
Thursday, February 5, 2009

What the Future Holds?

by Sacbarb

A friend recently sent this to me and I was casually listening to it while doing something else at the same time. It starts out with a sentiment I have heard many times and frankly, am bored with. Suddenly, it caught my attention and I started actually watching it. I had to play it again to fully appreciate it.

I really hope the second half of this video proves to be true.

At a meeting of the American Association of Retired People (AARP), they showed a video that was submitted in a contest by a 20 year old. The contest was titled "u @ 50."

This video won second place. When the video ended, everyone in the room was awestruck and broke into spontaneous applause.

So simple and yet so brilliant. Please take a minute to watch it.



  1. sacbarb~ can't wait to watch the video...can't at work....just 10 1/2 hrs before i can watch~ :(

  2. G'morning Tina....That's a rather long day!

  3. Good Morning!

    SACBARB: That is the coolest video! I certainly hope that the second part of it comes true too!

    I just loved it! Great blog/video today SACBARB...thank you!

  4. SCIRISH: Congrats on FIRST! Good to see you this are you feeling??

    TINA: You're getting closer!! ;)

    Mr. Z loves the new you, btw..

  5. Powerful video Sacbarb...I hope it's true!

  6. Zona...Baby??? I'm a bit behind in comments after having the flu from hell...

  7. TINA: Is Eunice bringing sexy back..?? ;)

  8. SCIRISH: I'm glad the flu has flown!!

    I'm trying to decide whether to drop the 'baby' from my screen name...what do you think??

    All opinions welcome!! :D

    HI #10 MEK!

  9. 15 was for TINKA!!

    And now I need to get some off to bed I go!

    I hope everyone has a good day...

  10. Zona...Oh! Duh...........Personally, I like the "baby"

  11. Happy Thursday!!!!

    Good Morning!!

    Scirish - congrats on first!!

    Tina - don't work TOO hard!!

    Zona - I dropped your "baby" long ago - but it's up to you!!!

    Tug may have put herself to bed last night - but she then kept me up MOST of the night..... and she has WAY too much energy this a.m.

    Bailey keeps looking at me like - "MAKE IT STOP".....

    Hope everyone has an excellent day!!

  12. SacBarb - Great video - I didn't see that coming....... Thank you for sharing.....

  13. I got #25. Good on me! I will read the blog and comments now while I drink my Tropicana.

  14. In the eight minutes I was gone from the nest no-body came. Here I am "all alone again".

    Good Morning Scirish, Congrats on first.

    Good Morning Tina - You missed being first by 2 minutes. Do you think maybe God punished you for lying about saying you were #69 yesterday instead of #2? He is watching us at all times remember.

  15. Good Morning Zona-my-Baby. You can drop the baby is you want to but you will always be My Baby. Sleep tight. I must work at getting you to sleep at night and play in the day like other children do.

  16. Mek - I sympathize with your extra work in getting Tug. When I got Tia and was up at 5:00 every morning I was getting very tired. Then a friend told me that getting a new puppy is intense but the time is short. She was so right. Tia will be three in May and I can't believe the time has flown by. The extra work lasts about 6 months but seems longer at the time. I was so happy with just Tango and worried about whether getting another dog was the right thing to do. It took me a year to decide. Now I can't imagine this house or Tango without Tia 'in the picture'.

  17. Come on owls, Wake up. The nest is empty.

  18. SacBarb - That is a great blog. I love the way the video reversed the written words as the speaker reversed her opinion on what it will be like in 30 years. I hope she is right. I look at my little grandchildren and wonder what the world will be like for them. My children came into a world that was very prosperous. They
    didn't want for much. The world is changing and I only pray the little ones of today will be in a happy peaceful world.

  19. No-one came to visit me so I am off to have breakfast with Regis and Kelly. Have a great day all owls who call our nest home. Stay safe.

  20. 34 Tina, you never looked more beautiful than you do in your avatar.

