
Friday, March 31, 2023

Wisdom and Woe 8

 by Dianne


Mary/MI said...

Ha Ha!! Funny! I do mostly stretches. I Have to keep them joints lubricated!

The ins, gal was here and agreed that the whole tree should come down and would pay the whole thing! I will be sad to see it go as there are many creatures that have called it home. A few wasp nest too! I won't miss them! It is a beautiful tree, but getting old, like me, and its heavy limbs are dropping with every storm.

I hope you are all well.
Keeping all of you, especially Dianne & Louis in my prayers.

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi…well, I’m finally able to check in. I’m kind of glad Louis is home. He was worked more at rehab and he seems sad. I had a talk with him last night to see if he was depressed and he said he wasn’t sad. He was happy at rehab but wanted to come home. Yo me he looks like he lost his best friend. My uncle Doug took him out to lunch yesterday. He likes spending time with him. He’s bored but he doesn’t want to do anything. He reads and plays games on his iPad. I tried to take him to lunch today with our really good friend but he declined. He started PT at home yesterday and she will be here twice a week. That will be good. She will get him outside too. Tammy made split pea soup for us and that’s what I heated him for dinner. It’s hard when I scooting around kitchen on my stool. I call that cooking. My friend Mary made a dish yesterday and picked up a prescription for me. Another friend insists on coming over to visit and bring homemade pot pie. My neighbor sent cookies to rehab..a big box for the staff too. Problem…I’m now the staff. I’ll freeze some of it. I guess I’ll have to figure out how to turn on the oven for the other meals. Cleaned out freezer with cleaning lady the other day. We threw a lot of old stuff away. My freezer is empty now.

I’m getting things done around here but not like I thought I would have done. I’m sleepy and still go to bed about 11:30. My son is in Nashville with my youngest grandson looking at the university there. Sound like he likes it there. They even went to a concert. Todds not thrilled as it’s expensive when you don’t live there.

There is nothing else new here it’s a daily thing with care here. He can’t drive yet. The good thing is he barely has pain. He says it’s about a 2.

Thanks for cards, prayers and messages to me. I really appreciate it. ❤️

Mary/MI said...

Thanks for checking in when you are so busy!Jim has been down here too. I think for him it is the weather. He can't wait for it to get warm so he can spend more time outside. He does go to the casino with a buddy once a week and goes to the VFW twice a week. Me I get groceries, clean, cook etc...Joy! I do have lunch with friends twice a month. Pretty boring. I have started to go to the health club (Silver Sneakers). I can't wait to plant flowers and decorate my deck for the summer.

Zoie must be bored too lol. She has been sleep a lot! The ground has been too wet and muddy with all the rain!, so we have been walking back & forth on the patio. I am glad Jim had it built long!

I have been watching "How to Catch a smuggle" all day. Amazing the many ways people try to smuggle drugs!