
Thursday, September 11, 2014

~ The World Is Coming To An End ~

by Tina~in_ut


  1. Tina - I enjoyed that. Thanks.

    Hard to believe I'm the first one here today.

  2. I didn't watch to the end. I would rather hear something positive going on around. Here we still stop and talk to each other. I still see children outside playing, riding bikes, out walking on the many new trails built from the old rail road paths, etc. Yes we spend time on the internet..too much and keep our heads in our phones..too much. but we still have many volunteering at nursing homes,delivering food to senior citizens, helping at food banks, donating to many organizations, so much more! I don't bury my head in the sand. I know what is going on in the world and do may share as much as able. I will think POSITIVE thoughts and keep sending out good vibes :)

  3. Mary- I hear ya! The vid did have some positive things to say at the end.

  4. TINA - Just saw this video while I was waiting for Jake's x-ray this morning. Food for thought, definitely.

  5. SLIN - Hey Pretty Lady! I agree, it had a positive outlook in the end.

  6. MARY - I see the same here in my small town. Stay golden my little friend!

  7. Just got back from a very long day. Worked from 3 - 6:15 am. Got books completed. All they had to do later was do the bank run. Jake's x-ray showed some sort of foreign body in the knee. Not sure if it would be bone or cartilage. Had to take him for a MRI at 7 tonight. We will get the results Monday morning.

    Best hit the hay. Back in at 3 am. Good night!

  8. Good night Jodi! It's been a long day for you! Wising the best for Mondays results!

    I guess I will have to go back and watch the end lol! Glad it ends on a positive note!

    I accomplished one of my personal goals today. I walked a whole mile! I will keep it there for a while, don't need my knees and hips protesting lol!!

  9. MARY - Good for you for the mile! And I think it is wise to keep it there. Keep on keepin' on :)

  10. Thanks Jodi for steering me to the new blog. I'm such a dork, I didn't even check. I'll pray for good results from Jake's MRI.

  11. Not quite sure what to make of that video. I am glad, though, that it ended on a positive note. Thanks Tina.

  12. Mary, good for you, getting your walking up to a mile.

  13. J/L, how's the shoulder coming along. Are the exercises helping? It's probably painful to do them. I remember how painful my knee exercises were after my surgery. It finally got better and I didn't need as much pain med before I did the exercises.

  14. BARB - You're welcome and thank you!

  15. Barb - I am doing my exercises. It's a group of four different ones and the first one I do is easy and I save the most uncomfortable and difficult one for last. I've stopped taking pain pills during the day and just take one at night to help me get comfortable enough to sleep. It's amazing how painful some of the exercises are when they are so easy to do with my good arm.

  16. Oh, and I'm supposed to do that group of exercises 3-5 times a day. The doctor said to start slow so I've been doing 3 sets so far and this weekend I'll up it to 4 sets.

  17. My neighbor across the street, Rainbow, came over and got my dog to take her to her house for a play date with her dog, Sequoia. Sometimes she takes them for walks together, too. My dog gets so excited when I say the names Rainbow and Sequoia.

  18. Mary - Good job on the walking. I wish I could walk farther without my hip starting to kill me.

  19. HOdi - Keeping my fingers crossed for Jake.

  20. J/L, good for you for hanging in there with the exercises. I remember how painful exercising my knee after the knee replacement surgery and I hated doing the exercises. But I knew if I didn't do them, my recovery would take longer. My Dad had knee replacement surgery and he wouldn't do the exercises and he had a lot of trouble with his recovery.

    Were Rainbow's parents Hippies? I'll bet she is a child of the 60's. How nice if her to take your dog for walks and play dates.

  21. Barb - Yep, Rainbow's mom was a hippie according to her. Rainbow and Jason are expecting their first child in a couple of months. Because they love the outdoors, they are naming her Autumn and middle name Rose after her grandmother. I think that's quite pretty.

  22. J/L, Autumn Rose is a very pretty name. My Mother's name was Rose and if I had a girl, I would have used it for a first or middle name. My Hubby's Mom's name was Gladys, and I didn't like that name. My FIL used to call her Happy Bottom (Glad Ass). I guess that's why I didn't like it. Rainbow is a pretty name, too.

