
Friday, September 25, 2009

Johnny Appleseed

by Jennifer (iteach)

Every year at this time I teach a whole week theme on apples. We discuss the growing cycle of the apple, products that come from apples, apple tasting graph, and apple art work. The children love to work with the apples and it is a lot of fun. My very favorite part of this unit is Johnny Appleseed.

Have you heard of him? Did you discuss him at school? He is personally a hero of mine and I so enjoy talking about him to the students. Here is a little background information about him. Johnny Appleseed is a popular folktale about the life of John Chapman, a man who lived from 1774-1845. Born in Leominster, Massachusetts, John loved apple trees and apples.

As John watched apples grow, he became very interested in all of nature. He often played in the nearby forest and made friends with animals.

As soon as he was old enough, John traveled west to Ohio, planting apple orchards for new settlers. Along the way, as an explorer and adventurer, he cleared forests, slept and played with animals, befriended Indians, and other strangers, and survived many dangers. Johnny was so well- loved and respected by all who knew him that over the years legends spread about the man whom everyone came to call Johnny Appleseed.

As you can tell Johnny was a peacemaker. I always incorporate his peacemaking skills into our classroom. When there is a conflict in the room, I always say , "What would Johnny do?" . I know very corny, but it works with the little ones. Happy Johnny Appleseed Day!!!!


  1. that was too easy.....have I been "left behind??"

  2. Morning Glories!

    Congrats on first DeeDee! BAM!

    Iteach in some distant memory I remember learning about Johnny Appleseed, it was so long ago I don't remember what grade that would have been. How fun for the kids that you are teaching this! It sounds like fun!

  3. THATS IT!! I HAVE BEEN LEFT BEHIND!! But I just saw Maylene Cashion getting her newspaper!
    Maylenne claimed to be the best christian in the Brazos Valley!

    Well I guess it just goes to show you....

    so it was all true....and here I am....with Maylene Cashion......

    its an erie feeling.....

  4. oh thank goodness Lynn! I thought I was left behind!

    WTH am I saying.....we have been left behind Lynn.....

  5. Belated Happy Birthday to Mr. Goldie! Goldie what a wonderful present you got for him. Way to go!

    Well I am going to catch up on the news and my farms. Then I am out the door this morning. Yep food bank again. A delivery and now the compressor on the refrigeration unit is acting up so I get to meet the repair man too.

    Everyone send positive thoughts that it will be an easy fix. I need a boost of energy because I am very tired and feeling like throwing in the towel today. I was there most of the day yesterday dealing with deliveries and next Tuesday all day again for a cleaning crew because we have Govt. Officials coming on Wednesday to see how a rural food bank works.

    I don't know wether to be proud that our lead agency is using us for an example or to be insulted that the big wigs think we are any different than a city food bank. I am thinking of wearing my ripped overalls and chewing on a piece of hay straw when they show and only answering Yup when they ask questions.

    See I ramble more when I am exhausted.

  6. Looks like just me and you DeeDee! If they don't show up soon I say we turn the blog blue!

  7. Good Morning!

    JENNIFER: I remember learning about Johnny Appleseed in's been so long though. I do remember there was a Disney cartoon..and a song about him. I'll have to check for that on youtube. Thanks for the fun lesson today!

    DEEDEE: Congrats on BAMFIRST!

    LYNND: Positive thoughts being sent your way..for both you and the compressor! btw..don't forget the straw hat! ;)

    GOLDIE: Please give Mr Goldie my late, but still heartfelt, Happy Birthday wishes! :)

    I have to try and get an appointment with the eye doctor today. I have a blasted eye infection and it hurts like a #$&*^#!! I thought I could ride it out, but I guess not. phooey.

    I sure hope everyone has a great day!

  8. uh-oh! With the appearance of Zona apparently I haven't been "left behind".......she would be gone to glory.....

    well its too late....I already emailed Maylene and called her an earth bound devil......

