
Saturday, July 18, 2009

An Unlikely Pair....

An unlikely pair, as so it seems
but on second look, its the same
as we all need, the companionship,
the love, to be paired as friends,
love is the same, it completes us
no matter where its found

An unlikely pair, perhaps not!


  1. how the heck did i do that??????

    SHIRLEY...mark that down, wouldja?

  2. JUST LIN...LOL@ the QOTD!! Thanks!

  3. DEE DEE...hun, ummmm, that would be 3!! Good morning 2 u!

  4. Thank you! Good morning! Yes it would be!!

    What a delightful story.....animals amaze me....

    everything has a reason and a purpose on earth.....and I have learned not to discount anything or anyones contribution.....

    OMG what a load....I don't even believe that....move along...nothing to see here....

    now where are my pills....?

  5. CAROL...sorry...I seem to have set a new record...shutting down the blog before 9 am.

  6. That comment was funny Maureen...a great choice for "Quote of the Year" I think!!

  7. Good Morning Everyone!!

    Congrat's on 1st MO!! close for the #2 spot!

    Carol, Sweet vid. I remember seeing this on tv. Liked it then and even better the second time!

    unlikely pair??? hmmmm....some would say that 'bout Mr. B and I, but, we've been together 30 yr's.
    Come to think of it...there have been time's when even I thought we were an unlikely this morning!

  8. swearing is good for you...heard that on tv a few day's ago....
    so glad they said so, cuz I've been doing it for a long time now!

  9. DEE DEE...*snif snif* as you laugh at my sorrows...or are they super powers? LOL!!!! I think your pills are in the medicine cabinet, on the 2nd shelf from the top, left side. Please don't drive any heavy machinery until you know how the pills will affect you...ijs!!

    BIRDEEEEEEEEE...good morning! I think you and Mr. B are a perfect pair. You complete each other...LOL!!!
    Is the landscaping all done?

  10. swear???? I am shocked

  11. Thank's Mo! I think I may have to ask Mr. B if he think's so...LOL

    and yes, I swear MO! I know it's a shock. Hope you're not disappointed. LOL

  12. Morning Glories!

    Mo is Baaaaaack! Yippieeeeeeee! Congrats on first! I missed you my friend!

    Carol I had never seen this. Loved waking up to it this morning. Those two are so cute together, they look like soul mate friends to me. You just never know.

    I also think it is great that the people who run the sanctuary understand what a sanctuary means. That is so refreshing!!!!!

    Good Lord Dee Dee! I think we saw your real heart and self! What the hell are those pills you are taking?

    Hi Birdee! So happy to see you this morning too! Now you are landscaping??? Geez wish you would come to my house. I might actually get a closet or something cleaned out.

    From Area 51: Tina you nut! I love you too!

    I need more coffee just woke up and all of you are running together and my brain is having a hard time thinking and typing.

  13. From Area 51: Dianne I am beginning to think Tina might be a bad influence! Tina forgive me if it is the other way around. LMAO!

  14. Ok maybe I am crazy or the coffee is not kicking in yet but I keep reading the title "Grow an unlikely pair"! Lord.

  15. Good morning everyone!

    That was so beautiful, what a wonderful way to start my Saturday!

    Thank you Carol. :)

  16. Happy Saturday!!
    Good morning..

    MO - congrats on First...

    waving howdy to mo, deedee, Birdee, Lynn, Iteach and all who land..

    cpgem - thank you for sharing this "pair" with us today..

    I hope everyone has an excellent day!!

  17. Happy Saturday Owls.

    Carol, I love this video. It is a good lesson for us humans. If only we would really adopt it, we could avoid all this war stuff. 'nuff said on that!

  18. Good morning/afternoon, Owls!

    MO How the heck DID you do that? Congrats on #1.

    DeeDee ROFLMAO! I always take my pills first thing in the morning. That way I don't confuse myself.

    Carol Thanks for the update on that sweet story. I am impressed with the people who run the sanctuary as they must have had to seriously consider some of the offers, especially ones that did not include actually using Tara or Bella. The kind of money being offered would keep the sanctuary going for a long, long time.

  19. MEK Congrats on 25. Good marching!

    SacBarb Good morning to you! How's Chad doing?

  20. LynnD and Birdee Waving my wing at you. Only one wing, though, as the other is holding my coffee cup.

  21. Mo, good to see you back and at first too. I hope all is well with you.

    DeeDee, I thought you were going all philosophical on us there for a minute. It scared me.

    Birdee, I could use some help with the landscaping at my house when you are done.

    LynnD, Hey girl, how's it goin'? Is your daughter and family getting settled?

    MEK, Even if you got no cropping done, I bet you had fun.

    I hope all the Owls are well. I know I haven't been here much, but I think about all you guys every day.

