
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wat's Yor Escuse?

by Shirley

If you think that today's students aren't learning all they should, check
out some of the writing miscreated by their moms and dads.  the following are
actual excuse notes received by teachers.

   Dear School:
     Please eckuse John being absent on Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
     and also 33.

     Please excuse Gloria from Jim today.  She is administrating.

     Pleazse excuse Roland from P.E. for a few day.  Yesterday he fell out of
     a tree and misplaced his hip.

     John has been absent because he had two teeth taken off his face.

     Carlos was absent yesterday because he was playing football.  He was
     hurt in the growing part.

     Mary could not come to school because she has been bothered by very
     close veins.

     Chris will not be in school cus he has an acre in his side.

     Please excuse Ray Friday from school.  He has very loose vowels.

     Please excuse pedro from being absent yesterday.  He had (several
     mispellings of diarrhea crossed out) the shits.

     Please excuse Tom for being absent yesterday.  He had diarrhea and his
     boots leak.

     Irving was absent this morning because he missed his bust.

     Please excuse Jimmy for being.  It was his father's fault.

     I kept Billie home because she had to go Christmas shopping because
     I don't know what size she wear.

     Please excuse Harriet for missing school yesterday.  We forget to
     get the Sunday paper off the porch. and when we found it Monday,
     we thought it was Sunday.

     Please excuse my son's tardiness.  I forgot to wake him up and I did not
     find him till I started making the beds.

     Sally won't be in school a week from Friday.  We have to attend a

     My daughter was absent yesterday because she was tired.  She spent the
     weekend with the Marine's.

     Please excuse Mary from being absent yesterday.  She was in bed with

     Gloria was absent yesterday as she was having a gangover.

     Please excuse Burma, she had been sick and under the doctor.

     Maryann was absent December 11-16, because she had a fever, sore throat,
     headache, and upset stomach.  Her sister was also sick, fever and sore
     throat, her brother had a low grade fever and ached all over.  I wasn't
     the berst either, sore throat and fever.  There must be the flu going
     around school, her father even got hot last night.


  1. Shirley~ those were funny.....and sad at the same time~ thanks for sending it~

  2. I jam up terly to make fone calls on my jeep.

  3. TINA... of course it makes sense...MARY is sitting on her Jeep making phone calls!

    SHIRLEY...funny but sad. What is even sadder is that there are TEACHERS that can't write a correctly, either!

    There, their and they're are NOT interchangable!

    Irregardless of seeing it alot!!!!
    (that was a joke...I know it is supposed to be regardless and a lot!)

    We have a strange phenom today...SUN!

  4. Thank you Mo, close lol!!

    humft! Tina

  5. Good morning....

    those are great Shirley....really funny!!

    And then Mary writes that mess!!!

    Good one Mary!!

  6. and on a similar note....

    Texas A&M broke ground on a $46 million liberal arts and humanities building Thursday, marking the 134-year-old historically agricultural school's first building designed specifically for arts and humanities.

    Construction on the five-story structure, which will primarily house the English and performance studies departments, is scheduled to start in January and be completed by May 2012....

  7. Good Morning, everyone! Yes, in my time, I have seen similar notes come across my desk.:)

  8. Work has been very stressful these past few weeks and especially yesterday. Before I left I sent an email to one of the Mangers. In the subject line I typed...A coupel of things...COUPEL!!

  9. Mo, lol!!
    I get a kick out of newspaper headlines. This morning it said
    "friends plan joint attack on beavers
    in Lenawee County" Whew, glad it wasn't MY county!!

  10. I was reading about the weather in Britain and after a picture of a snowman at Heathrow was posted this was in the comments.....

    Do people make snowmen instead of snow women because it takes too long to hollow out the head?
    - Brad, Hampton Court, Middlesex, 18/12/2010 16:19

  11. Dee Dee: No. There are lots of carrots, not so many squashes.

  12. Afternoon Groupies!

    Tina you are welcome, and thanks for moaning into 1st place today!

  13. Tina Good moaning and good afterglow.

    Mary Made perfect sense to me. Uh, oh.

    MO Never fear. Your manager will assume it is a typo.....I hope.

    DeeDee At least someone has money.

  14. Jennifer Good to see you today. Are the children excited about Christmas?

  15. Bear Squash?

    Shirley Thanks for the blog today. Funny but sad, like Tina said. I liked the last one best.

  16. *******ATTENTION******

    The little pumpkins have been removed from the mantle and Christmas decorations have been put up.

    Thank you.

  17. DADT repealed with the help of eight Republicans!

    What a great day in American history!

  18. J/L...something happen to "squash" your holiday spirit?

    Well in just a bit today the Senate is going to pass the DADT repeal...thats good news....

    And I think Jon Stewart got the senates butt moving (maybe) on the Zadroga least the media other than Al Jazeera is reporting on it now.....

