by Maureen
Jump the shark.......It's a defining moment when you know that your television program has reached its peak. That instant when you know from now on, it's all downhill. In previous seasons, DWTS jumped the dolphin (I made that up!) with Wayne Newton and Jerry Springer lingering on so long. But at least they truly tried and they didn't make a total farce of the concept...learning to ballroom dance.
This season, they have jumped the shark...and it was a big-ass shark to boot!
I have watched a few of the episodes this season and with each week, Cloris Leachman gets more distasteful. She has even less dancing ability then I do...and I think she knows it. I truly believe she only signed up for the show because she wants airtime...nothing more, nothing less. She is physically unable to dance the dances, so she makes a farce out of the entire premise. She is the Sanjaya of DWTS.
If I were Kim Kardashian or Ted McGinley, I would be livid. Jeffrey Ross deserved to go when he did, but Ted and Kim DANCED. Maybe not as well as Toni Braxton, Lance Bass, Warren Sapp or the Hannah Montanna kid, but certainly better the Cloris. They didn't lop around the floor...they exhibited some talent and some rhythm. The longer she stays on, the less the show becomes about healthy competition.
I know there are far more important issues in the world today. I really am not that shallow but even in the worst of circumstances, we need an escape. We need to stop thinking for a little bit and just enjoy. And DWTS was just one of those frivolous escapes...until this season.
What do you think? Am I being too harsh? Am I just being a fuddy-duddy? It is afterall, just a frivolous escape for a few hours.
I was actually embarrassed for Cloris the other night. That "dance" was ridiculous! Your word, Mo, "distasteful" is exactly right!
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sure everyone involved knew what they signed up for. The votes from the public are what keeps people there. It's the way the show works. I, too, want Cloris to leave. I want to see REAL dancing. But someone is voting for her. Lord knows who?!
Morning Glories!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 1st hart!
Mo: I don't watch DWTS, but I would guess tha Cloris is getting the older vote and the comic relief vote. Maybe it is hard for people to vote out an 85 year old woman. Just don't know.
Those of you who wondered where I was last night. I spent the day trying to nap and that did not happen. By about 3:00pm it felt like my eyes were bleeding! I tell you the days of very little sleep and trying to make it through the day are gone!
I did catch some of the debate last nite and yes people when Senator McCain said Meg Whitman, my eyes rolled so far back that I could count the hair folicals in the back of my skull! At least he did not say Carly Fiorina or Phil Gramm!
Well I am on the run again today it is food bank day and then I have to do the end of month report for them also. Will try to be back later.
Waving at all of you!
Good morning OWLETTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ReplyDeleteHart -- congrats on 1st...
LynnD.... Have a good dsay.... food bank day.... you do good things!!!!!
I completely agree with you... it is ridiculious that Cloris is still on... and i also think that Ted and Kim have every right to be pissed off.... why is the ole bat still there....
I have NO idea who would vote for her!!!
I feel bad for her partner... poor ole Corky... his first year... wonder if he will do this again!!!?????
I went to Freshman high school football game last night...
it was a blast... they are usually on thursdays when i work... so it was a real treat to get to see my nephew play... he had some really good blocks last night and they won 55-14...
Hope you all have a great day....
waving a wing at all who fly by later!!!!
off to laundry and cleaning... what a wonderful dayOFF.....
Good Morning,
ReplyDeleteNo Mo, your not being a fuddy duddy, Jerry Springer at least did a good Waltz, George Hamilton tried to Dance, and so did Billy Ray, but I have to admit I did vote for Billy Ray, just to keep looking at him every week. But it seems like every Season they pick a person to be a comedian of the Season, Adam Carrolla on the unicycle. I did laugh at Cloris, but like I said I think I was laughing at my husband because he hardly watches DWTS he likes Brooke so thats why hes watching it this Season, but he was laughing so hard at Cloris and he thought it was FUNNY and when John laughs the whole house laughs he just has that kind of laugh. But when I told him that she was actually saved he was very surprised, he said well she should of went home, because that was not dancing that was just goofing around. Especially when she did the dog butt scooch. I mean Rocco was going to go home, hes at least trying. I watch every week, and I use to VOTE every week with all 5 cells in the house and 4 computers, but I'm just not into it this season. I don't even call on 1 phone. But yes Mo, she should GO HOME and let the show go on with the good dancers and the trying dancers.
