
Monday, November 28, 2011

Time Lapse From Space - Literally. The Journey Home.

by Zona

This is so cool!! I think I saw my house..did you see yours?? ;D


  1. Good Moaning~

    Hi Shirley~

    Zona~ cool vid...thanks for sending it in~

  2. Good Morning Shirley, Tina, and Michael. Happy Monday to you.

    Zona - That was fun. I think I really did see my house. Tango and Tia were out in the backyard.

    Sorry I have been MIA lately. Until I get my cards and decorating done I won't be visiting the nest often. I will be thinking of you however.

    Michael - You asked a few days ago if I had any pictures of the 1939 Queen's visit. I think it must have been expensive to take pictures in my mom and dad's day because we have very few even of my sister and me growing up. I don't think they even owned a camera. I think times were pretty lean in those days.

  3. Thanks Tinka...

    They entered and exited Nova Scotia and I had just wondered if it was something you had any first hand accounts of...

    thanks for getting back to me on that...

    I know you are enjoying yourself getting ready for Christmas...I don't think I have ever known anyone who enjoys Christmas as much as you!!

  4. **to the tune of If "You're Happy and You Know It"**

    If I'm gorgeous and you know it
    Clap your hands! clap clap
    If I'm gorgeous and you know it
    Clap your hands! clap clap
    If I'm gorgeous and you know it
    And you really want to show it
    If I'm gorgeous and you know it
    Clap your hands! clap clap

  5. somebody got some last night.....

  6. Morning Glories!

    Very fun Zona!

    Dianne I am thinking about your daughter a lot today. I hope they figure out soon what is wrong. Sending up prayers.

  7. No one is clapping. Lynn D? Michael? CLAP!!!!!! Clap I said!!!!

  8. ...clap! ...clap! ....Clap! ...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap! ...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap! ...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap! ...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap! ...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap! ...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!...clap! ...clap! ....Clap!

  9. Zona That was totally cool! Loved it! Couldn't see my house. I knew I should have kept my porch light on longer.

  10. Shirley Congrats on being the prettiest and brightest today. I don't have the clap so I can't give you the clap. Sorry.

  11. Tina Looks like Michael gave Shirley the clap. ;)

  12. Michael I see you have a little eye candy for your avatar. Is that what you want for Christmas?

  13. Tinka I received my first Christmas card the day after Thanksgiving. I haven't even bought mine yet.

  14. LynnD I hope you're having a lovely and peaceful day.

  15. Zona, I loved that vid, however I could not see my house or yours.

    Shirley, you are gorgeous so I hope you can imagine me clapping.

    Waving wildly to Michael, Lynn, J/L and all the other Owls.

  16. oops, I forgot to wave to Tina...sorry

  17. SacBarb Are you busy making cards?

  18. I SAW IT! I SAW IT! Ooops, it was my neighbors house :)~

    OMG...that was AWESOME! I loved the music (Peter Gabriel rocks!) and it was soooo cool seeing the hurricanes. Very cool video!

    SHIRLEY...Do you have the clap? bwahahaha! you look like a vision from the window of the space station!

    Hi Peggy :)~

  19. Hi Everyone:

    ZONA: Cool blog. I saw your house all's looks very pretty. I think I saw Russia too :)

    My daughter was able to get an appointment with the neuro dr tomorrow afternoon. They just happened to have someone cancel when she called first thing this AM. She is still very dizzy and very we all are until we get some answers (hopefully) from the doctor.

    Thanks so much for all the well wishes for her. I really appreciate it.

    Congratulations on first, SHIRLEY. You are beautiful even if you are last but I will clap through the song with you....

    MO: I think I saw you looking at your neighbors house. How are things going?

    LYNN: I hope you are having some better doctor results too. It is so hard to get into these darn doctors, isn't it? Are the grandkids looking forward to Santa?

    J/L: I have purchased my cards, stamps but now I have to learn how to print labels. Louis usually does it but then a lot turn out wrong so I want to do them this year and learn how to do them.

    TINA; What did you buy on your shopping trip? Maybe cars for the three kids? Come on mom......

    BARB: How are you feeling? Is your foot better now and are you able to drive again? I hope so.

    MICHAEL: I see you are the quote of the day and you are also singing your little heart out today with SHIRLEY> You two make a great duet and I remember you were going to be singing with TINK too. You are quite the singer and you get around too.

    Well, we are going to put up some of the Christmas decorations tonight. I have been wanting them up for a couple of weeks but the vote wasn't unanimous in this house to put them up BEFORE Thanksgiving!!

    BTW, it was so nice to see my football owl friends cheering for the Broncos this weekend. I never thought I would see the day!! worked and we won!!!!

  20. TINK: I didn't even see you hanging out there early this morning. I wish you could post some picture so we could see all your decorations. I can still smell your Christmas cakes.

  21. JUST LIN...I watched your Sunday Video...I got goose bumps. Thanks for sharing that.

  22. MO I'm glad you enjoyed the music vid from yesterday. Wasn't it amazing how long that old guy could hold that note near the end? He has some set of lungs!

  23. Dianne I'm so glad your daughter will be able to see the neuorologist tomorrow. I'm continuing to send prayers and keeping fingers crossed that answers and solutions will be found.

  24. JUST LIN...I like your avatar. It does look like he had one too many egg nogs!

    DIANNE...I hope everything goes well with Tammy tomorrow and there is a swift answer and swifter remedy.

  25. Hi Guys!!

    Thank you for all the comments on my blog today..I'm glad you thought it was as cool as I did. I loved the lightning and the Northern Lights..I think that's what they were..anyway it was fun too watch!

    SHIRLEY: You're a beauty today!

    TINKA: I think I saw Teddy too! :)

    BARB: Look again.. ;D

    TINA: Anytime..kumbaya.. :D

    J/LIN: They missed you by thatmuch.. ;D

    DI: I'm glad your daughter was able to get an appointment so quickly..I sure hope the doctor can tell her what's going on.

    Yes T-Bone is really helping the Broncos..much as I hate to admit he just needs to learn to AIM... :D

    MO: I'm thinking..I'm thinking.. ;D

    MICHAEL: I'll take your 'hmmmm'..and raise you a 'huh?'.. ;D

    BEAR!!!! Where are you? This video is right up your know what I mean! :)....;D

    I'm all emoticoned out..long day today and my knee is just one big ache..I hope everyone enjoys their night..I'm taking a Tylenol..woohoo..such excitement!! :D

  26. Zona You take your Tylenol and I'm going to take an antihistamine. It seems sometime during the last few years I started breaking out in a patch of eczema whenever I get stressed. Such fun to get old, really.

  27. OMG, Zona, that was fabulous! I sometimes have these weird dreams where I'm on Station, but it's always much closer to the ground than the real thing, like I'm just above the treetops!

  28. Bear Glad you popped in and that you saw that vid. Very cool, wasn't it?
