
Sunday, January 10, 2021

Resurrection Question

 by Dianne

While the priest was presenting a children's sermon.   
he asked the children if they knew what the Resurrection was. 


Now, asking questions during children's sermons is crucial,
but at the same time, asking children questions in front of a 
congregation can also be very dangerous.
In response to the question, a little boy raised his hand.


The priest called on him and the boy said, "I know that if
    you have a resurrection that lasts more than four hours you are
           supposed to call the doctor." It took ten minutes for the congregation
to settle down enough for the service to continue! 



  1. Mary You really have a lot of sad things going on this month. I'm very sorry for that. Cindy's story is really, really sad. You are such a nice person to not forget her. (((HUGS))) As you can tell from my FB posts, my anxiety level has been high for the last four years and now it is through the roof. My asthmas has been unusually bad for the last several days and it has occurred to me as I type this, that perhaps it's recent events that have caused it.

    OMG! I can't imagine it being only 8*! I put a blanket throw across my legs in the evening when I'm on the couch watching TV. I depend on a gas wall heater and although it is heating fine, it is now making a very loud bang when it cools down. This has gotten worse over time to the point that the bang is now so loud that it sometimes makes me jump even though I know it's coming. I have googled the problem and I'm sure I have the expense of a new heater in my very near future. I have a heating guy coming out to look at it on Tuesday. $$$

    We can only do take-out here but I went to my friends' (Kathy and Lee) house last night for dinner. She loves to cook for people and also makes me a very good Bloody Mary. It's like I still get to go out for dinner. I do provide a dessert of some type, though. It's good for me to be able to visit and have conversation since I no longer even have a dog to talk to.

    I still miss my dog so much. I can't even look at a photo of her without shedding some tears.

  2. Dianne I must admit that I laughed out loud when I read that you use your printer a lot to print recipes! What? Then again, I see that I've copied and saved recipes that I've never actually made, too. Some I really have cooked, though. Can you say the same? Does Louis feel hopeful every time you print a recipe? LOL

    I don't know when a vaccine will be available for me. Won't you have some immunity for a while since you already had the virus? I think I saw on the news that they expect people who got the virus would have immunity for about 6 months. Even if it's not full immunity, it's certainly better than nothing.

    I'm glad you and Louis have been having good oxygen readings. Reading that reminded me to check my own. I'm in the high 90's so I guess I'm okay for now.

  3. Barb Happy birthday wishes to your sister. That's nice that Chad will deliver some nice treats to her. You do not feel it's safe to see her in person? Chad doesn't go anywhere except for groceries, does he? I know it's not 100% guarantee, but I think her chances of getting the virus from either of you is almost completely non existent.

    Your former tradition of a progressive dinner sounds like it was a lot of fun. Old and gimpy like I am now, I'd probably find all that walking to be too much trouble. LOL

    Friday I took down my little Christmas tree and all the other decorations I had up for the holiday. It's always a bit depressing when I do that because I really enjoy the lights on the tree and the lights on the garland that I put across the fireplace mantel. My regular decor is boring by comparison.

  4. Seaside Have you been sick? I hope you're feeling much better now. We miss you!

    I don't keep up with football except to watch the occasional 49er game. They are totally out of it so that's the end of my interest for the year. Maybe by then we will have a fully healthy team. That would help immensely.

    I have continued to work on my paint-by-number painting of my daughter and I. It's pretty tedious work. When my daughter was still here, we had a good laugh at hers which is from a photo of her and her dogs. For whatever reason, the computer that made this paint-by-number assigned a green color to the skin on her face; the same green that is the main color on the hills behind her. LOL

  5. Hi everybody.......Happy New Year!!!!! sort of
    I have missed ya all and coming in here to check on the fun stuff you're up to. I did
    get pretty sick but so so so glad it was just plain old flu and not covid.

