
Sunday, October 26, 2008

If I Had Only Known

Chosen by Tinka

My sister loved Reba McEntire and so do I. My dad always had the radio turned to a country music station playing songs from morning until night so I guess I came by my love of country music honestly. Reba McEntire wrote the song for this video when she lost her whole crew on a flight between shows. Reba should have been on the plane but stayed behind because her baby was sick. It just wasn't her time.

I so identify with the words to this song. It is one month today since my mother's funeral. It seems like yesterday. My sister's and mother's deaths were not unexpected and I did get a chance to say "I love you" but I don't think any-one is really ready for 'the last day'. I am still thinking of things I would like to have said. Am I the only one who would like a second chance at saying something special to someone he or she has lost? Am I the only one who ponders. "If I had only known"


  1. woot! twice in one week!!! I should go buy a lottery ticket.

  2. going to get more coffee and read the blog

  3. TINKA...we are never ready to accept the passing of a loved one, regardless of how much time we had to prepare for it. On one hand, we are relieved to know they will not be suffering anymore, but then we suffer from the loss. And I think we all wish we had at least one more chance to say something. I guess that is why we look to the heavens and talk to them some more.
    How grand of you to share these feelings with us. {{hugs}}

    I don't know if this is gonna post...

    SCIRISH...congrats on 1st!!! Heck, buy 2 lottery tickets!!

  4. posted! I don't know how long my luck will hold out here! Now, if only I could get my darn MySpace to work!! Incase you haven't read my bulletin, I can't seem to approve the comments you sent. Nor can I update my status banner. I did change my settings so all comments will just post without approval for now. But the older ones are in cybermyspace!

    I am so frustrated with all this! Ggrrrrr!

  5. GOLDIE...I am so glad your procedures went well. I hope you are resting and taking care of you. Maybe MR.GOLDIE will make you some special brownies!! Did the doc say when you can get back into those stillettos and resume pole dancing? LOL

  6. Tink...What a heart-felt blog! I believe we always think of things we would like to have said after someone close to us has died, even when it was not unexpected. I think it's our way of staying close to them.

  7. Morning Mo! Have you tried hitting "view all" and then updating your status?

  8. SCIRISH...yes, I have tried that, too. Nada! I also have a list of all the international MySpace countries superimposed on my page that wont close or go away!!

  9. GUESS WHAT? I just fixed my MySpace!!!!!!! WOO HOOOOOO

  10. Mo....That is very odd....I had a captcha on my log in page yesterday and it is gone today...Maybe MS is doing something????

  11. Good morning Scirish and Mo! Congrats on 1st Scirish!
    Mo I posted your bulletin here the other day for you so people would know you were having trouble.

  12. SHIRLEY...thanks! Mmmmm, I like your new avatar!

  13. Tinka, there's nothing like a country song to put your feelings into words, and Reba does it so well. Thanks for sharing.

    There are a lot of things I wish I had said and done before Dad died but right know I can't go down that road. It's too hard and after almost nine years I still can't forgive myself.

  14. Good morning Hooters!

    Congrats on 1st scirish.

    Lovely blog Tink. We all deal with our grief and the situations of our loved ones passing in our own way. It is never easy, no matter the circumstances.

    I am back among the living! Sort of. I am allowed to be up today, at least other then going to the bathroom. I developed some internal bleeding in the arteries that required pressure (OMG) at the hospital and then again that Mr. Goldie had to do at home. I was lucky, because on the third time if it happened he was supposed to call 911. Only happened 2 times. Not fun. BUT - although I am very sore in both my groin (there has to be a better way) and in my thighs where the stents were placed( they were unable to do the one in my calf) I am much better today. Tommorrow I can even go upstairs to my bedroom and shower! Yippee.

    I want to thank you all for the emails and comments and messages. I know they are there, but forgive me I haven't even read them all yet. I am sure that all your good wishes and prayers are what made it all work out.

    Mo- I make no promies on the stilletos and pole dancing. I'll let yo know after my follow-up in 2 weeks. I am planning on going back to work on Tuesday though. maybe..:0)

  15. I couldn't pick a favorite candy!!


    Please be adviced that until further notice the basement of Owl Manor is off limits. Some very classified "work" is being done down there and no one can have access. Thank you for your co-operation.

