
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Swimming in an Ocean of Spit

by LynnD

My brain has been in a whirl spinning like a tin top you push up and down on, round and round, trying to process all of the negativity and hate that is running through our country right now. Pushing me to try and understand what is happening , leaving me to wonder where civility and being a good citizen has gone. Not even a thin veneer seems to remain.

I have decided that this is not just an assault or political war waged on just our President but on all of us who voted for him and even those who did not and still wish and pray he succeeds in bringing America forward and trying to right this listing ship.

This is what I feel:

When you cheer because the city of Chicago did not win the bid for the Olympic Games you spit on me and all of the Americans that saw an opportunity for jobs and prestige for hosting this event.

When an elected official yells liar in an address to not only our elected officials but to the American people you spit on me and all of the Americans who expect decency and respect for the office of our President.

When you as an elected official go to China and tell the Chinese not to trust the current American government you spit on me and all of my fellow Americans because China holds the card to our financial future presently.

When you as an elected official go to a country to commiserate with a military regime that gained power by coup in a democratic nation, and our President and State Department have decided not to recognize this government you spit on me and all Americans by trying to disrupt the foreign policy of this country.

When you as an elected official get out and make outrageous statements about the census and incite violence you spit on not just me but all of the brave people who are census workers and trying to do a job to support their families. Yes now a census worker is dead murdered in Kentucky.

When you as an elected official can’t or won’t understand why this country needs health care reform and make fear inducing statements to cause panic and keep the status quo alive you spit on me and on the graves of the people who died from lack of health care or lack of oversight of the corporate insurance companies who denied them that much needed care.

When you call our President a Nazi, a Socialist a Communist you spit not only on me but the other people who elected this man our President.

When you make comments about our President not being good enough or deserving of the Nobel Prize again you spit on me and every one in this country as we try to hold our heads up and be proud that our President was recognized as someone trying to reach out to the world for our benefit.

I keep asking myself how much more can or should we take? Is it asking too much just for some civility some common sense for the common good? When should I get mad and fight and spit back?

Then in a moment of clarity it dawned on me I don’t. I follow my Presidents lead and let these poor sad and pathetic people spew their venom because they are afraid, of what I am not sure, change in so many forms swirling around, a shift in the social makeup of our society, and a country pushing past growing pains, that need to happen, is and will always be painful and not with out learning how much we can take.

So I will throw my shoulders back, straighten my spine and hold my head proud that I voted for this President and hope and pray that he is strong and can guide us back to the prosperous and caring country I know we are. Keeping in mind he is one man and will make mistakes but hopefully keeps pushing forward for the good of all Americans.


  1. LYNN...Your passion and compassion shows in every word you write. There will always be ignorant people out there being elected to offices for the wrong reasons. I guess in a skewed sort of way, it is one of the priviledges and freedoms of being an American. We have to be thankful we can swim in the spit instead of drowning in it.

  2. where the heck is everyone????????

  3. Mo...

    Happy 1st.. and Happy four days off.. starting today!


  4. Mo..

    I am here, waving @ ya! do you see me now???

  5. Morning Glories!

    Congrats on first Mo!

    Mo thank you! It was a day where I was letting in the pain I feel from around the world. I am sad and mystified why we are putting up with behavior that to me in a civilized society should be shunned. Just a few years ago some of these people would have been called out as unpatriotic and more years back even called treasonus.

    I just don't understand what they hope to gain. Political points, revenge for imagined slights, I don't know. I have no problem disagreeing with policies or even moral issues it is the hatred and venom and lengths that some are willing to go to that I find selfish beyond reason.

    It is not about we, but about them and the power they seek. No answers or ideas to help solve the problems or even trying to find middle ground. I am tired and weary of, if you don't agree with me then you are against us and therefore not one of us.

    Don't know who the us is but I have never been one to be satisfied with just one group or one group thinking.

    More than likely the blog has scared many into not posting. That is fine. It is a tough subject that will induce emotions all over the map.

    Love you all!

  6. Morning Carol did you steal some Beans? Gas or not sell them and make coin! LOL

  7. Good Morning Hooters!!!

    Congrats on 1st Mo!!