    The "entitlement" attitude of many of our representatives is so bad...complaining about working the week between Christmas and New one said..."I am a christian"

    Does he not think that there will not be plenty of "christians" working that week....

    I wish they could be penalized for asshole-ism....

  19. JUST LIN...he didn't even notice until I pointed it out!


    DEE DEE...I know I am not Christian, but why aren't Christians supposed to work between Christmas and New Years? Maybe he shouldn't work during Lent, either! Sheesh

  20. oh I have a mailbox of Christmas cards today...lets see...

    "Thank you for your patronage" and "Hope you can see your Christmas tree!".....ACME Fake Eye Co......"Hope you breathe a little easier in 2011!"...Bailey Oxygen Co. and "Don't come knockin' if the ambulance is rockin'!!".....Brazos Valley EMT's.....

    thats so nice......

  21. Maureen...the asshate was grasping at straws.....I assume he meant because its the week after the holiday when Christians celebrate the birth of the Christ didn't make sense....

    so going with his logic I guess you should have been off skiing in Gstaad during Hanukkah....

  22. This Just In: Sen. McCain has emergency procedure to untwist his panties.

  23. Funny blog SHIRLEY...thanks for writing it.

    I have been home all day not feeling up to par so doing nothing. I feel better now so think I will wrap the granddaughters gifts as they are coming over next week to wrap some of the other presents. MRD has gone to the movie and dinner with my SIL tonight so all quiet on the home front!!

    MARY: Did you get your car out of that parking lot? Sorry to hear about your accident.

    BARB: GRRRR....and it took how long for the doctor to figure out your foot was broken??? Hope you are feeling better with it now in a cast.

    CHCHI; Happy late Birthday and hope it was a good day for you.

    TINA; Got those cards done yet? Hurry....hurry

  24. Bonach Happy belated Birthday!!! Sorry I missed it.

  25. Dianne I hope your evening is going well. I'm so sorry you still feel yucky.

  26. SacBarb What's this I hear about a broken foot? You mean they had you walking around with just that silly boot on and you had a broken foot the whole time? Yikes!

  27. OK I want to know who the hell waits until midnight to cook lobsters??? That is what some idiot in the building is doing right now and it's stinking up the whole place!!! I am not impressed!!! Stupid assholes!!!! I AM NOT HAPPY!!!!!

  28. So Dianne what's up with the Broncos? Your brother wasn't too happy with them last week. Do they get to play anymore or are they done?

  29. Mary what happened with your Jeep? Was there much damage or have you found out yet?

    SacBarb hows the foot?

    Tina I just noticed what you named the blog!! Very clever!! BTW I was just wondering, do you buy Dumb Dog a present at Christmas?

  30. Thank you Tina, Mary, Maureen, DeeDee, Jennifer, Whabbear, Just Lin and Dianne for the comments today! Muah!!!

  31. (((((((HUGS)))))) going out to Carol, Lynn D, Birdee, Goldie, Lani and anyone else I missed!

  32. SHIRLEY...dear, is something wrong? You can tell us!!!

  33. Yes damnit!!! Those bloody lobsters stink!!!!!

  34. Plus on Monday we are suppose to get hit with a shitload of snow and then a shitload of rain and that's just going to make a shitty mess!!!!!!!

  35. And I don't like Christmas anymore and I don't know why!!!!

  36. And I don't want to go to a stupid 30 year school reunion and sit around with people who didn't like me 30 years ago and don't know me 30 years later!!!!

  37. I think I'm going to bed now. And don't be loud in the morning cause I want to sleep in!!!

    Nighty night!

  38. J/L the kids are totally excited about xmas , but not me. :(

  39. Jennifer I've been having a very hard time getting into the holiday spirit. For the first time in decades, my mom, brother, and daughter will not be here with me. It has bummed me out, big time. However, the grandkids and I picked out a tree today and we just finished baking sugar cookies which we will frost and decorate tomorrow. That has helped cheer me up.

  40. Hi there, just popping in for a bit.
    I didn't sleep well last night worrying about all I had to do today. I called my insurance agent,towing service & body shop.
    Our agent is a high school friend of my hubby, so that helped.
    The body shop won't have the estimates until next week. I am afraid there was more damage than I originally thought.
    I still have my old jeep, well kind of, my son bought it, Mamma has it now! lol!
    I still have my major gifts to get. I know what they are, just need to pick up and wrap.

    Whabby,Congrats on the DADT!!
    It was scary there for a while!

    Justlin,remember to take down you Christmas stuff before Valentines day!

    I took a nap this afternoon so I am now wide awake!
    Finishing up on my cards and listening to Jim snore!
    Nite all, and to all the sweet lurkers ;-)

  41. Mary I got such as late start on the Xmas stuff, maybe I'll leave the decorations up until St. Patrick's Day. LOL

    I missed what it was that happened to your Jeep. Sure glad you are okay, though.

    Okay, bedtime for me. These grandkids wear me out.

    Sweet dreams, HOoters!