  17. Goldie....OUCH! Glad you are doing better you'll be glad to get that shower!!!

    TINKA Thank you for your thoughts today. It is important to let family and friends know how we feel about them. It is also important to learn our family history all along. Once the person is gone that's it. We can never ask. I find that frustrating when I think of something I would like to know, and know I will never find out.

    GOLDIE: I hope today is even better than yesterday.

  19. Shirley...Does this "classified work" have anything to do with water balloons?

  20. Shirley- I can't shower until tomorrow- would you just warm up some of the water in those balloons and drop them on me????

    I forgot to say a big THANK YOU JODI for checking on me, calling and keeping the nest posted. So happy you didn't have to make all tha potato salad! You are the bestest!!!

  21. Scirish all I can say is to ignore any screams or torturous sounds you may hear this week.

    Welcome back Goldie!

    Morning Lani!

  22. Goldie I'm loading the water cannon now. Get your soap and towel ready!

  23. Good morning Everyone!

    Congrats on first Scirish!

    I hope everyone has a great Sunday. I am going on a walk for breast cancer later today.

    Take care and talk to you all later.

    I dont know if anyone else is having this problem, but I can't get the video to load.

  24. Morning Glories!

    Scrishy is first again! Go buy that lottery ticket! LOL

    Tinka I think we all feel this way about people we have lost. I know that I still wish I could talk to my Mom and have questions to ask. As I grow older the questions change but that last chance to say I love you does not.

    I am so glad you can express yourself here. Your love for you sister and Mother shine through in this blog.

    Bless you! (((Hugs)))

  25. Just read the posts.

    Yay Goldie is posting! Makes my day!

    Mo I am having problems on Myspaz to. I keep getting pop ups interfereing everytime I go on. It is driving me crazy.

    Shirley I am not going near the basement. I just know you are up to no good! LOL

    Morning Scrishy and Lani and Bebbi!

    Bebbi Have a great time at the walk! Good for you!

  26. I went to listen to it at You Tube. Tink, that song is beautiful. I didn't know the story behind it and don't remember ever hearing it. On the version I watched, which was live, they had people's picture running across the back of the stage in a film sequence. I wondered if that was the pictures of her crew when they were little.

    When I was 18, my grandfather died. I was going to go to the hospital and see him that morning when I got the call. I always wish I had gone the night before instead. Also, when my grandmother died, I didn't go to see her one last time because I thought she would be around for a while. I went to see her right after she had her heart attack, but she wasn't conscious then. I should have gone back to visit once more but I didn't. I feel bad about that too. It makes me sad, but I hold the memories dear in my heart of them.

  27. Bebbi I can"t view the video either. Good luck on your walk. How far is it?

    Good morning Lynn D!

    Well now that I've dusted the computer chair I suppose I should go dust the TV chair too. lol!

  28. Shirley: I am going to spy! I am going to spy! I am going to spy! Off limits?? that usually means to me that I have to figure out a way to take a look..heheh!

  29. Bebbi I warn you, there is state of the art security down there. You won't get past the first step. Just sayin'.

  30. Mo:
    Good to have ya back! Missed my bacon fix :O)

  31. Shirley:
    I am just gonna wait till you tell us what's going on in Owl Manor, I will not peek ;O)

  32. The video is not working for me either. I went on you tube to try and upload it again, and its says the video has been pulled off of you tube, I found another one with the same song, However I want to wait for Tinka to see if its ok, to post the one I found...

  33. Goldie:
    Good to see ya up and about! Hope you are dancing around that pole soon... ♥♥♥

  34. Shirley:
    You crack me around Owl manor... LMAO

  35. Tinka:
    I read Mo's comment to ya, and she said all that I was feeling as well..
    Great comment Mo, and yes I agree, Tinka thanks for sharing with us.

  36. Good Morning Owls.

    Carol - I just e-mailed you a video of Reba singing the same song, only in concert. It's not as good as the one they removed but please post it. It's better than the black screen.

