
Sunday, February 6, 2011

~ F**kin' Perfect ~

by Tina~in_ut

Love this~


  1. MOrning Glories!

    Tina I love Pink and she can sing anything and it would be fuckin perfect to me! :)

    Congrats on first you moaner!

  2. Jodi says hi!~ (she thinks she got first!...lq!~)

  3. Hi chichi~

    DeeDee~ Jodi says hi....sealed with the ever popular booty bump~

  4. Good morning feathered friends!

    TINA...moaning her way into lovliest again! I saw the title and thought it would be a vid of Sugarland...or NASCAR! I do enjoy listening to Pink. Too bad I can't do it here!!

    Happy Super Bowl!

  5. Good morning....

    takes the podium and arranges papers

    Well I see its past time for the voice of reason this morning...but before I critique this "song" I have a few things to get out of the way first....

    First of all...for our "Today In History" information...

    In 1952, Britain’s King George VI died; he was succeeded by his daughter, Elizabeth II....

    Today’s Highlight in History......On Feb. 6, 1911, Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, was born in Tampico, Ill...

    In 1992, 16 people were killed when a C-130 military transport plane crashed in Evansville, Ind.

    And we have some birthdays...with a special "shout out" to Zsa Zsa...she could actually pass away today...I don't know Zsa Zsa...but I have always adored her...she has given us a lot of fun...

    Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor is 94. Actor Patrick Macnee is 89. Actor Rip Torn is 80. Actress Mamie Van Doren is 80. Actor Mike Farrell is 72. Former NBC News anchorman Tom Brokaw is 71. Singer Fabian is 68. Actress Gayle Hunnicutt is 68. Actor Michael Tucker is 67. Singer Natalie Cole is 61.

    Natalie Cole is 61!!?? wth!

    Which brings me to todays "musical" selection....

    The message in todays song is superb....but I must say I find that woman a little scary. She strikes me as having aggression she were engaged in an argument she seems like the type that would do a lot of shouting and possibly bite your ear off and spit it in your face....and her hair is reminiscent of the punk rock days years ago...

    And what about the song title. Is this ok for teenage girls or younger girls who might be fans of hers? Of course its no worse than all the filthy rap music...but I have always taken the source of rap into consideration for its very existence. People who rob...shoot each other and abuse women..drugs and diamonds....a disgusting bunch of trash...

    and as always...this is just my opinion...and I think everyone is entitled to it....

    As I am sure many of you know...this is Super bowl Sunday...the only super bowl that I am remotely familiar with has a tupperware logo on I think I will have my mush in it today...

  6. TINA: Great moaning this morning! Love this song! I was listening to it yesterday thinking..this would be a great SMV! You snooze you lose.. ;)

    DEEDEE: You forgot would have been my dad's 81st birthday! :)

    Waving a warm G'morning from Az to MO, LYNN, JODI and BONACHI!

  7. Oh..I almost forgot..


  8. DeeDee~ on the radio, the song is called Perfect and she doesn't use the FUCK word~ duh~

  9. Good Super Bowl Morning to everyone.

    JODI also said GO PACKERS!!!!

    We have a lot of snow around here today. We were only supposed to have "flurries" but they turned into about 7" and more on Tuesday....guess our winter is finally catching up to us.

    We have plans to go to a Super Bowl party today and I sure hope MrD is still planning on going (he likes to cancel in snow and I DON'T)!!

    TINA: I hadn't heard this song but I do kind of like Pink when she is on Ellen and just talking.

    LYNN: Congrats on not smoking for so sure have will power!!! Also very happy Eva is coming along so well and her pictures are adorable.

    ZONA: Are you making lots of those snacks for the game today? How is your husband's knee doing today? I hope better

    MO: Thank goodness not another Sugarland today. It seems like every channel on the radio yesterday was playing Sugarland regardless of which button I pushed.

    CHICHI: Do you watch or enjoy football?

    MrD bought me a beautiful Pandora bracelet with a few charms on it for our Anniversary/Valentines Day present. Too bad I don't know what to get him and he doesn't have one suggestion except Starbucks gift cards---how romantic.

    J/L: We watched that Betty White movie the other night and I loved it. It was so sad but what a great story. Did you like it? I was pretty weepy at the end of it and I think my husband was too!

    GO PACKERS!!! And I hope it is an exciting game!

  10. I actually don't have a stake in who wins. So, also, hoping for a good game!

    Off to Houston tomorrow, staying until Friday. Wow, weather is going to be a roller-coaster. 62 on Tuesday, 34 on Thursday. Yikes!

  11. Well at least Dianne didn't cuss me out again! She didn't even acknowledge me!

    Belle goes over to leave surprise in her purse...

  12. There seems to be something on the seat of my pants!! Can anyone see what it is??

  13. I know what it is, DeeDee~ you sharted again and the flies came arunnin'~

  14. Evening Owls! **glares in DeeDee's direction** I'm back!! Did you miss me? I lost internet Friday and it didn't come back until 2:00 this afternoon, after a 4 1/2hr power outage.

    Love the song Tina!!!! Pink is awesome and I love her messages! I have never heard this song before today. Thanks Tina! You're always so hip and on top of stuff!!

  15. **directs the ACME liquor truck up to the back door**

    **directs the ACME pizza truck up to the front door**

    I got some beer and pizza for us to watch the Super Bowl with! ENJOY!!!!

