
Monday, July 20, 2009

The Laughter!

by Shirley

There is nothing like a child's laughter, it will certainly brighten anyone's day!


  1. Hehehehehe that is me laughing like a child!

  2. Morning Glories!

    Shirley I love this video! I have seen it before but it always makes me smile and laugh.

    I always wonder what is going through their minds that causes such belly laughs?

    Very cute!

  3. I love this video! I love the sound of babies laughing, it's so pure and unaffected.

    OK, so here's how the BL casting call went -- we got to meet Michelle, who is SO tiny (5'2" with a barbie-doll waist) but just as sweet as can be. We were in groups of 10 waiting to be interviewed and she answered everyone's questions. When asked to take pictures with her, she said she loves having her picture taken now.

    The interview was quick...a quick intro, then 4 short questions. Before going in to be interviewed, we had to do a short questionaire and one of the questions was about other family members who needed to lose weight who might be on the show. I didn't put Paul down because he just started a new job. My son is in the same boat but Sasha apparently put his name down on her paper.

    Less than an hour after we left, Sasha (my DIL) got a call asking if my son would be interested in coming in to do a callback interview with the two of us. My son, being the shy and practical one of the three of us, declined. We were then strongly encouraged to submit a video application because different casting directors view those.

    What we gleaned from this was that they are looking for certain criteria in the open casting calls. We suspect they want to involve a third or even fourth family member for season 9. After much thought, Jack decided he will allow us to put his name down, as will my wonderful hubby, and the four of us will attend the OKC casting call this weekend.

    And we're working on a video....

    Good morning hooters! Sorry I didn't get in here over the weekend but it was a crazy fast trip to Dallas, then Waco to see my DIL's brother perform with his band, then a loooonnnnggg drive back to OKC yesterday.

    Taking my adorable grandson Austin to his first swimming lesson this morning and lots of unpacking to do this afternoon but hopefully I can check back later!

    Have a great day all!

  4. OMGosh, I almost forgot ... Happy Birthday Joey! Quick note-I had to unfollow you on twitter because it seems your account was hacked. So sorry if this is old news and I just now became aware of it. Things have been so crazy for the last couple of months, I'm just now getting my electronic groove back on, lol!

  5. G'morning!

    SHIRLEY: OMG...what a great video!! It really did make me laugh..and I think it set my mood for the rest of the day..Thank You!!

    LYNND: Congrats on FIRST! I looked at the picture of your grandson and I could just imagine his laughter too..beautiful! :)

  6. CARYN: Have a wonderful morning with your grandson!

  7. From Area 51:

    DIANNE: We couldn't afford that motel.. ;)

    LYNND: I swear I'll try my best not to give this cold to anyone! :)

    MARY: Yay to painfree days! May they continue and multiply!

    J/LIN & EBJ: Now all I have to do is stop coughing cuz when I talk I kinda sound like a frog on helium.. ;)

    CAROL: I sure hope you are feeling better this morning!

    Have a great day good!

  8. Sorry for the quick fly-by. Mr Mary & I have to make another trip to the IRS office.This is our 4th contact with them, We have all the right papers, but they just can't get it right. We both agree we don't owe, but the powers that be (computer) keeps billing us and even took money out of Mr Mary's savings, a mere $4,000! BBL!

  9. Zona, now we have a "pain in the ass" lol!

  10. Lynnd.. Happy 1

    Caryn.. Sounds like fun.. and I think you are right, they are looking for extended families to join in.. Good luck with the vid.. and so glad all is on board..I hope you all go far.. that would really be fun..

    Shirley..Great vid for a Monday.. Sure did put a laughter in my step, that baby is so darn cute

    Zona.. Unfortunately, I am not feeling better, I wish I was, I am at work tho, as I don't have the luxury of taking the day off, that is the sucky part of being a buisness owner.. and the wonderful girl who works for me is on vaca, so here I am.. thanks for your txt and your concern.. ♥♥♥

    Mary.. The IRS are like big bullies, they get by goat.. I hate that they have the right to go into anyone's bank acct and take out money that they think is theirs.. Pisses me off..

  11. I am off..

    Hope all has a good day!


  12. Hi, everybody!

    Caryn, that would be totally fun! Good luck!

  13. Congrats on 1st Lynn D!

    Good morning Lynn D, Caryn, Zona, Mary, Carol and Whabbear!

    I think I first saw this video on Ellen. It's so fun to watch babies laughs. I would love to watch this video again but unfortunately since I downloaded Internet Explorer 8 I have not been able to view videos on blogger or MS.

    So Mek if you have made any more videos about the hole could you give me a written description please?

  14. Carol I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. It sucks when you have to work sick. I'd say you probably caught the cold from the gym. There are some badass bugs in thoses places. Take care. ((HUGS))

  15. Caryn that isn't a show I watch but I wish you and your family good luck.

  16. Lynn D I like you laugh! I always wonder what kids are thinking too, even when they aren't laughing.

  17. Good Morning Hooters!
    Congrats on 1st lynn.

    Adore the vid---what could be better than hearing babies laugh?? Nothing!

    Caryn- good luck with the video! I am so excited for you. Think of all the owls who will be there (in spirit) with you .