  37. JustLin and Carol thanks for QOTD. Lol!

  38. Ok, new video is now on the blog, and its working...

  39. Thanks Carol for putting in a new video. I don't know why they pulled the other one for copyright reasons after we had already posted it. Must be something going on with Reba and her videos.

  40. I wrote this before but it didn't publish.

    Good Morning Scirish - Congrats on First for two days in a row. I think Shirley has a present for you for managing to do that. It's not easy with all these fast owls.

    Good Morning Maureen, Shirley,
    Goldie, Lani, Bebbi, and Carol. Hope you are having a good day. We have been blessed here with a few days of crisp, cool, sunny days. I just hope they last. The trees are beautiful. It makes one happy just to be alive. This afternoon I think we will take my 'fur babies' to mom's graveside to leave flowers for her, Joan and my dad and then to Butchart's Gardens to walk amongst the lovely coloured leaves.

  41. Thank you all for your kind words. I feel much better today than I thought I would. Funny how some days are better than others.

    Tomorrow, the lodge where my mom lived for 8 years is putting on a memorial for her and for the other two ladies who died in September and October. I would love to NOT go as I feel we have done all the ceremonies. I must attend however since the lodge is kind enough to this. They were so good to her. It's the least I can do. My brother-in-law will go with me. The rest of the family have chosen not to be there. I am going to enjoy today. Tomorrow may be a 'blue' day for me again.

    Goldie - I am so happy you are feeling better. I had that procedure done. I know what you mean when you mention "required pressure OMG". It's is very painful. I hope you (and I) never have to go through it again.

    Our thoughts and prayers were with you and I think that helped, don't you?

  42. Time for Breakfast.
    Thanks again.
    See you this afternoon.

  43. Good Sunday morning, Owls!

    Goldie....very happy to hear that you are on the mend! Good healing thoughts and big hugs for you! glad you were able to get back in to the nest and on MS. I was having a lot of trouble with MS too and was getting the captcha signing in. They must be doing some work there!

    Tinka...oh my dear neighbour! What a lovely blog. I know the reminder and anniversaries are so difficult, and I wish you peace as you go through them. I agree that we all wish that we had the chance to say one more thing or do one more thing for the person that we have lost. I think it is so important then to hang on tight to the things we did say and do. I am so grateful for those I love you's and think of them often. You know, Tink, that I am not a huge country fan but I love the beautiful Reba song for the message it brings...tell the people you love that you love them every chance you can. So true!

  44. VIG - Good morning and thanks for the wise words. I am trying to live by them now with my kids and grand kids.

    I am happy you are having a good rest today. You have had such a busy few weeks.

    I can't change my status on myspace. Should I just wait and see if Tom is working on it or do you have any other suggestions? I tried "view all". It doesn't work. My status doesn't even show up on the first page. It is now covered with ads. I tried changing the back page but it won't work either. It has been a few days now. I see most others are changing their status today.

  45. I am going to comment on the blog before reading any comments today - (then i will catch up)

    Tinka - thank you for sharing with us today.. I don't think it ever really gets easier - hugs to you.

    I wish daily that I could talk to my father - and (oh my - that's all I will be able to write, sorry)...

    okay - I need to go read some comments!!

  46. Hmmm. Bebbi and Carol, I believe Shirley herself defined the architecture of Owl Manor a little more completely a couple of weeks ago. Who knew that our fabulous old mansion was chock-full of secret passages, concealed doors, and unexpected means of access. I didn't.

    But now, thanks to Shirley herself, I rather think there MIGHT be way to get to the basement that even she doesn't know about.

    Care to join me in a little exploring?

  47. Tink...glad you are going to take advantage of the sunshine and head to Butcharts. It's a great day for fall flowers. I am heading over to Vancouver on the ferry later and it is always nice to go out on the deck when the sun is shining! Enjoy the flowers and your furbabies!

    To change your MS status, you can go to your Inbox page and just change it at the top there.

  48. tink- I know everyones thoughts and prayers helped me. It sure made me feel loved too.