    Why do I listen to that Kirk Cameron!!??

  9. Congrats on first DeeDee!

    Jennifer: I love Johnny Appleseed. I love his story and we even have a Johnny Appleseed tree at the park I go to walk! Great blog!! I bet your kids love it.

  10. DeeDee: I love Kirk Cameron and those books..and the movies.

  11. DeeDee,congrats on being first and not being left behind lol!

    Jennifer,What a positive way to start the day! I want to be your student soooo bad! I promise you won't have to chase me through the corn field :) I'll be good...really, well only if Tina isn't sitting next to me!

    Zona,don't make me come over there! Get to the Dr. already! You can't mess around with your eyes!

    LynnD, I am keeping everything crossed for your frig.!

    Waving good morning to Bebbi!

  12. Bebbi: I have suddenly come to despise Kirk Cameron. I think he's perpetuating a genuinely evil act this fall.

    But on to more cheerful topics!

    First, Lynn D: NO! NO! NO! Don't act the part of Klem Kadiddlehopper! Instead, dress and act like Lisa Douglas! Serve them hotcakes!


    Jennifer: Thank-you! I had heard of Johnny Appleseed, of course, but knew nothing of the real person involved.

    He sounds like he was pretty remarkable. He even liked to sleep and play with animals? Whoa!

  13. Area 51: Whabby, I would love to see the lyrics to your version...Facebook me or email it..if you have the time. Sounds a little :)

  14. Whabby: What is Kirk Cameron doing???

  15. You can Facebook that too, if you don't want to talk about it here.

  16. you live near the Brazos River Turnaround on 59?

  17. Jennifer I'm sooo excited!!! I am related to Johnny Chapman on my mother's side. Thanks for writing a blog about him. He was also a follower of the Swedenborgian religion, the basic belief being that regardless of the culture you are raised in, if you are a good person and citizen within the rules and beliefs of that culture, then you will go to heaven. I think that was quite advanced thinking for the times. There are still Swedenborgian churches around. There is one in San Francisco.

  18. DeeDee Congrats on being first in the nest. Did you lock Tina in her room?

  19. Shirley Please put that in the record book.

  20. Just/Lin......I think Tina may be in jail.....suspicion of something or other....

    Bebbi......Bryan/College Station is on Texas 6 that turns into 290 going into Houston.....well to the west of Hwy 59....we are about 85 miles NW of Houston and the same east of Austin...

    and Bebbi....I have posted everything about what Kirk C is doing on the newest one with the rebuttal.....they are adding 50 (I think) pages of intro to Darwins Orgin of Species....which is biology and adding much more that is typical Christian bullshit.....

    not to offend.....I believe in a creator.....just not the one in the bible....also a book...written by control people....down through the centuries...just as it does today.....

    One more thing... ask most Atheist what they base they're beliefs on...and they call tell you....fact for fact......

    I wish people who practice Christianity would educate themselves beyond the response of...."look! you either believe or ya don't"....

    Bebbi...if you don't see it look in my links.....

  21. Happy Friday Owls.

    I am leaving soon to pick up Todd and DIL at the airport. They are coming in from San Diego to attend a wedding tomorrow and leaving early Sunday. Such a quick trip, but I am happy to get to see them, even if for such a short time.

    Jennifer, I have a vague memory of learning about Johnny in school. Can't remember any specifics. Your students are very lucky to have such a caring teacher.

    Have a good weekend everyone. I probably won't be back until Monday.

  22. JENNIFER - Great blog...thanks for the lesson!! My favorite thing when the kids were young was to cut an apple in half across the core to show them the "star" inside!!! FUN!! Once again, your students are so lucky to have your for their teacher!!!

    DEE DEE - "left behind"?!!?'re leading the pack!!!

    LYNN D - Positive thoughts coming your way for an easy fix!! And after that a cocktail!!!

    Waving a wing @ ZONA, BEBBI, MARY, WHABBY, JUSTSLIN, and SACBARB!!