  23. Well, it seems I overdid it yesterday because my shoulder kept waking me up every couple of hours all night long. It is not happy today. Mostly I think it is due to driving; specifically, fastening and unfastening seatbelt. Unfastening it is especially difficult and uncomfortable.

  24. Where has everyone gone? I had to go check and make sure there wasn't a new blog.

    My daughter came and picked up my dog today. Due to my daughter's schedule, the dog will be staying with her for 3 weeks so she can care for her during the week I'm away visiting my brother. The dog gets to accompany her and her boyfriend and dogs to Tahoe for a long weekend, too. My dog is very social and she'll enjoy her time with them all.

    While she was her, my daughter put fresh sheets on my bed for me. Trying to do it with just my left hand just doesn't work out well, especially on the last corner of the fitted sheet.

    I hope you all had a nice Saturday.

  25. J/L, I remember when I had carpal tunnel surgery on my hands how hard it was to change he sheets. It's so nice to have someone who can help with things like that.

    When do you leave for SoCal?

  26. I'm here. I was at my ex SIL wedding today. There were only a few (15) there and we were included. We are like his parents and his family wasn't able to be there so we were his family. I introduced him to his now wife. It was a beautiful day outside for a wedding.

    JL, when are you going to your brothers? I don't remember you mentioning it. Will you be gone long? Don't forget those exercises while you're gone. Your dog sounds like it gets to have a fun life. :)

    Barb, when my mom had her knee replacement she didn't do the pt and she never walked again. I think that's why I was so scared when I had each of my replacements. I was determined.

    Mary, great that you are able to walk like that each day. I just have such a hard time breathing for a long walk.

    Tomorrow we are going to,a Bronco party. I'm taking creme puffs. No, I didn't make them. I know you all thought I did!!!

    We had the heat on in the car Wednesday and air on today. I love fall in Colorado. I had my hair done today for the wedding.

    That's about it. Been out a little more with friends this week at night. I'm not used to doing that and then went to theater to see Pippin. I wasn't crazy about it. Have you seen it Barb?

    Ok..signing off....

  27. Dianne, Saw the beautiful pic you posted on FB. You look great and the girls are so pretty. They are really young ladies now.

    I have not seen Pippin and it is not on our schedule this season. We will be seeing Jersey Boys (again, love it), Dirty Dancing, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Rain A Tribute to the Beatles, Once (which I've never seen), and Cinderella.

  28. Ok one reminded me Miss America was on tonight and I missed it!!!! You all know I love that show and I didn't even have the darn tv on after I came home from the bronco party. Boo hoo

  29. Sorry Dianne, I didn't know it was on. Maybe you can see it On Demand.

  30. Barb, I already know who won thanks to the internet. I need to start looking ahead. I'm slipping missing that show.

    Thanks for the compliment on our picture.

  31. Dianne - I don't think I knew you liked that show. I saw it advertised but didn't really pay attention because I don't watch it. My husband (the good one) was a 6'4" police lieutenant and would get tears in his eyes when the winner would cry. LOL He was quite an empathizer.

  32. SLIN - How nice of Rainbow to take your dog out for walks. Love the name Autumn! My cousin Debbie (also a hippie) named her daughter Autumn.

  33. DIANNE - it looked like a very nice day for the wedding, and I loved the pic of you and your granddaughters!

  34. Jake has a bone fragment from an injury 3 years ago. Seeing surgeon next week to get opinion on surgery to reattach it. If we do nothing, he runs the risk of cartilage damage, and ultimately arthritis in that knee.

  35. Crazy busy weekend at work. There was a soccer tournament in town that was supposed to bring an additional 4,000 people to town. By the time I was done yesterday, I was exhausted. I was hoping to go to a baby shower after work and then drive to Milwaukee to see JUDY, but I didn't do either. It's hell getting old!