    I didnt' realize you had this procedure done too. And yes I agree, I hope I dont have to have it again!! Poor Mr. Goldie- when he had to apply the pressure for 10 minutes I thought he was going to die, he couldn't stand hurting me. He is wonderful and I felt worse for him then me!! The nurse, not so

    I just got cleaned up, washed my hair in the sink and cut off my hospital bracelet (they wanted it to stay on until today if I had to come back). Clean is such a good feeling!!

  49. Happy Sunday!!

    I "overslept" - I have a clock that falls back and springs forward by satellite and it "fell back" last night - SO, I thought it was earlier than it really is and sadly WE DON'T CHANGE!!! so, I've been thru the time change and it isn't even this weekend - geez..

    Scirish - congrats on FIRST..

    MO - great to see you in the nest again - hope your troubles are over.

    Goldie - glad to see that you are up and about..

    Shirley - you crack me up - special project in the basement - i can't wait to see what you have come up with!! we better run for cover!!

    lani - i was just talking to my mom about things I have never asked before and feel the need to know now........ wish i had done that with my dad.... our history is dieing away!!

    waving howdy to Scirish, Mo, Shirley, goldie, Lani, bebbi, Lynn D, cpgem, VIG and all who land...

    I hope everyone has an excellent day!!

  50. Whabby - I'll go searching the "tunnels" with you!!! It could be like Melinda in the basement in the "under world"!!!

  51. Goldie - we are so glad that you are cleaned up!!!

    love ya - and SO happy that you are doing so well......

  52. Tinkatia: It's funny you would write about this topic right now. In the last month or so, I've been asking my Mom about her maternal grandmother, a woman named Minnie Kirk who lived in Petrolia, Ontario before she died of "consumption" in 1910.

    Minnie was of course my great-grandmother, and I'd love to know more about her and what she was like. Unfortunately, my grandmother was only 5 when Minnie died, and both my grandmother and her two siblings died back in the 80's.

    Result: there's no one left alive who knew Minnie. I sure wish I had asked my Grandmother or her sister (my great-aunt Dale) more about Minnie when I had the chance. It is now forever too late. :(

  53. Whabby - EXACTLY - it is FOREVER too late!! that's how I feel also!!

    After the conversation this week of "where our ancestors came from", I started asking my mom alot of questions - it's like pulling teeth to get any information out of her!!!

  54. who is going to march THIS early in the a.m.!!!

  55. okay - I need to go read the paper and eat some breakfast!!


  56. Goldie: SO glad to hear that the procedure was completed without to many complications. Poor Mr Goldie, though. I can relate a little. Jim had diverticulitis pretty bad about a decade ago, and he had to have a section of colon removed (major surgery that had him in hospital for a week).

    I felt so bad watching him suffer through this, right to the end when they removed the catheter.

    OUCH! It's not easy to watch your loved ones in pain.

  57. MEK: By all means... the more the merrier when it comes to exploring the Manor. After all... it's ours!

  58. Whabbear - I too wish I had asked more questions about our Irish ancestry. I would love to know more about it. I also wish I had taped or taken notes when my dad talked about the Halifax Explosion that changed his life forever when he was only 6 years old. His mother owned 8 different houses at the time and lost everything. She was quite the entrepeneur. However after that fateful fate she was never the same. I actually think she was mentally unstable but they didn't talk about those things in the early nineteen hundreds.

    VIG - There is no place in my inbox to change my status. I think I had better message you for help.

    Bebbi - I don't know who is in the pictures in Reba's video. The one I picked had a lot of little children in it.

  59. Whabbear and Mek if you do go exploring don't say I didn't warn you. Once you delve into the bowls of Owl Manor there's no turning back. MUAHAHAHA!!!
    I'm just sayin'.

  60. TINKA - Thanks for that beautiful video and blog!!! Even though I lost both my brother and mother very suddenly, I have no regrets. I know that the last thing I said to each of them was "I love you". It's how I end most conversations with family and some friends!!! No, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye, but that's ok.

    SHIRLEY - Your avatar is making me hungry....and Reese's ANYTHING is my favorite!!! Can't wait to see what you're scheming down in the basement!!!

