All year we move about forgetting what is
around us, we don't stop to listen to the
sounds of life, we take them for granted
Our sight that allows us to see what is before us
gets cloudy and tarnished
Our mind that allows us to think, becomes
a jumble of negativity
Our body which allows us to move, gets stiff
with anguish
Our hands which allow us to feel, become
fists of anger
Yes, we forget, that around us is the gift of life
no matter what life is in your path
it is truly a gift
There is much to be thankful for
and today is a day to remember all we hold so dear
our family, our friends and so much more
Today shall be our reminder to let our body go
allow our eyes to see, let our hands feel,
and give our minds peace
Yes, today is that day
Enjoy your day of giving Thanks
around us, we don't stop to listen to the
sounds of life, we take them for granted
Our sight that allows us to see what is before us
gets cloudy and tarnished
Our mind that allows us to think, becomes
a jumble of negativity
Our body which allows us to move, gets stiff
with anguish
Our hands which allow us to feel, become
fists of anger
Yes, we forget, that around us is the gift of life
no matter what life is in your path
it is truly a gift
There is much to be thankful for
and today is a day to remember all we hold so dear
our family, our friends and so much more
Today shall be our reminder to let our body go
allow our eyes to see, let our hands feel,
and give our minds peace
Yes, today is that day
Enjoy your day of giving Thanks
ReplyDeleteDo I smell Birdee?
Carol I liked the "let our hands feel" part. Lol!
ReplyDeleteI hope all my American friends have a wonderful day and good food. Be safe. ((HUGS))
Morning Glories!
ReplyDeleteShirley got first! Watch out people, her hands are in a feely mood!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Carol your blog reminds us to slow down and just appreciate this day. Personally this holiday means more to me than all of the others as it seems to be the one free of commercialism and is just a nudge to get us to comfort others and be more aware of the blessings in our life. imho.
Mo: Saw your post from yesterday our tally shows we fed between 150 to 170 families. We don't have an exact count yet because we added people who had not signed up and we made up extras as we went.
I do want to say I am very grateful today for the Rainier High School kids who raised 4,000 pounds of food for our food bank in their annual food drive!!! Last year they raised a 1,000 lbs. Their teachers told us they realized more in our community than ever are in need! KUDOS to them!!!!
Ok off to fool around on FB and then I have to get stuffing made and a pie baked to take to our daughters. Will pop in later in the day.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving Everyone!
ReplyDeleteMorning, Shirley and Lynn..
Birdee, hope your not to hot in the oven.. LOL
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
ReplyDeletecongrats on 1st Shirley, good morning Lynn and Carol
I am giving thanks today for my family and friends.
Today I am giving back by delivering Meals on Wheels. Mr. Goldie and I volunteer every year on Tday and Xmas. It is such a small thing to do- but the feeling you get lasts a long time..:)
Be safe and Have a Happy Day all.
Good morning and a happy Thanksgiving to all!
ReplyDeleteI wonder... what are we all thankful for? It's easy to say "family & friends", but is it their presence or absence we're thankful for? I've a little of both.
Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone has a nice day, and if you are traveling please drive safely!
Congrats on 1st Shirley!
ReplyDeleteSHIRLEY...gratz on 1st! Why would you smell BIRDEE? Has she not showered in a while? LOL!!
EBJ...Nice to see you again! I hope you and your family have a nice holiday.
GOLDIE...Thank you for your Meals on Wheels deiveries. I'm sure the recipients are thankful for you, too.
CHI CHI...I am thankful for those in in my life and those no longer. Those no longer have also helped to make the person I am, so for that I am thankful.
LYNN...G-D bless those high school students. Not only did they provide much needed nourishment, it nourishes the soul to see that not all kids are brats!
CAROL...I am thankful for you amd all you do. Without you, we would not have this special place. Some people come and some go (and some just lurk)but we wouldn't have any of it without you. I hope you have a most wonderful day. I know the food will be good and the company will be even better. ENJOY your day and I hope you are feeling better.
