
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

Flowers, for all of you, celebrate this day
as a mother, as a friend, as a daughter, as a loved one


  1. Birdee you hottie..

    Congrats on 1..


  2. I am off to watch the vid.. (like I have not seen it)...LOL

  3. CAROL - What a great video....and thank you for the little ps at the end. Ya got me there.....please pass a tissue!!!

    BIRDEE - Congrats on first!!

    MO - Congrats on third!!

    CAROL - Please wish Sarah a Happy Mother's Day from me!!!

  4. Geez.. Birdee, How the heck long does it take you to watch the vid.. lol..

  5. Jodi...

    Thanks, I shall pass you wishes onto Sarah..

    Enjoy your day!

  6. Jodi..

    Give your grandmother a great big Italian kiss for me.. ♥♥3

  7. I had a c-section with SAM, but I had the boys thru the vajaja!! lol!! I don't know what the hell I was thinking!! After my c-section, I somehow thought I was missing out on something, so I opted to have the v-backs with the boys. Let me tell you.....EPIDERALS are the best!!! And no CAROL.....I freakin' crapped like a little BIRDEE I know when I had my last!! Sorry if that is too TMI so early on a Sunday morning!!

  8. CAROL - She will love an Italian kiss from you!!! Thank you!!

    See if you can flip the Italian Stallions today.....maybe a special Mother's Day HOdown!!!

  9. MO - I got a beautiful rose bush from the kids...and I will think of you (and you avatar) when it blooms!!!

  10. Jodi...

    TMI.. not at all..

    My cousin literally pooped on the table as she was pushing out her
    daughter, she was mortified, she did not even know until she smelled it..

    I still a laugh about it now.. Not sure she does tho...

  11. Sacbarb sent me the following as a Mothers day blog, but I had already done the vid.. so I am posting it here, as I thought it was to good not to share..

    Awesome Mom

    Before I was a Mom,
    I never tripped over toys
    or forgot words to a lullaby.
    I didn't worry whether or not
    my plants were poisonous.
    I never thought about immunizations.

    Before I was a Mom,
    I had never been puked on.
    Pooped on.
    Chewed on.
    Peed on.
    I had complete control of my mind
    and my thoughts.
    I slept all night.

    Before I was a Mom,
    I never held down a screaming child
    so doctors could do tests.
    Or give shots.
    I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
    I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
    I never sat up late hours at night
    watching a baby sleep.

    Before I was a Mom,
    I never held a sleeping baby just because
    I didn't want to put him down.
    I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
    when I couldn't stop the hurt.
    I never knew that something so small
    could affect my life so much..
    I never knew that I could love someone so much.
    I never knew I would love being a Mom.

    Before I was a Mom,
    I didn't know the feeling of
    having my heart outside my body.
    I didn't know how special it could feel
    to feed a hungry baby.
    I didn't know that bond
    between a mother and her child.
    I didn't know that something so small
    could make me feel so important and happy.

    Before I was a Mom,
    I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
    every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
    I had never known the warmth,
    the joy,
    the love,
    the heartache,
    the wonderment
    or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
    I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
    before I was a Mom .

    May you always be overwhelmed by the Grace of God rather than by the cares of life

  12. CAROL - That was the night I totally took control!!! I had never watched either of my other kids be born, so I requested a mirror. Well, that damn nurse was NOT getting the angle right, so I grabbed the mirror and pushed @ the same time. My dr. said she had never seen anyone commandeer the mirror like I had!!

  13. SACBARB - Thank you for is all soooooo true!!! Damn....pass the tissues again!!

  14. Carol, loved the ending to your vid.

    Love my kid's, but....never been the same since... sacbarb, your poem, lovely and true!