    GOLDIE - You're welcome!!! SWAK!!

    MO!!! So glad you fixed your computer. So great to see you here!!!

    I just got home after working 7 days in a row.....time for lunch and maybe a power nap!!

  61. Two weeks before Christmas last year one of my best friends was hit broad side on his Harley. He died of his injuries the next day. He had just returned from being offshore and was on his way to an eye doctor. When he worked offshore we could still talk using Yahoo messanger. I had seen him on line but was engrossed in a movie and I told him that I'd come back later. I came back but he'd already gone on to bed. I didn't know that I was giving up my last oportunity to talk with him. Of course I wish that I could have a crystal ball and see into the future and be able to redo that evening.
    My thoughts are now with Trey Hatfield. His niece was in a car with 2 others and hit by a drunk driver several days ago. The other two passengers died. Many of you know trey so please put his family in yuour prayers as you go to church today.

  62. Wabbear
    Before I went to bed last night I looked on the blogs to see any signs of your intoxicated postings. I didn't see any. I had hoped for a hilarious laugh before I went to bed. I'm sure ChefKevin was also looking! ;)

  63. 80, I am off to a confirmation...

    See ya all tonite....

  64. And owl manor is off limits till Halloween, as the nest as something in store...


  65. Hmmmmm...Owl Manor is off limits...curiosity is piqued...crawling through the bushes...peaking in the window...and what do I see....OMG!!!!!!!!

  66. TINKA: What a beautiful blog! I miss my mom and dad every day. There are so many things that I wish I could discuss with them, so many things I wish I could show them. I was able to tell them both how much I loved them before they passed away, but I still wish we could have one more day to spend together. I find that I miss them most when I'm facing something that worries me or scares me....I have never seemed to outgrow the need to "tell mom, and let her make everything all right..."

    Tink, I hope your day has been a relaxing one..that your memories have all been sweet ones..I know that these anniversaries are difficult. I wish more than anything, that I lived closer. For now I will have send my love to you through cyberspace and hope you know how I feel.

  67. Oh, Tinka, I still think so many times about how I wish I had more time with my husband. His death was very sudden and from the time he told me he was having chest pains to the time he died was only about 15 minutes. I didn't have a chance to say anything. The paramedics got there within a couple of minutes, and he was unconscious almost as soon as they arrived. Just a few more minutes so I could say "I love you"......

    My youngest son wrote a poem around the first anniversary of his Dad's death. It was about what do you say when you can't say goodbye. I still get all teary just thinking about it.

  68. SCIRISH: Congrats on FIRST!

    MO: Great to see you back again, you were missed!

    GOLDIE: SWAK! Seeing your avatar made me smile the biggest smile! :)

    SHIRLEY: it.. ;)

    LYNND: LOL@ Myspaz...

    VIG: Are you sure you're only six days older than me...cuz you sure are a heck of a lot wiser...

    BEAR: I betcha SHIRLEY has all entrances to Owl Manor covered...I would be verrrry verrrry careful exploring.... ;)

    MEK: Try this..give your mom a notebook and ask her to write things down about your family as she remembers them. I did that with my mom, and found later that she had jotted down all kinds of family history.

    JODI: Love you... :)

    HI LANI!

    HI CPGEM!!

  69. I just got home from church and I have to leave again to go usher for Treasure Island. I will read all the comments when I get home tonight.

    Waving a wing to everyone. Have a great day. BBL

  70. SACBARB: I am so sorry...he knew..he knew...{{HUGS}}..

  71. SacBarb and Everyone who has posted - I have such empathy but not the words to express them. So in the spirit of the blog I will just march for all those words that were never said.

  72. 93 - Am I marching to 100 alone?

  73. Time for my nap and then Butchart's Gardens.

  74. Now after the longest march I have ever made I really do need a nap.

  75. ZonaBaby - I somehow lost my post to you. Thank you for your kind words. I do feel your love and support right through the computer and the phone. Talk to you later.

  76. frickin' hell~ I just tried to go downstairs and someone has set up one of those effing electric fence thingy's at all the entrances~ WTF!

