by Tina~in_ut
My parents pray the rosary every night. Whoever is home prays with them. Sunday night, my mom asked me if I wanted to join them. I said no. I've had a cough and I just didn't feel like it.......too much talking/praying. Oh boy did that make my mom mad! Of course I dragged my butt to their room to join them. After all, half the list of people they pray for is from me!
My mom has this cat. I don't like this particular one. They got him after I got married, so I was never really around him and didn't get attached to him. lol.....I don't even remember his name! Well this cat was laying on my mom's bed during the rosary. He would get up, someone would pet him, and he'd start purring. Then he'd get up again and move over to his blanket, which I had to crochet for him after my mom found out that I crocheted a blanket AS A JOKE for DeeDee's dog!!! Also, that blanket had to be baby blue......my mom says it's the cats' favorite color! Whatever!!!! Anyway, I watched this cat go from person to person and finally noticed something on his back. I squinted and then my eyes widened when I realized it was a rosary! My sister had the cat at this point and I looked up at her with this "WTC" look on my face! She just shrugged her shoulders and said, "He's Cat-olic!" I've heard of people treating animals like part of their family, but this is going just a wee bit too far, don't ya think?~
My mom has this cat. I don't like this particular one. They got him after I got married, so I was never really around him and didn't get attached to him. lol.....I don't even remember his name! Well this cat was laying on my mom's bed during the rosary. He would get up, someone would pet him, and he'd start purring. Then he'd get up again and move over to his blanket, which I had to crochet for him after my mom found out that I crocheted a blanket AS A JOKE for DeeDee's dog!!! Also, that blanket had to be baby blue......my mom says it's the cats' favorite color! Whatever!!!! Anyway, I watched this cat go from person to person and finally noticed something on his back. I squinted and then my eyes widened when I realized it was a rosary! My sister had the cat at this point and I looked up at her with this "WTC" look on my face! She just shrugged her shoulders and said, "He's Cat-olic!" I've heard of people treating animals like part of their family, but this is going just a wee bit too far, don't ya think?~
As far as I'm concerned owning a cat is going too far. But that's just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Hooters, and happy day!
ReplyDeleteTina, I am not surprised your mum's cat joins in the rosary. You are also a quirky product of that family, yes?
I've read the A51 comments and it's obvious; we're all freezing. At least we can all freeze together.
Hello Shirley and Tina... You both snuck in there!
ReplyDeleteI JUST got to work!~ No one told me it was snowing! OMG!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the cats name is Nico....my son saw the blog last night and asked, "Why did you write a blog about Nico?!"
Hi Shirl~
good morning bonachichi~ I resemble that remark~
ReplyDeleteMorning glories!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on first Shirley! Does this mean you are feeling better?
Tina does the cat recieve communion too?
Somehow that just seems wrong. Don't know why? But it does.
Hmmm could be a whole new line of Holy gear tho.
It is 4 degrees here right now. I just posted on FB that someone needs to come up with a Polar Fleece Bra and Panty set! I would pay quite a bit for that this morning.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 1st Shirley~
ReplyDeleteI agree with Shirley by the way. :)
But to each his own.
Well the blizzard is on the way -starting. 5-8 today another 5-8 by the time its done tomorrow night. Holy Crap! Is it ok to ask if the Nico will rub his rosary and say a little prayer that all will be well here after this stupid storm hits us full force?
good morning to you bona and Lynn-Shirley and tina~
Good morning Tina, Bonachichi and Lynn D.
ReplyDeleteLynn I was feeling ok until I came here and saw that picture. Not good for someone who is terrified of cats. Then Tina called me "Shirl", which annoys the hell out of me. A cold, a period and a cat blog is not a good mix for me. So, hoe are you this morning? Had your cawfee yet?
Morning Goldie!
ReplyDeleteLynn maybe someone could knit you a bra and panty set. That would be warm too! Any of you Night Owls up to the challenge?
Wow, my password worked with just one try. Must be my day.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Shirley, who is first today.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Tina - I loved the picture of the pussy cat. It reminds me of my mom's cat Misty Blue.
ReplyDeleteLynn - Good Morning, Please send some fur clothing here please. It is so cold here too. We have the wood stove plus the fire places blazing away to save on oil. Otherwise the furnace never stops trying to heat this big house. It's too early for a
ReplyDelete"cold snap".
Lynn - Good Morning, Please send some fur clothing here please. It is so cold here too. We have the wood stove plus the fire places blazing away to save on oil. Otherwise the furnace never stops trying to heat this big house. It's too early for a
ReplyDelete"cold snap".
Good Morning Bonachichi - Yes we can all freeze together.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Goldie - For some reason I thought you liked cats. I do. I couldn't live without at least one cat. I can't remember a time that we didn't own one, or I should say a cat didn't own us. Cats own the home I think. When I was a child my arms were constantly covered with scratches because I was always dragging home strays. At least that's the story my mom loved to tell.