  16. So everyone's watching the game, eh? Dianne, I used to enjoy American football. I actually like the game a lot. What ruined it for me is the fact that it takes 5-6 hours to get through 60 minutes of playing time. Not that I'm opposed to 5-6 hours of fun, but all the starting and stopping drives me nuts.

    We get adverts in Italy, but nothing even close to what Americans suffer through.

    On the other hand, the adverts are entertaining. But I can watch them online without having to watch a bunch of overpaid pussies piss and moan because life isn't fair.

    And then there's that whole Michael Vick thing.

    I miss old school sports where men were men.

  17. Speaking of that, Bonahichi~

    Does anyone know what the Superbowl means? Well I'll tell you!!!

    NASCAR season is starting!!!! YAY!!! Daytona!!!! YAY!!! And one of the guys calling the football game calls the NASCAR races for Fox!! Chris Myers.....yay!!!!

  18. also......Jodi has GOT TO BE ORGASMing about now!!!!! dang me~

  19. Orgasm here.....just saw a NASCAR commercial~

  20. Jodi's team is winning? I voted for the Miami Lakers. $500 for them to win. Drinks on me if they do.

  21. runs past everyone into powder room...slams door..

  22. I'm sorry DeeDee! How is your historical day? Did you sit in some shit? Ernie barfed on his walk today and whilst he was heaving, a bird shit on his head.

    So what I'm saying is, it could be worse.

  23. I'm not watching the Super Bowl. I don't even know what inning they are in. Were there any hat tricks? How about home runs or free throws?

  24. emerges from terlit...shields ass from everyone

    Maureen....good lord...even I know they don't have "free throws"!!

    They are called "free passes"...

    Speaking of passing...I can't seem to stop passing gas and running to the bathroom....all I ate was my mush...

  25. chichi honey~ did DeeDee ever tell you about the bird that shit on her head? :D

  26. No, she did not tell me about the bird. It couldn't have gone well for the bird.

  27. Hi Everyone...

    Let me start by saying I have missed you all. I did not realize life can make such turns and twist that you find yourself in a complete different direction than you are used to.

    My days begin in my office and end in office, there is no after work doings, just drive home and here I am. Once home my mind goes in so many different directions I am so grateful for my ambien, cause truly I don't think I would ever sleep..

    All the snow that we have had as taken a toll on myself as well as my parents, my nephews come as much as they could but with the back to back snowstorms, its up to mom and I to shovel. You have a women you will be 80 in August and a 50yr old out shape women, trying to shovel a foot of snow.. Oh vey, not a pretty sight.. Once shoveled out off to work I go to find flights for clients that are stranded This happens as least once a week.

    Work is getting harder being alone, its my busy season and I am so used to Sal pulling me thru, as if I could not get to something he always did.. I really don't want to complain cause I do nothing about it, so to complain are just words.. actions must be taken, and well, no actions so far, so no complaining.

    My parents, My aunt and uncle and one other couple are going to the Caribbean at the end of this month. My mom wanted to go so bad, she begged my father, as she wants to be on a beach, she loves the beach and because dad does not drive on the parkway they can't take their daily beach trips which they did always.. Soooo with some reluctance's from me, they are going, and my only reluctance's was for my father, cause I just worry about it. But my aunt will be there and she is good with him. I am giving them a international cell phone, so they can call me and visa versa. They leave on 2/24 for a week..

    IS#2 is putting a bid on a house which is a town over from where I live.. it is a perfect starter house for them, and they love it, I hope they get it.. I saw pictures and it really is perfect.
    They asked me to read at their wedding ceremony, which was giddy over, and of course said yes..

    I worked all day today and then stopped by my SIL's for some football food and watch the 1/2 time show, which was ok..
    I missed Christina singing but I hear she messed up the words, How the heck can she do that, did she not practice???

    There is so much more to tell, so much going on.. I will save that for another day, as If I write it all down now I might scare myself :)

    I hope you are all well..

    I know Mary's baby brother passed I send her a msg with my condolences..

    I will try very hard not to stay away so long, please don't think I have forgotten this blog and any dear night owl, cause that is simply not true.. I just find myself confused about me, and I must work on me.. before I can work on anything else..

    I also miss my nephews.. I don't see them that often, as everyone is so very busy we have been only getting together on holidays and such and not just to hang out, which I really really miss.. IS#3 has a girlfriend now, she is very sweet, and they are smitten with each other..

    My dad finally paid off our house and it is just a relief, we are now mortgage free.. and it totally feels great.. I am happy for him, and he is happy for himself.. lol
    hence the trip they are taking..

    and lastly I stopped going to the gym and I miss it.. its been so cold and so many nights it snowed, I just want to come home and burrow.. as soon as spring arrives which feels years away, I will be going back..

    Again.. hope all is doing ok..

    Tina.. you have become a wonderful relief for me know this blog can continue makes me feel so good..

    Thank you everyone for submitting blogs and allowing this blog to go on as we hoped it would..


  28. and I love the vid.. I love pink! can't wait for her album to come yet..

    I did not see this vid, Thanks for posting Tina..

  29. CAROL...with all my heart, I wish there was something I could do to help you thru this.

    I hope you can find peace soon. You have to take care of yourself.

    Are there any kids in the neighorhood you can hire to do the shoveling? You or your mom shouldn't be doing that.

    I'm glad Sara and CiCi will get a needed beach break. I wish you could, too.

    If you ever need a shoulder or an ear, I have 2 of each.

