
Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Tale of Two Telescopes

A Tale of Two Telescopes

by Whabbear

Owls, have you heard of the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) institute in my hometown of Mountain View? The institute used to be part of NASA until Congress de-funded it back in the 1990s. Today, it is thriving through public donations and public support.

SETI’s biggest benefactor is Paul Allen, the Microsoft billionaire. Allen’s donated over 25 million dollars to built the Allen Telescope Array (ATA), a new suite of radio telescopes that will do radio astronomy and search for signals or broadcasts from extra-terrestrial civilizations.

Last week, I read an article about where in the galaxy they were deciding to aim the ATA to do their first search, and their reasoning was absolutely fascinating (well, at least I thought it was)! They’re going to search in the band around our solar system that’s formed by the ecliptic, the narrow region of the sky that contains our astrological “sun” signs.

Now why on earth (LOL!) would they search there? The answer is associated with another telescope that’s going to be launched into space next year by NASA, not the SETI institute. This remarkable instrument, called Kepler, will aim itself at one section of the sky and monitor about 100,000 stars continuously. Why? Kepler will be searching for tiny periodic dips in these star’s brightness levels that would reveal the presence of an earth-sized planet “transiting”, moving across the face of, the star. Only about 2% of the solar systems around these stars should be oriented right along our line of sight, so that their planets pass directly in front of their stars from our vantage point. If every one of those 2000 stars has an earth-like planet orbiting it, Kepler will discover 2000 earths (in fact, the actual number of earth-like planets is likely to be much smaller than that… just how much smaller is the million dollar research question. If Kepler detects no earth-sized planets
at all, we will have for the first time hard evidence that our home planet is very unusual indeed).

There is pretty good reason to believe that all the planets in other solar systems are like ours, in that they all inhabit a narrow band around their stars. Now suppose alien beings in other star systems have been doing the same thing we are about to do with Kepler, trying to detect transits of Earth-like planets across the stars in their survey area. The only regions in space where they would detect the Earth itself are those aligned with our ecliptic, that is, stars in the direction of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, or Sagittarius! Accordingly, that’s where the Allen Telescope Array is going to look first!

Stay tuned, owls! If there are any ET civilizations out there that have discovered life-bearing planet Earth through the transit method, they may be phoning us right now!


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goldie said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...

way to go goldie....

goldie said...

you almost snuck in kgirl. Thought I was playing by myself again.

ok, off to finish off watering plants and packing last minute stuff- be back later...

Sandie said...

Just got back from dinner and I see that some of you are having horrible weather--I hope you all stay safe! Please take care!

Sandie said...

K, let's start this list so we all know where each other is. copy paste...

Turtle: Honolulu

Barb: Sacramento

Zona: Phoenix

Jennifer: Sterling, IL

Just Lin: Pacifica, CA

Bon'O: Eugene, OR

Jodi: Oregon, WI

Sandie: Augusta, GA

Amicus said...

I tried to give you all a hint. :)

Thank you for the kind words!

Ohhhh, Tina, where art thou?
"I don't guess...I know"??? ;)~

Tina~in_ut said...

amicus....that is so funny.....I was going to do the same thing!!! lol~

Sandie said...

Amicus, I never even considered that could be you because for some reason I thought you had light-colored eyes! You really fooled me! Lovely picture~

Carol, was it a requirement to be pretty to join this blog--cause everyone is!

Bon'O said...

Think Goldie got dropped by the last update on previous page....

K, let's start this list so we all know where each other is. copy paste...

Turtle: Honolulu

Barb: Sacramento

Zona: Phoenix

Jennifer: Sterling, IL

Just Lin: Pacifica, CA

Bon'O: Eugene, OR

Jodi: Oregon, WI

Goldie: Madison, WI

Sandie: Augusta, GA

Just_Lin said...

Has anyone heard from Lovey? I haven't seen her in the nest for a long time.

Sandie said...