  15. Carol, LOL! sorry!!!!! I was on the phone!

  16. Jodi, When I had my son, they gave me a gas mask to was great, but after a while, I guess they had to take it away. I kept hitting myself in the head with it. I woke up just in time to see my son born!
    With my daughter, I had nothing!!! I didn't realize I had started labor the night before. In the late morning, I called my Dr. and they said to get to the hospital.
    Well, I called my sister to come watch my son, the now ex was out of town for work, so the only way I could get to the hospital was to drive myself! Luckily, the contraction's came with every stoplight. Daughter was born less than 2 hrs after getting there! No time for any pain meds!
    I'm glad I learned about birth control after 2 kid's. That's enough for me!
    Now, I get to spoil the grandkids!!

  17. Birdee..

    How the heck old are you.. A "Gas Mask" I thought they used them in the 1920's..

  18. Birdee..

    You prob did not realize you were in labor cause you were on the phone!!!!


  19. Wait.. did they have phones in the 1920's ?????

  20. I know it sound's very old fashioned Carol!!!! But, That's what they strapped to my wrist. I had never seen one before either!

  21. I was NOT on Laura Ingall's farm!!!
    Never met her! j/s


  22. Ok.. now I am confused.. a gas mask strapped to your wrist.. did you have your son in Russia in the 1920s???

  23. BIRDEE - You are confusing the hell out of me....gas mask on the wrist?!!? Kinda like a really bad prom corsage!!! lol!!

  24. Morning Glories!

    Congrats on first fuzzy Birdee!


    Carol I was was laughing my butt off and then you made me teary eyed at the end. I lost my own Mother when I was 6. Thank you for your loving words and tribute to the Mom's who have passed.

  25. I Swear, Carol!!!!

    I will even go so far as to get the Ex to confirm that's what they used!!! LOL

    Never been to Russia, either!!!

  26. I best get off the computer....time to get prettied up for the day!!

  27. Birdee..

    You ex must be 100 by now.. don't think he will remember..


  28. Now the down and dirty. Mr. Lynn D and I have 5 kids. Thank god I only gave birth to two. The first three were from his first marriage. However I did go through the birth of their teenage years and that was very messy indeed!

    Our youngest son was first. Oh how he put me through my paces after a 75 pound weight gain during the pregnancy which I thought was punishment enough, he decided to give ole Mom a run for her money at the actual birth. 24 HOURS of labor! My water partially broke at my aunts house that day as I was laying on her white sofa. I swear to this day I felt him tear the sac trying to get out! I then proceeded to vomit purple grape juice on her white shag carpet.

    This really should have been my first clue that we were in for a bumpy ride! So labor pains would get going like crazy and then just stop. On and On it went. Did I mention I was doing natural labor? Foolish, foolish me. We finally hit the finish line the next day after a night of intense labor and no sleep. I remember my cousin who was there and a nurse telling me to push and push NOW, in my haze I thought geez they are being a little mean! So I pushed with all my might and the little sucker was born! What I did not know was that the cord was wrapped around my sons neck and the nurse and my cousin were very afraid for the baby and mad at the doctor. He came out just fine and started squalling right away. Myself I was exhausted. The doctor informed me that I had torn a little during the delivery and they would stitch me up. Well his idea and my idea of a little were very different, I consider getting 64 stitches from my vajayjay to my rectum alot. This is why men cannot be relied on for measurements! IMHO! I survived and the baby was beautiful! Perfect in every way. Then there were the teen years.

    After what I had been through with my son I decided the my youngest daughter was going to be delivered by a mid wife. A woman who would know how to measure and would understand what giving birth meant and what it did to my body!

    I gave birth at home and it was the smoothest delivery after only 6 hours of labor! The mid wife caught her held her up in one arm and said this baby weighs 7 pounds! They put my beautiful baby on the scale and 7 pounds right on the nose! Women are amazing! No stitches, no this will be easy just matter of fact birth with a compassionate yet firm professional!

    Looking back I really would not change a thing.

    Ok......maybe some drugs at my sons birth might have helped a bit! LOL

  29. I wonder if Zona, is still hiding under the bed.. I hope tho if she is she is getting nourishment, as dust bunnies just will not cut it..


  30. Lynnd...

    I am glad you liked it.. I know many owls are missing their mothers, so I just thought it fitting to let everyone know, they are with you..