    Feel better Carol. Nothing worse then being sick in the summer.

    Have a nice day everyone- better get busy here.

  18. Zona I'm glad the video made you laugh!

    Mary I hope you get rid of "the pain in your ass" soon. Those are sometimes the worst pains to have.

    Ok I off to visit mum and get her some lunch. See you all later. Behave!

  19. Good morning Goldie! Don't work too hard.

  20. Hi hooters,

    That is such an adorable video! I have never seen it and really enjoyed it.

    A great way to start the day!

    Lynn, congrats on 1st today!

    Zona and Carol, feel better soon.

    Zona, Poe has been doing his "smokers cough" this morning lol.

    He is so graphic, right down to the "loogie" part. It is si gross.

    Caryn I've never seen the show, but if you guys are on I will watch!

    Good luck, hope it works out!

    MEK, hope things are ok in your hole.

    Mary, good luck with the bullies. I mean IRS.

    Hi to Goldie and Bear!

    Gotta get cawfee, bbl.

  21. Shirley, have a nice visit with your mum!

  22. There is no sound more beautiful than the laughter of a child. Thanks, Shirley!

  23. Lynn D; Congrats on 1st!

    Caryn; I hope you succeed. With or without the show.

    Shirley (again); Try updating your codecs to sync with IE8.

    Zona & Carol; What brave owls to be out and about when you're not well. Hope you both kick it quick!

    Whab; Wow. You're so talkative lately!

  24. Mary/MI; Sorry about your IRS troubles. Who in their right mind would go to work for one of the most hated agencies in the country?

    A big "Hello" to Goldie & EBJ!!!

  25. I hope I didn't miss anyone in my greetings. It's been hot the past few days so I flew on over to the beach to beat the heat. (Really, I drove but I'm trying to stay with the owl theme here).

    It was much cooler there (even though it's only a 20 minute drive) and I had fun cooling off in the ocean. I am still trying to get all the sand out of my butt crack.

  26. Happy Monday!!

    Good morning/Afternoon...

  27. Shirley - yes, there is nothing like a child's laughter...

    Lynn - congrats on FIRST..

    waving howdy to Lynn, Caryn, Zona, mary, cpgem, whabby, shirley, goldie, EBJ and bonacci, and all who land...

    I hope everyone has an excellent day!!

  28. Lynn D~ congrats on first~

    Caryn~ good luck with BL~

    Mary~ omg! I wanted to work for the IRS so bad....but the office is way up in Odgen....too far to drive and I don't want to live up there~ If I worked there, I would fix ur problem~

    Carol~ Hope you feel better soon! Maybe if you stop sucking face with complete strangers, you wouldn't get sick! ijs~

    Di~ I miss you~ :(

    DeeDee~ congrats on QOTD! See...those meds are good for something~ :D

    Shirley~ I know this is a cute video....but I'll know for sure when I get home~ :)~

    Hi to Zona, EBJ, Goldie, Bear, Bonacci, and Mek~

  29. Here is a video clip I took this morning, it is Poe telling Nancy to "get outta there" because she is close to the screen door.

    He has in the past few days started to make the sound of the squirt bottle (we sometimes squirt Nancy for jumping into his cage or chewing electrical wires).


  30. LynnD Congrats to you and Ritchie for arriving first today.

    Shirley Loved the laughing baby. It really made me smile.

  31. Afternoon owls!

    It is chaos at my house today. I thought I would have a nice relaxing day and just tackle an area in the house that is bugging me (well all the areas are but I thought I would start with one) anyway that was shot to hell. The mower tractor guy showed up to mow our back four acres for hay.

    I was told he would give us a few days notice! NOT! I can't get mad as he is about 100 years old and has no teeth, but dang. So I have the dog locked in the house so they won't get run over or try to escape out into the field. Boy are they ticked!

    Sorry Zona! Did not mean to hang up on you but Mr. Mower was opening our front gate and Seamus was eagerly awaiting his chance to escape!

    I will check back in a little bit later.

    Bonacci I always wondered about who would work for the IRS until I met Mr. Lynn D he has a cousin who retired from the IRS. He was such a nice guy tho and always tried to help people get out of their binds. He also did taxes for anyone who asked even neighbors. So they are not all bad.

    Tho I have had my run ins with the agents who seem to think the money is theirs! Go figure.

  32. Have you all seen this clip of the laughing babies? They are sooo adorable...


  33. EBJ I watched the Poe and Nancy video! LOL I love how Poe makes the squirt noise! LMAO

  34. Hi everyone!

    I have been running errands today...omg....moving faster than a Ft. Worth hooker takin' off er clothes!
    All done.....I have been wanting to share this all day...

    Babies and small children are amazing.......a friend wrote me last night with a cute story.....they had taken 2 of their grandkids to church and on the way home Katlyn (7) and Emily (5) had a little disagreement.....

    Anna Maria Thomas to me
    8:15 PM

    Ride home from church
    What we learned at church
    Emily: God's name is holy
    Katlyn: No its not, His name is God
    Emily: Its holy
    Katlyn: its God
    Emily: Shut up or I'll kick you in the nuts

  35. Quite a slow day on the blog!

    DeeDee that is too cute. Out of the mouths of babes!