Oops, did I do that? ~in my best Steve Erkel voice~


Jodi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jodi said...

AMICUS - Lol!!! I guess you really did give us a hint.....I had to go back and look and you guessed yourself!!!

Amicus said...

Tina got one wrong!
Tina got one wrong!
Tina got one wrong!

Oh sorry, am I enjoying this too much?


Tina~in_ut said...

AmiHOcuss~ seeing your hint would require me reading your posts! :)~

Jodi said...

AMICUS - lol @ doing a happy dance on TINA'S ass!!!

Jodi said...

everybody march!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

kahonugrl said...

she's not perfect......hmmmm does it hurt Tina?

way to go Amicus 8) way to take her outta the valedictorian status.

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...


Just_Lin said...

Tina I sent you a little something on MS. And it's HOmemade. :)

Tina~in_ut said...

I'm not perfect...i'm almost perfect...ask mom~ :D

Tina~in_ut said...

lol J/L~ is it filled with custard? :)~

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

amicus!!!! hahahahahaha!!!! i dont think one person got this right today! you sneaky cheeky owl you!
i love it! such a great picture of you too!

goldie said...

Signing off- leaving early tomorrow so I'll see you all on the 23. Be safe and happy and kind to each other (thats you tina and amicus!)LOL


Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

Turtle: Honolulu

Barb: Sacramento

Zona: Phoenix

Jennifer: Sterling, IL

Just Lin: Pacifica, CA

Bon'O: Eugene, OR

Jodi: Oregon, WI

Barbara: Vancouver, WA

kahonugrl said...

off to Manoa....

Whabbear: I need to re-read that one

TinaHO: your still a crackho, with coupons!!!!

Amicus said...

That explains why Plan A didn't work. ;)

Plan B: The mystery Owl today is really EBJ.


Just_Lin said...

TinaHo I don't share any of my Custard. I don't get him often enough.

Crap! I hate these dry spells.

Tina~in_ut said...

j/l~ SHUT UP!!!! you've gotten more in 2 visits than I will get all year!!!

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Don't know if the list was meant for everyone or just those in trouble spots, but I'll add my name anyway.

K, let's start this list so we all know where each other is. copy paste...

Turtle: Honolulu

Barb: Sacramento

Zona: Phoenix

Jennifer: Sterling, IL

Just Lin: Pacifica, CA

Bon'O: Eugene, OR

Jodi: Oregon, WI

Goldie: Madison, WI

Sandie: Augusta, GA

Barbara: Vancouver, WA

Shirley: Shelburne, NS Canada

I hope all who are in the affected areas (Want, Jodi, Goldie, Jennifer and anyone else)stay safe tonight. Goning to watch some basketball. Good-night.

Amicus guessing herself...too funny! LMAO!!

Tina~in_ut said...

OMG!!! We only had a little pasta left for dinner so I brought that with me and saw that someone had made hard boiled eggs so I grabbed one of those too! I just went to crack it and THE DAMN THING IS NOT HARD BOILED!!!! These things only happen to me!

I think I forgot to tell you guys, tomorrow is my twin's birthday! They are turning 13 on Friday the 13th! I'm so excited! Love that day~

MEK in AZ said...

OMG - we just got home from dinner with my mom -

My thoughts and prayers for everyone in "Mother Nature's" path.

Just say footage of Cedar Rapids - goodness.....

MEK in AZ said...

Tina - LMAO - OH my - who brings regular eggs to the office if they AREn't hard boiled??!!

Tina~in_ut said...

lol mek~ you know how you just put your hard boiled eggs in a bowl separate from your uncooked eggs? Well my daughter filled the egg thingy and didn't want to put the last four in with the carton, so she put them in a bowl!! oh my hell I'm hungry!~!

Bebbilane said...

K, let's start this list so we all know where each other is. copy paste...