ReplyDeleteShirlu - I am sorry I had to get the #25 in before I said "Good Morning" to you. I was afraid someone might step on me if I didn't get that over with. I know you don't like cats. Did one scare you when you were a child? I hope you are feeling better today.
ReplyDeleteWell I am off to feed my "fur babies" and myself. I will continue slowly with my decorating. The family is helping me a lot. Hoping everyone has a good day. See you all later.
ReplyDeleteShirley - I just scrolled back and I had said "Good Morning" to you already. One more senior moment.
ReplyDeleteLOL Tina! Does that mean the Pope is changing his name to "Catzinger"??
ReplyDeleteTina - I forgot to say that I think it is lovely that your family says the rosary together. We used to do that every day at school when I went to St. Ann's Academy but we never did it at home. You know the old saying "The family that prays together stays together". A cat is part of a family.
ReplyDeleteNow for breakfast.
Most of the time when it comes to religion, I become catatonic. I know it's puuurrrfectly natural to pray, however, it sometimes gives me paws. I hope today you are all feline fine! :)
ReplyDeleteShirley, I've learned something new today. I didn't know you don't like, "Shirl". Thank you for so tactfully letting those of who were unaware, know.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome Bonachichi!
ReplyDeleteJust Lin thanks for QOTD!
Good morning/afternoon to Tinka, Whabbear and No Newz!
Anyone know how to knit a cashmere bra and panties?
Tink- Its not that I dislike cats, I just don't trust them. 2 instances.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a teen and babysitting I was minding my own business sitting on a couch watching tv. Their Siamese cat went LOCO and attacked me!
The other time I was 8 months pregnant, and had 24/7 morning sickness. Was at a friends Memorial Day party and Mr. Goldie and our oldest were outside with everyone else. I sat in the kitchen (in the air conditioning)when all of a sudden I watch thier cat walk across the counter and lick the serving spoons, lid of the chip dip, etc. I promptly went into the bathroom, puked up my soda crackers, grabbed Mr. Goldie and Matthew and said- don't touch the food!!!!!!!!!! Still creeps me out to this day.
Goldie, I don't have cats, but I do have dogs. They have a habit of licking the inside of your mouth if you're dumb enough to open it around them. One nailed a lawyer friend (the one who was sexually assaulted by Oscar the poodle). He didn't barf until I told him the dog licks his own balls.
ReplyDeleteHello Hello1!
ReplyDeleteIt may be going to far for a cat....which I don't know from...both the cats I have had made it clear up front that they were in it for the food.....and I never could wrap my head around having a box of cat shit and pee in the house....they are pretty....well that one in the picture may be the exception.....and one cat is just as much fun as the next when you put scotch tape on their paws....but my final word on cats is RINGWORM!! RINGWORM!!
My little Belle LOVES her blanket and my throw and scarf....if she decides to lie down you can bet she is lying on one of them....she even wants her blanket in the bed when she sleeps with me......and she continuously tries to take one to the car......so we will see what color the interior of my car is going to be next year and maybe her "TeenTeen" can make her one for that..
She could be farting thru Pratesi sheets and she wants your throw so consider yourself highly complimented.....
And just so you know....regarding going too far.....there is no length I wouldn't go to for that little sweetheart.......
DeeDee, I could tell you how funny you are, but nobody can be THAT funny and not have some idea. I wish you would stop because I have a headache and all that snorting and giggling is making it worse.
ReplyDeleteShirl-----ey Congrats on #1!
ReplyDeleteBonach I hope you told your friend that no one's ever died from dog or cat saliva yet. Well, unless they have rabies. LOL
LynnD The fleece would make a nice padded bra but I don't need any more padding below the waist, thank you.
Goldie Sorry about your experience with the Siamese. If it was a serious attack and not just playing, it could have been a nutty cat. I've known another pure bred siamese like that. I think they may get overbred sometimes. As for the cat licking the spoons.....our own saliva is much worse than that of a cat or dog. What's more disturbing is seeing a child at the buffet table on a cruise picking up cookies to examine them then putting them back. Now THAT'S really disgusting and very, very germy. I'd much rather take a cookie that a cat licked.
DeeDee I've had dozens of cats and, fortunately, none ever had ringworm. It is out there in the weeds and grasses so a roaming cat or dog can pick it up. It is a pain in the ass to deal with. Scotch tape on paws is very funny to watch. :)
NN/LL Don't be catty. ;)
Tinka I hope you are warming up and having a great day.
Bear I hope you're feline fine.
Tina I think it's cute that your parents include Nico. Every year on the news I see something about the blessings of the animals so I guess having the cat be part of the prayers makes some kind of sense to your parents.