    JL Hey a long robe and hot chocolate sounds good to me! Better than being around a bunch of crazies on New Years Eve. I never really enjoyed doing that and only did that maybe two times in my whole life. Small group at home was always better. Glad you're still doing the paint by number project. It sounds like a good way to get a nice picture. I bet you're missing your daughter and her babies, hope they had a safe trip home. Sorry to here your anxiety is up but understand why. Asthma is so hard to deal with. I never had it but have had friends that do and it seems pretty rough. Please be careful. I'm sending super hugs to you....I get the difficulty of looking at pictures of babies we lose. I truly can't. xoxoxo

    Mary Did you say homemade pizza?!? Oh that sounds so good. I'm sure glad I have no skills to do that because if I did I probably wouldn't fit through the door from eating it allllll the time. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and so many of the situations that are bringing you down. It's because you love which is a good thing but boy oh boy it gets your heart doesn't it. You rant all you want, get it out. Now go smooch and hug that precious snow-baby for ne. Tell her Aunty Seaside loves her 🥰🐶

    Dianne P F Chang's!! You son-of-a-gun LOL! I have bought a frozen bag from them before and loved it and totally didn't even think----wonder if there's a restaurant. So I googled it and there are several in the bay area and one really close to me. Pick-up only but hey works for me. Sometime soon I got to do it! MY Peyton better get into the Hall of Fame, he so deserves it. Do you think he would do the GM position? I vote for him. I am SO glad to hear that you AND Louis are doing better and your medical reports were all good. Best news in a long time. Thank you for always being there, your words meant a lot to me the last week. Oh and by the way......Who doesn't like a good 'Resurrection'? 🙄

    Barb So sorry to hear about your dad. Hugs and prayers to ya all. Yeah My Raiders are gone for this season and it's the poops we couldn't at least gotten further along. I was really hoping in that last game but dang it they blew it. We need to go after some defense when draft time comes along. My number 2 team Seahawks losing to the Rams was so painful to watch. Russell Wilson had little to no coverage, I couldn't understand what the heck those guys were doing. I thought (wanted) they'd go all the way. I hope you're staying safe and being careful....what ever that means anymore. Our covid cases here in California are going up and up. So difficult to understand.

    So ya all.....Please be safe and keep going by counting blessings. We have to. So many scary things going on. I pray this nation can get strong and be a peaceful United States again. So much hate and it has to stop.
    I love each and every one of you and send hugs and silly smiles 😎😻🐶🐰💛💙💜🧡

  6. I pulled a :Seaside lol! I wrote in area 51' here is what I wrote

    Blogger Mary/MI said...

    Dianne, The weather map shows the snow missing us. We have had cold nights, down to 8*
    Our Christmas eve snow is still sticking around due to the cold temps. I love having
    clear roads! It is good to see that you and Louis are doing better. I especially like that your oxygen levels are better.

    I did a lot of running around yesterday. I took my recyclables, got gross-eries, and did a bit of banking. Our banks, lobbies are now open. I tried several times to get my Jeep washed. Due to the sunny day, tons of people had the same idea, so just got gas and headed home.
    Yesterday was my "off day" from my IF (intermittent fasting). Now back to one meal a day. It is surprising how easy this is for me.It even curbs my "sweet tooth". I have lost inches and about 10lbs since the day after Thanksgiving. I may look svelte by spring lol! I enjoy reading all the IF people on the private web site on FB. Very encouraging. Many have taken before and after pics of themselves. Totally amazing results just from eating one meal a day "OMAD".

    SacBarb, I see Jan. sucks for you too :(
    Canoli!! Yay Chad!! Aren't sons awesome?

    JustLin, As of this week, we still cannot eat at restaurants, take-out only. We usually have pizza take-out a couple times a month. I make home made other times. Pizza is a reg Fri night staple here lol! Then there is Taco Tues. and Hamburg Sat.
    Today will be roasted chicken. How exciting my life is lol!

    Seaside. Our Lions suck! Nuff said lol!
    I have not watched a lot of football this year, just Lions, and they are done! Jim watches all games. Keeps him occupied lol! Zoie and I have been going on walks most days. She loves it outside, even in the cold! Sometimes I have to drag her in!
    I know it is good for her, but our snow is packed down an slippery!

  7. LOL Mary
    Don't you know by now NOT to follow what I do 😏

  8. Seaside, you do just fine! I need to pay attention lol!
    I recently found the “surfing channel, Lucky Dog, and nature escapes channels. Perfect for bedtime lol! I’m not much on surfing, but I love watching and hearing the waves. Sleep like a baby lol!

  9. Just a quick update on my Niece. Her body naturally miscarried the fetus this morning. She is of course sad, but doing well. From what I have read, the fetus didn't really have much of a chance and 90% chance it would have been deformed. We will see you in heaven little one :(

  10. Mary Your niece's body knew what needed to be done. I hope she heals well physically, mentally, and spiritually. Hugs to her and to you, too.