  36. Waving a wing at BARB, BARB IN COviaWa, and MARY!

  37. Sorry about the news regarding Jake's knee. I hope they can fix it proper and that he heals well. At least he has youth on his side.

    Yes, it is hell getting old (as I barely wave my injured wing at you).

  38. Thanks SLIN! If it hurts to wave, you can always just shake the "girls"....bwahahaha!!!

  39. I'm figuring out what clothes I can wear while down in SoCal. Buttons and zippers are not easy so those things I have that are roomier are easier to close rather than the "suck in gut and pull together as hard as you can" pants. The right arms can't handle that much stress. I did manage to get a pair of jeans on today which was no easy feat. Until today, I've been alternating between two pair of elastic waist pants. It doesn't help that I've put on a few more pounds while I've been recovering. This isn't exactly news sine I've been gaining weight slowly but surely for a while now. Being inactive due to injury certainly hasn't helped matters.

  40. SLIN - When do you leave? Just take your birthday suit. Easy peasy ;)

  41. All kidding aside, could you take walks? Or at least do laps in the house? Frustrating, I know. At least you have good weather. I didn't dare due the ice and snow when I broke my wing. Hang in there lady!

  42. JL, I agree birthday suit the easiest. When do u leave and for how long? I keep asking and you won't tell me! I wouldn't even mess with the jeans. Only easy things unless your brother doesn't mind helping you.

    Jodi, how is Jake doing? Is he upset about his knee? Poor kid. What day is appt...I forgot?

    Thanks for the nice compliments on my picture with the girls. I don't often do full body shots but Louis snuck that in there. He was the photo guy for the wedding. Many years ago he used to do that for a second job.

    I'm excited drs...just lunch and WW. My friend that had the double mastectomy six mos ago that I meet on Wednesday will now be out of commission as she is going in for her reconstruction surgery next week. Sounds like it's quite a recovery too.

    Missing Mary, Sac barb, Barb in Colo...what are you three up too? Getting in trouble?

  43. HOdi - Now I am being more active. Before, I couldn't even reach my arm forward enough to tie a show but now I can. I also felt unusually vulnerable with such a painful shoulder that hurt with each slight movement and didn't want to trip on anything again. Now I can tie my shoes and feel much more sure-footed and am regaining a bit of strength and limited movement in my arm. I'm definitely seeing improvement in range of motion due to doing the exercises. I am feeling stronger and more confident and am moving around more every day.

  44. Dianne - I leave on my trip on Saturday morning and return the evening of Sept. 28. The 22nd is my brother's 62nd birthday. Hopefully, it won't be too horribly hot while I'm there. According to my phone, it was 107 the other day but looks like it will be in the high 80's Saturday.

  45. Waving my good wing at Mary, Sac Barb, and Barb in CO.

  46. DIANNE - His appointment is on Tuesday. Hoping for a relatively easy fix. I think he has accepted that he is done with football, but will be really upset if this takes him out of wrestling.

  47. SLIN - Glad you are seeing some progress in your recovery! And I understand about the initial pain and fear of falling.

  48. J/L, when you go to SoCal be sure to ask for wheelchair assistance at the airport and you won't have to sorry about navigating SFO alone. I know you probably won't want to ask for assistance, but it will help you a lot.

  49. HOdi - Congrats on 50! (I wish I was only 50.)

  50. Barb - Flying United out of SFO has been a bit of a pain in the butt for quite a while. The domestic flights check in at one terminal and then are shuttled over to a different terminal to the actual gate being used. I won't ask for assistance because I don't really need it and I will just have a checked bag, no carry-on. Meds and jewelry will be in my purse. I don't want early boarding as I have an aisle seat and would prefer the person in the window seat already be seated.

  51. Barb2 - You're a good safe distance away from fire, aren't you?

  52. J/L, We are a safe distance from the fire for now, but it has severely impacted our air quality. The smoke is very heavy and I can barely see the houses across the street. I just heard on the news that the wind is shifting and I'm not sure what that means in terms of our safety. So far they only have 10% contained. None of my neighbors are too concerned, so I guess I'm not either.
