
Friday, March 26, 2010

Pirates of the Internet

by Bonachichi

There is a world out there that nobody really talks about. It’s the world of torrents. Torrent technology is really, just a file transfer technology. It is insanely efficient and easy to use. People don’t talk about torrents because if you’re using them, you’re probably breaking the law. Torrents aren’t themselves illegal; they are usually used to carry out activities that are at best, questionably legal.

In a legal sense, let’s say that I had some free software to help your PCs. I could upload it to a torrent site. You would go to that site, download the software I’d put there, then use it. I’ve been tempted to do just that. Except the torrent world holds a lot of temptation. Gee, you see the latest blockbuster movie there. It’s just a download, right? You weren’t going to go see it anyway, but since it’s right there and free, why not? This is the heart of the torrent controversy.

You don’t hear much about torrents here in the U.S. They’re big news in Europe and parts of Asia; even Australia. Our movie industry, the MPAA, has gained a terrible reputation for strong-arm tactics it uses to stop this file sharing. They’re not the only ones. Sometimes people will download what they think is the newest “great” movie, book, CD or game and get a piece of software that either reports you to some international police organization, posts embarrassing information about what’s on your PC, or really screws up your computer. Not to worry, the torrent world is fighting back, and it’s a laugh a minute.

The MPAA got its own when someone hacked into their website and helpfully made torrents available directly from their webpage. Embarrassing, really. The arch-rival of the world’s most infamous pirate site, Henrik Pontén got the surprise of his life when he discovered his name had been legally changed to Pirate Pontén, courtesy of some hackers to Sweden’s tax authority. Europe’s largest electronics retailer (slogan, “I am not stupid”) got caught pirating Blu-Ray discs to demo the video on MacBooks.

A Spanish politician was fined $40,000 when her daughter downloaded an episode of a popular U.S. television show onto a government computer. Finally, with the push for tougher anti-piracy legislation world-wide, some entrepreneurs have embarked on a construction project to build new prisons to house an expected influx of inmates convicted of piracy. You can book your very own cell now.

Many of us are guilty of piracy without even knowing it. For instance including a link to a youtube video in a blog that is later recognized as copyrighted material makes the blog writer and administrator guilty of piracy. If you read the blog and perchance download the cute video to share with friends and family, you too, are a pirate. It’s like taking extra napkins home from McDonald’s. It’s stealing but we all do it, inadvertently or not. How do you feel about being a pirate?


  1. Ohhh let me clean my mirror because I think it will say I am the prettiest today!

  2. Morning Glories!

    Interesting blog Bonachichi, but I feel it is the responsibility of the site, such as Youtube to make sure that they are not allowing copyrighted material through, not the individual using their site. So no I don't think I am a pirate.

    I would never willing download a copyrighted item if I new that it was such. I don't go look for free current movies, music etc... as I believe that the artist or artists have a right to their material and should be paid for such.

    I hope I understood your blog correctly and that what I posted makes sense as I really have very little understanding of this subject matter. :)

  3. Good morning and happy Friday, Hooters! LynnD, I was going to keep quiet and see where this leads, but some information about youtube... When you upload a vid there, you must agree not to post copyrighted material. Yet, it happens all the time. Anyone can protest a video, claiming ownership and thus,the copyright. Youtube removes the video and issued "demerits" to the uploader. Enough demerits, and your account is deleted.

    If you posted say, a family video to youtube, I could claim it's mine. The video comes down, you get demerits. I don't have to prove anything. That's how youtube polices the videos on their site. Really, it's just too big to do anything else. Legally, they're protected because the individual in essence, signed a contract. Youtube's in the clear, you're a pirate.

  4. I'm sorry, guys... I have to clarify; the picture I just painted is a gross oversimplification. While the situation I outlined can and does happen, there are certain appeals you can make. I am not in any way suggesting that LynnD or anyone for that matter, is a criminal, pirate, sloth or otherwise. The "you're a pirate" is a collective "you" and not directed at LynnD.

    With the best intentions, the purest heart and the highest morals, it's difficult to avoid the piracy issue according to the technical definition.

  5. Well I will need a new outfit!! How fun!! Some white capri pants ....lots of gold jewelry (I happen to own some of the booty from the shipwrecked Atocha so that will be perfect)..a BIG gold earring.....and Caribbean blue horizontally wide stripped top...probably Gautier....and those wonderful "Follow Me" Louis Vuitton thongs.....oh! and a nautically inspired Hermes scarf that I can tie on my head like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean....

    I love this pirate idea!! And the timing is perfect with Spring and all!!

    I love stealing movies and music! Love it!

    Copyrighted stuff is the best stuff!! Nobody wants that other crap....

    One of my favorite daily news sites...Towleroad will put up a video and say "watch this quick...before they snatch it down!!