  31. Oh lord I am laughing out loud here!

    Birdee a gas mask??? Carol and Jodi are cracking me up! Ummm what hospital did you deliver at?

    Jodi Comandeering the mirror! ROFLMAO! With my son they had me squat over a mirror trying to speed things along. They were hoping I would get to see his head crown. This was so stupid! I Could not see to tie my shoes or even see my toes. How in the hell they thought I would see his head crown to this day mystifies me!

    Carol thank god I did not poop on the delivery table! Barfing was enough for me!

    Once again women are freaking AMAZING!

  32. Wow.. Lynnd.. you are certainly my hero.. 64 stiches.. I am wincing just thinking about it..

    and a midwife.. no drugs.. just pushing.. wow oh wow...

    I def need you in my corner, please remind me to always me nice to you!


  33. Lynnd..

    I know about the pooping, that was really just awful.. and stinky to.. I would have rather puked to. Even if it was purple..

  34. Morning Mo I hope you had sweet dreams last night!

    I want to wish Mary and Dianne safe travels and good times on their up coming trips!

    The last thing I want to say is, that all of you here whether you have children or not are my sisters and in some ways my wise Mothers, as you hold me up and show me love and teach me about life every day! So celebrate today! ((((HUGS)))))

  35. Carol the weird thing was I felt absolutely nothing when he was delivered! When they say your body takes over it really does! At that point I had no clue that I was wounded that bad. The next day was when I needed the strength of 15 Mothers! I walked funny for two weeks!

  36. LYNN D - Very well said.....THANK YOU and back atcha!!!

  37. left, left, left, right, left!!!

  38. left, left, left, right, left!!!

  39. Jodi sending you big ((((Hugs))) for Mom's Day!

  40. Geez you just can't shut me up this morning! LOL

    I just wanted to say I loved the poem Sacbarb sent in. Every word of it true!


    If you are a Mom to 2 legged, 4 legged or any other legged species, Happy Mothers Day to you. You also deserve a Happy Mothers Day wish if you are an Aunt,Sister and of course as a Daughter. It means you touched a life and help shape it with love.

    Off to take my Mom to brunch- actually Mr. Goldie is taking us.

    BBL- Have a great day everyone!!!

  42. Happy Mother's Day to all my wonderful owl friends!

    Carol, what a sweet blog and you are so right, even if you aren't a mother, you still HAVE a mother so it's your day to share, too!

    Jodi, like you I had my oldest by a scheduled c-section (he was breech) and then I had my second son by vbac. Although it was not at all fun, I would choose it again as the recovery was a piece of cake compared to the c-section. I figure it's pay first or pay later kind of thing!

    Then I took the really easy way out and adopted! It didn't hurt one bit! LOL

    Have a wonderful day everyone!! xoxoxo

  43. JodiHO- Thanks for the card and it was wonderful seeing you yesterday. Inge Binge LOVED your card and you- I swear she is going to adopt you!! HUGE HUGS from us. :)

    Oh, and on the birth thingy. 35 hours of labor with 1st one and natural childbirth. I was f** insane!
    2nd one - 4 hours, in hospital 45 minutes and also natural childbirth.

    Ok, now we are really off for brunch...

  44. Happy Mother's Day to All Owls.
    I am just flying through. I am off to my daughter's house. Oh yes, Tango and Tia gave me a card entitled "From Your Loving Dogs".
    Teddy gave me one
    "To 'mom' from the cat". It says "You may think I take it for granted that you feed and pamper me every day. But I DO care, and on your special day I just want to say, Keep up the good work and Oh yes Happy Mother's Day." I didn't know I had such smart animals.

    Have fun everyone.

    Great blog Carol. I loved it.

    See you all tomorrow.
    Love, Tinka

  45. Happy Mother's Day!!

    My mother has just upset me SOOOOOOOOOOOO badly - that I will have to come back later today!!

    and - I'm just too upset to even write about it.......

    and YES, Jodi - it is WAY to early for us to be having such extreme temps...

    I hope everyone has an excellent day and I pray that mine gets better!!!