Ho Ho Ho....Good morning all my owl friends! Whoops, I think I am getting my holidays mixed up or maybe just my friends nick names!
ReplyDeleteWhat I really wanted to say before my keyboard took over was Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and Happy Day to my Canada friends. I am so thankful for all of you, family and our health and lives. I know they are not all what we want every day but I so agree with what you wrote CAROL.
Commercial over on TV so back to the parade. I am going to post my very late post from Area 51 last night to be sure SHIRLEY sees it and gets the credit I gave her. BTW, I am still burping gingerbread and I hid a few of the pancakes in my underwear drawer for next week.
ReplyDelete***wham, slam, bop* get your damn hands off my pancakes, ZONA!! Did you not see the note that they were made for only me? Go eat your elephant bread or whatever you call it.... not my pancakes. Do you have any idea how long I have been "whining-in-
Denver" about these pancakes? I think since the Broncos won their last came and that was ages ago. The one you took..I spit on it as I saw you coming into the room all sneaky....so there....
SHIRLEY: Thank you very much for the nice midnight snack. They are wonderful and even better than in the past and the eggnog ones are even beating out I-HOP, You are one sweet gal...even if TINA does get mad at you every AM.
I have my stuffing made and kitchen all cleaned up and the rest of my food duties packed for tomorrow. Yes BEAR, i am going to my daughters.
My husband's mom is just not doing great mentally so I feel that it is important for him to go every year at least to spend time with her and his sister and daughters live there too so it is a nice visit for him. He will be home next Tuesday night.
Ok, now I have to get to bed to be up in time to watch the parade. Happy Thanksgiving to all because it is after midnight here.
SHIRLEY, thanks again. ZONA, you can get up off the floor now. I promise I won't smack you again as it is a holiday now.
November 26, 2009 2:36 AM
Dianne/Denver said...
JODI: I am so glad to see you are still wearing your Bronco clothes. Now I am sure you know that the Bronco national game is on tonight at 6pm my time. I only hope we don't embarrass ourselves! Happy Thanksgiving
November 26, 2009 4:30 AM
Well the onions and celery and stock are cooking for the dressing. Dishes are done and my jeans are drying.
ReplyDeleteGoldie a big thumbs up to you and Mr. Goldie! I love that!
Bonachichi I understand what you are saying. I have few loose nuts in my family tree that I really feel no need to share my day with. :)
Hi EBJ!!!
Carol what Mo said, because she said it so well! I did not know you were feeling poorly. Feel better soon!
Dianne you crazy woman! I smell gingerbread spice wafting from your drawers!
Mo it made me feel good to know there are some kids out there that were thinking beyond themselves too!
The other person who made me teary eyed yesterday is a man in our community that has been coming in weekly since Nov. 1 bringing us checks. They are in odd amount that range from $126.00 to $296.00 some even odd change here and there included. He stopped yesterday to make sure everyone got a basket! He just astounded me! I gave him a big hug and you could tell he was taken aback but then gave me a bear hug back! All I can say is bless this man. He also told us to quit sending him thank you cards and save our time and energy as we do enough for the community.
People can just blow me away sometimes.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone~ I woke up to find the turkey magically in the oven all nice and stuffed, and the apple pie made....it's so nice to have a hubby who cooks~ :D
ReplyDeleteShirley~ Congrats on first~
Happy Birthday, Bebbi!~
I'm grateful for my wonderful kids, my bratty kids, my bratty hubby, my fabulous hubby, (cuz seriously....I feel like I have two sets of each!), that my parents are still alive and doing okay, my sister for the help she is with my parents, my brother who is so funny, and all my cousins, aunts and uncles!