Hi Guys!
ReplyDeleteTINA: Nico reminds me of the cat from the movie 'Pet Semetary'..I like cats..but his glowing eyes are just a little freaky. We never gave our dogs a rosary..but each one did have a St Francis medal on their collar..we wanted to make sure that they were blessed too because..yes, they certainly are part of the family!
My mom would say the rosary every night too..she asked me one night to say it with her..I had to confess that I didn't exactly remember how..she sat back..pulled the covers over her head and said "I should never have let you stop going to catechism..I'm in so much trouble!" lol..
SHIRLEY: Congrats on FIRST!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I missed your blog yesterday..we had a heck of a storm blow through..60 mph winds..lots of rain. The power kept flickering on and off all day.
I liked each one of the doctor's stories a little more than the one before..they all made me laugh. Just the thought of an ob/gyn saying "I'm sorry..was I tickling you?" almost made me spit out my Diet Coke..way too funny!
BONACHI: Actually it's warming up a little bit here..is it warmer in California today?
ReplyDeleteDIANNE: They're saying the storm is headed your way..better get out your woolies and your rubbers..ijs.. ;)
LYNN: What's Polar fleece again? ;)
GOLDIE: Mr Z and I were housesitting for his sister one time and she had a Siamese cat. It kept to itself for the most part.. we almost didn't know it was there. I woke up one morning..and opened my eyes..and the cat was sitting on my chest, staring into my eyes and then it "Meeeeeeeoooooowwwwwwwed" in my face. I almost had a heart attack! I screamed and pulled the covers taut..that cat did a backflip across the room..I'm not sure where it landed!
BEAR: ..Yep..it was a CATapult.. ;)
TINKA: I think we would have a cat too if I wasn't allergic to them.
LL/NN: LOL! Have you been into the catnip again? ;)
DEEDEE: I actually got ringworm from a dog when I was four..now if you're talking about cat scratch fever..that's something I would worry about! ;)
How could you not spoil Belle..she is adorable!
J/LIN: Every Siamese cat I've known has just seemed to be really high strung and a little strange..
Zona, I don't think it's any warmer, but it's not raining. Another storm's due inthe next couple days... We'll see.
ReplyDeleteSince my last post, I bought some MD. I am feeling much better now. Still, I've treated my headache with addictive drugs (MD), but it worked! No more headache. DeeDee. turn that sense of humor into high gear!
oh baby! Who's in with me?
okay....you have to go to the main page, click on the time the blog posted, and move down to get that whole link~ oh baby anyway~
ReplyDeleteawww man I really want to go. My Uncle invited me to go to Hawaii with him in January but they leave Hawaii before the concert.
ReplyDeleteI like cats but I am highly allergic to them and Chad has three, so all summer while I was in Seattle, I was sniffling and sneezing. The sacrifices a Mom will make for her kids! :)
So does Nico just wear the rosary during prayer time, or all the time?
Happy Tuesday Owls. I hope you are all having a good day. It isn't snowing or raining here today, but it is cold. Not quite as cold as for some of you, but cold for here.
ReplyDeleteLynn, you should google fleece bra and panties and see if they really exist. If not, maybe you have a new start-up business idea.
I am trying to get my tree decorated today. It's been in the family room for three days and it is still in the box, so I am going in there right now! Be back after my sorority meeting tonight.
Tina, I believe I owe a thank you.
ReplyDeletefor what, ya ho?~
ReplyDeleteThough I meant my comment to DeeDee as a compliment, it may not have sounded that way. In reality, I love to read DeeDee's posts.
ReplyDeleteIf that wasn't your intent, I'd like to change that Thank You to ur a whore. Love to all.
Congrats on first Shirley:
ReplyDeleteGreat Blog Tina! Very cute. Catolic.
Bon Jovi is playing at Churchill Downs HullabaLou July 23rd.
ReplyDeletebonachichiweenie~ what in the crap are you talking about? I'm so confused~
ReplyDeletei love when that happens~ :)~
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 69 ya hore.
ReplyDeletelol....thanks bebbilicious~
ReplyDeleteI bet you do..lol.
ReplyDeleteI did all the work and you took the glory..lol.
ReplyDeletenow honey....that sounds nasty~ ijs~
ReplyDeleteWell, nasty is as nasty does..my dear.
ReplyDeletewell HELLO Nasty~ :D
ReplyDeleteIt's getting nasty in here, I think I'll go to bed!
ReplyDeleteGood night everyone!!
ReplyDeleteI love your snowman! Happy 1
Shirley: I loved your owl song from several blogs ago!
ReplyDeleteHi, Mary and Carol! LOL!