  21. VIG - I hope you have said "Adios" to the amoeba for the last time. He isn't taking the hint is he? I hope you are feeling better today.

  22. VIG - Maybe if I say it, it will help. "Adios Amoeba, we want you to go back to Mexico. You will be happier there". Let's see if that works. Have a great day.

  23. Tinka - good morning!!

    I've been in the backyard enjoying the sunshine and having my ankles attacked......


    Yes - it is ALL worth it!!!

  24. Sacbarb: That was VERY COOL! I can't believe that one didn't win. It made me cry. It was nice to hear optimism....very cool!!

    I am at home for lunch but heading back to work!! Take care all and happy Thrusday!

  25. Thanks for posting that Barb! Very insightful stuff from such a young girl.

    I hope you hooters are all having a great day!!

  26. Happy Thursday Owls.

    Scirish, you beat out Tina for #1.

    Tina, close but no cigar today!

    Zona, Like MEK, I dropped your baby long ago too.

    MEK, Being a new 'parent' is always tough on the sleep pattern. Maybe Bailey can help Tug stay asleep.

    Tinka, Nice marching.

    Bebbi, My first thought was "who won first place" too. I should Google it.

    Thanks everyone for the kind words about the video.

    I am off to get a new hairdo. I am going to a fancy-dancy sorority dinner dance on Saturday and I need to look good. I am borrowing one of the husbands of a sorority sister to escort me because I am my chapter's 'Sweetheart.' I didn't think Sharon would want to be my date for this. Then Sharon and I are going to see Frost/Nixon. BBL

    Waving wings at all who land later.

  27. Good Morning Bebbi, Lois and Barb. Hope you are having a good day.

  28. I am going for a walk and then my usual nap. That is my time, when the phones are turned off and friends and family know it is not the time for surprise visits. I love it.

  29. I just noticed that half of the 50 comments were made by the Little Brown Owl. I am shutting him up for the rest of the day. He is getting too cheeky. See you all tomorrow.

  30. Good afternoon owlettes...

    Scirish... welcome back.. glad you are feeling better... congrats on 1st...

    TIna... morning ...
    Zona... you will always be Zonababy...I just (like the others) shortened it...

    MEK... sounds like Tug wants to sleep with mommy!!!
    poor baby not letting her sleep...

    morning Tinka... That is some damn fine marching you are doing today... glad yoy are finally feeling better... I too wondered who won ... brought tears to my eyes...
    hope everyone has a great day...
    waving a wing at all who land later...

  31. Brrrr...It is only 9 degrees today....Hard to believe Sat is supposed to be close to 40!!

  32. Sorry I missed Bebbi and No Newz...
    Good day ladies!!!!

    (never intentional)!!!

  33. Scirish.. we just reached 20... and then they say we are going to be near 60 the rest of the week....

  34. Hi hooters!

    Peeking in from work, I will watch the video later, when I get home!

    Hope everyone is having a nice day today :)

  35. SacBarb

    Very cool video.... I have already sent it around my circle of friends this morning as I love the content.

    Anyone up for a dakine?

  36. Damn EBJ ..... didn't even get the post in there for the challenge, but I can't deny anyone a 69

  37. lol kgrl~ i liked the way you wrote that~ you're so giving~ :)~

  38. last passenger's name was Cox....I couldn't stop laughing....had to share~

  39. congrats on 69, EBJ~

    Tink~ I am pretty, huh?

    SacBarb~ ur cigar reference had me thinking...... :D

    Zona~ I didn't realize you had a baby~

  40. TinaHO:

    I am more giving than you will ever

  41. Barb: Very interesting video! It immediately reminded me of a book I browsed in my local bookstore earlier this week. The content is a series of essays by some eminent scientists and historians imagining how humans might be living... a MILLION years from now!

    I just read the preface to the book by the editor (can't remember his name), but even that was fascinating. He set the stage for the essays by taking a novel approach to grasping the enormity of the challenge faced by these essayists by going, not a million years into the future, but a million years into the past.