What does everyone think of Susan Lucci???? I mean shes Susan Lucci the Erica Kane and she seems so unsure of herself to me. I like Susan Lucci I have been watching her as Erica for years since I was 7 years old I watched AMC with my grandmother.
I tried to watch the debate but I fell asleep during it again, Everytime those 2 are on I fall asleep. I'm still an undecided voter.
Good Morning Donna and Lynn you sure are lucky to have all them babies around you. When Vincent was 3 months old I had him all wrapped up in a nice sweater bunting my MIL bought for him and it was Good Friday, Anthony, my mother and I went to get out Kielbasa, bread, and Polish coffee cakes at the Polish bakery and some lady offered me a cake for Vincent. I said NO I'm sorry, she said in 18 years you'll think maybe I should of traded that cake for him. But hes 11 almost 12 I am NOT sorry I didn't trade that cake for Vincent.
Anthony is seeing his counselor and likes her and I also like her. He also seen a phyciatrist and was put on an antidepressent. He started yesterday.
Excuse me- but how did you get a picture of me in my wedding attire on the blog this morning???LMAO
ReplyDeleteGood Morning HOOTERS!!!!!!!!!!SWAK
Missed you all!
Congrats on 1st Hart!
I agree with everything you said Mo, except I did not see this weeks dancing- just snippets. But Cloris has got to go!!
I am back to work and up to my ass and elbows in alligators- bbl....
IBB: How great for you that you got a chance to go see your nephew play football. My middle son will be in 7th grade next year and the middle school coach is already pushing him into playing and also the 8th grade coach. He wants to play, but hes a little nervous, but hes only 11 years old and hes
ReplyDelete5'9" tall and wears a size 13 shoe. Hes HUGE, Anthony is 13 and hes only 5'5" and wears a size 9 shoe. But I do have to say Anthony is very proud that his brother is big, its so funny but he thinks Vincent is his protector. Anthony said to me the other day, Why couldn't I be as big as Vincent, I said because Vincent is a Teddy Bear and calm and he knows how to handle his size, I said you my dear are sweet, but also a hardass at times, and if you were Vincents size you might hurt someone, he agreed with me. My Victor is also tall for 7 hes 4'10" but hes built just like my husband ALL LEGS LOL
Renee .. this only the second year he is playing.... I say let them start early ... so they can really learn the game.... .he would be better if he fully understood the game.... but... he has a lot of potential....
welcome back..... sorry you have be an alligator slayer on your first day back....
any pictures posted yet!!?????
Well I really have to start cleaning and laundry and a bunch of other crap around here. But hubby was on the computer last night SERIOUSLY looking at Arizona they have a Boeing Plant out in Arizona I don't know what part its in like I said I'm on IGNORE, because I grew up here in Michigan, and hes job is doing good, I asked him why is he looking and he said hes just checking all angles and getting his ducks in row. I said is something going on at work??? He said NO, I think we need a change of scenery. So MEK, ZONA are any of you near a Boeing Plant???? I really have never seen him this serious about something. His mother called yesterday and said to me did Johnny check out the job yet??? I said WHAT??? acting stupid She said well if you guys move were also moving, because the grandkids are a big part of our life, and we will be following you guys. My mom is torn but I told her well guess what Mom I will just tie you on top of the roof cause your coming with us. You can visit Lisa a few times a year. So we shall see, but I DO NOT like hot weather. My Aunt is retired in Arizona and she loves it I think shes near Scottsdale?? I want to say. Shes really not my Aunt but a close friend to the family, so out of respect we call her Aunt Rosie.
ReplyDeleteIBB: His father is teaching all the boys the game right now, they were never interested before. But thanks for saying he has a lot of potential.
ReplyDeleteGoldie Welcome back, I'm gonna email you at MS look for one
MO - that TEN was NOT for Cloris - I totally agree with you about DWTS - she has made a total mockery out of it..... WHO IN THE HELL IS VOTING FOR HER???!!!
ReplyDeleteI figured she would be (at least) the second person voted off!!!
AND - she would have been safe last night also........
Great blog - thanks for sharing your thoughts...
Happy WEdnesday!!
ReplyDeleteGood morning, all...
Hart - congrats on FIRST!!
waving howdy to Hart, Lynn D, IBB, Renee Eve, and Goldie...
Goldie - welcome back - don't work TOO hard!!
My fav dancer right now is Warren Sapp - who would have ever thought that big ole' football dude could glide across the dance floor like that!!