    Lynn, I bow to you, your thoughts and your written word. You do not have to like our President, our elected officials or anyone else for that matter, but you they always DESERVE our respect. I happen to agree with everything you said and am proud I voted for this President. I did not vote for the last President, and I didn't agree with much he did- but I respected his office, and the American people who voted to put him in that office.

    Hope everyone has a great day. I am trying to get adjusted to new bifocal contacts today- can't see crap!!! LOL

    Hi Carol!!

  8. Good morning,

    Lynn, wonderful blog. I agree with what Mo said. It would be so powerful if everyone worked together instead of butting heads, antagonism, etc.

    I will write more later, I must get ready for work.

    Congrats on 1st Mo!

    Have a great day everyone!

  9. What a great contribution Lynn. You hit the nail on the head. Politics have become so vicious. Sometimes I think we would be better off if we did it the British way and the politicians had fist fights occasionally and they got the hatred out of their systems. Congressman Grayson gave a great speech the other day. To put it in a nut shell, he said the people don't care about personalities, or party lines, they want help. A lot of us were terribly upset about the Iraq war, however, I can not recall people calling the president a Nazi or wishing him dead. To wish any president to fail is not love of country, it is UN American.

    I haven't forgotten any of my Owl friends. I hope all of you are well and happy.

  10. Congrats on 1st Maureen!

    Good morning Carol, Lynn D, Goldie (I'm right in front of you waving...can you see me), EBJ and Lani!

    Powerful blog Lynn. I don't know why it would scare anyone away from posting. They don't have to agree with you, they should just respect your right to voice your opinion.

    On a lighter note...why did the pig cross the street?
    Cause Carol was chasing him! HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA! (you know, for the bacon)

  11. Lynn..

    Everyone has a opinion when it comes to the President, the same thing happen with President Bush and all the others before him. Whatever the President does, or gets, or even breaths its going to be national news with many ppl agreeing or disagreeing, I guess depending on the "side" you are on. Unfortunately we have to stand by and watch it happen even tho it makes our blood boil. What we can do tho is write as you did and remember the belief in you that you have for our President, and know that your belief cannot be questioned and will carry you thru.

    If the committee felt our President deserved the award then I say Congrats. I am not familiar with the doings of the Nobel Offerings so I really don't have a opinion either way.

    I will say this, I am not for reform health care, I don't want to pay for others to have insurance, I only want to pay for me. And I will raise hell if I ever have to pay for a illegal person living in America health insurance.

    Perhaps you and I agree or disagree on some things, but please know this, I would never spit on anyone for their right to a opinion. I will stand by anyone's belief, and will keep my spit to myself.. make sense?

    I also know this.. Politics is for the birds and does what many birds do.. shit on ppl's heads.. :O)

  12. Lynn..

    No blog can ever scare me away..


  13. Waving.. to..


  14. Shirley..


    OMG.. I am starving..

  15. Shirley..

    Why oh Why did ya have to mention BACON!!!!!


  16. Morning Everyone!
    It seems that it’s my turn to have the screwy week! It started Sunday when SO thought he had had a stroke. When he woke up Sunday morning, he had no control of his left hand and parts of his arm were numb/tingling. I did all the stroke tests with him and he had no other signs, but he was nervous, so off to the ER we went. After 4 hours and a CAT scan (which his crappy insurance won’t cover) it is determined that he has a compressed nerve/tendon. Which is what I told him that morning…..Hmmmpht! I shoulda been a doctor ;-)
    So then, the guy that I finally found to remove the stump the size of a Volkswagen from the tree that fell, decided to start Monday instead of Wednesday. He’s still here…
    Then, my BRAND NEW laptop crashed. AFTER I got all my stuff loaded from the old one. Of course I had just bought the DVD’s to do the back up, but hadn’t done it yet. I still don’t have everything reloaded.
    Next, SO spilled coffee all over his BRAND NEW (expensive) wireless keyboard. In an effort to save it, he poured rubbing alcohol in it while holding it over the kitchen sink. Needless to say, he missed the sink. Did you know rubbing alcohol will make wax turn all white? After working on it for a while, I got the white off, but the floor still looks spotty. But since I pulled a muscle in my groin trying to fix it, it will have to stay that way for a while. The jury is still out on whether the keyboard was saved.
    That’s my week so far, I won’t even get into the puking animals, dead car battery or the sawdust storm. I need this week to end. Now.