    Imagine, he wrote, a line of people, each linking arms with the people next to them, starting with you. Next to you is your Mother. Next to her is her Mother, next to her is her Mother, and next to her is her Mother (your great-great-grandmother).

    If you take, as a rough rule of thumb, that each generation procreates at 25 years old, then the combination of you, your mother, her mother, and her mother takes us back exactly 100 years. To reach a million years, we would all have 40,000 ancestors in our line.

    Now, imagine going down that line, meeting and talking to each one of your direct ancestors in turn. As you travel further down the line, the individuals would grow ever more weird and alien, with their world-view, their experiences, their physical appearance, all having less and less in common with you.

    Can we even imagine propagating the line in the other direction (with 40,000 of our descendants), a million years into the future? OMG, the mind simply boggles!

  42. Owls: How far would YOU get down that line before losing all knowledge of the individual you were talking to?

    My Mother's name is Mary. We would have lots to discuss. My grandmother's name was Donna. I knew her until 1989, so we also would have lots in common, and lots to catch up on. My great-grandmother's name was Minnie; she died in 1910, when my Grandmother was only 5. At least she and I could talk about my Grandmother!

    After that, though: zipo, nothing, nada. I have no idea who my great-great-grandmother even was!

  43. Bear:

    I can go back 8 I think...

    Mom is Zita (Gramps broke da chain)
    Gram is Eleanore (Marie)
    G-Gram is Eleanore (GiGi)
    GG-Gram is Eleanore (Ellie)
    GGG-Gram is Eleanore
    GGGG-Gram is Eleanore
    GGGGG-Gram is Eleanore
    GGGGGG-Gram is Eleanore

    Vivid memories of GiGi still from when I was a child, I was probably 5 when she died but remember being very questioning of her and her saying that I was nosey....she was not a happy lady.

  44. Tina, I had a friend in middle and high school named Becky Cox.

    My mom ran into her years later, and she told my mom she worked for a man named Mr. Dicks!!!


    Sorry Kgirl, I just happened to look at the blog and saw that I might get the 69 today!

    Did you see on Shirley's report that I got a big 11 of them last night! Shocking!

  45. I love your video today BARB. I am all for the 2nd half. Never give up!

    EBJ, Seems TINA has set a precedence at the workplace.

    EBJ, Too bad they aren't a law firm, as they could be ......THE LAW FIRM OF COX & DICKS.

  46. I finally finished going through my paperwork and ran across, to my surprise, a packet with note cards labeled NIGHT OWLS. I don't even remember where they came from.


  47. Thank you again for your retirement stories yesterday. I feel better regarding my behavior. It also makes me happy to blog with so many great pet caretakers.

  48. OOOPS I meant to say last month in my post, not last night!

    I'll check back later when I get home!

  49. I guess I'm going to leave the display name the way it is...cuz I love when RONNIE, BIRDEE and JAX write makes me laugh! And everyone is was shortened to Zona a long time ago..thank

    TINA: You are such a goof..and I write that with love, admiration and a SMACK!! ;)

    TINKA: ..and you'll always be my cool cybermom... :)

  50. BEAR: I never met my either one of my great grandmothers..though they both lived until I was a teenager. I remember my mom talking about meeting her great grandmother though. My cousin has taken it upon herself to research my mom's side of the family (her mom and my grandmother were sisters). There is still a mystery as to why my mom's grandmother and her brother had to be smuggled out of Russia during the Revolution. It seems they only did that with high ranking members of the court of the Czar. So it could be interesting to find out just who she was...and who we are! lol..

  51. It's 83 here right now...that is just wrong..

    Waving HI to BEBBI, IBB, LANI, LL/NN and EBJ!!

    KGRL: I'll bet you, really!! ;)

    DIANNE: Come back out of your shy mode! :)

    Gotta go take something for this stooopid headache so I can watch Grey's tonight! bbl...

  52. Yes, Zona - it's NOT right that it's SO frickening hot here.

  53. okay - I'm going to HAVE to do this...