I've got some stuff to do...
VIG - french fries sound good for tonight's weigh in!!! LOL
I hope everyone has an excellent day!!
Good morning gals, I'm not usually up and moving this early, but I had a 8:15 appt. this morning. I have been putting off my physical too long. A couple owl/myspacers sent Breast Cancer awareness reminders, which I took as nagging me lol! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI've only watched bits of DWTS. I am surprised C.L. is still there, enough already!
Lynnd, I have not been getting quality sleep either. Mine is mostly caused by MFHBS (my husbands frickin beer snoring)!
Goldie, glad your back, waiting for pics of you and the "pole".
Renee, Why leave cold damp Michigan?lol If it stayed this way I would be following you to Arizona! Thank goodness for our different seasons!
Gotta go. Today I meet with my old work buddies for lunch.
Hi MEK!! By MEK!!
ReplyDeleteMary/MI: I would miss my friends, my sister and I'm not big on change. But it is very cold, damp and rainy today. But I will be married 22 years on Saturday, and I will GO where my Husband goes. We didn't say anything to the kids yet, they have enough to worry about.
ReplyDeleteMary in MI - waving howdy to you.. i was watching some Today Show clips on line - now - i am really going to go get some things done..
ReplyDeleteRenee - there is a Boeing Plant in Tucson..... I don't know if there are any others in the state... it will be a culture shock for you!! it's like living in the wild, wild west!!!
Hey Hart!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on First...
Morning to all!
HA! Jump the shark I remember that saying from "happy days" when Fonzie went jet sking (at least I think that is what he did, memory fuzzy)
I agree, Cloris took the image of dancing with the stars to a whole other level. And the shame is, the people are voting for her, cause she is still there.
So now it has become a joke!
Hello Owls!
ReplyDeleteRenee Eve...there is a Boeing plant in Sedona also...It is not supposed to be as hot there????
Good morning/afternoon!
ReplyDeleteMo I sooo agree with you, I cannot understand why Cloris is still dancing.
She was funny the first week, then became annoying very fast.
Even MR. EBJ, who seldom says bad things about anyone, can't stand her.
I felt bad for Kim, at least she tried, but the judges were very harsh on her.
We are rooting for Warren, he is just AMAZING. Who'd have thought he would be so good!?
Mary in MI, good for you for getting a physical.
Renee, I have relatives in Scottsdale, it is a 'burb of Phoenix. Nice city, great shopping and lots to do.
We have cooled down a bit here, supposed to be 81 today.
MR. EBJ just left to drive up to Angel's Camp, and I have to go in and work the afternoon. So will check back later!
Hope everyone is having a nice Weds!
WB Goldie!
Hi All...just about to hop in my car and drive up island to see students.. but before I go wanted to say...
ReplyDeleteMo....great blog!!!! I don't watch DWTS but I saw the clip of Cloris and I couldn't believe it. I was so embarrassed for her.
MEK...I won't be able to watch BL tonight because I am staying at friends who don't watch it...but I will eat lots of frenchfries in solidarity!!!!!!!!
Gotta run! Have a happy yellow day everyone!!!
Well I have to pick up the boys in 1/2 hour. I did NOTHING except read on the internet, about DWTS I don't know why Cloris is still on, it seems noone really cares for her as a dancer. I think its fixed for ratings or something. But she will be gone soon 2 weeks, because Rocco will go next week, then her. There is no possible way people will put her back on, I mean even Billy Ray fans (including myself) didn't vote for him after like 5 or 6 weeks.
ReplyDeleteCloris is a comedian and she is 85 years old so I have no idea what DWTS was thinking when they involved her. IMHO I had thought that the show was about sophisticated dancing and not a comedy act. I saw the end of her dance when Cloris fanned her partners behind as if he had farted. It was distasteful to say the least.
ReplyDeleteHappy Wednesday Owls.
ReplyDeleteMo, I couldn't agree with you more about Cloris. Everyone I know who watches DWTS thinks the same, so I don't know who the hell is voting for her. Maybe Renee hit it, maybe TPTB are keeping her for the ratings. Although, IMO if the ratings ARE good, I can't imagine it is because of Cloris.
MEK, I am rooting for Warren Sap also. It is interesting that all the football players have been really good. And for a big guy, he is really light on his feet.
LynnD, I hope you have recovered from the debate last night.