  17. So this is what I don't get???

    Why am I screaming BACON!!!!????

    Duh! cause I love it..

  18. Lynndeeeee...Very well said! The hatred really bothers me too. It bothers me even more when it comes from someone who should know better.

  19. OK.. I gotta start working, I have been here since 9a and have done nothing but be on here and chat with my cousin....

    Thank goodness I have a understanding boss ;O)

  20. scrishy! You poor thing, hang in there- the week is almost over.

    Bacon????? Now I want bacon!!

  21. Mark that down Miss Shirley!!

    Waving to all of you- glad to see you Lani and EBJ and Scrishy and Shirley!!

  22. I came back to tell you guys..

    Its fucking freezing here in NJ I have all winter clothes on.. and its raining.. The cold weather happened way to fast..

    I miss my flip flops..


  23. Goldie...

    I know I want BACON! too..


  24. All of a sudden I want breakfast!

    Carol...It is freezing here too! We're supposed to get your rain in the form of SNOW...It's not even Halloween yet! Where the hell is the beautiful New England Fall weather???? I think we had one day and slid right into winter.

  25. CAROL...It's fucking freezing here, too. I am supposed to get snow tomorrow. Bah humbug. Maybe some BACON would make me feel better.

    SCIRISH...sorry you had such a nasty week. It means next week will be really super-duper good! Hang in there.

    GOLDIE...I didn't even know they made bifocal contact lenses. That's cool! I'm sure you'll get adjusted soon.

    EBJ...Have a good day at work. It seems so together and things will be better. It seems to be a matter of power, ego and one-upmanship. Oh, and general meaness. good to see you here!! Does this mean you are back to stay a while?? just had to mention bacon, didn't you. You could have at least made some breakfast to go along with it. Thanks for nuttin, ya tart!!

    CAROL...I hate to say it, but you are already paying for the un-insured and illegals health your taxes and premiums and co-pays...we all are.

  26. Oh, boy, am I conflicted on this topic, Lynn D! It is SO difficult to separate the way I refer to and treat the president from his or her politics.

    Understand, please, folks: For me, politics is very personal. It is extremely difficult to have a president in office who actively discriminates against me and deliberately belittles me, disrespects me, and seeks to restrict my rights and freedoms based on nothing more than religious bias and animus. It is VERY difficult.

    In particular, it is very difficult to hold to the notion that I should treat that individual with respect and honor him, just because he's the president of the United States.

    I'm afraid that I didn't treat our former President with respect and honor. I just couldn't.

    So, now, the shoe is on the other foot, and a president who I like and admire happens to be in office. However, that means that there are millions of people out there today who disagree with him very profoundly on issues, much the same way that I disagreed with the former president.

    I can't be hypocritical here. If I don't feel that I could bring myself to respect the former president, I can't demand that now, when the tables are turned, those on the other side have to show more respect than I did.

    This is very complicated! :)

  27. I have been reading everyones thoughts on these matters and a few things popped into my head.

    Health care to me is very simple. What is a persons life worth? Who gets to decide? Do I decide that someone who is to poor and can't afford insurance does not get or deserve proper care? NO and there should be no decision about it. It is a human right a basic need. Just as I feel that no corporation should be allowed to make that decision based on a profit margin.

    Is my worth as a person determined by the fact that right now I can afford health insurance? Notice I say right now. I could lose that tomorrow and then what do I do?

    Whabby it is personal I think to everyone. It is a hard line to walk. I will say I hold a much higher standard to our elected officials. They have, in my mind a duty to act as statesmen and women and a duty to not undermine in devious ways with lies and venom. I expect them to play nicely with intelligence and wisdom. I know idealistic and simple thinking but there it is.

    I addressed my displeasure with the last administration by my vote and that is how it should be.