  54. iteach~ prayers for your family~ extra one for the Mr~

  55. I can't believe this :(

    Hubby just got a call that his grandpa (that he is really close to) just went to heaven.

  56. Hi Everyone!

    Just got back from going to the movies. I saw "Slumdog Millionaire" and I totally loved it.

    There are some harsh scenes, but the overall themes, "overcoming the odds, trusting in yourself and the ones you love, good overcomes evil" all translate so beautifully in this movie.

    I am sure rooting for this one at the Oscars for Best Picture.

    MEK~ since I don't have MS, can you let me know what kind of puppy you adopted? I remember several blogs ago you were looking at some puppies at the local Shelter, did you get Tug from that batch?

    I was so lucky that Olive was already housetrained, and liked to sleep all night when Laurie and I adopted her in November. She will go potty when we go to bed, and then sleep quietly in her crate until at least 7:30 in the morning! I am spoiled, I know! And on the weekends, I wake up around
    6 am, let her out to go potty while it is still dark, then put her back in her crate, and sometimes she will sleep until 9 or 10!!

    As long as she gets her daily walks (which she didn't get today, because it is pouring rain in Santa Rosa) or gets to play with the Grandkids, she behaves quite well. She can get naughty though, when she gets bored. Why do doggies just love dirty underwear?? I might understand if Olive were male, but for goodness sake, Olive, be a lady!

    SACBARB~ What a fantastic blog today! I really enjoyed reading it, and like many others was surprised when the author started reading it backwards! Very insightful, and I too hope that what she said proves to be true!

    Congrats on being your Sorority's "Sweetheart"! They couldn't have picked a sweeter sister than you, my friend. I am sure you will look gorgeous!!! and I can't understand why Sharon didn't want to be your date, LOL!

    WHABBEAR~ what a coincidence, my mother's name was Mary also! And my name is Donna, and you also have a sister named Donna! My Mother's mother was named Stella, but I have no idea what my great-grandmother's name on my Mother's side was. They came from Austria (the very poor part of Austria in the early 1900's). In fact, my maternal grandfather was married to my Grandmother's sister, and when she died, after giving him 5 children, he sent for her sister (my grandmother) to come over to America from "the Old Country" and she gave birth to 5 more kids! So, my Mother had cousins and siblings at the same time! Very weird, and kind of incestuous if you ask me!

    I hope everyone that is undergoing trials, heartache, stress and depression, will be feeling better soon. (((HUGS))) to you!

    Have a wonderful evening everyone.

    Peace & Love,
    Donna Jean & FamDamly

  57. ITEACH: I'm so sorry... I'm saying prayers and sending {{Hugs}} for your family!

  58. ITEACH, I am so sorry you have had another death in your family. I pray for your comfort.

  59. Iteach - I am SO sorry for your loss - my thoughts and prayers to you, Mr. Iteach and your family!!


  60. Donna Jean - no, Tug is not from the puppy litter from the shelter that I spoke about earlier - she is from our Animal Control place..

    she is a lab mix - black and white and she has a little mind of her own!!! She was the only black one in her litter -- everyone else was chocolate.......

  61. Good to see you DONNA JEAN. It is raining my way also, and is supposed to rain for quite a few days more.

    ZONA, My mother and her parents had to escape from Russia also. My grandfather was a Commander in the Czar's Navy. He escaped from prison. One of my mother's greats was a Decemberist. My grandfather wrote a book of his life in Russia and part 2 was his life here. People said it wasn't a good thing to be Russian and he tossed out that portion. To this day I am sorry, as I would have loved to have read it.

  62. If anyone believes we have past lives, do you suppose we were all together and blogged in our caves? :)

  63. ITEACH...I am so sorry for the your loss of Dean's grandpa. {{{hugs}}} and my deepest condolences.

  64. iteach: Believe, I know what you're going through. I am so sorry.