Hart, Congrats on #1. Hope your Girl Scout meeting went well.
Zona, got any leftovers? I'm hungry.
Waving a wing at all the other Owls. I hope you all have a good day/evening.
SacBarb: He is VERY light on his toes and hes so funny. I also like Maurice Green hes funny too. If anyone knows what cooking show Rocco is on can they let me know, I have never heard of him until this season of DWTS.
ReplyDeleteI think it is for some reason ABC is keeping her, because she should of went HOME!!!!! When they called her name in the first 2 I was in shock. But I will start voting for Warren I love them football players.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on first, Donna! Nice to see you!
ReplyDeleteMo, I understand how you feel as I, too, think it's not fair to the people who really give it their all to win. However, I do think that Cloris is also giving it her all. She's 82 and she (and ABC) knows that she can't possibly be anywhere near competitive with the other dancers. So, all she has is her comedy.
I've heard that DWTS asks people to be on their show. It's not that the celebrities ask to be on the show. So, ABC knew exactly what they were doing asking an 82 year old to be on their show--as they HAD to know she wouldn't be competitive. And, they most certainly knew what she was like and would be like on the show.
So, while I think that she needs to go and probably shouldn't have been on at all, I believe it's the show that is to blame, not Cloris. I think she's doing exactly what they want her to do.
I think Renee is right--I think she'll be gone in the next two weeks.
I am kinda liking Lance Bass!
Thanks for the kind MS comments and owl comments about my Mom. She's feeling much better today. The cornea did attach (yea!) however the air bubble did not dissipate but instead went behind her eye, raising her pressure to a dangerous level. Now she's on all sorts of drops and they're hoping the air bubble will be gone by tomorrow and the pressure will drop. The doctor assured her that all will be fine. Still a worry, though.
ReplyDeleteJust peeking in for a moment.
ReplyDeleteSacBarb, the show is called Rocco Gets Real, Saturdays on A&E.
I thought Cloris was okay at first but things have gone downhill from there. Don't actually watch the show because I have too much going on in the evenings at the moment and the TiVo is recording things faster than we can watch them but I look at the clips on youtube.
Okay, back to the grind....
Hi everyone!
ReplyDeleteWe have a very very beautiful fall day here in Illinois.
I'm just lovin it!
I just had a chance to read the comments. Sandie said Cloris Leechman is 82. My bad for making her older than she is.
ReplyDeleteSandie I hope that your Mom will continue to improve. Modern medicine and cornea transplants..just amazing what surgeons can do!
Thanks for all of the MS birthday wishes. I appreciate it and it was a nice surprise to see them all when I turned on my computer. I chose a Japanese restaurant for dinner. I had a sampler platter with tempura shrimp, baked oysters, calamari and King crab and red Caviar sushi. Then for dessert I again tried a sampler of blueberry cheese cake and an Oreo crumb topping cake. I ate way too much and was up until 2 AM bloated. :0) It was worth it though. ;)
Have a great evening owls.
Dreama, I'm so glad you had a nice birthday!! You're supposed to eat too much on your birthday! Good for you!
ReplyDeleteI haven't been watching DwTS this season.
ReplyDeleteCloris wasn't even my favorite character on MTM. It was Rhoda!
ReplyDeleteI will keep your mom in my prayers again tonight.
Is the hospital close to you?
Goldie, will you be posting pictures on MS?
ReplyDeleteThank you, iteach. She's at home. The surgery was only about 45 minutes long and she came right home.
ReplyDeleteOOps, I some how missed out that she was home, sorry for not following along better.
ReplyDeleteI assumed she was still in the hospital.
I'm off to my MIL's for dinner and TV.
ReplyDeleteWe always watch Criminal Minds together while the kids watch Barney in the next room. :)
She is making my favorite tonight, lasagna.
Hi owls!
ReplyDeletehart, congrats on first!
Renee, Rocco was on NBC reality show named "The Restaurant". He owns a few restaurants in NYC.
Sandie, I am glad to hear your mom is doing a little better. I am praying for a quick recovery for her.
Mo, I am pretty sure the stars get invited on by DWTS. Who knows why they would ask her? The judges encourage her to be funny. It is a mystery! Thank you for today's blog!
No problem, iteach. I actually don't think I ever said. Have a great time at dinner!
ReplyDeleteGrandma Moses, thank you. Nice to see you!
Good evening feathered friends~!