  11. JL Thanks for your sweet words.
    Are you keeping warm? The temps have finally got "just" above freezing here. We had some heavy slush snow, but it has melted into a muddy mess. I am sure, because I finally got my car washed lol!

    Barb, I hope you get out of blog jail soon lol!

    Seaside, hope all is well with you. I am happy that so far, we have not had any snow storms! They seem to be avoiding the middle of Michigan, where I live. "WHEW!

    Dianne. We need more updates on you two! Have you been anywhere besides seeing friends & family? No gross-ery shopping. Must be hard not going to a COACH store lol!
    Will the Texas Tenors be doing any live shows soon? I see the cute blonde guy got a hair cut. I kind of liked his long hair :)

  12. Did i tell you I got a new/old car? I had a 2017 rave 4 with 46.000. Miles on it. We weren’t really looking but then something caught our eye. A rav 4 with 6000. Ike’s thru AAA we loved it and worked out numbers and then on way home realized it didn’t have a gps, which I use all the time. Disappointing. We then went to echo park that our friend Paula has bought five used cars from. I was apprehensive getting a used car. We looked at some nice ravs and a crV. gps in any of them. He had us look at a Lexus the same year as my car but only 22,000/miles fully loaded. It’s silver.... not my favorite...but my dream car. We worked out a decent trade for mine and my payment isn’t going up much. We got it. I’m very excited but haven’t figured out how to drive it yet. Only had it for a day. I just learned how to turn on radio. Lol

    Mary, I liked his longer hair too on Marcus. He’s my boyfriend. He doesn’t look that scruffy when performing. We just purchased tickets to see them in Branson sept 23 and 24th. I booked my timeshare for then too. My cousins, Judy and gordon, are meeting us there. Hopefully nothing will be changed. They played in dec in Branson. I’m not sure if we will go see Louis’s daughters from there as he hasn’t seen them for two years. Yes, I’m missing coach .lol. I absolutely need no more purses. Remind me next time I’m sorry about your niece. I hope she’s feeling ok ..a lot to go through. Getting my hair highlighted and colored today...then home for football. I like to go out to eat when my hair gets done but no pulling Louis away from tv today. We will probably order pizza. I’m a little more interested in the games tnrw. I’d really like to see Cleveland win. We haven’t had any big storms either but May this week. Wind has been terrible. Andy, Wendy and Em got stuck going to Kansas to take Stefon his car on the hwy for five hours because of wind. Long day.

    JL, you’d freeze here. If it’s 40 and coats for us ...we call that a nice day. You see people at the store in shorts. What’s new with you? I see you lost one of your coaches to the Jets. Lots of coaches jobs open now. Todd is on duty or call this weekend and Wednesday at the Capitol. I worry so about him.

    Seaside, are you still getting better? I hope so. You’ve had quite a time with this sickness.

    Barb, did your shirts arrive yet? I’m still waiting for a few things for Louis’s Christmas too. Your cannolis sure didn’t sound good. Soggy is not appealing. I don’t like taramasu (sp) because it’s soggy! It was very thoughtful of you to take a dinner to your sister. I’m still on lists for our covid shots and anxious about it. I want to get it done.

    I’m still dealing with a bad pain in my upper left thigh. Had a cortisone shot and it didn’t help. I’m back on prednisone again. They don’t know what it is probably a muscle pull. It it’s really hindering my walking.

    Ok barb...,get out of blog jail today. Missing you.

  13. Hey ya's 85 degrees on my patio right now!!!! I HATE IT 😓

    Barb Are you back??? Keep trying. Sorry I misunderstood about Dad, but I am sorry you lost him and know you still miss him. That part never ends.

    Dianne Did you say SILVER car? Go RAAAAAAIDERS!! Got yourself a RAIDERS mobile 😊🖤🏈 I so hope you get to go see your boyfriend in September. Will certainly be a needed fun thing to do especially after all you and Louis have gone through. I do feel much better. Just being a pitiful woman the last few days still waiting for some kind of winter. I'm telling ya 85 does NOT work for me.

    Mary Your niece has been on my mind, I hope she and family are doing well. Glad you are happy not having major snow storms, I know that's difficult to deal with. No problem here LOL!!