I'm also grateful for:
Bebbi~ You are such a positive person~
Scirish~ I'm praying for you and hope you are at peace~
Mary~ You are the funniest lady and I'm so glad we're friends~
EBJ~ You're very sweet~
Jodi~ Love U 4, too~
LynnD~ You are the epitome of giving and an inspiration~
Tinka~ You are so smart and funny~
Kgrl~ You're a very nice lady, but you drive funny!~ :)~
J/L~ You are a nurturer~
Jax~ I hope you are happy in Texass, you funny girl~
Birdee~ You're so fowl....and funny~
NN/LL~ You always know just the right thing to say~
Bear~ You are brilliant and passionate~
Carol~ You are so sweet to keep up this blog and are a great friend~
Kathy~ You are a very sweet lady~
Goldie~ You are a funny lady and so giving~
Jennifer~ You are my best farm friend and so funny and sweet~
Mo~ You are freaking hilarious and Jewish~ :)~
SacBarb~ You are the best mom and the nicest lady~
Dianne~ Oh Di....you honey are always a surprise, so stinking funny, and the best of friends~
DeeDee~ My second mother....you're funny, irreverent, make me laugh...and cry, and I couldn't ask for a better friend~
Shirley~ You have THE best sense of humor!!~
Bonachichi~ You're an amazing lady and so funny~
Lani~ My Toad....so sweet~
I really hope I didn't forget anyone...that was in birthday order starting today....if I missed you, it wasn't intentional~
Just finished watching the parade! By far, the best float was Delta's~ :D
and to add to the list...
ReplyDeleteTina..you are the very bested of the bested... :O)
Turkey is done and carved.. waiting on my Italian Stallions.. then we can all dig in..
ReplyDeleteHello to Bonacci, Mo, EBJ, Dianne, Goldie..
Hope everyone has a great day!
I'm thankful for the nest today! Carol, your blog was brilliant, and Tina, what a great way to sum up the owls! I concur with every one of your assessments!
ReplyDeleteKudos to Lynn D and the Goldies today! Thanks for your giving!
Zona: Still no luck whoring ourselves out to finagle an invitation! LOL... but thanks for yours! Too bad Phoenix is that far away...
Carol: Don't sneeze on the mashed potatoes!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thaksgiving Owls.
ReplyDeleteI actually give thanks every day for all the blessings in my life and especially for my family and friends. The nest is one of my blessings and I am grateful for it every day, even if I am not present every day.
I hope you all have a very nice day. I am at my son's using his computer so my time is limited. I will read the comments when I get home.
Happy Birthday Bebbi. You have two reasons to celebrate today.
Happy Birthday Bebbi..
ReplyDeletesorry I forgot, Tina reminded me..
Hope your Birthday is a special one and you do lots of steps today!
ReplyDeletesorry you could not crash someone's thanksgiving.. but just think that gives you and Huz lots of "alone" time..
**impatiently shifting weight from one foot to the other and sighing heavily**
ReplyDeleteUmmm, I'm still waiting! Is someone going to fill my plate for me? Heeeeeelllllllooooooo!!!!!
Whabbear just go around your neighborhood and randomly knock on a door. When they open just burst in and say "We're here! I hope we aren't too late!". They won't kick you out on Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteBEBBI...Happy Birthday! How special to have your birthday to be on Thanksgiving this year!! You get a two-fer!
ReplyDeleteTINA...ur a nut. Good thing I like nuts!
CAROL...you didn't drip snot on any of the food, didja?
WHABBY...just cuddle up with Huz and be thankful for your time together. It sounds perfect to me.
SACBARB...Have fun at your son's. I bet he as great a cook as you are. And I love that he still appreciates the traditions.
I should have been dressed already, but I'm not. Gotta get a fire under my ass and get going.
SHIRLEY...since your kitchen is closed...
ReplyDeleteSlices of perfectley browned and roasted turkey
Mashed potatoes with lump-free gravy
Sweet potatoes made with Canadian maple syrup and mini marshmallows
Green bean casserole with extra cruncy french fried onion rings
Brussel sprouts roasted with bacon and almonds
Pumpkin pie with gobs of whipped cream
If ya want seconds, help yourself
That is great advice to WHABBY!!!
ReplyDeleteSHIRLEY...BTW...I got 25! Can you put your fork down and go note that? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHey where's the other half of my comment?