Turtle: Honolulu

Barb: Sacramento

Zona: Phoenix

Jennifer: Sterling, IL

Just Lin: Pacifica, CA

Bon'O: Eugene, OR

Jodi: Oregon, WI

Goldie: Madison, WI

Sandie: Augusta, GA

Barbara: Vancouver, WA

Shirley: Shelburne, NS Canada

Bebbi: Louisville, KY

Tina: That was funny about the egg!!

I hope everyone with terrible weather is safe. My son came in from Tokyo to Chicago Airport at 5pm and it was okay then. He is in Chicago tonight so I hope it isn't too bad right now.

iteach said...

K, let's start this list so we all know where each other is. copy paste...

Turtle: Honolulu

Barb: Sacramento

Zona: Phoenix

Jennifer: Sterling, IL

Just Lin: Pacifica, CA

Bon'O: Eugene, OR

Jodi: Oregon, WI

Goldie: Madison, WI

Sandie: Augusta, GA

Barbara: Vancouver, WA

Shirley: Shelburne, NS Canada

Bebbi: Louisville, KY

iteach: Hickville, Illinois

Lynn D said...

Oh my Hell! I leave for a bit and you guys stir up Tornados and floods and fire! Are we a coven now??

Jodi, Want and Goldie Worried about you stay safe please!!!

Sacbarb have the garden hose ready just in case!

Tina: Just throw the egg in the washer! Don't know what that means but it is cracking me up!

Amicus: You sneaky thing you! Great picture!

K, let's start this list so we all know where each other is. copy paste...

Turtle: Honolulu

Barb: Sacramento

Zona: Phoenix

Jennifer: Sterling, IL

Just Lin: Pacifica, CA

Bon'O: Eugene, OR

Jodi: Oregon, WI

Goldie: Madison, WI

Sandie: Augusta, GA

Barbara: Vancouver, WA

Shirley: Shelburne, NS Canada

Bebbi: Louisville, KY

iteach: Hickville, Illinois

Lynn D: Rainier, WA

Bebbilane said...

iteach - Do you really live in a town called Hickville?

Jodi said...

ITEACH - lol @ Hickville, IL!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...


Just_Lin said...

I was wondering the same thing. Hickville?

Bebbilane said...

I have a question, how do you turn in pictures, blogs and stuff to get them on here?

Lynn D said...

Zona: Tell Mr.Z I will throw in $100.00 for your trip if he will wear his ninja outfit with his tool belt!

Bebbilane said...

Nice 250 Jodi!! ^5!

Lynn D said...

bebbi email cpgem8 is she on your myspace list. She is our beloved leader! LOL

Tina~in_ut said...

LynnD~ my new "matching" washer and dryer arrive on Saturday! So I can't put the egg in now! :(

Bebbilane said...

Thanks Jodi. I have her on myspace. I will do that if I ever have anything profound to say. I may be "fresh out" but you never know! :)

Bebbilane said...

Wow, new matching washer & dryer!! How nice!! :) I am lucky to have matching shoes!! *grin*

Jodi said...

You're welcome....but that wasn't me....that was LYNN D!!!

Lynn D said...

Tina Tina Tina New washer huh? Rode it a little to hard and put it away wet one to many times? LMAO

Jodi said...

Here we go.....slipping on tassles....:P

Just_Lin said...

TinaHo I hope your new washer has a really, really good spin cycle. ;)

Jodi said...

left, left, right, left!!!left,

Lynn D said...


Lynn D said...


Jodi said...

skip, skip, skip......twirl, twirl!!!

Lynn D said...


Just_Lin said...


Bebbilane said...

Gawd, I am so clueless sometimes...shesh..thanks lynn d. Sorry about that. AT least I am good at apologizing !!! :)

Just_Lin said...


Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Lynn D said...


Bebbilane said...

uh uh..i didn't get 269 did I???

Lynn D said...

Crap I got foaded! I never get to 69! :(

Just_Lin said...

Bebbi You got 2*69! Was it good for you?

Jodi said...