  46. Good morning/afternoon!

    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the owl moms!!

    We have no plans today. MR. EBJ spent the day with his mom on Friday, and my mom (and dad) just got home from Arizona, and are both sick.

    Sooo we will have a make up day for my mom when she is better. She has strep throat and bronchitis!

    I need to watch the video, so will be back!

  47. Happy Mother's Day to everyone~ My MIL and FIL and her Sis and BIL all showed up yesterday....with 4 hours notice!!!!! They came for the twins graduation.....WHICH ISN'T UNTIL FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!! God help me!!!! So....the Mother's Day the my daughter planned is postponed for 2 weeks.....and I'm off to do laundry~ Will catch up on the blogs eventually....maybe at work (thank God for that!) I just wanted to wish everyone a great day~

    Carol~ Love ur vid~ thank you~

  48. YES!!!!! now that's a present I'll take~

  49. Lynn D:

    The last thing I want to say is, that all of you here whether you have children or not are my sisters and in some ways my wise Mothers, as you hold me up and show me love and teach me about life every day! So celebrate today! ((((HUGS)))))

    This is the NICEST thing to say to us non-mother owls! Thank-you!!!

  50. Loved the video Carol!

    I've never given birth, but have been to hundreds of deliveries. I've seen some bizarre thingsin the genital area, like tattoos, pubic hair shaved into interesting patterns, and piercings.

    Most people who work in the in the delivery room don't pay attention to or get bothered by poop, it is just a natural part of childbirth.

    I've seen plenty of dads or support people gag and get wobbly when they see it, tho!

    I was always AMAZED at what the woman's body can do. Seeing a baby born after the months of pregnancy is no doubt the most incredible thing I've ever witnessed.

    OK time to get the laundry started! Have a nice Sunday everyone :)

  51. LYNN...If I had a daughter, I would consider it my greatest accomplishment in life if she were you. Thank you for the kind words. {{hugs}}

    CAROL...Wish Sarah a Happy Mother's Day from me, too.

    TINA...what can I say, except...better you then me!!! Put on a happy face and hide in the bathroom as much as you can!!

    Time to shower and head to the cemetary.


  52. Flying through before I start my lazy day watching shows that I like! LOL

    Whabby I am so glad you included yourself in that tribute because you and Joey were both in my thoughts as I was writing it, because you are part of my owl family!

    Mo that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a long time!

    Ok off to get a few things done and then a Vicar of Dibley marathon for me!

  53. LYNN D - Lazy day sounds like so deserve it!!!

    GOLDIE - Enjoy brunch with INGA BINGA!!!

    MO - You are so sweet.....:O)

  54. TINA - Congrats on 69!! Try to enjoy your day....but I think you gift more than makes up for it....ijs!! Sweet ride!!!

    ZONA - Thanks for the call!! I'm glad you could find a corner to call from!! SWAK!!!

  55. MEK - I hope your day gets better!!! ♥ U!!

  56. Happy Mother's Day to all of you..every single owl...

    We are on our way out the door right now for our trip but I will be reading (lurking as MARY calls it) all day long unless I take a little nap---no, I'm not the driver today.

    Great video and I love to hear you talk, CAROL.

    Yes, mother's can be trying and I wonder as you say that if my kids say that about me...probably...on the flip, regardless of there age are trying to "us" moms too! :)

    Hope you all have a great day.

  57. DIANNE - Have a great trip!!!

  58. Hey Owls!

    Happy Mother's Day to the Mom's! And Happy Special Day to those that make a child's life better by being there for them - whether they were born to them or not.

    I always dreaded this day. I haven't had my Mom here on earth with me for 25 years. And over the years as I realized that the babies that I thought would come to me, were not to be - this day became more and more difficult. But that was because I was focussing on what I didn't have and not what I had had or have. I have come to realize that I was blessed to have had a wonderful Mom for 25 years. I have 11 amazing nieces and nephews (and now 3 great niece/nephews) and I feel so blessed to be their Auntie. I have an old friend who calls me every year on Mother's Day because she knows it's a tough day - so I am blessed by amazing people in my life. And now I am realizing that I am blessed to have this blog in my life with such caring, wonderful friends who are always there for the good and the harder days like today! Thank you, my sweet Owl friends. And thank you Carol for a wonderful blog and video!