  65. Good Evening Hooters!

    Congrats on 1st scrishy!

    Great video Sacbarb! If that was second I would love to see 1st place!

    Zonabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby- I luv your name!

    MEK- scratch that little belly for me (Tugs, not yours)! :)

    Tina- I was at a meeting the other night and I was reading the Feb. Birthday list on the wall in the room we were using. One girls name was Lovie DeCock. Seriously. I started laughing out loud and had to turn the other way. I'm sure the other ladies thought I was a bit off bubble. There was nothing funny going on at the meeting other the my DeCock moment!

    Iteach-I am so sorry you suffered another loss. ((HUGS))

  66. Thanks everyone for the prayers, hugs, and good thoughts.

    We need them.

    Dean's side is a bigger Italian family then mine. Grandpa Avie was the glue that kept everyone together.

  67. Hello Again!

    MEK~ Tug sounds adorable! I would love to see a picture of him. You do have my email address I am sure. Maybe send me a picture when you can. And like Tinka said, the first six months are the hardest, then they settle down, and you can finally get some rest at night. The stars are beautiful at night though!

    My oldest daughter Aimee just adopted (from a breeder, though) a Golden Lab puppy, who, at 11 weeks old is already 25 lbs! You should see his paws, he is going to be one BIG dog! But, Olive can run circles around him. He is still a lumbering little guy, trying so hard to keep up with Olive when they have play dates. I sure hope they remain buddies when he gets older.

    LANI~ Hi to you too! Yes, pouring rain most of the day, and the news (NBC11 from San Jose) just showed more rain up the coast by Eureka to hit tonight. We sure do need it though. But, now that I am a Mother to a Doggie who needs to be walked, I am seeing the rain in a whole new light! It used to be that it couldn't rain enough for me. I would just curl up with a good book, maybe a Hot Toddy or two, or maybe even spend the whole day watching Lonesome Dove or Dances With Wolves, listen and watch the rain come down and love every minute of it!

    Now, Olive looks out the window with a sad look on her face at the rain (yes, she really does make a sad face) and she knows she isn't getting her walk to the park!

    I am missing the walks too. Ever since we adopted Olive in November, I have been walking every day, sometimes 2 times a day, and getting in about a mile. I haven't bought a pedometer yet, so I don't know for sure how many steps I am getting, like Bebbi, but I am feeling much better, and my blood pressure has dropped, and my jeans are now feeling a bit loose! I don't weigh myself, can't stand the surprise. It will be interesting to see if I fit into a smaller size next time I go shopping! Not telling you what size I am now, though!!! After all, it IS just a number!

    DONNA~ I am thinking about you and sending my love and prayers to you and your family. Keep remembering all the wonderful memories you have, and slowly, but surely, the day will come when the hurt will be less. It never truly goes away, but it does become bearable.

    ITEACH~ I also am thinking about you and the sad times you and your husband are going through. Please know that so many of your friends are thinking of you and sending all sorts of good wishes and support to you.

    Have a wonderful Thursday night everyone!

    Peace & Love,

    Donna Jean, Laurie and Olive

  68. OOPS! I just re-read MEK'S comment and mine, and I realized I called TUG a little boy doggie, instead of a little girl!

    So sorry TUG & MEK, I will not make that mistake again!

  69. Iteach,
    I am sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you and your family.

  70. Scirish,
    Congrats on first, are you freezin like I am.. Geez.. its 16degrees here.. Brrrrr....

    I spit out my water, Eunice looks divine, she is def all ready for Valentines Day. I just hope in life she has as much fun as she is having dead..

    Great Video, did not see the ending coming.. Thanks for sharing..

    Good to see ya, and good to hear Laurie Elizabeth and Olive are doing well.. Also glad you are feeling better and are up and about..

    Good to see you too, you have been thru so much, you wonder how we are able to find the strength to go thru the things we go thru, but somehow we find it... Continued thoughts coming your way.

    Ankles attacked.. LOL.. puppy teeth are awfully sharp..