    And most times I don't want an entire CD when there is only one of two good songs! So I just steal it......the place where I get music makes you click a box saying you won't mess with copyrighted stuff but then they put it right in front of you!
    And until all this is figured out I will keep on doing it.....

    I download some things from iTunes but some older stuff that I want requires a little pirating.....and so its high time that I dressed for it!!


    Morning Lynn D....and anyone else who arrived while I was typing.....

    Bonachichi....your blogette makes my imagination run wild!! A world of secret passwords and wee-hour rendezvous....espionage and intrigue....

    picture it.....

    2 black limousines approach one another in a deserted park on a foggy can't see faces...only shadows....but the voices are clear...

    'do you have the copyrighted material zat ve need??"

    "did you bring my Gustav??

    A young muscular Gustav gets in my car....He begins to kiss me...hands wildly removing my clothes...and as his hot throbbing blood gorged pole of muscle enters my wet yet turgid flesh I drop the briefcase on the ground and my driver speeds into the night...

    omg (slings hair and takes drag off cigarette) pirating? You be the judge.....

  6. Oh my gosh, DeeDee! You have the exact spirit of some of the cavaliers in this international spitting contest. It is mischief on both sides and quite entertaining to watch. Anyone who wants to can Google(TM) aXXo and yep, you'll find your intrigue.

  7. Arrrgggh...ship's ahoy Mates! I feel a little big buggered today..need some of me brandy and my fine parrot sitting on my shoulder...Arrggggh.

    Congrats on first LynnD.

    Bonacci: I want me son to read ur blog there Mate..he will be a good pirate to aask about torrents. :)

  8. Good Morning!

    BONACHI: I kinda get it..not totally though. Why does Youtube let the people that post videos on their site include embed codes? Not that I have the foggiest idea how to use them..seriously..I can't figure it out for the life of me. I don't watch movies or TV shows on-line and I don't download music off the internet boring am I? Actually, I just can't figure any of that stuff out. Ask JODI..I'm lucky that I can log into Facebook and the Blog! Eventhough I don't seem to be a it ok if I pretend I am? I really want to say "Ahoy mateys! Lower the mainsail..and start swabbin' the deck!" ;)

    Great blog BONACHI..very interesting!

  9. BEBBI: LMAO! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.. ;)

    LYNN: I'm sure your beauty just blasted that mirror clean! :D

    DEEDEE: I'm leaving you a fire extinguisher.. ;)

    I went to the dentist pricked, poked, drilled and crowned..then I was given instructions that said "Do not eat hard nuts." I guess that means I can only have soft ones, right? Well, that's what BARB told me.. ;)

  10. Gak. I will make no friends today. By definition, piracy is appropriating intellectual property without the owner's permission. Cutting and pasting part of a Wikipedia article is piracy. It belongs to the Wikipedia website. They get credit for how many hits they get. If the info is here, Wiki doesn't get all the hits it deserves. Piracy.

    Youtube accepts any video you want to upload. You can download any video that's there. It's an honor system. If you don't know the video is copyrighted, you're still guilty. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it.

    The problem is, nobody's sure on this piracy issue. A politician, meaning a lawmaker got nabbed. If the people making the laws don't understand them, how are we to? Further, who has jurisdiction? The uploader's country? The downloader's country? The country hosting the website that has the server? The true owner's country? What if servers are in multiple countries? The country where the ISP is located of the uploader and/or the downloader? Copyright laws are different depending on what country you're in.

    People like the MPAA are understandably, upset. People who are surprised to learn they are pirates are upset. Websites are upset. Everyone's upset, but nobody knows how to handle the issue. That's what makes it funny!

    Bono of U2 was playing a demo of his not-yet-released CD loudly in his home. Someone outside recorded it and distributed it. Bono sued. Who's right? If you hear it on the street, it's noise. Can you copyright noise?

    This blog isn't a test... Nobody knows the answers. Regardless, it is great entertainment in itself watching everyone try to figure it out.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. that delete was me....I had written that I was "exciting" a lavatory...rather than exiting a
    you know that makes me think of something....years ago a friend of mine and I were flying on an Air France 747 (no backward seats) from Mexico City to Paris....we had been in Acapulco....

    I didn't know it but my friend had procured some marijuana in Acapulco and it was on the plane with the cabin.....

    Johnny kept going to the lavatory and once when I was exiting a lavatory he was going into another I hung around and waited for him....when the door to the can opened smoke bellowed out and I could smell that it was the whacky tobacky from Acapulco...

    We were still over Mexico but had a stop in Houston before continuing on to Paris.....I said "I don't know if Mexico would get you...Texas or France....but if you keep doing that you are going to have to get away from me!!"