  59. VIG - Thank are a ray of sunshine and a wonderful friend. Your nieces and nephews are lucky to have you for their Auntie!! And I'm blessed to call you friend!! Big (((hugs))) from me 2 U!!!

  60. I'll bbl....have to go to a cookout @ my mil's!!

  61. Happy Mother's day everyone. I only skimmed the comments, as I am on my way out the door. I have to pick up some last minute groceries to leave my son while we are gone on vaca.
    I was in the middle of the vid, when for some unknown reason I had a strong urge to go to the bathroom (for real lol). Now I have to wait until I get back to finish watching it! Carol, you shouldn't have said "push" so many times lol!
    Vig I did notice you comment on the 25th anniv. of your Mom's passing. I know the feeling. My Mother has been gone 25 yrs ago today. She died on the 10th, which thank goodness was not on Mother's day that year. Her Birthday is May 24th. I did cry a little today, but then a few of my sweet facebook friends had me smiling and remembering the good times. Most, well really all, involved food lol! Mom's left us with wonderful memories of comfort food.
    bbl :+)

  62. put that so eloquently. You have such a great outlook on life. rather then dwell on what we don't have, relish and celebrate what we do have. You are so wise.

    I had my mom for 39 years, so I was luckier then a lot people.

    JODI, MARY, VIG, LYNN, JOEY, ZONA, TINKA...we are part of a special sisterhood here. I couldn't ask for better sisters.

  63. Big hugs to my owl friends who no longer have their moms {{{{}}}}

    VIG I too wanted to be a mom. Unfortunately, I married someone the first time who decided he did not want kids.

    I should have left him sooner but didn't. I was almost too old by the time I divorced him, but still had a little time.

    I didn't date for quite some time after divorce, then when I did, did not find anyone who I'd want to have a kid with.

    A friend of mine offered to be a "donor" for me, but after checking it out and legal stuff, besides him telling me he wanted to be involved (he is and was married),decided it wasn't the route I wanted to go.

    Anyway, I am ok with it, wished things had been different, but it wasn't meant to be.

    MR. EBJ did not have any "real" kids either, so it worked out ok. We just had Lilly, Paula and Poe (and soon to have little Nancy/Annie). They are and were our kids!

    I have a niece and 2 nephews who I adore, they all live far away so don't get to see them very often.

    By the way Carol my brother lives in Franklin Lakes!

    We just took Poe's cage outside and scrubbed it good. We have to do that once a month. I've cleaned all his toys and all his bowls.

    It's about 80 here today, so the cage dried quick and now my birdy is a happy boy, back on his nice clean house!


  64. I hope everyone is enjoying their day, today.

    My first born was my son and I was in labor for 28 hours. He's still late for everything. LOL My daughter came after only 6 hours. I was very sick at the time, and I was coughing so much while the doctor was trying to stitch me up, that he finally said, "If you don't stop coughing, you will have the crookedest vagina in San Mateo County." LOL Thankfully, there was no poop involved in either birth.

    I feel very blessed to still have my mother. She was/is an excellent mother and the best friend I could ever hope for.

    Birdee I am still speechless about the gas mask!

    VIG You have been a supportive and nurturing presence in the lives of all your students and you have improved their lives immeasurably. They were blessed that you were in a position to be able to do that for them.

    EBJ Where does Poe go while you are cleaning his cage?

    (((HUGS))) to all my Owl friends.

  65. Tina You got a new car AND a 69 today? You are one lucky lady.

  66. Hi JL,

    He has a play stand that he goes on while his cage is being cleaned.

    Birdee I've seen them put oxygen masks on moms in labor before! I've never seen anything that was strapped to the wrists.

    Also, most delivery tables have a little bucket at the end, so "stuff" can be pushed into it and not end up on the floor.