    Last question why is it so easy to understand why we need a fire department, a police force, public schools etc... and yet we balk at paying for health care. I just don't get it. I can't wrap my mind around it at all.

    If you have not been to a hospital lately I challenge you to spend one hour in an emergency room and see the need and human suffering and tell me that the current system is working.

  28. Lani so happy to see you in the nest. I missed you!

    Carol I am now craving bacon dammit!

    Goldie close one eye maybe the contacts will work like your glasses!

    Scrishy I thought I was having a crappy week but you win! I think things can only get better on your end!

    Waving at Shirley and EBJ!

    PS it is freaking cold here to! We went from warm beautiful weather and bam into freezing temps and rain! No in between this year so far.

    They keep say El Nina is to blame who the hell is El Nina? I want her to have a civil talk with Mother Nature right freaking now and work this out!

  29. MO Congrats on first today! I love smelling bacon first thing in the morning. :)

    Carol I see that the bacon smell got you into the nest this morning.

    Goldie It must be weird to have foreign objects in your eyes. I hope you get used to them soon.

    EBJ Hope you have a good day at work. I forgot to tell you that I think it is so cute that Poe is now saying Nancy's name. Now he can say "Nancy, NO!" LOL

    Slani What were you doing up so early? Or did you never go to bed?

    Shirley I like your haunted house.

    scirish So, what's new? LOL

    Bear I understand what you're saying.

    LynnD I didn't agree with our former President's policies, but I never wished him to have a brain tumor or to be assassinated. I never wished him to fail on the international front, as that means I would be wishing failure for our whole country. It amazes me that some people's need to be "right" is more important to them than wishing success for our country. The hatefulness and venom is downright disturbing. Of course not all people who dislike Pres. Obama and disagree with him are like that. Everyone has their own opinion and that is fine. I find it very disturbing though, that those people who are filled with hate feel safe in spewing their venom publicly.

  30. Other westernized nations think we are nuts not to have health care for our people.

  31. Goldie You could see well enough to get 25! Congrats!

  32. Holy cow. If anyone is watching the news there is a 6 year old afloat in a homemade helium balloon in Colorado. Unfreaking believeable! CNN and MSNBC are both covering it!

  33. WHABBY...I think there is a difference in respecting the person and respecting the office. I think there are a lot of people that have "bashed Bush" but still respected the office. And there is a difference in elected officials, that are supposed to be the voice of the people that they represent and should show more grace, professionalism and decorum.

    Don't really know if that made sense!

  34. LYNN...they just broke in the local channel with that story. How scared that little boy must be. How are they going to get him down safely? OY

  35. AOL just posted that the balloon landed and the boy was not inside.

    Was he ever in it? Did he fall out? Geeze this gets scarier.

  36. Mo I know! I am hoping he untethered the balloon and is hiding afraid to tell Dad and Mom he did this. This is just crazy. I can't even think about the worse case scenario!

  37. OMG..

    The balloon boy???

    I can't even believe this..

    Why would a couple be building a big balloon?? and have their son go in it??


  38. This family was on wife swap.. I saw the epi they were on I remember the mother was a storm chaser, and very crazy!!!!!!! but the other mother was just as crazy..

  39. Lynndeeee...As I mentioned earlier, I had the pleasure of spending 4 hours in the ER recently. One of the reasons a visit to the ER takes so long, is there are way to many (illegal???) immigrants using the ER as a doctors office. While we were there we saw a child being treated for pink eye and another child being treated for tonsillitis. In both cases, neither of the parents spoke English. Since my state has mandated that everyone must have insurance coverage in order to retain their income tax exemption, it is safe to assume that these people were not here legally as both private and the state funded insurance plans would impose penalties for using the ER for that type of illness. This boils down to the fact that RIGHT NOW without anything being changed, we as taxpayers ARE paying for other peoples medical needs. Should it be organized so that we pay for an office visit rather than one to the ER? Hell yeah! There are a lot of things about the proposed Universal Health Care package that I'm on the fence about, mainly because Massachusetts has had severe financial repercussions from it on just a statewide basis. I also have reservations based on what SO's Canadian relatives have told us about how their program works and how it doesn't. We need to change what we have, but it seems as not enough research and deliberation is being done. Why is no one looking at what went wrong in MA? Why is Craig going to have to pay a huge hospital bill for a very real possible emergency and the people with pink eye are going to pay nothing??? Craig's company only offers a high deductible plan, which he pays for weekly and then must pay the first $5000.00 of expenses. Yet to the MA state government, he is considered insured. Huh? I don't see how in the world this new health care bill can possibly have enough thought behind it to correct these types of issues.