    Well we got to Paris and I noticed a KLM 747 had just pulled in ahead of I told go ahead and go through customs with your Marijuana....I am going to put these 300 KLM passengers between us and I will be along when I get through customs.....

    Well we both made it through and as we started to pull away from the sidewalk en route to the hotel I asked him where he had hidden it to go through customs.....he reached into my carry-on bag and pulled it out of the side pocket!!!

  13. Hello me hearties. I, like ZONA, am pirate deficient. CAROL, If you go to jail we will all come and bail you out. I am wishing a wonderful spring day for everyone out on the high seas . Love, Yer Matey

  14. Well I am going to drive my car to the "Handi--Stop" and get a diet coke......I am going buck naked and see what comments I get.....

  15. It's official...I am a pirate! I copied something from Wiki today and sent it out. I did note that I took it from there.

    Will anyone visit me in jail? Or will I have to walk the plank?


    LYNN...looking lovely as usual!

  16. Hello My Friends Hello,

    It has been so many months since my last post, a few of you may not recognize me.

    On the other hand, so many of you are my FB and FV friends!

    I must say, I read each and every Blog, watch every video etc. I laugh, cry, feel nostalgic, get mad sometimes, feel sadness for some, empathy for others, and wonder why I ever left this fantastic group of mostly women
    (gotta give props to my buddy Bear.)

    For reasons that are way too long & personal to explain I took a very long leave of absence from partaking in this wonderful blog that our good friend Carol set up for us, and that each and every one has taken hold of and ran with, and made it "your own"! And I know that is what Carol wanted.

    May I please be accepted back into "the fold"? I can't promise to comment on each and every thought, blog, etc. But I will try.

    I understand many of you are getting together in Chicago. Who is attending? I want names!!! Having gone to one wonderful meeting of "Owl/Blog Buddies" I just can imagine the fun you will all have!

    Oh how I wish I could be there!! I think I missed the date, so please let me know when and where you are all meeting. I will be there in spirit.

    I used to end all my comments with

    Peace, Love & Joy to all,
    Donna Jean, Laurie Elizabeth & Olive Elizabeth

    Should I change that, or leave it?

    I love you all more than you will ever know. You have all brought me much laughter, support and comfort during a very difficult time in my life.

  17. OMG...DONNA JEAN!! I had to take a double take!! You don't need to ask to be accepted back...once an owl, always an owl!

    It would be so awesome if you could come to Chicago! It is the last weekend in April. Chicago is a big city...always room for 2 more!

    I hope you and Miss Laurie Elizabeth are doing well.


  18. HUMPHT! I knew it....I put that post there to see if it got noticed and it didn't......nobody reads what I hoo hoo......

  19. Hello Donna Jean; I'm the new-ish one around here, but I think I've heard your name a time or two.

    DeeDee, I heard there was a high-speed chase in Texas today. Something about a deranged naked woman hurling diet soda at pedestrians. Do you know anything about that?

  20. Donna Jean! Good to see you post. I am so sorry you have been going through a difficult time. As someone else said, once an owl, always an owl~! Yay..~! And, we don't fold anything around here so you were never out of the fold..well, I guess Tina fold's her arms and shakes her head occasionally but other than are always right in it, no matter what!

    You should check out Rosie's blog..she has an awesome link to a lady who had a beautiful D.S. baby girl with lots of pics..and it is will touch your heart!!

    It is "Read This" on All of you should check it out..beautiful words and incredibly adorable baby pics too.

    Chicago is April 30-May2nd..some are coming on May 1 and others are coming both days.

  21. On a sad note there was a terrible TERRIBLE accident today on the road that goes from Louisville to Bowling Green. A van filled with people was hit by a tractor trailer and 11 people died. The only two that survived were two of the children. They were headed to a wedding. :( They closed I-65 for most of the morning. My daughter travels this road and I travel it to see her. They really need to put up the barriers so cars/trucks can't cross over into oncoming traffic. This has been weighing heavy on my mind all day.

  22. so moving...that sweet sweet baby.....just beautiful.....

    Everyone should meet Nella....and her Mother....

    Thanks Bebbi....

  23. DeeDee: Did you get your diet coke? I hope you didn't spill any on you, that can be cold and wet when they drip on bare naked lady.

    And yw, that was an awesome blog, huh!

  24. Nothing like a baby and its Mothers first meeting.....and DS children are very special.....

    I didn't really go naked...I was just seeing if anyone was paying attention...lq

  25. Well, gosh..that's no fun. It is exciting to go nekkid..just like I said, really, you have to watch it when you have a little's quite cold. Nekkid and barefoot...can you tell I've lived in Kentucky too long?