ReplyDeleteCute blog~
I am allergic to cats.. so I don't go near them.. I do think they are cute tho. My cousin Ar has a cat, and I kinda want to be his friend, but then I am afraid to go near him, so I just talk to him from afar.. I don't think he prays, as least my cousin has never told me he does.. I made a vid the other day for a blog, it should be posted on Thursday.. Ar's cat is in the vid.. cute..
ReplyDeleteFunny meeting you here.. LOL
Wow.. lots of nastiness going on..
ReplyDeleteI think the polar fleece bra is a great idea.. it would surely cure the "headlights" lol
I think I have found the perfect hotel for the MWMAG.. I will be sending all who were interested a e-mail with the details.. I am going to try and type it tonite..
I am going to do this and hope I wont leave anyone out.. wish me luck..
ReplyDeleteJust a friendly Hello to all above me..
Shirley, Tina, Bonacci, Lynn, Goldie,
Tinka, Whabby, LL, Dee, Just_Lin, Zona, Sacbarb, Bebbi, and me..
How was that! Pretty good I would say!
ur a goofball, carol~
ReplyDeleteWell Di~ It's 7 degrees right now...and the news said that one of the cities near the mountains is 14 below~ yay! NOT~
Carol & Whabbear,Crap, I got sidetracked!
ReplyDeleteI need to read Tina's blog...
Carol, what 'bout me? lol!!
ReplyDeleteTina,Nico's eyes gave me the weebie geebies! He might have seen attended one too many rosaries, ijs!
ReplyDeleteI am already packing for BJ :)
Mary: For BJ? Don't tell me you're traveling again?
ReplyDeleteHO HO HO
ReplyDeleteI've been decorating a wreath and getting it hung and getting out the Christmas decorations. I won't be able to get a tree until my son or daughter are able to come down and help me with it. I always get a fresh one and always a big one.
OMHeavens, I can't believe I just read a story about a c-a-t.
ReplyDeleteAs many of you know, I have a really really really hard time bonding with a c-a-t.
Hmmmmm let me think about it. Did your mom go overboard with the rosary? Let me think about it for a moment.......
The answer would be HELL Yes! lol
Mary.. I was waiting for you to come in, so I can say..
ReplyDeleteA friendly hello to you too.. but you have to be above me..
Soooo Friendly Hello...
And Jennifer is above me now to..
ReplyDeletesooo friendly hotel to Jennifer..
E-mail has been send to all the MWMAG nesters who were interested in meeting up in Chicago..
ReplyDeleteSooo check your e-mails..
If you did not get a e-mail and you are interested.. e-mail me..
I am still confused about the Nest Christmas Party.. I am kinda stressing.. I will post another comment tomorrow about it..
ReplyDeleteHopefully we can pick a date..
ReplyDeletethat was easy!
ReplyDeletedo you still have the comment on who was available on what date for the Christmas Party.. if so.. please post it in the comment section tomorrow..
I am off to bed..
Jennifer~ YOU'RE A WHORE!!!!!~
ReplyDeleteHi Mary~
J/L~ ur always hung~
goodnight crackwhore~
ReplyDeleteWhabby, no, not traveling. I just got carried away when Tina said JBJ was going to be in Hawaii. There is going to be another"morsel" singing in Hawaii in Feb ;-). So many hunks, so little time lol!
ReplyDeleteNite all. I have an electrician coming tomorrow to hook up my cupboard lights. Only half of the kitchen has lights. My contractor will be doing some trim work. I am hoping the counter top guys will make it through the snow!I need my kitchen sink & faucet! Mr Mary and Son have had it with take out food lol!
ReplyDeleteSweet dreams all!
You too happy lurkers :)
Dear Lord Mary! the way I read your last post!!!!!
ReplyDelete"I have an electrician cuming tomorrow. My contractor will be doing some "trim" work. I am hoping the counter top guys will "make it" through the snow!
wow mary....won't it be cold "making it" in the snow? :)~ goodnight~
I see Tina has been ho-ing up my comment!! I am glad I didn't add that I could be getting 6" tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteNow I am REALLY going to bed!
Kind of late but hello (probably good morning when any of you read this).
ReplyDeleteTINA: I am not only allergic to cats (sneeze sneeze/red eyes) but I am scared of them. I have no story to tell why I am scared of them but I always have been. Now on another note...my son has a cat that is usually upstairs when I am over there and it never bothers me and I have no allergies when I am there.
It is still 1 degrees here at 1AM. It has been really cold all day but at least the sun was out. We are supposed to get back up to 45 on the weekend.
I went to a neighborhood ladies Christmas gathering this afternoon. It was nice to meet some of the neighbors that I only see at HOA meetings. It was fun just to get out and meet new people too.
I guess I need to go to bed. Watched the BL finale tonight and was pretty happy with those results. Boy, those people really work their butts off literally and look great!