
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Three Blondes

by Dianne

Three blondes are sitting by the side of a river holding fishing poles with the lines in the water.

 A Game Warden comes up behind them, taps them on the shoulder and says, “Excuse me, ladies, I’d like to see your fishing licenses.”

“We don’t have any,” replied the first blonde.

 “Well, if you’re going to fish, you need fishing licenses,” said the Game Warden.
“But officer,” replied the second blonde, “We aren’t fishing. We all have magnets at the end of our lines and we’re collecting debris off the bottom of the river.”

The Game Warden lifted up all the lines and, sure enough, there were horseshoe magnets tied on the end of each line.

“Well, I know of no law against it,” said the Game Warden. “Take all the debris you want.”  
And with that, he left.

As soon as the Game Warden was out of sight,  the three blondes started laughing hysterically.

“What a dumb Fish Cop,” the second blonde said to the other two.

“Doesn’t he know that there are steelhead trout in this river?”


Mary/MI said...

That was funny Dianne! A new one for me!
How is your Brother doing?
I am making a quick stop.Except for breakfast, I haven't eaten yet and it's 6:30 here.
I went with Jim to his Drs appmt. for evaluation of his ultrasound. I will discuss when I get back....
Yay I'm # 1 , unless someone steps on me lol!!!

Mary/MI said...

Sorry, the time got away from me. I will [post tomorrow afternoon.
I am having lunch with my friends tomorrow.
Sweet dreams all!

Just_Lin said...

Mary You never came back! I guess you got too lonely in here. How is your hearing? Did your hearing come back in that ear?

Last Tuesday I met with Beverly for a short while at our local beach. She and her sister had come down from Sacramento especially to sit on the beach and watch surfers and listen to the ocean. OMG! I froze my ass off! It was a gray, overcast day and the breeze off of the water was freezing! Her sister was bundled up as much as she could be. She had a black poncho type sweater that she had pulled up around her head so it kind of looked like a burqa, well more like a niqab. Beverly was laying on a blanket and had herself partially wrapped in it. All I had was a very light jacket and I was soooo cold! If the weather would have been better, I would have visited longer but I could only take it for 20-30 minutes. They wanted to stay and enjoy the ocean longer (or maybe it was the surfers in their wet suits that they wanted to enjoy). LOL

Yesterday, I took my friends John and Jane out for brunch. We went to a nice little place down in Half Moon Bay. You and Beverly were in Half Moon Bay before, right?

Just_Lin said...

Barb I'm really lucky my dog is so easy to deal with, especially when it comes to medications and treating wounds. Because of her ripped out toenail, I not only have to give her oral antibiotic, but I also have to soak that paw twice a day. I mix the solution in a Ziploc bag and then have her stand with that foot inside the bag. I keep her entertained by singing to her. I sometimes call her the "sugar pie, honey butt" dog so I basically sing that to her to the tune of the Four Tops hit, "Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch". Sometimes she's "punkin butt" instead of honey butt. LOL Anyway, she'll stand there with her foot in the bag for a decent amount of time so the would gets a good soak. A cat would never put up with this, song or no song.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne Where are you? It's not like you to be away so long.

Dianne said...

Here I am. Received a nudge from JL....not too much going on around here. Went to breakfast with tam and James today and going to see Michael blube tonight with Tammy. We’re having very warm weather in the high 90”s. No storms for a few days...

JL, glad your dog is so cooperate with you for his injury. Can you video tape you singing to him for us? I’d like to hear that one time. Nice that you got to spend a little time with Bev. Brr, sounds really chilly. How’s she doing? I’ve been enjoying her pictures. Sounds like your brunch was nice. No more movies?

Mary, what happened to you? Your “right back” is taking awhile. How’s that Ear? You new gate looks really nice.

Barb....And you are doing What? Have u decided to go to your sons and help out in San Diego? I know you were thinking about it.

That’s all I’ve got. I was very disappointed Wednesday as I’m following the ww plan to the tea and writing everything down and then gained two pounds. Made me upset. I’m still following it so this week better be good. Had lost 5 pounds the week before and then that happened

sacBarb said...

Dianne, I can’t work it out to go back to San Diego. Mellie just won’t take her meds for Chad and if I board her at the Vet’s, it will cost me as much as it would cost Todd to board his dog. Plus I would have to pay the plane fare. So, all things considered, I am just staying home. Todd understands, so it’s all good.

sacBarb said...

