: We visited the Painted Church on the 2nd (on the Big Island) and that was special.
K-girl: How's it goin'?? I am still on Hawaii time so I'm wide awake.
Jodi: Whose the dude in your avitar?
well then the best thing you can do is stay up.....and dont sleep long so that tomorrow night you are tired at the usual time.
so what fun things did you do on kauai?
SACBARB - It's a pic of Johnny Depp. It's a pic someone took of him - he's in Wisconsin filming a movie!!!
K-girl: We went up to Waimea (sp?) Canyon and it was a beautiful day until we got half way up there and then it started to rain. By the time we got to the top it was socked in. I have been there on a clear day but Sharon has never seen it on a clear day in the three times she has been to Kauai. Our condo was right on the beach so we did a lot of walking on the beach and Wednesday night we saw a local production of South Pacific at the Hilton. It was pretty good for a low budget production. We also went to the light house and saw some whales. And we did a lot of just laying around and chillin'
So Jodi, are you going to go watch the filming and get an autograph?
as you should!! too bad bout the rain the last few days, but you still got to relax
K-girl: Actually we didn't even care about the rain, except for the Canyon. We even walked along the beach in the rain.
SACBARB - I haven't had time to go Johnny hunting!!
Jodi: You've got to get on that, girl!
You ladies amaze me! LOL
Partying hard on a Friday night!!
I actually "forgot" to come here today!:(:(
I feel so ashamed.....It's been a weird, crazy day and it slipped my old mind somehow!:(
I haven't read comments(No April fool's post I hope-haha)
Carol, I need Ambien! lol
I take Tylenol PM or the generic almost nightly..Usually I just take one instead of two, because I still feel drunk the next day and groggy with two! lol
I hope you all have a fabulous Saturday! Will I EVER get caught up around here!?:(
I need the "Owl's nest Cliffnotes"!
Hi Joey
Welcome back sacbarb!:):)Can't wait to hear all about your trip and see your pics! Seems like you were gone for a month! haha
Oh and Carol, so that's why I can't sleep huh? I can't turn off my mind either! lol
My insomnia issues began about a year ago I do believe!:(
330! lol
haha barb..I was already typing a hello to you at the same time you were typing to me!:)
You got the 330! yaheee
Sorry Joey
Looks like everyone has gone to bed so I'm off too. Goodnight.
Good night SACBARB, TURTLE & JOEY!!! I'm going back to bed!!
ITEACH - Luv the text from MR. ITEACH!!! He's about as subtle as MR. JODI!!! ;P
Welcome back, SacBarb and Sharon!
anybody up?
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