
Sunday, May 12, 2024

~ Happy Mother's Day ~

 A card reading "Happy Mother's Day" sits in a bouquet of flowers


Mary/MI said...

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day!
As usual Jim didn't even get me a card. Oh well. Matthew more than makes up for it. He got me a beautiful card that made me cry. The words were beautiful. He got me a cute gardening wagon to replace my old "red rider", a weed whacker that is just my size and a rake. My old one would come apart if I jiggled just right lol! I taped it many times, but it kept flying off.

Barb. I am so sorry about your shoulder! I keep all my owelettes in my prayers. Lets hope the surgery will happen sooner than later, so you can have a decent summer. btw, I can't wait for it to get warm too! Let us know about your Mother's day meal. I made chicken n dumplings.

JustLin, I envied your visit with Bebbi! I sure do miss all of you! How is your PT going on your knee? I bet you are thrilled your chest cold is over! I have had a lot of congestion that comes & goes. Jim is doing better. He had me drive him to the casino Thursday. He did pretty good. He decided to drive himself the next day. He wouldn't admit it, but I think it took a lot out of him.

Dianne, You & Louis looked good in the FB picture. How is Louis doing? I can tell you have lost weight. Looking good. How is the weather in Denver? We have warm days, then cold & cloudy with rain. I will be glad when it gets warmer.
Matthew plowed & prepped my garden spot. Tonight I planted tomatoes.Pumpkins, cukes, zucchini, & maybe melons going in next.

Time for bed. Take care all!

sacBarb said...

Hello Ladies. I guess it’s obvious that I didn’t proofread my last post. I just read it and there are a ton of errors! My arms were hurting, so I used the little microphone and apparently I didn’t speak clearly. So sorry! I hope you all got what I was trying to say!

Mary, shame on Jim for not even getting you a card after all that time you spent with him in the hospital. Thank goodness you have Matthew to save the day. I love that you are going to plant flowers in your little red wagon.

Dianne, I love the pic you posted of you and Louis. Is Louis feeling any better?

Linda, Jon Bon Jovi is the guest mentor on AI Sunday. He one of my favorites. I really enjoy “watching” the reality shows with you. It’s more fun when I have someone to make my snarky remarks to! LOL

Dianne said...

Hi. Hope u all had a happy Mother’s Day. We all went to dinner at a little place by Tammy’s…nothing fancy I heard from Todd and got a really card from him. It always touches my heart. W have a big couple of weeks coming up. My youngest grandson, Ashton, graduates this week. He has a 4.2 gpa so he doesn’t have to take any finals. He was accepted at a few schools but after going to them he picked Tennessee university. He’s very excited about going. Moms not too excited to have her baby leave. We r going to be able to stream it as it’s just too hard to go. We will go to the lunch afterwards He’s having a big party on the 31st. He’s having it at his grandparents farm. I hope it’s walker friendly. I’m a little nervous about it. We go to Breckinridge to r time share the first week of June for five days. We will amble on the way up there. Check in is not until 4 I don’t know what we really wi do up there. We r suppose to have a handicap cottage. We shall see. Mid June we r meeting my Tex they want him to build up his bones in case what’s your back today as cousins in New Mexico at a small little town just to hang out and gamble again at the Indian casinos. Then they will go to Tammy’s and stay. We have a cousins wedding in Colo spgs on June 2 and then Tammy’s having a family party on June 23. That’s a few things to look forward too

My shoulder is sort of better. I’m busy going to louis dr appts. He’d still in a lot of pain and using the walker. We went to the Dr today to see what can be done. It might in-tale more surgery.
ANd of course expensive meds
Barb, my hair is getting thin too. My dr gave me two kinds of a prescription and my primary told me to use Rogan me to use the one for men. Not women. You use it one your scalp, I’m tryin it. Just the last couple of weeks so too soon to tell. I’m very self conscience about it. We aren’t highlighting right now either.

JL, how are your knees? It’s very hot here today 80. Probably snow next week. Crazy weather. Barb, call me if you want any info on hair things

I hope u all r doing ok. Miss everyone

sacBarb said...

Dianne, I quit highlighting my hair, too. My hairdresser said it’s too harsh on my hair. I’m still coloring it though. I tried on a gray wig a while back just to see how it looked and I hated it! I also hate that at 93, my sister still has salt and pepper colored hair! I guess that’s because she never married and had kids! LOL My Mom had very pretty white hair by the time she was 60. I wish I had the nerve to just go for it!

Mary, I love the raised garden bed Matthew built for you. It’s so much easier to use than kneeling or bending over to garden. He is so thoughtful. We’re so lucky to have our sons to help us in our old age. I will turn 82 in October and never imagined myself being this old! Occasionally, I forget and try to do something I used to easily do and then I get reminded that I really am an old lady!!! 😾

JL How’s things in your world? Josh called me on Mother’s Day and we had a nice but short chat. We made plans to get together with his Mom and other Grandma to go to dinner next Saturday. We’re going to the Cheesecake Factory. I love that place, but haven’t been since before COVID! I am really looking forward to it.

Mary/MI said...

I will go to the new blog.......