J/L, I could hear you in my head singing to Ursula. LOL You are so right about a cat not putting up with that treatment you have to do for her. I hope I never have to do anything like that for either cat.

sacBarb said...

Mary, Matthew did a really good job on the new gate. The paint job looks pretty good, too.

Mary/MI said...

Girls... I am sooo sore & tired! Every day has been busy! Today Matt & I worked on digging around the new lattice he put up. We are getting ready to put down mulch. We decided to make the area deeper. That took most of the day. We filled 5 front load buckets of dirt with the new John Deer tractor. It was over 90* with the full sun! We took turns taking breaks between digging and putting dirt in the bucket. I wasn't
sure we would get it all done today, but we did. Matthew spent all day yesterday putting in the new lattice. I helped the best I could, but he did most of the work. We have taken many showers this week lol! It will be in the 90s all week! We are not used to that long of stretch of high temps!
Jim was at the Casino all day. He came hoe about 6:30, patted down some dirt Matt had spread on the driveway. You would have thought he had worked all day lol!
Tomorrow we have a guy coming to replace/upgrade out Direct TV, so the morning is a wash.
I made tacos for supper, now I need to clean the kitchen and fold laundry.

I went with Jim to see the results to his ultrasound. He has blockage in both legs one in the front, the other in the back, and one worse than the other.
She said that for every cig he smokes his leg veins/arteries, restrict for two hrs.
The % rate of that happening is 400%! He still smokes! We are waiting to hear from her telling us which specialist he has to see to take care of his legs. Probably will have stints put in, but if he keeps smoking the stints will have to be replaced every 4 or 5 yrs.
BTW, my hearing did "pop" back after my shower. Thank goodness!!
I forget what else was asked. Pleas forgive for not remembering. I need a vaca lol!!

Dianne said...

Mary....come here and visit. It’s hot in the 90’s here too and maybe 100 by end of the week but it cools down to 60’s at night and no humidity! It makes a huge difference. You exhaust me with you everything you do. You are such a hard worker and then fix dinner too. I’d be so pooped. Your knee must be doing pretty good being doing all this outside work. . Matthew is a great helper to you. Ive been riding my recumbent bike and that’s enough exercise for me. I’m pretty happy that I’m doing that though. I do my “bike playlist” loud and peddle. I hope Jim gets good results from specialist. What does he think about what dr days about the smoking restricting his veins? I would think that would be good motivation to stop. I’m sure it’s very frustrating to you.

Barb, that’s too bad you can’t go to San Diego but I can understand why with you kitty. It’s like having a baby. Do you have any shows planned? Any movies? Doesn’t seem like you or JL go to movies much any more....not that there has been that many decent ones out lately.

JL, have you done that video yet for us? How’s your daughter doing? Is she all settled? Tammy and James leave on their honeymoon cruise to Alaska too. They will be gone a week. He starts a new job when he gets back.

Kayla has been all miserable lately over a dang boyfriend. She has a start on her career coming up and so much going for her but she is so dependent on being with a boyfriend..,regardless. I just simply do not understand. I hope she will get more confident as time goes by but I’ve prayed for that forever. She’s always an extra worry to us.

I’m trying to do some cleaning out things in the bedroom and going through jewelry. Ho hum. Not much after listening to Mary. I go to. pain dr tomorrow to see if he can help my back. Hope so.

sacBarb said...

Dianne, How did it go at the pain doc? I hope you can get some help. Back pain really sucks. My back has started acting up again. It’s been four years since I had the back surgery. Is Kayla’s boyfriend a nice guy? I hope he’s not another Jake-ass!

sacBarb said...

Mary, You are really a workhorse. I get tired reading your posts. How is you knee after doing all that work? I know how you must feel about Jim’s smoking. My husband tried many times to quit smoking, but he just couldn’t do it. Each time he tried to quit, he ended up smoking more than he did before. I’m sure that’s what finally killed him. He was only 51 when he died.

sacBarb said...

J/L, I hope Ursula’s paw is healing. Is she still good about having her paw soaked? One of the Jennifers came over today and we made 12 cards, all the same design, for the other Jennifer. We are helping her catch up on cards she needs for a card swap group she belongs to. There are six people in the group and each one makes six cards and they all get a card from each person. Jen N. has been so busy she has gotten behind and “owes” five months worth of cards. Jenn B. Is coming over again tomorrow and both Jens are coming over on Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully we’ll get them all done. As usual, Mellie was supervising and Tara was helping. I finally had to put Tara in my bedroom because she was ‘helping’ too much! 🙀

Mary/MI said...