    I just got back from our Homecoming Parade. OMFH!!! Got totally soaked....need to blow dry my hair before I catch the crud....(again!!!)

  23. DeeDee~ lmbo....sorry it took me so long to get her to let you know you weren't left behind....I'm still it hasn't happened yet~ :D

    LynnD~ I'll pray for you...I don't believe in positive thoughts....that phrase always cracks me up~

    Oh...and DeeDee~ I love what Kirk Cameron is doing. It isn't often that someone will stand up for the "other side". I think it's sad that some are so upset by it when he has every right to express what he believes in. And it's making me laugh because it's only freaking 50,000 copies...that's nothing~

    Zona~ why don't you just let your eye go and go blind! DUH!!!!

    Mary~ I promise not to cause trouble if you let me sit next to you~

    Bebbi~ you are making me laugh...did the put happy juice in your diet coke today?

    Bear~ don't waste your energy despising....there are way worse people in the world~

    J/L~ I see you come from good seed~ :D

    SacBarb~ Enjoy your family~ how fun~

    Jodi~ no crud!!!! walk away from the crud!~

    Jennifer~ I've heard of JA~ I didn't know anything about his background, so thank you for such a sweet blog~

  24. Wow...DEEDEE is busy today and making number 1! Guess TINA didn't set her alarm on her day off this time.

    TINA: I know I am usually never up and farming at this time of day but I have to go to a function with MR D and I was quickly raking and watering farms and just wanted you to know that there was a flying saucer and DEEDEE on your farm. I tried to see and ask what she was doing but she was kind of mumbling something about re=arranging your farm. I left her alone so you might want to check her.

    I will try and come back and read comments later as I have to get dressed and ready. I would much rather stay home and farm.

    Hope all the owls are doing well today and hello to everyone.

  25. TINA - Looks like you're doing a major detox on your face....ijs!!

    DIANNE - lol @ your play-by-play-on-the-farm!!!

  26. FROM AREA 51: MR. GOLDIE - It was a pleasure to sing to you....and I about fell off my chair when you said I was the first person to sing IN TUNE to you!!!

  27. Jodi~ I could use a real one~ also, do you think Mr Goldie should be eternally grateful that I didn't call to sing to him? ija~ :D

    Di~ GET OFF MY FARM!!!!!! You weren't supposed to like it! :)~

  28. Tina I think Johnny was spreading more seed than just from apples.....ijs.

    DeeDee I'm not so sure that the Bible was written to control people so much as the churches that developed around it....imho.

  29. TINA - I'm not sure his phone could take it....ijs!!!

  30. Happy Johnny Appleseed Day!!

    We had a blast today it was so much fun. Thanks for all the nice comments.

  31. The best news of all today is that my son Philip had a great day at school!!!!

    He is in first grade and he has so much anxiety about worksheets. Every time the teacher puts a worksheet in front of him, he automatically says "I can't do it". Even though he can!

    We have been working so hard with him for the past four weeks to help him get over this hump.

    Today he was so proud of himself for trying his work and not wigging out. He was so proud of himself and I got such a good note from his teacher!!!

  32. DeeDee as soon as I saw your words "left behind", I automatically thought of the "no child left behind" act and it gave me chillls. I am so glad you weren't talking about that. It is a sore topic amongst teachers.

    Zona I hope your eye feels better!

  33. Jodi~ lol~

    Jennifer~ I'm so happy for you~ Yay Philip~

  34. Lynn-I'm so proud of you with your farming!

    J/L are you really related to him? That is so cool!!

    Jodi- Is your daughter going to Homecomeing?

    Bebbi- If possible please post a picture of the Johnny Appleseed tree at your park, I would love to see it.

    Mary- You can join my classroom anytime!

    SacBarb- have a great trip!!

    Whabby- Any big plans for the weekend?

    Tina- I don't even know what happened with Mr. Kirk Cameron, I guess I will have to google it.