  77. *whispering* Whabby!! I thought you would NEVER ask! I love going to places that are "Off limits"...definitely an exciting thing to do! Let's be real quiet about it or Shirley might find out what we're up to!

  78. Shirley! Hiiiiiiii! The walk was great!! thank for asking!! ;) Ohhh, I wouldn't THINK of even ever spying on ya in the basement..hehe

  79. DReama,
    So sorry to hear that happened to Trey's nieces.

    Goldie: I hope you are doing well.

  80. Good afternoon: scirish, maureen, shirley,goldie, bebbi, lynn d, carol, tink, vig, bear,mek, jodi,dreama,zona, barb

    When I came back to our nest this afternoon and read through all of the posts I kept seeing a novel in my head. I was thinking factual with a mix of fiction. Actually, that is exactly what it is. How about a mini series, or a Hallmark movie?

    So much kind of pops out that I didn't know about someones life each time I read the comments. Since I am newer I have a lot to catch up on. So for now I will say a giant prayer for everyone's healing.

  81. Scirish~ congrats on first...get that lotto tkt~

    Tinka~ beautiful blog and song~ I remember when Reba's band was was so sad....and I remember her being criticized for going back on tour so soon after losing them. There was no way she could have won that battle~

    Mo~ so glad to see you back~ oh...and also your front~ :)~

    Shirley~ I'm sending you my medical bills~ :)~

    Goldie~ I'm so happy to see you hear~

    MEK~ 69 is for EVERY DAY~ :D

    Tink~ congrats on 100~

  82. Lani - Yes we are deep thinkers on this blog. LOL

    Tina - I remember that too. Reba was so upset by the loss of her "boys" she couldn't even sing this song for the longest time. Yet she was criticized for performing too soon. It was a no-win situation for her.

    The sun is shining beautifully here so my 'fur babies' and I are off to kick some leaves. I am so happy the sun shone today. I hope it co-operates tomorrow as well.

  83. SHHHHhhhhhhh...don't tell SHIRLEY I told y'all this...

    Go to the office and stand in front of the third bookcase to the left of the door. On the 4the shelf from the top, 8th book in is a fake book. Remove it from the shelf and notice the toggle switch on the back wall of the bookcase. Flip the switch to an upward position and STAND BACK...the bookcase will rotate and allow entrance to a hidden staircase.

    Ssshhhhhhh...don't tell SHIRLEY!!

    But, don't blame me for what you encounter.................

  84. You may want to take the fireplace poker and wear a helmet.

    I'm just sayin....................

  85. Anyone know where I can get a 1792 guillotine?

    Oh, and I heard that Maureen.

    You have all been warned. MUAHAHAHA!!!!!

  86. It seems J/Slin is missing from the nest today. Could she be with Shirley up to no good? :)

  87. maybe Justlin found the guillotine~ or she's in it~ :(

  88. TINA: Every day...yep, yep, yep. ;)

    See you hear...or hear you hear? :D

  89. Hmmm...I am supposed to be on a ferry right now but I can't seem to get off the couch! Started watching "Into the Wild" and I am hooked! I will be on the 7pm ferry now instead of the 5pm!!! What a sad but interesting movie! were the flowers today at Butcharts? Hope you had a lovely afternoon.

    Jodi....loved the drive to the grocery store! Thanks for the ride! are truly are a woman of wisdom and compassion. Thanks for a great chat today!

    Sacbarb...sending you big hugs just because...

    MEK...I am in training for BL. I have started eating the cheetos two days ahead to be in tip top eating form for the big show on Tuesday!!!

  90. 120 for Miss Tinka!

  91. SHIRLEY...I checked on G-Bay and they had guillotines from every year except 1792. There is a lovely one from 1834 and is open to bid on ;)~

  92. Ummm...SHIRLEY..what are you doing to those apples we are all going to be bobbing for..I thought I might have heard something boiling....

  93. Thanks Maureen, I'll check it out.

    Zona I'm not doing anything with the apples. I think Jodi is going to make a giant apple crisp for us though. You might want to be careful when you're bobbing for apple...there may be more than just apple in the water. MUAHAHAHA!!!!!!
    I'm just sayin'.