    Whew....Done babbling now.

  40. LYNN: I am often stunned at the things that come out of some politicians mouths. They often speak without thinking of the consequences. They seem to delight in 'sicing' us on each other..just to win their point. I stopped watching political talk shows for just this reason. The hosts would make the most outrageous claims, with little or no facts to back them up..then just sit back and wait to see what happened as the shit hit the fan. If people got be it..on to the next topic. Sadly, I think it's all about ratings and votes...and whatever has to be done to get them.

    I think there are people on both sides of the aisle that are guilty of thinking of themselves first..and everyone else later or not at all..and that is sad because they were elected to serve the country..not themselves.

  41. Lynn ...I think you and I are....oh! wait a minute have a little coconut between your teeth....there....I think you got it......
    to continue.....we think along the same lines....but as mad as I get about it all...sometimes I think they are just actors on a stage chosen by the real powers that be to play a part...its that hard for me to believe what I see and hear..

    But in a talk....Nancy Pelosi tearfully said that people have to curtail their actions because she has seen what it can escalate too......shes referring to the murder of the mayor of San Francisco and Harvey Milk.....

    I don't recall there ever being so much hate filled emotion....ever...even for George Bush...and so many of his actions were criminal.

    I have this to say though....Barack has been invited to a republican state to speak at a conservative university by a former president who happens to be republican....and I cannot imagine any other place where he will be welcomed as warmly as Texas A&M University...

    Thats just how we roll.....

    Tina Update: Tina is about 2 hours and 40 minutes from Honolulu...Landing about 7:50p CST....2:50p Hawaii time......

  42. Well.. the boy was found in a attic in a box????


    I just don't get it, what are these parents thinking??

    And why would the child go into the attic and hide in a box for hrs?

    Something is amiss..

  43. Dee..

    Thnks for the update on Tina, I hope she bought her Hula Skirt!

  44. It is 39degrees here in NJ, which is totally January weather..and the rain keeps a coming..

    I am off to get my nails done..

    Greys 2nite and Project Runaway, a perfect nite to stay in and watch the telli..

    Oh and I have to farm ;O)

    see ya all later..

  45. Shirley.. Shirley.. Shirley..

    Mark that down please.. 50!

  46. DeeDee Thanks for the Tina update. I was wondering where she was. How fun for her to be spending time in Hawaii!

    Carol I'm looking forward to Grey's, also.

  47. Oh, Carol, I forgot to say congrats on nabbing 50!

  48. one

    Tinas plane landed a few minutes ago and she texted me as they taxied to the gate..."get me off this plane! I gotta pee and my butt hurts!"

    I wrote back...."But you gotta pee and your butt hurts in Hawaii....bitch!"

  49. DeeDee Your last post was my first LOL Guffaw moment of the day!

    Tina's the lucky brat is in Hawaii!

    Thank you all for your wonderful posts today. These are such complex times and sometimes it is so easy to feel pushed down by forces out of control. I hope by writing things out and reading others thoughts helps bring us together and gives us an understanding of how we each feel and think, as we try to grapple with it all.

    Yes Zona you made sense. Now go back to bed and get over your bronchitis! I really really mean it!

  50. Happy Early Birthday Maureen! Does this make you the oldest owl now? (hehehe) Wait a minute...I SAID, DOES THIS MAKE YOU THE OLDEST OWL NOW? Could you hear that? (hehehe)

    I made you a pig cake with bacon flavored frosting. Hope you like it!

  51. Hi hooters,

    I didn't know Tina was going to Hawaii... lucky, lucky gal!

    I found out today that I have a raging uti, finally decided to do a test after a couple days of worsening symptoms, and sure enough!