    JL Are you busy painting lol I remember when I used to drive to your side of the bridge to escape the heat here. At least I try to when I have the time. Love the water and pier over there.....and Beach Tacos! lol

    My Munchkin came home with a really cool surprise for me. Actually he does this a lot. Anyway I will text the picture so ya all can see it.
    Now.....gotta go, game just coming on. I have to root against The Saints. My daddy wouldn't be happy since he was very proud of being born in Louisiana. But I can't stand Brees. I apologize if you're a fan.
    Be well, stay safe.....I don't know about any of you but I ain't going ANYwhere on Wednesday. Praying for peace 😎🐶💛💙🧡💜

  14. Seaside, you sure are a tease, weather wise lol! It will be a looong time before we see your temps! I reallky don't mind our changing seasons as long as the roads remain clear so I can drive. I hate being hunkered down too long!

    You gals cracked me up last night texting. I was reading in bed with the phone next to me. I could see it light up every time you texed. You all made my night by just "lighting up" lol!!

  15. Yes dare her think I have the dreaded Raider car? I’d be thrown out of Denver! Lol. I don’t mind the changing seasons at all either but I’m like you Mary snow on the road! We had a sprinkling of snow today but not sticking. I’m not for 85 degrees right now.

    Barb and I went to the little igloo huts for lunch. It was toasty in there. It’s a different fun thing to do. She was off today for the holiday. I’m still having major upper thigh issues. I’ve had a cortisone shot and finishing up my prednisone and nothing is helping. I can barely walk. I’m calling the dr tmrw to see what our next step will be to stop this pain.

    JL...are you doing any of the painting? I should take up something like that in my life. Louis’s sister paints really pretty scenery things on small rocks. I’m not very artistic. I have a lot on my to do list around here. A lot have been on it for a long time. There’s always tomorrow. I’ve been saying that since I retired a lot of years ago.

    Barb, what r u up to? It’s been kind of fun planning a vacation for sept. I guess we r going to go to Kentucky. After Branson so I’ll get to see Beverly. Hope we have our shots by then.

    Seaside....ok. Who should we be cheering for this weekend? Buffalo? They haven't been for years. I changed my car ins to my new car and my ins already went $116 a year more! I’m still trying to learn the car each day. I watched a utube video that helped today. I think I’m going to love it.

    Well, time to do my part of the trash for Louis to take out tonight. We share these jobs!

  16. Dianne, I am curious. Do you eat any sweets during the day ? Since I have been eating one meal a day I have noticed different things my body does when I add certain foods.
    The biggest thing I notice is when I have anything sugary, I have instant pain in my left leg where I had surgery. I love my sweets, so I have been trying to curb the high fructose. I noticed dark chocolate doesn't bother me. I'm just not a big fan of it.
    I have lost 12 lbs. I have not had that much loss in over 20 some years!
    My eating window (anything I want) is usually 2:00- 5:30ish. I am so shocked that this is working for me and not costing me a dime lol!

    I am off to pick up a few gross-eries.....bbl

  17. DiIANNE HAS A RAIDER CAR!!!! I bet you feel really good driving in style! I have a friend that only buys Lexus cars. She really loves them. I’m so sorry you are having that leg pain. I hope the doc can find something to relieve it. It will be really nice if you get to see your Tenors. I hope things are settled down by then and traveling won’t be a worry.

  18. JL, Yesterday was my nine year anniversary of my heart surgery and the memory came up on Facebook. Chad was posting daily updates about my surgery and updates every day. It was really nice to read his post and all the nice comments, but also a little sad. There are loving comments from Lani, Heidi, and Turtle. It makes me sad every time I come across a reminder of our friends who are gone. 🥲

  19. Mary, I got that book about IF and have just started reading it. As I said before, I have sorta been doing it, but not officially. Maybe I’ll do better if I do it right. I have lost weight since I started it in March, but I had a little set-back since Chad made the bacon and has been making bread. He has been experimenting with the bread by putting bacon and cheese in the dough! OMG! Is all I’m gonna say! I have come to my senses and am back on it! It doesn’t take much to have a gain!

  20. Seaside, have you made waffles yet? I bet they are the best ever! Sorry about the heat in your area. We haven’t had that here, only a LOT of wind. Tree branches down and stuff blowing everywhere! It was so nice of Munchkin to get that waffle maker for you. I am having to post on my phone and that may have been my problem. My desktop computer finally just gave up and it’s old, so I’m just going to get a new one! Are you still trying to get back on Facebook? Maybe you should just open a new account. Do you have another email address you can use? We miss you on Facebook.