    Lovie DeCock!! HA..LOL

    No don't drop the baby, as it might get bruised.. LOL

    So good to see your little brown owl up and about, which means you are feeling better.. Great news...

    Your Saturday sounds like fun, perfect choice for a sweetheart, You!

    Cox and firm.. LOL..

  71. Tina,
    You hit the nail right on the head! I had peas for dinner..

    So I really am a sweetpea, well just until I do # 2 tomorrow and they will come out of me.. One by One..


  72. ATTN

    West coasters!!

    DO NOT miss ER - I repeat - DO NOT miss ER!!!

    wow - they are having powerful last episodes!!

  73. Hi everyone!
    SacBarb~that took me by surprise. Very well written.

    iteach~ Please give your Hubby my condolences on losing his Grandfather. I am sorry your family is going through this so soon after losing your Grandmother. {{hugs}}

    I have been off line all day due to some family crises. My Niece Jamie and 2 of her friends were walking to their car after work last night and were attacked by 2 homeless men. They zeroed in on my niece because she was carrying a large tote. She threw it at them and told them to leave. One grabbed it and ran. My nieces friend (a male) chased after him while her girlfriend ran for help because Jamie had been hit and knocked out. For some unknown reason one of the men returned and continued to beat on her after she came to. Her male friend noticed this and came back to her rescue. I guess he beat the hell out of the guy and sat on him until the police came. My niece had a cat-scan and ex rays. She is being watched for a possible concussion.
    Please keep her in your prayers. I know it will be a long time before she gets over this. She is still in college while working and doing internships. She is the one I took to Europe with me.

  74. WOW Mary~ I'll keep her in my prayers~ The poor thing~

    Carol~ only you~ :)~

  75. Today was my friend Chris's birthday!!

    At work - we had four people with birthday's all in a row and she started them...........

    I just found out that her husband had a massive heart attack and surgery in NOV. - He has gone to the judge and asked that the man that hit and killed her - does NOT serve any time...... His hearing is coming up for the manslaughter charge.

    The man has been sitting in jail since last June - he can't make his bail - and Mr. Chris says that he has forgiven the man and since nothing will bring Chris back - he thinks that man has served enough time.......

    I'm not sure I agree -

  76. Mek,
    I saw ER, It was terrific.. you are right the epi's have been great...

    Glued to the TV..

  77. mary - that is terrible - I am having a hard time understanding why people do the things they do..

    It's mind boggling......

  78. Oh boy, Mary, that is awful.. I will certainly keep her in my thoughts.. That had to be

  79. donna jean - don't worry about he/she - heck, it's not like TUG is really a girl name!!

    but that's what it is......

    and tonight - i swear she had the devil in her.....

    put herself in her crate around 7:30 and just as ER was coming on - the devil woke up and was in FULL force........

    She just went back into the kennel - SO - I think I'm closing the door and going to bed!!!

  80. donna jean - don't worry about he/she - heck, it's not like TUG is really a girl name!!

    but that's what it is......

    and tonight - i swear she had the devil in her.....

    put herself in her crate around 7:30 and just as ER was coming on - the devil woke up and was in FULL force........

    She just went back into the kennel - SO - I think I'm closing the door and going to bed!!!

  81. Mek,
    I don't get it either, however than you have good in the world, As in Mr. Chris who is willing to forgive and move on..

  82. Double devil!!


    OMG - the high today was

    sorry - east coast...

    84 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  83. cpgem - I suppose you are right - I would hope this guy learned a MAJOR lesson and would NOT drink and drive EVER AGAIN!! If Mr. Chris gets him a "get out of jail" free card........

  84. Mek,
    That is the hope, we truly must hope..

  85. Tonight - her tail was the major source of entertainment... she'd catch it and then try to walk - naturally - ole' flippy was in my purse!! and not near by!!!

    Goldie - I rubbed my stomach - OH - okay - I rubbed Tug's tummy for you also!!!