ReplyDeleteWe will be eating our turkey dinner very soon. I am so thankful to be here in the house I grew up in sharing this time with my 81 year old mother and my younger brother.
ReplyDeleteCarol -- I am very thankful for this blog and the wonderful people I have gotten to know here. Thank you.
Tina -- I also agree with your remarks about our lovely owls. I hope I am nurturing but I'm sure I could do better. You are a very bright, giving and funny lady. Oh, yeah, and a top notch crack whore. :)
Bebbi -- Happy birthday!
ReplyDeleteOMG!!!! I can't sit upright! I am so full.....the turkey was the best the Mr has ever made!!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat. Tina gets a hubby who cooks turkey. Mine shoots them out of cannons. The frozen ones do a lot more damage, by the way.
ReplyDeleteBebbi, I didn't mean to ignore your birthday. If I get those birthday notification thingies, I am unaware of them.
ReplyDeleteI think I've lied about my birthday everywhere on the internet. The Queen herself should have been sending me greetings for the last 700 years or so.
I am sooooo stuffed! We ate so much damn monkey bread I think I am going to be pooping out a chimpanzee!! I was sent home with a half of one and I didn't even take it out of the car...can't bear to eat another hunk of it!!
ReplyDeleteJUST LIN...I bet your mom and brother are just as happy to have you there as you are to be there.
SHIRLEY...how was your dinner I left you?
ReplyDeleteMonth -- we had monkey bread with our coffee this morning. :)
ReplyDeleteHey Mo
ReplyDeleteMy Blackberry changed your name to Month. Sorry. :(
JUST LIN...I have been called far worse names then 'month'!!
ReplyDeleteBroncos winning 16-0 but I'm sure u r all watching tv. Bbl. Happy birthday bebbi
ReplyDeleteHome exhausted by full but not to full!
ReplyDeleteJosh one of our grandsons is learning to cook and made the deviled eggs. Grandma smiled and told him they were wonderful. They had so much salt I almost spit my wine and this is after my daughter warned me. LOL I am still chuckling about it.
We had a wonderful time and now I think I will stock my restraunt and veg out in front of the TV. No Dianne I will not be watching Broncos, Stallions or even Geldings. Hmmmm new name for the Broncos?
I actually saw part of the Dallas game at the kids house and I have decided that the football players just are not aware that a gay man definately had a hand in those uniforms. Come on they are decorated skin tight spanks for men. Oh and the tip off their socks match their tight pants and shoes!
ReplyDeleteI just figured since my meal was only computer food I was in better shape to march than all you stuffed people!
ReplyDeleteNighty night!
I was at a friend's home in Australia and enjoyed a most delicioius meal. When asked if I wanted dessert, I said thank you, but I was stuffed.
ReplyDeleteComplete silence.
I was thinking, "What'd I say?"
Turns out, "stuffed" is Aussie slang for "fucked".
LynnD~ either a gay man or a smart woman! ijs~ :)~
ReplyDeleteDi~ I'm not watching the broncos...I'm watching the Texas A&M vs UT game.....when i turned it on, there were two boys (one from each team) down! ugh...brutal game~
Month~ How u doing?
J/L~ I love that...gonna use that from now on~ :D
I hope everyone had a happy and fun Thanksgiving. I think what I'm truly thankful for on this day is modern plumbing and an effifient sewer system.
ReplyDeleteJ/L: my blackberry calls maureen month too. Well, I'm happy this week with football as we won and had a great game. Glad goldie and Jodi didn't have their tassels on this week
ReplyDeleteI'm on my blackberry at my daughters as I'm going to spend the night so I can't really type much on here so nighty night
CHI CHI...I'm sure effifient plumbing is good, but efficient is a whole lot better..ijs!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDIANNE...I never knew you called me month, too.!
********JBJ ALERT************
on Conan O'brien now!
`Happy belated Birthday Bebbi!
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for Shirley's 44-70 it sure made reading the comments easier lol!!