    Have you ever seen that show called "Baby Story" on TLC? They sometimes have women who deliver their baby in a bath tub.

    One episode I saw had a midwife who used a fish net (like they use at the pet store)to scoop up the floating poop haha!

  67. EBJ...i bet you have seen it all!! When I was getting P.T, my therapist was gorgeous. I was so nervous that I would let out a farty while he had my leg up in the air! I finally asked him if people do that and he said most everyone did! I was so glad to be in a minority on that one!

    I'm glad you are going to be bringing Annie/Nancy into your hearts and home.

    TINA...nice little gift! Does it make up for the in-laws being there for so long? LOL. Hey, maybe you could keep saying you need to test drive your new 18 times a day and escape!!

  68. Happy Mother's Day to all the Owl Moms, whether you're a Mom of a human or fur baby, and Happy Sunday to those who aren't a Mom. You (even the guys) have probably touched a child's life in a positive way at some point in your life.

    I went to lunch with my oldest son and we came back and watched the DaVinci Code. He just left to 'go home and rest.' I thought that's what he was doing here.

    His wife took her Mom to Lake Tahoe. This is the first Mother's Day since his father law died and his wife wanted to try to give her a happy day.

    Carol,I loved your vid and I did watch the Housewives of NJ. I was thinking of you the whole time and wondering if you knew these women. This should be an interesting show. I love the phrase 'a happy wife, a happy life.' And you can say ANYWAY as much as you want.

  69. Mo, I am not surprised to hear that most people getting PT fart during their treatment! hahaha!

    We are going to visit the kitten tomorrow, so I will put more pics on MS.

    We wanted to visit her yesterday, but when I called, I found out that her "surrogate mom" does not work at the vet clinic on weekends.

  70. I'm sending (((HUGS)) to all the Owls. I hope you all had a good day.

    MEK, Extra (((HUGS))) for you. I hope you could salvage the rest of the day to enjoy.

    Tina, My in-laws used to pop in on us all the time and we didn't know about until they knocked on the door. I would have appreciated the 4 hours notice, so I could leave!

    Dianne and Mary, Safe travels to you.

    Zona, I hope you are surviving your in-laws, too.

  71. Birdee, I must say, on your avatar...which end is up? ;-)

    MEK,deep breaths

    Thanks for the "safe travels" LynnD &

    Mo :)

    Diane, safe travels to you!

    Tina, did I forget to tell you Mr Mary & I will be staying a week with you and expect you to take time off from your job and the 'puter to show us a good time ?
    I know where you hide! lol!

  72. EBJ, I almost messed up your march to 100!

  73. blew weren't supposed to tell TINA you were staying there until 4 hours before you arrived! You gave her way too much notice!!

    Travel safely.

  74. Mary, will you and Mr. Mary be getting together with any owls?

    Safe travels to you and Dianne...

  75. God Almighty!!!!! I WISH it was Mary and Mr. Mary staying for a week!!!! I even have a place for Mr. Mary to smoke!!!!! From what I can tell.....i have them for another week at least~ I should have prayed harder at mass!!!~

    Mo~ behave!!!!!

  76. SacBarb~ I knew they were coming back.....but why in the hell did they come back a week before the graduation? It's just not right!!!

  77. EBJ, I am going to meet Tina. I was going to meet up with Diane/Denver, but she found out I was coming and got out of town lol!!
    I would love to meet up with Jodi & iteach, but I think Mr Mary is taking the northern route home through the Upper Peninsula where he has relatives.

    MO,I will keep my arrival date a secret lol!!

  78. Tina, I feel your pain! I have girlfriend who never calls before her and her hubby come over, then they stay until late. Many times I had other plans and had to drop them. I love her, but, well you know lol!

  79. Goodnight all. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. I hope you all have a wonderful week, especially you Tina;0

  80. I forgot to say goodnight to all the special lurkers :):)

  81. Good night everyone. Sweet dreams.

  82. Can't sleep. Too much fun today. Hope everyone had a great day. God Bless. Love, Tinka