  22. Chad update: Things are going very well. The infection in his leg is clearing up with the third round of antibiotics and the pocket in his incision has healed. There is only a band aid on it now.

    We are going to go to Costco this weekend and he is going to try to walk around the store instead of using the "granny cart" (his term). We'll see how that goes.

    The landlord has been fixing the shower since Wednesday. He said it would only take two days, but it still isn't finished. I am very tired of only doing a 'spit shine' every day. I really hope it gets done today.

    The weather here has been beautiful - mostly in the 70s. The past couple of days it has been in the high 80s and these people are complaining about the heat. It cracks me up. It was 108 in Sac on Monday. Chad says that's why he lives here and not Sac.

  23. Just-Lin, Howdy. LOL at waving one wing.

  24. Hi, Barb! Thanks for the update!

    Carol: I had no idea about that until watching the video! Absolutely fabulous!

    DeeDee: LOL at "OMG what a load....I don't even believe that"!!

    Lynn D: I think Tina and Dianne feed on each other; the whole is more evil than the sum of the parts! LOL!

    OK, we're heading up to Marin County this afternoon for a pool party hosted by... whispering now... lesbians! Wish me luck, owls!

  25. 35

    (had to break the super power that Whabby took away from MO!!!).


  26. Mo~ congrats on first~

    DeeDee~ lmbo....ur so funny~ the elephant and dog reminded me of me and you....guess which one you are?!!! :)~ ...and....i take my pills at when I wake up...they have taken effect~ ijs~

    LynnD~ I'll have you know....Di is a horrible influence on me!!! but i kinda like her~ shhhhhh~

    Bear~ evil, evil bear~ shhhhh...I think ur right!~ :D

    Hi to Birdee, Iteach Farmer, Mek, SacBarb Nurse, and J/L~

  27. Thanks for sharing Tara & Bella's sweet love story today, Carol! It's no secret to anyone here that my little brain often processes things through an odd filter of curiosity/humor/sarcasm.

    The first time I saw this vid my thoughts wandered to the shared etymology of the words 'sanctuary'(place keeping things that are holy,sacred, inviolable, confirmed/ratified) and 'sanction'(law, ordinance)....then back to Tara & Bella.

    Hmmmm,shouldn't some 'sanctions' be imposed against Bella and Tara? I mean, obviously they love and are 100% dedicated to and protective of each other; but they are, after all, "An Unlikely Pair". Shouldn't there be some law against this? Should Tara really be permitted to stand vigil over Bella for 3 weeks like that? Is it not an affront to the 'normal' elephant couples in the sanctuary??

    Just askin' :~)

  28. Hi hooters,

    Mo, congrats on 1st today!

    What a wonderful video Carol! I had seen the initial segment about the unlikely pair, didn't know there was an update.

    Truly heartwarming...

    MR. EBJ and I have been in the pool this afternoon, it's HOT.

    Bear, where in Marin are you today? I grew up there, parents are still there too.

    Barb, happy to hear that Chad is on the mend!

    Hope the shower is fixed.

    Mary in Mi, thank you for the Hawaii quarter! It arrived yesterday. So sweet of you!

    Shout out to DeeDee, Lynn, MEK, Birdee, JL, and Bono!

  29. MR. EBJ stopped at one of the local farm produce stands this afternoon and picked up peaches, and our famous (around here) Brentwood sweet corn.

    So for dinner we are having corn, salad with tomatoes from MR E's garden, and peaches for desert!

  30. EBJ~~ :-) waited 'til you got the march in. If you're still missing any quarters, send me a message or text and I'll check my stash from when I got several rolls trying to find one for Oklahoma.

    SacBarb~ I'd been checking and was so glad to see Chad's most recent blog update. I missed my dr's office's call by mere seconds Thurs. am for lab/blood results, called back immediately, waited by the phone all day yesterday (nada) guess I'm stuck here for a while :-(

  31. oh my crap! Carol~ I forgot to tell you I loved the video~ It was such a cute story~ Thank you for sharing it~

  32. Hi Everyone..


    Howdy.. u made first! :O)


    OMG.. I did not smile much 2day, but ur comment just made me.. "where are my pills" LOL..


    I feel the same about my SSO..we are so the "unlikely pair" I just hope one day I am Tara and he is Bella, cause then I can just sit on him.. and then say oopsie!!

  33. Sacbarb...

    So glad Chad is improving.. I knew he would, good thoughts are still being showered your way..


    I see your point.. however I guess Tara perhaps did seek out another elephant, but who responded was Bella, so they let it be.. which is somewhat like many friendships/love story's sometimes you just have to let nature take its course..