  21. Barb Gee, it's been 9 years since your heart surgery? In some ways it seems like the time has gone by very fast but in other ways that seems like much longer ago than 9 years. I think I've been in a time warp (and Tim Curry isn't even here), especially during the last year.

    It is sad to think of the friends we've lost. I have a coffee cup I had ordered for myself for my birthday which has a picture of Alice at the tea party in Wonderland and the saying on it is "Happy unbirthday to me". The cup arrived and Lani passed on the day before my birthday. I was drinking out of that cup when I got the news. I also remember Heidi and Turtle fondly. Turtle spent the night here when on her way to visit Heidi one last time. Heidi passed not long after that visit and we lost Turtle less than two years later. it's definitely a reminder to appreciate the wonderful friendships we've made.

  22. Mary Congrats on your weight loss. Limiting yourself to only eating once a day would, by definition, reduce the amount of calories you are taking in daily. I don't think it would work well for me. I'm one of those people who can't eat when I first get up but do have coffee. If I still haven't eaten after a few hours, I start feeling sick to my stomach. I think my blood sugar gets out of whack. I should probably eat small meals throughout the day but I don't seem to be able to do that, either. What I really need to do is eliminate my late night "snacking window". LOL

    I woke up at 4:00 a.m. to the sound of rain. Love it! And we have more coming this week.

    To limit my exposure to viruses, I ordered groceries online again. It's easy enough to go to the parking lot and have them load the groceries in my car. It feels like it takes me a long time to shop online, though. I think I could have done my own shopping in less time. LOL

  23. Dianne LOL @ you and your "dreaded" Raider car. It sounds lovely. It must be exciting to get a new "old" car. Hey, it's new to you, right? I bought my car in 2005 and it's starting to look like it needs a fresh coat of paint. I love my Prius, though. Plus, I paid it off in 2007 and I really don't want a car payment.

    As for painting, I haven't even touched the paint-by-number all week, let alone do anything original. It's still all out on my dining room table, including a plastic table cloth in case of any paint drips. It's just waiting for me to get interested and engaged again.

    I wish I was planning a vacation. Once I get vaccinated against COVID, maybe I'll be able to visit my daughter in Eugene. It gets pretty hot there in the summer so that would not be a good time for me to be there.

  24. Seaside While you were having your 85 degree weather, we were just commenting on how it didn't feel so cold. LOL Being hot and not being so cold are definitely two different things. I think I'm back to being cold now.

    Speaking of cold, I had to have a wall heater replaced because the old one was getting way noisy when it cooled down and was, in general, it's last leg physically, although it did still heat. I swear every time I get my credit card down by a couple of thousand dollars, something else happens that pushes it back up again. That's just the way things work, right? I hope nothing else major happens around here.

    I have some errands to run and am hoping to get it done before any rain starts again. I love the rain but would rather be inside enjoying it, not driving in it.

  25. JustLIn, I don't consider calories. I still eat what I normally eat, even desert. I believe the "fast" is mainly to let your body rest and repair, which can't be done if I am constantly eating/munching.

    Our temps have been under 25* It is now 18* We're supposed to hit 30* tomorrow and 28* on Sunday Yippee!!

    I see the Mega Million jackpot is now a billion $$ Good grief!! All I want is one lousy million lol!!

  26. Well, I am still poor lol! As usual, someone from the Detroit area won.
    Oh well, what would I do with a billion lol!
    Snowing here, expecting more Tuesday. At least our daylight hours are getting longer. We did get some sunshine yesterday. I sat on the patio to get some needed sun vitamins :)
    Send more sunshine Seaside!

  27. We’ve had sunshine I’ve been sending you. It’s been in the 40’s but nice with the sun out. They are saying 1-2” of snow tmrw and Tuesday. I hope not very much. Dang it Mary, I wanted you to win the lottery. I don’t ever remember to buy a ticket. I’d just like a million too. Can you even imagine winning all that money? Mary, would you one more time explain what you are doing for your food plan? Sounds like it’s working for you and barb.

    I hobbled to lunch today in those little tents I went to before but it wasn’t easy. I spent most of the afternoon watching football. I wanted Buffalo and Green Bay to win. I don’t know who I want to win the super bowl. It would be nice for Tampa Bay to win
    after all these years but I get tired of Brady winning but then the chiefs won last year.,sooooo. I wonder if the Broncos will ever get thee again?