  36. Lynn, Poe just started the squirting noise a couple days ago.

    He "squirts" her whenever she gets near his cage or too close to the screen door!

    He is really funny.

  37. Glad you all liked the video. Thanks for all the comments. I am heading to bed, I have to work in the morning. Good night everyone!

    Carol I left you a case of tissues with lotion in your room and a mask so you won't cough and sneeze on the rest of us. Get better soon.

  38. Am I the only one who goes berserk when I see those PDA/Cell Phone Junkies out in public? I don't consider myself a particularly insulting person normally. When I have a wireless run-in with people though, Evil Me takes over.

    I've seen moms who are too busy texting and tweeting to tend to their screaming children. Almost been run over by several people who are just too important to stay off the phone when they're driving.

    Evil Me has an assortment of insults to fling at these life forms. They are not pretty. I think I need some of DeeDee's pills.

  39. Good evening everyone!!

    Shirley, I totally love the sound of babies giggling. ;) Thank you for the cute vid.

    Dumb question , Shirley, are you still doing taxes? I think you posted earlier that you are off to work and I couldn't remember where you work besides doing taxes.

  40. Lynn D.

    A second grader that was in the room next to mine this past year was in a horrible mowing accident on Father's Day.

    She was standing behind her dad in his diesel mower. He didn't know it. He backed up and ran her over. On her left foot she lost all her toes. She also lost three fingers. Thankfully all her internal organs are intact.

    When you talked about the lawn mower guy it made me think of little Jessica.

  41. Caryn way too cool about the BL update. I hope more good news comes your way in regards to it.

  42. Carol I hope you feel better soon.

    Zona how are you and the Mr. feeling?

    EBJ that video was so cute. :)

  43. Mr. Iteach is in the running for six different jobs right.

    Can you freakin believe it?

    Our stomachs are such in knots right now it is unreal.

  44. There you have it. Carol's sick and the whole blog shuts down. I knocked down a wasp nest in the garage earlier today so now I have to guard the garage against ousted wasps trying to return to their non-existent home. What do they do in there, anyway? This really sucks because it's hot so I have to sit in the garage with the doors open or I will boil myself.

    The bugs are attracted to light, so the only light I have is that of my laptop screen. I hate those nasty things called June Bugs. Who ever came up with that name anyway? I've never seen them before July.

    I'll just sit here, guarding the garage. It's probably safer here anyway. Somebody brought cake over and the last time I was in a house with cake I broke an ankle and two ribs. That buttercream frosting is slippery as hell.

    I hope everyone is healthy in the morning so the nest can get back to normal, which is crazy to a normal person, but you all know what I mean.

  45. iteach, I thought I was alone here. Kind of like getting caught on the toilet with your pants down.

    I'm sorry to hear of little Jessica. I have always been so paranoid of kids around power tools and machinery. I hope the father realizes it was an accident.

  46. Iteach~ Poor Jessica~ Reminds me of the Hubby~ His mom was on the mower and she didn't want hubby to get on the back (when he was little!), but he got on cuz his dad always let him....she put the mower in reverse, it jerked, he fell off, and over his foot she went....luckily (?) he only lost part of his big toe! (definitely not his sexiest feature!)

  47. Shirley~ I finally got to watch the stinkin' cute! Hubby even stopped to watch it! :D

  48. Bonacci: Yep, I'm so loquacious today! LOL!

    Hi back to MEK, Shirley, EBJ, Tina and anybody else who waved to me today! :)

  49. Pookiebear how are yah :)

    EBJ,fun vid, I kept wishing Nancy would show more of herself.

    iteach,what a sad thing to happen to her. That happened to a friend of mine when she was about 10. She is a beautiful gal,but she has gotten a bad complex from losing some of her fingers and toes. She always wanted to be a dancer and gave it up because she was not comfortable showing her finger and toe stubs. Whenever she would drink too much she would bring it all up. Kinda sad.

    Bonacci, how in the hell did you knock the nest down and not get stung? We usually wait until dark to knock them down. June bugs are the worst! They come out of nowhere and scare the crap out of you! We haven't had a bad june bug infestation in quite a long time, just a few here & there.
    I also hat the text-driving idiots!
    I have tried doing it just to see how distracting it would be and I almost hit a bunch of mailboxes! and they do it on the freeway!

    I would tell yah all about the IRS visit, but you would be as confused as we were when we left. The main word was that we have to file a "reconsideration". It seems
    the IRS offices can only help people that make under 45,00, well between the 2 of us of course it is more. I had to keep Mr Mary in check, cuz I thought he was going to go postal lol!! I think he just needed a stiff drink and a cig!

  50. Shirley, I forgot to tell how much I loved the video! Had me laughing too!
    It brought back sweet memories of my boys at that age. Thanks.

  51. Good night sweet owls.
    Pleasant dreams to all and of course the sweet lurkers!

  52. Mary: LOL! Did you see Victor/Victoria?

  53. Iteach our Income Tax office is open every Tuesday, but another woman usually works. Once a month I go in to help her do the book work for some accounting clients.