ReplyDeleteThanks to ALL of you for commenting on my bloggy. I think that the judges owe it to the real competitors to give her 1's, so even with the fan votes, she would go. Let her come on and do special dances on the result shows...as the other exhibition dancers.
Why do I care so much????? LOL!!
RENEE...I am glad Anthony likes his psychiatrist and therapist. That will make it so much easier for him to open up and really emote to them
LYNN...please get some rest and take care of YOU. I thnk you got sick last fall and I would hate for you to go thru all that again.
I am not working anyhere tomorrow, as it is Yom Kippur, the holiest of the Jewish holidays. I should go to Synagogue and fast, but I probably wont. Hmmmm, maybe if I sleep all day, I will be fasting by default!! It is a solemn holiday, the New Year, and we atone for our sins and hope we get inscribed into the book of life for another year. We sayer prayers for those that have passed and the Shofar is blown. After sundown, the tone makes a 180 and we celebrate! I will be with my family as we break the fast (or non-fast!!) together.
Thanks again for commenting.
it seems i cleared the room yet again ;(
ReplyDeleteMO...come back!! You'd never clear the room. I'm not into DWTS this year but had just read your last post above re: Yom Kippur and was mid reply when daughter called.
ReplyDeleteI REALLY appreciate it when you explain traditions and meanings of your religious holidays. I always wanted to take a 'Religions of the World' course as there's SO much I don't know and am always fascinated to learn what others believe and why. MORE, MORE!!
Hey BONO...thanks for asking. The holiday (and fast) began about an hour ago...at sundown. All our holidays begin at sundown. And I have already broken my fast ;(
ReplyDeleteIn all my almost 50 years, I have never gone to school or work on Yom Kippur...nor have I completed a fast! We are Reformed Jews, and we are not as not as religiously stringent, as say the Conservative, Orthodox or Hassidic. Most all of our services are in English, rather then Hebrew. We also don't follow the laws of Kashrut (keeping Kosher - hence my love of pork and shellfish products!)). We adhere to most all traditions, but in a more updated and non-secular way. I hope that makes sense.
Hi All!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on first Hart!!
I hope everyone had a good day.
Mo: I like to watch DWTS. I think Cloris Leachman is really funny. It is always a popularity contest and she will probably go pretty soon. I just think it is amazing that someone her age is doing it. That is really really good. I hope I can do that when I am in my 80s! I guess I am not a serious connoisseur of DWTS, I am more a casual viewer. I love watching her. She has pulled me into watching it this season.
I was bummed when Kim K. got voted off, but I should have made more effort to go and vote for her. She didn't seem to be putting her heart into it as much as others.
Renee: Glad to hear that your son likes his therapist. Gosh, you are a good mom.
Well, all, I just barely got all my steps for my goal today (goal: 7700) (steps: 7789) BUT, I did it even though Mr. Bebbi was wanting me to look at my car before dark. I had a horrid day. I hate car troubles. They really suck! I want a new car someday that I just turn the key and it goes, and goes, and goes, and goes, and goes!
*sigh* :)
Mo: Happy New year!
ReplyDeleteMo, Happy Yom Kippur! Thanks for the
ReplyDeleteinformation on your religion.
I think our internet service has been straightened out (again!). I could get on for about 15 minutes at a time, then it would slowly die out!
I had to write short and fast comments! My service guy was cute, but after 3 tries I don't care if I see him again right away lol!
Hope everyone is having a peaceful evening.
The lasagna was awesome and I got to take home the leftovers!
ReplyDeleteEven better!
Criminal Minds was good, it kept me on the edge of my seat.
Mo thank for explaining why you are off tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI always see that on the calendar , but I had no idea what it meant.
VIG, I thought of you tonight while I was at my MIl's house.
ReplyDeleteBefore Criminal Minds we watched a antique show. Everyday people come to this show with their old treasures and they find out how much it is worth.
I forgot the name of the show.
Anywho, I will get to the point.
This lady come to the show with a first edition Hellen Keller book. Helen autographed it for this lady's grandmother.
They praised the book at $2000.
50 for Tinka, I miss you.
ReplyDeleteRemember when I asked you ladies two days ago to let me know, if you notice any websites that have free shipping?
Well I just found a site that tells you, it is called freeshipping.org
ITEACH...how has jENNIFER been? I miss her posts. When you see her at school, tell her I said hello
ReplyDeleteActually, she has had her head in a toliet for the past three days.