    Im hoping my insurance approves PT for me this week and that it will help me. My leg is just giving me fits! The creme is still not helping yet. I’m anxious to get my shot tmrw. I hope they schedule the second one then too. I go at 10 snd Louis goes at 11:15. I’m wondering if there will be much of a wait since we have appointments?

    Well, I don’t have much more to say. Hope all of you are doing good.

  28. Hi ya all......Sunny-75 degrees-Just waiting for the rain they keep saying we're going to get!

    Barb I can't believe it's been 9 years! I swear it feels like yesterday when I'd go in FB to see Chad's updates. He was so good keeping us informed on your progress and I remember hoping everyday to hear some more good news. I bet you're glad it's behind you. I'm sure glad he's not here making all that wonderful bread! That's my favorite thing to eat, most ANY kind but most important sour dough french bread and of course FOGASSA 😍 I have given up on FB...not much sense in even trying anymore...oh well. I do really miss it though.

    JL I saw Pacifica on the news last night, down by the pier where I've always liked to go and enjoy the water. I sure wish we would get some rain here. They kept saying we were going to get a lot of rain all this week but so far we haven't here. Tuesday and Wednesday are supposed to be BIG storms.....I'm waiting LOL! I totally related when you talked about having to replace your wall heater. It sure does seem like it's always something. At least you'll keep warm now and it will be quieter 😊

    Mary I wish I could send you allllll this sunshine it's about to drive me nuts. I think my sunglasses are wearing out LOL! I have no idea why I don't enjoy the sun but I really do like it when it's not out, much more comfortable. I'm going to keep trying to shoe it your way.

    Dianne Did you and Louis get your covid shots today? I know you'll feel a little safer when you do as most of us probably will. I do wish they'd stop talking about the people getting reactions to it. I carry an epi pen and I also seem to get reactions to most meds. I'm hoping for the best. I feel so bad that you are dealing with so much pain. Did you get approved for PT? Also hope you get your tests moved up so you can find out what's going on. At least maybe then you'll know more about what you're dealing with. Well our Broncos and RAIDERS may not be in the Super Bowl but I'm still looking forward to it. I do so love Rodgers and was sorry for him looking so sad after losing to the Bucks. BUT I love Brady too and was excited for him. I know a lot of people are tired of him but hey, you can't deny the man's talent. I hope he gets another Super Bowl ring. And speaking about the's that new car of yours working out? LOL!! Ya know if you were here in your car and I was in my car the Silver and Black with them together would be great! We could drive by BARB'S house, I know she would approve. 😘🏈

    I hope ya all are doing good and staying safe AND finding some silly fun.....
    I think Gidget and I will go for another umbrella needed 😎🐶🌞

  29. JL, I can’t eat for 2-3 hours after I get up, even if I sleep late. I haven't had much coffee since I started this, but I have been drinking tea. I can drink tea without sugar or cream, but not coffee. So, I’ve been sticking to tea. My one meal has not been bigger than what I normally eat. And I even eat ice cream if I feel like it. Since I am a late night snacker, too, My window is between 6pm - 9pm. I di drink at least 64oz. Of water throughout the day. That has always been a requirement due to my kidney disease. So far it has remained at the same level. I really want to avoid dialysis!
    It started raining as soon as we got home. After Kaiser, we stopped at a Korean BBQ place and picked up wings for dinner. They are fried and crispy. They’re really good. My pacemaker check went well. I have 3-6 years left on the battery, depending on how much it is used. They can tell when they do the check. I can usually feel when it kicks in too. So, all in all, good news.
    You’re lucky that you don’t need air conditioning where you live. That’s a lot more expensive than replacing just a heater! I had to do that a few years ago and I wasn’t happy, but it gets too hot here not to have ac, even though I do like hot weather better than cold. The stimulus check should help. I didn’t get either one! ��

    Mary, I would be happy with just $1M, too. I’m not greedy. If you did win the billion, your big family would be so lucky because you’re such a generous soul, you would share with all of them. That’s way too much money for one person anyway!