    Don't think I have had one in 30-some years.

    JL it is really funny to hear Poe say NANCY, he hasn't said it too much so far, but he says it pretty clear.

    Scrish sorry for all the bad stuff lately... geez!

  52. SHIRLEY...Thanks. That sounds, ummm, delish...I think! I guess it's the thought that counts!!

    EBJ...feel better.

    DEE DEE...thanks for the update on the bitch...I mean TINA! I guess she has gotten leid by now! Did she go alone?

  53. J/L.. thanks!

    Shirley.. LOL on what you said Mo!

    Whabby.. totally see your point, and yes very complicated...

    Tina.. go pee and massage ur butt!

    Mo.. almost..the time is ticking..

    Zona.. sorry u don't feel well here is some happy blue just for you!

  54. EBJ.. what the heck is a "raging uti"?

  55. Well....I've pee'd and pooped and eaten and checked in and got upgraded.....i love Marriotts~

    Mo~ congrats on first~

    LynnD~ I read your blog the other day (I rarely do fact, I've only read ahead of time once) and the one thing I really had a hard time with was Obama's Nobel~ I don't get it! I truly don't. To me it's on the same scale as the beauty pagent contestants being asked their "question" and them saying they "want world peace!" The intent is there...give THEM the Nobel!!! He hasn't done anything yet! And he was only in office 2 weeks when he was nominated. It makes no sense! I don't get why they didn't wait until he actually made a difference in the world~ I know most of you (but not all of you) disagree with me, but that's just how I roll~

    That said~ DeeDee~ I think it's fantastic that he's coming to A&M~ I hope you get to smack is ass~ And if you do, innocently tell him that it's from me~ :)~

    well.....i've got to call Kgrl~ 88 degrees a little too much for all of you? :D


    It isn't Friday here yet, but I will be fast asleep when it is, and wanted to be one of the first to wish you a happy day!

    Carol, uti stands for urinary tract infection. Owieee!

    Aloha Tina, hope you have a fab trip. Are you spending time with Kgirl again?

    Nite everyone!

  57. EBJ...thanks!

    CAROL...the ticking tocked.

    TINA...say hi to KGIRL for me. have a really beautiful voice. Thanks!

  58. EBJ..

    Well that makes sense.. and yes Ouch!


    Happy Happy Birthday!!!!

  59. I am off to bed..

    c u all tomorrow..


  60. Maureen....

    Tina has her 14 year old daughter with her....the sweet child....angelic and thoughtful..

    Example....that child went to an American Idol concert and spent her own money on an autographed 8X10 glossy of Adam Lambert....for me...and sent it to me.....I don't know where she gets it......

    Because last time Tina went to Hawaii she bought me a coconut was a real coconut made into a purse....I loved it and started carrying it with so much pride and everyone commented on it or wanted to know where I got it...

    WELL! When Tina realized I was carrying it she told me to stop it! That it was a joke!!

    Well tough tittie! I still carry it and I still love it!!

  61. DEE DEE...TINA def a sweet kid. All the kids are...must be from their dad! I bet the coconut purse is awesome!

  62. Good Evening Everyone!!!

    Sorry I haven't been around for awhile. Hope you're all doing well.
    Just wanted to fly in and say....

    Wishing you all good thing's on your Special Day!! (everyday)

    I'll try not to be gone too much longer.....
    Miss you all.

  63. Birdee Great to see you here tonight. Don't stay away so long!

    MO Hope you have a great day tomorrow! Happy Birthday!

  64. Tina How fun for you and the kid to have a girl's trip to Hawaii. Say hi to Kgrl and tell her to get her butt back into the nest.

  65. 'weenie: It made perfect sense! And I, too, would have some respect for the office, were I to meet the person occupying it.

  66. Hi. I am out of town in Cripple creek with my friend gambling and enjoying the mtns. So far no big win but had a nice steak for 6.99. Happy Birthday to Maureen and have fun Tina. I am having farming withdrawal

  67. Dianne Have fun gambling. Hope you have good luck! I would think gambling would be a lot more fun than farming.