Crap......didn't get it this time.....thankfully I had already done the happy dance earlier!! :P

Bebbilane said...

*FALLS OVER in shock*

Lynn D said...

Jodi did you take to long to firmly adhere those tassles?

Jodi said...

LYNN D......lmfao!!!

Jodi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bebbilane said...

It was awesome..knocked me off my FEET!!, haven't had it that good since I was about 20 years old..w00t w00t a taste of my youth. :)

Jodi said...

LYNN D......damn I didn't even get them adhered correctly.....they're all askewed now!!!

Jodi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bebbilane said...

Oh gawd, I shouldn't have said "taste" and been talking about 69...that grosses me out. blah. eeps..too much visualization going on here.

Lynn D said...

Oh Jodi! Mine even when adhered correctly are all skewed and screwed! ROFLMAO

Ok gang you all keep safe you hear!!

I am going to veg I have had a day from hell and tomorrow is not going to be much fun either!

PS If any of you see Toto run like hell! (((Hugs)))

Tinkatia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bebbilane said...

lynn - Have a great one. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. :)

Tinkatia said...

K, let's start this list so we all know where each other is. copy paste...

Turtle: Honolulu

Barb: Sacramento

Zona: Phoenix

Jennifer: Sterling, IL

Just Lin: Pacifica, CA

Bon'O: Eugene, OR

Jodi: Oregon, WI

Goldie: Madison, WI

Sandie: Augusta, GA

Barbara: Vancouver, WA

Shirley: Shelburne, NS Canada

Bebbi: Louisville, KY

iteach: Hickville, Illinois

Lynn D: Rainier, WA

Tinka: Victoria, B.C. Canada

Amicus said...

Thanks everyone for all the fun comments, but today's senior pic is EBJ not me. :)

Carol will be changing it soon.

It was meant to be a fun joke since Tina has a perfect guessing record.

Thanks, EBJ, for letting me use your pic! :)

Jennifer said...

ITEACH: LMAO about "Hickville", Illinois! (She's in Rock Falls...but I do agree, Sterling and Rock Falls are definitely "Hickville"!!!

Tinkatia said...

Amicus - I just checked back and are you fooling us. That picture is not the same person as the one in your myspace. The face is different.

Amicus said...

It's probably a little late for this since the location list has already grown, but the Nest is a public forum just like the RossBlog. Anyone can read it. Just wanted to make sure everyone knows that. :)

ibebold said...

K, let's start this list so we all know where each other is. copy paste...

Turtle: Honolulu

Barb: Sacramento

Zona: Phoenix

Jennifer: Sterling, IL

Just Lin: Pacifica, CA

Bon'O: Eugene, OR

Jodi: Oregon, WI

Goldie: Madison, WI

Sandie: Augusta, GA

Barbara: Vancouver, WA

Shirley: Shelburne, NS Canada

Bebbi: Louisville, KY

iteach: Hickville, Illinois

Lynn D: Rainier, WA

Tinka: Victoria, B.C. Canada

Ibebold: Front Royal, Virginia

Jennifer said...

Nice picture EBJ! That's funny to do that for Tina! (Tina, I hope you learn your lesson)! ; )

However, I think this will just make Tina gloat even more! LOL!!!

ibebold said...

Prayers for everyone in the storm path...
Please be safe!!!

Bebbilane said...

Marching yet?

Tinkatia said...

Am I losing it? I just scrolled back and now it say EJB. I have to read every comment. This skimming posts doesn't work. Well I guess I was right for the third time. That's 3 out of how many 7 or 8? Not a very good track record. Tina are you still battling 100? I don't have time to check.

Zona - Great talking with you today. It's so much easier than typing.

Bebbilane said...


ibebold said...


Bebbilane said...


ibebold said...


Tinkatia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ibebold said...

Damn Bebbi...
snuck in on me!!!

Congrats on 300!!

Bebbilane said...