    Seaside, we are getting all the rain promised by the weather guessers. They guessed right for us anyway. We are also having high winds with gusts of 45mph. Chad got the trash cans in just as a neighbor’s went rolling down the street. Chad has slowed down on the bread making. Yesterday he prepped a roast of some sort to marinate for jerky. He sliced it and put it on the smoker at 8am and it cooked low and slow until about 7pm. It turned out pretty good.

    Dianne, please take care of yourself too while you’re taking care of Louis. I’m praying for you both.

  30. Dianne, You should order "Fast, Feast, Repeat", weather or not you want to do it. It has a lot of information as to why we have not been able to lose, and keep off weight. I wish I would have read it years ago! I have my "eating window" between 2:00-5 & 6:00.
    I eat what ever I usually eat, Tacos incl. lol! I love my sweets, but have noticed I no longer crave them so much. I only drink water/unflavored sparkling water, during fasting. I have read the "Diabetes Code" which I recommend also. I am not a diabetic, but the info. is also connected to our weight problems. I just finished reading "The Obesity Code" by Dr. Fung. It's an "Aha" moment! So many people have actually been taken off diabetic meds when the fasting is applied. I am totally impressed and very satisfied with my results so far
    The before & after pics from "IF" (intermittent fasters) are amazing, and only the cost of a the books.

    Seaside I will be on the look out for that sunshine you are sending lol! I took Zoie for a walk today. I never let her off her leash, even on our 5 acres, but with all the snow, I let her run around. She loved it. We have too many wolves,Eagles, hawks and coyotes running/flying around so I have to be careful.

    Barb,You are right. My family would be my no. 1 priority. It would have been so much fun to pay off student loans, medical bills & mortgages.*sigh*
    I am so proud and pleased that you too are on the "IF" journey.My main goal was the fat around my middle, which is the most dangerous, plus diabetes, high BP, and heart problems in my family were motivators. Yah you/US!

    Justlin, We too need our living room wall heater replaced. It works, but it is old and propped up by an old bread pan lol! We are looking into a new outfit that is attached high close to the ceiling, quieter and also has air conditioning.

    I was happy that schools were closed yesterday. I was worried about Matthew driving the bus. The country roads are bad, especially with all the ice under all the snow.
    He drove today. I have a hair appt. tomorrow, hoping the roads will be in better shape.

  31. Happy Saturday Everyone. The DirecTv tech just left and everything is fixed. He had to secure the dish on the roof with more braces. Hopefully it will stay put if we have another severe wind storm. The first thing I watched was the news. I haven’t seen any news since Tuesday except on FB. So, I got caught up on local stuff. A lot of people are still without power from this storm. �� I guess we should consider ourselves lucky ours was only out overnight.

    Dianne, I hope you and Louis are doing much better. Do you have your appointments for the second Vax dose?

    Mary, Love your hair-do! My hair is going to need a color touch up very soon and since the store didn’t have my color when Chad was there, he got what he thought was the same color. However it was much darker, and even though it lightened a little with each washing, I decided to order my real color from Amazon. It will be here tomorrow and I’ll start over. I also got a box of touch-up color so I won’t have to do the whole head next time. Our salons are not open and unless Cali people do better at mitigation, it may be a long time before they are allowed to open.

    Seaside, I have been craving apple fritters since you texted that picture. I’m going to try talking Chad into getting one for us tomorrow. We have a donut shop three blocks away in a little strip mall, but they sell out very early. Not sure I can talk him into getting up early! Maybe I’ll whine a little! ��

    JL, so, I will be watching The Bachelor on Monday night. I’m kinda getting a little bored with this season and I’m not sure why. My desk top computer crashed a while ago and Chad got a new one at Costco, but hasn’t set it up yet. He ordered a separate hard drive this week to make it easier to transfer stuff from the old one to the new one. So, hopefully it should arrive in a few days and he’ll get it all set up so I can post from it instead of my phone.

  32. SacBarb. I keep a couple small cans of "touch-up" sprays on hand. Haven't used them much, since there is no where to go and with it's being so cold, I wear hats/caps a lot.
    Seaside. You are so bad! I am craving a fritter too!

    Dianne, What kind of nasty weather are you cooking up for us now?? I see we will be on the edge of either getting1 1/2 inches or up to 3-4. Last time it came further north and hit us pretty good! Hope it stays away this time!

    JL, I have not had the heart to take Heidi's or Turtle's names off of my address book or email addresses.:( I look at the picture we had taken at our trips and feel so sad.
    I hope we can all get together someday. I miss you all!

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