  86. I love Jimmy Kimmel, his skits crack me up..

  87. ITEACH: I am so sorry about the loss of your husbands' grandfather. I am sending prayers and hugs to you and your family.

    MARY/MI: OMG, I hope your niece is going to be okay. I am so glad they caught at least one of the guys. People are so crazy and don't care about others so much in this world...I am also sending hugs to you and Jamie.

    ZONA: Don't drop the baby or I will call Social Services. I dropped the baby on your name long ago as my husband couldn't understand why I kept calling you "baby."

    SACBARB: This was a very different video and was surprised to see how it shifted. I am so glad you are the Sweethart of the Ball...nice friend "lending" you her husband! You know we will want to see some pictures of you.

    MEK AND ZONA: I am glad I am not in Arizona this weekend as it sounds too hot for me. I loved the weather when I was there. We are having the same kind of weather but it is not so beautiful green with flowers like your part of the country.

    JAX: I hear they are changing the name of Florida to Alaska...true?

    HEY TINA, have you gotten used to those new hours yet? I have to get up at 7:30 tomorrow so guess where I am headed very soon.

    Again, sending hugs and prayers to everyone that needs them or just wants them..I am so sorry for the sadness.

  88. MEK, thanks for the "double devil" laugh! Get some rest youn lady!
    I'll have you know our temps are on the rise too! It is now 17* YaY ;-}

  89. How awful MARY. I hope she heals physically & psychologically soon. It must be such a horrific trauma. Hugs to you Mary.

  90. Mary - we were 17 degrees ABOVE the average for this time of year.
    p.s. glad i could make you smile tonight...

    dianne - if you were to come this weekend - we are getting a huge storm that will be rolling in and temps will dip to the 50's!!

  91. okay - I am really off to bed.

    Hope everyone has an excellent Friday!!


    (waving howdy to Lani - i see you just landed!!)..

    Good Nite

  92. BARB, I am sorry I forgot say have a great time & I hope to see some pictures.

  93. Thanks to everyone who had kind words about the video blog today. I have a lot of hope for our children and grandchildren and all future generations.

    Bear, Your comment takes 6 degrees of separation to a whole new level.

    I am totally worn out today so I am going to bed early. Good night everyone and sweet dreams to you all.

  94. Mary, I am so sorry about your niece. I do hope she is OK. I will keep her in my prayers.

    I'm really going to bed now.

  95. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I will pass them on to Jaimie when she is better.

    Zonababy,I vote to keep the baby! We could shorten it to "Zonba lol!

    DonnaJean, you were very lucky to have Olive already trained. It does make the transition easier.

    Lani, I loved the candy on myspace.

  96. Good evening ladies...
    Lani... you still here...
    Good night Barb... sweet dreams... MEK... nitenite...
    iteach... my condolenses to the family...

    Mary... that is traumatic... let Jaime know we are pryaing for her...

  97. Diane.. thanks for thinking of me yesterday when Blinky was on PBS!!!!

  98. Our High today was 24*.. it is 10* right now...
    friday our is going to be
    45*...Saturday our high is going to be 57*...
    BRING IT ON!!!!

  99. hi IBB, Thanks for the thoughful comment. I love all my friends. It is therapeutic being here with friends.

    Whabbear, I forgot to tell you how I loved your earlier post about lining up the ancestors. What a visual. I have no info. on my GG Parents. It would be great to "jump-the-line" and see what they look like and listen to what they have to say. I would probably scare the ba-jee-bees out of them lol!

  100. Mary/MI: That is horrible! Please keep us posted!

    Kgirl: Wow... that's a fair bit back to know the people!

    Zona: Your GGGrandmother was smuggled out of Russia during the revolution? Wow. Wow! Please research, and report! Could be very interesting!

    DJ: Welcome back, here and on the Rossblog!

  101. Mary: I didn't mean that it's horrible that you would scare them! LOL!

    Glad you liked the "look back"!!

