
Friday, November 18, 2011

~ Marcel The Shell With Shoes On, Two ~

by Tina~in_ut

I wasn't going to do this, but since Michael liked yesterday's video so much, I thought I better post part 2~ Enjoy~ :)~


  1. that video has made me eye twitch!! Prolly gave me a blot clot...

  2. Morning Michael!

    These are cute videos Tinas! I'm glad you posted another one today for Michael! Can we expect a third one tomorrow?!?!

  3. glares at Shirley...

    surely there aren't 3 of these!

    I have the Blogger Icon on my browser so I just click on that to get here...

    That Icon show not be a scary thing...but I must admit that at times I am hesitant to click it...afraid of what I might see...

    and thats just wrong...

  4. correction: "should not be a scary thing"...

  5. Don't you think these are cute videos Michael? Let's see you take a shell, an eye and 2 shoes and see what you come up with.

  6. just try to get an avatar going Shirley...then we'll talk creativity...

  7. Michael LMAO @ your remark to Shirley!!!! If you aren't careful, she might make Marcel her avatar. Hahahaha!

  8. Tina Thanks for the second Marcel vid. Kind of reminds me of Mr. Bill, just not as funny. :)

  9. Shirley Just save avatar choices to your pictures file and then take them from there to your blog edit page. I miss your avatars!

  10. Michael2 I thought you'd have more empathy for poor little one-eyed Marcel.

  11. That's what I've been trying to do Just Lin but it isn't working for me.

  12. First of all....lmao at "Mr. Bill...just not as funny"..

    Second...Marcel indeed...don't give her any!

    and third...I do empathize...I even laughed a little when he said "someone asked his sister to hold a balloon"...

    J/L...are you taking a new drug? Ur "funny" rating is very high lately...very high...and frankly it is enjoyable...

  13. Shirley So blog edit says your picture in your pictures file is too small to use?

  14. Michael No, I'm still on the same old boring drugs. :(

  15. Just showed both vids to the hubby......he didn't know whether to laugh or cry!!!!

    Mo~ IT'S SNOWING.......and I have to go out in it I'm 5 hours!!!!~

  16. Hi Guys!

    I thought both of those vids were cute..silly..but cute. I could probably watch another one..but that might be my limit of silly and cute.. ;D

    I was wondering..since it's dark when I get I still a Night Owl..or am I now a Day Owl..hmmmm..

    Have a good day everyone..catch ya on the flip side!! :D

  17. TINA: You're 5 hours....what??