Must be my lucky night. :) first 2*69 and now 300 too...i better quit while I am ahead! :)

Bebbilane said...

I haven't even tried to guess yet, I don't know everyone that well. But I am learning, It was a beautiful picture EBJ. Amicus, that was funny to say it was you and fool everybody all day. Good one!

Tinkatia said...

Congratulations on 300 Bebbi. I deleted mine. It said 298. That is twice I deleted. The first time was because I wrote Tina in the list instead of Tinka. I am rushing too much. Back to work for me.

East Bay J - You are gorgeous.

Tinkatia said...


Tinkatia said...

Bebbi - Sorry my dear but when I count back from 307 it is Ibebold who had 300. Do we have a judge here?

Bebbilane said...

Oopps..I thought it said 300 when I posted, maybe it WAS IBB..I didn't think I would get that lucky in one day!! lol

Bebbilane said...

hmm..No matter! Good job IBB! :) Congrats on 300!!

Tinkatia said...

I guess it depends on whether a deleted post counts or not. If it doesn't then Bebbi is 300. I had better leave before I start something.

Have a good night everyone.
Stay safe.
Love, Tinka said...

My power keeps going out!

So I have to shut down...

Your picture is beautiful, thanks so much for submitted it. Also, kudos for going along with the little prank! :O)

Thanks again for todays blog! Really appreciate it...

Just for you, for today and of course everyday happy blue

Enjoy your vacation

To all in these crazy storms path:
Be safe, and always keep us posted..

I did not put my name on the list, only because everyone knows where I am from...


I so agree, every owl has been so pretty, I love all the pics!

Bebbilane said...

lol tink!! NO WORRIES! All dry eyes tonight..! :) We can each have 100..IBB, me & you. OR IBB and I can split it for 150 each OR IBB can have the full 300. I am just one to say..Don't worry, Beeee happy. :) said...

You are so funny, you can never start a thing. You sweetho! :O)

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

i'm it ebj or amicus?????

Bebbilane said...

Carol, have a wonderful night. Be careful yourself too.

Beautiful pictures, that is so true. said...

Another sweet owl, willing to split the march! Kudos...

Bebbilane said...

Barb: it is EBJ! Amicus spilled the beans. :)

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

im not worried about putting my first name and location on here. do you have any idea how many barbara's there are here?! no worries from me!

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

ok....amicus and ebj are both cheeky little owls today!

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

i have watched my dvr recording of so you think you can dance and i am now waiting for the show to come on at 9. i have to say that the dance about the boy going off to war with the big muscle black guy and the the asian girl katee was so good it brought tears to my eyes. wish i could remember the guys name. big ol kid with huge muscles and yet he leaps and moves with such grace. can't wait to see who goes tonight. i'm thinking the very first couple or maybe the second one.

Want2Sleep said...

Good evening gang! said...

Forgot to say! Happy Birthday to your mom! Hope today went well and she enjoyed her day out with you and Mr Mek..

OK, really going know, as the lights are flickering...


Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

clap clap want! i'm leaving though to watch so you think you can dance. i will be back after the show though! said...

I am going 2sleep...


Bebbilane said...

Barb: I like that show but I haven't watched it this year. I have been trying to get out more and walk so it cuts away from my couch potato time.

Some of them can dance so well, it is amazing! Did you watch the celebrity circus? I think it was on last night. I really enjoyed that. I love the circus.

Want2Sleep said...

Toot toot Babs, have a godd night.

Want2Sleep said...

Good night Carol !

Bebbilane said...

I need to sleep too...7:00 a.m. comes awfully fast and I have a full day tomorrow. Hugs to all. Sweetest of Dreams and Stay safe!!

Just_Lin said...

Shoot! I sent Tina some humble pie. Now I'm going to have to take it back.

I didn't think the photo looked like Amicus but I didn't think you'd LIE to us! LOL

Amicus said...

Lin: Just change it to a punk'd pie. ;)

Goodnight Owls!