  34. SacBarb I'm so glad that Chad is healing and that pesty infection is finally on the run.

    Bon'O I hope your blood work shows you are in tip top shape. You made a very good point about the unlikey pair. ;)

    Carol Sorry you didn't have many smiles today. I was shoveling some raccoon shit. They like to poop up against the redwood tree and also on a certain spot on the back lawn. #@&%$!!!!

  35. J/L..

    LOL @ taking ur pills in the AM..


    Area 51..Well I hope to god that your were facing frontwards when you felt a sniff.. cause if not.. PPPPUUUUU


    Area 51.. so funny.. you had all the coupons and could not find anything to buy.. LOL


    Thinking of you and Mr Z..with
    wishes that u both feel better soon..


    Area 51.. I will be expecting a blog from u in my gmail... love when your visitors make you write blogs..

  36. J/L..

    I can't even imagine.. here in NJ.. shoveling raccoon shit, I don't even think I ever saw one..

  37. Just dropping to say howdy! It was hot here today so I spent the day at the beach, which was almost fun.

    For the record, my dogs DESPISE water. Mike Tyson is nothing compared to giving my dogs a bath.

  38. Hello Owls....TINA: I miss you and your ways of getting me in trouble all the time!!

    CAROL: Guess what? I wrote two...yes, two blogs last night while TINA was here. I don't think I will have any visitors for awhile so I may have to venture out and try and do one sometime by myself! I think I might be able to do it. :) Nice blog today. I hadn't seen this before.

    DEEDEE: Look at you jumping in and almost being first!

    BARB: I am really glad to hear that your son is getting better each day. I hope you can take a shower soon. Have you been able to keep up with the Bachelorette and Days while you have been gone?

    ZONA: I hope you and husband are better. It sounded like yesterday wasn't too great of a day. Is that air conditioner fixed?

    I think I will try and watch a movie I keep trying to buy on pay preview and then never watch.

  39. Hello everyone!

    I have had an interesting day with my mom.

    My grandpa officially has a girlfriend. My mother finally recognized it and totally freaked out today.

    My ma is the total opposite of me. She keeps everything inside and doesn't like to show emotion. So to see her get like this today was rare.

  40. EBJ your dinner tonight sounds soooo good!

  41. Bonnie, I will be waiting for your test results. :)

  42. Hey!

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Saturday!

    Bono thank you, I will let you know!

    I will wait along with Iteach for your test results!

    Iteach it was delish, so easy and yummy. MR. EBJ's tomatoes are so tasty!

    Tina are you home from Denver already??

    Poor Nancy, she had some shots yesterday. One of them was the 3rd of the kitten series, and the other was a leukemia shot.

    By last night she was so lethargic and felt hot. She wouldn't eat either.

    She has never had a problem with her other shots, so we suspect it was the leukemia shot that gave her the symptoms.

    We called the emergency vet clinic and they said it is a reaction to the vaccine.

    Poor little thing... I don't think she will be getting any more leukemia shots. She is and will always be an indoor kitty anyway.

    Today she is better, still feels warm but eating and playing and biting us again.

    Is anyone watching Big Brother??

  43. EBJ you are making me so hungry for peaches and tomatoes!! Yum!

  44. Di- Good for you for writing two blogs.

    I have two in my head too. I just need to focus and get it done.

  45. Hi everyone! Just stopping by for a sec. Mr Mary & I had to DJ a wedding reception tonight.I have never seen such disorganization! There were still babies there when we left! I watched the groom change his newborn's baby diaper on their table!
    Here is my all time pet peeve..
    Every venue we go to people always congregate where we want to load & unloading our equipment! You would think after running over their toes and bumping them with stuff they would take the hint and move!
    I think I need to take some meds & de-stress lol!
    Oh yeah, there were a lot of children their and one of the brides maids asked me if I had a certain song... it had the word f--k in it! I said not!!
    She said "can you play rap instead of all those oldies? wtf she didn't hire me! I like to mix rock, country,hip hop, and doowop. The dance floor was always full. Oh well you can't please everyone.. I'm off to de-stress>>>>

    Carol. loved the vid! :) I needed that!

  46. Good thing I wasn't in Michigan today Aunt Mary, or I would have made that bridemaid listen to the chicken dance song all night. :)

  47. We did do the chicken dance, & the hokey pokey, & the YMCA & the cha cha slide!

  48. See yah all tomorrow/today!!
    Sweet dreams!!

  49. Carol There is a raccoon or two in my yard almost every night. Sometimes there are skunks, too. :(

    EBJ I'm sorry little Nancy was feeling bad from her vaccine. She just may be a kitty that would do better only having one vaccine at a time. That's our policy where I work. We did have a client whose indoor cat contracted feline leukemia because of visiting with another cat through the screen door. I realize that possibility is very remote but it is possible.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.