  94. ***Turns off blow torch. Takes off welding mask and apron. Walks over to door and turns off lights. Sets alarm and activates laserbeams. Presses button and stands back. A huge metal door slides into place. An iron gate decends from the ceiling and locks into place. Walks up basement stairs and activates another alarm system before closing the basement door and locking three deabolts.***

    Well, I'm off to watch "Amazing Race". See ya later.

  95. SHIRLEY - still loving your evil laugh!!! I just got back from grocery shopping. Good thing I got that huge bag of Ambrosia crisp will be ready for Friday!!!

    Has anyone tried Ambrosia apples? They are crunchy, sweet and yummy!!! Tastes like a Honey Crisp, but without the outrageous price tag. We're having a huge fruit sale at Kwik Trip....mix and match apples, oranges, and pears 12/$3.99!!!

    VIG - Thanks for going along for the ride!!! I was's trying to snow now. I hope you enjoy your ride over the Pacific River!!! :P

    ZONA - SWAK!!! So great to talk to you today!!! Did you say luv u to Angel for me?!!?

    SACBARB - ((((HUGS)))) I agree with ZONA. I'm sure he could feel the love!

    TINKA - Great march to 100!!! Thanks again. I love Reba!!!

  96. scirish Congrats on number one again! You're on a roll.

    Tinka That was a lovely blog today. There's never enough time. (((HUGS)))

    SacBarb I know you wish you could have said "I love you" one more time but he did know, just as you know he loved you. (((HUGS)))

    Even though he could no longer see me or respond to me, I did get the chance to say goodbye to my husband and tell him that I loved him. I also told him that I didn't want him to suffer, that they doctors couldn't do anything more for him, and that I would be okay. He passed away about one hour later.

  97. DonnaJean I'm thinking of you. Where are you?

  98. Shirley Remember when the owls had that picnic and Zona was down by the waterfall? I'm wondering if behind that waterfall there is a secret tunnel that leads to the basement of Owl Manor. Hmmmm.....

  99. I see I have a typo in my post at 8:48 but I don't care. :p

  100. Tinka~~Touching blog. Hope you and 'the babies' enjoyed your day in the sun today as much as we did!

    I have to run make dinner but wanted to say 'Hi y'all'. We've been away at the lake all day and, My Goodness, the Manor is starting to look ghoulish when approached at night!

    I heard bats flapping their wings...I think they were caught in Lani's spider-webs.

    Was that Shirley's cackle of glee I heard as I pulled up? Whoever sees her (I'm NOT goin' down there!!) let her know I brought the giant movie screen and 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' so we can set it on 'continuous play' all week, for whoever wants to drop in. First showing begins in about an hour....bring your own toast, etc. for audience participation!

  101. Good night everyone.

    Thanks for sharing Tinka. (((HUGS))) for tomorrow.

  102. I am back from watching Treasure Island and it was a riot. Lots of kids in the audience and at one point, the whole cast went into the audience (pirates chasing each other) and weaved their way through the aisles and rows. The kids squealed with delight.

    Vig, Hugs back atchya.

    Zona & Jodi, I am just so grateful that we didn't have any harsh words with each other that night. It was a Friday night after a long week at work for both of us and you know how that can sometimes lead to impatience. Thanks for your kind words.

    J/L, One consolation for me is that I didn't have to watch him suffer like you did. For him, it was the best way. I don't know if I would have had the strength you had to watch the long time suffering. Thanks for your kind words too.

    Jodi, I'll take a mixed dozen, apples, oranges and pears. Thank you.

    Bon'O, I am ashamed to admit that I have never seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

    My Mom once suggested that we video her telling about the family history and we all thought it was a great idea, but it never came to be. I carry a lot of guilt about that.

  103. BON*BON - The perfect movie for Halloween week!!! I brought the newspaper and water pistals, too!!!

    JUST SLIN (hee hee!!!) - lol @ typos!!!

    SHIRLEY - Good night. :D

    I'm turning in for the's been a long 7 days, but I don't have to be back to work til Wednesday!!!