JustLin, I can't believe how cold you were at the beach! At least you got to meet up with Beverly for a bit.
Have you had any after affects from your graceful fall! I am glad you didn't break anything!
Max hasn't been around like I thought he would to check on his herbs.He is smart as a fox. I have been watering and weeding. I had to pluck the tops as they were going to seed. Basil needs to be used at least a couple times a week. He must think it is like potatoes or cukes that can be left to grow a while! He says he is going to make pesto.
He will have wasted his money leaving it unattended in our garden. I keep my herbs on the patio close to the kitchen so I can pluck a few leaves when needed.

SacBarb, I will NOT be cooking for Max with his dam herbs lol. He will not be happy when he sees them dying off and wasted.
My knee has been swelling up. I prolly shouldn't have used my left foot to push the shovel in the ground or lift 3, 24 pks, of water bottles to the house, or lifted 3 huge bags of mulch into my cart, or walked around the large gross-ery store lol!
Matthew and I put 15 bags of mulch down early this morning. We were short 3 bags, so I decided to get them. I need to clean the kitchen. After laying the mulch I made home made tortillas and Spanish rice with chicken. I wanted to take to my friend Carol and her hubby before her surgery Fri. They live about an hour from me. They are so sweet. They will both be 90 next month. Their dog didn't try to hump me this time lol!

Dianne, after this busy day, I am ready to pack up and visit you lol. Problem is, you do not live my any body of water/ocean! I need a sea breeze :)
Jim is too addicted to his ciggs. He will never quit! It is sad to see him slowing down daily. I notice things that worry me. He hasn't heard back from his Dr. I told him to call her back while I was gone. He didn't. I will do it tomorrow. This is one of the things that I notice, the lack of motivation. He does still walk his dog, Queenie, even in this heat and humidity! He was at the Casino Monday and will be going again tomorrow. Smoking, drinking and gambling seem to keep him happy. What can I do? Not a dam thing :(
Time to clean up the kitchen, or maybe check FB LOL!!


Just_Lin said...

Barb It's really nice of you and Jen to help out Jen N by making a bunch of cards for her. She's 5 months behind? Yikes! Maybe she doesn't have time to be in that group. I got a laugh out of your comment about Tara "helping". It's so nice that you get together with the two Jennifers, though, and are creative. I keep thinking I want to paint something but I keep not getting the stuff out and actually doing it.

Ursula's toe is healed enough that she'll be able to go out with her group tomorrow. I think she's been missing her friends.

Just_Lin said...

Mary You make me so darn tired just reading about all the physical activity (manual labor) that you do. Good for you though as it is keeping you in good shape. I absolutely wore myself out the other day just by taking the dog for a walk on a warm day and then going grocery shopping. My back and sciatica had been bothering me from the get-go and I felt like it was unusually difficult to walk any distance. By the time I was home from shopping and got everything put away I was exhausted, unusually so. I really felt like I could just close my eyes and go to sleep. I probably should have just given in and taken a nap but I didn't.

Do you think Jim is depressed? I had my annual physical on Monday. The most disturbing part about it was getting on the scale. LOL

Just_Lin said...

Dianne I miss going to the movies but there really hasn't been anything out in a while that my friends and I all want to see. If there's anything I'm mildly interested to see, I can wait a little while and pay $5.99 to see it on my TV using On Demand. If I wait a little longer, I can see it for free. There's a drama coming out soon called "The Kitchen" (referring to Hell's Kitchen) that looks interesting. It stars Melissa McCarthy and Elizabeth Moss.

My daughter finally got her furniture delivered Last weekend. She was getting tired of sleeping on an air mattress and eating just microwaveable stuff or take out food. Also, she discovered that the dishwasher didn't work. A repairman came out last Monday and determined that the motor is broken. She's hoping for a new dishwasher rather than a repair of that one. Also, he kept having to reset the hot water heater. They will be replacing that. So, as you can see, the move has not gone real smoothly.

Mary/MI said...

JustLin, I think shopping should be considered an Olympic worthy sport lol! It poops me out too!
Dam that sciatica! I have not had an issue with that in a long time. If I do, it doesn't last too long. My doing Tai Chi and exercises every morning may be keeping my muscles stretched. I am out on the patio about 8 am. I do a bit of light weight lifting (just my arms). I need to keep my shoulder & arms loose.