ReplyDeleteBesides that she has been busy with taking her ex back to court, finishing her last two classes, and just feeling overwhelmed about life.
I throw her some Peanut M&M's to chear her up. I will relay the message to her.
Mo: I also want to thank you for explaining your Religious Holidays, I worked for 3 Jewish Doctors back in the mid 80's and they never worked on Yom Kippur. I find different religions very interesting. The Doctors I worked for always said Merry Christmas and had a Christmas Party for all of us. I remember it was the day before Christmas Eve and Dr. Mellen said to me, Merry Christmas Renee, I said Thank you, Merry Christmas to you too. I was embarassed because I thought Oh My he does not celebrate Christmas. Then I told my boss and she said, no, he celebrates Christmas, him and his wife actually enjoys Christmas. So I didn't feel so bad. He let us decorate the office with a Christmas Tree he was a great boss.
ReplyDeleteOutatune: Thank you for letting me know when Rocco is on. I will have to look it up.
Grandma Moses: I didn't know he was on the NBC reality show. I did know he owns a few restaurants in NY, I'm surprised hes not on FoodNetwork.
Well I'm gonna go take a shower and watch Young and Restless, and I pray that I can clean tomorrow, Everything is ready to go, Rooms straignted, Cleaning materials out. So when I drop Victor off I can start.
Good Night Everyone,
Thanks Mo for the great blog
man, the biggest Loser is SO emotional!!!
ReplyDeleteVIG - do you want a spoiler?? I'll send it thru myspace if you do??!
I'm off to bed......
ReplyDeleteas Just Lin would say - Sweet dreams to all........
I hope everyone has an excellent Thursday!!
Hart Congrats on #1!
ReplyDeleteMo Great blog! Thank you for your thoughts. It seems like every season they have someone on DWTS that has no chance of even being passable as a dancer. I do admire how Cloris can put her leg up on the judge's desk. At her age, that's really something. Many years ago, my brother did some brick work for her so I have only one degree of separation between me and her. LOL
I also want to thank you, Mo for the religious lesson. I find it all very interesting. I do want to ask one thing, though. How does one break their non-fast? By fasting? LOL
MEK Uh, sweet dreams. LOL
Renee Eve That's really great that Anthony feels comfortable with his therapist. That's so important.
ReplyDeleteMEK...how did the BL buffet go tonight? I ate extra french fries for everyone like me that could not watch the BIG show tonight. And I thought that was quite BIG of me, the one who will indeed be very BIG by the time this dang show is over!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the spoiler. And all I shall say about that is:
iteach..hi sunshine girl! Hope you are feeling so much better! I think that show is called Antique Roadshow. I love watching that show just to watch the way people react when their item is appraised. Cracks me up! What an extreme treasure that Helen Keller book is! First edition and signed! Holy dinah!!!
here's my chance...
ReplyDeleteI think I am alone now...
ReplyDelete..which sort of redefines 69..
ReplyDelete..and am on my way...
ReplyDelete...to the one...
ReplyDelete...the only...
ReplyDelete..the amazing...
ReplyDeleteWhy is is that every time I see Cloris, I want to rename her "Clitoris"??
ReplyDeleteActually, I think she's fabulous. Her role in The Last Picture Show was incredible!
I ate too much BL food to happy dance, so I shall just happy wiggle a little!
ReplyDeleteHi Whabbear! How's married life?
ReplyDeleteVIG Congrats on your "redefined" 69! LOL
ReplyDeleteBear Tsk, tsk!
JL...hidy ho! How's EVERYTHING? I just nicely found my glasses and saw that I was the this night owl said today! Thanks so much!!!! You rock!
ReplyDeleteVIG Hi back at ya! I hope you're having a good night. I had some french fries with my lunch today. :)
ReplyDeleteJL...yes, sister! Solidarity french fries!!!!
ReplyDeleteVIG Yes, the grease alone will help solidify our bond.
ReplyDeleteJ/L: LOL!
ReplyDeleteVIG: Great! Tonight's the first night we've gotton back to normal life (aka I'm down at my place in Mountain View, Mr Whabbear's up in his place in San Francisco) since we got married!
Ahhh, gotta love those married life routines! LOL!
Bear There's many a wife out there who wishes they had the same set up as you two. :)
ReplyDeleteNewlyWedBear..hope you and huz are together again soon! Happy fourth day of marriage!