    Dianne- How is your mouth doing today?

  35. Jennifer: I will go and get one now. I need to get out for a walk. :)

  36. Jennifer Yes, I really am related to him. At least that is what has been handed down through the generations on my maternal grandmother's (the Chapmans) side of the family. They came from that part of the country. My mom went to high school in Cincinnati.

    Yay for Philip! That is great! I'm so happy for his success today.

  37. Afternoon Owls!

    Well all the positive thoughts and Prayers (Tina) worked! It was a switch gone bad and it was easy to fix and will be relatively inexpensive as refrigeration repair bills go! I was sweating that we might have to replace the compressor and our bank account could not handle that.

    Tina I say positive thoughts for our friends who do not belive in prayer I will always take any positive energy I can get in any form.

    Kirk does have the right to say what he thinks even if it has been proven his facts are screwe ummmm I mean skewed. Unfortunately I am having more and more problems with the fundamenlist churches. They teach and promote intolorence and hate (IMHO) many things that I did not learn growing up about Jesus and religion.

    The fundamentalists only believe in their religion and sorry Tina they really don't recognize yours. It is their way or the highway to the point that many of them seem to be a little unhinged.

    J/L Swedenborgian religion, the basic belief being that regardless of the culture you are raised in, if you are a good person and citizen within the rules and beliefs of that culture, then you will go to heaven. Now this is a religion I can get into! Sounds like the Golden Rule to me!

    DeeDee I am with you! Have you read The Family by Jeff Sharlet? If not get a copy it will blow your socks off and make you question all of our elected officials. Fundamentalism gone mad.

    Barb have a wonderful visit with your son!

    Iteach you made me LOL! I am glad someone is proud of me about something.

    Jodi get dry and cozy.

    Zona hope the eye is ok!

  38. LynnD So glad that the repair is not going to be too expensive. Regarding the Swedenborgian religion, Johnny had a book on it that he tore into separate chapters and he would leave a chapter at different farms as he passed through. When he came through again, he would rotate the chapters. His beliefs allowed him to befriend Indians and not think of them as "heathens" and he was ahead of his time in that respect. We tend to make things complicated but The Golden Rule would solve so many problems, wouldn't it?

  39. Zona I sure hope you were able to see a doctor today about your eye.

  40. JENNIFER - Yippee for Philip!! That is a huge step!! And yes, Sam is going to the game tonight and the Homecoming Dance tomorrow night.

    LYNN - Just got home from supper with Paul and the boys....belly is full and I'm getting cozier!!! ;)

  41. Jennifer, I put the pics on facebook. The Tree sign is gone though. I didn't think I saw them in a while. The signs are up still on the other side so I don't know if it was vandals or if the park people took them off because the tree was too close to the sign. Anyway, I got the pics. :)

  42. Okay Whabby and DeeDee: I know longer love Kirk Cameron. :) It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind, right? I mean..for real, that guy is losing it!

  43. Shouldn't mention hell after saying what I did about Kirk Cameron, in case God likes him more than he likes me. I might end up there...ooops...oh well, what the hell.

  44. I bet God likes Kirk Cameron more than me because he is better looking and more famous.

  45. Okay, now who am I pissing off/?? I am only joking!

  46. lmbo Bebbi! omg....that made me laugh~ thanks~

  47. DeeDee: We have some friends who live in Deer Park, Texas. Which is right near Houston. They used to live out by the Bush International Airport (IAH). We come to Houston every year, sometimes twice a year. When you mentioned the Brazos River, it just reminded me of the Brazos River Turnaround because we used to drive our cars out there to give them a good run.

  48. Holy buckets!!!

    Tonight I went to a little mall that is near my town. At this mall is my favorite store CJ Banks. They have very beautiful plus size clothes.

    So the manager's son is in my classroom and his dad is on our board of education. So the manager came running to me and said I so need your help. I was thinking it must be something about school.


    She asked me to be a model tomorrow for their plus size show at the mall.