I just came in from potting some flowers and walking Zoie. It is so humid! She wanted to go so out we went! When she wants to go she puts her paws on my lap. That's her signal lol!

Tomorrow I am going to Ladies Day at the local Fair. They always have interesting speakers and give out a lot of free door prizes. I always go with my friend Barb. I have known her and her hubby for over 40 yrs.

Jim won $2600.00. He actually gave me $200! I gave Matthew half for all the Labor he has been putting in around. He even paid for all the materials. I was hoping Jim would reimburse him for it. Oh well, We'll take the $200 lol!


sacBarb said...

J/L, The swap group that Jen is in consists of only six people, so we only had to make six cards. But, we made 12 of each design, so the three of us could have two each. We only got two months done in the two days. We worked about five hours each day, but we spent the first hour eating lunch. We do it because we have fun and now that Jenn B. Is retired, she has the the time. Jen N. Is a youngster, 46, so she’ll be working at least another 10 years.
I bet Ursula will be happy to run and play with her friends. Glad she’s doing better.

sacBarb said...

Mary, I’m glad to hear you won’t be cooking for Max. I really think you shouldn’t be doing all that heavy work. Your knee is still healing. My doc told me it takes about a year to completely heal, especially for us older folks. And then cooking a big dinner on top of all that work, too! Woman, you are a ball of energy!

sacBarb said...

Dianne, where are you?

Dianne said...

I’m here cooking in 101 degrees. Not literally cooking...just sweating! We are breaking records with our temps. Tomorrow it’s only supposed to be going to 83. At least no humidity and it cools down to the 70’s at night. We went to a little Mexican place by us and we were just getting our food when the power went out. We had to pay in cash as credit card machine not working and they were turning people away. I felt bad for them as it’s a lot of business for a small place to lose on a Friday night. Our electric company says it’s because everyone is using air conditioning. We were afraid our place was without but all well here. Today was get hair colored day and that’s about it.
Barb, that’s nice of you to help Jennifer out with cards. Sounds like you’ll have a busy weekend. Do you always meet at your house? Well, pain dr checked me all over and scheduled me for two shots different than the one I had prior. He will have me pit out like a colonoscopy for these in a surgery center. My biggest fear is them finding a vein to put me out. Hopefully these will help and if not we will go from there and see what’s next. I’m not doing surgery though. Sorry your back is acting up again. Louis hasn’t had any issues since his surgery. No, we’re not crazy about Ben Kayla’s boyfriend. He’s like about 23 and doesn’t seem to work much. We went to dinner one night and he was friendly enough. Em likes him ok and she’s around him but why can’t she date what I call normal guys? She settles for so much less. He’s not a Jake-ass but not my pick of the litter.

JL,glad Ursula is getting better. How did she do running with her friends? Did you ever see Rocketman? We really liked it. I haven’t heard of The Kitchen but love Melissa McCarthy in anything. Summer is never great for movies unless you’re a child or teen that loves scary movies. Louis was supposed to go see Spider-Man today but plans got canceled.

Mary, how are you feeling? Are you trying to rest that knee some? You are strong to be lifting all those heavy things. Little but mighty! Well, at least Jim gave you a little of his winnings. He should have given some to both of you after all that outside work you and Mathew did all week. Did you hear anymore from Jim’s dr? How was the fair? Did you win any prizes?

We are going to an open house at Andy and Wendy’s tomorrow. Barb is coming with us. We have to go early for parking. They’re having a bbq void truck that they had for my nieces bbq/shower last month.

Dianne said...

I should break down my posts so one wouldn't be so darn long! I’m too wordy I guess. Ps Mary....we don’t have an ocean but we have some beautiful mountains not far away! It’s cooler up there

Mary/MI said...

We have been having horrible high temps and high humidity. The Ladies Day at the fair grounds was in a large building. There was on tiny fan! The MC was a young teacher. She MCs many events, like talent shows, Ladies Day, etc. She is a bit kookie , and usually funny and entertaining with all her funny gestures. I think she wasted way too much time with her antics between programs/announcers/door prize giveaways. Every time she announced a gift she would make some sort of anecdote about it. It was so hot and stuffy, I almost drifted off a few times lol!
My girlfriend & I , each won a $20 gift certificate to a local restaurant that serves home cooked meals. Kind of makes up for the sweating lol! We didn't stick around the fair grounds. We headed straight to my Jeep! Good thing, We found out later that the Fair officials decided to delay opening until late afternoon due to the temps.
I wanted to go this afternoon since it is the last day. I didn't get my junk food yet lol!
Last night Michigan had a bad storm come through. Many around us are out of power and may be out until Monday! The map shows how close the outage came to us, about 1/4 mile! I feel so bad for all those suffering in the heat!
Not sure if the fairgrounds will be open since that county is affected.
I may have to make my own elephant ear confections :(

sacBarb said...

