
Sunday, May 22, 2011

~ S & M ~

by Tina~in_ut

Tinka~ I thought this could be your first lesson in moaning~ :D


  1. "Welll...wasn't that special..."

  2. Good Morning Tina, Iteach and Michael.

    I am going to have to save my first lesson until late this evening. We are rushing up island for my grandson's Christening and Birthday Party. My little Baby Samuel is now a one year old. Where did that year go? I am so excited but also nervous that I can make it from 9:00 mass until the party ends at three. Then there is the two hour ride home. I am going to need someone in Heaven to help me control the pain in my spine and legs. With Heavenly help and lots of pain meds I know I can do it. I will be back tonight to watch the video. Thanks Tina for setting up my lessons.

    Iteach - I hope you are getting over your trauma. I was so worried about you.

    Michael - Be a good boy today okay? Have fun but not too much fun.

    Hi to all the other owls.

  3. Good Morning Tinka!

    Enjoy your time with Samuel. :)

    Thanks for thinking of me, it is still heavy on my mind. I feel horrible for all the kids who witnessed it.

  4. Morning Glories!

    Sorry but I have no respect for this woman. She seems to have a real self esteem issue and is letting everyone promote her as an easy target. Not someone you would want your daughter to look up to. Imho

    Waving at Iteach, Tina, Michael, Tinka and anyone else who flies in.

  5. Good morning and Happy Sunday to everyone. I can't watch the vid on my phone but I did a good amount of my own moaning during the last 5 days. LOL

    I'm now at my mom's for the next 5 days. They found a spot on my mom's lung and she will have an MRI on Tuesday morning. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

  6. MO. I'm so glad your cousin's surgery went well.

  7. Tinka. I hope your pain stays away and you enjoy today's celebration.

  8. Waving to you all. Time for me to get out of bed and have coffee with Mom.

  9. Good morning to you Just/Lin and Good Afternoon to me!

    Just said a prayer for you and your mom.

  10. I feel like the greeter today at Wal-Mart.

  11. Hi iteach...J/L...Tinka and LynnD!!

    J/L...hope you had a great time with Custard...

    iteach....did the woman who was shot die?

    LynnD...I agree...not a good role model....

    I just can't believe that people like Rhianna get rich with no more talent than she has...I mean its not like she is Mrs. Miller or!

    May I present...Mrs. Miller!!!

  12. Boy! I don't know about Audrey... but I learned a thing or two! LOL!

    Speaking of Tinka, here's hoping you have a pain-free day!

  13. Good Morning Bear!

    Michael the first one who was shot twice in the head is somehow still alive, but not doing well.

    The second women who was shot in the head just once died instantly.

    Then the dingdong himself shot himself in the head and died

  14. Good rainy afternoon~ This morning on my way to werk, there was a nasty accident on the other side of the freeway....I thought for sure that the driver of the white car just had to be dead, but I hoped that at least the policeman made it out alive. I found an article just now......the policeman is alive but the other driver is dead....and there was another crash too.....scary....

  15. iteach~ i love the walmart greeters~ :D I hope all ur kids and the teachers are okay~ It's a miracle that woman is still alive~

  16. Good morning, Jennifer!

    Tina: Approximately 35,000 people die in traffic accidents each year in this country alone. I honestly don't understand people sometimes. There is absolutely no public awareness or interest in reducing that number. None. We all just accept it, reflexively pay for the medical and law enforcement infrastructure needed to deal with the carnage, and go about our lives hoping it never happens to us.

    The only exception to my point is the widespread understanding and awareness of the role of drinking and driving in contributing to these statistics. But even WITH our strict laws against, and social disapproval of, drunk driving, 35K people are still dying.

    Why aren't we all up in arms over this, and actively working with transportation safety agencies, elected officials, automobile companies,human factors engineers and driver education programs to mount an effective, all-out, coordinated assault on traffic accidents and traffic fatalities?

    I don't know.

  17. TINA: I don't understand everything..well truthfully, very little..of what's going on in this video..but I like the music!!

    TINKA: I'll be praying for you today. I hope you have a wonderful time and that your legs aren't hurting too badly..make sure you take a nap when you get home! :)

    Happy Birthday to your grandson!

    ITEACH: I'm just glad you and the other teachers and children are ok. I think the dingdong should have saved everyone the pain and trauma and shot himself first..kwim? Sorry to be so blunt..but geez..

    BEAR: Our state put in Photo Radar on the 101 freeway..the speeding tickets went up at first..then down..which showed the radar was they installed it on all of our freeways. The accidents went down..there were less tickets. A successful program..right? They turned all the cameras off last summer..people cheered saying that they had infringed on their Constitutional rights..I'm not sure I understand that..but maybe someone could explain it to me..I just know that it worked and saved lives..

    J/LIN: I will definitely be praying for your mom..I hope everything will be ok.

    HI LYNN! HI MICHAEL! run! :)

  18. We had the same fight here when traffic cameras were put to work...People were furious saying that their rights were being infringed upon.....


  19. Well, Mom doesn't remember things so well sometimes. It's not an MRI she's having this Tuesday, but a CAT scan. Anyway, all prayers and positive thoughts will be appreciated.

  20. well J/L~ I was all fixed on MRI prayers.....I don't know if I can switch mid-stream to cat scan prayers~ ijs~ :D

  21. Waving at everyone!

    J/L thinking and sending positive thoughts for you Mom!

    Mo happy for your families good news!

  22. Good Evening Zona!

    I am very very glad that we are all safe. I so wish the children didn't see him shoot her in the head twice. I only saw her body and I thought she was dead for sure.

    I just don't know what tomorrow will bring. I am a little nervous about going to school.

  23. iteach. OMG! That happened at your school?