MEK in AZ said...

Amicus - :-)

Well, i don't know WHY I watch these Animal Cop shows on the Animal Planet - sometimes they are SOOOOOOOOOOOO sad!! Innocent animals - people can be so cruel..

EBJ - thanks for sharing your picture with us today - as i said earlier - you are AMAZING!!

I'm off to bed....

I hope everyone has an excellent Friday the 13th!!

whabbear said...

Good night, Amicus! Good night, MEK! Hello, Sleep!

Want2Sleep said...

Hi Bear Buddy !

whabbear said...

So, you are high and dry?

Want2Sleep said...

No floods here, but the rain and storms just won't stop!

How are you ?

whabbear said...

Fine! I went and saw Sex and the City (finally) tonight, and thoroughly enjoyed it!

And now, sipping my second glass of chardonnay!

And how was your day, today? (Aside from the weather)??

Want2Sleep said...

My day was fine, just finished writing a letter of recommendation for someone, it took forever.

What's planned for the weekend?

whabbear said...

Sleep: Interesting! I've had some dilemmas over LORs recently too. One person just quit on me after (in my view) not performing up to snuff for the last seven months. Then she asked me for a LOR. I had to be careful with the wording!

This weekend? Tomorrow night Jim and I are going to dinner with his sister and Brother-in-Law and a couple from Bolinas at Pat and Claire's place.

Pat and Claire are a 60-something couple who I'm very fond of. Oh, and Claire is battling terminal cancer, so none of us have seen her for months.

Isn't that fun! (he says sarcastically).

Saturday, we may go back to that infamous San Gregorio Beach if the weather out here stays warm. No plans for Saturday night yet.

Sunday: A brunch party at the condo of a person who lives in Jim's complex up in SF. Then, we may disturb the natural order of the universe by heading down to the Castro rather than the Lone Star.

All plans subject to change. LOL!

Aren't you glad you asked?

And what are you up to this weekend?

Want2Sleep said...

Very interesting and fun, as usual Bear.

It's hard to make plans since all we get is rain and storms. One day it's 77 degrees and the next it 60 degrees. Mother nature is pissed at someone.

Want2Sleep said...

Bear is that the same co-worker that caused you a few problems with the presentations and projects you were working on? I remember hearing your thoughts on the subject.

whabbear said...

Yep, the same one! But she's gone now, which means I have to find a replacement.

I think most parts of the US midwest need a break from weather extremes... just a nice, long, warm summer!

Want2Sleep said...

Palm Springs sounds great right now !!!!!

whabbear said...

LOL! It's true, there isn't much variability in Palm Springs weather over the next two months or so... sunny and hot every day!

We're paying off our mortgage on Palm Springs tomorrow! Yay!

Want2Sleep said...

That's great Bear ! PARTY !!!!

whabbear said...


And I have to get some sleep!

Niters, Sleep! Have a good one tomorrow!

Want2Sleep said...

Bye Bear Buddy.

The text was from me.

Want2Sleep said...

I better go get on the roof so I can be there when Goldie drives by....

goldie said...

Want2- you are going to be waving for a long time. The interstate is completely closed from Madison to Mauston- they are rerouting to Hwy 43 then up and over. My 8 hour trip just became about 10+
Wish us luck!!!!!! If we get thru and up there I am going to be one cranky owl, and oh joy Mr. Goldie should be even crankier! OY

Want2Sleep said...

Well, that sucks Goldie!

Tinkatia said...

Good Morning Goldie and Want2sleep.

Good Luck Goldie, We will be thinking of you.

This was #350.
See you when the new post is up.

Tinkatia said...

Sorry Want2sleep - You were #350. I can't count this early in the morning.

Tinkatia said...

I guess I am all alone in the nest. Are you waiting for the new blog too Want2sleep. I can't wait much longer. I have too much to do.

Tinkatia said...

Whabbear - It sounds like you are having a very busy weekend. Have fun.

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