Dianne, We usually do cards at my house, except when it was all torn apart for the new floors and painting. Then we went to Jen N’s house. Her 86 year old Mom lives with her and I think she would rather we not go there, plus I have the big pool table which is easy for us to spread out all our supplies on. Tera cat was all over the table when Jenn and I were working and I finally put her in my bedroom. She doesn’t really mind staying in there. She just sleeps on my bed. At one point I had to go in there to get something and Mellie followed me and didn’t want to come out, so they both stayed in there. Their food and a litter box are in the bedroom, so they’re good in there.

sacBarb said...

Mary, The State Fair is going on here now. We used to go every year and take the kids, but I’ve only been twice since my husband died. Once was with some coworkers and we also went to the harness races, and the other time was when my Uncle Mike and Jim were here and we took my Mom in her wheel chair. There was an Elvis impersonator there that year and he sang a song to my Mom. She was thrilled. I don’t usually eat the junk food at the Fair. When we took the kids, we didn’t have a lot of money in those days, so we would only let them get a foot long hot dog and a drink. That was a real treat for them.

sacBarb said...

J/L, It looks like Luke P. won’t take “no” from Hannah, so there’s going to be more drama on Monday night. What an A$$ he is!

Just_Lin said...

Mary Here's something else that should be considered an Olympic sport...putting a bed skirt on a king size bed by yourself. I managed to do that yesterday and that sure was a workout. Unfortunately, I have decided that I really don't care much for the new bedspread as it looks darker than I expected and doesn't look right in my bedroom. I ordered it online and received it about a month ago but hadn't unpacked it until yesterday. Anyway, I bought it during a great sale but sale or not, I really don't want to pay for a new king size set right now so I will just have to live with this for a while. It's a beautiful set. It's just not beautiful in my bedroom. Plus, I'm not real anxious to go through the whole bed skirt ordeal so soon again.

Stay safe from that heat wave. Put your outdoor projects on hold until it's not a risk to your health and well being. I can't remember the last time I was at a county fair. Kudos on winning the gift certificate.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne Another movie I'm interested in seeing is the one coming out with Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio. I think my "movie friend" is interested in seeing that one, too. It's going to be at our favorite theater the week after this coming one. I never did get to see Rocketman while it was at our theater and now it's moved on. I guess I'll wait for it to come to my On Demand service and I will pay to see it rather than wait until it is free. Paying for it at home is cheaper than the cost of a movie ticket.

I need to start paying serious attention to my diet. Not only am I the heaviest that I've ever been, but my kidney values suck the worst they ever have, according to my lab results. Unfortunately, I've been eating all the worst things for kidneys for quite a while before I had my blood tests the other day and it really showed.

Just_Lin said...

Barb As for Luke P....will this misery never end? He keeps taking time away from the other guys who are much more deserving of attention than he is.

I hate when shows end that I was really into. I just finished watching the final season of an Australian detective show. Now I'm watching the second season of Trapped that just came out on Amazon. I had watched the first season when it was out and got quite engrossed in it even though it is Icelandic and I have to read the subtitles. This means there is no multi-tasking going on while I'm watching as I have to really pay close attention.

PARCA came by on Tuesday to pick up donations curbside and I actually remembered to put stuff out for them. So, they took everything except one box. I saw that the guy had a hard time getting my other stuff into his overly full truck so I assumed he or some other driver would come back by since I was not the only house on the street that still had stuff sitting out there for them. Well, no. No one has. My neighbor said they were going to call so I assume they did. Oh, well. I guess I'll put it in the garage today.

Dianne said...

Howdy gals, are you all doing? I have developed a little sore throat this afternoon. I can’t get sick because my 55 year class reunion is Saturday...not that I’m that thrilled to go but I will be okay when I get there...hopefully. If it still is bothering me in the morning, I call the PA and see if I can get in with him.

Mary...I see you went to eye dr today and need more drops. Do your eyes hurt or is it your checkup? Dang, you missed your funnel cake! I haven’t had one in years but love them. That’s great you won a gift certificate, made it worth going. Our temps have cooled down to high 80’s about you? We went to an open house Saturday and had two terrible storms. We all ended up inside as the temp dropped to 60 and it was pouring. Hail in other parts of town. Yuck!