  26. I would say pregnant too but I am too old for that nonsense. ;)

  27. I want to thank everyone for participating in my pirate experiment, which went dreadfully wrong, btw.

    It was meant to show that the internet opens up new challenges for our legislators and law enforcers; how a "good" person could easily do something that's undefined legally, without even realizing it. If I offended anyone's sensibilities, I'll offer my apologies.

  28. Bonacci: I totally got it, my son is in technology and I understood what you were saying. Basically, it's a gray area and it is not easily definable! I would like to understand torrants more though, so I am going to bring it up to my son. You might find this interesting. My son's group just won the conference for internet security at University of Louisville speed school which means they go on to the nationals in San Antonio again this year. It would be really exciting if their group won the nationals.


  30. OMG.. I am def a pirate.. I am prob the # 1 pirate.. now, do I have to walk the plank? :O)

  31. I have been working on this damn computer all nite, I was trying to set something up for my business and I think I have failed.. I am very frustrated..

    Now, I am keeping my eyes open with pins.. and let me tell ya, its painful..


  32. Good News..

    My taxes are done.. thank goodness, and I don't have to pay, well Gemini has to pay, but no me, well actually Gemini is me, so I guess in a way I have to pay, but not really.. make sense.. but the really good news is, I am getting money back, which I hardly ever do.. but thats not actually good news, cause that means Gemini lost money..

    so really is this good news or bad news..

    I have confused myself..


  33. Reminds me of a joke the mailroom guy told me yesterday...A guy went to the doctor and the doctor told him he had good news and bad news..which did he want first? He said the good news. The doctor said, "You have 24 hours to live"...he said, WHAT???? WHAT THE HELL IS THE BAD NEWS???....

    The doctor said, "I got the results back yesterday".

  34. Bebbi, that is absolutely wonderful!!
    Internet security is huge. Kids can make a great career out of it. Congrats to your whiz kid!

  35. Donna Jean..

    Howdy.. you never ever have to ask to come back.. you are always welcome as other owls are who have taken another tree for a while.. Just join right in, any day, any how..

    Chicago is May 1.. we are keeping the details thru private e-mails, just cause I think its better that way. I will e-mail or fbook you the details..

    Good to see ya..

    and always sign off as you do, that is your staple..

    Howdy to Laurie Elizabeth and Olive..


  36. So I officially deleted my myspace yesterday, Tom says it take 24hrs, I did not check today to see if it was still there.. It felt kinda weird, and I almost did not do it.. I was going to look at the pictures and vid, but realized I have them all in my computer anyway.. It was def time to move on.. so gone with the old and in with the new..

    did anyone else delete theirs?

  37. Bebbi...

    Kudos to your son..



    Thanks for your blog today, it is very much appreciated..

  38. Thanks bonacci...! They made it before to Nationals but haven't won that yet. I hope they do this year because it is the last chance my son has to enter. He graduates in May.

  39. Hey Carol, did you get my email yesterday with that second blog?

  40. Carol, you can walk the plank with the rest of us. I think though, that the accidental and unintentional pirate is really just a victim of all the confusion. Really, how are you to know?

    I mentioned stealing napkins from McDonald's... How many of us know that we're allotted (sp?) one napkin per sandwich? No burger, no napkin. I usually grab 2 or 3 just for myself. I don't mean to steal napkins, but I'm taking more than I'm supposed to. Am I a criminal?

  41. Ha! I got you one better Bonacci..I love the straws at Sam's I get more than one per drink..(oops a fist full fell in my purse)..oh kay, color me bad.

  42. On that note, this little pirate, straw-suckin' thief is going to catch some zzzzzz's. Night all.

  43. Bebbi..

    I just saw it tonite.. I will let you know will copy and paste onto blogger tomorrow and let you know when it will be posted..


    glad I am not walking the plank alone.. and yes I steal napkins.. :O)

  44. Off to dreamland.. see ya all tomorrow..


  45. bonach. Thanks for the very interesting blog. I am invisioning a bunch of owls wearing eye patches.

    DeeDee. I always pay attention to what you write and am usually LMAO.

    DonnaJean. Welcome back, lovely lady.

    We had a very nice day celebrating Mom's birthday. We had lobster tails for dinner. Scrumptous! I ate too much, though, but just couldn't resist.

    Waving at all you pirating owls.

    Sweet dreams.

  46. Bebbi. I forgot to say congrats to your son. You must be very proud of him.

  47. Just so you all understand, Johnny Depp is my ya'll find ur own pirates~ mkay?~

    DeeDee~ PUT SOME CLOTHES ON......and then keep them zorch fires!!!~ omg!!!!~

    LynnD~ I was too lazy to change the time on the blog posting this I took first in area 51~ mkay?~ :)~

    Bonchichi~ see area 51~ :D (and THANK YOU for the blog!)