  104. SACBARB - We must've been typing at the same time. I would really love to read the poem your son wrote. If you don't mind sharing, send it to me via my regular email. Thanks!!

  105. I am calling it a night but I wanted to thank all of you beautiful owls for the kind, sensitive and consoling things you said today. I learned a lot about some of our owls too. There are some very happy but also very sad stories in our wonderful little cyber family. I would love to respond to each one but I am at the end of my strength, both physically and emotionally tonight. I need a good night's sleep to get through the memorial tomorrow. I hope God sends yellow sunshine this way.
    God Bless You All and Keep You Safe Tonight.

    Thanks Carol for your help.
    (((((Hugs to All))))

  106. Good night sweet PINK TINKA!!! ((((HUGS)))) from Wisconsin!!!

  107. 'Night, Tink...all good thoughts tomorrow.

    SacBarb~~Saying you've never seen 'Rocky Horror' is simply confirming your good taste. It's REALLY baaahd, but a cult classic, none-the-less. Like Jodi, I was thinking how special that poem must be. Too personal for sharing?

    Jodi~~"Jump to the left...and then a step to the right" :-) Enjoy your days off!

  108. ... watches "The Great Escape" and "Papillon" with Bebbi and 'weenie...

    Starts to formulate plan of attack...

    Over and out!

  109. Bon'O and SacBarb:

    There is no doubt that a room in the manor is dedicated to RHPS showings!

    From (post-Lone Star Beer Bust drunken memory)... EVERYBODY RAISE A CANDLE or A LIGHTER...

    The darkness has flown
    down the river of life streaming..
    Flow Morpheus Slow...
    Let the Sun and Light come streaming
    Into my Life...

    There's a light...
    Over at the Frankenstein Place...
    There's a Li... Hi... Hi.. iahight..

    Burning in the fireplace.

    There's a light
    A light

    In the Darkness...




  110. Bear He's just a sweet transvestite from Transexual, Transylvania. :)

  111. SacBarb It's a fun movie if you're in the right mood and go with friends to a midnight show where people have dressed up and are acting out the parts and other shenanegans ensue. Right, Bon?

  112. Bear~~You're in EXCELLENT voice tonight!

    "And so, it seemed that fortune had smiled on Brad and Janet and that they had found the assistance that their plight required. Or had they?" Hmmmmmmm

    Who wants to be 'Magenta'?

    Indeed, J/L. We're watching right now. Come on up all!

  113. Hey Guys!!!

    VIG asked me to post that she is stuck in traffic trying to get on the ferry tonight and will miss 'Brothers and Sisters'. If anyone can send her a recap on MS, it would be greatly appreciated.
    Otherwise, she will be in withdrawal..and we wouldn't want that...would we??? thanks..hugs and kisses from VIGGY!!!

  114. I had a chance to come back and read all of the blog entries. Shirley has me scared but since it is so close to Halloween then the more screams the funner!
    you do drunk singing very well!
    I have to go to bed. It's way late! I'm falling asleep!

  115. Jodi & Bon'O, Thanks for asking about Todd's poem. I have posted it in a blog on ms.

    I hope everyone had a good day. I am going to bed now. Good night and sweet dreams to you all.

  116. JODI: I made a special call...Angel knows.. ;)

  117. Sacbarb I have never seen the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" either.

  118. Shirley You should watch it sometime if you get the chance. It's a kick. Maybe it will be on tv since it is close to Halloween. Okay, it's late. Time for me to go to bed. Good night.

  119. ***Acme delivery truck pulls around to the back entrance of Owl Manor. Two guys get out, open back of truck and take out two large boxes.***

    Follow me. Oh, and watch the trip wire there.

    ***Goes over to the basement door. Beep...beep...beep...beep...alarm off. unlocked.
    Walks down stairs.
    Click...presses button to open gate and sliding metal door.
    Beep...beep...beep...beep...turns off alarm and deactivates laser beams.
    Click...unlocks door and turns on lights.***

    Set the boxes over there please next to the cauldrons. Thanks guys. Remember, watch the trip wire on your way back out. Have a good day!