Barb, do you watch America’s Got Talent? I like it plus the new Jeff Foxworthy Show after AMGT. It’s pretty funny with comedians competing. You feel kind of sorry for some of them. Boy, I keep reading about this Luke guy and I don’t even watch the show. He sounds kind of bad. My ex and I used to go to our state fair every year in my good walking days. We always went to a concert there at night. I used to really like going them.

JL, I want to see that movie too. I’ll be glad to get some decent shows. My next couple of weekends are busy with the reunion and my nieces big wedding on the 10th. My cousins from Texas are coming too and then Louis and I go to New Mexico for a few days to see my musical group. I even have my first ever meet and greet. My cousins will be here a few days too. Tammy and James leave for two days to Seattle tomorrow and then off on Alaskan cruise. I wish I was going. It’s their delayed honeymoon.

sacBarb said...

Dianne, I am watching AGT right now. I missed the first hour because I was cleaning the kitchen. Chad cooked chicken thighs in the Instapot and they were really good. He also made rice and the juice from the chicken was really good over the rice. So, when he cooks, I clean. If there’s a really big mess, he helps clean.
I went to a cataract class at Kaiser today. It’s a requirement before I have cataract surgery. They explained the whole process and set up pre-op appointments. The actual surgery won’t be until October. They also said I can choose to have both eyes done at the same time. When my Mom and sister had it done, they didn’t have that option, so they had to go through it twice. I think I’d rather get it over with in one shot.

Dianne said...

Barb, I didn't have the option of both eyes at once either. It’s a fairly easy procedure. The only thing is I had to wear a patch thing over my eye and that would have been hard with two patches. Did they say anything about that part? Dinner sounded good. I cooked tonight too a pizza sorta of dish in the crockpot. It only took three hours on low so didn’t start until this afternoon. I love those crockpot mess! Louis does the food cleanup and I do the dishes. I liked the shadow people tonight. It’s amazing how they do it but they’re not going to Hollywood. Oh well...

Mary/MI said...

Howdy gals!

Dianne, Don't get sick young lady! I love New Mexico! My brother lives near Santa Fe. Beautiful area. Yes, I missed my funnel cake :( The weather on last day of the fair, was horrible! The midway stayed open, but I wasn't going to walk around in the rain!
Back in a minute, Zoie is wanting out!

Mary/MI said...

I'm back. False alarm lol!

JL, I got a big laugh out of your "beds skirt incident" I hate changing them!
Today I made a few batches of Spanish rice with chicken for a friend's benefit this week end. They are having a taco bar and asked friends to donate a few dishes or veggies that go with tacos. My friend Ruth has recently found out she has cancer. She had to quit her job. Her hubby is some what disabled and works at our VFW bar,for tips only.
They are only asking money for them ,for gas money to get them to chemo & radiation about 40 miles away, 5 days a week. They are sweet humble people. It is sad when people fall on hard times.

SacBarb, My eye Dr said we will be discussing cataract surgery on my next visit! I wonder how that works having both done at the same time? The guys are helpless as it is around here with me having two good eyes lol!
My eye pressure was high, so he added another eye drop to use twice a day. Ugh! The last time he added one, it messed up my sinuses something terrible! My buggers ran non stop, so he took me off of it.We'll see how this one works!

Your chicken over rice sounds good. I par boil the chicken to make the broth for the rice, then cut it up into small pieces and put into the rice along with spices & tomatoes. My Mom's recipe. I still wish I would have paid more attention to her cooking. I have struggled to learn how to make the perfect tortillas and rice lol!
I think I finally got it!!

sacBarb said...

Mary and Dianne, I did ask about having patches on both eyes and was told they use clear plastic goggles instead of patches when both are done together. The patch is for protection, rather than to keep from seeing out of the eye and is usually only required overnight. I will have an appointment with the doctor the next day.

sacBarb said...

Mary, I, too, wish I paid more attention when my Mom was cooking, especially when she made Easter and Christmas baked goods. I have tried to duplicate some things, but have failed miserably. I do have many of her recipes, handwritten by her, but they just don’t come out the same. 😢😢😢

sacBarb said...

Dianne, I have not heard of crockpot liners. Where do you get them and would they work in an Instapot? Although the Instapot isn’t that hard to clean. There is an insert where all the ingredients go, and it comes out and cleans easily.

Just_Lin said...


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