Tina, I know you know that I know you are a gem!
I adore all the rest of you too! I am just too stuffed and lazy to do what show off Tina did lol!!
Carol, loved your blog. I rarely let a day go by that I don't look up to the heavens and say how thankful I am for that I have. I can be driving down the road and suddenly say "thank you God for the clear roads,the skies,the trees,rocks,birds,flowers,and
sun, and my eyes too see it all!
Good night everyone cuddle up with your honey,tv a good book, or your fave. contractor lol!!
Dang MO,I missed him!! The Bio channel had him on tonight too.
ReplyDeleteK,Tina, that looked like I said I "adore the rest of YOU", lol!
ReplyDeleteHi Everyone..
ReplyDeleteOh boy its been a long day..
I hope everyone had a great day..
I am off to bed, but wanted to stop by and say Goodnite..
Soooo Goodnite..
Okay, about this effifient tragedy... I have these lines on my laptop. There are currently 4 of them, varying in width. Regardless, these lines do interfere with my ability to actually see what I've typed. Once I hit the "Publish" key, the offending typo appears in a different location, at which time I suffer embarassment. No worries though; I embarass myself all the time so am quite effifient at dealing with it.
ReplyDeleteJBJ Alert?? I know for a fact the guys did that show and it already aired. It must be a repeat. They're promoting their Circle CD and tour. The N. American tour starts soon.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Am I the only one who wants to wipe that dirt patch off of Tico's chin?
ReplyDeleteCHI CHI...i can't see anything or anyone except my Jon when they are performing!!!
ReplyDeleteBonachichi~ I'm pretty sure ur the only one who could~ ijs~ :)~
ReplyDeleteMY JON!!!!!~
ReplyDeleteUmmm, MY Jon, that I graciously share with you
ReplyDelete....uh....likes me better~
ReplyDeleteThat's not what he told me
ReplyDeleteUmmmm MY JON that I GRACIOUSLY share with both of you.
ReplyDeleteTina, While I know you are the bestest crack whore, John really likes the more quiet type like me more. He told me so.
ReplyDeleteBTW, thanks for the nice thing you said that I' sure you now want to take back.
you both need serious help! ijs~
ReplyDeleteHA!!! there ya go!!!! You called him JOHN!!!!
ReplyDeleteY O U
O U T!!~
And JON is right there to help me
i left out the part about how funny you are~! :D
ReplyDeleteYou're both wrong. Jon just likes your Italian cooking. He just rolled over and told me so
ReplyDeleteIs anyone watching Paul McCartney? It's a great show but, Billy Joel is walking like he has a corn cob stuck up his butt. ijs
ReplyDeletelol....omg Month~ ur so funny and such a liar!~
ReplyDeleteSacky~ BJ has been sick~
OMG, the computer corrected my spelling to JOHN. How could I have not seen that! *hanging my head in shame*
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong with Billy Joel?
ReplyDeleteTUNA...btw, I don't lie...I just have a lovely imagination! And lots of wishful thinking!
I didn't know BJ is sick. Is it his butt?
ReplyDeleteMo, imagination is a wonderful thing, isn't it? However, he REALLY did tell me that.
ReplyDeleteI have to go to bed. Gotta work in the morning.
ReplyDeleteGood night TINA, SACBARB and JON ;)
Night Mo and sweet JBJ dreams
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Month~
ReplyDeleteI only know BJ has been sick cuz he xxld his concert here~ had to reschedule....but I don't know what was wrong with him~ could be his butt, i guess~
Good night Tina. I am going to bed to watch Conan. Is this a repeat of the show that was on just a few days ago? I'll watch it again anyway, even though I can't stand Conan.
ReplyDeleteGood night and sweet dreams to all the Owls (you too Tina).
Jon says good night to all of you.
ReplyDeleteur all a bunch of whores i tell ya!!!~
ReplyDeleteShirley! omg..i just finished watching the new star trek movie....omg....omg....that was so freaking good! I LOVED it~ :D
goodnight whores~