    I said no, but she kept begging. Then I kept saying to myself, "Jennifer" you can't say no to the boardmember's wife.

    Then she said that I can have 40% off of anything in the store and I said okay.

    I still can't believe I'm doing this.

  49. that is so cool, Jennifer~ Go for it~

  50. Jennifer Yes, do it!!! Every once in a while we all should do something that is out of our comfort zone. I bet you have fun doing it and you'll get a great discount on something new to wear. How fun!

  51. Hi everyone!

    I am too tired to read, had an insane day at work.

    So, I will do a "Mary" tonight and say:

    Yes, me too!
    No, I don't think so!
    That's great!
    Oh no!
    How funny!
    Too much!
    Have fun!

    There, hope I covered everything!

    I will catch up this weekend!

  52. Yay! We have a model in our midst! How cool is that??!! Sounds like a lot of fun, Jennifer.

  53. Jennifer How fun! Go for it heck you might get discovered! :)

    Headed for bed owls. Had to take a muscle relaxor as my back is trying to spasm so I am a little loopy! Well more than normal anyway!

    Sweet dreams all.

  54. Hey Everyone..

    Another long day in my world, and I am pooped.. just wanted to stop in and wave a wing..

    I am off to bed, really feel tired 2nite..

    Hope all had a good day..

    Thank you for your blog today ♥♥
    and I think tomorrow will be fun, Work it girl!.. :O)

  55. EBJ Congrats on the 69! I'll take the "That's great!" LOL

  56. EBJ, LynnD, and Csrol Sweet dreams!

  57. Tina: There is no "other side" here. Seriously. Kirk Cameron is promoting lies about the natural history of the earth because he thinks he has to do that in order to support a religious versus non-religious model of reality.

    The actual, real, true history of the earth and the universe is perfectly compatible with the notion that a religious deity is the "prime mover" in it all. There is absolutely no evidence against that hypothesis. But nothing - seriously, nothing - is compatible with what Kirk Cameron is pushing.

    It is, plain and simple, not the truth. And if we don't start with the truth, what on earth are we doing?

  58. I wrote this comment in response to a blog by the famous golfer Bobby Jones' grandson recently (his grandson is a priest in the Anglican Catholic church):

    Dr Jones: Thanks for the links! In particular, Ken Connor's article did the trick, and set me to thinking. One passage in particular caught my eye:

    "This state-sponsored religion teaches the theory of evolution as an indisputable fact, singling out and eliminating from its ranks proponents of intelligent design theory? or, heaven forbid, actual Creationists?"

    Surely the most important function of an educational system is to impart knowledge. The theory of evolution does not exist in a vacuum; it occupies a niche within a vastly larger and internally consistent body of knowledge about the origin, evolution, and nature of this incredible universe. This knowledge, as captured in the physical sciences of physics, chemistry, geology, and astronomy, is incomplete in some very important respects. Nevertheless, over 500 years of careful, painstaking theorizing, experimentation, and discovery, by hundreds of devoted individuals, has resulted in an extraordinarily coherent "big picture".

    What puzzles me is Mr Connor's narrow focus on the theory of evolution, and the mystifying claim that teaching that small piece of the big picture amounts to a religion. The 19th and 20th centuries saw a explosion of fundamental unifying theoretical principles in other fields, similar in importance to evolutionary theory, such as Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light, Wegener's theory of plate tectonics, the Big Bang theory of the universe's beginning, and Einstein's discoveries that time, space, and gravity sculpt and shape each other.

    The theory of evolution is fundamentally intertwined and interconnected with these other advances. In fact, the level of interconnectedness between them is so profound that if you wish to question any one of them, you are really questioning all of them.

    From that perspective, creationists have a much bigger explanatory challenge than first meets the eye. It is a challenge I have yet to see them take on. In the meantime, I believe our educators have a fundamental obligation do the best they can to impart as much of the big picture (not just evolution) as possible.