  102. Hi IBB, Say, it is really heating up at 57 degrees. :)

  103. I'll take 57 over 10 any day!!!!

  104. When I was delivering tonight I had 5 layers on!!!
    It was cold!!!

  105. Yes Whabbear I will keep the nest posted.

    Glad I didn't miss you before I head to bed. I was up most of the night with phone calls. Our Family is amazing. No matter what time of night or day it is or from what parts of the country we are from, we all reach out to each other in time of crisis. That is how I feel about my dear owls. Thank you all for being here.
    Goodnight sweet dreamzzzzzzzzz

  106. Whabbear ROTF! Thanks for the goodnight giggle!!

  107. Good Night Mary...
    Sweet Dreams!!!

  108. YOu guys hidding in the bushes ready to pounce!!!

  109. aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

    can't tell how long it's been!!!!!!!!!!

  110. Alright ... enough fun for me tonight...
    sweet dreams all...
    have a great day tomorrow!!!
    Have fun all who fly by later tonight...

  111. Oh.. that was supposed to say...
    "I get it"

  112. My sister just emailed me this.

    Man foils downtown Grand Rapids purse-snatching
    by The Grand Rapids Press
    Thursday February 05, 2009, 2:13 AM
    GRAND RAPIDS -- An attempted robbery was foiled early this morning after a friend came to the rescue of two women being robbed on a downtown street.
    Police said two women were walking on Commerce Avenue SW near Weston Street SW just after 12:30 a.m., when two men approached and tried to steal a purse.
    A male friend of the two women saw what was happening, and was able to retrieve the purse and hold one of the robbers down until police arrived. The second suspect fled south on Commerce. Police were searching the area with a tracking dog.
    One of the women was taken to the hospital .
    Much more to that story!

  113. scirish Congrats on first and so glad you are feeling better.

    SacBarb I really enjoyed the blog today. The video was very creative and uplifting. Thank you for posting it. I hope you have a great time at the dinner dance. You are always a sweetheart.

    Zonabaaaaaaaby I think you have your answer.

    iteach My sincere condolences to you and your husband and family.

    Mary I'm so sorry about what happened to Jaimie. (((HUGS))) to you and her.

  114. DonnaJean It was nice to see you here today. :)

  115. Sorry I didn't make it in earlier. Sweet dreams, everyone.

  116. Donna Jean: I haven't "talked" to you in forever! Thank you so much for mentioning me and what my family are going through. It's been more painful watching my husband go through the loss of his mother than it was for me to lose my own father. And to see my kids lose both a grandfather AND a grandmother within a week's time is just almost more than I can take!

    My son left last night to go to to his wife's parents' up north for a couple of days. Then they'll leave from there to head back to Va. Beach. He has to be back at work on Monday. I'm so grateful to his (Navy) Commanding Officer for allowing him to have all this time, and I'm grateful to the Red Cross for helping us get these TWO leaves he had to request. The American Red Cross is now my #1 Charity!!!!

  117. Mary/MI: What an awful ordeal for your niece and her friends! I'm so sorry to hear this, and she will certainly be in my prayers.

  118. MEK: I'm remembering your friend Chris right now in silent prayer.

    I couldn't sleep (as is the norm for me lately), but that's okay, because I was meant to come here tonight.

    In my own grief, I keep forgetting that there are so many of us fighting battles, feeling pain, losing loved ones, etc.

    I am saying a praying for everyone in the nest tonight, hoping to lift us all up and help the healing.

    iteach: A special prayer is being said for you right this minute. May God comfort your family during this very difficult time.

  119. Good Morning Everyone!

    Mary, so sorry about what happened to your niece. How awful and scary.
    ((((hugs)))) to her♥

    iteach, condolences to you and Mr. iteach♥

    Donna Jean, nice to see you. I hope each day is better and better for you♥

    scirish, congrats on first!

    ibb, wishing you warmer weather, along with the rest of us. sorry you have to work in this crap!

    Dianne, LMAO! Florida will now be called Alaska!
